mm bSfe- VJ "t';-f1 .. , .rH ..'-" e . .in,$ n? 3u immg 4 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWt?AIHt OF KLAMATH FALLS' ft; ',V; . 4$t nr","'","Tgga!nBSMIn'' ipJMr ,.- Ilaventh Vmn-Ni, Mat . I j Jl55?L- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1917. :"MM?M U. S. EINAL SHOT IS SAID TO HAVE HIT SOB BOAT SATLE LASTED HOUR AND A HALF YESTERDAY Cub SMI SS Tltnee and Gun Crew 29. Submarine Raleed Clear of Watar, Stood Slam End Up a Few Seconds, and Sank Flaw No Flag Captain af Vaaaal and Commander of Gun Crtw Confident af Hit WASHINGTON. June .-ll Ik be lieved that an American Meamcr nunk a Oarman tubmarlno In a running AgM which lasted an hour and a half yrater day. The submarine Ared thirty-Ova hot and tba steamer twenly-Av. The slate department' announce meat eaye that lha ateamer'a flnal hot "apparently atniek lha submarine, which raited clear out of the water, toed atern and up for a few aecond. and then dlaappeared." The tubmarlno flow no flag. It we Arat aeen 7,000 yard from the Meant or, and approached to 1,300 fret of the, hip boforo atartlng to Arc. The captain of the veel and the commander of the United Slate gun craw boltavo Ida aubmarino wa aunk Your Arat patriotic Liberty Bend. duty lluy a TORNADOES STILL KILL AND DAMAGE CHICAGO, Juno I. From lha atorm swept legion of Mluurl and Kana It Is reported SI were killed, more than loo Injured and $1,000,000 In property loot as a raault of tornadooa yeater day. I'eopl ware killed la Centralla, Rich awad and Columbia countlea In Ml aourl, and In Shawnee, Jefferson. Doug laa and Neoaho countlea In Kansas. Mr. and Mra. Caaa. J. Ferguaon of Ihla city returned laat night from n week'a atay In the mountain aouth watt of tbta city. Your Aral Liberty Bend. patriotic duty Uuy a BaaaBaaBwVlllilBVaHB Silver Bullets Will Win theWar :.v.:i:" Evtry Libtrty Loan bond thmt i bought bring Mmnr thMond of tho world war A Libtrty Loan bond 1$ m ophndid busimu andpatri mHeinootmont. Thorotpotuo to tho'Liborty Loan bond i$ mo U ghriou. Now Utho Hmo to provo your fct of this groat country. Havo you a Libtrty bond! If you havon't o u today, Thoy aroathwao $80. Uiuaoxalaln tho torn LLlajBjV KlMUatl. County Ll-miy Gunners Sink Sub AMAAAAAAAAMAMAMWWMW W.R. G. BENEFIT LARGELY ATTENDED ENTERTAINMENT BRINGS SUM OP I62 FOR KLAMATH 10YS AND RED CROSS FUNDS A SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY The entertainment given laat night under the auapicea of the Womon'a Relief Corpa for the Klamath boy and Hod Croaa fund wan laravlv attended I by an appreciative audience at the llounlon opera house. The program waa given In good Myle. In the Oral part the flag drllla by the achool children fronvthe Cen tral anil Itlveralde achool were par ticularly pretty and attractive. The rendering of "Old Folk' Mel ody" by Meadamea Henry, Voye, Bar- , low and Daniel waa applauded by the audience and much appreciated. Mr. J. K. Ilalllnger, who I vUltlng here from ber borne In Washington, dm pile her age, look pleaauro In aiding the benefll, and waa well received. "The Flag That Makea Men Free," by Mla Joaephlne Upp. appealed to the patriotism of the audience, and a tncal aolo by Ml Vera Houston waa much enjoyed. The number of the aecond part of the program were appreciated fully a much a the Aral, thru to the "Merely Mary Ann" cboru, which ang patri otic ong. The olo rendered by W. II, Morgan of Ban Ftanclaco waa well received, hla rich baritone voice deploying hi exceptional ability. Mr. Morgan I a well known alnger In California mo lcal circle, and waa aecured for laat night' entertainment by Mr. Don J. Zumwalt. The duel given by Ml Parker ami Mm. McCarthy waa well executed, and the fancy dance were exceptionally pleaalng aa given by Mr. Wheeler. Mle Week and Kaaon. Mis Clara Catkin, a graduate till year at the high chool, aang the "Klorlan Song" In excellent manner. The raualc furnlahed by the 1'cerle orrhcatra. In aiding the cauc. waa up lo It uual plealng character, and wa much enjoyed, lhl being the do nation of the member of the orchestra to tho cause. The women of the corpa wish to ex pre their thank to the orchestra. J. V. Ilouaton for the opern house, to Mr. Zumwalt and Mr. Morgan for their help. The entertainment netted the um of $163 for the corpa' fund. The ex panse were lea than $10. Tho program wa a follews: (Continued on page 4) lyvy . . . a U E!.0""1' !jKe?t1 i tL MWMWWWWWWMMWWWWWMWMWMWWMWMWWWWW' The First Americans to Bear the I w rv-juan-j a-ii. - , JXmv,t . i ! - . waMcasiaaKmtr Under Captain E. I. Tlnkbam and Mculenant Scully tbeae Americans, constituting the Ant American motof tranHiort corw, left for the front the oilier day. Captain Tlnkham won the STATE OFFICER CHECKING NAMES 8TEP TO PREVENT OPERATION WASHINGTON RONE DRY LAW MAY RE THWARTED JULY 1ST IS DATE OLYMPIA, Wash., June 6. The aec rotary of atate la today checking the name of the qualified electors on the petitions which were Aled Monday to stay the operation of tho bone dry law in this state. The referendum will fall If 513 of the names are found Invalid, otherwise operation of the act will be suspended If the name are found defective, the law will become effective when tho secretory of atate declares it so. The need congressional amendment makea the atate bone dry July 1st GERMAN PLANES RAIDENGLAND TWLt.VE KILLED AND M INJURED IN YESTERDAY'S RAID RERUN REPORTS GOOD HITS ON NAVAL RASE LONDON, Juno 6. Brltlah pllota destroyed four. German aeroplanes re- tiirnins from yeeterday'a raid over England. It la omcially announced. Twelve were killed and 31 Injured In Ibe raid. .IIIBEBBmMK.w.'?Jflav'WaVa JW.aTJBllBaaaaaaaaaMMaaalBiaMaaa ejBBVaaaYiaj?fa3JWBajBEEBfEa.SHw' flajapHAtfV rT'.' nEaEEEtiw Laae SyffisehSg ilelaaa''Y & HsHEflEEEEEEEEEEMHSEEEEfeB ft i wMiUuM mFi" ULakSbtuSffiJaHEK tSfehm-fifaRMSrt ' JBaEaBEaEaEaw 5aWiTaaaBaeiBiaaaaw &V3tMHKKBlZ7s:mB: -.!. v- sS3- is -sm-i. f&sr-z-. ? fiX-m--s , - - -" "-Tt---gt. Iffl ""j''' v " V 'w.r. - jgTvu-i: . i DHtiLIN, Juno 6. A German a,lr squadron dropped over 5,000 kilogram of bombs on military establlshmenta at Bheerneaa, England. It la oBclally an nounced. Good blta were okeerved. "Tbl: raid la tho oso referred to by the London report, gkeerneea la a forttfled aaaport and naval base area pal near fCrat. . - Stars and Stripes on vmvrrvKKmttinr.:-.- - "rrrr'nrvtrmmmaiammmmmmKmmmmmm JL tJtC1 LmmFmsniMKnm tm&wtfLmKfrjmm2'iW war croas at Verdun. They are now actively engaged in ambulance work. While individual Americana have car ried the flag tbla la the flrst body which carriea It oBclally. Among the KLAMATH MOST RAISE $200,000 i, tuiq uri snoTION OF THE LIB. ERTY LOAN FUND SO FAR $18, 000 IS TOTAL-JOHNSON HOME TONIGHT Eighteen thousand dollars has been ,S "bur far for' tne TlbT WLakeview thl. we where U Loan Bonds In Klamath county, and' purchased aeventy hel of mule, from ,.,-.. ...i... .. mlln. fnr lUUlCNIIUllD lUUnjr " a weuen 1 Count v Liberty Loan executive com- mlttee that aome strenuous work will have to be done thruout the county if Its share of the loan ia subscribed Acordlng to apportionment made for the different sections of the state. $200,000 worth of the bonds should be subscribed here. ; A substantial supply of posters and bills haa Just been received from the Portland headquarters, and these will be oosted in different parts of thei county. i Chairman R. A. Johnson' of the local committee returns from a business visit at San Francisco tonight, accprd Ing to a message Just received, and is laying plana for a detailed campaign during the next ten daya. Game Warden Hare Carl D. Shoemaker, atate game war den, arlved In the city last night from Portland on a business trip in connec tion with hla office. LIQUOR CASE DROPPED: REQUEST OP THE 8TATE ' e The caae of F. H. Mills and J. M. Holeman, charged with having liquor la their poaaeaaion, waa dismissed In the juatlce of peace o) court thla morning' upon motion a) of Dlatrlct Attorney Duncan on tho ground of InauMclent evl- 0 deaeo. f - In 1 - - the French Front men were detachments from Andover, Dartamouth, Harvard, Johna Hopkins. Yale, Chicago and Williams college, while a large body from Princeton waa awaiting organization. SHIP MULES OUT; CATTLE COME IN MARKS AND GERRER SHIP OUT THREE CARLOADS TO CORNINO. LOOSELY SHIPS OF CATTLE IN 300 HEAD li. Marks and Louis Gerber returned W. F. Berntu-d and others. eota. ...I.l. WBwn kAAn Inaaflawt aintl "e l'TD - """ " "" "" Three hundred bead of cattle be longing to Jack Pelton of Roaeburg and Kay Loosely of Fort Klamath, ar rived yesterday, and are being taken to the Loosely ranch in the Wood River Valley to be fed. FUNERAL OF ACCIDENT . VICTIM TOMORROW The funeral of Ely E- Morris will he held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 from the Whltlock Undertaking parlors. Rev. W. H. Cox will officiate. Tho only relative of the deceased located so far ia Mra. 8. Goldsmith of Abilene, Kana.. a Bister. She directed that interment be made here. Mr. Morris worked for Turner Brothers aevoral years, and waa favor ably known in the county. He died aa the result of being run over by a war on laat week. JOFFRE IS CALLED GODFATHER OF ARMY PARIS, June 6. An official note pays that Joffre. while In America, con ferred with American military chlefa on the plan of organisation for the aow American army. The uote'said. "It will aurprlao none thxt the marshal took a preponderat ing part in the plan, literally every thing be aald being adopted." Hla col laborator atyled him tho "godfather of tho Americas army." Your Arat patriotlo Liberty Bend. duty Buy a Running Rght lftfi , NEW CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET TONIOHT The sew city council will meet tonight for the Arat time since electloa. Mayor Crlaler wlU de- liver hla anasal meeaage to the city. The meeting baa. been poet- poaed from Monday night owing e) to the two holldara. 101 MEMBERS ARE SECURED LOCAL DRIVE ON REGISTRATION DAY AND AT RALLY NETS MEM BERS AND ABOUT $300 FOR THE RED CROSS FUND A total of ltl new aaembera and the aum of $234 waa netted in yeaterdajr'a local Hod Croaa "drive" oa regiatra- tioadar. The earn of waa aecured the night before at the rally held at the opera hevae. Tho aaoaahra of the Red Croaa ia charge of the amageaaeata dealre to expreaa their Uwaka ta J. V. Hoaatoa for hla deaatloB of Ue opera hoaaeaad to the KUaeata Falle band for 1U par UclaaUoa. . r: Palra of weaaaawaro.atatloaed near the regiatratloa aaUaat the Shasta aad the Sager Bowl eoafectloaery atoraa. Haaataaartati. wara aaalataiaad at the oaaeaa of tho Pan! Joaaaoa Real Batata oeaaaaay. To aid the movement the ladies of the Catholic eaarca will, give a good aale aoaao time aext week aa a Red Croaa benelt Mra. R. B. Watteaburg aad Mra. G. A. Krause were la charge of the eeaa- mlttee to gala meaaberahlpe oa regu tratloa day. Thoae who aoid aattoaa were Mra. Hampton, Mra. O. W. Rob-. ertaon. Mra. C. H. Uaderweod. Mra. W. O: Smith. Mra. H. W. Duncan. Mra. Don J. Zumwalt. Mra. W. P. McMillan. Mra. L. J. Vaa BeUea, Mra. Gaona Watt. Mra. Carey Ramaby, MUa Pearl Bolvla. Mra. loae TenrlUlger, Mlaa Verda Coaad, Mlaa Mabel Martin aad Mra. F. B. BagUsh. A meeUng of the ooard of diroctora aad aaaaaaara of the local Red Croaa Chapter will bo hold next Monday at the Watte Pelican hotel to plan future activlUea of the ehapter. ABDUCTION PLAN OF CONSPIRATORS ST. LOUIS MANUFACTURER RAID TO BE OBJECT GERMAN WIRE LESS HEAD VISITED UNITBO TATIS RECENTLY SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. June 6. Plane to abduct a St LouIb munltlona manu facturer aa a part of a Oermaa con- apiracy to block shipments of auppliea to Europe waa revealed to the prose cuting attorney today by J. C. Pleraon, one of six mea hold la connection with the disappearance of Uoyd Keet The Keet hoy la the 14-aaoataa-old son of J. Holland Keet, a wealthy bank er,, who haa boea kidnapped, aad for whom a wide aearch la boiag con ducted. NEW YORK. Juae I. Police officials aay that they kaaw the head af the Genua wlreleea ayateaa came to the Ualtod Btataa and arraafod tor wlre leea autlta aad other detail thru walek taAoraaatSea aay ha aaaToyad U Berlia. He thaa departed, prabably far.Manaa. 4 WMMWMWWQOIWWIWWWWWWWWWWQWr . i ". KLAMATH FALLS MEI1 CENSUS 1jW,0SO EXP D TO BE CALLED PALL Gevernera iTln$l 1 AfNW tlin Today State Eatlmaaa Cat aa c 79JM0 Klamath PaHa Run Heavier Than .. Man Arraetad in State for to ReglaUr aa Par WASHINGTON. Jeae .. aaUUeaa of, mea of aaUKarjr aa. tered for war day. It la 000 will be called to aeaat tralaaag early, tala falL Provoat Marshal Oaaotal haa aotlaad all gwveraara taat aa ta- terpreU the law ae aa te aarmtt aay waolagoodfaiUfaUadaarasaitar yaatarday to do. a taday. that a Ufearal avraaad te make the plete. No retaraa are axaactad today. Kami ' -- -- .', REGIERED 512 m I'M1 ' vaaaar k -HUaawfaa'a i aaaay, yaaaatr nf Ctawlaf .. Ll. LA ' & aw' wai .wt, e- hacaralata - "... .& at eatlaaatoa of' aeceaaary aiiaaa'ttaaa. -J The men walcaT aTBaTHBaaiBai'. will probably he ia caaap by laaaaai ber Xat No claaa exoaaptleaa ara oaa tempUted. Each will be baaed aa aor aonal grounds. PORTLAND. June C Adjataat Oaa era! White eatlmated today that aaaat 75.SN men regiaterod la Oraaaa .yea-. inw. Ceoaplete retaraa are for aevoral daya. - Only one aaaa haa boea reported ar rested in tho state, aad he waa Davtd Coroff or Portland; "He failedia; roa later. ' ' ' The government expected that aaara than 100,000 men would roalater la Oregon. , . 8EATLE. Waah.. June fc Tl aaar- Iffa of the state In reporting their yesterday to state officiate, exeeet a total reglatraUon In the atate aot to exceed 150.000. The rieverameat ex pected 212,000., Nearly 1.000 Japaaeee rogjiterod be're Many of them aald Uey, wiaUd toaaWthe American araay.- ' ' ?U . Tbe. reglatratton 'for the city at Klamath.Falla, aa waa the couaty. waa much In excess of the expected hv aheriff Humahrer. a total af than 572 registering la thla city In the ' county more regtatraUoa blanks and green carda had to he aaat to aevoral poiau, laciuaing rmmm v?; Bay. Shipplngton, Bly, and ae or taat ' . other polnU. Maay reglatored at tM&. court houae from varioua polnU la tat,,J county. . '4 ', One curious phase of the regtttra- - tloa waa that of the Italians.,'-A aum ber of them dealgnated thela wllllag neaa to Aght for1 Uncle Sam.. but tkay do not want to go to BaraaajU it. Sheriff Humphrey aoiaa uua M"apiif, nnd on lnouiring found that taayaiw . u i. itaiv? aa itM'unaa t-. - - . t .i. . '' airaiu w ,w ", ,j v-- tj r-- . jiiii t" are afraid, of being pualahaaV No troaawswM.sojajr point, aad for'tha moat sua marahau. ao tar aa has iimXltVW!1 S2" i"' making tho retratioa. boon' called home duriat tavwar, aaw , jm ss "'.. .-13 .ft,i lt. uwi.'U ,rs- " . .. ,k. sr'' uaisIM wore waa" iwiiiwi r .aerlff to aaaka pabUe the tloBottaeeoaatjrata4ja U seearad is ttat.' uuaaat.':,i;WI; USPS! w u $!?& ft i &l '!.: i m 1 VI -J Will i 'ii ,! 4 11 m J ""r. Wl .l is (M.I i. vi an 'Ws'l a.l T T M 0 l?t'w .93. tFTTA COMMERCIAL club rw"" X ? Ftfi '.