mim ' ', aw iin -F- ir,:iT, fiAA ".. sl , it? 'Al TlrijE & -fl A t 1 iEiummn Hprnid o ' , rS"t-'5v- Pf lOfflCIAL NEW1PAFBR OFFICIAL NEWIPAPBX KLAMATH COUNTY 1j OF AMUM A XI . W 1 XI iB'Jito'a-, V Vft-HftW w . v "wl'l ;&! IHVtnth Year-N. Mil KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917. w PriMt'Pfv CmM 'F-W;:i'i&. . & Mil (SHIP L w iK IN BATTLE WITH AUSTRIANS fctKILLID IN AIR RAID LAST NIGHT Warring Nations Are Active- Q. . . . i"rriiriririnnnni- - -- - " & tlM Kmmy CrulMr Burning laid le Havt n Cause Announce That t,SSS Pfie- Takn After Ten Heura Bam- -Holt In Austrian Line 14 IMn Una-Jimland Captured. IWfOON, May It It waa announce! lay tut Qermnn alrsblpa raided the i rout of England lat nlxtit blM bomb and killing ana par. "" -rrri-wwtru-truvuuuui JAP DESTROYERS AIDING ALLIES LOVO CECIL TELLS COMMONS THIV ARK WORKING IN NORTH PACIFIC. SUB WARFARE SEINO. STARVED OUT. " " nnn-nri.-.-in.T.TTAaruxn.n.n-ui.-uui.T.irLXixKj r IfWftimut" to property we "neall British aeroplane purmied th ttto flrltlnh throne, Ik; but tt rnlilrra enraprd. LONDON, May 21 "Jnpanene de etroyern arc assisting (be Ilritlnh navy abroad." Acting Foreign Mlnlntcr lird Cecil told Ibt Home of Common to day. II added tbat tbt Japan eminent are cooperating In tha north Pacific In work "of vrat Importance to tha allied cutine." Admiral I.ord Rerenford. "peaking nt a luntln-nn, dcclnml that the nub ntarlna menace baa not been removed yet, but ttiat tlio dancer In being atanred out. Ita declared that although the war In i changing many government", the Kn nllnh King wan never more iccuro on lAXIXJK, Mny H-Tlio admiral! waxed totUy thai (ho ItrltUh t TnnylvanlB, formerly a trari Uttc Hum, wan torpedoed May 4lti , ill men drowned. at lost Include the captain, ten icror, 373 toldlera and twenty-nine !WOi DEMAND : WAR DEPARTMENT hiis, May 34 it la officially an that the Krenck destroyer an nunk by a mine during ami battle between Auatrian, htk, rtrillnh and Italian warship, nrty two membera of tha craw have raxued. liter the battle an enemy eralaar earned to be burning. lOME. May :4-Tbe Italian war of. iktrtanonunced today tbat follow. I Ha bourn of a tarrUk bombard the Itnllana broka thraagh tba anao linen in tb. Carao region w4 Jamland aad t.OM nriaonora, laole ban been lorn In tha eaeny'a from Cantngnavlita to tka aea, a of fourteen allaa, aaya tha (ICKLE TEAM TO PLAY CHICO UTRY OUT CACK HINLtV ON H!R WAY TO KLAMATH -ALL! WDOUkLI HKAOIR ON NtXT WAY. m Arbucklo AlMMda.nall tean, PjPlH the Klanuth raUa team "Wo header harf nazt Sunday nd afternoon, will play "tka Trolley leagua team tolorrow Woon on their way nra, urtvlni ' oauru.y nlibU, t , "lame ut Chloo will bw aUtad at vco KxpoalUon. Maaaiw Potar. ''the Almonda annonncaa tnat " alley or Hotaaa ef tka Unlvar -Hfornla, will U 4d-4 U kia Jf ! W kara. , , y 1, hfi Wrllafta fjHUi' n VWanallakia California InaUtutlM tf Mrntaf '"on, winning agalnat aaaaa rary ' ,emn among wkkk waa tka -fya. flttaburg, Olympic eluk and kUay baa play'W g-i ball hi wrwmnto Wtntar;Lawaad 'young la ga44ang aama witk - fooa atut.-writt. ' e Ct;!i AK FOR AN OROANIZATION TO FKKO, HOUSK, CLOTHE AND OIVK MEDICAL AID TO WAR MOTHER AND CHILDREN. NEW YOIIK, May U Uadore of Ibe Women' National Service league and tba National American Women Suffrage Aaaoclallon today declared tbat tba government munt organlie a women war department for the feeding, houalng. clothing and giving ef medical can to war mother and children. PORTLAND PASTOR HERE SUNDAY PASTOR OP HOPE PREUYTERIAN CHURCH OP THAT CITY WILL VIMT KLAMATH PALLS AND MAY COME TO STAY. Rev. 8. W. Seemann. D. P., Paator of the Hope Preabyterlan Church of Portland, will preach the morning and evening aermona at the Flrat Preaby terlan Church In thin city noxt Sun day, May i7th. Dr. Seemann la' deacrlbed aa being one of the moat fervent and convinc ing apeakera the Preabyterlan Church baa In Oregon. r The purpoee of kla vlalt la to look over thla paatorate with a view to iM.tiB hare. All membera of the congregation and the public are Invited to atend tbaae aervlcea. EASTERN OREGON WOOL CROP IS aooo AKMt. Ore.. May 14-Tbla yeart clip of' wool In'eaatem Oregon will about Hual the yield In lilt, accord ing to tka beat avallabje eatlmatea bare today. Loaaaa are wported fjpnt uik. kuniuaa. but cawKkllr tkla wmvMlni to lamba, and the affect Im .TLwILl la tka iiaraJ taUla f3r,rt!t : " cfM Senate Adjourns in Respect to Lane -& 1 ... -. .J.J...J...J.J.J.J..J.J.nri ininnnanrJvrjxivuvu 'at. Marine and Sailor, the Fighting Men of the Sea kliajwj,anmaMiilElpJf3BBSnnnl u;-'.i o-25"t 'V??jbBbBB1 9LaaETinaanaxaKPY.9uEn6naKajagaaiB KVuf''SBfSvjHSQBiffalSHBEaKfB Fil 1 nn" T1T 1 1 iTt fSllatWirgffgaaTrT m TTmlBr 1 ' lima BMP' JH' iv$?;;i atSfffcailfaEttaE EKbE9BB9EfjBBKjEEvW wEwVaVr JatfM!?'- fmar!nETE -vtiSET mL FEEBgBfcayTnBKaHKV aamBanmaMP'g .fcffRaiKWtc- i'"Bl 'EsmEEaEsEwEEEflEEvBEwHBV gmffffaaHl l llwniBBBaBBBPSSSa If you go nbroad nn American battleship thene days you may neo men In khaki and men In white duck ready for fight. The men In the khaki look Just like soldiers of the rcj;ulnr army, nut they do not belong to it. They are marine, the noldlem of the aea. They have led in every foreign fight the United States has engaged In. Now they demand the right to be tho. first men to land on French aoil. They insist the government should give them this honor bocnuso they have been first In ercry other war. CENSUS CARDS . ! MUST BE FILED BY JUNE FIFTH MEN ABSENT ARE RESPONSIBLE; NOT. OFFICIALS Reojeter Today la Official Warning Sant by Adjutant Oenaral'a Office In Portland to Men Away Fem Home Preolncta May Save Jail Term County Clerk Will Advlaa How to Proceed. If Nacaaaary. (Official) PORTLAND, Ore., May 14-Men be tween the agea of H and SO years, In clusive, who expect to be abaent from their home precinct on War Cenaua day,- which la June 5, ahould register without delay. Register today, if you can. If that la Impracticable, do, It tomorrow; In any event, register at the very earliest moment for delay may make you liable to a term In prison without tka alterna tive of paying a fine. Absence la not accepted aa an excuse for failure to register. The procedure for. registration of absentees la, quite simple and akould causa no confusion. Tke absentee, or prospective aba en tee, must apply at tba office of-tka county clerk of tke county In whleb hV may happen to be at' the time, whether In Oregon or aliewkare. Tka elerk will All out kla reglatraUen oerd. In cltlea of 10,000 or ntere, tke city dark city auditor. .. . Tr - i '. ." aae. j The elerk, or ma aepuiy, w u iti 1 applicant tbla card, which he must mall to the registrar of his home pre cinct, in care of the sheriff or his .home county, In tlmo to roach the registrar by War Census day, June5. if the absentee Uvea in Portland, or In a city of over 30,000 population In another state, he should mall the card to the registrar of his home precinct In care of the mayor. If, aa frequently is the case, he can not remember the number or name of bis home precinct, he should address the card to the sheriff of his home 1 county, and write and fill In on the envelope ao addressed the follewing: Registration card of ..". Street and number .. .P. O. or R. P. D It is of the utmost Importance that tke absentee remember tbat the burden of having his card reach the registrar of bla home precinct by War Census Day la on. him, not on the authorities. Hence, the necessity of registering early. t Again let It be 'emphasized that if you expect to be absent from your home precinct on War Census Day, go at once to the county clerk of the county In which you happen .to be, whether your heme county or another one, and register. Do It now. .- TWO, PINED 40 AND COSTS; HAD LIQUOR Thoa. Drlacoll and Frank Kelly were rreaied yesterday for having liquor W. R. C. TO 6IVE PROGRAM JUNE 5 BENEFIT FOR RED CROSS WILL BE OIVEN ON NIGHT OF NATIONAL REGISTRATION DAY UNDER UNI VERSAL SERVICE. The Women'a Relief Corpa of thla city will give a patriotic program at Houston's Opera Houae on the night of June 5, national registration day under the conscription law, aa a bene fit for the Red Cross fund. The program will consist of comedy sketctes, special musical numbers, flag drills by school children and other features. ' The proceeds will be divided be tween the work of the corpa and the Red Cross fund, in which work the corpa has been active. The. program for tbe entertainment will be announced later. MARRIED IN CITY AT METHODIST PARSONAGE John R. Rntliff and Mlsa Ollle Dean were united In marriage at tbe Metbo- arreated yesterday or naving uquor dist parsonage last night at 8 o'ciock. in their poaaeealon, pleaded guilty, and They aro popular young people of Mer ware tned 140 and coats. They are in Vlll and will reside five miles eaat of tbat place where Mr. Ratllff has prop erty Interests. affix .to who In Portland w the fcf w -m jail pending payment. i Ply of tke other cases, following arreata Sunday night, have not yet been aet for hearing but are expected to he cleaned jip tkla week. Tkriae pleaded guilty 'and were fined IIS; and ww jt: "i . -'- - ' . m ,u . ji rerwinr enan nerw. M. V aMaJiae tke United Stataa raaaaryrSanalaa. arrived in tbefeHy thla weak freag the Medford offlee and UtingthUptaf tikacaaH-thia adaAb- dUB dhMt.l' kfUlahaUI. v "J GOOD ROADS MEET HERE SATURDAY NIBHT A good roads meeting will tie held In Houston's Opera Houae Saturday night when State Highway Commiaaionar Thompson, of Pendleton, and other apeakera will be hare to apeak on tke 11,000,000 road bond bill. The-Conv inaMial-Ciub.deatrea n large attend; a'nee. U. S. MINISTER TALKSJ RUSSO AIDS RUSSIAN WAR MINISTER TO REVIVE FIGHTING SPIRIT, PROM ISES AMERICAN AID AND SYM-PATHY. PETROOAD, May 24 American. Am bassador Francis la aiding' War Min- -ter Kerenskya campaign to. revive ;e army's fighting spirit F.-nncis la making addressea promls ng Russia America's aid. He concludes each speechwith the Utement that "A new Russia and Vmerica entered the war' aimultan wusly, and that America ,1a ready. to elp an aggrcsalve Russia on the bat tle front" . 7 -f" .1 ALUMNI WILL -mEiraiioRs TO BE HELD AT WHITE .PELICAN HOTEL FRIDAY NIGHT. GRAD UATION EXERCISES TOMORROW , NIGHT. WA8UINGTON. D. C. May 24 Tk Senate adjourned, today in raopect, te, t r j. Senator Barry Laae, of Oregon, wh .-a-". died laa't night at 8an Fae4ae,', - s JC Senators Chamberlain. AshnraL KmL1 yea. Vardaaaaa. Jofcnson of Searth Paf-vy-f j- ' kotavLa Follette, Oasnaa and HmM2JZ',, wiU-leav-' immediately to atteatbe, V. , funeral., l " "" Tbe alumni -of tbe "Klamath County high school will give a reception Sat urday night at the White Pelican to the members of thla year's graduating class at the high school. Committees have been busy this week sending out Invitations and mak ing arrangements for the reception. All membera of the claaa and trad uatea of the high school are invited to atend. The graduation exercises will be held at the Opera Houae tomorrow night when M. S. Pittman, of tbe Monmouth Normal, will give the grad uating address. The memberrof this year's graduat ing claaa are: Florence Bogga. Mabel Waldrlp. Mildred Thrasher, Wallace McClelland, Clarence Williams, Carl Rueck, Frankle Adama, Edna Melbaae, Claudia Spink, Helen Du Fault, Rob ert Fisher, Graham Klehl. Robert El llott, Lyle Johnson. Josle Low, Har riet Foster. Oladya Poole, William Mel- haae. Ernel Steams, Madge, Shlve, Emma Honalk, Francea Hannon. Sari Mack, Helen Magulre, Katharine Eaa, Faye West. Mabel Morrison, Blanche Warren, Ruby Blade. Howard Winner, John Houaton, Vera, Wood. Mary Ball, Neva Faught, Lillian -Shubert, Rut Maaten, Helen Elliott, Helen Zumpfe, Aileen Smith. Marjorie Delieil. Besa Pickett, Georgia Fisher. Marie Grif fith, Clara Calkins and Margaret Wor- den and Ruth Tompkins. HARRY LANEDIES III SAN FRANCISCO ON WAY HOME $ A 4 A " CKs -lMft LEFT WASHINGTON ON ABVICE OP PHYSICIAN .e . r Waa Native Oregenlan and a OwdaaMa ef Willamette Univeratty at i Aftarvnirda a Portland Pnyaielaa) Served aa Mayer ef Peruana), foe TWO Yaara Strain ef. War'.DaielafflMkM 4 . J Too Much. -L '4 ''$? m. ii?'-v Senator Lane baa been. la. a Baa Francisco hospital following ate return from Washington where bla coadttwa 2 became such that hia phyaieiaa advieec bim to go west. His death to attributed i ? to a bjoodcloton the brain andhtgk . a, blood pressure. l- Dr; Harry' Lane waa bora at'Cervali'."' t Us. Ore.. August 18. 1161. ;HewiaaT the son of Nat H; Lane, a:pioaer aa-r-""' chant, and grandson of General Joseph Oregon. He wm graduated fVoaaMsj Willamette, University in .U7C Coat V Ir5 I vtoe la the early Indian warn In Ore gon. He was made a brigadier la the Mexican war. Of hie Immediate family Dr. Lane w aurvlved by bla wife, Hajriet Laaa; two daughter. Harriet Lane Hlcka and Nine Lane McDride, and an auopteo daughter, Dorotky Lane. Mra. L. P. Moaher of 814 SsNraun atreet, Portland, la an aunt of Beaator Lane. She to a daughter ef Oeaeral Joaeph Laaa; S. Rabert Laaa. aa Uaele, Uveeat.Jloaeburg aad Mia. WUUaai Ci-Mg, -Perttoad. to tha.Uae, first eouala. K pletinga coarse in the medical aakool.-jy, v of the unlverskr he took a oost-nda' l&'l I ate course atthe Pollege of .p'byalelaai''''ji and Surgeon of New York. . Taking up- tke active practice of medicine. Dr. Lane,, who advanced rapidly in his profession, haeoma praal-? -' dent of the State MedlaSf A noelatioa and the Portland City aif County Med ical Association. ' ,, )r-a' In 1103 ha waa appoiata a ntember of the Bute Board of Health. la Got- , ernor Pennoyerfa admlniatrattoa Dr.: , Lane served aa Superintendent of the -" State HospiUl for the. Insane in which capacity he, performed coBspleuoua aar- tf vice, many improvemenu la aoasiaia- v traUon of the institution having been .-v accomplished under hia rule. . Dr. Lane's loaa career aa a araetio- .-' .4 1 lag phyatclaa In Portland brought him- " - :'"- .'.:i;. i.t j," i k;,. -.iM' M)u crane lOHca win nwun, mm having a liking for public .Ufe he en-; ft tered upon a wider, career ef pattUea which, eventually, placed 'him-in thec.r ;,' United Statea Senate. He waa elected mayor of Portland la 1W6. defeaUag George H. WlUUma, . He served two Urma aa mayor, pa Xs't&& IMS he waa elected' to the' United t$Si SUtea Senate, defeaUag BeaBeUiaf for tke hoaor. Dr. Lane's aervlcea In tha United ...z.W&m?, SUtea Senate were cMpicm.t.lgv v,;r?J& hia relaUoa to the, apartaMU,.ai..rr' dlaa affaire. Ha ehamtdoaaa taa eagnV; ntms- of k --'--"-'J' ifc''!ie-;s'nirf- -u- v'.,Wk, -. rr- - '?jri-7TrJ.i?iiM.Mnei their reeervatioa rignu in many, itiHf .! v'.'i 4l ss tfflS ,: JsessaSrMKB .1 -. rf- -v J'fciiauwn Hi K?h:.1 IT General , Joseph UfJmKki aJHKwCfi?. ..yfii:i"3A grandfather, .U;aoVHtlea;'t5aennktjr;ai the Brat territorial governor atooaeryed mt ; OMfaa'a t4 Coagreaa ud .yaonSMKJ f4af"JaaT ? "fBmaa, tli 15 r, e; Getmal Lahel rivv, &i i ' ,. SL - SW iK & i,3!y !'" j jr- .t itt'.j- bj. - e"jZJ StS&p -;- $&$ '- ..- V' t'SSr i"4" ak . . ji.. . -rr -- v iSSX, v &., "-' P - f kV VW W!LW . T: . 1. Ivr" 'k . . iw. V ..t..HlAS .li