1l wmm kJr R.ii'I m vit , 1 'HVi s! " tmrftmsa I $$&& :i -. t it 1 r-ssES'Vft 3 , & Vids , KH V h NT i& & i i' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Eleventh Var-N;, 3,318 HOP IONS OF BOMS ON SUB BASE AND TOWNS ARTILLERY FIRE INDICATES IM PORTANT MOVI Saojand Hw Loot Only Six Per Cent of Cereal Shlpe 2S Par Cant Al. tewed English Feed OlcUtar Ttlla Aoaeelattd Pratt MarfrH Haa Ola. ariara Auatrlana Farm Farad far FaKa. DMI.IN June 1 London report Mleata tka retfclMv that an lm tenant military lutrwnunt by the ?l Ilea la wider way oa the Haitian fr jnt I'h tha roanlbUt ft ra attampi lo deal a cruahlag Mc t too Oermau ank on tb coaa. The artillery lire naar tha coat dmji rtaehad an latamaa pltcb British aircrafta art raMlai the D?N Ua cwtat awl an dropping ton M laaiN on Uatend, llitiw. and 9Sv brvne, ono of Ik two Importual Ctnaaa aubasarlRe baa. LONDON. Jim 1-Bnland haa loat aaly alx per cent of Iter aerial ahlaa tacerdlna to a atataaaant ajlven the Aaiaalala yraaaJ.wyfKaiaa1r-Jowi, aaUad'a tllractor of food economy today. Ha aaM that tha mlnlatry of food bad allowed for the Iota of 35 per aeat of tola kind of ablpplng. COPENIIAOBN, June 1 Vienna tlepatchea received here aay that lm Haaaoualy with tba opening of the Aaatrallan parliament, thouaanda of workmen ceaaed work and organlied a great proceaalon aa a demomtratlon m favor of peace. MADRID, June 1 Dlaordera with any aoldlera participating occurred at Barcalonla today. Several oBcera Including aTolonel. t FULL PAYMENT PRIVILEGE IN BUYING LIBERTY BONOS The Treaaury Department I- tuea the follewing: Soma confusion kaa arlaen rela- live to tba prlvlllge granted to aubactibara for one $80 bond or one 1100 bond to pay the full amount at once, with tha asaur- ance of aa Immedlateallotment in full and delivery of .ai Interim eertlScate at tha earllaat poaaible moment. 4 w It abould be clearly understood that thla la a privilege and not a requirement. The aubacrlber for one ISO bond or one f 100 bond may avail himself of thla privilege of full payment, or ha may pay per cant upon application and the balance aa provided In Clr- cular No, Tl; that la, IS per cent on June IS, 10 per cent on July SO, 30 per cent on Augusi IB and v VjBVLmV be am V m . nh. ejbj eeeebjav Mi .aBsttmw - T . jw8wmP($& IB I I B .'IB I , - w ImIi aft 1 ft nMM en La? il m J 1 I nr v wa 1 ;"",eWttlBBMBV$ BM g "J WJWlB MTmWtm bbbbBbF. bw fjPH gefjgger HlfwVffl'M . bsTjH -m'm-BBF .'!; " iiim.ii u iiiuii biii riuiiiiTJii --a wbj: iji infill nil iiinit iiiiiii iirivmii ijifnsif 30 per cent on August 30. . The apparent reaaon for thla confusion la the wording' on tha application blank. If one f 60 bond or one flOO bond la applied for and payment In Inetallmenta desired, tha following words may he strtoken eut: "Or payment In full for tha oat ISO bond or the one 9100 bond applied for," If payment In f uH for tha one, E0 toad or tba one 1100 'bond la de- tint, tha worst - tht appliea- tJoaj'Wanh,'"balag I per east of tha eMwaHf keda applied for," wy a SrUfca t. ? aty? iEiummgi lWrfWMWWMMWMWMMMMMMMWMMWMrffoWWYM a lieutenant colnnrl, a major, captain, two lieutenant hav been Imprisoned In the Mont Julch fortress adjoining llarcetonl. The minister uf war han admitted that the disorder occurred. ON KIIKNCII rW)NT-(Kroro Staff Correspondent of Associated Press) -Between April IS and May SI, 31.829 Herman primmer were captured, 58,000 of these were not wounded. DECLARE STRIKES DKTKRMINCD TO PARALYZK FCT ROORAO WAR FACTORIES. CON. CILATION BOARD FAILS TO REACH AGREEMENT. WNDON. June 1 Workmen have determined upon strike or other meas ure to paralyse production in over one hundred twenty of the largest Pet- rograd factorlea, most of which are en gaged In war work, according lo dla patckea received here. The conciliation board haa failed to reach an agreement with the striken' demand for a six hour day, a mini- aajMjraeVfer wwaaan and wagee of ISO ruble per month. , Htrlkea have begun In many fac torle. .. .k I rr "" CAPTAIN SIEMENS TO PORTLAND WILL ATTEND PORTLAND CON FERENCE MONDAY FROM LOCAL CHAPTER. PLAN8 DISCUSSED YESTERDAY FOR MONDAY. At a meeting of the Red Crosa held yesterday afternoon at the Elk' Tem ple, Captain J. W. Slemena was author lied to represent the Klamath Chapter at the Portland conference on June 4. Thla delegation will consist of tne leading men of the War Council of which Lyman Pierce of Now York la chairman. Plana will be made for Red Crosa week, Juno 18th to 26th. In ac cordance with tho President's proc lamation. Arrangement for the big parade and mas meeting to bo held at the nri House on Monday evening were dliOUSitiL... It Ih desired that nil who have automobile will decorate same with American and Red Cross flags. .,! hB readv to fall In line between .h ni nasln Lumber Company's of a.. .mi the Southern Paclflc Depot, nronintlv at 7:30 p. m. It Is urgently requested that every . whether he can be In the parade or not, will be at the Opera House for the mas meeting, and that all who can. will either carry a Rod Cross ban ner or wear a Red cross osurb. several talks will be given by local men and the work explained. A pro gram will be published later. The Red Cross Is a national organl aatlon and every cltUen should take . .-.-.. in the work. Those who have boya serving their country will r .. .u. ...!, u a matter of course, and those who have not given .w. . .irt ouaht to be there and ready and willing to do all In their power. One way to help greatly la to become'a Red Croat member. .. v hit fAK. annual. II. Sub- aeriptlon. II. Contributing. 15. Bus ".":" i wfe. 116. Patron. 1100, ?"'"! ' r...i. iaeluded in all ROSSO WORKMEN KM vroe --- - except the f 1 membership. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 17. a) ! PORT OF NEW YORK NET OATE CLOSED a NKW YORK, June 1-Kor raa- nnn which the navy yard and ctta lorn official refuaed to reveal, the port of New York haa been cloned to all ahlpplna by the ehtit a ting of the gate In the ateel set, clewing the harbor. Thi net waa placed In position aoon after the e) a) severance of diplomatic relation with flermarfy. tl ' CITY SCHOOLS RON ON INCOME NO SPECIAL SCHOOL TAXES HAVE EEN LEVIED FOR THRU YEARS AND THIS YEAR P.ART OF STATE MONEYS RETURNED. The Klamatb FaUa School DUtriot officer have kept the district expen ditures for the past ear under Ita Income to euch an extent that conald erable of Ita state allottment haa been returned to It original fund as re quired by state law, according to the ) early report compiled by alias Ida D. Mnntvar rtinnl rlnrk.. -. . Uader 'the slate law unleaa SiTper rent of the district, Is expended In teachera' aalariee; a certain portion of the slate te funds Irbeslaie. the total expehdltnrea "- : - - ' yeartre'praclcally the sama aa last ear, The ieiorl shows that the sum of 8849.91 haa been received from the county treasurer from the district tax; 824.SOI.80 from the county school su perintendent for the county fund; II. 870.20 from tho county superintendent for the state fund; from Interest on school money, 1399.12; from Interest on Conger estate, 11.967.76; cash on hand June. 1916. 141,769.93, Expenditure Teachers' salaries, 118,911.60; rent, 1400: fuel and school supplies, 11.994.26: repairs, janitor and Improvement of grounds, f2,134.3K, in. surance, 1327: clerk's aalary. 1160: all other expenses. 16.638.66; total. 130,, BBS 68. Balance on hand In clerk'a hands, May 26. 1917, 111,214.25; outstanding warrants. 13; First National Bank to- tal. May 25. 111,217.25, No special school tax levy haa been made in this district for three years, the district being run on .Ita Incoming taxes and sources of Income, showing an economic management and .tne keeping of the expenditures under the Income of the district by the school board and school officers. RED BLUFF-B.ANTB STRENQTHEN TEAM Word has been received by Manag er Watt that the Red Bluff OJanta are importing a pitcher for the game with Klamath FWla here Sunday after. noon. Klamath is strengthening by dally practice and the line up la expected to be the same Sunday with Smith, nook and Crawford In the putleld. Klamath's infield Is believed oy we manager and fans, to be A No. 1 and mmmtA MAAaUiaaW fill no cnange am jimv- ih season. Sheeny haa aem woru from Eugene (bat he will be here tor the game June 10. TIRST EXCURSION ON LAKE NEXT SUNDAY The Irat Sunday ixcuraloa will take place on the Upper Klamath Lake Sunday when the boata Spray and Oakland will make the round trip. Stopa will be made at Eagle Ridge, Harrlnua Lodge, and Rocky Point where -dinner will be ohtalhed. The baaU will leave at I a. m. and return about, S: 30 p.m. BHUli JB ia4,gad I I ijiljfTBfftyKa aadmoner this1 nfcw oremler of '5SDln!l inwaee of OREGON II" TO HAVE RED CROSS 16 OR. EEERLE KUYKENDALL. "OS, TO E CAPTAIN Hepa to Enllat Men Entirely From Ortfen Student t Oregon Men 4 Wanted Stt;Reaufred to Finance the Carat California HaaH Sent Three Small Unite ta Franca Al- t ready. , aBSMBSBBBmSBM c Tba reiMBnag letter has .been re vifLrii aValge D. V. Kuykeadall. of law tvi -tnpi naiivr v ffiuiuw, president of 'the University of Oregon Alamnl AasocUtlon, relative, to the forming of a University Ambulance Corps under tha auspice of the Am erican Red Crosa. Dr. Eberle Kuykea dall,' a. brother of Judge Kuyfcenaall and a 'graduate, has received hla cap tain's cosnmlaaltb for such an organi sation and tgoee jteelriag to aid ahouM get la toe J'Maa. ' The letSKMBJi feUewa: "An eKsVmiiahllsh a University of Oregon MMPoce Corp under the uankM orawiajnerican SM' Cross kw-amlnod n.vwir Mbataalal footing here and .wo fire writing yw a. letter ai 1Mb time movement can gain Palls and vicinity. "Dr. Eberle Kuykeadall, '08 was sponsor for the movement.' In the beginning and haa received his cap tain's commission. There seems no doubt that this corps will be organ ited. The doctors for the corps have been with one exception, enlisted, but there is still need of enlisted men. The hope Is that the corps may be com posed entirely of University of Oregon alumni and students. The advantage to the Institution would be secondary to the advantage which the men would feel from having common Interests and the opportunity to serve together. "The men needed are chauffeurs. (Continued on Page S) OREGON "PIG" CIOBS FORMED HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN FORM ORGANIZATIONS TO HELP PORK SHORTAGE EXISTING IN THIS STATE. . PORTLAND, Ore,, June 1 "Raise a Pig" haa become the alogan of hun- dreda of boya and girls of Oregon, who have formed a Pig Club to carry on the work and help make up the pork shortage. In nearly every county banks are loaning money to the boys and girls to purchase pigs and the Oregon Agri cultural College I telling them how to raise the animals. MITCHELL ON BIO GUN AT FORT SHERIDAN Word received from Ben Mitchell, who enlisted In the coast defense, says that ha la handling part of a ram rod for one of the big guns. Ben wrote that previous to getting into the fort he waa unable to see any guns but that he haa discovered there are sev eral at it. Sheridan on the Columbia River. He "is one of a crew of thirty working one of the Us sua and all they have to do la to put the ahella In after electricity brlaga them to the to aacertaln, jf, iaaiM .jHarnla Manuel qarewnaeto. pwaa J2,p&jmB!'mm'TTrZ M Aiui..n'n.r-Hru:s Baa.MuaBaaBnrBar',BBBBBBS aam awn j ww- ..r- irom Kiamatn Wtvatb aB WWWWMWMWMWWIWWMWWWWWSSWW ONE CHANCE IN TEN OF DRAFT ; PORTLAND, Ore.. June 1 "A young man ha nine chances out of ten that he will not be draws under the selective draft" de- dared Senator Chamberlain while here attending the funeral of the late Senator Lane. New Spanish Premier premier Count Ramonones. Marquis Prieto at various times held the portfolios of minister of foreign affairs, minister of Justice, and minister of public works. He is a member of the perm anent Hague tribunal. Like the retiring cabinet the new one will be Liberal. DISTRICT ATTORNEY ADMITS LEAK EXISTED SAN FRANCISCO, June 1 United States District Attorney Preston haa admitted a leak In the San Francisco Postoffice building from which gov. ernment secrets have reached outside sources. RULES JUNE 5 War Ctnsus Bureau, Adjutant Gen. 1 eral'a Office. PORTLAND. Ore.. June 1, 191T "I work in a camp thirty-two miles from a railroad. It will be very Inconven ient for me to go to the city to register. Can I mail in my registration?" The fact that It will be inconvenient for a man to leave his work to register will not be accepted as an excuse for not registering. The United States Is engaged In a great war. with its Nat ional existence at stake, and Individual convenience cannot be considered In the taking of the War Census. The little green registration card that every man between the ages of 21 and 30 years, inclusive, will receive from the registrars after be haa regis tiered on War Census day, June 6, 'la a most important document. This certificate Is virtually a receipt of registration. If a man cannot 'pro duce it on demand, he must convince the Government that be haa really registered, or he faces the possibility of a term In prison without tho option of paying a fine. In any event, It will cause him much trouble. So. for hla own sake aa well aa to aid the Oovernment, he should guard hi eartlleate religiously. If a man between the ages of II Coaclsdtd on ram) S i VBVaVBMP?JiS I mmWSfSSk 1 m BglBBglBBBBBBBBBwHsB llftBSaV. BFlBi? ' BbbbbbbbbbbbbeW a bbbbbbbbbbV S aBKaVKBK M BBBBBBBBBBBB R aVaVaVaVaVaVaVaffdBEW VA VaVaVdBBBK MS BBgBgBgBgBgBgflBlgBgBgBgBgBghw . .stBaVBgBgBgBgBgBS BBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBB' BBBBBBB Wl B1FW SB B1B1 "W BkSl TTaSBSi BSBPa aBLBBBiaBl CONSCRIPTION 110,500 WORTH OF BONDS SOLD IS TOTAL SUBSCRIBED IN KLAM ATM COUNTY FOR LIBERTY LOAN BONDS TO DATE. PEN. DLETON, BO FARSOSS. With I10.S00 atbacribed for the Lib erty Loan bond In Klamath County. the local executive committee feels somewhat encouraged today altho It Is felt that thla district haa a long way to ao yet in the abort apace of Unte allotted for thla work. Newa that Pendleton haa already subscribed MM.SM tor these bonds haa been reelved and ahewM prove a stimulus for Klamath to raise her proportion It must be remembered that the eaah price Is not eceeaaiy in tho par fcaae at that'sTnoia whieh are aa lew ftfty doUara In.deieesliitlon, but they may ho pwrchaaei la partial pay U extending until Mm last of Aug ust very one la urged by. we ewasmltteej to take aetien en UuvthigWr import ant matter at one. At i -Aj ', nigsatthwhoaneotthebriewajether Mrs. W. P.cMiUai.ef street by Rev. J. A OrifiKaVof thia laity.' The mom la the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Brewbaker, of thla etty.- Tber left thla morning by auto mobile, for a abort 'honeymoon. None bat the Barents of the couple were present Word waa received in the city this week ofthe marriage of Miss Mattie Foster to, Charley Mulkey In Coos County last Sunday. Mr. Mulkey for merly taught school In thto county. a TORNADO GETS TEXAS ' AND OKLAHOMA CHICAGO, June 1 A tornado swept Llndaey, a email town In Texas, des troying a Catholic church, a general store and several residences last night No people were killed. Three people were killed near Mar ietta. Oklahoma, In a tornado mat awent south' Central Oklahoma last night . mmlKKtKIKKKiammimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . J N .... tj Every Loan Bend A Shot For Victory Whtm ym hmy m Libmty Utm hcnJjmm fin m At W VSffleVllVl JVfjPJaPf"P MpiNry mim wmn. Bmrm aWfiab $80, $tOOt SSOO mud $1,000. Kitfni msW $tOO. $800, $1,090, $8,000, $10,000, $50,000 I IU MAM ohbsi fieiw. Emak aWof mmy tkrm mmd n-kmW w cwK infer. H k tVawW h thm, W $; Liuh wmitr thai thm Am m mm afsawtltiaTi u- iS, . t a. wwm aitvasw tlBrt Umm KkuMtk Cwtusty UWty V COMMERCIAL A '' OFWCIALNIWSR OF KLAMATH FAU t topM.?fc3j 'jUkt if 1 V ? v - -v ?? .wi Ci'fc-ti j "fwij J-'i'L. 5-i.S,-v . ..' f-rj$i three mm '" l . . vv rririlLl KAHK1.I . v u,.' -br? luTc4.LL 1 'iM m m 'i-v 0NEV;0ATH REPORTEitCflCWB .V BrrtltlAdmlrarty .! Siokinf Fmncoo ml Dlriaial cuiPd Quit n Ullll V UllllllisliJI'r:':JIv'- QIIBQ IPPfWf i rt m s,s .WWW ,.wwwwi-o . feW X i "& LAND , ,$ .jt Beard, Ahnibniia . '. . j2Zi:;mm M, the Diriole. VietiijiaW. X4I j yr ; jrffel May 24 and Pi t 1S-AII of of Dirlffjo. Crewe Land Enaapt.Qw ft - w . :V;jWf t. iiunnnv iu ; -jt a5 mm have atUeked r.iKtf f" - "'" "agy.i .. -... - ---.-T .rt...i ZLZL5dS2ifa ISZiCZSSu5SSHBfe - ia-taiEr 'dy '"J "ww mmwwmBwm '';,, Slrir-t" X - .arf - 5,ivL-1 Tho -DtrieJe wewallaihii.wliaasjtA. wanOngt-Wbr .a wai:V jj tTkM Maeomf Bal:aaiwpaijf wk.theboat. wwee-,l ijlBM-v .mtfc;B-i. " .rT. ,TTrs'"T 5 awwejierJaBB. Iialil ntilj iiiajagjl Tho ' - -?-!' u4 thoeaallro iidhmlih oefely 'at Cadts. -' ' '"?. e WHITE PELICAN DININO SERVICE STARTSvTOMOWROW .li'r'iF! 4 i The White PeUcaa dinlag roeaa w officially open toaaorrow far the U(f , reason it, waa announoad today by. E. R Hall, proprietor of tho hoteL ,.- John K Maloney, steward; haa ro turned from CalitornM- and aolaot f, year will he In charge of thodtihig n service at this hotel. MrMahapejr r : la an experienced e'tewaid awl'heU "$ simitar positions for fourteen yeata , at the Hotel Stewart te Ban Franelaeo and others. r v The White Pelican haa tor aeveral weeks been mahttalnlag'a ,jMa"aeryK vice In the largo room cw'tho.nswth.lff! side of the building; Tho main dtataa; room will be opened taaaorrowv " '' ' Your first patriotlil'duty-TBuy a Liberty Bend. VJj uitft S!. " ft5r.r. HJH Ms jS t- i V 1 ilWj'A i-M. 'L-A ihi,' .' m, mm .-- " w mmd. ':,- M. f Ldu CLUI! tr-A'.' ... T "9- m u'm nxt mMmm: .'S i w 1 ' k TmakammwEmWmwmmKi's LSmMS-l'f .? if- VfSKH fm iss&a -f J?a . V , "il j! ,.1 .;! . : ' j HV2.M& IM f&Sa "!!?JSS m vvi vyv- lawTAIi 'izsfesni h'sstn & Z .irfJ: m 'wrjSJMVt 1 m: i-"f 4i .' gun. t rfc& ih. GVa