rU'.KCMfj Wa. v'-J At V ' " t ff .iT'&M f jv-- -V : TUyni &. 4 Wqb 1xtmin$ Iterald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWiPAPatX OF KLAMATH FALLS ,,4y ,jk ni ""i Uvtnth Yr-No. J.JOt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1917. J1 f Prloa, Prvo Cowtt . Atlanta Fire Burns 75 Home Blocks fl STARTED IN NEGRO SECTION ORIGIN UNKNOWN OAMAOK PLACID AT BETWEEN TWO AND THAW MILLION flro Chltf Saye Ht Bollovoe Fire of Inctndlary Origin Mayor Saye Ac ctdtnut Many Homalaaa Belna. Cartd (or Dynamlta Uooa to Stop Path of Plsmeo In Waalthy taction of City. ATLANTA, Georgia, May 22- A ire ortctnatlna In the negro quarters of la clly h destroyed seventy-five rotldentltl block and done damage lo between 13,000,000 and 11,000,000 Into late yesterday. Tbo oiiiin of tbo 8re lo undctsrm- laod. Tbo chief of the Are dopart awnt believes that It waa of lacondlary origin and Iho mayor aaya it waa ac dottlal. Many homolooa people aro being rand for by otbor roaldonta. Too burning area Include part of the wealthy rMldeaeo ooctlon. Tbo fire started lato yesterday and at finally controlled during the nlfbt by (be use of dynamite. -- i-iY-rrMywyinjLruimuui SENATE PASSES Bill TO CONTROL RAILWAY CARS PERMITS OP INTERSTATE COM MISSION ACTING Houae Accepto Socond-Claaa Mall Re duction Flood Introducoa Dry Amondmonta dying Prooldant Ac ooluto Powers Ovor Uoo of Alcohol and Foodstuffs Opposition to Con eo renin. WWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWMWMWWWWWW MEXICAN BANDITS CAUGHT IN U. S. AN AMERICAN, VILLA'S SECRE TARY AND RAND, RELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN SMUGGLING MUNITIONS. WASHINGTON, l. C. May 22 Tho llouoo waya and meanii committee ac cepted the reduction In second-class mall ratea aa proposed In the rcvenuo bill. Tha 8onale ban pawed a bill u tborltlng the Interatato Commerce Commlailon to regulate the uas of railway cars during the war and re quiring the railroad to report the number of car on hand at regular In terval. , The bill authorlte the committee to take charge of the car of any railroad at any time tha can aro not being used to the nation beat advantage. Senator Flood's "dry" amendment to the food control bill have been In troduced In the Senate. Separate amendments cover the empoyerlng of tbo President to commandeer liquors; use alcohol In the making of muni tions; prohibiting the use of food stuffs for the manufacture of Intoxi cants. mmwwmw - Mississippi Mob Burns Negro at Stake 5,000 MEN AND" WOMEN OPENLY DEFY OFFICERS Uncle Sam's Boys Practice With Most Modern-Equipment Kl. I'ASO, MaMy 82 George Holm " an American, Juan Andrea Almax n, Villa's private secretary, and four 'en Vllllstaa have been arrested by members of the 16th Cavalry. It Is lleged they were taking an automo bile lomi of munitions from American oll lo Mexico. . WASHINGTON, D. C, May 22-A Prty of Mexican filibustered includ ing George Holmus. an American, and Manuel Gonxalcs. formerly HIpollU ios secretary, crossed the Amor lean boundary lino near Nogale. After a brief clash with soldier and eustom official all were captured. MARGINAL HIQHWAY TO ROUND U. S. PORTLAND. Ore., May Jl-A bill lll soon be Introduced in Congress Providing for tha building of a great wgnway which will parallel every sec Ion nf the national boundary, exceot Ing the ono separating tho United States from Canada, according to a 'legrani recoived here today from Samuel hm, who recently went to Washington to enlist Federal aid for '" Pacific Highway. Tha construe Hon of the marginal highway ia urged n measure of national defenao. WASHINGTON, I). C. May 22 The Ilepubllcan In the House of Repre sentatlve'agreed to opposo all sensor ship provisions when the conference spy bill report come before the house. mmmmmmmmcmmmmmmmmmmmm -' ' " "-- h - sBnBnBnBnanWnnTnV .mnnmmmTA . .S 4 " -7T!aWSJBiaEtfESVj2HEJBKQBmd "t nsmmfeaBmmmmmjPmmnjmmmmmnjmv -,. ' T nsmmsffaLanQrammml 'alsnnmwnBnmlBBmnnmmmmBH v' ''"'"' yWggEH!B! vtmrB?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i& anmmmmrammmmmnnl i' W - CkVaWRaMals ' sbbbIbbbbV H FARM INSORANCE IS INVESTIGATED Poarv ai Taeama. TACOMA, Waah., May ll-Admlral nobert H. Peary, discoverer of the urin i'oie and on of tbo moat famoua of he American explorer, and Cap Wn Dan Hay of tha British Army will open a membership campaign for tho " cross hero tonight with big "oting in tbo armory. Poary has Mn touring tka country is tho in 'resls of the aerial aervlco. STATE LAWS TO RE INVESTI QATEEO RY INSURANCE MEN RELATIVE TO ADVISABILITY OF ASSOCIATIONS. Tha Department of Agriculture has been for some time conducting an In vestigation Into the matter v. farmers' mutual insurance, which it haa conclu sively proven to be the most success ful form of cooperative endeavor which haa bean launched to aid the farmers of tho country. Mr. V. N. Vstaren. sdocIsI Investigator In Agri cultural Insurance was In conference Saturday evening with Mrs. u u. Ham at the HaKue Itnncn, with ret- nneii to the feasibility of forming such a cooperative movement In Klam ath County. Some timo ago, Mrs. UMXin. aa chairman for the Finance Committee of the Southwest Klamath L'lrmin1 nevelooment League mauo inauirlea and had considerable corres pondence with Washington, Salem and Corvallls, regaruing wis suojeci, om report of the recent legislation ad versely affecting the farmers' mutual companies already in existence, tern- nnrarllv eaUIOd B SUSDeUSlOn Of OU- deavor in tbla direction In tbla vicin ity. ... . Mr. Valgron haa promisea to care fully Investigate tho law wneu no The above photograph shows a num ber of the Fort Wlnflcld forces using using a modern automobile truck equipped with a machine gun In prac tice work In the vicinity of San Fran cisco, whero the troops are being schooled to meet all emergencies In case of an attack by land or sea. The 'ar Department Is taking no chances on the Bay city suffering at tacks either from its front or back doors. COONCIL LAYS RES0L0TI0N OVER COUNCILMAN 8HEETS WANTS WEEK TO INVESTIGATE RESULT OF ACCEPTING PART OF DEEDS TO LANDS. Mexico Reported to Have Protested German Sub War LONDON, May 22 Exchange tele- protested to Germany against her sub graph dispatches say that Mexico has marine warfare. Attempt to Assassinate New Russo War Minister Foiled NEW YORK, May 23 A dispatch to a local Jewish dally which was for warded, says that an unsuccessful at tempt to assassinate the new Russian War Minister, Kerensky, haa beon made, All the ploters are reported arrosted. reaches Salem, and also to consult with Mr. Macpberson at Corvaiils, and will then advise further aa to whether or not It Is practicable to form an association such aa la desired by the farmers. Nearly 2,000 such companle are in existence In the United States with a total insurance In force of over flvo and one-half billion dollars. These companies are run on a very conservs tlve basis, and In some cases there have been several years In which there ha not boon a single assessment on account of loss. Liability on any single risk ia llmtlod, and usually not ovor three-fourths of tho value of tho properly Is Insured. FOMENT POWDER STRIKES; ' GET YEAR IN JAIL NEW YORK, May 22 Capt. Franc von Rlntelln, Davis Lamar, and H. B. Martin have been sentenced to one year In the penitentiary for attempt ing to foment munition factory strikes. THREE FIRES AND POISONING CONNECTED PITTSBURG, May 22 The county fire marshal! announcea that three mysterious fires in the munitions dis trict of Allegheny County are directly connected with tho atempt at poison ing SO soldiers last weak which are on guard In this district. A resolution accepting the single deed transferring from Robt E. Stra horn to the city such right of waya as be has thus far secured waa laid over one week last night upon motion of Councilman Sheets, seconded by Mathews, for investigation at the re quest of Mr. Sheets. The resolution covers the single deed which Involves the twenty-four deeds filed by City Attorney Grosbeck recently. The question which arose and was presented by Mr. Sheets was the effect of the city accepting such a deed which does not necessarily transfer rights necessary to construct a railroad over all the involved prop erty. Mr. Grospeck explained that the resolution only Involved the city bo far as the deed goes; that Mr. Stra' horn is conveying to the city only such rights as he has so far acquired; that it was the purpose. Intention and nat ural proceedure for Mr. Strahorn to submit these rights as he acquires them; that the contract calls for "title" to a rlgbt of way, which term has a specific meaning and can only mean a cler title to all such land and that until Buch title is furnished the city, the contract has not been ful filled; and that the acceptance of this deed, presumbably not a clear title to all of the land, would not affect the city's right In any manner in connec tion with the contract Mr. Sheets asked for a week to In vestigate the result of such action and the council agreed to lay it over one week as it would not materially affect any action or hinder the road. Mr. Mathews seconded the motion on the ground that he did not understand it I and. could not see why the city should accept the deed at this time when the titles may not all be entirely clear. A resolution was passed by the council last night directing the city attorney to file an undertaking to secure a road roller which it was de clared Is the city's property and which It Is said to have been sold by another party. The roller is at the Iron Works and after a discussion, no evidence waB found that the roller belonged to anyone other than the city. The mayor was authorlxed to pur chase, somo sewer pipe for the city, first securing prices. The city attor ney was directed to draw up an ordtn nnco providing for inijirovement work on Want land avenue, In Mills addition. Mayor Crlsler announced that he and Councilman Miller have made ar rangements for the lowering of the Esplanade bridge across the Irrlga tlon ditch to enable automobile driv ers to see approaching machines com ing from both directions, which at this time it is Impossible to do owing to the steep Incline. A petition presented for the Improv ing of Sixth street, between Main and Pine streets, brought out the Informa tion ,that the mayor haa given permis sion to a builder to place dirt from a basement on this street to fill it up. The petition waa headed by O. J. Eskolson. This-petition also brought out the SHELLS NOW DSED MADE YEARS A60 REPORT ON MONGOLIA'S EXPLOS ION FILED B)Y ORDNANCE COM MANDER SHOWS SHELLS MADE DURING SPANISH-U. .8. WAR. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 22 A report Sled by Admiral Earle, chief of ordinance, witn Secretary of tae Navy, Daniel, on the failure of the shells aboard the Mongolia to prop erly explode, which caused the death of two Red Cross norses, and also to operate properly aboard the St. Louis, shows that some of the shells the armed merchantmen are using were made during the Spanish-American war. ' The report says that the shells were not tampered with and are not defec tive. Their failure w placed down aa an unexpllcable accident. FRENCH CHAMBER RECONVENES SOOK WILL ASK PREMIER RIBOT AND THE CABINET TO EXPLAIN WAR AIMS. OFFICIALS TO STAND IS BELIEF. OTHERS IMPLICATED IN CRIME ON GIRL. Mob Secured On of Others ImollooHool by Negro and Planned Portia If Ing Men, Women and irta hi Mow; Pure Made Uo by Mob) far Tee. atone Victim Taken from Snorllf ' and Burned. ' . is I 3 r PARIS, May 22 The Chamber of Deputie will reconvene tomorrow. A secret session la expected to be held when questions regarding the fu ture military policy of France and tho disposition of troops aa well aa other war maters will be asked of Premier Ribet: . Although this action would normally embarrass the administration It Is be lieved that Ribot and hla cabinet will stand the storm. Coatlaaoa w Paso 4 BEAN BILL IS ORDERED REMOVED COUNTY CLERK NOTIFIED THAT SUPREME COURT DECISION NECESSITATES BILL OFF BAL-LOT. NEW ORLEANS. May 22 A nwt at Potts Camp. Mlaalsslppi. took aW Par sons, a negro, front tha ahoruT Ikoair and burned him at a atake. had confeooed that thro he assaulted and then doonnototioVA-. toinette Rappal near Pttte CaMpr"' Before Parsons waa bwrnotVno) eon-' fessed to the crime and ImpHeoiodtw'' others. He said the girl was Brat decapitated. , -, The mob soon found com of tho others Implicated and atarted .oJtar , the third planning a double burning. Many women and alrla were in the) mob of 6,000 men and Woman,, All were unmasked and operating la ones defiiance of the oascera. "Let him suffer as ho made my IIUm girl auffer," cried the girl's mother as the negro burned. Before Paraoas waa burned tho mob made up a parao to buy the girl a tombstone. a Later today the mob fa t Daa Armstrong, the third negro ImfXoatsO, barricaded with aeveral others. AU are armed and have takes rofago la a shack. - The mob haa called for reinforce ments and a battle is expected. y County Clerk Delap received a tele gram today from Ben W. Olcott to remove from the ballots for the June Special Election the bills entitled No. 302 and No. 303. The telegram states that Mr. Olcott la directed by the Attorney General that In the case of the State ex Rel Gehlhar vs. Boyer, County Clerk of Marlon County, the Supreme Court has decided that Chapter 238, Laws of 1917 is invalid. This is the Bean bill. Aa aome of the election ballots for Klamath County have been aent out, Clerk Delap may allow the bills to re main on and order the election judgea not to count the votes. He la alio considering having thorn erased but as the Crescent ballots, among others, have been taken there, tho "expense would be great. ' W.R.C.PtnNSFOR MEMORIAL DAY TWELVE NEW MEMBERS TAKEN INTO ORDER. NAVY BOYS FROM KLAMATH ARE REMEMBERED BY CORPS. Plana were -laid for the Memorial day services next Sunday and twelve new members were initiated at tha1 meeting of the Women's Relief Corps yesterday. Roy. Cox will prone a sermon at the Opera House. No delegate will he sent by the tooa , chapter to the State mooting. Mrs. Olive E. Belts was elected last Jaa uary but ahe has decided Out tha money that would be expended ia that manner, can bettor ho oxpoaSoi lnsorae work at noma; aaohaw-ana' corps has boon oarrylag on.' Mrs. Belts waa the trst president of tha local order. ' L tw The corps has noon sondinc sa-T tionery and copies of UM-Braahsff Hsrald to tha hoys m tha ary.;.v-v,r ' A 'patriotio mtfertalanifn$ $ai! at tho f ablih aBI ig'Slt w-" -TT ? ,TvmanWrmmpjBsjBWM 5fJ.')-1 for ntrMNwon-i wlU ha alvoa to ika mMLBmmi am.-.-'; ''h i -t. .l . . .ffhjj tr Vta? ft : . ?m. JB 'mi 1 1 IS I "ll msm k&