' i?T$FM p J-s" S JS VTjfgg Wt 3u?mtt$ Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY A 'jtf5'"'"!) I OFFICIAL NIWW OF KLAMATH FALLS -il- jjs. xamrfrrrmrtirr I'isrsa t (Jiventh Year No. 3,2fl3 .Uii"sf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. Fries, n , A- -"-i fi & X tl , t rBJ,J 1 AMERICA SENDS RED GROSS FORCE. TO EUROPE SOON riRST UNIT WILL LKAVK WITHIN THREE WEEKS Nttional Cjfent Council Mikes An. ncunccront Minister of Munition I Aiiolntt d Industrial and Man Power Surveys Wanltd In ail Statu. Plim Outlined by Othar Members of, Pitiidtnl' Cabinet WASHINGTON, May 3. The N tlocul IhIiim Council announced to ds? lliat Ann-lira will send 3,000 am baUnron ami ".Too iluctur to Prance. tut! In mitliilmi M unit f l.ooo ur Itt.r.4 rani, to KiiKlnml l It"' """i lututr. 1Mt-viu ambulances, llh the Mtrtmr utrti Tor operation mculii ftfljlnc lll leave the United Males tlihiii Hint' week for Kurope. Vlirr A (lirfonl. a membvr uf Urn uiiorml defence council. nddrrwslng cuafrtriite of lilt member of the ilttr ilrfcnM ciiuncll here today. In dialed ilmt tln president tuny appoint a mlnltlrr of munition noon. Other member of tht national coun cil oulllmd what Iho government inti ami what ili' Mate uunt do, In tlodlnc Iniliniirlnl and man power nur r), for cooperation In carrying out tbf conxrlpilon bill pinna, and for thn coonlliiailiiK of the country'n Iran portallon problem. SUGAR BEET MAN HERE TONIGHT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR CITY j HALL TO START BEET SUOAR 1 INDUSTRY IN KLAMATH COUN- TY-BIG CROWD WANTED Alex Nlbte), renldent ninnaRcr of thn Utah llert Sugar company, will be hern lutilfht, nrrompanled by n field man, Ioiprak at n meeting acheduled for thn rlty hall for all Intervatod In tho plant lag of uKr beeta In Klamath county. T tclecram waa received yesterday by Chan. V. Kborleln. Mr. Nlbley mudo n proponltlon to Klamath county farmer nomo time o, and thin ha.i been taken up with Hie farmer. KnntiKli acrcnKn h o01" uiurrd to Iiihuio thn atnrtlng of tho InduMry hem thla yenr. Mr. Nlbley will bo accompanied by n Id man who will remain over fo na lt and Instruct local fnrmcra In tho trk, if it in dcalred. The tneetliiK waa wronnly announced lor the opera houao. KITI8H RESUME OFFENSIVE FIGHTING LONDON, May 3 The IlrltlHli ftorcca "timed their offeoHlve today., and rco bnttlliiK Ik taklnit place on both the north uml kouIIi aldea of the Scnrpo "lr ami iiIbo nouth of the SeiiHee. The Trench have taken additional trr-nchea in Iho Verdun roKlon, nnd progreBHiMl at other polnlH. )) TODAY IS LOCAL CLBAN-UP DAY e Today H Klamath Clean-Up Day nd thn city la haullnu away many boxea and sacks, of refuse Placed In convenient place. Marty Ppln turned out early thla mornlnR with rake and hoe, while Iho city h undergoing a general deanlnK up. Thin WenU la rlatan.iin wank In e J OreKon, and It la expected tho "rk will continue throughout the wk, The city win not haul dirt and k away, but only aaoka and " ol material. aa.aa.a. .' m. a.aaa1 SUB WAR WILL NOT WIN WAR; NORTHCUFFE 11. 8. OETS ALL FACTS EXCEPT ON SUB WAR-GET THEM SOON Sufi War It Germany'! Strongest Card, Says England's Bast War Informed Man Losses Ous to Submarines Serious Declares No Real Difficulty Between England and Ireland Exists at This Time. By ED. L. KCEN Copyrighted. United Press AxiiorUtlon LONDON. May 3. America In get t Imr Ihn complete fact concerning the I trlllsh war drelopment excepting In t eicard to thn submarine loaxc, and that will be given them noon. The submarine menace In (iermnn)' troiik'eiil card, but (hat will not win the war, lit the ntatement made on the a tithnrlty of Uird Nnrthcllire, Kna Lind' bent Informed man nt thin lime on the wnr situation, He declared to me today that (he Miibmarimt loitc are "undoubtedly mtIouk," He Mtltl that in 1914 and ) PI5 the Prulan preparation brought xurceaa lo Germany, although Oer many lost her rolonlea and her ship were driven off tbr sea. In 1915 the end of the allied prepar ation wan marked uy la on "her lait leg." said l.ord North cllffe. Northrllffe declared that there In no real difficulty between Kngland and Ireland, but that the real trouble Ilea between Ulster and the Southern Ire land Catholics. TRY TO KEEP GOVERNOR OUT OF A HOLE SACRAMKNTO, May 3. Several prominent progrele. desirous of 1 keeDlni: Governor Stephen "out of a ho,e wm pjCIM w,n him not to sign the defenao mianl bill, It wan learned today. Thla la the bill kIvIhk the rov ernor power to appoint a guard of 1,000 men at an expenne of $1,000,000. SENIOR PLAY TO SHOW AT MERRILL POPULAR HIGH 8CHOOL PLAY GIVEN HERE, "MERELY MARY ANN," WILL BE SEEN AT VAL LEY TOWN TOMORROW NIGHT Tho Heritor play. "Merely Mary Ann." which acored Mich a hit at tho Houston onera houae here last Friday mam will be Klven at the Merrill opera house tomorrow nlRht. Arrangementa for the taking of the caste of nearly forty persona and others Interested were made thU week by hlsh school students who visited Merrill. Them is no doubt that tho play glv en thla year by the graduating class of the high school la one or, u noi .no best production given by the high iirlinnl hero. Tho members of the cast nro partlo ularly well chosen for their parts, and n pretty patriotic tabloid Is given bo tween acta that made a decided hit with tho audience here, nnd is excep tionally well worked out. The member of the cast, coaches, orchestra and others will leave here l'rlday afternoon for Merrw. TURKISH VUIIR WOULD CONSIDER HONORABLE PEACE nariLlN. May 3-Talaat Pasha, Tup bi.i. vdier. In an Interview printed In .... in.n.. Moo Frele Presae, de- t.i that while the central powera are united to continue the fight against the allies, they are ready for as "'hon. orable peace, which only can co tfcLturt a conference." Hoisting "Teddy" Aboard Ship jf 4Ba ' jt E s'EBEBb I i t 3 Ki BEBEBaEflBEBEBEBEvBl iJ liaHPalEBW I EBBEEiBAEBBE?iEBhw , BEBEBEBbbV I EBEBEBVVBEn TV .HaPEaEeEt l J aEiEiEiEBBaaw W ZSMBMBflEHHH 1 Tarararararararara79HEhi.aBlh vJBaBBEwB'"T""tH f DitaHVlEBl 4iBfM Aw,L9 ,' Et1BEtflE'EB 1 EtaWEtaaEtJEtl - - ' IBBBL ES I HBBkkkPkliB ' AEBSSSSSSSSSBaMp BBEEBI BVEBBBBBBBaP I I BMBBBI ' alBBIvVelvlv. I rB I Captain Emery Rice "Teddy Itooneielt" was the name of the six-Inch Rim which from the atern of the MoiiRolla fired the Orst shot In the war of the United States on Ger many and thereby sank an enemy sub marine. This Is the way "Teddy Kooneelt looked four weeks or more SAILORS' STRIKE IS THREATENED CONFERENCE IS HELD IN SAN FRANCISCO, AND DEMAND FOR INCREASED WAGES BRINGS ON PROSPECT OF STRIKE SAN-FRANCISCO. May 2. An an nouncement waa made here today that a conference or me sailors' union, Marine Firemen, Marine Cooks and ship owners, has brought the proapecta of a sailors' strike forward. It is declared the men are asking for salaries of $65 per month and 60 cents an hour for overtime. FEDERATED CLUB8 HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION PASADKNA, May 3. Members of the California Federation of Women's Clubs assembled here In annual con vention, devoted today largely to busi ness. The election of officers, with three prominent club women of the stale seeking the presidency, wbb the one big feature of tho day, bringing to a close all of tho da) a of active cam paigning which has been done on be half of the various candidates. OI8PATCHE8 SAY EXPLOSION KILLED BOO GERMAN WORKERS I1ASLE, Switzerland, May 2. DIs patchca received here say that a pow der factory explosion at Furth, Ger many, killed 521 persona recently. Second U. S. War Loan Will Be Over-Subscribed, Belief WASHINGTON May 3. The malls received today by the government brought In scores of subscriptions to the new $300,000,000 war loan, and British Transport Sunk; 279 Lives Lost. Announced LONDON, May 3. The admiralty i board announced today that the BrlW ish transport Arcaaian was sua, m m ago when he was being hoisted to the place of action aboard the Mongolia. Captain Emery Rice,- master of the ship, steered her so the rear gun waa trained on the submarine when she rose, and the American naval gunners did the rest NAVAL TRAINING QUARTEimED DANIELS ASKS FOR 7,000,000 MORE STONE SAYS FOOD DE STROYED TO KEEP PRICES UP. CLARK OPPOSES CENSORSHIP WASHINGTON. May 3.-Declaring that the heavy recruiting for the navy demands additional training camp fa cilities. Secretary of the Navy Daniels personally asked congress today to add $7,000,000 to the army and navy appro priation bill to provide such quarters. Senator Stone, speaking today on the espionage bill, charged cold stor age firms with destrojlng food in or der to maintain high food prices. Ho suggested that the government com mandeer the plants. Speaker Clark, opposing the censor ship bill today, declared It to be In "flat violation of the constitution." He declared that the "fact that editors slander people and abuse them like pickpockets would not make him vote for censorship." WHEAT RISE8 AGAIN ON CHICAGO MARKET CHICAGO, May 3. May wheat open' ed today at $2.75, 5V4 cents above yes terday's closing price. A carload of cash wheat sold today for $3.16 ij- prospects already indicate that thla amount, tho second $200,000,000 por tion, will be over-subscribed, as waa the first. Mediterranean Sea on April 15th, and that $7$ Uvea were lost, This word has just 'r'WBoy fc k ' TWO AMERICAN VESSELS SUBMARINED WASHINGTON, May 3. The American sailing vessel Wlllard 4 Abrahams has been submarined 4 off tho Irish coast, it waa officially given out here today. The crew baa been rescued. PHILADELPHIA. May 3. The tnnker Sun has been torpedoed In the Mediterranean Sea, accord- 4 Ins to advices received by the owners here. Tho crew waa saved. 4 Sailing Vessel Is Fired WASHINGTON, May 3. The slate department received mea- sages today which say that a sub- marine set tire to the American sailing vessel Margaret on April 4 27th. The mesages do not men- tlon any casualties. HOOVER RETURNS; GOES TO CAPITAL SAY8 SITUATION GRAVE AND AMERICA MUST BEND EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT OLD IN BEL. GIUM HAVE SUFFERED MOST NEW YORK, May 3. Herbert Hoov. er, bead of the Belgian relief work. arrived today from Europe and left im mediately for Washington, D. C. Mr. Hoover declared that the sub marine situation la grave, and a re sult of many deaths In the Industrial districts of Belgium "has multiplied the relief problems there." "The European food and general war situation .demands ,eyOE -Ppeslela.e fort that we can wake," said Mr. Hoover. He Bald that the adults, old people. and mothers have suffered the heaviest on acount of the food shortage In Bel gium. Five relief ships have been tor pedoed in the past two months, he de clared. Mother I III; Leave County Judge Hanks has left for Glendale, where be waa called on ac count of the illness of his mother, who resides at that place. FARMERS DRAWN MAY BE EXCUSED SEVEN IN KLAMATH COUNTY CHOSEN FOR JURY DUTY MAY BE RELEASED MATTER TAKEN UP BY COMMISIONER THOMAS The following Klamath county farm ers, it wus learned last Monday, have been drawn aa trial Jurors for the May term of the United States District court to convene at Medford soen: Clyde Bradley, August Bueaing, S. B. Low, Richard Melhaae. W. H. Pankey, U D. Rosa and Rosa Sutton. On account of the very backward spring in Klamath county this year and the great amount of work on the farm that remains to be done before planting can be begun, and also in view of the fact that an extra effort I being mode by nearly all farmers In this county to grow as large crops this year as possible In furtherance of Pres ident Wilson's war appeal, United States Commissioner Bert C. Thomas has taken up the matter with the court in Portland of having those farmers dismissed from court attendance who are behind In their work or who will not have time to go to Medford and get In their crops also, with the result that Mr, Thomas has been given In struct Ions to have those farmers who will be unable to atend court make ap plication immediately before him to be excused. If those farmers who cannot conven lently erve on the Jury will call on Mr. Thomas without delay, the matter can probably be adjusted to their sat FRENCH VISIT HOUSE AND ARE LOUDLYCHEERED VIVIANI SPEAKS AND JOFFRE RE SPONDS "VIVE AMERIQUE" House Cheer Again When Vivianl Kisses Hand of First Congressman en HI Departure Leave Today on Tour of the West European Plan Expected to Be Completed en Re turn From Trip. WASHINGTON. May 3. Ex-Mlnls- ter Vivianl, General Joffre and Admiral Chocheprat of the French war com mission, visited the house of represen tatives this morning, and were accord ed a riotlous ovation. Vivianl spoke to ttie bouse, and Gen eral Joffre respoaded to calls for him by crying "Vlvehjnerique." They shook haade with members of the congress, Congresswomaa Raskin attracting the most; attention by the commission, and Vlvtaaa kissing her hand on his departure arooeed renewed cheers from tne nouee. The commission leaves on its west ern tour today. Upea their return it la expected that to' 'arrangements for ending American troops to Europe will be completed. M It Is understood tijst General Joffre will directly supervise the training of American soldiers in Prance. WASHINGTON. Hay 3. The British , wax commissi hag srrepted an Invi tation for an Inspection of the bouse of representatives oa Saturday. RECRUIT 60ES ON WILSON MESSAGE ONE OF THREE '.RECRUITS TO LEAVE THIS WEEK WAS HERD ING SHEEP UNTIL HE READ THE PRESIDENTS' MESSAGE Arthur Knight, one of the recruits sent out this week for the army, was herdina sheen between this city and the gap uaUl he read President Wil son's plea for world freedom and lib erty. On Monday he was on his way to visit a friend, the rain making his sheep herding duties light, and on the walk stopped under a tree for shelter, when he saw an old piece of newspa per caught on a bush. He picked it ud and found part of the president's war message to congress. It did not take him long to make up his mind, and immediately came to town and en listed. He was accompanied out by Allen Reeb, who went to the army, and Gor don Eddlnaton who enlisted in the nivT. Recruiting Officer For is still in the city, but expects to leave in a day or two for a few days at least, and an nounced today that all recruiting will bo done at the local postofflce. Leavss In the Morning. Fred Peterson, appointed food pro duction organiser of several Oregon counties, will leave In the morning on his tour of the towns of Klamath, Lake, Harney. Jefferson and Crook counties to hold meeting to stimulate the grow ing of food by residents of these coun ties! .Mr. Peterson will handle -the sit uation in the towns only. e ONI HUNDRED MILLION IB HANDED TO ITALY WASHINGTON, D. C, May 3. Sec retary McAdoo of the United State treasury today handed the Itallaa am- hMamftiiAi. m. warrant rar siBff.unu.inM aa . italy'a part of the allied war lew. SHERIFFS ARE, -Sir. . - . netified: TO CONSCRIPT ELECTION BOARDS FOR BACH COUNTY IN CHARM Volunteers Wanted te Assist CawHy Officials, Including heriej. County Clerk and County PhyUlaw Ma tional Day te Be. Preetali ernor Wlthycombe Wants Make Recerd. Governor Wlthycombe has seat to the sheriffs of the state letters wfelek mark the preliminary step that triage Into actual operation. In Cress. ecription plans as Included la tho MU, passed by congress. 'The governor has designated the)" sheriff, county clerk and eoaaty physi cian of each county as the osMsl reg istration board. Following Use Isid down in instructions received I Secretary of War Baker, the ToUag precinct will be the prtaaary TSfltotia tlon area. The president will lsase a 1 tlon calling oa all persoas of nsted clssses to present UMawerresoa v. a certain day at the castoasary peeaawi places. The county registration heard vHV hare charge in general for the ceasxy. The supply aad blanks win ss la ta" most remote country districts witata six days after the passage of the eH, scriptioa bill, so that work aiay g ahead with great expsdlUoa. , "I -hope that OregeawM- same remarkable record la l to any call that may cob slons or the conscription bill that H has made In the volunteer service,' said Governor Wlthycombe. "A magnificent opportunity will be. opened to the several patriotic organ izations, whether composed of mea or women, materially to assist in the vol unteer part of the work which Is xeeav tloned by the secretary of war. sack u (Continued on Page S) STRAHORN TO BE HERE MAY 1 5TH IS EXPECTED TO BE READY TO START WORK SOON AFTER AR RIVAL, AS HaVHA ANNOUNCED HE HAS SECURED MATSRIAL . Robert E. Strahora has seat word here that he will arrive la Klamath Falls on May 15th. ' It Is expected that when he arrives he will be in Bbape to start operation shortly on the railroad work. Klam ath Falls Is ready, the city having passed the bond issue, secured the mon ey, and accepted his bid oa the cab tract which only remains to be signed. Mr. Strahora has announced that hs haa been securing the materials for the railroad, and desires to start con struction as soon as possible. MAY 12TH IB DAY BET FOR MBETINOS . ", County Agricultural Ageat H. ' e R. Glalsyer returned laat night from Portland, where he attended ev the food production meeting tor 4) the organlcatloa of the aute, .Mj4 : " a raufitv mnti will handle the county ends of U,,worM4 Mjr JpvU s lam ia we ante - "raainis",iw v - over the county for the, fsrsMra. e-h Speakers will H jfmUitp& s eacn meeuag.i , ! w.? e In the world la apainag. e) Glalsyer, aad ed an apfav.s take a survey t tail ant status aad CM farmer to M lath BaBUaTs aaTsV BaTW rtKS "t V aa i ii ii i ill MiiL-iararV- mmMKzm f!!W'Ti--wV. BaaBBfsaTaHBSTJ aaf at,' 1 J smmtaTffafsTsTGPJKr tffJBM 3BaBi - 1. f, irfam.ni r '"! sVesaVammmmssfsafsa - "? v. "-J 1f)l 1 41 -1 i n "A1 I nt. f. ::t 8 "ml IJV-IJ afw .1" t "ui