a&jm- inw5;-tf' n mjpw fpgfiLS i Vw ' 't.felSW S8RJ3VK r.ygiwirig 75 - -' rV tr- Jrr'' w & w : iv ' s." , , , ' .?.. "f f OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY Eleventh Year Ne. 9,290 SHIP STEAMER VACUUM SUNK SATURDAY BY SUBMARINE CUNCREW COMMANDER AND CAP. TAIN AMONG MISSINQ Unless Rescued Later, These Amtrl. can Jacklee Art tha CI rat to Dla In tha War With Oormany It la Be- litvad Slsteen -Are Lost Out of Thirty-four Aboard, IncludlngFlfteen Americans. LONDON, April ,30. It la officially announcad that tha Amarlean ell ttamar Vacuum waa aubmarinad Sat urday. Lieutenant Thomaa, Unltad ttatta navy, commandar of tha gun craw, aad nine of hie men, who were aboard tha Unkar) CapUln , Harrla, of tha, Vacuum, and aavaral mambara of tha craw ara mlaalnf. Unlaaa tha mlaalnf gunnara ara raa cuad thaaa man ara tha flrat Amarlean flghtara ta loaa thalr llvaa In tha Amcrlcanarman war. Dataila af tha alnklng ara wlthhald by tha Ingllah gavarnmant. Lata advlcaa racalvad Indicate that a total af alirtaan man wara leat, In. eluding all but three membara of tha American gun craw. There waa a total af thirty-four aboard tha ehla, Including fifteen Americana, eighteen have landed. ILLUSTRATED LICTURK TO It HILO TOMORROW An llluMratei lecture on Africa will be Klvun tomorrow nlsht for the nicm bent and friend of tho Klamntli Com ntrrtUI Club at tho llouMon opeM houne by the club. The lecture will be xlvcn by Profeiiior 8 (ruble, of tho pub lie kcIiooI faculty, who hiu been a member of the navy anil wbo la Mm lllnr with many of the urenen which lll be ahown. The high achool or rheiitra will furnlnh the rnunlc for the orcaalon and there will be no charge for the lecture. 10 GIVE FAREWELL RECEPTION TO MR, AND MRS. J. 0. CAMP A farewell, reception for Mr. and Mr. J. (. Cnmn of thla city, who leave IIiIh week for Idaho, when) they will tnke up tholr residence on it ranch Mr. Camp owna, will be held tomorrow night at tbe Methodist pnntonaMo In UiIh city. All tho friend or Mr. and Mm. Camp lire Invited to bo preoent M the reception. They exprct to leave Weilnenday or Thurndny of thla week. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR GROVE IRRIGATION DITCH C. I. Parley baa been awarded the contract for the excavation work on the. pine a rove Irrigation ditch, un ler the Pine drove Irdlaatlon dlatrlct. Thin ditch will aupply a number of farmer above the Irrigation dltcn In the valley, Water a to be pumped from the present ditch, near Olene. Work la to atari Immediately. BASEBALL CLUB OIVES BENEFIT DANCE TONIGHT The Klamath ralla Daaeball Cluo wdl give a baaeball benefit dance to niRht at the pavilion. The flrat of a mien to be jrlven by tbe elub waa held Saturday night and it la planned to hold a number through May thla year to aaalat the club In Inancln H aeaaonthl year. HOME BURNS AT MEVA YESTERDAY The home of Mr. and Mra. 0. Will " af Maya, aortlT- of. Chlloauln, Jurned to the SreuNyHtarday wont ing. Practically Mtklng waa aaved. iUfi? lai ?tt Inn Herald SUBBED: U. y' - Admiral Planiio Sink Submarines REAR ADMIRAL SIMS ti$sKsssaaaeotr.ju-si. .-. .. ..um, i( the 'nlteil HUlr.i navy, tin been very rucrrxuful on 1il iiiIkkIoii In l.nndon, .whore Iw went to make arrangements tiiii win iiriimn nuniimii)" lor n cniu- 1. ...- n.i.i.t. ....... .... .. ,i,Kn m fnk every German m. murine. Tln mlmlrnUy now utrnlta i cnlern from WnnlilnRlon to enrry Into effect tint tnim nmile. AL. 6. BARNES IS HERE WITH CIRCUS MILE LONG PARADE, WITH ANI MALS, CLOWNS, BANDS OALORE AND TRAPPINOS SPICK AND SPAN IN KLAMATH TODAY Tlie great Al. U. Damon Will Animal nliuw him hi 1 1 via in town. juy yu in tno heariM of old and young when the big uillu-ioiig cIicuh pauiuc piiiiiieu turougii tno aiitcts huh ...inning. Tito giimd proct'sslon waa a novel ( and uluciont iioni tno oht-ttisiiioiiuu circuH, tuo customary wagons and nuineii weio brigul itud show thai euro mid umo tins been speut each day to liavo everyliilng iplck and spun. Turoo oig twinuti, two cuiiiopoH and numvioua otlivr uiualcal dovievs keep the crowd well mutinied with good music. Open dean of wild iinluinla with their tiuiuvrx, ami the Hl time in clrcu.i history wiih four lurgo vlepliuntH hitch I'd like homes to u big band wngon. 'I'iils novelty Is now utid original. Ititlu or unow iniikeii no illfferencu to Al. 0. Uurncrt, for the tents uro wator-pruof with a new process uud oveiy comfort poislblo Is given tho mitroiiH. This afternoon tho bhow waa enjoyed by thousands that filled tho big lent. Tho Conquest of tho Nymua Is u liuw spuctuclu of Oriental splendor. Mr. lliirnca has eujoyed the reputu lion of giving tho public more than their money's worth, und the Con quest of thu Nyaiun has proven that the outlay or $50,000, tuo cost or tins oiiciiIiik uumbor, was well spent, und Mr. Unrnos inny bo well proud of his reputation. To descrlbo tho uct In de tail would lake pages. There uro slxty-tlvo big sensutioual ucts, thrvo big rlngs,v.trulned elophants, nous, und Icouuids that rldo horses j trained xobrns, llamas, camels, beam, horses, dogs, monkeys, pigs, chickens; In fact, a apeclo of ovory wild and domestlo animal known. Humes nas mow. Forty funny clowns, tnulo and fcmalo, maka.lho audience roar, aud u big alxty.pteco band fills the hearts of all before tho big ahow starts. In fact, theAI. Q. Dornos Wild Animal Show Is without a doubt tho best show on earth., Arretted en Liquor Charge Mr. Clinton was arreateAiBaturday charged with haying llquofi.ln hi possession. !:. BSE i KLAMATH in -i aaruin. uuxaajuwaw RUSSIAN ARMY ISSUES MAY 1 PROCLAMATION PROVIDE8 FREE SPEECH AND ABOLISHES OLO RULES It Waa Formerly the Cuatom of Rue alana to Meet Secretly In Deep For. etta to Dedicate May Day to Cauae of Liberty Public Proclamation la ' Made Thla Year Seven Polnta Are Made Clear to Ruaalan People. PICTItOCUAl). April 30. Prepara tory to a great May Day liberty demon Htrntlon tho Ilunalan aoldlera have U until the following proclamatien: Hereafter all aoldlcra are to be con Metered cltlzena; Comiileto rtjllgloua freedom ia to cxlat In Hu8la; Free Hftcech will exist; Attendance at church will not be rompulnory; Mall from the trenches will not be ccimorcd; Uxo of the term "Sir" when a prl vale aniwero an officer la abolished, and Corporal punishment in the army la nbolUhed. It ha been tbe former custom in HuhkU for the people to gather sec retly In the foresta for the purpose of dedicating May Day to Liberty anil till marks a distinct departure from the old custom. ATTEND PATRIOTIC - MEETING AT PLEVNA A number of local people automo blled to Plevna yesterday to attend n patriotic meeting there. A number of loyal addresses were made and a good meeting held. KIAMATH TAKES OPENING CAME WALLOP YAINAX INDIANS WITH BUT A FEW REGULARS IN THE LINE-UP WHILE BATTERY FOR THE SEASON LOOKS GOOD Tho first game of. the 1917 season for the Klamath Palls baseball team wus it victory for the local aggregation over ihe Yalnax Indiana. A fair crowd was out, considering the weather, and that tho game was only, a practice gnmc. The Klamath team had but four of tholr regulars on the Held, but showed promising material there. Mickey Blinder, the team's hew twlrler, was on the mound, and though the day was cold and there waa little' necessity for showing much, he unwound a few that looked good and put In a good day's work. Clarke was on the receiving end and Cook in the, line-up. Klamath's bat tery prospects for the season look good, although Inability to practice so far has kept the boys from letting batting practice. A let-up .by eld J. Pluve would make him a favorite wits the locals. Manager Watt; I la CaUforaia'now and it la understood baa ."the oppor tunity of lining up aeveral, ajasaaa for the near future; possibly aeries with. Redding, which; It la reported, already has a strong aggregation. H ' understood that' Weed haa another tor rirying line-up again tbte, season' ' It la also understood the k;f tbia city dealre to setup a teas let a Continued ea Page ' FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1917. S. GUNCREW Ml CITY'S CASE IS UPHELD BY CIRCUIT JUD6E PERMANENT INJUNCTION QUEST IS REFUSED RE. Judge Kuykendall Holda That Points Brought Up, In Power Company' Complaint Can Be Tried In Trial, If Brought, and Election Need Not Be Interfered With, Caualng Later Special Election Expenae to City. The demurrer filed by the city and the Kcno Ppwer Company to tbe ef. feet that there was not sufficient grounds to sustain a permanent In Junction In the complaint filed by tbe California-Oregon Power Company to stop Police, Judge Leavltt from placing tbe two power franchises on the ballot for the election on May 7th waa sus tained by Judge Kuykendall in the circuit court Saturday afternoon in a decision give at 5 o'clock. The judge holds that tbe points brought in by the power company's at torney Saturday,' when the case was irgued, could as well be argued on a trial of the caseif brought.-following the election, and ordered" 1haT the franchiaea may be placed on the ballot for the election. Stoppage" of this would necessitate a special election and each additional expense acorn panying and that it la unnecessary to bold up tho election, be said. The arguments In the case were heard late Saturday afternoon, with the city, Keno Power Company an dthe California-Oregon ' Power Company represented. Attorney Stone, for the Keno Power company, neia mat an initiative rran chlse. Is not subject to the city ordl nance requiring that these be pub lished twice in full In the city .official paper and was joined by-City Attor ney Qroesbeck in the contention that It would be impossible to comply with the city, Keno Power Company and the Initiative presented ordinance. Attorney Ferguson, for tho Califor nia-Oregon Power Company, contend ed that the' city is compelled to so ad vertise their ordinances. Judge Kuykendall pointed out that the wording of the city charter and the rights of the city under tho initia tive and referendum state law con flict to some extent and that the Indi vidual case would govern' a decision on those points. The pamphlets containing the fran chises In full aro in course of being printed for distribution to the voters, under the state law, at this time. FISHING TO FARM CHIEF OF POLICE GOES TO LOST RIVER TO NOTIFY THEM TO RE. TURN TO THEIR FARMS Abraham Clinrlle, chief of police of the Klamath Indian reservation, was in the city Saturday night on his way to Lost river to notify all Indians to return to the reservation to their farms to put In crops fori the season. They, will return home, according to Charlie, and this "la going to be a busy year, for the Indians, both In as rlonlture and atookralalnsV owing to the, national food ..aiortage and crisis and the 'Interest tbiy are taking in their work. ,' ; " Abraham Charlie states that he feels everything vriH be changed Miang the Indian peeaj arid, that they .trill advance wonderfully In' ihe, next INDIANS QUIT reader ae, awing wbetter organixa tie and help the avenunent la giv la theat. "A"-' " - . .pit, . .i ... r . - . ' Commissioner From England and Our Secretary of State - BWBBlEeBEeEsgaBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JieKiVBgBgB-EjBaBaBjBjB ? IftEeafeinM-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BEEel BEeBBBEeBBEeBEeKBEeBEelBEeS IIHIbBEeEbKI SBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB KiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES iBiVSBEeBHBEeBECBEeBEeBEeBEeBEeil: H BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK ' BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECBEBBl ' IS iiiBBBEeBEeBEeBEeBEeBTCJEeBBBnnnnnn Bm aaaaaaaaEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB BE - BEWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb VkbE " : BilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBKBBEea.....HVHB iIHIb.HBI beeeeeeeeeeeeRbeeeeeeeeeeeeBI iPPBTaaaf - " " aaVaaafell IHI" BEEbI - BEBEEel ' - aTjBBBBBalBEBEefVBlBl . irn- BaaaBBBl aaBBBBl . . ganaBBBBBt--ejBaaBBtBBlBl.. m . . EBEBEel EBBEEel iBEBEel BEBEbI Z3M 'Ma? bBBBBB) aaigaBM . i aiaiBaY aBBaaam BM Em BEagBf. aaBBBBK . BBBBBBBJ BBBBBBB BBB JM B fBffnS?' &. .JgtaiV gggV " lfli-;iC'naBBBBBTH-S BBBBBm--T-.BBBlEBBBBBBBl. BBBBBbLsT-S 1 i ? v LaBBBBBinuaBBBBBaShaBBBBBBBBBMBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfe M Arthur J. Balfour. Arthur J. Balfour was welcomed, in Washington by Secretary of State lUinslng. The British commissioner, who, is takingup all the important ques tions of tbe war with President Wilson, was in the best humor and he seemed glad to pose for his picture. , MIDLAND BOY DIES IN STRAITS LEFT HOME SATURDAY AND HIS FAILURE TO RETURN CAUSES . ANXIETY DRAGGING STRAITS BROUGHT BODY TO SURFACE Martin Stanley, ot Midland, aged about 19 years, was accidentally drowned about 11 n. m. Saturday in tho Barrow Pit on the Lower Klamath lake straits, near the railroad track, was tho verdict of tho coroner's jury held today at Midland over the body. Stanley left homo Saturday and went out in bis light duck boat on which ho has a high mast and sail nnd did not return home that night. Ills mother bocamo alarmed and a search was instituted. Tho body was found Into yesterday by the draggers who were working In the straits about eight feet from shore. ,8herff Humphrey and Dr. A. A. Solue, coroner, wero called yesterday and went down Inst night, assisting In carrying the body a mile and a half to Midland, It Is believed tho boy was out n tho boat which was capsized by the high wind Saturday; It is known that he was not a good awlnuner. He was born In North Dakota and his father works In a lumber camp In northern California. He has a . younger bro ther who worka nt Midland. Tbe members of the coroner's jury were James W. Jory, Henry Ander son, Tlieo p. Young. John women, a. A. LUkoy uud Roy Wilson. Secretary of State Lansing. MRS. MERRILL HAD BEEN ILL AT MERRILL HOS " PITAL FOR THREE WEEKS AND SUFFERS ACUTE HEART TROU BLE AFTER LEAVING HER BED Mrs. Guy C. Merrill, wife of Guy C, Merrill, well-known Klamath county farmer and ex-county commissioner, died yesterday about noon at the Mer rill hospital at the age of 38 years. ' Mrs. Merrill had been sick for about threo weeks and was in the hospital at Merrill, It had been decided to take her home yesterday and ahe had but left her bed when she waa taken with acute heart trouble and 'died suddenly. ' She Is survived by one child,, a boy; and her husband. The funeral service will be held tomorrow and a number of Klamath Falls people, including a; large naaiher of members of thoracal Blks lodge, of wmen wr. Merrill is a meaaaer, will go from this city by autoaaoblie 'to at tend the services. " .' o . J FRENCH BELIEVED TO v ' HAVE RESUMED OFFENSIVE PARIS, April 30. H was; anaoaaeed today that violent artillery, fightlag is occurring south ibf BL. ,QuMtini!arowni Kroyone, Coaane aad .'the'. Hiirteetse regions. s ,' ' f, Sihif- It is believed this awHrka the reeaaaa llon of the Freaeh offaMiye. ' '" , 0 8 SUDDENLY iKKibMiuii Rtl Hfrts.iTtfB.V -nujm rwwammm',- " - -'-. swyj 'OFrt ,Ki, ;:V1fSi MMMUMHP v fy t-ut .'. . SJ!WWfc. MWJMiHiiHfal WHP"!W"" 'iMS J r'iSSav i J . 1,. - tlf " I JllJBIU .. .1 f JSi.W. ' IfeMiBiHaMri fe M !.!TmTrBFW ..7T -S""r T, 1". ,.AU gTil IPiw" Bananaa L ggggV' ' gggggi ggggggggw iM.aB ''' 'r gW - VLKni' aV'BBBBBBBBaawaBBBBBBBBPBaj. UMriDILLId .r-"- ta r-j--TrjrTf,T-.' " . c&sv fjf.tmfriry .WWiLrWi STILL HELB fJP II U.S. SENATE T amcKMimfMtii v. , v-:w:.rffiYfMJ8. OTHER AMENBMBMT m fi '''!' -bk;ka w FaWfnVVTBBBVn . r.i,. , r t.-jt,. .fi..E.3.".jt-i elwRBBJ BBrVV. SKBBBBJrBgBBBBBj)'(- w BjFBBJI i fjVBBBgvaiawaBBBBB t .,i.i5E vi, .--ij..iSH'7i.:Wf.ai mm- MMmitalmamam La FoHetW.PraeeaTlia turn mat mmtiiM t y x . r7fti35SS Watefrji .- : - ,?. z&!mi aBelanUaJBB VdiCaBV ! JT -s- r-wsrl n OrmttMtimr.- Ktz&j&rm , . t . i.JsssCP'jM.J-M KJMSl y ?., WASHINGTON; D. C, i.'r?.'" TheT ceascrietioa kHt .vote' aad a ewlogaiad dilaMa'lBitiBiti - w .. .rTr jjm-m seaate. awVcSS, CKWCW3&; '..--. ,4. JJii' ,Ult '&H.VCI tvumwmt lae man' ea 'in.' asBt to adjust the i house aad. seaatev La FoUette reeoa4ed.t;JBa:' which prevMes 'iku taW ' bill be referred ta a; Btail mla. .:::i.&:i .'trw V.i; fil llll fllMMl ' IllMJUIll ill 1 1 I II , m.f W.M .- BV !.-, BBeaaaawa 'ayBBaeaB " ssUBMBsagS $C - -.. - BHUieavwiaw' iaav'" . K- n,rs lo'. "';,'. i 'BW"aa(iei;; i ll ' ii jmm m '..M' bib a i am i i a i r ar t ii " mmmrmamHmnm.fammm.3 BUeve..U?wUlfiraaeMli'-BaBS:aVarf .cwaleai befow tb 1 1 aiarMllia Mat a ..-...-.1. loUaa the draft Mil aad keioa to bsn 1 a, vote imUgmt 0 aire uv,pffiii,ui tee reported- eet.Ue tioa biU for the; anay 4b aw6)wa MaiaAtikaV &asv vua. ea, cfwvui giauaagia, aw aBBBBBBBJBaBBP-- aad,-aavjr"aa4l;.: BBBBBaaBBw-J Bag" Sd ' aam-'-v-i.- proximately U.IMjmM.Vkkk'iiiml Include 12.09.m.m tortht jumr-ii auu eovv.vw.wv ibc w asV7 IBM largest la the history of the om . -. The original reguest tot, tao'"warY;:; and navy -deaejiaeUteai:is:eJM!H 000,000. The tawBvefrtaUeww2'J duced la. tie eeaaaaKtc. ,-VaSEi DanniuaialiM "f'J''''' - '' '' " -" the hbuwTtody:a leW-a'aaaa.i' Doaymg me wrmaeaaaiieaat,jair.:Bax.;i regulation of teed arodaeUem arevleamv;- ly made by BeeratarV 'of Agi Itailttf 'f,;. Houston.. 'vj&8tj: &km nnini.TinB'aH'KT. e 1 1 le s tjfl I. U H IVIV m-M'l MfeSsaS3fia official .Will BxiutmiMHP ANSWER QUESTIONS REtATIVB TO IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLAIL'gi .... i.i'-..' .-ife MERRILL MEETING TOMORROW; - ' s ,..i;r..'afti A meeting will be aoM at UM Klaav'! ath Commereial.CmVrooBM'.tiBaarrawx afternooa at 8:S oeloek for all'tlMMM interMted la tlU'fsiaia-of ?.s'' bvg gmttoa dUtrki tw Uk oAtf U.UIM .--;- - ,'-; ,t.t' -.-- f7,-,J-r'. tbe. place oc.um rMt Tjmv vavtP MPBevaB4VB) BaajaaBM' -'-J1 Tllaa .rai1A alatCarai hclatVal v Blamal M.-Lir.'i Ttnrr anil' V. B. Tavlor n r' ttTrnlsaia i' " : w n v .wwa -v wv t:"" .w"-"".! ., .v.'. "vi..itVi iLii2i;Zt?kf, tioa service have iUIS pprvtvo BHIVV, SJfJ.BWBWBaBBjB aajBBBBjBBj Inn over the' couatytala. aa4:katrt week wd -will W Present; at tW'aMj lagwnorrowtt.hwt.Bjwsta It u deatrefjaAmaBaaHM. thla time to ask gaeWeaM ae aglggU gate the. ehaageM.Mr,-PewjHBj TaylerlwItt'f;ieawWitoiilafi rL i.tp i&lm?&!,M A Bweiias waajaai:,o;.j gaUrW.ene will be held a laaBorraw. ranter Bwaaaanriaar'i VlJuJ XlSuka&'' W-W '.-- , l""i!P.Wi are! w ''uj aBpaBaaaaajaBsBaiaBp 'BapaaajeaaaBBBBBar bi, tt ! jfrji J T. m attecdV fit !W,i-f - ,y m a'Ao1! ,iX fl te'i .w s Km ?ifG5l m ' ?'"t" u idP$xjiSVt &? rf- T$V' '" .Mh.j m &; ?.-v-. -" in. y. ,-? c.v I.- ; i - -. i