il 1 1 i y , w aMj lEuenfng Memlb OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWtPAFpR OF KLAMATH FUf i lvnth Veer No. 3,297 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1917. J IV , Met, fm je&&C&? People Take Decided ELECTION WAS LAND8IDE FOR THREE NEW MEN STRUBLE AND MILLER ONLY OLD MEMBERS RE-ELECTED Initially Franchise Pasted by Largs Majority by Vol ef M3 to 383 Nsw Councilman lltcUd by Big Majerl. Ilia People Want Strahorn Rail, read, and luilntaa of the City Con. duclUd In tho Opon. COUNCILMCN ELECT Harry Telford ,-- Flrt Want W. T. Leo ............... Second Wanl I. It Struble Third Ward A. I). Miller Fourth Ward M. I. Uvenlk ... Fifth Ward fly a majority of nearly 4 to 1 the rltlirn of tho city yesterday et a vole for a change In the membership of the city council In all but two ward In the clt. tho Third and Fourth. In loo First ward a now councilman waa elected with no oppotltlon, It. J. Sheet (present Incumbent) not running. Counclltnen I. It Hlruble of the Third and A. 1). Miller of tho Fourth ward, polled heavy majorities over their op ponent, Htruble securing tho heaviest In the election over hla opponent. J. II. Hamilton. Miller waa compelled to run against two opponent, but came out with a nice majority. The turnover came In thn Second and Fifth ward, where Will Leo led 0. I). Mathews with a majority of 168 out of 26 votoa caat. In tho Fifth ward, M. I. Uvenlk. largely an un known quantity In public office, de feated M. II. Doty by ten vote, tho only clone vote In the election, and probably the biggest aurprlao In the flection. The vote of the people of the city of Klamath Falla jostenlay clearly dem onstrated two thing: One. that they (ro decidedly and unreservedly foi1 the Strahorn railroad without bickering or hesitation, and straightforward busi ness above board and conscientious work toward Retting; tho work started oon aa pelble: and aecondly, that Iho peopln want n city novomment that I' earning on the city 'a business abovo Wound nnd In the opon, with n smnll , percentage of poHblllty of dealings hlch might be conaldercd ahndy In ny manner. "The will of the people muat bo car ried out, and carried out In na busi nesslike and expeditious n manner aa Continued on Page Millions of Bushels Wheat Lacking Area Harvested May 1 is 31 Per Cent Under Last Autumn; Harvested 20 Per Cent Lower WASHiNqrON. May l-The depart mnt of agriculture forecasts JM.00P,. bushel as the winter wheat yield from the mr crop, aa agala.t !.. Hl.000 for 1010. f-" Icow , 4a.2t,,i f twtc j-nsase a j a I M Col AUREUA HE VIA It r.lMiriulimiimiiw i; f. vol riniinj uiinnvuviKi iu Colonel Aurella llela, aecretnry of government In Cuba, and Colonel Ma li Dctancourt, who cauxbt General (iouii'x and virtually put down the rev olution aculnnt the Menocal govern-1 ment. will be In command of Iho 25, 0(H) iroopw Cuba propose ralslnR for service In Kurope. She will plnco Iho troops In charxe of the United States. Tho secretary of war will hao sen- oral charge of Iho troops, whtlo Col-J onel Itelnncourt will bo In actual com mand of them. ALMOST FOUND HIGH NAVAL AUTHORITY OFFI SIALLY EXPRE8SE8 BELIEF THAT SOLUTION OF THE 8UB PROBLEM IS "JUST AHEAD" WASHINGTON, May 8. While W. I,. Sidinder and other members of the nnnl consulting board conferred to dny with Secretary DanlelH on tho sub murine problem, n high navy authority officially cxpiessed tho view that tho actual solution of tho diver problem Is "Jusl ahend." SnunderH announced several days n ko that ho believed an effoctlvo plan nnd Invention has been found to rid tho soaa of this menace. It is confi dently believed that Thomas A. Edi son ia the inventor. The areas to be harvested on May let I 31 per eeat leas than waa plant ed last autumn, and the harvest SO per cont under last year's harvest. BaaaaatsA iaaaaH ' IgaaaaaaaaamaJ aaaaafl ' lit BBHan9!ag9HB 1 wWw aaaP t PTv ilaVIDvJ Ft iyi Tnwffy t v7j SUB SOLUTION , ..... J. - . - . - - - - - - l. - STRAHORN HERE TO WdJMJWVJ COUNTY AGENT ARRANGES FOR RURAUMEETING SATURDAY 18 AGRICULTURAL DE FENSE DAY Eltvtn Matting Are Announced at Dlffarent Points In Caunty Farm Labor, Policy of Secretary af Agrl culture, Minimum Prleea, Cenaus Among Point to la Taken Up by Appointed Speakers. AGRICULTURE DEFENSE DAY a A plnn for raising and dlstrlb- ullng farm labor may be made r t known and labor application blanks for each district presented. The policy of the secretory of agriculture for the nrotectlon of the farmer by the adoption" of a , minimum orlco and antl-food speculation law may bo explained. , ,. .. I nellablo nformatlon on tho national and world food supply . may bo presented. A census or uregon s crop ana w, ..jn oracr thnt thplie mieli bc RUH. lhestock condition may be taken gained, with a possible lower reduc- up. tlon at a later date, the citizens of Klamath Falls should keep working at These arc tho points that will . time8 t0 beUcr conditions. If there be taken up at the meetings to bo held in thla county next Satur- ' day, May IS. County Agriculture Agent H. R. Glalsyer Is rapidly completing plana for tho meetings to bo held over the county on next Saturday, May 12th, which dny has been set aside by tho gncrnor to bo known as "Agriculture Defense Day." All farmers In iho vicinities whore thn meetings are announced, all farm ers' clubs and agricultural club repre senlattlves are urged to be present, and all others Interested in Increasing tho county's production due to the world and American food shortage. Meetings havo been arranged for the following places, with the speakers named to havo charge. Others will bo named later. Midland school-John Hutchlns. Bprlng Lake school M. D. Ford. Mt. Lakl church T, N. Case. tone Pine aehool L. F. Qeertson. Henley school R. E. Bradbury. Merrill, city hall J. O. Swan. Matin hall M. M. Stastney. Shasta View school B. P. Alexander Lower Poe school Glenn VanMeter. Pine Grove school Chas. Mack. Ft Klamath, city hall I C.SIsemore Mr. Glalsyer says that the people are donating their balls freely, and are co operating. All the meetings so far ar ranged will be held at 8 p. m., Satur day night. CATHOLICS MEET EARLY TO ATTEND COUNCIL On account of the elty council meet ing tonight, the Cathollo mission sen vlees in the Catholic church will be gin a T p. m., Instead of at p. m., to give all an opportunity to he present at the council westing. All cstnoucs havo been advised to assist at both the mission and the town, meeting. rrJ. - - - , .r . l.l.r.ri-nin-JnrinrtnnnnrinAJ-u- KLAMATH'S FIRE RATE IS REDUCED REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT 18 MADE IN CITY THROUGH EF FORTS OF FIRE CHIEF AND WORK TO 0IMINI8H RI8K8 Tho Underwriters Equitable listing bureau has Just laaued a re-ratlng for this city, materially reducing the fire Insurance rates on dwellings and brick buildings and contents of same. "The new rates are effective from and after thin date on dwellings situa ted within the fire limits: this takes In all the principal residence portions of the city, but excludes dwellings locat ed high up on the hills and In outlying portions of the city, remote from fire protection," said Chief Ambrose. ' "Rates on dwellings and contents have been, cut about 10 per cent the basis rate for dwelling being 45 cents. .whereas It has been 50 cents. Thin , gives us n rate as low as any city in 'Oregon without ajhjlly paid Are de- JPrtment. ! "Rnf'' on ne brick n concrete buildings and their contents located in hc business district have been cut as much " 20 r ccnt wh,ch w,n substantial saving to our merchants. Tn,8 B BtM ,8 duD (o of moAm flpo apparatuft nnd flrc ordlnance8. any information or assistance that I may ve at any time concerning your buildings, kindly let me know. I am tiling at all times to work to our ad- vantage. FINLEY 8HOWS MOVING PICTURES HERE TONIGHT W. I,. Finloy, stnto game warden, will give his illustrated moving pic ture lecture on Oregou's wild game life tonight at Houston's opera house nt 8 o'clock. These lectures are most interesting, and this one is ghen undor the au spices of the Klamuth County Teach ers' Association. Complete Returns on the City Election Yesterday First Ward Harry Telford, 70; no opposition. Second Ward W. T. Lee, 232; O. p. Mathews, 64. Total 298. Third Ward J. H. Hamilton, 84; I. R. Struble, 301. Total 385 : ........ Fourth Ward E. B. Hall, 28; Joe Joseph, 84; A.D.Miller 183. Total 238. Fifth Ward M. R. Doty, 72; Mike Lavenlk, 82. Total, 184. Total vote east, 1,120. ( i Initiative Initiative Competing Competing Ordinance Ordinance Ordlnanee Ordinance Yee 'Irst Ward ..'. t 83 Second Ward 218 Third Ward ... Fourth Ward . Fifth Ward ... Total . 816 174 ...;: 122 Stand FRENCH SPECIAL TRAIN WRECKED BUT NONE HURT BROKEN RAIL OERAIL8 ALL BUT TWO CARS Accident Occurred In Illinois While Party Was Dining Federal Agent en Train Said Not Due to Plot Com missioners Severely Shaken Party at Indianapolis Todsy on Way Back to Capital. EFFINGHAM. Ills., May 8. The French war commissioners resumed their totur this morning after their spe cial train was wrecked last night Tho wreck occurred while they were dining, a broken rail derailing all but two cars and the locomotive. The commissioners were severely shaken up, but were not Injured. Secret service investigators are In clined to believe that the accident was entirely accidental, although there Is some difference of opinion. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind , May 8. A government agent who was aboard the French special at the time of the acci dent made announcement that the wreck was not due to a plot KAISER'S LIFE WAS ATTEMPTED UNKNOWN ASSAILANT FIRED THREE SHOT8, TWO OF WHICH STRUCK THE TONNEAU, WHILE KAISER WAS MOTORING ROME, May 8 A Zurich disptach to Corriere D'ltalla, a local clerical or gan, snjs that an unidentified man fired three shots at Kaiser Wilhelm's car while the kaiser was out motoring in Berlin. Two of the shots struck the tonneau and the third went wild. His assailant was arrested. No 20 34 28 32 '17 Yee 29 94 86 SO 84 -No 42 ;227 .116 89 J- &L Yr. 181 868 In WIND UP DEAL Chief German Plotter Captain Frits via Rintlen. believed to have been foi many months the chief German plotter In the United States, and susMJtod of being a rela Uve of Kaiser Wilhelm, was photo graphed In court at the trial of him self and others. lacladiaasCoBareaasaam Frank Buchanan, In connection with activities of Labor's National Peace Council. He was brought back from England, where hie had been caught trying to get back to Germany on a forged passport. It was believed he would tell all his 'relations with plot ters In the United States in order to save bis own life. Von Rlntelen Is be lieved to be worth many million dol lars. He was believed to have been closely connected in business affairs with the kaiser. GERMANY UNABLE SECURE PEACE VICE CHANCELLOR TELLS REICH. STAG THAT THE COUNTRY MUST FIGHT ON PEACE TALK IS FORBIDDEN COPENHAGEN, May 7. Berlin dls patchea say that Vice Chancellor He! ferich told the Reichstag that Ger many has been unable to secure satis factory peace, and must continue fight ing. Private advices say that German mil itary authorities have ordered the ar rest of all peace agitators, and that the government' demands that all peace talk emtnate from offlcial circles. Recruiting a 'i i wwavwrgMa53a3grraJHiMBasaii sBBBBBsMsVIPllBBBBaall b"v1MbBBbH ISBBBKf-S'imBL h BBBaKBMeaMt?- $& VBjJi VBSBBBBBuBBfr: if'jBBK UBBBBBBBBBY"W?V4dt4BBBBm BSSSSSSeJLo1mHBSSi s'SBJpBWWafBJg'l EILl3Cn rsrrzWeinmcnMB For Engineers Enirineer's Offered ii ,- . tjcpedition to Future by Roosevelt Mail SAN FRANC18CO. May 8. Active recruiting for the engineer regiment for immediate service on the French front has started in this city. ' - ' WASHINGTON. May 8. Three hun dred engineers of tho reserve corps officers will accompany the nine engi- aa tlecnofl STRAHORN HERE " TO CLOSE UP ON RAILROAD COUNCIL POSTPONES ACTION LAST NIGHT UNTIL TONIBHT Strahorn Meats With Men Her Today and Details" Being Worked Out to Complete Deal Work to Be Started e ae Seen as Possible Doty i e J vw is Motion and Mathews Ordinance. XW Robert E. Strahorn arrived hi th city last night with hls.eastaoer, H. H. Bogue and today Is hoMhtg msetlaaw with members of tho city coameil aad others preparatory to closing th anal details to begla operaUoaaoa (he railroad. jssrjatiswat. A Tho steps to be taken iselode the final pasage of a city ordiaaaee, al ready passed its first, two readings by the city council, preparing for sigalag of the contract, tho turning orer of tho rights of way, and the closing as af the terminal dealls. Work ia to startf wlhln thirty days after the coatraetl is signed. ';& The city council met last night aad 3 upon motion of Mr. Doty, seooadod by Mr. Mathews, postponed the nasi pass age of the ordinance until tho meeting tonight. ' i- " H Mayor Crisler announced,, to the council chamber fall of people that Mr. Strahorn had arrived In owav and that it was believed better to watt .aatll today and tonight A larger crowd than was present last night promisee to be present tonight to see tho lnal chapter taken. Councilman Struble waa the only councilman to openly protest against ( laying the passage of the franchise over until tonight, but the rote waa Immediately called by Mayor Crialer and declared by the mayor. . The mayor and others of the coaaeil poke of closing np the details today and tonight of the city's end of the deal, and It is expected that the ordi nance will be passed upon tonight favorably. Many expressions of desire that the city lose no time in doing its part of the work were beard in tho city hall chambers following the meeting last night, a large percentage of which were women of the city. Mr. Strahorn wrote before coming that when he came he expectted to da business, and desired to start tho ae ' tuai work just aa soon as it is possible, and so indicated laat night , Office to AccbmDanY ar. w --ri,7i France in Near . - 4 Op3v First - v "yffiR$Samk AS news' reaiaaeaU waaa.w1UgaKJM.u' .-'.:, a ""-. S TV.r-, u .JKHJllft. ZrTTaB-.tA . it.r? France. S&xH&$&0r utS' T. C. Dosbond. onel Roosevelt's .div! tiAAM i air mitar i RooeeVelt; oCered (ha of hla men ta gent. ' aNVSMlPSWiaBsT '9JSjS,i.v!tY irWW?mM' ' riaBslaalBVaaBBW''''-' ,s s5SWa5 .. -,?i UiaJL --" '-' '" vnw;fl "m,nrM V JJC.7 .TJS 1 T ..V i AiT .'"K ,Vi 1 ; i vim . tvr-i Iii ,.'Av, i m?;. .. x-l''i- i iiAi'