.A-A-H iS'i,l ' m T MM TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, aphil n. i. TiI? 2 u u! CIRCUS OAY a INDIANS' CLUB HOLDS MEETING UNbYCUlUf I1CIWU W. O. SMITH, Editor NEXT MONDAY scttt nter fcr MNsklM CWMV of 1Mb. at US "watta street at ta awstoaca at Klasaata At. C. Barn' Circut Hat a Personally Conducted Trip Through the Animal taroa EXTENSIVE PROGRAM IS GIVEN AT AGENCY AUDITORIUM AN OTHER MEETING ANO DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY, MAY S Experience attar. fcy aall ta amy Tent Especially for Teachers and Children Patrons. talk CUM .KM I Vk SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 117 lerif$ChssiiedAdT& FOR SALE FOR SALE Good paying hotel busl- Address this paper. U-tf FOR RENT estfVMsyVsMtjsjsMVVVtMajVtvtAMkAtfMas FASTTJRK FOR RENT By month or senses; east aeeoatmodate 300 head. CaB an H. R. Reynold. White Pelican 2-3t TMfUISHED ROOM for one or two Bta; twin beds. 715 Jefferson street. The Most Highly Educational Cir cus In the World" l the titled earned and merited by the At G. Barnes big four-ring wild animal circus which will be in Klamath Fall next Monday. The Barnes Circus Is the first In the world to put on a "Personally Con ducted Trip" to site patrons the great ClULOQl'lN. April :. A gvxxl at. tendance was ptvsrnt at tfye nioetlu of the Klamath Indian Procrelve Club this week at the Agency auditor ium. On behalf of the club. President Eu gene William took occasion to thank the citliens of Klamath Kails, h animal study a circus contains. andboucht "cVets of Mrs. McKeen. FO RENT Rooms, single and AoaMe. with or without board; arlTflccaa: Piano, phone, etc U4 Plac. Tel. J17R. 21-Tt is the first circus in the world to be given the rare distinction and honor of having public schools, academies, state universities and parochial schools suspend session for it. During the 191 season and this season, so far. an almost unbroken line of school and college holidays marked the path of this marvelous congress of educated animals. To see an animal circus the magni tude of the Barnes Circus is a big educational feature In Itself. School teachers anil educational workers high In the educational world, like J. H. The proceeds went to the band and other expense Incurred by the club. On Saturday, May 5, the club will hold a meeting at Chlloquln and In the evening will hold a dance. All thoe desiring to have a good time with the original North American- are wel come. The program ghen thN week was as follows:" Music Band Address of Welcome .Chaplain! Quartet , ! Bif Four '850 "My Country. I Hear You Calling Me" Address. "Loall Mr. Ashurst Francis, formerly of the Los Angeles! g e,en TOR SALE Mi acres well fenced, ? acres seeded to rye, with the fol- towiac IsapreTeasents: A good house. laraa cellar, bunkhouse. chJckea house with large Bed, horse stable, cow stable salt stable, aad garage. Will ale sell horses, cattle, chicken, hay autd grain, wood. Implements, tools. aeemehoid furniture and provisions. Immediate possession can be given. Is the cause for wanting to lareatigste this. No reason attar refseed. A. F. Ciablne. two miles sonth of Merrill. 17-llt HELP WANTED WMMSMWAWMIM WAMTmD Oek) as camp cook or with BBjse, by all around man. ittSW. Ego Carles. 26-3ta WANTED Ure solicitors for a good avoposttioa. Addess X. Herald. 2CWt WANTED Camp cooking; man and vifa. Apply 420 Walnut are. 23-5t WANTED Good bandy man to work areand koteL Inquire Herald office. &4P MISCELLANEOUS WMMMMWMM CAS FOR HIRE Phone Mecca Bil liard Parler, 153, Jitney Joe or Mc Caka. 25-lm schools, have frankly said they learned natural history over again when they saw the remarkable things the animals in the Barnes Circus da To every teacher, child and escort who attend the afternoon show a per sonally conducted trip through the animal tents under the direction of competent lecturer and attendants is given free. They are requested to be at the entrance of the main tent promptly at 1 p. bl, and will be en tered first Once inside, the party Is taken in charge, the lecturer explain ing where each and every specie of animal comes from, how captured and educated to do every kind of circus trick. The party is then escorted to their seats in the main tent, a special block of seats being especially set aside for them. "Circusy" to the last degree, the Barnes Circus is fall of clean, educa tion, wholesome amusement and in terest. The laughs are clean laughs. The sensations are clean sensations. The features are fastidious and deli cate. A two-mile long open den street parade in the morning at 10:30. Doors opening at 1 and 7 p. m. Perform ances at 2 and 8p. m. With everything to delight the heart of animal lovers and circus fans, the Barnes Circus is sure to draw. Reading "Gerrysburg Address. Music "Smiles" Violin Solo. Duet Mr. Wolf .Francis Kirk Band Eugene William. Harold Moo! "Little Tin Soldiers" Misses Cowen and Cray. Remarks l- Joe Ball Solo Miss Bresette Music Band Vocal Solo Violin Solo "Thoughts" Vocal Solo Trombone Solo. Piano Solo Music .Eldon Miller Mls Frue . Seldon Kirk Miss Loll Joe Merkshan .Mrs. Ginsbaugh Band Pantomime. .By Chiloquin School "How the Old Horse Won Hi Bet" Mrs. Eugene William. "Our Flag" Dewey Obenchaln CHILOQUIN PERSONALS I hare the esdasive sale of assay of the best farms i the Klamath Cbilcote. 12 ANYONE desiring gardens plowed leave orders at Klamath Transfer Phone 342. 244t MONET TO LOAN on city property. Arthur R. Wilson. 21 DONT SELL yoar hides and pelts un til yon see B. P. Lewis, th st, near Klamath. Phone 355. 8-tf --N i Lode-e No. 137. 1. O. O. P. I Friday nlchta. W D f!nfr N ., r.; Nat otterbeln, secretary. Ewasns Encampment No. 46, meets Taaaday night. P. L. Fountain, C. P.; L. J. Bean, scribe. o CfcaVota gtres sports attention) to awpetty of son residents. Omce 633 12 W. D. MILLER Cement Contractor Walks, Floors, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Flues and TUea. Stl 8. Sixth Bt. Phone 293 Klamath Falls Auto Co. GARAGE AND GENERAL MPA WORK FORD CARS A SPECIALTY FOR SALE One second-band Dodge car and one Ford; hot E-passeager touring cars, It M good condition; cheap. PRONE XIX llSf MAIN STREET I Maurice Bryan MEN WANTED! Three hundred men wanted by Pell can Bay Lumber company for camp. Mill hands also wanted at mill. CHILOQUIN. April JR. Mrs. E. L. Hosley has returned from the Falls, where she has been tisiting friend and relatives. Acting Agent Asbbury went to Yal nax on official business this week. Ed Gowen and E. Anderson, of the cnuoqum Mercantile Company, were in the Falls Saturday and returned Sunday. They reported a good time. but nearing home the auto mired in the mud. They were there for some time and had to call on old faithful horse to pull them out. E. L. Hosley was in Fort Klamath this week. &ht985 Prices Effective April 1st. 1017 Light Few 7rta . SI .1U Kg Fours Ttmm Jfaafaur Light Sine Ttanaf '. tin Wfflj-iSU frctys-KaigliU fw rear, af FewCeaf . titij litS $li till ties- Atnni ,a frit Du torn nd luM Sim smMj. Uj tU aol Itfmrti amut Wal 4jU asaaf Uu a uml M. Junanu f rta la aufauan tmnimmt unkal tU mmk Agsrictt...roMt TUU,imV.S,A.. Back of this Reason's new Over land Big Fours ami Light Sixes arc a direct line of nine preced ing models from which they were developed. They directly continue the line of models that made the Overland name stand in the public mind for integrity of value. Overland ixlicy has steadfastly sustained that integrity of value in the car throughout its entire tcrvice in the hands of owners. Over three huudied thousand of thcbe cars are now in um: and the helpful suggestions of their owners and of the more than four thousand dealer and fac tor)' -branch organisatien: that told and served them, ure lai gely responsible for the balanced greatness of this beacon's Big Fours mid Light SLxcj. Their new Iwauty, their perfected easy riding qualities, their proven Hturdinestf and mechan ical excellence, their admitted tire, fuel ant oil economy make them worthy of the confidence we enjoy, that they wilt still further enhance Overland pres tige. They enilxxly the wiodoin of the unmatched Overland e.vK.-ricuce in building cant of this type. They are dominant values, ears of proven dependability and ster ling worth. As lung as we have them for de livery before May 1st, the prices are SSoO for the Big Four, $IKS5 for the Light Six thereafter ISU5 und S1025. WHITE PELICAN GARAGE m LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR USE GRAMIMA'H HADE TEA AND HlXPHlIi RECIPE AND XO ISODV WILL KNOW Refrigerator and ice will arslst ma terially in reducing household ex penses during the wsr. Call and see our new line of large refrigerators. Klamath Valley Warehouse and Fore warding Company. 23-Ct Will trade clear lot for equity in Improved property. See Cliilcote. 12 i irjw &J3 The Willys-Overland Company. Toledo. Ohio MasulactiutM U WUIrt.Knlchi l Ovnlud Aul'MBubltaj M m"i URuarrtui uta, .tA Mi AMMMMAArvWWWWMMMWWMAAMMaaai 3,000 Horses Wanted 1,100 lbs. and up, from 5 to 9 years old. Writ or phone Hotel Hall snd I will call and examine your stock. Will be located here all summer, and ready for business at all tlmts. W. M. PYLE KANSAS CITY, MO. " "i"i"nr-jnrinr"siryyyyrrvtnn h(m444 i! To Cure a Cold in One Day ii : : takk ' 25c Box KLAMATH KOLIJ KNOCK Kit The Ufco of Sage and Sulphur for lestoring faded, gray hair to its nat ural color date.-? back to grandmoth er 'a time. She used it to keep ber'T ralr beautirully dark, glouy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was ap plied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," ycu will get this famous old preparation, Improved by the add! tlon of other Ingredient, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the balr. A well known downtown druggist cays It darkens the hair so natural ly and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply damp. en a sponge or soft brush with It, ana araw this through your hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears, snd af ter another application or two, it be comes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyatb's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful ap pearance. Jt Is not intended for the cure, sflltlgsUon or pretention of dis ease. Adr. HOM AMI OLMIIANTKHII HV UlKrwoods Murray WfvZ WJtfMTHrALLS OREGON TTfaW V WHERC VUmCOLAH PCOPLC W At the Churches eitwf "ROLLING IN WEALTH" When the Intedest of your ac count Is computed at the end of the year and you see how quickly the principal grows, you will appreciate what "hav ing, your money work for you" means. Open an account with us, however small to start, and let your money, cam money. FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLM, OREGON 1 3Ll Church of Christ HclctilUta Scn-iv will be held Sunday morning at 113 Fourth street, Wlthrow-Melhaae building, opposite the court houno. The subject for tomorrow's leon will be: "Probation After Death." Sunday school from 9:45 to I0:4&. Wednesday evening meeting at H o'clock. Grace? Melhocliet KpUrnpal Cliunh Corner Tenth ana High. Rov. Geo, II. Bennett, pastor, rcsldenco 1123 East street. 10 a. m Sunday nchool, B. M. ctill role, superintendent. V. T. Motachenuachur, chorUtor. Miss Muuilo Newbury, planUt. Catholic Church nrt mnH at 8:30 a. in. .Sunday ochool at 9:15 n. m. Midi maun at 10:30 a. rn. Opening of the mlanlon for win-, CnthollCH. TIiIh U a hctIom of lerlurei for non-Cathollcit nnd Beitliii; in.rnr,. Z, them the teaching nnd pnirtlo-s of the Catholic church from nn nutln'nllc and reliable pourco. Thi'mi Icotiinn1 Z are to take place nlchlly at 8 o'clock. T Longregiitlonal Hinging will bn u prom. meni iraiurn. vocal hoIob ly (J. c. HennesKoy of Chicago. OcnerouM pat ronage of the Qucmion Box Ih re quested from all honcut lovern anil seekers of Chrlntlan truth. Christian Church Corner 9th are. and Pine street. W. K. Homho, minister, residence 818 Ninth street. Phone 834. Bible school at 10 a. m., Mm. Clnra Moore superintendent, Mrs. Ooo. A. Wlrts primary suporlntonUont. "The Little Brown Church'V-Thorn will be a flag-raising during the hour, wim a snort program, Including it short address by Profetmor Bowman; a recitation by Beatrice Hmnloy; pat riotic songs, and a riog-ralHlng by I ho children. Everybody Invited. Morning worship at 11 a, m.j com munion svery Sunday. ine morning sermon will bo I ho True Orilrn of thn Disciple; or, thn Salt of Hi n lirlli nnd thn Light of tin World, In Kxlntlnn to the Olory of tioil." Matthew 5:18-10. Clirlntlnn Ktulcanr ut 0:30 p, m. 'Ilio mihirct of thn inonlng xernion l. "A Costal and a Hliell," being n, discourse on Immortality or Kternal Llfo. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., midwonk worship and Illblu study. Cliolr practice Wednesday evening at 8:30. First Presbyttrlan ChurchCorner of I'lnu fitul Second streets. I Tito .i:ina rniainnt are lesdmli tlw ItMurnnre Oeld. See Chllcot. II Until further notice, services will w litld In this church as follews: I 0:30 p. m., Young Pnople'it service. ' FADE & SHANNON PLUMSINO ANO TKAM PITTIN8 Stoves Sought, told and Repaired I 8HBRT MKTAL WORK OF ALL KINDS 1023 Main St II Wednesday, 7:30 p. in., midweek Horvlce. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., ladlos chorus rchiarsal, MIhh Parker director. l'lrst Monday of ench month, bust ic.j i.iu'lng of CnrUI'in Kndcnvor Society. Hcronil nnd fourth Thursday after nnoiiH, Lndlcs' Aid Hocluty. Third Tlmrsilay nfturnoon, Womnn'H Mlsilonnry Borlely. Third TliursiJiiy ovonlng, the 8os'lon x 111 meet. Tlrst Kilduy evening, truntecs will meet. llnptlst Chiirch Corner Klghth and, Cnnnl stroots. Key. J, B. OrllBth pnstor. Hlblo school at 10 a. m., 0. R, De Lap, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Kvnryone cordially Invited to these sorvlces. Eleventh Street Baptist Church-llev. W, II. Cox, pastor, residence 235 jontn street. Phono 155. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mr. Per kins superintendent. In I ho absence of the pastor, C. M. Hunt will occupy the pulpit at 7.'30 P. m. A special service of song. B. P. V. u. at 0:80 p. ., Mrs. Perkins, president. Wednesday ovtmliig, 7:30, prayer nnd Bible study. Thursday evening, choir practice at i. an, r. nmith, leader. third in tha aarl.. .. u ...' . .' """" ' tk. Moun." Ut. subject being. "TheJ will make you mors than w.lcom. It Makes a Differed Where Yoo Bay a WATCH. fin far as nti are concenw, Ihn factory, with a few no'1' bio except loiw. "0,",n't pr0, duce u complete wntcb. Th Juwuler buys tho casM of an cither mamifnrturir, And un less ho buyH good csM. Iiuh a skilled, experience! wnlchinaker lo (It the mora menu Into I lie casea. tha wntclioH ho sells won't s1 satlsfacllon. no mailer " flno the niovemcnts are. Tea watch bought ut IJPP' & thorough sallsfacllon, cuuse only slnndaid morfr mentM are dealt In. and wa nrecxperlH In casing and r ulutlng thciiy Frank M. UpP Jeweler i ioi uniti Street Oncial 8. P. VtAlM1 lit. K w