'A"i .SAit .. Jm'imim If j? 3uimfsM Iterall. "official nbwipaper fOF KLAMATH COUNTY rv?r35 OFFICIAL NBWlfc vr ftiinnninto js?i Eleventh Vagf Ne, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, lt!7. 'I'irf' i' ' PneFrM vl j j, A jSJ &mr. : i VHKm SaSffif iwVt'i IWW i- Vr.tfr r y &jfc 1 '"?' Jfe- MMM '-i?' i i t A : .... . ' J r ." l vt t Chinese IEFUSAL 10 s DECLARE WAR BELIEVED CAUSE OLD PREMIER PUT BACK IN OPFICI ' TbrtaUn to SeM Eanedltlen to Pehln to Dissolve Parliament Unless Ac i tln It Taken Treublee Untying Since Premier Dlemleeed by Preel. Dtnt 81 Proclaim Independence and Others Reported Be. $ PCKIN. June 8 The Chines prov awe r Anbul. Ckl IJ, llu IV. Che Elana. Ko Kln aad Ho Nan have prxUlmml their Independence ami ; threaten to aend a Joint expedition to vkln In fort a dlaaolutlon of the Cats parliament and the reinstate aaat of Tuaa Ckl Jal aa premier. ; These all ravelling provinces forni a Major portion of the southeastern art of In cbJaese republic. They have a population of about 110.000,000 fatpla. The sltuatloa la China baa steadily grown mora threatening alnce the pre- Mant dismissed FiwaaJer Tuaa Chi Jul .feRowIng a rlotoaa acaaloa of I he rep- INsmtatlvea when tbe deputle refus- i to pM a raaotutloa daclarlna war i' an (tarmanv. NICHOLAS SAID TO BE IN PRISON ; REPORTS OP RIOTS AND MAS SACRES IN SIRIIA BV GER MANS ARK RECEIVED AT UN. DINE. LONDON, June a A Petregrad die aateh aaya that the rand Duke Nleb. alaa, former oommandor In chief of tht Ruaalan armloa, haa boon arreated a a rttult of Royalhrt rlata at Tlflla. BEni.lN. Juno t Von Hlndenbura aaa reported to the Kalaer that the allien wetter ofeaalve baa reached a dereml ve coaelaakML 4 A t The Kalaer aeat i telecraa to the U' InprrM which aald that Ue French and Ilrltiih attack haa failed and aald 'that the aid of tha Ooda traated. the Otrmana with iarhtUHaa atreagtb will endure "aaeeaaafally the nlghtlaat hattleH of tha swar." HOMR, Juaa I The French aumap Ina circe haa torpedoec and auak a large enemy aubaMrine at Cattero. Al (ho alrplanea attacked the Circe aha "turned aafely to her baae. UDINB. Italy.June l-Frairaentary haa beoa raealvod here of wide Pred InaurrMtloaary atovemeata In BerblB, Aunlrlan arlaoaara captured In tha "aiian drive tell tha detalla. They ay the Teuton traaaa aurrounded the iBiurgenta and auaaacred then, awai oi them bains M womm, oM atea pad children. the InaurajeaU are aald to have of fered fierce reelataaae la the aaat uree weeka and have Intlcted heavy waiea oa tha fjulparlinr Tha trataa EsM wwa hawayer, and huiMHhalwMiiMhy Aha hou-anda. ik's f" ------,. -1-,-,-,-,-uvxQjinjQj RED CROSS PLANS EOR MONDAY OUT INTERESTING PROORAM WILL IE OWEN IN OPERA HOUSE POL LOWINO PARADE POR LOCAL CHAPTER. An the tun mretltiK to bn held at the Opera lloune In the Intercut of tie ltrl Croon, Monday evenlna, U the flrot ileinonitratlon of the kind In KUnuth KrIIn. II will be Uken an an indicator of the local interrM In pat rlotlr work of thin character, ao let nil turn out with appropriate bad teen ami flaRH, and demonstrate that every rltlirn U wlltlnK to do hln bit. and prove hlmnetf worthy of our Klamath County hoys who hate already shown their readiness to serve their country. We cannot all be soldiers but there I not a man or woman who cannot serve in some capacity. The Red Cross needs the help of all. and let u show by representation at the Op era House on Monday evening that when the country needs the services or Us cllUens they are at her dls imsal. Kvery one Is requested to be ready with decorated automobile to fall In line for the parade that Is to be form. nl between the office of the Ilia Dasln Lumber Company and the Southern Pacific depot, promptly at 7:30 p. m The. ministers of the varloua church M of the city will delher fled Cross sermons on Sunday. On Monday the parade and mass meeting will take place and on Tuesday tho Woman's Itellef Corps will gle a concert at the Opera House for the benefit of the lied Cross. Ixt us snow oy at tendance at church and Opera House 1..1 .11 urn in stmnnthy with this work and will support it. Tho program Is as follews: Music. "Star Bpanaica iiannor, " chest ra. How the lied Cross Could Have ll.tnml In !" Capt. J. P. I-CC. Tho OrnanUallon Which Did Work In 'SI." O. A. Stearnea. "Why Wo are Fighting and the Ser- lousness of this War." Ilcv. Ooo. II. Bennett. Music. "Medley of Patriotic Aire. Klamath Falls Wand. "The Red Cross." It. C. Groabeck. "Our Unpreparcdncss." II. D. Morten- ann. "What the Red Croaa Did Do In the Spanish American War," na. r. Stone. "Need of the Red Croaa." Rev. Hugh Marshall. "America," Klamath Falla Band. NO BID MADE ON ANTELOPE VAL LEY TIMBER AND BUT ONE ON . . ur aCOTT TRACT UNIT. The bid. on the three tract, of ttasfebr advertlaod tor a.lo by tb. gov erameat recently were opened at the Tbirrm.ronTheA,e,opo Valley timber. . The Lamm Lumber Company, of IM K.nt. wa. the only bidder on "he Middle unit, Mt. Scott timber troa the' Southern Mt. Scott unit the Felicia Bay Umber Company and the Alse UmUt Company hid. The AlKta company', bid wa. tho highest. L LA1M-ALG0MA MILLS GET BIDS Situation Becomes Ao ruiruvmruTAAfuvinjvuijvuimrLrirumruuuuuxn L Commander American Navkl ffiM Destroyers' Entering Paris "? gfaaajajBaMw 4 lg BBBaTaT- . .7 J BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB-mWA IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBJBBBBBBjBjgBSf&A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfllBBBBBnBBs - !'M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwBBBBaaVBBfifHiajn HsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflB?BBBflBBB'Hu BBHVBBBBBBBBBBBBsBflBBBBttBttBBii'.v ?f BaaBajjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBKBjP.-Baaaajaanaaaaa eBBBBBBBBBBBBbVIbBBBBBTJ 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBalt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3BBBBBMB?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvVWBrl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBraBBBfBBBBB-BS lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwBWlBBBBBTE'4-;'i IBBBslBBBBBBBBBBBBBlJBBBBPti IBB BBBBBBBBBBwlBBftBBBBjys.ia I .BBBBT " BBl k . BBBBBBB """,,""i4. J((bBBBpPV ' ' jp raUsaVMRL9!lB Rear Admiral Sims (on left), whom the President has decided to nominate for lcc admiral, Is hero shown enter ing a railroad station In Paris on his way to confer with naval authorities WATER USERS ELECT OFFICERS SOME CONFUSIONS AND VOTBs IB CONTESTED AT ANNUAL BLEC TION YESTERDAY. RESULTS GIVEN. The Klamath Water Uaera Aeao- elation held its annual election yea terday and the ballota were counted last night. Some confusion existed aad a dis pute arose when C.A. Bunting made the contenUon .that the water were voting who are In arreara la their pay. menta ahould be barred. Howeyer the Judges bad not challenged their votea when caat and aa no law covora thla point. Mr. BuaUnaa contenlona were thrown out. On tho vote, at large,, howeyer, the by-lawa call for a majority rote wr the winning director. Three raa aad neither accured a majority; Thla had not been aettled thla morning. The old board of director, met thla morning and tho new waa acheduled to meet and organlie thla afternoon. The results of the election are aa follews: Flrat j. A. Koonli, J.IMJ. Jaa, Kaell. 5,908.3. , Second A. L. Marshall, ,IS,4. 3. H. Van Meter, S.4H.1. Third F. L. Pope, 4.M5.B. G. W. OBleld, 4.478- Fourth , J, F. Kamarad, 7.7M.I. t " At Urie r' O. A. BuaUag. 1,715-1. . , R. B. Bradbury. I.SSJ.8. Clyde Bradley, 8,14t.t, t r c. 2L on the work against the submarines. Admiral Slma la in command of the destroyers aent by the United Statea to take part In the warfare on the submarines. W. R. C. PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCEU RED CROSS BENEFIT AND CORPS FUND POR KLAMATH BOYS AT FRONT TO BE REPLENISHED BY SHOW JUNE S. A two-part program will bo given In the Houston Opera Houee Tuesday sight; June 5, tbe evening of NaUonal RogtatraUea Day. under the auaplcea of the Woman'a Relief Corps of thla city. The proceed from thla entertain ment wll he used for tha Corpa' work la provMlag the Klamath hoya at-the froat with auppllea and remembrances of Klamath County and also for the Red Croaa work which the corpa baa taken aa active part. The program la aa follewa: Part 1. Selection .T. .Peerleea Orchestra Flat Drill Central School Olria SeleetioB r .Quartet Moedamee Voye, Henry, Barlow and Daniels Readlag v-Mrs. J. K. Bellinger 8eleoUon ....... ...Peerleaa Orchestra Flat Drill Riverside School GtrU Vocal Solo . .-Miss Vera Houaton Part 2. v , Patriotic eaorua, Popular aoaa, Chorus from "Merely Mary Ann' Sketcb....Houatoa. Hubbard, McDonald Fancy Daacora...Mrs. Wheeler, Mlaaea Weeke, Baaen and Newbury Vaaal Bala. Mtaa Clara Calklaa Duet "Hark to the aMadolla" Mlae4 AguaU Parker and Mra. Herbert . McCarthy, s a ' Yaw Bret patriotic duty Buy Liberty Band. '!' tMMMMWMMMMVMMMMMMMWMMWWMMMMMMWMM DRAFT A6ITAT0RS TO BE QUIETED QUESTION OP EXEMPTION NOT TO RE ASKEO JUNE S RUT .WILL BE LEFT TO EXEMPTION BOARDS. WA8HIN0TON, D. C. June 2 With two daya remaining before Tuesday, registration day, the department of justice baa planned to exert every energy to quell anti-draft agitation which have already resulted la a num ber of arrests In various cities. The war department baa announced trat no man registering will be re quired to answer the question whether he claims exemption. It will be suf ficient to present the claims of all before the exemption boards later. Department of Justice officials aay that many persons have responded to their request to report cases of op position to the draft registration. The war department Is considering plana for enrolling Americana living abroad. aw Your Brat patriotic duty Buy Liberty Bend. CONSCRIPTION RULES-JUNE 5 War Censua Bureau, Adjutant Goner. al'a Office, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND, Ore., June 2. 1817 Oregon has reason to feel proud of Its patriotic newspapers. Because of the enthusiastic coop eration of the newspapers of the state, Governor Withycombe aald today, he believes the people of Oregon are bet ter informed aa to their duties In the coming War Census, next Tuesday, June 5, than tboae of probably aay other state. Official news letters containing in- atructlona and information about the War Censua have without exception received generous space from the atate press. Tbe task of educating the people of the atate to their War Census dutiea looked at flrat like a very difficult undertaking, but through the aid of the press it haa proved easy. Probably no other matter of gen eral Interest haa over received taai amount of publicity in Oregon that haa been given detalla of the War Census. The result la that today there are mighty few persona la Oregon who do not, know that: War Censua Day la next Tueaday, June 5. Every male resident who haa paaaod hia 81st birthday and baa not paaaed hla Slat birthday on June 5 must register. Allena aa well aa cltliena muat reg ister. "" Claim, of exemption from military service do not exempt from register ing. Even tbe alck and tbe crippled muat register. Registration muat be made la the home voting precinct. Registration booths will be open from 7 o'clock a. m. to o'clock p. m. Of approximately 100,000 men la Oregon eatiraated to be between the ages of 81 and 80 years, Inclusive, there may be a few ao unpatriotic aa to try to evade regUtraUoa oa war cob aua day. next Tueaday, Juaa 5. Tbe beat advice to aay youth who centemolatea such action la thla: Dent try It. The riak la too great Evasions are euro to he found out, Beaidoa the disgrace of hetag breaded a "elacker." there will he a peaalty Caacludad oa Paga ' Jv Railmi President Ready for the Wr Robert 8. Lorett' chairman of the board of directors fof the Harriman rallroada, aad the power representing tha iatoreata of the late E. H. Har rtmaa. haa volaateeJad for Red Croaa duty durlag tha wa. He thlaka he la too old to gVyteUio front, bat -he aald he would ive practically all hla time to U-Bad.rroBa interest. r Tour BjfjtfrMleatjBjurTavi Liberty iatratloa boarda have been appointed. Mayor Crlaler and Sheriff Hum phrey have both, received special ord ers for the enforcing of this law, it being pointed oat that it U their spec ial duty to see that, thla law Is com plied with. The city precinct for both the election and draft are aa follewa: Precinct 1, west aide of river to Center, Bank Exchange building; No. 8, Center to Third, John Houaton build ing; No. 3. Third to Fifth, Court Heuse: No. 4, Fifth to Seventh. Shop- hard buUdlag; No. 5, Seventh to Nin th. Klamath Transfer office; No. 6. Ninth to Eleventh. Buealng aad Bon nett oEteerNo. 7, Eleventh to aaat aide of cemetery and west aide of cemetery. Worden building, next to' Orpheus theatre; No. 8. Fairvlew ad dition to west side of cemetery. House near Fairvlew grocery, Upham. aad White atreet: No. Mills addition. Mills Addition hall: and No. 10. 8hip- plagtoa, Parker building. 8blppington. gjaaajgeaBaaT1 I BBBBBBBw I IbHIbbbvI I IbbbbbV A m &aBBBBwA vi I VITbVI m .aBv Fm hBBBBBBBBBBBw IbBBBBsBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBBB Fbm BBBBBBBBrB I rt Jebbbbbbbbbi I I aJaROBPJSaOViTTBaajaa 'My" e i Jjjxksg?!?S5 Jfl ;" i mi EBflBBEaEsRffiBsBBBsflBtjW ALalLaBBfRBrEr 'BBBBBBaSlanBBBaBaBBallEsBBB Help the Nation Help Yourself TrWr. smiV m chance fvr thpneiation in' m Likfty JLCMWI VoMISl, Evrymmn whm mhterib f k how hk pmtrlmtimm, th aUeM hi Mth in thk grtnt Imnd. Ht thow that kt it m $hfvidintor. - ffaaiaiYa mm slaf aanfa enLUiBjgCLTr .. .Tl 4 Ifbt CBSBiny 7)W r 4M 91w v W'U gtmy grW partm Kkuhuthk CmiyVmiy .COMMERCIAL &c!:m, . -WHe J .irvLl . a ' JM Jf l'-l BB BBBbb1 aBBBBBm1 BBBb,' f I vl1 I gaR-gBB-aEsVBsa' I Bm KmSb' BaBm. BbvBbVbT ' a ELECTION AND REGISTRATION MORttUEl ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POULB TO BE USED Klamath Expecta to "Take Her War Canaae at no Caat te Oevei f V Marahala Will Act Free of Charga Three Lcatl Hollaaya In Raw- -Tha Road and Penitentiary Wile are lav portant. Monday is election day aad Tueaday is NaUonal RegtotraUoa Day, Oiagea thus having two legal holidays fat .awe-, cession besides Sunday. r '.;! Election day. Monday, Jane 4. la State elecUoa,4ay at wateh.tlaM tha'-C dtlxeas of Oregoa win decide am a. aaaabor of measures rUorred to by tho laat legtalatare. Mast Bat of these is bettered .to' be UteK $.e0.0eo read bond bill forth aJtaiW -Another, of teaartakee at" this? ttma "" Is tha bill previdtea: for a Barv'faattlr tenUary for Oregoa. The was 4a . to ha daae by thaeatIewsti5feH Tha araaoat BaaJtasOlarySlaaaMBBffiiky - i are ehoelat. m-vaaABajgargtjti ajajW - Ugaiea.aa a-awiHfwjwfr,; w which addltloa after addltloa baa boo. -j constructed onto the original bealeV lnga. The Governor asks that tha people provide the money for a peaJ- tentlary-both from aa K" a humanitarian viewpotaL Tuesday, June. 5. la NaUonal Regis'; traUon dny, at which time, every aaai la the United States between tha asaav of 21 and 39 years. lacraalve.wUl go , to bis voting preciBct ' aaa raaasTor . under tbe national universal sitbKary service law. - n.N KUamth County'a offidala expoot to. , take the draft cenaua wlthawt iafaaaa to tho govoramoat and hoaoa, ta'aaaka; a record, or at least be doing ita work aa a patriotic daty. Sheriff humphrey has dtotribatad aaa, plies thruout tbe county far hath tha election and the census, aad frfee. for their country at ao cost to the jntV ernment W,. V45J The cenaua wbe takoa la tha rjia). f ular voting praamcU thraaat ttaa ,.. county as weU aavthe city where reg- J 'W WZr it, r' VMaV BTaVai W gim- Ojl I gwM a Bl - fJD '4 1 vaaBaT BJBj -v 'asBBBBH?; M bBBBBBWW yBBBBBB k! giLaHi$ JBjBBJBv.4.w: u j: I sax-ai?. .? win mi a si oaaaj aav km $90. .5 Utw .ttpfjM zyqft&r, CLUB; i ffiBBBBKr BJrjit: r sjajfi .r -.,' vy-; WBHSHansasv '4'.,.;i-' tfs"tf i&sakvjv- "A t l i - M ! . ' V'; J irl "1 "J". iwl -tw v , ,?. I i yi i f' Jvrl :m -1 $ & f ; is; axMi 3 1 i. r ', r'" "-tw. 1. v " " gi. . j- .v.. 'VAililr :cw MTVTi & p. r:. - ia .-fv