'tVif ',)nrt Jbiwj. g fflkp iu?nfu HimiUi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0F KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAFBK T -" ' "-n r"jr"As-i vspK.'inj.", " ? & ty Ytar-No. S.SOS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917. v Prloe, Prv eNs) & av : ? iJtf ' AT B&4 , jL im, - 4, ?y y iVtfl ,) Bt'iT, V V l-fflt .' Sk 'V 'IS AteM'A F, JT H ;it -5 p. I & 1 TVfVltw tltvtMH WW W fl am kP V kLW am aTM' w x m w aa a ,W,'9SK j v ts?, ami maP .. .mjgw gammm mmm .gaav aa. aam gsmm - VH LTgaP Lmm LfmP maP bbP ebP gam gaml .Jaaaamv -daaaamm. bbbbbTJ aaaTa" .daaamm. aaaTa amaat gaaaa .gaaVav M aaaTa aaaa ,gw .aw - .aaw 1 am .gaw .aaw ,a gaml gaBa" -. jgaaV - JaaTaL - ''-1 r"- gam gamm gsmm ammm gsmm mmi amm mm, ebbxb Emm i vx amTgamaftP Vmm amY VA wM mT mT m wPaP amP amraP mV HiB aa jaPamPraP P1". amVam. gPgaBjatm gTgLataP AmWtm, PmV amMLmP kM gamlmM Pam-PP atPBmV .m.mV samV amPafaP bbbbbbbbbb aaaa bbbm aaaaT bbbb bbbb bbt aBBB bbbi bbbbw bbbbt aaaa. mmmm auuw bbbb amBBBvBBBBBBBnm bbbt Bam aaaiaBBBV bbbb aavfaaai bbbbi manm bbbbsbbbb bbbbbbbbb aaar bbbi aaar aaaa aaBV"BBBai bbbbi bbbbi bbbbi mmmm. bbbbbi bbbb bbbi -bbbb aaar vbbv 'bbbbbbbbbt BBBBBBBBBB aBBfl BBBB H M H V K V M H B BrV' BBl BBB1 HBBW BBBBBBBBB1 BBV BBBm HBBW BBBB1 BBT MBBM BBV BBBB BBBBBBBBT H rv lk i I II II I V n I 1 1 If I II mfm II I I II II I I vll m-mfmW lBtgg! Mmx lltflf W M 1 J llllljl llill P m m Iflfll m M II jI II 1 ill' -n OOVER ACCEPTS fOOO DICTATOR JOB IN AMERICA I0AI MIN ARK CHAROID WITH OOITINO PRICKS nlMn Mr Amtrlca U Aaktd U 90 N, pwrthtr Ttn OlMr Nation at Wir-Hoovtr Acata an Condition H Rtctlvt No Pay Coal Mtn Hl Prlci Stvtral Hunfrtd Par Cwt WASIIINdTON. Mny SJl'irnltlfiil 11m ouilltml thn HtlmlnUtrnilunV ad toairtil itroKntm In a nllrmnl ilirtijf nd Urrlnrrtl thn N)wrii ak I (or by lhi imvnnttnent arn no ttirr thun thoxr othrr ctivrrnmrnln tr bar brvn tmifll'il lo Uki, mWi U no lnlcnllon, lin nlil, to it tilR or Inirrfrro with normal pro mt u( production. ft talrrarttt alno mnkCK formal touncmirnt that llrrhrrt (.'. Hoover 1 brrn nultrtl to bocome food ntlmln ntor mil that hr ban arcoplrd on itfttloa that jMllhar.ho nor hla Ira 4tW MMcUira ahall recelvn any 1 for Ihflr nrrvlcfii. iibouxti It U abnoluiitly nrcoaaary it Miqurntlonablc power bo placod my honJ," naya tho Praaldont'a treirnl. "I am confident that the 'rclta of (lump powor will b nocea 7 only In llio frw caitm wlirrr nomo II or nclflnh minority prove un time to put llio, nntlon'M Intcrenln nt prnonal advantage." mwmmwwwwwwwwwwi TWO RED CROSS NURSES KILLED KXPL08I0N CAUSES INVESTIQA. TION AND FINDING OF SHELLS ON ST. LOUIS THAT HAVK IKEN TAMPERED WITH. 'paVMvja kwAA4AavjaaavMAMAAAA rrYVyvvinaruTnruiuTjman EveryMan,21 to3LMust Register June5 ---(-- -inrijanrvifnnnjninnjvtnAAji"n-,"-r nnnnrtjvinnnrrii'iririrjJJ WWWVVVaaWMjvajAaAaaaVM BRITISH CLAIM 6AINS AGAINST rASIIINUTON, I). C. Mny 21 The (oral Trado Commlnolon urged up. Cotitriii today to entnbllith fedornl itrol oir coal price. T ronimlmilon declared thnl enal i oiKTniorn have doctored their fa In order to tiow a high coat produclUiu and then aold coal, a. everl hundred per cent over ot of iroluctlon. lit coiiinilHlon recommended (he tUtloii of the distribution of coal "dltiR the nuthorlty lo allot quan t to 1trluu1t clnnMcH of ronaumera. JSS1AN WORD CAUSES TROUBLE UIAN PROFK880R KXPLAINS UMINQ CAUSE OF MISUNOKR TANDINQ AND CONFUSION IN UISIA. WAHIIINHTON. I C. May 21 It U announced that Mrs. Bdlth Ayera, of ChlcaKo. and Minn Helen llnrnett Woodi, of Kvanaton, llllnol. two red cioi nurren with thn medical unit bound for Europe, were killed nloard the liner Monculla while they were wntchlnR ruii practice when a aholt burnt. Another iiure tax M-rlounly but not family Injured. The MuiiKulla returned to port. VAKIIIN5TON. I V, Mny 21 A a reoull of tho explosion on the Mon golian It det eloped today that the gov ernment U investigating alleged fault) KhelU aboard the liner St. IxjuIs, Ger man ple being nunperted Hlielln for Immediate ue In the gun on tho 8t. U)ul are found to be In operative. Tho fuea have been tam pered with. . FIVE TAKEN LIQUOR RAIDS N -t Down With American Pie Says Dr. Gurli Mellenthin. FRENCH ADVANCK IN MORONVIL LER8 SECTION Frtneh Foreaa and 800 Supporting onera Say Hlndtnburg la Rolnfort- Ing Woat Front With Fraah Soldiora From Eat Drlva on Potrograd. TWO PLEAD OUILTY AND THREE NOT QUILTV. OTHERS AUTHEN TICALLV SAID TO BE IMPLI CATED. II0A(l(), Muy 21 ITofcHiior Sam N. Hut per, Inbtructor in modorn ORRi'.i ut tho Unlveraltyof Chicago one of tho bent known authorities RuihIii in tho United SUtea, aaya mutli of thu differences botweon itUHHlnn HoclnllHta nnd tho pro nii Kovlirnment reported In tho eu Hiutort nppeurn to bo duo to interpretation of 11 lluaHian word, ' In Hngllsh would moan "con itlons," 'or tho IttHt five weeka It haa been Bi'iieiai understanding that Rua ociaiiBta demanded aa the polloy l ullies that thero bo"o annexa or IndumultleH," aald I'rofeaaor er, tlio program of the new coalition fwnent in Ruiala the policy ld U reported (o be 'no annexa- Five men were arretted nnd two more arc expected lo be arrested, n well a poimlbly otherx, bh n renult of raids made Inst night by the sheriffa office and the police on roads leading from Dorrls to Klamath Falls. John Nelson, Tom Noug and Harry llneher pleaded guilty to limine liquor before Justice flownn Uulny. nlle Dae Hurling nnd Jess Mlllelt pleaded not guilty- Others are authentically Mild to bo Implicated. U-slle J. Cndy and (Miter M. Miller were arrested today for having liquor in their possession nnd the liquor con flscatcd. 1 lion and contributions." Tho question of wording is all important "'No Indemnities' would mean no reparation for destruction don In France, Uolglum. Poland, Serbia or Uumanla. "No contributions' means no punl tho Indemnities, such as Germany im posed on France In 1870. "Have the Ilusslan socialists chang ed their attitude, or haa thero been a misunderstanding. Tho latter would seem to be the case. "The Ilusslan newspapers for tho first week In April, at which time (hla point of policy first enmo up, ..iv thn formula of tho Kusslau so cialists; 'No forced annexation and no contribution' Are the Gennan intriguer, working both in Hussla and America, responsible for this misin terpretation T 'The Hussinn word was a Russian Ized form of our own word 'contribu tions.' "Mr. Shepherd, of tbo United Tress, .nnnrii.,1 tho other day on u faked telegram from Parta ,prlntcd In tbo llimulnn nillinrs. to tho effect that tbo Amerlcnn Secretary of State had for bidden newspaper discussion of the coming aoclallat congress in Stock holm. Have we aometmng aimiiar here? "In any case, Russian socialists have all olong been oppoaed only to 'forced annexation nd punitive Indemnities,' or contribution." ,' 1 fti ' 1 0$igS s. 9eb1ewI' 4 UvV. Si AJftt r-g f i ?IBBSBlfaH8 m j,- - , - . '- m J . IBBBBBBBBBBB j . . Kr .mm ST - vnSi&MirZ mmimm.Jt aBmmmmmmW 1 Hr asf.-Jr oPjraPr; u a7EtlBP!J nl liwlEMTrr 1 1 f rlmmm mmmmmmmf. ni SgagaMJaSEB"B"B"Bq Takoa Troneh" - Bb'I'I'I'IKbHbb? NM VflPBKBBVaB'M . aaaaaaaaVtSr Mr JMa9lESOKalDBaVT Prlaonora British Take BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaVEBTal . vdpiEaVEBIBEBTaTaTaf sPHEaEBlEBlPf'' TjSSEiEaalEBlPiL Trench Gorman Pria- ' BTaislBBlTBTaTBTaTBTaTBTaTsW oEvXEBTaTBTaTBTaTBTafi ' I , -! BelBJsBlffalffaP T"'- aBEEalEaP - mmmmmmmmmmW- I'' UtBaKaaKaaKaaKaaKS -"TVbVub VMMMMMMMMMwWmjWMaMMWMMWi l mWmWmWlZJmWmmmtt BBlKBlKBKllrSPfM MJBflaKBPlmVFr-' WOte it m! .bIPBPVw- &fc a. . . iw5" jBBBb8M5w8HIbW-'-vX! -ij-," - ... " .o.aaaj mmvma&um . bwbbtosjbbbw jtay 'bbbi -. LONDON. May 21 The French have advanced In the Moronvlllers section, taking severs! lines of trenches and loo prisoners. The French announce violent light Ing along most of the front. The UrllUh claim success against Hindoo burg'a lines, particularly In the" Dulle court and Fontnines-les-Croalsllles regions where they have taken a sup porting trench. German prisoners any that Hlndeb burg Is moving fresh divisions from Russia to the French front replacing on the Russian front with battered divisions from the French front, and as soon as the broken units are rested plans to stnrt a drive on Petrograd. MRS. MOONEY'S TRIAL BEGINS THIRD OF ALLEGED PARADE BOMB MURDERERS IS BEFORE JUDGE SEAWELL IN SUPERIOR COURT. SAN FRANC18CO. May 21-Mrs Itena Mooney, third of tho alleged preparedness parade bomb murderers to bo placed on trial, came before Judge Kmmett Seawell in Superior Judge Dunne's courtroom tbla morn ing. Tho first move of her attorneys was to ask that Mrs. Mooney and Israel Weinberg, also held for the samo offense, be releaaed on ball. Louis Ferrarn, deputy district attor ney, lead the prosecution. Saturday the question of who waa to preside at the trial till waa In doubt, Judge Dunne having announced aeveral days ago that he would prealde at no more bomb-trials. District Attorney Flckert announced previous to the trial that P. C. Oxman, now under. clmrgea of attempting to finmo tho Thomas Mooney case, would testify ngalnst Mra. Mooney, thero be ing some 150 wltnessea under su poena. The defenae declared It would havo now witnesses to offer bfore the tilal closed. Requests for a federal Investigation of tho Oxman chargea have been aent to Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, for transmission to the govarasMRt, by Paul Scharrenberg, Secretary of the California State Federation of Labor. Scharrenberg asks that Francis tf. Heney be appointed to conduot the Investigation. . , l - KS3&SSS&&3DD GURU ClEUIriTWO t fek. VWiOh tA. rf. "Down with the Great American Pie." sajs Dr. Gurli Mellenthin of Los Angeles 'in tho new propaganda ahe haa begun to save flour during the war. Sbo haa gono forth on a nation-wide campaign against the pie, tnc cake, and all those goodies which appeal more to the taate than to the appetite. "1 appeal to the bakers to quit making pie during the war," aald she. "I appeal to the housewives of America to atop buying pie. I ask them to stop making pies." DRUNKEN MAN MADLYMURDERS KILL8 TWO, INJURES WIFE AND MAY HAVE COMMITTED SUICIDE WHILE IN INTOXICATED CONDITION. MOKELUME HILL. Calif., May 21 Jack Treanor, an engineer, shot and killed hla mother-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Storms, then turned his weapon on hla eight months old babe sleeping In Ita crib' killing It, fired foua shots in the body of hla young wife, threw tho weapon on the floor nnd fled to the iillla at Fosterla, early this morning whllo drunk. The wife will probably recover. The sheriff and a posse are 'trail ing the murderer. Treanor came to hla mother-in-law's home where hla wife and baby were staying at 1 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Storms, opened the door nnd admlted him. It la believed she took him to task for being intoxicated and they quar reled. Treanor then drow the gun and began to Are. SAN ANDREA8, May 21 The sher iff here believes that Jack Treanor, the Fortorla murdered suicided by Jumping down an abandoned 'mine shaft. An Investigation shows that he also attempted to cut hla wife's throat after shooting her and the other. SOCIALIST MEET DOOMED TO FAIL ENGLAND'S FOREMOST SOCIALIST SAY8 OUTCOME OF SUCH A CON FERENCE WILL BE FISTICUFFS AND CONFUSION. (Delayed by Censor) LONDON, May 18 H. M. Hyndman, one of England's foremost socialists, believes Russian plana for a general conference of world socialists is doomed to failure. "1 believe the likeliest outcome of the conference will be flstlcufls, con fusion and bad feting," he laid today. "Out, nevertheless, any effort to suppress such a gathering might have worse results. "The Russian plan advanced by the soldiers' and workmen's council pro poses to settle important economic questions which demand the coolest deliberation In an atmosphere of peace, while the war la raging. "If the delegates met to consider agreed principles and to discuss them In a single language such a conference would be sufficiently difficult but whero there ia no such agreement Indeed the widest difference aa well aa aeveral .languages where the 'man agers would naturally be Russians language would be unintelligible to AMERICA'S FULL WEIGHT NEEDED aaaiiisoBMSBSBB BRITISH' SECRETARY OF WAR TELLS OF WAR CONDITIONS AND WHAT AMERICA SHOULD DO AS HER PART. By LOWELL MELLETT (United Press Staff Correspondent. LONDON. May 18 (Delayed b? Mall) "This war will not be over until the full weight of America has been thrown Into the scales; not until Am erica begins making war as though ahe alone raced Germany, will there be a possibility of predicting when the end will come." 80 spoke Lord Derby, England's Secretary of State for war Kltehnsr'a successor today. And then he added. emphatically: "; "The bigger blow America is able to deliver, the sooner she delivers it the quicker will the war end and the new order of things be assured." The United Presa correspondent went to Lord Derby for some expres sion of belief on the duration of the war and of what part America should take In the fighting. He found the war secretary firmly of the belief that the-end Is not yet In sight "America," he said, "has a big part to play In this struggle to abolish the world menace of militarism. America must strike hard. We hope she will strike quickly." Here the British war head suddenly paused, swung about In his chair, faced the blank wall of his office and reiterated, as though aeeking to pro ject his thought across the ecean: "This war will not be over until the full weight of America haa been thrown into the scales. Her full weight" he emphaalxed. "Dont let America" be misled. Ger many'a active propaganda right now is directed to that purpose. In every way possible, Germany la throwing out the idea that the war's end Is in sight. Germany would like this to be so. "Germany has reached, if not passed. the crest of her military strength. She knows every day ahe Is weaker by so many men. "She Is ready to quit on her own terms. "She Is ready to fight a long, long time yet before, accepting the' terms that the world's democracy demands to safeguard the future. "It baa been, and atill will be a terrible fight. Lord Kitchener sitting in thla very chair, said it would be a long war. Not until the English peo- f n j.viJ' MALE RESIDENTS OF ALL NATIONS MUSI REGISTER 't-n JAIL SENTENCE, ONLY, TO 'PUN ISH 8LAKERS- C nMIrt Registration Booths Will.Bo-Oswn I Oregon Prom 7 AM, b I . M, June 8 Booths to Corroipeaid With Regular Voting Precincts All Males) t Between 21 and SO, Inclusive Must Register. I l" Continued on Page 3. Agency People Down. V. E. O'Neil, H. R. Crane, Fred Moffat and R. H. Radcliff, of Klamath Agency, came down Saturday night from that place. two-third of the delegates that task aeema hopeless. "However, it the Russian soldiers and workmen are. aeeking light. It would certainly be wrong to suppress their efforts. If such a conference Is held the allies should see that their men from the tranche are repre- aented. After all they are the ones who must decide. "Tho Stockholm conference which waa engineered by the Germans not the Russian conference, was doomed to failure in advance because the Gorman Intrigue waa entirely too transparent to fool anybody.." - " .' War Census BiHitfT" Adjutant OonsraTa Ofhc " t PORTLAND. QreMay 11.. mfciW Utratlon taewin bejqpem Uu-efth-out Oregon, from 7 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock pM. MJUMtS, aktster, f of the registration of aU 'mile real dents between tmVagea of 21 aad M years. Inclusive. , "- In practically all case, these regis-, tratlon booths will correspond to tho regular precinct voting places It ahould be thoroughly understood that every male resident between the ages of 21 and 30 years, inclusive, must register. ' This applies to alien aa well aa to citizens. It makes no difference, whether the alien la a Japan, a Chinese, an lUlIan.a Geraaaav arsa man of any other nationality. He must register. In common 'with all citi zens of the designated ages. ; Of course, aliens will not be drafted for the army. But theGoveniaseat desires a record of thomOne par pose of the war census Is to oMaca accurate data as to the number and employment of aliens of, military, age now In the United-States3. . The Government desires alao to obtain 'from 'the coming eeasqa infor mation .showing exaesV aov every male citizen la beat fitted to,ha eXvaer vlce to his country, whether" ii.ltfvll or military life. Consequently, If you are a man be tween the ages of 21 and 30 years. Inclusive, either alien or fuU.ciUxoa, you are subject to reglstratloa on the day fixed by the President. Exemp tions from military service: will' be determined afterward. Vou raui,reg lster In your home precinct. If yen fail to present yourself, or presenting yourself, give false, misleading of in- incorrect answers to the queetlea. you are subject to punishment by Im prisonment in Jail. There ia ao. alter native of fine. o 'i NEW MYSTERY IN GERMAN PURCHASES BERNE, Switzerland. April 20 (By Mall) The Swiss Governemeat la cur ious to know why Germany "waits huge quantities of Japanese croao' pa- per napkins. German aats'tttvagh- out Switzerland have- baa plaa;t order for large quantities, wmf 'far them in napklna of their own aaaau- facture and money whichalone asjwal the value of the Japaaese'jarlety, Whether thla ia aome 'now TewtoaJe . . . . .,. ..-.- vl'P . v imriKuo invuiYiH m nr mm tv.. .u- . -. J-. -i-'vi2 wuviuer iiiv .. ! varavw mmm Hawt . .. . -it- ' itwvm jv round valuable ror - mwlj st m explosives I a awilimtySatM,:'; Swiss secret aetriMffa wmGww8m,&wa ,.? jfTwrj', "T, "J 1 rVfc - 'rs v??, -n &-M yt i'fl -. 1 A-l A 1 rfl V3 ' hm vi m 4 $. 1 "K 1 Vj H " y$:.,L ' M 1 vim?: mm ? 4ktm A-waau T jewiiL.AMj?.' 'ti KJ ; KSf z- $m lA a. j- 1 -'J IT W1V - .. i,tv"-s.r t wJShUgFtiXi " rt-KJC ! im$ ''"" ,':. .5. &SS9K 151 . 1 ' 1 t T .. ii,l V V. ft . tf lit - r"( j- - T tr ; . , ' my"& . A 4r wwwVihiW uv :fcsuiA." , '. ht' w ' l'rt'J1i3l". 1Sb ..'iWV. H, km ttvy wisto ji r v.I' m " Vl.?. " Mlt . VSS,., .(TI. '1 TWPWT J i- 'tlSH m