M1"" &' iir j! PAMTWB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i TUESDAY, MAY a, ,9)r r ,4 5 a. TUETmnf Herald ' W. O. SMITH, Editor ay af fe at W IVmrta otreet. at the ky mail to aa? ktkiWMItiMi: iw- M TUESDAY, MAY t, 117 BcnhTsChssiieJ Airs. wwwwmnwwww FOR SALE FOR SALE-Hay at ranch. Phone 15F11. the Ankeny "' FOB BALE Hatching eggs frofa pure bred Barred Rock hen, all male birds from O. A. C. prise laying stock. Write, call or phone Mrs. O. A. Thorns, Merrill DeMvcry charges extra. S4t FOR SALE FIt Umber saws ami handles, good as new; four sledges. It wedges. Are axe. Enquire Hot Barings reemtag boose. 7-f EXCHANGE OR SALE Two lots wRk tve room house, garage, barn artesiaa welL See Dr. A. A. Soule Deal fall to Investigate." ?4f M1SCELLANEOUS m0t0wi0ww0wi0i0ww0www I OWN A beautiful lot In Oakland. CaSt, In restricted residence park; all street work complete; close to car liae: 40x19; that 111 trade for Klam ath Falls property. Address W. U Bask, with W. P. Johnson Co.. Klanv atk Falls. 7-3t CAR FOR HIRE Phone Mecca Bll Uari Parlar. 153. Jitney Joe or Mc- Cab. 25-lm D0MT BILL your hides and pelts an tfl yea aee B. P. Lewis, Cth at., near Pkoae 156. t-tf lot for eonR ia BeeCtUteote. IS Mb i Lodge No. 137. 1. 0. O. P.. i Friday Blasts, w. o. corer n. O.. P.: Nata Otteraein. secretary. Bwaaaa Kaeampaeat No. 46. mecta Taaatay Bight. P. L. Fountain, C. P.r I. J. Beea, tcribe. DHL SPLITTING, SICK HEADACHE Dr. gaaaaa' WSSJSSBS PtWJgfS f. Yea iaka a Br. Jamas' Hoadaeho yaar head slisti aad all aearalgia sad smtoaai vaaNhsa. It's Us oaldust relief far hosdssho, wbsthcr oaUttiag or bstvi- Baeoae to us araf a dims pasrsgo now. -life a ------- SI. I SttMVroa Mi Dr. Jim1 UmaAtkm PMrdsrs-tasa tbsrs will bs ao disap- daB, ttrilUsg, Oast - - "TIZ" FOR SORE, TIRED FEET -AH! "Til" It ORANO FOR ACHING, SWOLLEN, TENDER, CALLOUSED FEET OR CORNS Ah! what relief! No more tired feet; bo more burning feet; no more swollen, aching, tender, sweaty feet -No more soreness in corns, callouses, hualoas. Na,.matter what alls your feet or jiwaataader the sun you've tried with- ait getting relief, just use "Tiz." "Tiz" la tba only remedy that draws out all tba, aatooastw exudations which puB " up'tb fast "Tii cures your foot treable aa you'll aever limp or draw up your face la pain. Your shoes won't aaam tight aad your feet will never, over hart or get sore aad swollen. TWak af it, no more foot misery, no assay from corns, callouses or Oat a M-eeat box at any drug store mf JafgrtmsBt star, and get instant ',aaiV Wear smaller shoes. Just once .tea ASBW I imt m MrhAU fiurf , - -. ,.. . . ; far aaly M oeats. Thlak of H OUSTON' MasaaAilaRm aRJVfTBRVfnarli s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATER Vltagreph Blua Rlbban Feature Albert J. Smith and J. Stuart Rlacktaa Present Anita Stewart America's Daintiest Actress, In "THE COMBAT" TEMPLE THEATER "The Atenment," American Society Drama la Three Parts, Starring Vivian Rich. "When Jerry Comes to Town," A Cub Comedy In Two Parts. Hearst Paths News, Current Brents. Performance Begins at 7:3 ADMISSION, TEN CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE M0TIOX rtCTORKS TCESDAV8 AND SATURDAYS MerriH. ORPHEUS THEATER Tuesday and Wednesday "The Guilty One," A Drama of Thrilling Adventure in Two Acts. The Conspiracy," A Thrilling Romance of the Ralls in Two Acts. "Fen and Inklings in and Around Jeru salem with Hy Mayer." "Sammy Johnson lit Mexico," HeGoes After the Arch Fiend Villa. By the Celebrated Artist. Pat Sul livan. ADMISION TEN CENTS CAMPBELL MEETS WITH NATIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL EUGENE. May 8. President P. L. Campbell of the University of Oregon, who is vice president of the National Association of State Universities. Is in Washington, D. G, to attend a special meeting of the association to discuss the mobilisation of. trained university men of the country; Today the 'university heads will meet in Joint session with the National Defense Council. Campbell will be In the East for two weeks or more. CHANCES FOR NITRATE PLANT BELIEVED SMALL PORTLAND, May 8. The chances are against the Pacific Northwest in its efforts to secure a government no- trate plant, although the war depart tnent will consider locations in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, according to a letter received here from Senator Chamberlain. Needs of other sections are more Im perative than are the northwest sec tions for fertilizers, and as there are almost the extent of peace operations of such a' plant, they must be consid ered, according to the department. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS SAYS BACKACHE IS SIGN YOU HAVE BEEN EATING TOO MUCH MEAT When; you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood, aad they be come sort of paralyzed and Ioggy. When your kidneys get sluggish aad clog you must relieve them. Ilka you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else yon have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated. and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The artae is cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft en get sore, water scalds aad you are obliged to seek relief two or throe times during the night Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar- maclst about four ounces of Jad Baits; take before breakfast la a gwaa of wa ter for a few day aad your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes aad lemon juice, combined with litala, aad has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids In tbt urine so it aa longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Baits Is a life saver for regular meat eaten. It is laaxaeaalra. eaa- sot iajure, aad makes aeUgatful, eeTerreaeeat UtaU-vater drink. U.S. Skip ft Which Firs! Amman JVW (Mar W$ Kilkd sis1 huh. wauuwjmi-jBBMaBWWB r-i -T B a t t v i m. wne. v "ft .T. . fc. i - VBWW. t'J 't B.. ff ml r f . 1 V7BBI A tfcx 'V -.. t.aal'm rc ' ' jaV .. ' KS'!3iSi V ;,.. fliSWi""lFm-rW w jf . aai .. . p ' tTrfWij: -. riav "-MMffw.T Baaar-t -n - . v " v '-S BmaTl av. X BT.WT t ?iXiasBmm;'-'5;ii:'"-'3 -- -rpiw.- viS-2"- .r6" bv2'MiSi5i;!.t5rAi: iihi iii 1. 1. Mi i i i-w T " I i 't$Z ssiSjsAaamtaiiUSiEiMv ftwi,anwk Vf An American naval lieutenant ami nine gunners went to their death when the American oil tanker Vacuum wi sunk 140 miles west of lUrra. Ireland. These are the first American natal or military men to lose their lives In the war. The act which caused their death was the second blow struck In the war, and It was struck by the Ger mans, who have snlit they would not !! SW Wl" KM ewMgi declare war on the United States. The first blow waa the'slnklng of a Ger man submarine by Lieutenant Ilruce R, Ware, American naval commander on board the Atlantic transport steam ship Mongolia. Mew b the Tew to Pint Potatoes Potatoes should be planted as rapid ly as the soil can be prepared. Those planted have made little growth on ac count of the late spring, but with the weather getting wanner and the ex cess moisture draining from the soil. growth will be rapid. Abundant production of potatoes will represent Important contribution In the campaign to Increase the rood supply. The abnormally high prices win not be nermltted to continue. Householders will find themselves In dependent of speculators If they util ise the vacant lot adjoining their prem ises, the back yard, or even the park ing in front of their homes, success ful' notato crowing depends largely upon good land, well prepared, selec tion of nroner varieties, good seed and thorough cultivation and careful pro tection against insect and lungus nests. While the potato thrives best on sandy or gravelly soil, it will pro duce with fair returns on heavier or clayey soils, provided the drainage is good and cultivation efficient. If the area to be Dlanted Is small. It would be better to -spade than plow It. If the surface is sodded, the sod should he cut un as finely as possible, either with disk or spade, before being Iron ed under. The soil should be stirred to a depth of eight to ten inches and ihomushlv nulverized. Many of the fresk notatoes brought Into newspaper offices to have their pictures taken are a testimonial to the fact that cither the gardener left tumps and clods and stones In the soil and the potato ex panded In the direction of least re sistance or the seed was diseased. Raw subsoil should not be turned up more than an Inch or two at a time, so If previous plowing have been to a depth of six Inches It should not be plowed or spaded deeper this year than seven or eight Inches. Where the work l.s to be done by hand, potatoes can be planted In rows 26 to 28 Inches apart. Where the cultivating Is to be done b horse, it Is advisable that the rows be widened to 30 to 34 Inches. Cut the potatoes so that at least two ces will be left on each piece. Cover them In accordance with the character of the sol), from two to three inches: if light, from three and a half to four Inches. The pieces may be dropped from 10 to 13 Inches apart. Begin cul tivation as soon as the plants have bo come established, keeping the surface mulched for the retention of moisture, and killing all weeds. If successfully grown, the average lot. 50x100. might be expected to produce twelve or fif teen bushels. A little less than one sack of pota toes will bo needed as seed for the aerage lot. Six hundred pounds of potatoes will plant an acre.tf - HOE PARADE TO BE HELD MAY STH POUTI.AND, May 8. Portland's unique "hoe parade," arrangements for which are being completed today, will be staged on the evening of May 12th. Thousands of Portlandera are expect ed to walk through downtown streets, each earning a hoe or other garden tool, and each wearing old clothes. The Citizen's Unification League Is in charge of the demonstration, which is intended to promote the cause or food preparedness. TO PLANT POTATOES AT PENITENTIARY WAI.I.A. WA1.I.A. Wssh.. May . Trim, well-kept lawns around the Washington penitentiary here will be planted In potatoe and other veget ables, prison officials said today. The potato patch alone will contain three acres. OREGON ALUMNI WILL CONGREGATE OVER THE STATE ALL WHO EVER ATTENDED THE UNIVERSITY TO MEET "" -mv ran NIW NiT.NTlA.v; Purpose of Organization is te Cam palgn for Women's Building at the Unlvtrslty at Eugene Many Stu dents Enlist and Alumni Asked to "Recruit" High School Students for Colltge Ntst Year. 1 bBbBbbBbsBbBbBbV ?UTat ' ' wmS 'aaaf f" P W n mBSJIsbb gafj M ' ' MorSe'S fever- I a Bfe j tailing Seeas fee lot vsmlts ia Sfriaf flewwe sedwgmtlis. PUal wr)m t .siisslaa1 what Ctssd Prise California Seeds Abe CiUm. (Urret. Oaieas, , Psm. SfiaB, ' Tunis. pWMd. mU lit tn "Jmrn imL" Os fcls by si iMdkMj DmIms II nw 4mW If m mtrw Mm'i ffit. mU dinttlm cm laM - hu. UI M smartly ttwUW M. a G. M0ISB ft GO. Sea Francisco CHN,CAL OEPAHTMew" are ULLETIM. Jimac to BECAUSE Zerolene correctly refined from asphalt-baaecrude,itinam tains its lubricating body and value at cylinder heat, thus forming a perfect pis ton seal, reducing friction, and enabling the motor to develop ite maximum sower. Zerolene le the oil fcr your' car. For tsl by osskrs everywhere sad our Ssrvic Sistmm STANDARD OIL COMPANY t7'x,a-'-. u7 with BUBdara Oil Co,.,,,. w. b.r M-- I 9th9 fleaa ande... . a no-wr. that not wuh thi. tft h. brand of ai -w... ' n ,o ,,. , ,ur Ynrm - s. z - ...f . m fURuii xxn - OOMBin Under the direction of local com mitter of alumni In every section of the state, the friend and former stu dents of the University of Oregon are arranging for a celebration next Fri day of the first slate wide "Univer sity Day," aa recently set aside by special proclamation Issued by Gover nor Wlthycombe. The chairman In charge of the arrangements for Klam ath County I Andrew Collier and Judge l. V. Kuykendall has been named as a member. In each community In Oregon the alumni expect to get together all per sons who have ever studied at the uni versity or taken work through corre spondence. The program for the day will consist In three parts: Pint, the effecting of a closer organisation; sec ond, the celebration of the day In good fellowship, with banquets, picnic and spoechm In the different communities as local convenience may dictate: and third, the carrying out of .some work for the university. One of the brnnchr of the university activities which It I hoped to forward Is the campaign for the woman's building, which baa been conducted for uver a year under the leadership of Mrs. Oeorge T. Oerllnger of Dallas. A patriotic trend Is given to the ob servance through the fact that the young men of the university have so largely offered themselves for the na tional service that one of the purposes of the alumni movement thl year will be to "recruit- high school students Into the university to be trained and educated to fill the great need for trained men which the nation I going to feel after the war. Chllrote gives spartar attemttoa in property of aoa-rasldesita. OBkw BBS Main. 1400,000 TAX LIVY FOP, Tlte HeraW v.111 Mch ,, 4 one of the eight tnea.ures M th., I will appear on the slai. Ulloi3 ! the special election to bs klul June 4lh. BM The seventh bill , it ballot, with th resell,, . -w w,f, ,n hm imiiiiwh; llubmllted by II. lWiMf sembly-l 100.000 Ta Uv t N,w Vtiltri,tUry--prtHwiT"T authorlie the hoard of r....i .!! , construct a now state inltrntlar I acquire a new site or grotiM,! therefor In the county wWei: the petillentUry U now oct I at a total rust not etreediniKtt. a 000, To enable tlir. bor,J ft( I ttol to carry out i. provUlowg V this art. stair iA( , u f lioo.ooo each year for four ynn Is nuthorlied to be made la Mil. g lion in the tntes oilirrwlte Mj orlletl by law 4 313 Yes. ! 311 No. ! agaagg 1 have lite erlotte mis of saaw i im m ianw in (he tUaln. ilillrota. It CLIP THIS OUT; MAY COME HANDY TELLS HOW TO TAKf I0NINIM FROM A CORN AND LIFT IT RIOHT OUT Hospital records show that time you cut a corn you intits Iseskv or blood polon. which I nedleis,Mn a Cincinnati authority, who tetle yet that a quarter ounce of a drag ralW freeione rati be obtained at IKtlaeest from th drug store, but Is ivBsfeet to rid one's feet of rtrry bud er sat corn or callus. You simply apply a few drops et tab on a tender, arhlng corn aad tbtsMv ness'ht Instantly relieved. BbMtlftsf entire corn ran be lifted out, root 4 all, without pain. This drug Is stlrky. but dries a! em and U claimed to Just sbrivtl ay u corn without Inflaming or trea IrriUl Ing the surrounding tUnus or ikis. ' If your wife wears high seek sVt will be glsd lo know of uls.-AT. ,:tsia arrhletit and heahh are tb sUndanl of the worM, Adi Chllrote for rales. It HOWARDS AihUnd-Klamath Falb Auto Line BEST EQUIPMENT The Service That Hae Made Oood NEW SEVEN PASSENGER CARS Special Subscription RATES : Following Its us-ial cuetom, the Herald vklll give It annual bargain month from May let to 31st, during witl time the following each grleee for pal" '" aevance subetrip tlone will prevail: i Delivered by earrler In Klamath Falls, $4.00 f' ,, l Delivered by r-ull In Klamath County, 13.00 per ' Aa theee rates only cover the eeet of the print paper tale yeira arleee, we are net juotifled te going to any aeaae In canvaselng the elly er eeunty, and all those deelr. Ingta Uke advantage of theee opeclal rates are reguettie to either bring In their subserlptlone or eend them by ms aeferw the end af the month. The difference 1" rates M the eaunty and elty le due te the eoet of two eente per w for carrier eervleo. Evening Herald