' J & i &-x i tt f . i. . i. jj v'-.i.!; te 3u immg Herald mm OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY j.nt OFFICIAL NXWBF OF KLAMATH FALLS TTTTlTTi,riT''""r'',yrT??'r,lfii fTl llcvcnlh Ytar No. 3,302 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917. J . m rt & ' Hf 1 France Plan Nears Complete - """ jgflb . Cr WILSON ORDERS FOUR ADDITIONAL ARMY INCREMENTS MINOS ARMY UP TO 300.000 MKN IN NUMBERS llktr, Scott and Olhtro Confer on FiMl PUnt 'or Bonding Amorlcan leliitrt to Praneo Conscription III Con's roro Adjourn Until Tomor. row Pood Oambltra Aro Scored ey Senators. Says Campaign Is Winning WASHINGTON. May It. President Wilson has authorised four additional itftlar army Increments, totalling UM40 men. which bring th total caber In the United 8tatt army up leMMOOraen. Tab Include the organisation of tint Utyiecond and fil.lytlilrtl Infantry at Ike Presidio, 8an Francisco. WASHINGTON. May 14,8ecrtary of War Raker. General Hugh t-. Hcotl ud others conferred for two hours to otr,dUcu.lng the Anal plana for send iif American fighters to France. No fetall of the discussion wore an wared. The ronfrrvrs on the conscription Mil from both the house and the senate net today to arrange for the addition of tbe Roosevelt amendment to the bill, hf ImL ... ...I .. ' - . . .w iiu acuun. i ne conference au Jwraed until tomorrow. Senator Thorns presented the sp Ml amendment providing (or the an Htttlon of all board of trade that are peculating In future. The amendment mo rite to a bitter denunciation of toft-ambler In food stuff. ' - ,"!i vCMsajat ) eJTuaBaYl&BBSnBSrJ JHP A ' wwm i i n - niTififiTirinnnnmiiininiin m German-British Sea Fight Is Expected vr j "JLJrVTnrvvvirifVwvijvvvTjfvi JrlUPSOfl MAXHltSfc3 "With the U-boat Germany I rap idly gelling a strangle hold on Eng land." say Hudson Maxim "The em pire of the ra I fal passing from otersea to undersea from Drltaln to ttermsny. "If Englsnd I starved Into subrols- slon. we are lost. With Drltaln out of the way, Germany will smash us like a puff ball, with one swipe of the null ed flat." GERMAN LOSSES TOTAL 200,000 IN HALF MONTH i.i.i.....w,wwM)wwi... -ir-.-.i.-LiuxruuuuLii J THIRTY-NINTH ZEPPELLtN BROUGHT DOWN WAS TWO KILLED, ONE DYING IN BANK HOLD-UP TODAY liTTSUURO, May 11 Two pemonn are dead, one Is dying ,and rcveral were Injured in a H bank robbery , today at Castle (Shannon, a suburb of thin city. The robbcra entered the bank at nocn and opened fire, hlttins two banker. The robbers escaped In an nulnmobllc, and a po8e ur- rounded them t Bridget illc, wnero another fight followed. e French Plguroa Say Oorman Leasts Prom April IS to May 1 Aro Heavy. Airship Brought Down In North Boa. Progress Reported Near Rooud. Prench Reputeo Oorman Attack Ar. tlllory Heavy Today. t CHAN6E OF VENHE ASKEO IN CASE ATTORNEY8 POR MRS. MOONEY PILE MOTION WHEN CASE CAME UP IN JUDGE DUNNE'S COURT THIS MORNINO 8AN FRANCISCO. May I1.-t wit uaouneed today that members of the MSlor classes of the Pacific fna.t nil. HN will bo nermlttMl lo nir tim eors- tratnlnjt camp at the Presidio! 8AN nANCI8CO, May I1.-When P to June 1JU, In addition to the ,h' n of Mw- Hcnn Moont,y- charged i0 men already there. They will w,,h ,nrc0 coun,'' of mwAn M n n' Won the xsmoWls as all the others. M,lt of ,m' lwi"lnHi parade bomb expioHinn nvro, ennui oeroro nupenor JudKo nunno'H court for trial thla WITH Tim FRENCH ARMIE8, May 11. Germany's losses on the French fiont totalled, at a minimum, 200,000 killed, wounded and captured from April 16th to May 1st, according to flg uies given out at the French headquar ters today. CHICAGO BOARD STOPS TRADING DEALING IN WHEAT PUTURE8 TO E DISCONTINUED WHILE TRAD. INO IN CORN AND OATS BARRED POR REST OP MONTH t it Mother of Russian Freedom" LONIkDN, Msy 11-Tbe admiralty to day told that the navy destroyed a Germsn Zeppelin In the North Sea this morning. This makes a total or thirty nine Zeppelins destroyed by the Drit lith since the war began. MINLEY ASSOCIATION TO HOLD BOX SOCIAL FRIDAY The rarent.Tcachora Association of Henley school will hold a patriotic w social at the school house Friday JJWt, at which time boxes prepared by Mb children and adult will be sold o a drawing for a watch will be held. i patriotic program will Be given, and , Proceeds aro to go to the asaocla- Chang morniiiK. attorney for Mr. Moonoy filed n motion for n chango of venuo. At n recent session of the Mooney ense, Judge Dunne flnyed the attorneys for the defense, claiming they used Im proper tactics, nnd tho chango of venue Is asked for ns n result. An nflldnvit by Mrs. Mooney stating her belief that she cannot secure a fair trial accompanies tho motion to change the case to another department of the superior court. LONDON, May 11 Further progress In tho vicinity of the village of Reoud Im announced. Tho Germans have been driven from all but two of their former posts in the Dullecourt sector. The French report decisive repluses of German attacks at many points, and heavy artillery flro la being maintained today. -T CHICAGO, Mny 11. Tk board of trade haa ordered that aft trading in wheat futures be dfscontfnuedTor Two da), and that existing contracts be llquodated at last Saturday' clos ing prices. Trading in corn and oats has also been barred for the remainder of this month. The board has further ordered that no contracts for July wheat dellv cry shall be made for pricea exceeding 12.75 and for September at $2.15, lwBbVBBBBBhBi -2 ttB s a tt $ && ilBBBBBW-. jOEFIS S JP'W i AhbVJbpJbpJbpJBBBbpJ JstKr.- 4 ??'$ lz r'aSBBBBB ,1'''-3m 'Bj JBflBBV-:B3HBk m BBwBBwBBwBBwBBWMr X--1 -aHaBBBBBBV JBJBJBBBK iel BbpJbpJbpJBBbpXT"' vf'JapJapJapJapJBawr7-,-'a'Bi cl MsbbbbwL S!JgBSSfez!ar m iHHBLflaSKai. JaBBBBKJV l BBJJBJJBJJBJBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa M SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSO BBBBBBBBBBBBBrJBarBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI $1 sVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH A :BBlalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaW:BBlalalalalalaVlBBlM J? H ?H!Bit BBBBBBHBlSBBBBlSBaBaaBBlBaW i. lJblcaBBJBBBBSBBBBBBBBBKBJBBt Li StSHaflaBVJsVJHafPmiS W I I IM BtjBBleBBBBB l I w tScmrjssags&gi&in'Xfm? v&sszwsmmmsxsE Mme. Catherine Breshkovskaya, "Mother of Russian Freedom," was re ceived in Petrograd from her long ex ile In Siberia, with thanks of a nation. This photograph shows her first ap- GERMAN NAVY TO ENGAGE BRITISH:: IT IS BELIEVED CRUISER AND DESTROYER RAIM TEST BRITISH FLEET Groat Sea Battle Expected Hr s4wtka Is Thought Will Take Phm Me. English Boliovo Raid Part of PiM to Test Navy Bolero .BeUetlartef. British Naval Mm, Coafdsat That England Will Win C S ' , pearance on her retunty. 8he haa been hailed by the reVoiutlUtB as their heroine. She was one;of the flrst or dered back when th revolution ot rid of the reactionaries?' c " MONEY IS ASKED FDR LAND PROBE es are Made in English Admiralty Body Sir Jonn Jellico to Be Chief of Naval Staff at Well at First Sea Lord; Result of Criticism LONDON, May 11-Flr.t Lord of the 1mlralty sir Edward Caraon an unced lo the house of commons that wle of cnangoa In the meraborshlij " 'be lmlralty board ara to be made. The changes Include the appointment Br John Jelllcot as chief of tho naval stafT In addition to his duties aa flrst sa lord. The ebangea are the result of the re cent attacks against the admiralty board resulting from the suppression of deetalls concerning England's losses by German submarines. It la believed that Lord Carson will retain bla position. EMERGENCY BOARD WILL MEET AT SALEM MAY 2S TO CONSIDER REQUEST OP ATTORNEY GEN. ERAC BROWN POR SS.SOO AUTO PARTY HAS NARROW ESCAPE AUTOMOBILE TURNS TURTLE WHEN BANK IS STRUCK AND WHEEL 8MA8HED, BUT NONE OF SIX OCCUPANT8 INJURED Frenchmen Break Grounpl. For Lafayette Monument -. i j, DALTIMORG, Md., May 11. General (erected here to the memory of General Joffro and Minister Vivianl broke La Fayette, and then letj forHvashtng- ground today for the monument to be ton. ,; LONDON, May 14. Tka boNaf taat " German cruisor aad deotrwyorrawy, on UcvBritish coast an part of a.aJaa to teat out the watcbtalaaaa af tka Biiusa fleet v. i It U believed aUothe raids) Iwp, -been made to distract attoatJaw freti- f the Norta Sea preparatary U fottoac the German nary .auataat.lkttJBasJIaau, , navy u the great sea battle wales) Use j world baa long expected. British naval authorities are ooal dent, that Germany will engage, the c ' British before the war eada. aad they are aiso connaeni mat ue naw la ntAf4m- atiri will f victorious. BIG MANUFACTURERS Great Lakes Frieghters ; Collide and Both Sink SAUI.T STE. MARIE, May 14.- SALEM, May 14. A meeting of the emergency board will be held here May' 23 to consider the request of At torney General Brown for authority to spend $3,600 In completing the Investi gation of the Pacific Livestock com pany alleged land fraud caae In Harney county. In a former letter to4 Secretary of State Olcott, Brown aska the meeting in fta. MnllaiH ln otAnaildAi tit a aislwlataihll. Ily of granting authorliy to the attor-j ,nt 'a? " bn"h t0 ney general of the state of Oregon to "!? !De car turn,n ' create a deficiency In the sum not to exceed the amount remaining unex pended of the appropriation made by the legislative assembly of 1115 for the purpose of paying the expenses of liti gation, for making an investigation of the facta relative to said case." The attorney general points out that In IMS the legislature appropriated 110,000 for the payment of expenses of litigation, Including the Hyde-Benson land fraud casea and the Harney coun ty caae. "Of tbla amount," says thai attorney general, "sjs. ceata re mained unexpended,-and I am asking that tbe eaerieaey board authorise tao An automobile containing W. T. Lee of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chone and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cheyne and an other passenger trnued completely over last night on Sixth street, the en I tire party escaping without serious in' jury, and suffering only rrora a bad shaking up. Mr. Lee was driving the car, and said thia morning that he was traveling fasL He placea the blame for the ac cident on a car ahead of him, which, he aays, cut In ahead, compelling him to turn into the bank to avoid hitting the car. A front wheel was smahsed, and tho entire party and the car catlpaulted tho side of the turtle. Their escape from injury is consid ered miraculous. LOCAL LIBRARY CLUB THANKS ITS HELPERS The Woman's Library Club desires to extend a vote of thanks to tS phy sicians, dentists, nurses, Mrs. w, A. Rambo, C. R. Bowman and J. V, Hous ton, Mayor Crlsler and the city coun cil, and to all others who so kindly as sisted In the work for tbe Baby Week exhibition held here recently. The stores which decorated their windows, advertised the exhibit and placed -dis- expenditure of a sum of moasy aqua) to. plays at the city kail are alaotkanked UMXteaaea eienee. - ror ineir interest. Great Lakes freight steamers Pente- The I day, and both sunk in forty feet of wa ter at the Pipe Island Detour da the MEET IN NEW YORK NEW YORK." May 14. The manufacturers - ,!, Michigan coast. The crews of both cost Mitchell and Saxonia collided to-1 boats were saved. KLAMATH CASES ARE DISMISSED FEDERAL JURY SITTING AT MED- FORD FAILS TO FIND ONE VER DICT OP GUILTY, AND HUNG ON ONE CASE Not a verdict of "guilty" was reach' ed in the federal court held at Medford during the past week on a number of cc sea in connection with tbe Klamath Indian reservation. One Jury hung, on the case qf Tom Bartell. The Jury found a verdict of "not guilty" In tbe case of O. T. Anderson, ed with having liquor aft NLecR charged with hauling liquor. onto tbe reservation. Tbe cases against three of the In diana' were also dismissed when ver dicts of "not guilty" were found. District Attorney Duncan, Curtis Heidricb, Carey Ramsby, J. 3. Parker, Wm. B. Freer aad others who have been in Medford either on Jury duty or witness duty have returned. ' PENDLETON COMMISSIONER TO SPEAK HERE ON BONDS Commissioner Thompson of Pendle ton, member of the state highway com mission, will be the next good roads and road bond bill speaker to speak In Klamath Falls on the pending $6,000, 000 road bond lasue. His Itinerary haa not been entirely outlined yet, but in cludes Klamath Falls, according to word received at the Commercial Club. In the United States, representing nearly every Industry, semhled at the Waldorf-Astoria tndar .. -' - --- - . d. for the three day conveatloa of tae National Association of Maaufaetarers.-" George Pope of Hartford; Ceaa., pre-T sided aa president. The new desaaada upon manufacturers aa a result of tke war, trade coadlUoaa caueid by-tke ' conflict, and the financial sltuatloa ft were big topics of discussloaC J U Wm. C. Redleld. seeretaryifot ceav merce, will address the craveaUoaea ij Wednesday, on the foremost prebleaM confronting the government aad tka natloa's principal industries. Mora than 700 delegates were oa kaad waea the first session, was caJMht ardor today. Russian War Minister 4- Resigns From Cabinet m v ..a K'mmm r S., H,, -"H'd 'W Declares Consequences to Be Fatal to navfsmaa. .wal Vm'sIsmm .fi.i:i. S kStSSna-c OUtU aWl-gltlej V OMsaToTISfSttrii V . J .iff T "",. Sit d.mm.:u:i: e. u.k' ':;":,-'! amvoBfavaafaaosaavaaaaw amaajT ivsisbss r i4 r -r. - (-,v.Vty- U iV i LONDON, May li Declaring tbat coasoquoaeoa "fatal to tka defease, lib- erty aad oxiitoaco of Ruasla" threatea TnTcountry4, Mlaistor of 'War ntrd Ma rim' Foi'Oexotiada).- iron laerraeena GataakaaT aaM can "a la tka grave JfvAy.hy.kl f" Kwc; . W tfi,.-? f.S4J' L I WWH -t l ? n 51 1 '1 . li s &iKu'weaK tluS'arpMiiuak. i r; .. , r?ft.r 'V" ' 1 ' 'T . .i - rK '