m 6 ' g fl f $v m OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NCWlTAMft OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH Fi Eleventh Veer No. 3,28 I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. Priee, Plva Cmli,y Virtual Russo-German Armistice "Fsrifr ifuvAnAa-jtfinjuuiAMwa a. i"ni irnn.qjyuvuuoi jTjmnnnr Wl A ' hxists SOLDIERS ARE FRENCH ARRIVE OUT OF TRENCHES AT CHICAGO AND FRATERNIZEj THIS MORNING muukoff's speech save3 day ,!MCT bv c,tv. 8Tate officials IT 18 BELIEVED I RuMltn Troepe Warned Agalnt Cr.a"celal Tral" Wildly Or"" 0ry, nun nuic-No Shot Fired en Aut.J ""'". "" Otop-Secret Route .n.,m. Frenl for Pl.t Month. , ' followed, nd Special li Preceded and HoilUllUa Art Practically at Standstill en Cntlrt Front Mllukoff Swing Petrograd Crowd. PETROOnAD, May 4. Thre la virtual arrnlatlre In osletence along the Ruulan-Oerman front. No ihoti have been fired for the pa it nenth on the Auatro.Ruaalan front, and there Is little or no activity be. twttn the Rueilan and Qerman force along the whole front. Beth the Oermane and Russian have left their trtnehea, and are meet. lag In "no man' land," where they are freely fraternltlng and addrcaalng each other aa "comrade." The tluonlnn nrmy officer have amed their troop Hint I lie German frlrndidilp may be n ruse. While Itumdan minister are meet lad hire troop nrr guarding thr meet tax plare. joined by n vast crowd out ildr In a Krent demonnlralloii, Utter received from (tin front lill bo Ihr German and Russian soldier save th runt their bayonet Into the ground Ami nn showing their lark of bottltll) for earn other. I'rrriKMHiAD, May t. An open rup ture occurred today between the pro tUlonal couTtiment nnd the work mm'n commlitee. The workmen are demnndliiK that Iho roernmetit confide their plana In the people, and have refused to rallfv any loann until the entente, wur alma have iM-en announced. Many demand the reniminllon of Fbrelim Mlnlater MlliikofT. The altun Hon Ik connldererd the moat aerloua Ince the revolution. A drnmntlr hpeceh nppenllnK to thn patriot Imii of the Htt(lan people by tV)rrlirn Milliliter MllnknfT In the thronKK which were ilemnitdinK hi" mlitnntlon today Micceeded In turn ing their ileinanilH Into pledKes (or the loyal upport of the wnr ncnlnat (lor many, "The provisional Kovornnient never can conoent to a he pa rale pence," de clared Mllukoir, anil wiih loudly ap plauded. AlthotiKli the crldln linn not cleared, the Hpeceh In believed to have etuved oB new compllcatlonn. lleforc the ap peal waM ended Iho moba chcennl Ml lukoff wildly. FINLEY Will LECTURETUESDAY NATION WIDE AUTHORITY ON OR BOON BIRD8 AND OAME WILL OIVE MOVING PICTURE EXHIBI TION OF OREOON WILD LIFE W. 1.. Finley, Mate mo warden, nd well known authority on Oregon wm nnd blrda, will be In Klamath "" Tucaday of next week, nnd will ve one of hln fatnoua movlnR plottiro unlblllnna of OreKnn wild life, Ho In romlnR hero under the au- Ww of the Klamath County Toach- ,r ABuociatlon. Tueaday he will apaad visiting the enoola, l ANO CAVALRY by Armed Engine Lunch Taken at Chicago Club Remain In Chicago Until Saturday Evening. CHICAGO, May t The French com mission arrived here at 11:50 thU moniltiK. Mn)or Thompson and Lieu tenant Governor ()Kleby erected them ul the station. CI I)' mid Mate official and the First Illinois cavalry escorted the party to the Chicago Club, where luncheon wn bad. The rnmmln.iloncrs' train stopped ten minute at Oar, Indiana, where they were enthusiastically greeted. The special train traveled over -a secret route, nnd untied engine pre ceded the train cnrrylns member of the French war commlniilon. They will remain here oer Satur day. Will Care for Officers' Children Mrn. Charle T. Dudley, of whose Hchool lit (!re'nwlch. Conn., Dr. Fnink Crane. Hrneat Thonuwon Solon and other well known pewona tire direct ora, has mndo nn offer to the wnr de partment lo enro for the children of nrmy oIIIcoih who will be xent to the front In the wnr with Germany. She will not only house them nnd teBch I hem, but hn will Rive them all the benefits of her out oMoor achool, the Wubanitltl. Car Attraeta Attention, eh. ohni ear ai. Peter." now via- ItlnK Klamnlh Pull. I" attracting con ..i.i.,.hl nltnntlnn. nnd I said to be a remarkable piece of work, both In it flnlHh of mahogany and general struc tural urrangement. Cornea to Run Shop. w n nari of Portland will arrive here tonight to toko charge of the ex- port machine hop work for toe t,en ...,i .. f thin city. The Central garage recently purchased the White shop on Sixth atreet, and will handle II kind of machine and hop work, both at Iho garage and Iho main shop. NT BlBBBBBBBaaSr naKUB avAvBBBBBBBBBjrTv wBBPAiBPJ BBBBBB ImbBH BBHaB&JaalBH'V''aBBBBBl BBBBKJfwiBBBBH BBMiBBs!' 'I:"" fBTeToTaTBl Rvt-V ,v VB9BBBBJ McAdoo Handing the Allies a $200,000,000 Cheek B rajTyCuEGsxraK h EaYEaaHS BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHH f BaaaaaaaaaaTJafV ffBBKU BaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaBTJal n jajaBBBBBBBjaviirBBBBBBBBBBjBa'BJBl BajajaBBBBBBKajaBBBpaajaBjajl &aaaaaaaaaaaM&?4aaaaaaaaaaaaaef BTBaaaaaaaaaaKaamBaa1, - MP- fl aaaaaaaa'VaaaaaaaaaaTRlC Vtala 1r Mr ffv. n PaaaaaaafaaVJaaaaaaaaaaBBr.B aaaaafaTi Y 'jaH&. ,iaH m ' V aLLVjJsiLWIVkMaLH'laLWaiiaaJlr 'nr-no-.,, U 1BBBwjWVaJK3NiTl-l?J ElVj9jBfjneSBBBBBBBBBVBBBBfjY aaaaaiKaKiV?laaakr m l HBayJBavJBr PPJrrJBBBBlBBBBBeVjB? sfJB) iBaaaaaaamaa.4tiyaaaa&aiVC vaaa-cW--e a TJSfHSKaiaH ' IfBaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaafe ' fSjf)r ' '" 'i1 ' "" m,km "Mir ii mi i ii ? A - - w u &- . 7ff I S2!LvirEyKBDOO!fiHARP.WANlLEXE t. -rc-P?sgr;'7TtKyr? ,T'7,"a'f7:g?f?? U'hk than a week after congresn had pased an act appropriating 17,- 000.000.000 for the war. and a few days J war oan. Th photograph shows Sec after the arrival of the Hrltlah com-retary William G. McAdoo signing the IS WORLO'S CENTER PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES FOR ENQLAND TAKEN FROM MOR GAN COMPANY BY U. 8. FEDER AL RESERVE BOARD Ni:W YOKK. May . The United States federal reserve board has suc ceeded J.P. Morgan as the agent in the United States for the British gov ernment, making Washington, instead of Wall street, the world's financial center. The Hunk of Knglund I representing America's financial interests In Lon don. Thn American government will here nfter do the purchasing for the British government, instead of the Morgan company. I BATTLE B. P. 0, E. CLASH SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT MODOC PARK, WHEN LOCALS ARE EXPECT ED TO SPLURGE Thn baseball game between the Klamath Pall team and the Elk team has been arranged for 8unday nrternoon at Modoc Park. The Klam ath team received all new uniform to day, and Is expected to splurge Sun day. The Elks team has been picked, and is determined to do battle for all honors. Their line-up la: Foster, pitcher; Glalayer and Porky, catcher; Dale, first baae; Loewe, second baae; Jester, shortstop; P. Houston, third baae; B. Houston, right field; Laraen, left field; Hayden, center field; Btev- enaon, C, Moore, Horton, Taylor and Brett, utilities. 10 LOAN FUND NEARLY OVERSUBSCRIBED NOW WASHINGTON, May 4. One thous and subscription coming In over night for the 12,000,000,000 war loan ntad aaaure that the seooad Slice will also be oversubscribed, as was the Irat. WASHINGTON KLAMATH Wl inlxHlon, the American government handed to representatives of the allies a check for S200.000.000 as the first LIFEBOAT OF U. S. STEAMER FOUND FOURTEEN MISSING MEN PICKED! UP, LEAVING BUT TWO MISSING, WHO WERE KILLED WHEN AT TACK WA8 MADE LONDON. May . The admiralty board announced today that a British ship has picked up a lifeboat contain ing fourteen men heretofore reported 'missing from the American steamer , Rockingham, submarined. This report reduces the loss in the I sinking of this ship to two men who '-were killed during the attack on the I Rockingham. HOUSE PASSES CENSOR'S BILL PROVIDES, HOWEVER-THAT JURY SHALL DECIDE ON CASE8 OF ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF THE NEW LAW WASHINGTON. May 4. The house this afternoon adopted by a vote of 195 to 183 a new censorship clause em powering the president to censor news, but providing that a jury shall decide on cases of violation. WASHINGTON. May 4. The house defeated the censorship clause spy bill by a vote of 220 to 167 today. KLL'AMATH APPEAL8 FOR ROAD SPEAKER (Portland Journal) J, H. Garrett of Klamath Falls was a caller at the headquarters of the state wldo legislative good roads com mittee. "I would like to have you end a speaker down in Klamath coun ty," he aald. "We are all for good roads, but do not understand this bond bill very well, and It is constantly be ing misrepresented to ua." He was promised a apeaker. "A few years ago," Mr. Garrett add ed, "we had some good road in .Klam ath county, but neglected to maintain them, and now they are all going to laces. We wlU have' to rebuild them entirely pretty ooa." r - rf treasury warrant in the presence of Lord Cunliffe, governo'r of the Bank of England, and other members of the British commission and British official representatives. SIXTEEN BABIES EXAMINED TODAY EXAMINATIONS WILL BE GIVEN ALL DAY TOMORROW AT THE CITY HALL AT THE BABY WEEK EXHIBIT Sixteen babies were presented and examined this morning at Klamath's Baby Week exhibit at the city hall, being given under the auspices of the Women's Library Club of this city. The committee in charge desire to have it announced and understood that examination of babies will be given all day tomorrow, from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4:30 p. m. The program will be carried out, and this afternoon a large attendance Is listening to the lectures on the care of babies' teeth and other phases of the work. It is also desired that many babies be brought in from the country. The exhibit is not held primarily to an nounce the choice of the best babies, but it is for the examination of babies and to dispense caution and profes sional advice as to the care of the (bnby. The sick baby needs the examination more than the healthy baby, and as many babies as possible are desired to be examined. Tomorrow morning wilt be exclusive ly devoted to the examination of babies, and in addition the announced lectures will be given. Socialist Editor Refuses To Serve With Elihu Root MILWAUKEE. May 4. Victor Ber ger, a local socialist editor, ha re fused the appointment to the Amer Germany Has Attacked 22 U. S. Ships WASHINGTON, May 4. Incomplete state department atatiatlca given out today show that Germany haa sunk GERMANS LAUNCH 3 SUBS WEEKLY' WASHINGTON, May 4. Ad- tnlral De Chair, British commia- sioner, told the house naral com- mlttee today that Germany is launching aabmarines at the e rate of three each week. HERMANS FORCE BRITISH BACK MOST VIOLENT FIGHTING ON WEST OCCURS AMERICA AND ALLIES MAY HEAVILY MINE THE NORTH SEA LONDON, May 4. Vast number of German reserves are making their most violent attack'durlng the present campaign on the 'Western front In France. , They have forced the British to re tire from their advanced position In Cberlsy and astride the Arras-Cambri road. , The British hare, progressed north east of 8L Queatln and Hargicourt. and have (xptared'the Malakof farm. The French have advanced north west of Rhelms. WABHTNGTONrMay .America and the allies are considering heavily mining the entire North Sea. as a means of stopping the ruthless sub marine campaign being carried on by Germany. MCADOO ASKS BANK TO HELP ASKS AID FOR COUNTRY IN GAIN ING SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR LIB ERTY LOAN FUND WILL HE CEJVE THEM UNTIL JUNE 15TH WASHINGTON, May 4. The gov ernment will receive subscriptions un til June 15th for the (2,000.000,000 for the Liberty loan, at 3 1-2 per cent In terest. You can render Invaluable service to your country by receiving subscrip tions and co-operating with the fed eral reserve bank In your district. Will you kindly do this, and tele graph me at the government's expense a soon as you can practically esti mate the amount of bond which you think will be subscribed by you and your customer. W. G. McADOO. Secretary of the Treasury. The above telegram waa received this morning by the First National bank of this city regarding the gov ernment loan bonds which they are re ceiving subscription for. ican commission to go to Russia. He declared In bis statement that Elihu Root is an unfit head for the demo cratic commission. and Killed 300 and- attacked tweaty-two American vessels and have killed 300 Amerieaas during the European war. IF SUGAR BEETS ; MAKE A SUCCESS, TO 6ET FACTORY MANAGER NIBLgY PROM ISM ONI NEXT YEAR Acreage Must Be Signed Up Thle Year, However, to Insure Steseeee Beet Growing Here, and MSt As roe Mast Be Guaranteed for Neat Vi WW Put It Down In Writ! ' Being Contracted New. Klamath County can have a teat sugar factory next year, and the Utah Sugar Beet company la prepared to got ' It dowa in writing, if Use temstra of the county this year desaoaettmto that sugar beets may be grown retlabli here, aad will gaaraatoe SJtH a arse of land for the Indastry swat Tear, Is the word brought here last sight by Alex Nlbley. resident aaaaagar at thai company, bow operating a ataat at Grants Pass. Mr. Nlbley was accompanied' by K Flannlgaa, hi field man, who today Is accetapanylBg Secretary Vred West e the C Martial- Oe;-! ;W acreage for the beets this year. Owing to the lateness of the trala last night, the meeting scbeialed shortened, but those who went thoroughly Into the wetter at raising sugar beets. Mr. Nlbley waa compelled to go out this morning to Grants Pass, being on bis return frees, California, but Mr. Flannlgaa haa re mained over to pick the land aulted to sugar beets, and asaiat Mr., Fleet. As soon as sufficient land ia slgaed to Insure a profitable start this year, " he will leave to secure the see tools and implements for the He will then return to aaatetla atart ing the beet Industry tats year, aad will have supervision of the work throughout the season until the har vest Is made, for which labor will ha supplied. Previous to their arrival here Sec retary Fleet secured approximately seventy-five acres of land," aad thJa morning the party signed ap eoatraets for twenty acres, and Is la the valley working again tbia afternoon. At, least 100 aojjes la wanted pleated in beets this year, and as much more as can be secured to Insure the sac cess of the work, according to Secre tary Fleet. ' Every effort will be made by the Commercial Club and those Interested to make the sugar beet Indastry la Klamath county a auccess this year. FOREIGN MINISTER RESIGNS HIS OFFICE RIO JANERIO, May 4. Ntlo Pecaa- ha, former prealdeat, aad appointed foreign minister to succeed Muller, haa resigned. EXAMINATION TO BE HELD FOR ANNAPOLIS WASHINGTON, May 4. Senator Phelan announced today a atate wide California examination before the atate civil service commission oa May 14th to determine the appolntraenta rreas California to Annapohs. " Mai ? ASKS INDICTMENT , e OP THREE IN CAM e nbw yoksw jsayser-s'eaa'',WM. irioi auuriw iwn fTt w pury weaaesaar mi wmm, e Montgomery, daraaea and KeMff are-t tSteSKSEIR t-awfawwv w -"- VY o m' ! i wi 'l SS2Fa- - "fA ?W"!74 jibCS 3riSH)Nl k.isfl&1 'Wi" 'MV'-a .rfot'tW?..'"' V ''$ t.fif.t' Yrw' . f . -r -,.