' "W " r,v W i "4, ' w -&V OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ii;. I OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL , NlWMlFtS OF KLAMATH FALLS nn ii i i i i i ii exsRe ' Eleventh Vmp, Ne. 1,111. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1917. Vs rfWf PlVS vQMQ r i Lrl i LansingB i-ii- lnqiuunjjij. LANSING BARES MORE 0F6ERMAN INTRieUE IN 111 THUD TO EMBROIL ENTENTE AL. LIU AND AMERICA Haute Interstate Cmmmki Committee Teld tf Information In Secretary's OtHc Department of Justice It Making taveetlgatlew .Barman Mh. y Ueed to Entangle Over tela uret. WASHINGTON, D. A, May 39-Hc-rlry of Stale Lansing revealed lo lhi house Interstate commerce com mittee today another German Intrigue In which be declared (hat Germany, previous to America' entrance Into war, attempted to organise a slcamahlp Una radar Ik Aaaerleaa lag for I ha sole purges a of v lelallag tbe foreign trading with aa enemy act and lo embroil Aaerrlea with Prance and Ear toad. Tbe deaartaaent of jnetlce la probing the raargaa. Mr. I anatal. made the statement while he nag Eeorelary Redleld were argalag ta lover at the American trad lac with n MMMy act. Ha aald that prevloaa to Anarlca'a eatraaee lata tha war German agent loaned AaeerieaaVa meaey to ship grain cargoaa ta tha hap that tha alllea would attta tha eargoaa and raise a queatioa about tht between America aad tha entente; aver tha question of asUere of WORD RECEIVED FROM EXPOSITION GONE SINCE 1 91 3 NO MEMBERS HAVE DIED AND TWO RETURNING Or. Hunt, Surgson, Expected In New York In a Month Falls to Find Peary's "Crocktrland" tor Which Expedition Left America Four Veara Abo Tjffo Travel 1500 Mllee On Ice On Return. ,. . I t i ares Another German Plot HWWO.MWWIMWW(WWOWWWWMWWWW.'. Klamath Liberty Loan Move Is Started; iwawiwwiw y ... ..n --,-n- i i i -mn-i.qij-i.-Ln'uvi.'jiin.nf' CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTS DEED RAILROAD DEED TAKEN FROM TRAHORN. THE ROWER COM- PANV'S COMPLAINT RECEIVED AND READ. Tha daad reeeluUoa Introduced at the laaTaaeiaag of tha city council wa passed iaat Bight oa re-presenta-lalloa for tha aecaptaaca of tha deed from Robert K. Btrabora to the city covering aeeh rlghta aa ha haa In a right of war for tha railroad. city Attorney rjrosbeck read to the council a latter and a copy of a com plaint lied bythe California-Oregon Power Coiipeay with tha 8tata Public Service Commission agalnat entering the city and territory along Ita pro Posed tranaausalea Una. The ground for the tsmplalat la that tha territory to be entered la adequately and econ omically supplied by tha present com pany, and that tbe eae Power Coam, Pny has hot reaelred a -permit frqia the ccaualaatea under tha law going Into effect May II. No action waa taken by the council other than to aakaowledg the receipt nf tha complaint. It waa held the city no internet ta tae'altuatlon just now aa tha Xeae Power Company has "d bo aeoeaUneo of their franchise. They hava aUty daya under tha fran chise to accept. An ordlaaaoe establishing a grade on Seventh and an Prospect streets adoatad- and tha Wantlaad nark ing ordlaaaea waa paaaed, dependent upon n petition. NKW VOItK. May :-A mrniaR re ceived today from the Shetland Inland nays that all member or the SUcMII Ian CrockerUnd eiedltlon are nafe. No membem have died during their four year abnenco from the world and two are now cnroutc to civilisation after ledglng 1500 mllen over the Ice. The cablegram was received from Dr. Ilarrlaon Hunt, the party' surgeon from tho Karroo Inland where be haa arrived. The cable aald that MacMlllan I at Utah and that the relief steamer Den mark Is at Oodbaven and further that K- O. Ilovey, curator of the Am erican National Muaeuna and Captain George Comer, members of the relief party until now belle ted dead, are with MaeMfrtkn: -.---"""" " The eipedltlon left New, York In 113 lo explore the "Crockerland" re ported by Admiral Peary but failed to find It. Dr. Hunt I expected to reach New York In about one month. Greatest Bankers Boost Liberty Loan RED CROSS WORK TO START SOON MEETING FOR MEMBERS AND ALL INTERESTED TO RE HELD ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT THE ELKS TEMPLE. PEBL AjtfwTgwaawaawBnaVri ffiT-JelMbaBWK-vjBnnl gggggggeV "'fScniKulwK'r'K' gggggaV 1 aBFiMaaABaBHwBDBB lgar BgakdtElgaB ' S?rjyPr!oBBBanaj!wi" daggaf BnBBBBBaaBaaBaai Tf3vw,Vlwr snaagaT gflhat 'SA 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEjiaBBBBBK gffi.j i j-gaV ti BawiiaMBiayaTaTa1aTfc afcivwgl B SaaflLXiijKaanBBBIv v T-gaS MaRgaBaw'iayfBFgsT BWBHnaRBMBawsawsawsawsajMhtf -EhifRBBBBftaWaanaaVkckggas MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM READY FOR TOMORROW PROCESSION WILL FORM AT THE COURT HOUSE Start to Be Made at 1 P. M. Short Program . First and Ther Services will Be Held at Cil srioge and Cemetety Principal o.-og am at tha Public Square at 3 O'clock la Legal Holiday. The Memorial day aervicea tor to morrow which will be held under the auspices of the Woman's Relief corps and the O. A. R. of this city wlU start at 1 o'clock. The day will bo a general legal boll- WHAT. A LIBERTY BONO It A Liberty loan hand ta n aolemn . Pronatee of tha United BUtas to Py at aaamrtty tha amaMt of tha J oond ta tho hotdar tharaof and w to pay Intaraat aaaalaaanallr aaeh yr frasa tha data of tho leauaaee of tha bond iMdlt K ,la felly sad wiyBsii,' ffji :. ; A general meeting of all members of the local branch of the Itod Cross society ha been called for Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the Elk Temple. Alao all person, not members, who wih to Join or are Interested In the work, are Invited to attend. At this time plans will be made for a thoro canvass of the city for member ana active work by the Ited Cross will be rgur s -Mrs. Harold 1). Mortenson, presmeni of the society, has just returned from a conference with headquarters or me Bed Cross at San Francisco, and Klam ath County Is now ready to take Its place among the active Ked Cross workers of tbe coast. At a meeting of the Uoard of Manag ers yesterday, committees were ap pointed to arrange for a big parade and mass meeting to bo Held Atonasy even ing at Houston's Opera House. The churches are also to bo asked to de liver special Ited Cross sermon next Sunday. ArrancemenU are also soon 10 oo made for the organliatlbn of branch Red Cross societies through the county and n special Invitation Is extended to people from tbe country Interested In the work to attend both the meeting Thursday afternoon ana mo row meeting at the opera nouso on Mondav evening. Puplla OJve Recital. Tha' music pupils of Mrs. Don J, ttunwalt will glva a recital tonight at 1:11 o'eloek at the Houston Opera House. Top row, left to right: Frank A, Vanderllp, president National City Dank: Gcorgo F. Daker, chairman of the First National Dank, and Jacob H. Schlff. Second row, left to right: Pierre Jay, governor Federal Reserve Bank; Seward Prosser, president Bankers Trust Co.; Albert H. Wlggin. presi dent Chase National Bank, and J. 8. Alexander, president National Bank of Commerce. Third row, left to right: Charles H. Sabln, president Guaranty Trust Company; William Woodward, presi dent Hanover National Bank, and Al len Forbes, of Harris, Forbes ft Co. Bottom row, left to right: Thomas W. Lamont, of J. P. Morgan ft Co., and Gates W. McGarrah, president Mechan ic and Metals National Bank. In this group are to be aeen some of the greatest bankers and represen tative of the largest banks In the world, who make up the Liberty Loan Committee of the New York Federal Resep? District They have rented offices, employed scorea of assistants and are making a strong campaign, all at no cost to the treasury depart ment The Liberty Loan of 1917 Its Terms and Its Objects WASHINGTON, In modern warfare are men By Prank R. Wilson (Of tha Federall Farm Lean Bureau) May 29 The tblg " " factors and money, Most nations making ready for war first mobollte their man-power. The United States has reversed the usual order by first mobpllxlng Its money- power. The reasons for this reversal are self-evident. This country, not being a military power, did not have 1st men ready for Immediate Ightlng, But, being the richest nation In the world, Us wealth waa ready for ae tlon. So, In Ita anxiety to make It might Immedately felt In the greatest war of all times, It began by marshall ing Ita dollars. The Liberty Loan means just what Its title implies, it is our Irs t bit add ed to tbe Joint activities of liberty lov ing nations to crush German autocracy and all that if atanda far. It la our immedate substitute for an army. It la our of wing to renew tha credit of shall be able to place our army along side theirs in the trenches. Tbe Liberty Loan waa authorised by Congress within three week of the date of our recognition of a state of war with Oermany. It outlines the greatest financial program ever under taken by any nation on earth.. It au thorised the Secretary of the Treasury to use the credit of the nation to the extent of seven billions of dollars five billions to be borrowed by the sale of bonds, and two billion to be raised by certificates of Indebtedness. It pro vided that three billions of dollar of this money should be loaned to our European allies without profit to the United States. It fixed the Interest rate at not to exceed three and one-half per cent aad provided, that tf, at any time during the war, tha United States issued other loans at a higher rate, these bonds would be convertible at tho higher rate. Secretary of the Treasury William O. McAdoo Immediately began to make available to tba alllea a portion of the credit, represented by. tha eertllcatee jha Ightlng alllea ao they may not be.f indebtedness. Thm tha machinery hamporod in weir grim ia, unui wei0r the .Federal neserva v-yiiem aanaa day. tho banks being. grocery atone from U o'clock on. At 1 o'clock the procession of tba day will form at the Court House aad will be headed by" the city and county officials in automobiles. A abort pro gram will be rendered Just previous to the start and a flag raised In the public square in front of the Court House. Tbe program at this time aad place will be as follews: Music Klamath Fall Band. Song "I Am a Scout of Uncle Sam.1 School Children Flag Raising "Pledge to the Flag.1 School Children Patriotic Address to the Children- Rev. O. H. Bennett "Star Spangled Banner" Assemblage Music Klamath Fall Band The order of procession for the March will be: Marshals of the Day R. H. Dunbar. Capt. O. C. Applegate. W. F. Arant Captain J, P. Lee aad others. Klamath Fall Band. Members of F. A. R. Member's Woman' Relief Corps. Members of Other Orders. Flower Girls. School Boys. Cltlxens Marching. Citizen in Cars. . When the procession arrives at 8th and Main streets, car furnished by the garages of the city will be waiting for the members of the G. A. R. aad W. R. C. from which point they will ride to the cemetery and return. The line of march will continue to follow the pavement from Eighth to Ninth, turning on Washington street and going to the Canal bridge.. A service will be held at the bridge for the aallor and soldier dead, In J - Will Lend Mamies Bgafflafll EBBBBBBBBBBBEPry' v2aW;i?BxOBBBaaaaaaaaaaf 3 i f gtafJgtaEjr&p f-'CgaM tf ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi $ S ivXLPgRffaVcyXH iHH BBBBBBBBBBBSWBBB l BBBBBBlRMdBBBBSl&J -i HMBfliEBEBBHiiJi BwRBBBBBBBinaBaBBBBBBBBBBBJEi aWaWJBKWlaBsWaWSBsWSBsWSBsWSf J iBBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBBBBBBmtl 1 I BVaVBBafslvsinBfJBaBsTaBTaBBTi (m liliilatlilaisalaafTfllfTgtY- ' Celenel Charles A. Doyen i KLAMATH COUNTY LIBERTY LOAN BODY ORGANIZE ROBERT A. JOHNSON CHOSEN AB CHAIRMAN 9000 Subscribed Last Night andAnvJ uint a Mm Mmm 1 mrmmm tt STm mm 1 w w w ,-.. wm ww m wot w Possible County Chairman Hamad. Chairman Jehneen Will Devote AM, nn lime worn nwrnn xwihl Move. At an enthusiastic meeting held laat nleht at the Caaamenclal flab lanasa $i the Klamath County Liberty Loam am ecutlve Committee was organised aao plana arranged for a straewewfeaie palgn to make n good patrioMa.Bhow tag for Klamath County ta the matter waJa.aojrJUIJtJhejaltaMLanv- ernmeat at tab Uaae. Both local banks were actively reav Tf j resented at tne neeeuag.at waves kj ert A. Johnson, of the Klamath Manu facturing Company, waa selected chair man, leslie Rogers, vIce-cbAlrmaa and A tynlcal American fighting mani"" -w. '--- Cokrae! Charles a Doyen, will com- . " .J TTVV'.C JL ... -.Vt 1- . .- '..- of D. a Campbell. Cha.' J. Ferguson, trenches In France under General JohniJ" ' 8te,er' w De' ?' 9: 77-1. -!,J;i.HamUton, Dr. W. A. Leonard. Perey ment to comU the first Amto! mens, John M. Moore, John 8lentana,. Jr.. H. D. Mortensen, Mayor C'B, 4w. a- force. T-f-k naeket Kkkaa Ian na- wMOit-tejiA aHvai al.ee 1183 and la a graduate of tlJ; ?? naval academy. He was In command of the marine barrack at Washing-1 ton alaee January, 1115. He was born i in New Hampshire. September 3, 1859. In 1909 he waa In command of the marine barracks at the naval academy. Colonel Doyen has seen fighting ser vice at the head of landing parties of marines In the West Indies. He was in command of the marines aboard the Sancock stationed In Dominican waters In 1914. He waa also In action in the Philippines aad haa had experience In handling large bodies, of men on the Pacific coast. ' j.. i RED BLUFF: 6IANTS COMING KLAMATH BALL TEAM WILL PLAY CALIFORNIANS HERE ON NEXT ' SUNDAY. TO BE ENTERTAINED HERE. D. V. KuykendaU, W. Panl ( X IT ranvVaa -" BhnVxaaasCiai : cv aAUiwaui mrmmmmmt i"1 j Smith aad WlU H. Mason, jthe; latter i two being naemd as a. puhUetry ooaa- mlttee, and E. B. HalL4( -"s ' Six thousand dollar ware subacrib ed at the Ume of the aaetNianj ctatt night, and it is expected that'thla amount wUI be multiplied manyttoMa in .the next few daya. Membera of the committees will be expected to aoUcIt investment in Liberty Beada among their associates and'te-reaort success daily to the secretary, at the Commercial Club rooms, which will be the official headquarters and at which the regular business will be transacted. - Messrs. E. M. Bubb, at MerrilU.John " J Horn, at Bonanxa, Cbas, I. Wlnnek.at Fort Klamath, Edward B. Asharat at JKlamath Agency, and S. C. Hanaker t Ji nnv uwhuu ma HHua4wnr committees In their respective ' dis tricts and will be requested to further this work in every way possible. The serious aide of this question haa not been brought home to the people of Klamath In the way that it has (Continued on page 4) were asked to subscribe two hundred million dollars of this amount The response" was overwhelming aid the offering waa almost Immediately re peated with the same result. Secre tary McAdoo made immediate loans to the alllea as .follews: Great Britain, 335,000,000; France, 1100,000,000, aM Italy; 1100.000,000. A program e)ai s (Continued on Page ttf-ftf Tbe Klamath Falls baseball team will play the Red Bluff Giants on the local diamond next Sunday. The Giants are coming back after several years of no baseball at Red Bluff aad Manager Weissee .haa In formed Manager Watt that he Is gath ering up n classy aggregation of hall playera for the season aad will be right In the running for the championship honors. McCloud will be played here. June 19 and a return game at Sisaoa on June 34th. Secretary' Fred' Fleet, of the Klam ath Commercial" Club, will meat tho ballplayers at tho depot with autoa and anew them the city, for which Manager Watt desires to thank him on behalf of the etab membera, J I (Continued on page 4) WW ' f HOW LIBERTY BONDB r , ' e ARE OBTAINED. 4 the purchase of these boneanjr r "4 :i tl Blank forms of appUeaUoa.OK 4g. 1 . "... k . ... f...- --Jlm. no ontataea iron in ijeasaajv; 4 hank. any'NtloMVBUta,;-.I, 4 vata hank, and expreatTk;ad),d4V any post States. Any will aid appUeantla) blank andithf 4 iA Aavv e sary w nou M IBBfff.- -.-. -a a Afar a a A'Afc'atttrwd .'jftii, fi'j'C'?'-i:-44vi''ATt7 oBtea In tho'mUntaf.4; lay hatJtaatwaalar;jVk? llRgawwilwiJb K r i a r -, tzir f ,v , tH y-, , '.-.