S,rfJ 1 "KWi iff V : trai " 16 ' SSiJ ft Jl Vi i foA ' 3 "' STlj iEinmnuj Herald iti 4- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OPPICIAL NBWfPAPW OP KLAMATH PALLS ,-i- ,Ttryl7p-w'jii-ijg-MtttjrtitrrrvTT'"; vnth Yesr No. J.J0S KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1917. Writ; riv Crtfe $, fy American Ship Subbed PROVISION SHIP AND FOUR L8ST FORMERLY RAN FROM SAN FRAN. CISCO TO HONOLULU Captain Williams Was In Charft, ana NlniUtn Amtrlcans Wara Aboard tHt Submarined Ship First Malaen Vsistl en Honolulu Cruise Former, ly Ownsd by Matron Navigation Company of San Francloco. NEW YORK, May 17 Dispatches reulvtd today by tho Unlvoroal Trans piration company, ownoro of tho Hllo. alts, announce that thla AmoHcan Moamr, undor tho command of Cap Uln Williams, haa boon oubmarlnod In ttto Mtdltorranaan, and four of tho crow drowntd. Thsrt woro nlnotoon Americano, In- eluding tho captain, aboard, loaded with provisions. ho waa KAN NtANCISC, May 17. Tbe Mat ron Navigation company of this city xperslnl the llllonlan from San Fran tluro to Honolulu until early this year, when fhe boat was sold to the I'aclflc Trsillnc company, after which It was refold io Km prenenl owners. The llllonlan as the first Mataon! um'lon the Honolulu run. WATER NOMINEES MUST HURRY UP Km Momlny, May 21, Is the last (Into for petitions for nominees for dl trsiorshlpii In the Klnmath Water I'ecrn Aiwnrl.'itlon ran bo In the hands ' Secretary KUIer, and hasto Is urged Ihnt die niU-ti be compiled with by tho lecretary. ' The nnmml meeting will bo held hero I'rlilny, Juno lt. for thn election of a roiml or director and for other business. IONIAN SMK Ilnllotn may bo received at Mulln,)rmt the postmaster nt Iteatty was shot Merrill nnd In I'oe Valley, hut stock Iwldira tiro deHlred to nttend the meet ing. Vota on Port Plan VANCOUVnil. Wash.. Muy IT. Vol- rrsot tho Port of Vancouver today nro, let narrowly missed his head, Imbed voting on it comprohonHlvo plan of tho j ding Itself In tho wall near by. Port commissioners to Improvo tho The men aro believed to have been lower water front and to make It acces- Indians. Tbo matter Is being taken Iblc (o Industries nnd shipyards. j up by the federal authorities. Irish Nationalists Reject George's Plan Turn Down English Premier's Settle ment Plan of Ireland's Troubles; Will Devise Own Government t LONDON. May 17! Tho Irish na-l Tbo nationalists adopted auggea- tlonalists today formally voted to rf vvv lyioya uearse's man ror a nam Hon of Uatejr, .. ..: .' mT. r. : '. ...- 9( Ulster, it, the settlement of the, y """ivvvvvvvuTnruvuxrLnjTAnn KITCHIN NFORMS HOUSE OF COST AVI S44f,00O,M0 MUST II AODIO TO REVENUE SILL-TREASURY STATEMENT SHOWS PRESENT WAR COSTS TOTAL r01f,MSrQQ0 WASHINGTON, May 17.-Chalrman Kltcbln of tbe waya and noons com mittee, told tbo bouse today tbat $445, 000,000 most be added to the revenue bill, making a total In tbls bill IJ.M5. 000,000, Kllcbln read a treasury statement showing tbat the total war appropria tions passed or pending, amount to H.011.141.000. The house voted to Increase tbe our tai on Incomes of fto.oOO to $$0,000 to 13 3-4 per cent. Hepresentatlvo Fordney proposed, a two cent tax on bank r backs drawn for letis than $100. which would raise 1 1.000,000,000. The bouse this afternoon voted a SS prr rent Increase on all surtaaea on Incomes of 110,000 to 11.000.000, and j to put a 45 per cool tax on tho amount by which Incomes exceed $1,000,000. OOOD ROADS MAR IS DISPLAYED IN WINDOW A laUgo blue print map of the roads which wilt bo built under tho $4,000,001, road bonding bill to bo voted on June 4th by the people of Oregon, has been placed In one of thn front windows of tho Hotel Hall by K. I). Hall, who was appointed mm a representative of the cunnnlKslon for Klsmuth county. The uinii clearly out Hues the roulcit of the proponed road. CALIFORNIA 0. A. R. ORGANIZES TODAY LONG IIBACH. May 17. Tho Orand Army of Ciillfornln and Nevada con ened here today to discuss how vet eran of the Civil War can help In the preieut utrugglc. Oltlcers will be elected late today. The men who fought at Vlcksburg hnve orgnnUed a California Associa tion of Vlcksburg Veterans. EATTV POSTMASTER REPORTED SHOT AT M. Hamaker. driver of the Ukovlew stage, bmught n report here this week at by two men one night recently after they had called him to tho door and oidered him to put up his hands Tho poxt master put up his rands, but hncked off slowly, and then turned and inn. Tho men fired at him, nnd a bul- (0a for Irish ooaveatloaal Prtl ...... . t which win davue a sunsoie rw n i"ii"r"ii'Y'iiiirin n rnvivinrnvnnrririr''i"ii"ivr i" r v ........- Workmen jviimruTiruuuuuuuuuAtuunruuTnnnArw PRIVATE JONES WRITES FROM FORT TILLS OP CONDITIONS IN THI ARMY AND OP WORK MINtl DONE V MEMSERS OP MEDICAL CORPS AT PORT WORDIN y PRIVATE ALIERT W. JONES Medical Cera FORT WORDBN. Wash.. May 1J. HIT. (Special to Tho Horald) TbU la Sunday, and aa all Klaaaatk boya hare are quarantined and eaaaot as to1 church or do any aaed for their conn try, they are writing letters. It soem that thtre were two or three casea of contagiosa disease ta Vancouver, and somebody took a and den notion tbat the twenly-tvo of ua bosplul men who came tip froa there a week ago bad been exposed, so we are doomed to be penned up for a couple of weeks, awaiting the develop Bient of smallpox, spinal meningitis, measles. and mumps. Ninety-five more of the boys la the medical corps are due here tonight, and they will bo put In the barracks with us. The hospital waa pretty nice, and when wc left those hot cakes, hot biscuits, butter and trimmings for their coffee and a few mora delicacies, It did not appeal to their sense of humor. Hon ever they are treated pretty well here, and a couple of weeks will only give them timo to recuperate from their vaccination nnd propholactlc treatment, and time to write to their sweethearts. Tbe Klamath boys' quar ters overlook Puget Sound, and there Is lots nf green gross and hills to look at, so they will not suffer for Insplra lion. This Is a six company post, tho larg est or the iniget Sound defenses. Seat tle Is fifty miles from here by water, and Port Townaend Juat a mile over tbe hill. Port Casey and Fort Flagler are the other two forts In this vicin ity, nnd are located on Islands about six miles distant. Thla point la a narrow place In the sound, and search lights play across the water In several places at night. Tbe stream of light thrown from the other shore la bright enough to read by aa It paaaea the win dows. There Is plenty of fog here at times. nml we ate Just beginning to get used to tho fog horns and whistling buoys, but we have had more sunshine In the past week than we had In Vancouver in a month. Government boats make the rounds to tbe fort, and carry freight and pan Bengera to Seattle. We are allowed to ride on theae boata free of charge whenever we can get leave of absence. It is a good thing a soldier haa some privileges besldea drawing hie $15, per. We are statlonod here for training and. duty, and will probably stay not longer than a few weeks, after which we will be shipped to Franco, the Philippine Islands or aomo post In the United States. Tbe war department seems to want ua acclimated, and we are willing to ride In the boata all we can. When we camo here there were only a few boya In the hospital, and the non-commissioned officers were worked on right away. About two hours are spent each day in drill with litters and marching and an hour or ao In atudy and recitation in "First Aid" and hospital work In genoral. All who are not assigned to special duty have to police the hospital and Quarters. Special duty includes taking care of the dllerent sick wants, Being w phone orderly, kitehoa police, dialog and Soldiers Name Coalition Cabinet ' Ptibllc Meeting. atMy Hall Last Night & Decides by LarfeTMaJorlty on This Arrangement AfewlnUd Commit tees Will Have litre Time to Make Arraneementa, aadj Are Asked to Proceed With Plana. At a public meeting held last night prior to tbe regular session of the Oust aesa Men'a Association, the advlslbllity of changing the proposed railroad cele bration from June 6th, a first announc ed, to July 3, and (allowing it with a patriotic celebratioa'July 4th. was dis cussed, and It waa iMjiltd by a large majority to make tifts" change, owing to tbe fact that It would give greater time for preparation and a greater crowd would be here to celebrate the event. The same committees scheduled to promote the etent for the earlier date have been requested to proceed with the work for July 4th. W. P. Johnson, who has been active ly engaged in preparation for the rail road celebration, declared today that he would swing behind the new date set, and solicits the co-operation of ev ery business man of the city in ranking tbls the biggest event In the history of Klamath Falls. A special meeting of tbe directors of the Commercial Club has been called for this evening, to discuss further plans for the celebration. , CITY'S RATE SUIT DECISIONEXPECTED CHAIRMAN OF OREGON PUSLIC SERVICE COMMISSION WRITES THAT ORDER WILL OIVEN IN t AiOUT TEN DAY8 - Word haa been received by It. C. Oroesbeck, city attorney, from Frank J, Miller.. chairman of the .Oregon pub lic service commission, mat tne oruer and decision In the case of the City of Klamath Falls againat the California-Oregon Power company regarding rates and service may be expected in n week or ten days. The ault waa filed about one year ago with the commission by the city, asking for a decision on proper rates for thla city, relative expenses and re garding service, claimed to be inade quate by the city. , e LACK OP SUPPLIES 4 WILL DELAY CALL 0 e WASHINGTON, May 17. Sec- e rotary of War Baker haa written Senator Jonea that "on account 4 of the depleted state of war sup- e piles In America, the list 500,000 e) conscripts under the draft bill d will not be called until September let." ,' KLAMATHIVILL GELEBRpWE TWO OAYSJUIY 3, 4 RAILROAD DAYJjWILL IE ON JULf3 Q e) in miimm America's Richest Soldier Being Sworn Into Army :t-.-v. v aaVESxaa .bbbk "!? S M fij JiaeewPaaaf Sxwim I W$W$ , 'raKSaxBDawrir EavM eKl h't& i v'BSLdBxSSEfaBxSTJ&', aVEBtnrK gxPTZ -'ffWii r r.flafanaMe7 SKaM? MA 4 ?Mm M$'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHSibbbbbbbbb LaS&JBBaaT.BBBBBBBBBB i I SeeainKaxaxaxs4BjBBjpjpnPEjpj taxlananananananatelBV aananananananananananananananananatSi! M&gLgLgV&llilS BxtBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaHai ESsxlBnBnBelfl EtBxfBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnaHl PePanBnBnBnBnaHffiilig PBiJJBiBal SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaf BBb7UbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aB PessB lllHi I'JefanBBBTCSJgaKaanBBBBB Baaaal laaaBBKBaHBaBBBBaHB -v JmW: RlbaHaaaalBKaaaa KiaSBaBBBBBBBBBBBaDrBaBBBB M and Marshall Field III, grandson heir of the Chicago merchant, has joined the First Illinois Cavalry to fight for his country. It has been stat ed he is joint heir to the property BRITISH STEAMER IS SUBMARINED GERMAN STATEMENT ADMITS LOSS OF GROUND DECLARES 5,000 ALLIED PRISONERS TAKEN DURING MONTH OF MAY NEW YORK, ay 17. The Brltiah steamer Harpague waa submarined on May 9th off Marseilles, according to private advices received here today. BERLIN. May 17. A German off lnl Htntement ndmlts the loss Of ground today around Toeux. The statement Bays that 2,300 British and '700 French prisoners were taken oy the Germans during the month of May. T.oNnoN. Mai- 17. The British progress throughout the Bullecourt re gion has advanced to tho western edge of the village. Tho French bavo repulsed violent German attacks at ma"ny points. Premier's Assaaaln Faces Trial virnna. May 17. Adler, assassin of Count Karl Stuergkh. premier of Austria. Is scheduled to stand trial 10 mnrrow. a commission of physicians having determined that hla plea of 1 sanity was groundless. 4 LAMM.ATSaOPERItW KANSAS CITY. Mo., May 17. e Lambs sold on the stock market 4 today- at $20 per hundred, tne a hi chest in tbe history of the city. ! ,,$ jJl Mediterranean Marshall Field III. worth nearly $400,000,000. He thus be comes tbe richest soldier in tbe ser vice, of bis country, but be waa enough of a patriot to Join the ranks as a pri vate soldier. STATE 8UNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION MEETING NEWBERG, May 17. With tbe lead ins Sunday school workers of tbe state on the program, tbe convention of the Oregon State Sunday School Associa tion got into full swing today, the sec ond day of the gathering. The conven tion will end tomorrow night. In or der that more ground might be covered the convention this morning was divid ed Into three divisiens: The elemen tary conference In the Baptist church, the "teen" age conference In the Friends' qhurcb, and the adult and home conference in the Naiareth church. Among those who spoke thla morn ing waa Miss Nellie A. Cole of Tre- bizone. Russia-Turkey, who described an Armenian kindergarten. Joseph Choate Funeral Held in New York International Authority and Stoteunan Who Greeted the Forgn . Commission Buried' NEW YORK, May 17. The fuaeral of Joseph Choate, ex-ambassador to Great Britain, prominent lawyer and statesman, who haa taken a leading parlajtha, welcome of America to the awiiiaixww n PLAN PROPOSED t AND REFUSED BY LEADERS,STAHTS DELEGATES NOMINATE MEMSERS FOR CASINET ' Desplu Refusal ef Prevlelenai 4evera ment to Accept Cealltien Cabinet Plan From the Committee, Delegates a -r tit Proceed and Nominate Mamaerefer' ranches ef Government Heeds Say It Means Renanclatlens. PrrROQRAD. May 17 Thai men's aad aeMlera' delegates aMecamt' today Boaataated tbe feMewlswteaaV J bers for the new coeJlfWvaa)bhift4 f Minister of JusUee M. MaJgeeMa-' vitche. social democrat t Minister of Agricalture Treharaaw. revolutionary aodalisL - p? v. J MtaferofMBiUUcas-PJesheaeaeT. people's socialist Ministers without portfolio saonej leff. social democrat, and Avksjenter. revolutionary socialist OVER THOUSAND CATTLE UNLOADED Approximately 1.300 head of cattle were unloaded today at the loeal Southern Pacinc yards, aad will, be driven to the Wood River Valley cnasv try to be fed near Port Klamata. ' The cattle belong to P. M. McLamoro and were snipped here frest: Southern California points, where feed haa dried up and bay la high. Some of. the enttle are natlves'ot tala county., and weratakea.souU t teed- It was planned tE'shlp them Unmaa to Chitoquln, but sVwas decided,. to mr load them bere.'etag to the oeai 1-. - J UNIVERSITY DAY AT THE M. t. CHURCH SUNDAY l Rev. George H. Bennett will 'speak next Sunday, at 11 o'clock oa. "3aHa. Uan Education the Bulwark of Civil!- cation." No aervlce at night, pwlag ta union baccalaureate service an th', opera bouse. v.;swte . ,.,i; '.j ..i. .. ----'-----.- while tkey wara la Now VHf.,iFijf laKlKI today? 7 ' MMME Maay ftotauea aueaaoe.re ji $& brldgoMais. .u, 1&S&.&M'SI ? 4 4 R '-t -J I . , ", v1 JiV fV? I 4 m cJrf . VX?. 1 J,'ii a !" yw ' -c( imr- ContlBUU$e I government. W"IIHJ vTlM P? JCShV f j