L'4 J j as K fe .. THE EVENING HEKALD. KLAMATH FALL1, OREQON THUMOAV, MAY H f , 111? m 3ESmSCS3mZSmIZCS!E ij m. Il r I 4 if i, l l I-.?' m 14- Ifc I. fej lm jfc ;3m, K.iS -" 'fJfrf.K. .t . 2JFir lii"V- 6J 9JT. .ZV'tf t IrilT a4JL , jr. v a IS9- I lJ) r. - 1 Tfv sS -mapwa TktEvMrnifHrld W. O. SMITH, Edi tor hfe, at til Fearth Mmt MM M tttt fMtoOM at aQesBBU. fMte,OW ,lf tTlllMlllIll through aba aril ilia km ay mt to aay Mm to tka Catted KMii o rear tiw OmmU M KUMATH C0UN1Y NEWS (Klamatk County Special Service).. NIW HOMESTEADERS WT UP TINT ANO CROPS IN SHASTA VIEW. Mar 14 Many of the bow kometteedera are busy putting up (mU aad koHM preparatory to puttlag in crop. m SHASTA VltW SCHOOL TO IVE PROGRAM FRIDAY THURSSAY, MAYM, 1S17 .e. .. t HensfsCkHiMJUn. WJ BJBBBajBamB BaBmmymmmjBB'SFaBB 4B) amama aj mmm HELP WANTED OUtL WANTED General housework. Small family. Good wages. Apply Herald. -5t XMMMMWiW)MIM SALS FOR IUTB Jut payug betel bau mm. 'ftrMMMUw writ No. CSS Herald oHce. il-tt FOR Wi BALK Two hkp. Yalta siagle phase Garage. IMt Wi lALETwe"lkuoaa yarde SHASTA VtEW. May 34 Tke Skaa- U View aeaoot la busy wltk tests tkla weak aad preparing for a brief pro gram for Friday, May 35. Mies Shaffer, tke prtiaary teacker will leave tor Callforata soon aftor Mbool closes. .. m FARMERS WORK IARLY AND LATt RUT RAINS HELP SHASTA VtEW, May 34 The raaeh era ara working early aad lata patttag la crepe as tt ia getUag lata. kt tka raiaa are keepteit tka ground la Sat shape. CHILOQUIN PERSONALS CHILOQUIN, May S4-Mr, Martin U kre from KkUMtk Falls vtsltlag kit daughter. Mrs. K. C llosley. Elmer Merrill. Anderson t kaa returned to George Harden waa looking ovar kta stock. up thU wwk Mr. aad Mra. Ckas. Martin are visit lag relatives at Cklloqula. SHASTA VIEW PERSONALS SHASTA VIEW. May SM). M. Strewbridge. O. E. Haat aad W. W. Bailey were la Honiara Saturday wkea 1 - ...I hie homestead. Saaday Mr. Strew. . - bridge returaed wltk kla family to all koaeekold!0"WB". Muire at -i 1 W .. A m n. s num man nuaiiy speai an Saaday wltk C M. Kirkpatrlck aad family. i'5' y?1 OB SALE-Meat aeU aada kr Fttday .ami 4M Stxtfc. etaeet er id.: ' i 173-R. 9t-St TOM. SALS OR TRADE tltl caUn la ek. ! Srat daaa coadiUoa. Ap- aly Heralds 13-lt WOU SALE Amerieaa Adding Ma- ekiae. Coat I37.S0; aaed 8 month. til tf taken ulck. J. M. Watklaa, TttL 22-St TO SALS At low caak price ftre- MltekeU car la good Call at 22S Foartk street or ISM. M-Jt rOSSALB- J. Fraak Adama vtaltor mat week. waa a Cbtloquln William 8keea kaa ckarae of the kotel at Cktloaula. He kaa put a coat of palat oa tka kulldlag, muck Iraprov lag It Dance la Given. CHILOQUIN, May 14-Tke ladlaa dak gave a dance here May 19. A large crowd ateaded, a aumker coming down from Ft. Klamatk. Alt reported kavlag a good time. SPUD AND GRAIN PLANTING IS ORDER OP THE DAY LOCAl MAN GOES TO MICHIGAN HAS TWO POSITIONS, ONE WITH ASRICULTURAL COLLEQE AND OTHER IN COUNTY WORK WAIT. INO. O. 1. Oregg, Dclencc Instructor at tke Klamatk County lllgk Sckool e pecla to leave this week for Michigan where he kaa two poalllona In view. One Is 'wltk the extension depart' ment of tka Michigan Agricultural col lege aad tke other la a county agrlcul tural agency. He has not yet decided wklck one he will take. Mr, Uregg, came kere from brants Pa., this being kls sec ond year kere and his sixth la Oregon. Doth positions mean a considerable advancement la reiuuneratloa over his present position. Mr. Gregg came to Oregon from Michigan aad tke eaaaty position la la kla home county. Mr. Pagyr. who Urea a mile west of Shasta View schoot. Is going to Montana soon. F. M. Strowbridge went to Skipping- ton recently where ke kaa work la oae of tke Mills. OlUe MarUa kaa kla crops la aad kaa goae to work for tke Pelican Bay Lumber Compear. fnesaa motorcycle, almost at UK, will aeU for flW. Iron Works or see J. O. Baardaliy. 24t LATINO BENS FOR SALE-Oae year was, I7.M a darn old pallets aad triers far Sfc Sanaa. F. W. Riggs. Bieea Ad- u , it rtr VJCevwl Vtww"Pl1i We aW CHILOQUIN, May 14 Tke Klamatk Agency school will dose oa May 15 i accouat of tke kiga coat of living. ORINDALE, May 24 Spud planting aad grata sowtag la tke order, of tke day la Orladale. ' ) Peneea Hla Place. ORINDALE, May 24 Mr. Mumford kaa kla place almost fenced, which job he kaa keen working on for the past week or ten days. Meet Saturday Night ORINDALE. May 24 Tke regular monthly meeting of the Southwest Klamatk Farmers' Development lea gue will be held at the Plevna sckool kouse Saturday night at 8 o'clock. July 41k plana will be discussed. ORINDALE PERSONALS ORINDALE. May 24 T. A. Cregan kaa been plowing potato land for C. G. Haat for tka past two or three days. -. f FOR SALE 4 acres land all under ostttratiesvfeaced, irtU ke aaelgaar. i Dairy Statloa. Price fl5.M nu R. E. SMITH REALTY CO. FOR SALE Hatching egga from pare karred rock hens. All mi mat O. A. C, prise laying stock. Write, eall or paoae Mrs. O. A. Thooi IsenllLflaVcaau per netting. Delivery extra. 284t MtlCXLLANBOUS NWMMItWMIVImNM MMKMMWAW CAB FOR HIRB Pboaa Meesa BU- 111, Jltaey Joe or Me- Hard Farlar, Cake. K-lsu f Ebb?Ik THEATER THURSDAY AND PRIDAY Tag Wnrtk of Caetaa Meer A draasa wltk a tremeBdoua kuman appeal la three parts. Purple Mask Fifth Batsode. A blsxe la midair. Tw aarta. Leva me, Leva My Slscult UBlversal joker Comedy ADMISSION TEN CENTS Good Roads for Oregon By E. J. ADAMS The HeraM will run dally "aba dearest, meet readable and meat In formative document of the Oregon Oeed Reads campaign aa the be low haa been termed, written by E. J. Adama of Bug one, and state highway cemmlaalener. "A simple explanation of the $4,000,000 bend Ing act Busetlene answsred replies te ebjectieae etatlstlce annly-' aasr eaye C. C Chapman, editor of the Oregon Vetsr. "The measure discMsed In ita relation te aawtlns read legislation and the whole read situation aa H faaea the people of Oregon, at the special election, June 4, 117. NOTICE Anyone having ac account against the Klamatk Iron Works, la reaueated to preseat same at once. Dated May 18. 1S1T. , KLAMATH IRON WORKS. 18-61 Chlleete eaa save you Money aa tHf and country property. I Donrer Rttttltf Httse 88 Mala Street First-class rooms for traasleat or permanent roomers. BE PRETTY TORN GRAY HAIR DARK TRV tlRANDMOTHKRH OLD KA- VOR1TK MICIrK Or HAflM TKA ami Hitu'nim Almost everyone known that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to tka hair when faded, gray or streaked. Years ago tka only way to get this mixture waa to make It at home, wklck la musay and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drugstore for "Wyetha Sage and Sul. phur Compound," you will get large bottle of tkla famous old recipe, Im proved by tka addition of other In gredlenta, for about SO cents. Don't stay gray! Try Itt No one can possibly tell Ibat you darkeaed your'kalr, aa It done K so naturally aad evenly. You dampen a sponge or aoft hrutk wltk It, aad draw tkla through your hair, taking oae aaukll straad at a time; ky merutag tka gray kalr disappears, nad after aaotkar aa. plication or two, your kalr becomes beautifully dark, glossy aad attract. Ive. Wyetk'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound la a delightful toilet regulalte for taose wko desire dark kalr aad a youtkfal appearance. It la not la teaded for the cure, mitigation or preveatloa at dlseaae. Adv. FIVE TIMBS TAX INCREASE (q) Our Meade propose, aa af sub stitute, that we lacrosse the direct property tax for road jmrpeaea from OBO-auarter of a mill to oae aad one smarter mills. Tkla la uafslr for tke vary reaaoa that assay a small ha owner gets bo use of the roads at all aad tkla weald multiply his road tax by Sve times. Tke bulktiag of Oregoa roads should be placed oa tke shoulders of tkoa wko wear tkam out aad beaelt by them. That la Just wkat tkla provision HCMJSTON'cl H iidMdEdfeUk AflldlMIIMIlta ft3 BBBmwaswasBmBBaBBiBnmBmaBaamBBasBBBmBBaasmaaH HOUSTON OP1KA HOUSE 1TAE THEATER Trlaagle Fine Arts Presents Beetle Lava -in - "Nina the Flower Girl" A OrippUg Story of Love and Adven ' 'tare ia Ive parts and a ', r' Trkagte Ceasedy' "BONDS NOT NEEDED:" (r) They also toll us that "our present Highway. caauaisslOB will have about 11.000.000 aaaually to aae If tbese bonds do not carry." j This, again, la aa erroneous state- meat The Highway CoaaUsatoa will bava bo money at all to ate If tkla boad bill does not prevail, except to cooperate with the Oovenuaeat ia the construction Of post aad forest roads aad, as. I have stated, the forest roads are built by the Ooverameat aad the, State simply contributes Its oae- they sum up their defease by saying "the people of this State eaa better afford to move slowly than embark upon a piaa wkteh may lead to wre ed komeo and rained fortuaea aad may take tka bread from kaagry gaoatha.' Oreat guaa aad little sokes! What a horrible picture to face! Wrecked homes! Ruined fortuaea! Starving children! All this If anything should happen that the automobile license fees should fall to pay ese nds. What are the facts: If every other source of Income should be shut oB aad we were ab solutely forced to pay oB tbese bonds and the interest by a direct property tax, it, would amount to forty-two one Good Watches AND Jewelry Even if Direct Tax it would only 42 cento oa 11.000 Value A Nebie Fraud TH1ATI1 Itllu'vi'S UIA1.I1 Ameriea's Leadtag Actor with " Mary Cnarteeen ! , aaTyM .. '' ' "Uttle Sbaet time; 1 hour, 15 mln. The post roads are built by tke State, accordlag to speeUUatloas fur nished by the Oovemmeat This Is practically the limit of road building ia the State if the boada do aot prevail. Therefore, a .state meat suck aa this is misleading and not correct ' PROVISION FOR MAINTENANCE is; They taea complain that "ao provision has been made for aula. teaaace." Ia reply to this, I beg to call your stteatioa to Section 11 of the State Highway Code, which already provides for the maintenance of all Slate roads, Therefore, Updoes not become neces sary to repeat in this bill a law that la hundredths of a mill per year to pay the principal and interest; or, in other words. 42 cento for each 11,000 as sessed value. Is it possible that such aa added burden as this will lead Ore goa to wrecked homes aad ruined for tunes and starving children T If ymt want te asll or trade, see Chll eete. g A aupply of the celebrated Jass Bead Records at Shepherd PUao Do- POL ift-ar ' "We solicit this work on tke basis of thorough, satisfaction. We know better parts aad ma terials than we use are not made Many years of actual work In repairing watches, and checking up the timekeeping performance of the watch after being repair ed, hare taught us how to under take any Job brought to us with the certainty that It will be done In the,bet possible manner. Our prices are alwaya a fair and reasonable charge. Frank M. Upp Jeweler rr 411 Mala Street OSlclal 8. P. WatcJt Iasaeeter MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KINOEYS TAKB SALTS TO PLUSHy KIDNEYS IP BACK HURTS OR BLADDER BOTHERS H yea asset have year asaal every day. eattthBtgaek year kJdaeyawHk aaka siaaslnailly, aaya a My who telle aa that aseat aiaaV whlek aJassei aaialjsea th kjg la their affarta to expat R load. Tkey keaswM alagamfe weakea, tkea yea auBer wltk a adsery la tka kldaey raglea. aharp palBa la tka kaak ar alak sNtadaaha, dsa yoar slsaaaik aoara, taagaa la coated aad wkea tka weather la kave rkeamatle to uriae goto cloady, fall at cnaanels oftea get sore aad Irritated, obUgtag yea to seek relief tws ar tkree tlmea dartag tke alght To aeutraMae tbese lrritatlag aetaa. to cleaaaa tka kldaeya aadfSaak off tke hodyw arlaoaa waste get four oaaeaa of Jad Salts from aay ahanaaey kere; take a tablespooaful Ia a glaaa of wa ter before breakfast for a few daya aad yoar kldaeya will tkea act Sao. Ibla famous salta la made from the add of grapes aad limoa Julee, eoas- Maed wltk Utkla, aad haa beea ased for geaeratioaa to Sank aad stlmalate slugglsklUd4eys,aJMtoBeatraBaetke adda la arlae, aa K aa longer Irritates, tkaa eadlaa kladdar weakness. Jad Salta la tBaxpeaalve; eaaaet la rare, aad asakea a deUghtfal eeat Iltkla water driak. Adv. Neolin Woart Belter Than Leather We carry a complete line of tka new Sbre sollag and heels In white, black or tan. We make a specially of repairing ladles' while shoes. We are prepared la da all klada of repair work try tka modern atetheda. sMMfl uM bMMc Tke Exclusive Store for Mea aad Boya v TBI MAIN STRKBT Passengers aiiuDaggatt ii Awm hi tke Qy (ttUScrrkT ReasftiaHe hhi PHONE 187 Western Traitfe Company mmm ZMaxWi ?tl Costs Little to Run f Maxwafl awners r:a tissir saws ft to $S a aaalk, BagsajgS Umi MsRwall ia snechaa issttrifflst Tka rami awtogaasOa la the gaechan wmarw yw eaa't tea it Maawall amccls aa a ties champion, car made iaaspaMive to CJFr3 Klamatk Lodge No. 117, 1. 0. 0. F., meeta Friday algfcts. W. D. Cofer N. a.. P.: Nate Otterbeta. secretary. Bwanaa Bneampmeat No. 41. meeta Tueaday Blgat. r. u rouauia, c. P.; u J. Beaa, Krtse. Car $685 Roadster - - 650 AM arseee -ev b. OefrWf. Wlialiar fw tewa ar country tta tka Maswall Isfficslly U yaur car. '&- Howie Garage ft - I have the exclusive sale of nr ttd farme and ranches. weff Chll. t OPCTA HOUglLird p, fcook., rtM& AVBSATlTRtUTS Ore Bay j aasaBI saBRajprnj ayaBBBBBpafBRj FINAL BLAST - TRIUMPH (t) As a Saal blast of triumph ia their effort to befuddle aad mislead the voter, appaaMag to his prejudiaee aad katfgd aatfeajr. tkaa to hla reaaea, KLAMATH Accessory Store NOW 0EN 'OR SUIINtlg LARSB STOCK OF TIRES, TUBES,. 0AS, OIL and ACCESSORIES Frag Air Phone 171 maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWmaaaaaaaaaaal at f F(BMVBllWflsy I TostGrGaoclb Z BBWfl BsBNU nsamMassW aBBmaaaaae amde) iat aBbmBm BBBmLBmvmwBKBBBBBBBBBBBBsmBBBBBBt 1 a saw amamBemaj BRmjwaw7 amaaf BB WwBVBSBBB fBmTmYF SJI msMstetginMsi ilSr." BVltBBBI tW g isys aw V. S Sanaa sf tusswrn. WPL Clj I f."jH pshws riir.Hw.ms self mt am. bs' HPCaswSI ICmBmf BBB ewamai BBsweaawBPBBal aBBamapaammay rngg VSBBSpBK BBBBBBBJ BBBL r?ffil j ft -iTS iffi1' ""' '"" HvbBo4MefaaBBf H 9 HPSapwl wBwBBSBMf flSBv HMM BBsS RS IbMNW fdfRTsf w aa. BL obibs ytseTCrs yti imeg, esbnbm sasg MbiIobbIIsbBBI H, Itw'asSleg palms lei assy Hsraag. ambsm BBaj7ZjTvJ lkT wimwSwwlnV H N sasewi em iismw as uabwbm aasla of .kfff (Y BBbbbb bSBBBSmt MMMftmmBBl kgaamMBBBSl ffaf BaHfaaahadUBmai bbbbBb J J m shmlmdai mmBr'sssisuaWar - -- -- 'a"S-r H jr" J "" I lT,p", "dV a fjf fBfBJ VfwWmV ITfM' . BSmV BbbbbI If M tTAJfOARDOtLCOadPAIfir I y m aMwressui , IByMsmBl IBbbW InffgTfBuBBmVflzLBBBBUBff IIK'BBBBBsr AW 'BBBBmBai 1st Key it Sieoen la a savlaga aeeouat. llaurdous specttlatloa may' make oae ataa la a kaadrod rich, but It aiakee the other alaetyalae pear. The safe way la to aavee, and let your money, earn money. Year fuaea deposited la oar care will 'draw 4 par east, will be absolutely safe, aad at youi disposal at all times.- ( FIRST STATE A SAVINGS BAH KLAMATH FALLS, tMUKrON ; . B1JbbBBBKSSBBBBBBbbb tMlMMMIMMMagiaggaMMMIIMIlM'V.'VVn Keep Your Kidneys weu , ackgthg g eulte a eemmen eemaUInt' aad la wutily MS; d ....w mwmnwfm lusaBBatJ Dent aaaleat mm uTkmM, .. i.iau nia ataw Isad to etrleaf asv. ireuhlaa. Mm r mUti. Mmmm '' , ....... mw, wmww, -in.." ,&KVi. NYALS KIDNEY rUUS n g combination f vetabia aradueU peeullariy mm,.Z&'J- ...w.nww ww ihiiii t Mti swaweye ene. "" , " "WWcl! . ... . . :" w rt- -.-- th 1 Mr-a A"T.i luoH KLMvmTWAomm meaamK masiiB,iBJMi wmtgr ' WWWewlBw 1 I a. "'1 y 13; j i. 5Jl-".";'r' - 'Jr., -rr.7 ,: ' " ' .'y- J ' '! -