,&s:uj ,Vl"tfj rfMx '';' V"itZ. Sr . t.'T' .WV. 1 si "i" i I 5ff J i tBfrg JEuettmg Hmtlli OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY vxSLT F'V' S1 OFFICIAL 5& OF KIJUTH FM: '(.& tf -.7 W&- Eleventh Year Ne. 3,112 w- . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 25, ltl7. wfitfifiSft America Must Bear Brunt of mil niinnii rniunr lll IIIITH i tun ml '""'" ' --- .,- Jl RUSSIA-FRANCE EXHAUSTED WITH II W FIGHTING ENGLAND, ONLY, HAS Lirr in war 'PUNCH' MlllUry Obeervere Report la Baale far Cenclutlene Drawn by American Mll lUry Man American People Aaath atle About Buying Llbarly Sanaa ana Recruiting, It la Declared Weet Front Headway Small. WASHINGTON, O. C, May 21 Rue- ala'a military power la tana far twa yeare. Prance'a manpower la ea haueted. These are Iba true facia on Iba war alluatlon, American military man de clared today. Tba American mllltaryobaervera' re- port It Ibair baala for thla ballaf. Tba report aaya tbat England baa a "punch" laft but tbat America muat bear tba burden. Tba irat 600,000 men lo so from Atnarlca to Europe will be but a drop In tba bucket. U U alao ao said tbat there la a general misunderstanding about tba alllea' progress tba weat where tba headway It not aa craat aa It la be lieved. America I declared to be apathetic In buying the Liberty bonda and In recruiting v KLAMATH LAND TO BE CULTIVATED UNDERJ. S. PLAN GOVERNMENT WILL ANNOUNCE PLANS SOON Socialists Name Pre-Conference Plans ., kwiwiwwwmmmm .,....,.. .wi. f. , ---i-rmnnr1nrinrvmAaaaarLiuuiAnrt en Klamath Project Ameng Thaaa Which Productive Landa ta be In created III In Congress Carrlea Appropriation of $5,000,000 far Work. Klamath Project Lined Up With California Prejecto. 1917 CLASS GET DIPLOMASTONIGH T LARGEST CLAM IN HISTORY OF INSTITUTION WILL HIAR AD. DRESS BY M. S. PITTMAN OF MONMOUTH COLLEGE. The fourteenth annual comemnee- ment exercises of the Klamath County Hitch School will be held tonight at I o'clock at Houaton'a Opera Houae. The claaa thla year, consisting of forty-six members, la the largest claaa lo aver graduate In one year from thla Institution, daaplte the fact that a number of aenlora have laft achool to Join tba army and navy ranka of Uncle Bam. " M. 8. Plttman, of the extension ser- vlco of the Monmouth Normal School, will give the addreaa of the evening, Mr. Plttman' la one of the prominent educator In the State and an Inter ting apaakar. The presentation of the diplomas to he membara of the claaa will be made by R. O. aroebeck, city attorney. The Opera House Is being decorated today and special arrangemente are being wade for thla event. The program la aa follews: I'nirlotlo Ovorture . High School Orchestra '""''"Men Rev. W. B. llainbo Vunl Solo ,Wln J.-W 8ACIIAMKNTO, Cal , May 24-Wlth- In the next few week the federal gov ernment plans to take steps to put all of the uncultivated lamia In the govern ment reclamation districts within the border of California under cultivation, Word to thla effect was brought to California yesterday by Ktwood Mead. chairman of tba atate rural credits commission, who haa returned from Washington where he consulted with Secretary of the Interior franklin K. Ijine on tha detail f the plan to bring many thousand acres mora Into culti vation In thla atate. Three big projects In California and Oregon will be affected by Secretary line's declalon to Increase the pro ductiveness of the government's Irrlga tlon project. They are the Orland project, which I located In Olenn County; the Yuma project, In Southern California and the Klamath project, part of which lie In thin Mate. Mead estimate that about 700..000 acre of land, now provided with water but not under cultivation, will be af fected by the activities of the depart ment of the Interior. , In addition to the three project above named, the Truckee Carson pro ject In Nevada will have It product ivenes doubled. According to Professor Mead, there Is now a bill pending In Congress, In troduced by Congressman Taylor of Colorado, which provldea for tba ln creased production of food In the gov ernment reclamation project. The bill carries a 15,000,000 appropriation, It would authorize the secretary of the Interior to prepare unentered land for the production of crops by clear Ing, leveling and Improving them to the extent deemed necessary to In sure the utilization of the lands for crop purposes. Although the provis ions of the bill would apply broadly lo the entire United States, California and the other states on tne western coast, would receive tho chief benefits under Its provisions, "Secretary Lane is doing everything In hla power to encourage Increased nnvturtlon." said Mead yesterday. "He thinks the settler should be assisted in nutting their lands under cultlvn tlon. The war with Germany and the need for Increased production baa nee eaaltated thla step, which otherwise mlsht not have beon taken up for years." Mead aaya it Is Secretary Lane's plan to put the actual administration work In this state in tne nanus oi enable Callfornlans. Definite an nouncement aa to who will have, charge of the work will probably be maae aa Latest Photo of American Beauty, Wife of a Member of British War Council rFaaaae.ej ;- ujfror B&ng&?. In accordance with the custom of the Nation in appointing and observ ing a day of tribute to the departed, I hereby proclaim Wedneaday the 30th day of May, 1917, as Memorial Day, requesting our cltltens to cease from their usual occupations, aaaemble, and join In the paying a Just and liberal meed of praise, reverential respect and affection to the memory of our dead. I especially request that our business bouse close during the exercises pro- i I tiS&SmWi&l a vXmummLfM&um mBgsaaaaaaaafKMaS wi J9uEVz&WvMiL ' .tfj MxfSmmzzSZilfMim ''aw0SmKfSSl 'T&mTmSkmW&!mEMSkwM HaBRIf'l . ". VI .f'T. II 4KHW .J , ta? s iT TxrMr Bfr aawBaSRaj sSMUmmZaEmmi This I the latest photograph of Lady Cunon, wife of Lord Cureon of Kedteslon, who was Ml Hind, laughter of J. Munroe Hinds, Ameri can MlnlMer to Uraxll. "She waa the widow or Alfred Duggan of Duenus Ayre when she married Lord Cur ton. The fact that hi first wife, Mary Victoria loiter, wa a daughter of l.ei 7. Ielter of Chicago haa ma-le Mm or particular Interest to Ameri can. Iord Cunon I not only a member of the war council which di rect tho operation or the British armlet, bue he 1 the government leader in the Houxe or Lord. COMMITTEE ON SPY BILL AGREE; CENSOR CM IN PRESIDENT TO DESIGNATE WHAT MAY BE PUBLISHED iri. rtfk'i "''T 36iA'4' 4 .i. &A 1-1 -J.-I t?sl , 'i ' 1 : LW.V.- -.JWw Wilfully" Publishing Any Information Useful to Enemy or Respecting Movement of Troopa Punlehabla With Fine of $1,000 Jury Trial Pro videdAccident Investigations Are Wanted. ELKS TO OBSERVE PEACE DEMANDS ANNUAL FLAG DAY GIVEN OUT TO HURTMEETW6 PATRIOTIC ORDERS OF CITY AND PUBLIC WILL .BE INVITED TO ATTEND CEREMONIES TO BE HELD JUNE 14. .$ w i it rJi . c m?z ; ' . :iv. tVjJTlsaaX' K'&UK. i" ? "?? ianMiAj aa.ja.j- vvxawit Mayor Crisler Issues 1 Memorial Day Proclamation WASHINOTON, D. C. May 25 Tba House and Senate conference mltteea formally agreed on the apy bill today including the censorship clause. ine cenaoramp clause provldea a fine of $1,000 for "wilfully" pabUahJaa; any information useful to an esei or respecting any "xaoveateat. maaa- bers, eejujpaent. descritioar dteye slUon of armed forces in tha United ; SUtea." or respecting any defeaa The clause empowers the President t dtblinatr whn iuformstlon .til be "useful to the enemy" and provides that a Jury trial shall decide the ques tion of "wilfull" publication and alao whether such, publication waa "useful to the enemy." Committee have been named for the a P. O. EElks No. 1217 Annual Flag Day exercises which will be held by every Elk lodge in the country on Thursday, June 14. The exercises here will be held in tba ftvMiinv. .',' Aa the American flax is the Elk's emblem, thla order takes special pride at thla time ia making Ita services patriotic. They will be conducted pub licly and the otter patriotic orders of the city will be invited to join with them la the ceremonies. A Portland aaawker will be brought Here for the oeeaaloa to make the principal addreaa Complete annoonce- meata will be xtjade later. t The eoaaasjUeaa appointed by Exalt ed Ruler, W. O. Smith, are aa follews: Proe?aai.aVi;$- Ball. .Leslie Rogers, and H, R. Olaiyaer: MueicL. W. Me- hatey. Wlllard Smith and J. E. Bod Ai i a iigeaniBtB,- Oeear Lsrsoai,v-lC-J. Llacoia and Fred Fleet '-Ai ,-w SCANDINAVIAN SOCIALISTS TELt. OF SUGGESTIONS " ' Tells America What Army Needs in France Leave Settlement ef Alaaea Leralwe Problem u be Settled Ulav'WMaai Wlll Net Meet With Frane) lata Aaproval Idaaa en War Aalme Will Alee Fhaal praval Among Delegate;. i, -i, A -fe ' STOCKHOLM, May visa aociallata aanoaaeed the ing peace suggeatloaa today tory to the Stockhohai aeciallata: Serbia. Monteasgio aad it. . ... nh mm f.j m 5ft . , .i.S"r; ffl.II .1 .. "8a. .: , il w iti laasjaV ft I t. iCir Sfl 'va - fi .sCA.'SJl vtM jzm Bsbbb Sffc- trtm mr -i.i& JTer1HaitW or alawWliiJnB' to fHtarc MttlMMl: z XHTtl U&A ff . ' j Tt .rTf-. juk ue psniawjaata ax S5JS, 'im Tided for the afternoon. I urge our citizens with one accord to evidence at thla time their loyalty to our Nation by personally attending and participat ing in the parade and program of the day, thus manifesting their reverence for those who have served the Nation, and by their presence pledging an ac tive and patriotic allegiance toNour Country's present cause. C. B. Crisler, Mayor. WITH THE GREAT AMERICAN FLEET UNITED PRESS WRITER TELLS OF PREPARATIONS AND WORK UN DER WAY IN PREPARING AMER ICA FOR WAR. By CARL D. CROAT (United Preaa Staff Correspondent) WITH THE AMERICAN GREAT FLEET, May 25 America's great fleet for the moment la a human factory- grinding out gun crews by the score. Boys from every comer of the hud, many of whom never aaw a gun bigger than a Fourth of July pistol, are get ting cured of "gun ahyness," are learn- t'tlutnioiy Nova IVnjj'it -" i"' Vf.l Itoh , Clni'd'n H;ln': WlUm, Aiidic,H f.r tin) llvnnlng. M. 3. rlUitm.t' -e!oeto:in .:. Senior Claw Octot Valedictory ?. Minjory lolrll I'lCHontiitlon of lilplomm Atty, It. C Oiooiilr',lt "fnctllrtlun Hov. Oeo. II. Humiott tl d Mil h signed by President ng to point, sight and Sre big guna, ruina From.Cehool. MAY POLICE TOWN TO STOP LIQUOR SALES vmn which merchant craft raltaa fori ck'li'w o ukkIubI (ionnany'a submarines, Uoa by tho tbouiiaud are Icumlm; turns striplings Into men, and men Into giants. Most of those aboard are boys, but not all. There" a grandfather ensign. There's a Wall street broker, scrub bing decks and polishing brass. Tbero la a Buffalo businessman. 'There are college lads, bos out of grammar school folks out of every walk of life, to whom the lure of tho sea and the call of patriotism sound louder than aught else. This is the story of three day with the fleet Later we shall see those great hulks by day and' by night, a eight to thrill the moat blase. We shall go with the men Into their dally work and play, their waking and their Bleeping, but WASHINOTON, D. C. May 25 Sen ator Frellnghuyaen, of New Jersey, in troduced a resolution today demanding senatorial inquiry Into the recent ac cidents aboard American ablpa due to defective ammunition, specifying the Mongolia accident The Senate finance committee haa received from the tariff commiaaloa a list of articles auggeated for removal from the free list and also recommen dations Increasing the duty on other commodities to meet the war cost. I. O. O. F. LODGE ELECTS AND INITIATE TONIGHT Election of officers will be held to night by the I. O. O. F. lodge of this city and a class of candidates from Merrill will alKO be Initiated. 8neclal arrangements are made for an interesting meeting and a large number of members are expected to be present, especially on account of the Interest in lodge circles this week with the state meeting In session at Eugene. (Continued on Page 2) OF P'S CLOSE REDDING MEETING REDDING. May 25 After a bust neaa aeaalon of the Pythian Sis ter and Knlghta of Pythlaa today, the grand lodge meeting of thoae orders vlll erne to a close tonight in the MurtU Ciuh ball, t!o cloolnn fenturo Las Darcy Dice. MEMPHIS. TENN., May 35 Lea Darcy. the Australian middleweight, died yesterday from pneumonia, which led to complications including kidney and stomach troubles. Three Robbera Killed. ARDMORE. Okla., May 25 Three men in attempting to rob the Tuscka homa, Oklahoma, bank were killed yes terday during a gun battle which followed. Recruiting Oflkera Hart. Two recruiting oBcera, one for tha martnea and the other for the army, BACKS HAIIBOn. Nov Voik, Mav 21 Lieutenant Colonel Bamplo hnu i..nt to nluce the town under Mlou Murlol Btanablo has returnwl martial law unless tha ealoons quit fm ."pandlnj; a - htii.am1 palling liquor to mwnbarn of the of- itpcu' rcn twining cump. frcm .'-pending a yen i H moil Mult itt k these and many other leonons which cf ,ll0 wecki Tho ,,eoplo ot Heading nro h ho city thla week. The army shull make them hotter men,, men luivo ivuJo oiaho-nlt) p'ann for thlsi rcciullln:; olliior avrhed hut night. with tho stuff that eutara into herolum event which I expected to prove one ond national vigor. For three days 1 ot ino n," no"B' wmK nas ww have seen Uncle Sam', grim dread- MJ0rrow B, 1000 yMon wh0 naughtft with their men at wortt and tuvo vof tho wr eU' here will leave at play a well balanced program that ! fai rfy -. , Lumber Company Hires Women REDDING, May 29 The, Weed lum ber company haa replaced twenty-one men In tbo box factory with women, the men having enlisted In the army. WT gggggggggggV , la . ggggggggggV d"J I sgfgBr A gggggggggggXJgggggggggnV . iSJBBsBBbIbbbbbbbbbbOBBBBK '1:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI XamBBeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBBBaBBeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBBBBBBBK IHsbbbbH mmwBm Lleutenant-General O. T. M. Brtdgaa la the ehtef military authority accom panying Arthur J. Balfour to the United St.Uc.t, Ho has been busy la Washington telling members of tha General Staff and the secretary ot war how' to' prepare any' .American army for service in the tre,",-- t,l France. v wi it nations to work for peace, ment and arbitration; ' " irf This announcement haa leaaeaoi tke) r , chancea of the aociallata to plish anything at their the Bulgarians demand that nebmrja. Macedonia be reeetablialMel'aael. taa ,A' French socialists, although sat ittm$ Ing the conference, demand the) ttAmaLJ-Jyl r.i; t, '? w5i, of Alaace-Loralne. . V5I v .'iP LIBERTY kW fitjl ..t sin, 1-. -tS3 t A it uw iv '(-C-i-JS 7 BODY 10 FORM t vrfl f 'rtB m '-& '.X MEETING WILlt-BE HELD" AT COal. MERCIAL C&IB MONDAY NMM4T rut,. ?A V HELD VITAL TO CAUSE? x TO ORGANIZtw SUBSCRIPTtOMB HI A meeting will be held at HwTCoaxr. merclal Club Monday nlght'at sVetoat for the organisation of a Liberty t Committee In thla city for the purpeee) " or selling these Goverameat aaeavMaas for the support of the GeverasaeeH la the war." -i it f The First National Bank: of thla ettr haa received the tollowlag telegram .j from the Liberty Loaa aeammaaac rA I A . K 5I ?i r, Oregon, of Portland; A. Kaiaa, Oar- ernor of the Federal Reaerva Baak;. F. L. Myers, President of the Staia d Bankers Association, aad A. L. MUai .rb Chairman "of the Portland -Ubarty (J4i Loan Cemmittee: V; 3; 'SM "Will you organise a coaaaUttoa eoaM? i.i At 1 - .- 1JV.1 iiuW: suung o un imh u jwrmn,!' ana me pnncipai men vt yeaar mammm " 1 ltv to collect subscriBtleatafor taa IMh''A erty Loan and to enagerato, weMtffi'-i similar committee UJt$l'' "it h viiai law 7as'aBBmpriNBIHgB, fort, to tlr.Ti.tfnWy&BVaam- ) ao matter how amairtlM 'ajatSBaa;'". fl II..U. vaabAtaaaM. UT VT mmmwm.mmmm- mmmwt -i-J .. . ... u.. S'ir-.Tiv rw .1, , 1 thla cowmmoe. " ""!? 12"." It Is reUablr sUted taat'akW tata $500 bus been' sucrta , far (rs Liberty Loan. vtUU r ..--'- 1. '. i a t '',? 1 & l Jliv mm? J 4iy '