- yv'i&L mt s r, f OFFICIAL NBWIPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY ii T iEtummrj Herald v ,Jsfv 2 OFFICIAL NKWtPAnpt OF x Wk KLAMATH Fi .Sfc - : " V. -'tl tJVS .,.Mh vmn-w.. tw KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 4, lt!7. y ?WjSjS . i. lommission to Russia Am ves " inn -iannrLArLaaaruvuxfLfinrinjVLfTiJijTju'Lnjxxia uin.nnri.nn nnnr "i "i in i rn -mnnnnnnnn inn -innnnnnnn inrmnnnr i-inrriivii i ""At'M"''"'""''""', 35i I . .... a aai aaaaBaaasai I &i" (Wi f J ? ' , I'l RUSSIAN PORT REACHED; DEPART FOR PETR06RAD at j - ..'ir4;yy-A-; i. w ....... ...... inn nnnrtrunriaqmruvijvuTjVLqnjmnjuTj "imn"i-YVi-i-i ..-..... MMiMiai,MaMM'' nnirr AiirATiniiA I. ilo ! MflinfllT IflftTIII (ntiiiin pHCIAL TWAIN TO REACH ITAL JUNE 11 r j CAP. Aatftun Railroad CmhuImIm Hat miatcttd Russian Fwrt and Eipeet t4 to Arrlvt In Wfr on Junt U-Commlsalen'e Dtaarturo Kept Secret and Net Aaiteuaatd Will Aid RUSSIANS. A RUSSIAN TORT. Sunday, via Teklc The Americas war commission HlwU wild Ktlha Root heading, ar rive here safely today aad haa led a special train for Petrograd. Tie comralaalon la expected to ar rive at Pelrograd m Jium It. The Amerlcaa .Railroad Commto eh baa completed lla laapectloa of Mia tort an haa departed for retro gnd where It will arrlvt Juae IT. The departure of the Amerlcaa con Mea to Rueala waa not announced art thla U tao trat report of IU being ea the way. The oaaMataakw la going la Rawla to act la a elmttar capacity M the allied commission which hare flatted America, tho Italian comrnls- l mm aeiDa wem viw. OREGON PASSES ON SEVEN DHLS PORTLAND VOTER ARE CHOOt INO A MAYOR AND TWO COM. MIMtONERI AT THE FOLLS TODAY. t POHTI.AND. On., Jane 4 Oregon men, at a apeetal referendum eiee Hon today are naaelag upon aeven referred bllU aad. aaaeadments, tho principal om afwhkh la tho leglelat well proposal to iaane beads for , MOO to conatnet a ayatem of high way, to web tho atate. Interest and principal of the pro owd bonda would ho paid hy In created autoawbile taieo, the measure provide. Tho MU ealla for n Ave mr program of road bulUlag. "The greataat measure Oregon baa ver contemplated." If tho way Gov nor Wlthyeomb haV ebaractorlied the highway MIL Lent night theae cleaed a hard aaawalm led hy the Uto admlnutretlea la faror of the d. drange edtelala hare apoken Mainst the meaaure. OEtcUU expect d the bill to paaa hy n amall margin. ConBlMiittlAM a m tamf mimttk tuinl Intlary at Salem with I4H.0W ralaad by a iDeelal t law la mroaoaad In Mother of tho btlla auhmitted today. TtlA nilMhlnlaai eMAaniiaaai nMmav taT-fitl H.-Ma aa7ffOMffjawNa mf w - nlcal In character, hare arotuod little wwreat. Portland votora abio today art ohooa- a mayor and two eommlaalonera. The following aerea are candldatea tor mayor; W, B.4lWarroa, private Mcnlin. I. ilkui ftaaimla. -...,, , aa wi," - loner George L. .Baker, CoBMBlaaJoaar " H.Daly.'a.H. Wheeler, former Mayor Alloa Q. Xneallght, A . Joa w'yn and OaorM MaaaaL A light vote waa eaat here la tho " bill la'tao oiootloa. today, , la hm lectloaa of tho elty only 48 por wt ot the eleitera voted- . Your, Irtt patrtoile d$y-Hy waerty load. ' DRAFT QUESTIONS FOR TOMORROW The lovcrnmrnt Inntructlonii to Ihuae subject to conncrlptlon regis tration (sit men who hava naal their 31st and not reached their 31st birthday June S, 1917.) are as fol fel fol eows: Questions will on asked for you to answer in the order In which they appear here. These question are set out below with detailed Information to help you answer thrm. Do not write on. mark, or other wise mutilate Ihrse Instructions. Do not remove them. They should be carefully read so that you will have your answer ready before you go before the reglntrar. All answers will bo written on the reclstratlon card In Ink by the reg istrar, who should be careful to spell all names correctly and to write legibly. 1. Name In full. Ace In year. This mean all our name spelled out In full. Must give bkc: Rtale your age today in year only. Disregard additional month or day, lie prepared to ay "31" or "2S," not SI year, 3 months," or the like. 3. Home address. This mean the place where you have your permanent home, not tne place where you work. He prepared to give the address In thl way: "333 Main street, Chicago. Cook county, Illinois": that Is. give number and name of street Urol, then town, then county and state. 3. Date of birth. writ vour birthday (month, day and' year) on a piece of paper before ...I, tn ih malsirar. and live the paper to him the first thing. Exam ple: "August 6. 194." if vnu do not rememwr me year, urt to answer as you would If some . ..li vnu vnur birthday, an UI1U '. - -a..i rn." Then say 'on my birthday this year I will be (or was) yMra old." Tho registrar will then Sll In the year of birth. Many people do not carry In mind the year they were born. tm my talned by the registrar oy suoir Ing the age in year on this year1 birthday from 1917. 4. Are you (1) a natural-born clt- . naiuratlied clt lien; (3) an alien: (4) or have you declared Continued from page S Son of the Richest Banker at His Gun l 2 ra&3flBM C4m aBBBBBBBBBBBaKMKC'4' BfaBBBBBBBTaTaOjarflPjaTaw Ltf.3r -I VBvtfrWI l J&aW?gPBBBBBBBBKlBr'9aVBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBKgPmi $C-Wu$7i 'jKaBBBBBBaBBWaiS?jfcamaBBBBlaBBBBBhaBBBBB! iy'tUVfWi TBPJMBBBBBBBlBBBBf TPT"aBBBBllBBBBBBBBBBB IEBWBBBBBBBBBBBBWIaBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl l' 'tJT QIbBBBBBBBBBbvTi i-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH auaaMMtfiavawanBsa NORTHWEST RED CROSS CONFERENCE TODAY PORTLAND, June 4 A north- o treat conference; of Sad Craaa workers la meeting hero today to plan for tho part that tho north- west la to play In raJauc lie.- OOO.ew for the Red Craaa. Over 200' people representing tho north- 0 want atat are Dreamt. BIB RED CROSS RALLY TONIGHT PARADE STARTS FROM EASTERN MAIN STREET AT 7:90 O'CLOCK AFTER WHICH FROORAM WILL E GIVEN. ACCIDENT VICTIM SUCCUMBS HERE ELI MORRIS, RAN OVER BY A WAOON LAST WEEK AND CHEST crushed; DIES HERE LAST NISHT. BU Morris, an employee of tho Tur ner M1U. died laat alight at :80 here attar mderaetaa- medical treatment four days following hla eheat being crashed whoa a wagon ran over him last week. Morrie waa driving to tho city with n load of lumber and fell of the front of the wagon. One of the wheela ran np on him badly crashing hla cheat He waa brought to tho city by hi pass ing automobile. The accident hap pened between thla city and Altamoat Ho waa 4 years of ago and haa.no known relatives. Tho body Is at the Whitlock wadertaklag parlors. WARNING ISSUED TO THOSE mO OPPOSE DRAFT 1 lv 'V.Arfl "tfcjKj ITALIAN "Tu, -" .v - ' ? tsWB! THAT t l"i I ..4. t rk l-V'S' I &: JS? FRINCB URflHU ALL RESISTER ( 4 ' H i .-n1 'r I, i m Aii inr" - - jijmi n 0 Junius 8. Morgan, con of the head of J. 1. Morgan A Company, the rich est bankers of the world. Is here shown at his gun on Lynx No. 3, one of tho fast submarine chasers at the Charleatown. Mass.. navy yard. He is gunner. "' Oevernment Will Nat Siva Between Reflotorlmj and Friaon afrit ' Will Funlel Klamath Ceowty to-Aft OrfMiaad and Ready to Takojtor Cenaua Sheriff Eatlmatea MS EHa ihtsa Hare. r S4: zr ': t & 'V ' 1 , -5.. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jaao 4 At torney General Oregory laaaad a. i. t-i RURAL DISTRICTS WILL BUY BONDS COMMITTEEMAN ON RESERVA TION SAYS FROSFECTS OOOD. MERRILL HAS APPLICATIONS FOR H.2M. TOTAL, $1001. Hit Skips Said to Have Aided U-Boat Vx,-tWwws:tcS! U dBaBBB ) v,(!ttI .V B Ik I'-afS INh u ,CMRD MAftM The Navy Department ha. made the ....r..t that two ships of the Am- A.i.niin company have SrheidT.VVWhec.u.eth.y wro a.Poc eo o mmaw - suhmannea op- . - .. . Ocean. Rlcbara w". J"'"-,,. jwakoo two years ago r lateraatad In the company, .- r Prospects for a aubatenttal reaponae from the Indiana of the Klamath Raa ervaUon to the naUoaal appeal for subscriptions for the Liberty Loan hnnda are declared cood hy Edward a Aahurst. who waa appointed district chairman for that territory by tao Klamath County Liberty Loan execu- ilva Mnnmlttee. Mr. Aahurst. who haa accepted thla mmmiastan and la nrepariag to push the matter tealoualy thruout tho roe- ervatloa, aaya that tho aplrit tbna rap ahown toward the movement baa been of the heat and that mere little doubt but thrt a considerable block of the bonda will ho taken. Chairman B. M. Bubb, of tho Merrill district, la declaring hla wllllngneea to cooperate with tho local committee, statea that I1.M0 la application for the bonda have already been applied for. This bring the total of the county up to 113,000. Tho dltereot fraternal orders and eoeletlea of tho elty have been appealed to for aid In this mat ter. U la felt that If these can be en Hated, a powerful Influence will have been brought to hoar for thla patnoue cause. aw , a. ' W w . MT. LASSEN ERUPTS , W 1 and anoWS WORSE ,... a. w RBDD1NO. Cal, Juno mfc w !.... had a violent oraptloa a. i.. Biaat which waa preceded by a a BUbtorrasoaa oxntofloa that waa,4 felt for mltea aroaaa. Taawra.w 4 tloa la appwroatly growlag la ao- tlrity aad wlta aapwopaaavaw w 4 vwleaeo. ' ' , MAY TOURIST PROSPECTS GOOD DESPITE LATENESS OF SEASON AND CONDITION OF ROADS MAY SAW MORE THAN USUAL. MORE COMINO. Klamath Falls saw more tourists daring the month of May this year than It usually does despite the late spring according to Mrs. B. a Hall, of the White Pelican. There; were about ten automobile parties .passed through the city laat month and already thla month aeveral parties hare gone through, four or Eve laat week. The touriat season is expected to run heavier thla year than ever be- forV All is in readiness for the big" Red ftHwrnarade and rally to be held t la this city tonight - J-'SVJtf The parade with the;10amate? Falla k..rf l..io will rnrm-at fha MUterB end of Main atroet at 7:30 o'clock .aad a lone line of decorated aotomowtee Is expected to make their apeoxaaee. Several features have been worked out foflhe parade. Following the marching of the pro cession the length of Main atroet, the members will go to the Opera Hoaao where an Interestlnc program In tho interesU aadpertalalag.-to.Jha, Sod Croea wltt'he given. f " v" l The entehainmeat la being given Ninth to Blevonth, Baealag and ,,, iaSa:, ... mnatm - ,,-. nett eaVe: No. 7. caaventh to east', ., . ... ta- . . ' - -IJ- ! arao oc ceeneiery aaa wm awn m enmetery. Wordoa boildlag; next to Orphean theatre: No.S, Fmlrvlew ad- tomorrow or attamptlas. to indue other to evadatt. - He said that ho expected a tow me ' dltloateweataitoofametery.Hoaaa,. 9MtMmtm r-iet im' ear ronww giwceT. ubb-i, . . mMaBt-tha-aaw-tloa of -tho White atroet; Na SMUla ndtkm.iVe aETSJami " zT Mill. Addltloa hallr aid No. 10. 8Wr-rWJ7JIXd at the rUha Z?ZZ?KZT!!tt --- . V" & , . 1 sfm , .T'l ((.i rviS (Continued on page 4) BAND TO GIVE CONCERT SOON PLAN TO MAKE FIRST PUBLIC AP- PEARANCE ON FRIDAY NIQHT. ELECT OFFICERS AND START CAMPAIGN. OFFIELD CHOSEN WATER USER HEAD OFFICERS ELECTED AT MEBTINO OF NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD SATURDAY AFTERNOON HERB. O. W. Offleld waa elected president ot.tbe Klamath Water Users' Associa tion meotla'g of the board of director held hare late Saturday afternoon. Thp other oSeera elected were: Jamoa Baell vlce-presldoat; LeaUa Xoaora, traaaurer; and yf. C. Daltoa. aaMt i California. Atom h. aaaer la tao aocrotary of the aaaocUtlon. Tha uw hoard of directors as elect ad la aa followa; first dlatrict, Jamoa teU: ioooad, A. L. Mappaaii; tatra. O. W. OeaoMl fourth, J. r. Kamaradi aad direotor at large. Clyde Rradlay. Tao aow board la tawag up taa preMema faring tha asaaotaUM The Klamath Falla band elected of- fleers laat week and decided to give IU first public concert thla week. Fri day night 'is the date planned aad the concert will be given In front of tho Elks Temple. A committee consisting of J. IJ. Dodge and John Hubbard waa ap notnted to raise funds for the support of the band and already report good success. The band now haa a membership of twenty mea and haa aeveral mere playera coming. Tho band wiu tew the Red Cross parade tonight Tim oatcera elected were: R- A. Mit chell; treasurer. John Hubbard, seero tary aad manger; W, H. McLaughlin. director and librarian. Klamath Falla' aad Klamath Coun- tya war census marshals and their precincts are: ,Vr Doa J. 2umwalt..Pra)ctact No. l; W. 8. Slough. Preclnctr.' 3: R. H. Dun bar. Precinct Ki)S;, Archie L. Alex ander. Precinct No. : P. c. Apptegaie. XhJ Wi-. IrlkarR. Wllaoai. Pre claciaBVeiCProctol No,' i; . Si. autcuM, rnuan ' mar I. Applegate, Precinct Na 9; M F. Parker. Precinct No. 10. Ffha aw-vtaatw , fAllAwaTPl? Jnha R. HjtteliiJjUtomi, Alsoma - . . i IW.D.CamDbelLXanaeU Valley. Lorella, will be n. H. Van Meter Poe Valley. Olene.men la - -- - - i vr t. wrath nalrv. rjairr, military aarrlca. J O. Hamaker-JLLoat River, Bonanxa The votlna.praclncta tfor odayiai Joe Vose-.Wood River. Ft Klamath atate election aad alee for regjatraoea J. H. Hobba Tule Lake. MrriUj tomorrow forTall yojaaa,lratwooa' C. O. Merrill Merrill, Merrill, the agea or 31 aaa w years, iwbwsit-, R. W. Tower Plevna. Keno D. B. YoungPine Grove, Klam. Falls Chaa. E. DrewHIldebrand. Hlldebrand jss. Bell Sprague River, Bly R. O. Vincent Worden. Worden R. c. Short Mt Lakl, Maat Falla Harry ai Wllaoa Malta. Malta, James Blalr......Klamath Lake. Odeaaa Thoa. Patterson. Swan, Swan Chaa. Thomas..Odell-Crescent J. W. De-Puy Midland. Midland H. L. PrttchardPellcaa Bay Lum 8Utee. urged ail Italians Hvhig htrAa., ' erica to register today taa agaaeh to a detegattoaot couaUaMa;waa,goaajy visiting him. ' ' ,J" The attorney aeaeral ealla atlaaHaa " to the provtolon of .the dralthiwfta Mmm .feflf BA, BBBB aaal BBBBBBB .1 ,i,.B i.' t -i" teriiiTlwt "will bo made to will be comneUed to do 'the tatter ht- he resists. Sheriff Humphrey estimated that In the neighborhood of .SM Klamath County eUgtMo'for .., - nrt A , -ikI Your Liberty first patriotic Bend. a duty Buy ber Co., Odeaaa ara alren here. NO man Mm aaa these ages, ualeaa already la tha aalK-v tarv service of the goveraataat, empt from regtatraUoa. ,The elty pro-. cinct voting and regtotraUoa poua ara aa follews: " Precinct 1. weat aide of5 river, to Center. Bank Kxchanao halldtag: No., 2, Center to.Third, Joha Houatoa build ing; No. 3, Third, to Fifth,- Court House; Na 4. Fifth to Seventh; Shop hard hulldina: Na 5.-8eveathto Nta-s th. Klamath Traaaer-'o4aeo;Ko, f, aaMBBBBBBBBBraBBBBBBBBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBB aBBPaPJaWaBaBBWaWjaBBanaaaBWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - mrmm- ' i y LiHitfyLoan 1 TUllVfl -sew LOCAL PEOPLE WED AT PARSONAOE LAST NlttrJT Mr. Van Allan Cornish aad Mlaa vra Lorain BUtoa were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Goo, H. Bennett at o'clock suaaay aara. In. ' The bride la aa employe of tho Moe department atoro where aha haa booa inr tha atore oBeaod hero. Mr. coraish ta aa aauNoyo or tao iT.u.4 utataa RaelaaaatloB aervleo. Their frioada had aipeotoa wo bup- ttala but had aot booa taformed of tao nearness of tho date. v 77wraiMowraMai iMttafi offaf mi awsa aa. cawft iWSRdHf l l lncft 5dHN ifs a aW NMMlafwl CtaWwaMoVwM WWWRaTCo Bmt m mqw aVt'sV pmy fAraw . mT snip Raf W atat MfR MMl f . W tWftW. And Uh 5mm ' . as af aa m wa2 w Jk atUaftaWaWaTCy AtWaRaaM 9ewML waPBH. la a.L. J. alu. --a a' ..-stt:. (away j Tylti im tma wmm 4v v.iajji&ji Th0tim9 nr atmmwjmmmy iras aW. KlojM Co? UlM-rtyUh BaWaWaWaa mhin bbWbbwbI f f"1 wawajayauarfi vBBWaWaTTamV ,- lfcV ' WX ,! WI WBBBBW ' " i" . fS BBbV Jr-- li H "f Vaai ataWaWal BBBVaWS. awmaua' .j - ' " -''z.,v .bBBbbbbbbLV' aWawaaaVmt :bbbbbbbbbbbbb & 0taaaTPVaT.w.mr TiaMaWaWaWaKaWaWaWaWaWaF' LLaBSaWaafeBBBW saaPl"aT Y-wS5r'0?,Tit!j ifc, fiteVI 'Ems iSsl ."VWiK. &i',?. mm sffliWiSO f-i.TrEVirA ftliMs V'JR3 Xft'Jw: ,-hi". i ' - " COMMERCIAL CLUS -' h ,ii aWS T ' - H.. aaWSaraJ waPaw apaafyxaasawi4 tawa ' "V t.ji'. ri's-,j!i.t'jvj. . .- r a bb ' :.-t-lb aw'-CJLaiaJtg.Mt " v ' ' " JJ l'.SflaWaVaWtttX - . - ! V ?! 1 --l VI 1 . 1 U n V K- it V ,j.. . .wt,c .'V J..&.rW..''i..Ai)jO;SaBUa