t, vC r xJU& ' TH IVBNXNQ HBBALO. KLAMATH FALLS. OKIOOM SATURDAY, AHUll M , far MHNW mr ITS f w W ''i r. hi- ' 1?"' A :; frizm. .ffti: i MA .M A ,,P ,"fv w. .-. V. r.r.t "'"'' .- 1 AjWVV STHttWGIVw " ANNOUNCEMENTS 'Notice- te PieewyterlnaA Member 'at the coagregeUen of the First Pre tytts' church will please take ao tlee What' you' have been officially In vited by the coagregatooa of the Flnt Christian church of thla city, The Little Brown Church" on Ninth street. te worship with them aad tak part to tteir services while the rrbyter Im church amy remala pastorleee. or whenever there arc bo service at tor Preehyteriaa church. MN lit COLORADO MINIM TRINIDAD. Cole.. April It. A ttr ob IB mala slope ot the Haatlag mine, near here, haa entrapped 100 miner. The fire la bettered to pos lbly be the mult ot a plot of Aua trlaa miner. SHIWINOTON SOCIETY HOUSTON'CI SMtreaelHaa Awiiwimi 1 I HOUSTON OFKKA HOUSE STAR THIATI1 SATURDAY WIHIaai Fax ITeaeaU -TMt STRAISHTAWAY resnaals eoaanest tor happiness ha Fire Parts. SUNDAY L. Leaky Presents the Never- Magaet of the Screea la -TMt STORM" la her part hi thie photoplay Miss Sweet teach ae the deepest chorda of the hwaua heart She la ably sup perted by a waaderfal Ldaky caat la Theedere Roberts aad Metghaa. , v TIMPLI THIATI1 "Thehey" A clever detective resaaace starring Sward Ceakea aad Lisette Thora. A Yegwe caiedy starrtag Babe -OeettayV MvM Henley prodeeUoa starring Margaret Olbaoa aad the Bostook lleaiatatKe New-Carreat Kveata. 'SUNDAY AND MONDAY MftM XVWtt eavttatff" , 'A aWc -eaaaedy drama la 3 parts. -UdiBiifeU';r -Y1sTcesBedy. nWyWKyre the Banting Bridge" Tlammrt aT-Betaa", series. Meelithe"'Newe Carreat Events. MEKMIXOPKRA HOUSB MOIIOIV PfOTOWM PATS M BATCBDAYS ORPHEUS THEATER SATURDAY tTKL HEARTS" A thilsajg railroad drama featuring Mane wsleamp la two acts. "LIFE'S PENDULUM" ' A drama la two acts. "JITNEY JACK AND OASOLENA" A-sea aad ink fantasy. ' SUNDAY AND MONDAY Blaebtrd Photoplays latrodnce "THE PULSE OF LIFE" Featurlag Wedgewoed Newell and Gypsy Harte la Rex Iagram'a produc ttea T E. Magnus lagelton's story or love and, vengeance. iat7:Wp.m. SHIPriNOTON. April 39. The Ath ena Club met today with Mrs. V. & Ftnnell. Those present were Mrs. A. Brearcliff, Mrs. E. H. Yancey, Mrs. H. Putman. Mrs. T. Harttell. Mrs. B. R. Yancey. Mrs. W. A. Anderson. Mr. W. a Harland. MnuWalter HeHer and Mrs. J. Setter. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Ftnnelt. The af ternoon was spent In needlework. All had a pleasant afternoon. YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRYTO SEE IT V MONDAY MORNING AT t O'CLOCK IS LAST CHANCE TO TURN IN I SUBSCRIPTIONS TO HERALD TO! SEE CIRCUS FREE WINNERS OF IUIE LAKE LAND UNO TRACTS SECURED EACH WINNER'S TRACT AND HIS ACREAGE COMPILED Fifteen of the Successful Applicants Live In Klamath Falls, Seven In Merrill, Five In Matin, and Three In Weed Other Winners Are All Scat tered Seme Slight Mlaupe Occur Which Are Satisfactorily Adjusted. JUST LIKE MONEY ON INTEREST All policies increased by dividends whether paid la a week, a month, or a rear, aad for all awmths aad days aver fall years. No extra premium if It-It M. PRIBST. Agent Over K K K 8tore. OPTICIAN COMING Dr. J. G, Ooble, the well kaowa op Uetaa, will be la Klamath Palls all eat week. Residence, IM Third St, s' Temple. Ph. HM. tt-lt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOB SALS New Chevrolet, run 600 miles; MM cash. Daakaas Aoto Ce. JMt aUiXtfATTBfVtlfnJprlght plaao. ajoed make, oaly (lightly ased; mast s? CaU at 10S Mala. 8L WANTBD Teaag office man desires raom'aad hoard with private family. Aiareas'Ni'-'Mt Herald. Jl-Sf Pm BALB OX TBADB-Big lot; close '; Jar ewe bleek fram Mala BL Vtait tsaa' jpleatr"eahidetrees. Kasy , assajavre 4.' i.iipuia, over Asa- lare.v t a s4t iim ath-u; west sill- U1L liBt;'ssSja1 eaatsialag kMesa. eheabheak. ate. Owaar , esfspwwi aisBFawraaimp m" eaFSPW arajaraM omee ey rSaM'sir.J.JL' .-v- JMt No matter how old we may be. we are all yoang when the circaa comes to towa. Oae Jast caat resist the se ductive tare of ampah amp-ah! bands, the fenny downs, the bright red wagons, glittering decorations, waviag flags, representing all the nations of the world, aad aa the parade weeds its way dowa the street., yoa Just caat help standing on tip-toe of expectancy of surprise after surprise as they come dowa the streets of Klamath Falls. Well live the same old emotions over again Monday when the AL G. Barnes wild animal circus parade will prac tically have all business suspended aloag the line of t the magnificent pro session. Bowever.it may be said that the old emotion will hardly be the same old emotions, because this par ade will be "different." Just Imagine If you can. a guttering two miles of splendor in whtth will be scores of opea deas containing wild beasts of every kind, the star performers of the woaderoos aggregation, the harnessed elephants, camels aad zebras all ca prisoned In white trappings, drawing deaa of animals, making the ax unique and attractive free exhibition ever given to the people of America. All of the trappings aad uniforms of the Barnes show, are new, and more gorgeous than any like organisation. A half dosen bands inspire one as the mighty cavalcade trends its way along the streets of the city to the plaudits of thousands. Not content by giving the greatest street parade ever seen, Mr. Barnes has arranged to give early comers to the show lot something out of the ordinary of free acts, when Mr. Wjllkins will do a chair Balancing act in a iorty-root awing and "Dare Devjl Doss" will Utrill everybody In his high dive act, in front of the main tent at 1 p. m. Remember, you must be at the ground at 1 p. m. and see the free act aad take advantage of the personally conducted tour for 'nothing this big show offers in the big tent, must not be mlsed. Listen, boys and girts! 'There is no limit on the number of free tickets we have for you to the Al. G. Barnes big circus, if you will only bring in one new subscriber to the Herald. The subscription must be for three months, but they are not required to pay more than one month in advance, and that is to help you see this big educational circus free. Be careful aad take ao subscriptions from chil dren aad have the name aad money of your new subscriber Into the subscrip tion department of the Evening Her ald by 'o'clock Monday morning. Thecomplete list of winners In the Tute Lake land drawing, held this week with the tracts which they se cured and the acreage oa the Oregon side ot the line, are given .today. Due to a tangle not yet straightened oat, as the official list haa not been secured, and wilt not be for several days yet, two of the tracts have been awarded to tour people. It is not known whether the mistake was made In transmitting the names at the Lake view or the local reclamation office. Fifteen of the successful applicants live in Klamath Falls, seven In Mer rill, five in Malin, three In Weed, one in Hood River, one In Medford, one In Ashland, one In McMlnnvllle. Oregon, and one In Oroville. California. The successful applicants from Klamath Fall are aa follows; Sarah A. Hutchlns South hair of northeast quarter aad north half of southeast quarter. Section II, Town ship 41 south. Ranee 11 east. 81.70 acres, E. L. Elliott South half of southeast quarter. Section IS, Township l south Range 11 east, 71.70 acres. Emll Schelsti North half of north west quarter. Section 33, Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 80.03 acres. Richard Walsh East halt of north east quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter. Section SS, Town ship 41 south. Range 13 east, M.70 acres. W. H. Robertson. Jr. West half of northeast quarter and northwest quar ter of southeast quarter. Section 33, Township 41 south. Range 13 east. 80.30 acres. Ed Hamilton Southeast quarter of northeast quarter and northeast quar ter of southeast quarter. Section 31. Township 41 south, Range IS east. 57.40 acres. Wltlmott Crandall Northwest quar ter of Section 17, Township 41 south, Range 13 east. Geo. W. Grace North half of south east quarter. Section 17, Township 41 south. Range IS east, 79.50 acres. Oscar W. Robertson Southwest quarter of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quar ter, Section 33, Township 41 south. Range IS east, 58 acres. Wm. H. Robertson, Sr. Southeast quarter of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quar ter. Section S3, Township 41 south. Range 13 east Tisdale E. Griffith Southeast qusr ter of northeast quarter and northeast quarter "of northeast quarter, Section 18, Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 78.7 acres. W. B. Alfred South half of south east quarter, Section 16, Township 41 south, Range 13 east, 80.10 acres. I. R. Ernest South half of south west quarter, Section 17, Township 41 south, Range 13 east, 79.3 acres. Wm. B. Freer North bait of south east quarter, Section 18, Township 41 south, Range 12 east, 79.6 acres. 3. R. G. Haynes Southwest quarter ! of southwest quarter, Section 12, Township 13 south, Range 11 east, 81.T acres. The successful applicants from Mer rill are aa follews: Kdward Knox Southeast quarter ol aoatheaat quarter ot southwest quar ter. Section 11, Township 41 south, Range 11 east, 710 acres. Geo. A. Thorn North half of north- least quarter, Section IS. Township 41 south, Range 11 east, 60.80 acres. A. c. Roberts North half ot north west quarter. Section 14 Township 41 south, Ranxe 11 east, 79.30 acres. Louise M. lUtch.Merrlll Route! Northeast qusrter of southwest quar ter. Section IS, Township 41 south, Range 12 east, 4S.80 seres. Anna Ratllff-South half ot south west quarter, Section 13, Township 41 south, Range 11 east. 79.90 acres. Thorn 8. Lynch North half of northwest quarter, Section 15. Town whip 41 south. Range 11 east, 36.30 acres. J. E. Culbertson North half of! shlp 41 south. Rsnge 11 east, 34 acres. The successful Malln applicants are: V. J. 8polek South half of south east quarter, Section 16. Township 41 south. Raage 13 east, 8.10 acre. Vincent Burner Southeast quarter of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter, 8ectlon 31. Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 56 acres. Joe Kotera East half of northwest quarter, Section 18, Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 5. 70 acres. Rudolph Kos Southwest quarter of northeast quarter and northwest quar ter of southeast quarter, Section 31, Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 56.6 acres. Rudolph Kllma West half of north east quarter, Section 18. Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 41.8 acres. The other successful applicants are: Jos. U Jacobs, Hood River South half of southwest quarter, 8ection 16, Township 41 south. Range 13 east. 79.50 acres. Eugene 8mith, McMlnnvlllle North halt of northeast quarter. Section 31, Township 41 south. Range 13 east, 80 acre. B. W. Gregory, Medford North half of northeast quarter, Section 31, Town ship 41 south. Range 13 east, 78.70 1 acres. J. a McCulley. Weed North half of northwest quarter. Section 31, Township 41 south. Range 12 east. 79 acres. Chaa. Stokes. Weed South half of southeast quarter, Section 17, Town ship 41 south, Range 13 east, 79.50 acres. m t Lyman B. Hathaway, Weed South west quarter of northwest quarter and half of southwest quarter. 8ectlon 16, Township 41 .south. Range 13 east. O. F. Click, Ashland North half of southwest quarter. Section 17, Town ship 41 south, Range 13 east, 75.5 acres. G. C. McGuffln, Oroville. Csl. South half of northeast quarter, Section 17, Township 41 south, Range 12 east, 46.9 acres. ATTENTION, MOOSE! You are urged to be present ai the Hard Times social Wednesday, May 3, ! Ladles' Night, at 8 o'clock. 27-3t WMMWWMMWWtfWWWMWWMMW Special Sale for Monday, April 30 On Monday every Silk Dress in the Store will be placed on Sale at a Great Reduction in Price bBBBBBBBBBW ''sBBBBBBbI bbbbbbbbbbpv bbbjbj bbbbbbbbbbbbbP' '.fesBBBBBaTBB' EaBBBBBf 'BEaBBVMBl EBBfatiJHHH FiaBBBABBBBBBBm! I ''CSBBBUettMlsBBBBBBBmi L'BBBBm5i?flBBBBBmi EaBBW .BBBBBBBBBBsstrsft i PEaBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBBBTfsBFfr I M kSBBBBBBBmi EaBBW T A UlfBBBBBBm1 iTaBmBmf 1m-ibVwBBBBbYvbBIbBBBW v- ifiHHIljH VinmWBBBBBBBi est Bfl BE- Bag pj BasBBmBBBBmTeBml BBbbbbbbBbsI Every Hat will Jj Sj be offered at an 'f ' lf attractive bar- !)fc m m gain. Come in mmm, ftv I Monday and 3 ?$$$ I see for yourself Ju S ; B I I I BBBBsaBBBBmr J m v1 smmLP .wi"wsBmBBmMP I V aw bbbbbbTebbbbW r.KPl!ivlv:r ': SKKimW9 EaBBBBBBma V .BMbIwbwV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvJEaBBBBBv- -'AwfwyF-ivfvwBg 'mKKKBmmnU&mmHMMVMii ViitfrmesBBal Our line is too varied to permit us to quote prices, but includes all the very latest styles for summer , wear. It will pay you to investi gate this sale and see the bargains We are Offering on MONDAY STILTS DRYGOODS CO. "WHERE THE LADIES SHOP" SOCIETY nWWWWWWW00WW0WWIbWl By MABEL MARTIN SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 1917 I hereby subscribe for the Evening Herald for three months, and thereafter until ordered discontinued by me. I am paying fifty (60) cents In advance for the first month. This subscription Is given to enable the boy or girt by whom this blank Is presented, to earn a ticket to the Al G. Barnes big four ring wild animal circus, Monday, April 30th. You will deliver the regular daily edition. I am a new subscriber, aad am aet bow receiving the Herald by carrier. Signed "v - Address Takes by. Boy's or girl' name. Address pt bey or ntrl taking the subscripUea. Klamath Falls society has Isrgely given Its Interest and assistance to Red Cross work and First Aid, the Red Cross work consisting of making bandages, pads, etc., while the First Aid Is practical knowledge of applying bandages and bow to dress wounds. A special meeting of the Woman's Re lief Corps was held In the west hall of the Odd Fellows' building Monday evening. About forty ladles were In itiated into the order and many Inter esting talks were given on Red Cross work and the corps planning readiness to assist the Red Cross as soon aa a chapter Is organised. The Reltief Corps has sent money to the Klam ath Falls boys at Vancouver aa a treat from home. They will also send money to the boys In San Francisco arid other places as soon as addresses are se cured. After the meeting, light re freshments were served In the dining room. The decorations were In American color In flowers and flags, the flowers being sent by Mrs. C. F. Willard of Red Bluff, Cat., for the oc casion. The First Aid Society met at the White Pelican hotel at 3 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon. There was a largo attendance and Dr. G. A. Catbey de livered the first lecture to the class In first aid, which was very Interest Ing. All women Interested In the First Aid come to the White Pelican hotel every Wednesday afternoon at 3. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Watt entertained the Bridge Club at her home, honoring Mr. W. O. Smith. Table were art-saged for bridge, the high More falling to Mrs. WIIIIU. Af ter which the hosti'-m .nerved dainty refreshments. Mrs. Truux entertained Hip I'ythlan Club Thursday afternoon nt her home at C57 Ipl.inmlc. A very ilcllxhlfnl afternoon wits spent and dainty re freshments were served. Among thouc prexrnt worn Mrs. Glen Johnson, Mrs. Dluebsker, Mrs. Kuykendall, Mrs. Momyer, Mrs. Crls- Icr, Mrs. Walter Cofer, Mrs. Whltlnrk,' Mrs. Hum, Mrs. Hlct. and Mrs. SRlll Ington. A number of girls had a very enjoy able time Thursday etenlni; nt a swim ming party nt thn tnnlc. Those Invited were Mrs. Hoco Turrny, Mrs. J, Mar lowe, Mrs. G. A. Cathey, Mrs. Kssen, Mrs. Clayton Wheeler, Mrs. Ienllo Terwilllxor, Mrs. O. Watt, and the Misses Dorothy Weeks, Pearl Ilollvln. Barbara Gocller, Hnel Ooeller, Wave Jacobs, Maude Nowbury, Mnbol Mar tin, Alice Duncan, Alice McCourt, Kitty Wells,, ndna Wells, Afinos Lee, Joslo Low, Murlo Ilnmbo, Adel Kltr Patrick, Ruth Avery, Hazel Seeley, Maysel Sanderson and Ina (lould. The Women's Foreign Missions met Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. W. J. Roberta on Ninth street. They had a very Interesting program concerning foreign mlsalons, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. The Klks gavo an Informal dance nt their Templo Thursday night, the dance being given as a reception for the hundred now rrfembors of tho local lodge Initiated within the past month. A most delightful time was had by all who attended. Music was furnished by the Peerless orchestra and punch was served throughout tho evening, Mrs. C. C. Hogue entertained a few frleada Friday afternoon at her home on High street in honor ot her sister- Inlaw. Mrs. Kdward Hogue, who ! homo of Mr. and Mr. Hro. Will visiting here from Globe, Arlsona. The afternoon was spent playing cards, after which the hostess served dainty refreshments. Tho.r present were Mrs. George Hum, Mrs. R. E. Watten burg. Mrs. West, Mrs. A. M. Worden, Mrs. II. Melhase, Mrs. J, G. Camp, Mrs. Homer Humphrey, Mrs. Willard Smith, Mrs. George Fry, Mrs. I.yle, Mrs. F. Adams and Mrs. Carl Cum mlngs. The Young People' Class, the "l.lvo Wires." of the Methodist rhnrrh wirtt entertained Thursday evening at the'Kvelyn Wliltmore ..A.,. this city. Prwgrrsshe ninea played and IIkIU nfreumrtU v served. Thoie prencnt were Mr. Ml Mr. B. M. Chllcole, Mr. sad Mr. WM Wood. Mr. and Mrs MorrU Wl. Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Tpl,lr. and Mrs. T. Hoy King. Mr. ui Cbs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Ota. Wil ton, Mr. and Mrs. I-lod En. Jlr. ut Un f n Wlilt more. Mrs. Mlw' Miss Krt. Miss Catherine llolsmf. jl Miss Helen I'axlon, Mr. AtVtV rell. Mr. Milton KngllRb. Mr. " den. Miss Calhrlne Wullon sail m FEDERAL TIRES J Triad f x5 Bom fffB, T Driving with one eye on the road and the other on your tires is more strain than pleasure, When you are sure of your tires, the miles slip behind you and make inotorinjj a real pleasure. Equip your car with KEDKRAL& Their I3oullc-.CableBM Construction does away with the moct common causes of tire ' They are known at "Extra Service" Tire-nd they dewiw the - White Pelican Garage , Th Fdrl Rubber Co. of Illinois Pnaioriwai Cudahy, VVI. m it ti r , i WMWntlTflVBBB MHH ta. TfcTft,, eKgnBWBBBBYtg' bxfSBBBKBveiiLsVjBSEB?!. h H Vt '4 ', ev.vft ' iWifeW i '"Ai Si 1 J(IWWV 1M. Mli' yj y