j tMWsWVA ?M'i2C .-- , 1-iJ',1',4 tt'. ' ' 'M yf vUjPj-J- W$z iEu tmfttg lieraUi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NKWITAi OF KLAMATH fMXS r!TtTTT7rr,w?yj''fw'"tt'"',''Tpfgr,y,T''"l' rm , "-- Elavanth Year Ne. 3,22 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. STATES ASKED TO DESI6NATE NATIONAL DAY SJgglSTRATION FOR ARMY TO IK PATRIOTIC FESTIVAL DAY Cenftraece of IUM Defenee Council ajaaiieinTitirri Hur Plant ef Sec rotary af War Natlen Wide Regie tnllen af Man Under Draft BUI la Planned President Wllaan la Can. wlttd In Matter. WASHINGTON, May J. Secretary Baker af lha war department. In al dresalng a conference of Iba represen tatives of the atala defense council today, urged that thn elates co-operate In awry way possible with thn federal government In carrying out thn pro visions of thn unlvtraal military con scription bill. II urged that tha atataa over the en tlrt country name ona day far the wllon wide registration of tbona corn. hit under tha conacrlptlon bill. "11 ua make It a national demon (ration of our patriotlam and a na tional featival occasion," said Secre tary Hake r. Secretaries Danlala, I.ane, RedDeld aad Wllion spoke also, aftar which Ibey mat with President Wllaon. Secretary iJine said today that 400,. 000 tana of (hipping war aubmadlned weak before last. He declared that If that proportion contlnuea Iba exist ac of tha people of England and France la threatened. Lansing Oivee Warning WASHINGTON, May 5. Secretary Lansing Irniued a warning to the coun try today, declaring that the subma rine situation la aerloua, and that "we might a well wake up to the fact." ALLIES OPPOSE PEACE OFFERS GERMANY'S OFFERS DECLARED MOT TO IE GENUINE, AND TO ALWAYS LEAVE SITUATION OF GREAT MENACE TO WORLD WASHINGTON. May I. A member olib In tha British war commlaalon da lres that the entente alllea are op posed to German paaca offers became "tha are not genuine and mean a lerman victory which la menacing the, a world' clvllltatlon." a said that aermany will probably r to return Alaaeo Lorraine, re 'tore Delirium and, relinquish all con suarad Kronen territory, but would keep clear a route through Auatrla to Bulgaria and through Serbia to Tup "n. giving Germany "practically an Impregnable position" for a base to bln B "new and Inevitable war Mainat the world'a civilisation." Obregon, Carranza's War Minister, Resigns; Health MBMco CITV, May i.-Prealdent ftrronwg war minister, General Ob lyon, baa resigned. The reason gtv aaValggBaHaKfiiilBBBBBSBSBSBsaiaiaiaisaiasaiH German Explanation Not Accepted; Break Expected BUEN08 Amu, , f.-oaeUl fcwuauoB bare aaya that CnvsMaH "Wanntion of the submarining of the A the Mongolia Looked When She Sailed Down the Hadion River Tlix Aral blow ukmIiiM Merman)' haa been Ktrurk by n mere merchant niranmhlp. The Mongolia of thn At lantic. Tranapurt line, with a gun crew flnm the American navy on board, han reported thn sinking of a German sub marine In llrltlsh waterit. One shot from her atern gun did the work. Thla la what Captain lllce, master of the venue), had to any about lit: Russians Evacuate Mush and Retire CONSTANTINOPLE. May J. An official rtntement here announces that Socialist German Paper AM8TKII1UM. May !. The social ist newspaper, the Vorwacrta, flatly contradicts the Tageblatt'it announce E PASSES BIGGEST BILL CALLS FOR APPROPRIATION OF 2,500,000,000 FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY BUT ONE VOTE REG ISTERED AGAINST IT WASHINGTON. May 2. The housn of representatives paused the $2,500,- 000,000 army and navy appropriation bill today, the largest appropriation bill passed In tho history of the coun try, by a vote of 382 to 1. Myer London, a socialist, voted in the negative. . o Perahing Thought Cheaan BAN ANTONIO. May 2. Army men here believe that General Pershing has been nclected to heud the Amer ican expeditionary force to Europe. Will Teach School. II. V. Keesee of this city leave In the morning to teach a three months' term of school at Vincent, near Do nnnxa. en for bla action at thla critical time la that hla health haa broken, and he la unable to carry on the dutlea of hla office. Argentine atassjer Monte, ProUiKtoi" unaatlefaetory. and that a raab :sf dlploaaatto relatione la expected within n few day a. . lijULaH DOS v,Wi were going nt full speed ahead, nml two minuted after we Oral sighted the U-boat It emerged again about I .oort jnrdu aft, Its Intention probably had been to cateh ua broadside on, but when It appeared we had the stern gun trained full on It. The lieutenant gne the command and the big gun boomed. We saw the periscope shat tered by the shell and the submarine disappeared." North, Report the Kusslan forces "nave evacuated Mush and are retiring northward. Hollweg to Speak ment that Ucthmnnn von Hollweg will make new peace offers to the Relch rtaK tomorrow. WAR CONFERENCE DONE IN SIX DAYS PROMISES TO SOON SEND SOL DIERS TO EUROPE AND SETTLE. MENT OF OTHER PROBLEMS. DI6POSES OP BIO QUESTIONS ' WASHINGTON. May 2. It Is pro dieted that tho conference will finish Its work In six days. The promise of early 'transportation of American fighters to Europe, the speeitlnR up of ship building plana, and the practical settlement 'of the financial problems has disposed of tbo largest questions. The commissioners are anxiously nwaltini; Germany'a new peace terms. BEET MEETING , HERE THURSDAY RESIDENT MANAGER OF GRANTS PASS COMPANY WIRES THAT HE WILL BE HERE WITH FIELD MAN THURSDAY NIQHT Tho sugar beet meeting will be held at the Houston opera house Thursday night of thla week. Secretary Fleet received a telegram from Alex Nlbley, resident manager of tho Utah company at Oranta Paaa, which aald that he will be here Thura day night with a field man. who will remain over aaveral daya If It la de aired. Secretary Fleet la assured of enough acreage for the beet augar company thla year, and thla meeting will be the forerunner of atartlng tha Induatry here thla year. A large attendance of airiatereeted la desired. Buainaea Man Meat f anight , ,' a ! af the -- Vea'B Aa aoclaltien will be bald Ualght at tha city hall at I o'clock. BIG ROAD BOND ISSUE SUPPORTEO AT STATE RALLY KLAMATH MAN WRITES OF MEET IN PORTLAND SATURDAY f. W. Snyder aneVJ. M. Oarrett af Thla City Attended (Meeting In Portland. Snyder Appointed by County Judge. Qevarner WIMigrtomba Advacaiaa Passage af the till and Issuance ef the Sonde. By J. H.lARRETT POIITLAND. April 2. 1 attended the good roads statewide rally In Port land on Saturday! April 28th, and I want to say to the people of Klamath county that I waa'well repaid for the long trip. I have never attended a gathering where there waa more pro nounced spirit of earnest endeavor to foraraUte and promote a plan for cam paign purposes to tke end that Oregon may bare the benefit of good high ways, auch aa the feeling expressed at the meeting In Portland od thi date hkmed; ' ' Utover&bP Wllhyeombe lit hla brief speech advocate without queation or reserve unanlaww anpport of the bond issue. He aald It waa the best piece' of road legislation which had ever been offered to the people of any state In the Union, and he urged that every county organise for the purpose of passing the bond lease on June ,4th. air. Frank Terrace of King county, Waahlngtbtti A plain, hbrieat ftrjbtr. tola how Washlnttom also rebelled when good roads were first advocated, as some people in Oregon are rebel ling, but he also lotd of the great im provements and benefits that the high waya of Washington have wrought. Hla speech waa Inclined to cut deeply Into an Oregonlan's pride because he' told of the sparsely nettled country that Washington territory was when Oregon waa quite a state, and then be said "by building of good hard surface pavements and good post highways, our state haa advanced to far In the lead of Oregon." That the truthfulness of the statement cannot be' questioned we all know. The speech delivered by E. J. Ad ams, member of the highway commls slon. waa to the point, and dealt with the road bill aa It really,ia. t hope to be able to circulate copies of this speech throughout different parts of Klamath county before the campaign is over, so that every one may read It Mrs. Chaa. H. Kastner, president of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, waa in attendance from Hood River at the meeting. Her talk was one that Impressed every one, for she told of not only the need of good roads for military and commercial purposes, but she brought In tho fact that Isolation of. farm homea would be a thing of the past tf we had good roads; In other words, eho explained that tbe wivea of the ranchers who live a distance from town would be enabled to enjoy life batter and ac cept aome of the benefits of the town if we had good highways, whereas, un der present conditions, they are forced to become stay-at-home bodies, losing track of the trend of evente in the world, and suffer that lonejlnesa which only Intense Isolation brlnga. I want to urge all my neighbors and friends throughout tho county to sup port the good roads bill at tbe special election, June 4th, for I am convinced beyond queation that It la a most meritorious measure, and believe It abould prevail In Klamath county without a dissenting vote. KLAMATH GIRL AT U. OP C. EN0AQED TO GUARDSMAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley, Calif., May 3. The engage ment of Misa Harriet Fink, n fresh man In tbe university, from Klamath Falls, to Flret Lieutenant Cnarlea P. Woebr, an ofScar of tbe Nevada Na ttonal Guard, waa announoed here to day. Wheat Takee Drs$ CHICAGO, May t-May wheat open las st ll.Tl yeetarday. dropped stead lly, eloeing at ll-ITH- Mr and Sep tember wheat also dropped. WAR BUDGET IS PRESENTED TO E E ENGLAND'S DEBT IS MORE THAN itflO0flO0flO0 Britlah Have Leaned Allies 14,000,000 000, and Her Colonies $500,000,000 Since Beginning of the War Com pulsory Food Rationing Considered. Wilson's Attitude Explained by Lord Percy Cecil. IX)NIX)N, May 2. Chancellor of the Exchequer Donar Law, introducing the budget today, told the bouse of com mons that England's debt today la $18,500,000,000. He said that England haa loaned tbe allies approximately $4,000,000,000 and the English colonies $500,000,000 since the war began. The budget Includes three tax In creases, cares for tbe vast debt, and also includes an Increased tax of ex cess profit of manufacturers from 60 to (0 per cent. Cabtafl Batharat of the food con trol department told the commons that ftl MHIn fa Mnl!tl-iflB tfVftltfceflaarv food rationing for England to meet thftj situation. Acting Foreign Secretary Lord Cecil dented to the house that BaJfonr bad reported that President Wilson be lieved that a solution of tbe Irish prob lem will "do more for world democ racy" than any one other Britlah coa- ceeannfr' - . The budget show thai England plans to spend $10,500,000,000 ill tbe next year. Tbe government la now spending (30,120,000 dally for tbe war. SECOND BOND ISSUE IS CALLED FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP THIS CiTY.FISCAL AGENTS FOR GOV ERNMENT, WILL REOwlVE SUB SCRIPTIONS ON UOOfiOOfiCO. A telegram was received 1oday by the First National bank of thla city, ordering the bank to receive subscrip tions on national treasury certificates, aa fiscal agents of the United States government, for an additional $200,- 000,000 issue, from Governor Kahri of tho Pacific Coast Federal banking re serve district. Tbe First National here announces that the bank will take $5,000 of tbe certificates themselves, and will be glad to receive other subscriptions, Under the order made several weeks ago for the first $200,000,000 subscrip tion, the amount waa subscribed al most by the time the announcement had been made to all parts of the iTntiBit Htatna and a Brent eagerness to secure the certificates waa exhibited throughout the country. The telegram received by tbe bank here today is, in part, aa follews: "We have the following telegram from the secretary of the treasury, and as fiscal agents of the government you are authorized and directed to re ceive subscriptions In your district for an additional Issue of $200,000,000 of 3 per cent treasury certificates of Indebtedness, maturing July 17. "The certificates are to be dated May lOtb, on which date payment should be made to the federal reserve bank. "Your patriotic efforts in securing subscriptions are urged." am EASTERN RAILROADS PLAN TO HIRE WOMEN WORKERS NEW YORK. May 1 Many.of the large -Eastern roada are making elab orate preparatlona for the employment of woaaen aa clerks, car cleaners sad la other duties, to replace the called Into the army. NGLISH HOUS Captain Sweeney v . hHbSIK itSgggggK'fgggggVBgEBl UggELVwjnaasssalBdjK'f9 I CaaL'OtAamsWPttVggggUl Sifasaaa-awwSgTSStBaaiisiiesraTasi I fn France they say "Tell It to Sweeney," juatalhey do In every city of the Unlteil States which sport rialto. Captain diaries Sweeney, sol dier of fortune, 'And eaptaln In the Foreign Legion, iaesponsfble for that Captain Sweeney la a West Point man. But thlnss ant too dull for him In the TT.L: i.-K-J;s'"1-r-rrr .i-- "I .wme.HiaeeaH a jotnea tne for eign Legion, which for many years haa been the home of foreigners who wish ed to serve France. They made aim a captain: they bad to, because he did so many daring things he waa needed. He arrived in the United States on the Adriatic the other day, and be is going to do what he can to arouse the Amer ican people to the importance of the war. The captain wears on his coat all tbe medals for bravery which the French government give. PITTSBURG LIFE, TRUST WRECKED Attorney with $200,000 credit to name gets control and wrecks institution in pew days, alleged by agents PITTSBURG, May 2. As tbe result of an Investigation made by federal agents it is announced today that the Pittsburg Life Insurance and Trust company has been wrecked. Warrants are out for six persons al leged responsible, Including Attorney Blrdseye of New York city. Blrdaeye had credit in New York good for $200,000, purchased control of the company, and within a few daya bad looted It. It Is alleged. He used dummy directors. The laat statement made by the com pany claimed $24,000,000 assets and $118,000,000 Insurance In force. FAREWELL RECEPTION LARGELY ATTENDED A house, full of the intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Camp, at tha Methodist parsonage laat night, ex pressed the high esteem in which that worthy couple la held In Klamath f Falls, and voiced tha general regret at their departure. Tbe pleasure -of the occaakm waa enlivened by a very pretty violin aolo by Catherine Walton, with Beatrice Walton aa pianist Evelyn Bennett rendered several piano numbera with excellent interpretation, and Mrs. Don Zumwalt sang several 'aeJeettoaa bar own charming wayr Meesre. Mo- Ferrln. Walton and Bennett made fell cltloua addressee, to which Mr, and Mra Caran feelingly responded. Fruit punch was served. LOCAL OFFICIALS ORGANIZE BtTDY FOR PRODUCTION PETERSON NAMED BY OVERN. MENT TO CANVASS) Thla Work, New Handled by the Oev . partment ef the Interior, la Bnpett. ed to Be Taken Over try heWar Department, ami the Work Mad Cempulaery Heade let Camwltfe i Named. Tbe startling facta regarding Um food supply of the United BUtea an4 the vital need of every Indtrldwal tak ing Immediate action to remedy thm situation were brought ont yeetsrdar afternoon at n meeting of city oflclala heads by Fred who haa Just been appointed te i of the work of stlraalatlag i In Klamath, Lake. Harney, CreetoaadH Jefferson counties by the aysrenaMat through the Oregon Agriealtnral Cat lege. This work, now forwarded by tae de partment of the interior, will alkeftlr. be assumed by the war according to oftJdal heMef, now optional win laeoan With leaa than three, i supply In the world'a wheat sappry a'aaartar at billion boshela abort, tha i anpply oa hand leaa than far tha paet fifty yeara and prices the.blghnat aaaea the Civil War, drastic aetJam la gaav earr to xeeet thn &&& . . -.... Awakened to thla reepeaaiUBtr, tha meeting yesterday, coaahwwg at JKapar C. a CrUler, J. W- Sieaaeaa, praUieat of the' Commercial Crab; Mm, X. hX Wattenbarg, president .of tha Weaata'S Library Club: R. H. Danbar, eky school superintendent: O. IX , Mat? thews, councilman; Mlaa Bdna Wella. county school superintendent, and W. H. Mason, resolved Itself 'into an act ive body to take detnlte'action. " A committee was, oa noatlnaHea. named as' a permanent execatlva eaea mittee, consisting of Mayor Crlaler, kPrealdent Siemens and Fred Peter son. - ' This committee waa -ranted .with power to act, and convened this xaara ing. P. L. Foamtaln. Chaa. Ormrea and W. F. Arant have been naked to take charge of the general work, wkh a working committee anggaatad the following heads: 'i Securing vacant Iota C.B. Crlaler. Seeds O. L Gregg. Water El M.CaiIcote. ' Publicity Fre rieat & m Labor R. H.5J :Z& ., As soon aa the. appolntxteata; are accepted It la expected atreati measures will be adopted to get the best results possible under aa eaaalaat plan of action. . Mr. Peterson's dutlea call for hlf visiting 'each ot the countiee la Ma jurisdiction, and by holding meetlage of the farmers and townsaeaple , to bring to .their attention the aiaaaaUy that aa large yleMa aa poaalbleof aa ceeeary food prqduete' swV be .aa- cured, and that ao far aapaaalWa : ery person, should ratio what ha needa for himself. He expects to take p. hla work as soon aa ihe roads .will permit trav lng. . 1 AMERICAN SHIP IS '' ' REPORTED SUBMARINED . '' K ' ' LONDON, May t.,MmiMm,Jt, brought hare'ay patroi aaat.,a.iw. aiw W pori we law "wTP"THr5gfcyAvi,w RocklngemlMSiaMga)aii . l .u.t-'aui a. her. of the crew are alaamfcaaL:, f Ml ! SfisJRWSlV& www vt;v7 7ar. t tEJrnTyv,vey i$S&W glon.M tha,aaumm an the waatera fraat Germana are laaativa, Is doing nothing. aVajSmaaaammamtl' '? nnmmnemnmji.iui, .je JgHgggggggggKi $ ' "JHgMsW' - WMBlBm-Kf ' - jpaw jTiL. -v." .. ... 1" ii .! JWiW,4 - W-V hi,1 2XJT .. 'u,& fitfv. wi&i.yt