, -1"W AVr3 ' Sfep- r ' J.JS-Wl Sta" ' t 1 TwJiil W$z Iturntn Hrralft ?T "" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL'; OF KLAMATH MMM -l rw s& v? 'h .r i -".gglJSrTT,erM'a"agm"aBC"aaarr1l"rT' r ltvnth Year No. 3,389 - tr,Xi etfgalpr B. irMiwriiTnin - w-r-r- , ... jfl NLAMAIH rALlS. UKEAsUn. dAIUKUAI.AfKlL ZB. 1917. fill I TIIM 111 - , y-gjaaa House Passes Army Draft Bi ywwwwMiwixwwwowiMii .-.-r.TT.-.TT.T.-jT.xvv-iru-Lru-inAnAnjvui -.- t i.aan.nfwnnnnvvvu iiii i inrnrrrrrrVTinrnnrMMMM HOUSE PASSES DRAFT BILL BY 278 T098 VOTES TRAIOHT DRAFT AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED - Retard Volt lo Be Takin Late Today (nd It It Eipected lo Increase the Majority In Favor of Measure. paWr Clark and Mlaa Rankin Vote Agilnit Plan House Chaara Wildly When Vot la Announcad. WASHINGTON. U. C April 2S. Tbe buuip, acting a a cmniilllii of, lie whole tint ay, parsed tin1 Kalin ' amendment to lint's army bill, em-l bodying the ronncrlptlon plan or mlll-j tary irnirf. by n Mite of 278 to 9s, Dcnt'n bill protlded that Hit' prrxl onl first try Hip vooluntmr nlrm. Xahn' amendment prmltle fur itralzht conscription. Later today the ttwunt will take a vole of record on the bill, which In ex prrlrd tu how mi Increase In tln majoril) toting for Hip bill. Speaker Champ Clark and Congre nan Jrannrltc Rankin of Montana were atnoiiK thonw voting against I tit ccnucrlpllon bill. The limine cheered wildly when tlm YOtC HSU UIIIIOIItlCIHl. WAHIIINtiTON, U, C, April 2S. Chlrman Webb, of the house judiciary romiulttre. announced today llmt ln l preparing a bill whjch provides for the turning ow of nil nlltiH of nillll Ury npo to their countilrn. MCli AR60MENTS HEARD YESTERDAY Tr nrKumrnta In I ho Injunction alt brouKht by the Cnllfornln-Oreron Pawrr Company nRiilnal the city were ward )ratordny In tlm circuit rourl. Ko drrlalon hn.n boon len by thp Judxc. Retgrna to Klamath Mr. McDonald, who linn been aer uly HI In California, returned home lut nlifht. Milukof f Gives Assurance of Russia Continuing War WABIIINOTON, I). C, April 28.--. Tho Htati! depiutment Iiiih announced I n! retclpt of a cablcRrnm from Huh-j jn I'orelKn MlnlHter Mllukoff which I Guatamela Cuts Relations Off WASHINGTON, I). C, April 28. Tim Bcirnto department announced to "y that Guatemala haa broken off General German Strike for May 1-German Socialists AMSTERDAM April Sl.-Plipatohea lved froip Berlin my that tfaa tMntt Hoclnllata havo Introduced .--.--..... I I i i .'." . ALL rttOCRVISTS CALLED TO SERVICE WASHINGTON. I). ('., April 28. Tim war department nmioilnri'tl today Hint It will limiir.llnti y mil tit ncthr servile nil infantry, ravalry. artillery mid officers In rt-itorviv QanYouWigwag? If jou Join tlm Atm-rlnin iinny ou will li-nrn thla IntorontlnK mibjert of uIrwiikrIhk to frloinln far orr. Thin photograph hIiowk an limlance of Ik wagKlnK umliT ilimcultli-H. One m.m htniido on lhi almuldcra of tvo othoni to mnUc IiIh HlKiinl oir a IiIki wall. BABY SHOW IS ON HERE NEXT WEEK The firxt week In May, 1917, linn hi en net nrlde n National Ilnby ek. All pernoiiN In Klamath county are Invited to attend the uicctlnRH nnd hear the lectureH. Ilaby examinations are to be held fiom 10 to 12 a. m. nnd 2 lo i p. nt. each day on l'rldny and Sntiirday. rene8 iiHuranceH that ltusala Ih not Intending to conclude a separate peace with (lermnny, nnd Hint Huusla will fliiht to u HUcceaHful Inwue. Diplomatic With Germany diplomatic relutlona with Germany nnd Jiaa handed the fiermnn minister hlH pilHH)OrtH. a reaolutlon favoring a gonernl atrlko to beiln on Moy Day, the national day of tho world's aoclnllata, ! BRITISH TURN FAMOUS "WOTAN LINE" ON NORTH VIOLENT FIGHTING REPORTED IN NORTH SCARPE DISTRICT Slnct April 16th the French Have Trkcn 20,870 Prlionere and Many Ouna of Heavy Caliber Booty In. cludea 412 Machine Ouna and 119 Trench Mortare, Formerly In the Potaenlon of the German Army. LONDON, April 28. The Drltlab hne ttyned the "Wotnn Line," captur ing Oppy, which is believed to bo the, nortticimnoKt town on the German do fctmu front. Arleux, which Is further north, has alno been captured. 1'iogrenH Ih reported in the north Scnrpe region, whlio lolcnt fighting comlmii'fl. .Sitae April lGth the French forces hate taken 20,780 prlxoners, 176 guns, including many of heavy rallber, 412 machine guns and 119 trench mortars. RUSS INSPECTOR SOUGHT BY U, S. RUSSIAN WHO REPORTED ON ED DYSTONE EXPLOSION TO RUS SIAN NEW YORK NEWSPAPER IS WANTED BY OFFICERS Clli:STi:il, I'n. April 28. As a re hull of textimony in tho Hddyntone munitions plant explosion case, which explosion killed and maimed many re cently, federal agents nro seeking "Washoff," a Rui-iilnn government In spector who sent a message to radical lliiKsian newspapers In New York fol lowing the explosion. The report paid: "Kxploslon occurred today. Our ciowd mi re." The Kddystone plant la run by the Ilussinn government.' CHAPEL CAR ST. PETER ARRIVES HERE TONIGHT The chapel enr 8t. I'eler, under tho management of George Uennessoy of Chicago, will arrive here tonight for n two weeks stay In the city. It Is intended for mission work along rail road lines In sections of the country where Catholics nro few and widely scattered. It is a complete church on wheels and will bo open for inspection while here. Columbia Dairymen Ralae ASTORIA, Ore.. April 28. Thirty lower Columbia rher dairymen have decided to Increase the wholesale prloe of milk. They havo organlxed nnd will estnbllshd uniformed rates for their products. High production cost Is given hh tho reason for their aetion. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETIES GO TO MERRILL TOMORROW Tho members of Uie Young People's societies of all the churches in the city will leave the Christian church tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock for Merrill, where a union meeting will bo held tomorrow night. The Episcopal evening prayer and song aarvlee will ba held at the Library hall Sunday evening at 7: SO o'clock. All interested are cordially Invited. SENIOR PLAY 6REAT SUCCESS, PLAY GIVEN LAST NIGHT BY THE I 8ENIOR CLA88 OF HIGH SCHOOL WAS BIG SUCCESS THE STARS OF THE CAST Miss Mildred Thrasher, an "Merely Mary Ann," who showed exceptional ability, and John Ilouiton, as I'cter who also showed rcmarknblu amateur! ability. Graham Klehl wan well choien for tils gruff part, while Blanche Warren I nnd MIsh Helen Magulre were excep tionally good. "Tho Cabaret Chorus" drew many remarks on its resemblance to a profensional chorus while there was hardly a weak character In the cast Much credit rests undoubtedly on the coaches, Miss Marshall and Pro fessor Gregg. The high school orches tra furnished splendid music for the occasion under Mr. Taylor's direction. CANNOT STARVE ENGLAND NOW LLOYD GEORGE ANNOUNCES THAT 3,000,000 ACRES OF ADDITIONAL LAND SECURED AND IMPOSSI BLE TO STARVE COUNTRY LONDON, April 28. Lloyd George, speaking at Guild hall, declared that 3,000,000 acres or additional land is available for 1918 crops, "guaranteeing Kngland against starvation it not a single ton of food Is Imported." He emphasized the seriousness of the submarine problem, however, and urged that economy be practiced in all lines. Lloyd George declared that Ireland is the one menacing prospect on the whole horizon, and appealed to people to aid In the settlement of the Irish problem. TEN KILLED MO 30 INJURED IN EARTHQUAKE IIOMR. April 28. Word received here says that an earthquake has destroyed-the entire village of Monter cbl. Tho lisi of casualties is lacking. An official statement says that ten were killed at Tuscany and Umbrla and thirty injured. NAVY DEPARTMENT TO CALL FOR BOY SQOUTS NEW YOIIK, April 28. It became known here today that the navy de partment is planning' to call for 5000 volunteer boy scouts to assist In pat rol duty on the Atlantic nnd the Pa cific coasts. The boys must be over 16 years of ago and havo the consent of their par ents and the school authorities. t City Beautiful Headquartera Commercial Club Roema. ( ' Gentlemen Please enter my name aa a contest In the f Lawn contest Garden contest Children's Garden contest e) It la understood that I am un- dor no financial obligation ln making this entry, but I agree to t walk for the prizes which are offered, Signed. ... KLAMATH COUNTY HAS FINE RECORO FOR RECRUITING PROBABLY EQUALS ANY COUNTY IN UNITED STATES Slxtytwo Men From This County Have Joined the Army and Navy This Equals the Number New Hampshire or North Dakota Haa Sent to Front. Oregon Stands Second of All States of the Union. For the period from April 1 to April 24, Oregon stands second in a list of all states in 'the recruiting record for the United States army, according to Postmaster W. A. Delzell of this city. "Nevada leads the list, with Califor nia in the eleventh place," said Mr. Delzell. "Oregon's quota was 1344 men to be raised. Seven hundred and ninety-eight have enlisted up to that date, or 59 3 per cent of its quota. "Nevada's percentage was 94.4, Cali fornia 21.6 and Washington 15.5. Ver mont is at tho foot of the list with 2.5 per cent. "Klamath county alone, with a total population of about 12,000 people, en listed as many men for the army aa the entire 'state of New Hampshire did and sent In a good bunch to the navy bebldes. "Our total to the army and navy to gether equals all that the whole state of North Dakota sent to the army for the same period. We doubt If any county in the United States, consider ing our sparse population, has equaled our record, for in sparsely settled re gions every man has a job at home and Is needed too, while in the states having a dense population more men in proportion arc available. "The Hit below Is of all the recruits up to date that have been accepted from Klamath county and does not in clude the names of a dozen more pat riotic lads who offered their services but were rejected for physical de fects." The list shows forty-three for the nrrny and nineteen for the navy, or a total of sixty-two men: Army Stephen Foster, Clarence Lennox. Kenneth Perry, John Cory, Gabriel Clrac. Sterling Bolton, W. J. Ualsey, Emroitt McCollum, Everett McCollum, Earl Hilton, Paul Hilton, Albert Jones, Louie Hoagland, Wade H. Short, Ben Mitchell, Gerald Sears, Robert S. Turner, Clarence Montgom ery. Will M. Weeks, John Wlnesky Jr.. Jos. Zumpfe. Bernard Zotlman Baryl J. Rowles, Fred Heilbronna,, Clarence Lawrence, Chan. C. Crouse, Irl F. Shel by, Clarence Wallace, Wm. M. Pep pers, Mlnlce H. Caldwell, Lester He lums, Chas. E. Coop, Walter 8. Turner, W. M. Hackler, Ray Peters, John Gard iner, Cecil A. Low, Harold G. Bunch, G. S. Glover, C. R. Carter, Roy Noah, Fied A. Zumbrum. Navy Thomas Otto, O. H. Osborne, Wnlter Rouse, Morris Graves, Warren Kellogg. B. F. Manton, Nelson Hall, Carl C. Findley, Roy R. Lewis, Harley Johnbon, Will McMillan. Otis L. Ja coby Ted R. Montgomery. Cyril Ben eon, Chas. J. McDonald, Lester Screl ner, John Dixon, Perrln Dixon. Chaa. Vavrlcka. Youth Buya Bonda PORTLAND. Ore.. April 28. Thos. A. Rochester Jr., not yet a week old, probably is the youngest applicant for a slice of government war bonds In the United States, A few hours af ter Thomas A. Jr. anived, Papa Roch ester rushed to hia offlco and placed a substantial subscription for the bonds. About the ilme Mr. Eoaaeator Jr. becomea of age, bis Unci BAM will be repaying the loan with a,' 8ENATE LEAVES "BONE DRY" PROBLEM TO WILSON !, i WA8HINOTON, D. C, April 28. Following four hours of conftulon the aenatft finally adopted the Harding amendment, 51 to 33, giving the president power to make army regulations concern- Ins; prohibition measures which replaces the "dry" congress and "dry" army amendments pre- viously adopted today. SHIP PROBLEM NOW SETTLED BALFOUR SENDS FIRST REPORT PN CONFERENCES TO ENGLAND i WHERE THEY WILL BE PUB- LISHED NEWSPAPERS PRAISE WASHINGTON, D. C, April 28. Lord Balfour aentthe first report on the war conference to London yester day. It will be published in London within forty-eight hours. The report says that the first prob lem taken tip km. the shipping, which haa been settled, America promising to give the Entente whatever they ask. The report further says that the al lies asked America to devote her first efforts to shipping munitions and food equally, and "that the problem of fur nishing men can wait The report explains that the con ference is a mutual declaration of world principles and expresses the be lief that the American press is valu ably assisting in the work and the In tention was declared to carefully answer all newspaper interviewers. The Reason "Why" SAN FRANCISCO, April 28. A re crultlrig officer approached John Don ahue as a prospective recruit for the army. "I have been in the army and they fed me on worms," concluded Dona hue at the end of an oration in which he told of bis disrespect for Uncle Sam'a fighting forces. The recurltlng officer called a po liceman and Police Judge Brady set the ball at $200. It developed Dona hue had been a deserter. "Dangerous Area" Extended . by Germany Say British WASHINGTON, D. C, April 28. Great Britain has warned the United States that the "dangerous area" for St. Paul Flour and Chicago Wheat Reach ST. PAUL. Anrll 28. Flour haa reached a new record price here at 114 a barrel. Thla la an advance of 60c a barrel In twenty-tour hours. Amusement Places Closed; Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS, April St. Two etrangera ahot John f . XalkboTta. NaUoaal Guardantan. In the leg teat alight whoa ho ordered them to bait' Kalkhoven waa guarding a grain oo i?Ai SENATE EXPECTEB TO PASS DRAFT BILL TONIGHT MEANS DRAFT TO BE USED FOB HUGE AMERICAN ARMV-. ' Volunteer Plan la Takan U In M Senate ana Theodore RmevaN aW clared to Bo the Only Man Wr Can Ralae a Volunteer Army for- Europe Pre-Germanlsm la ingly Denounced by WIHIama. WASHINGTON. D. C, April The senate la expected to conscription bill betotf night, which means, that taw plan will be used la raising aa can army of from 3,000.009 to MS Jtt men,' as the gOTenunont aooa fK. During the senate debate on tho ooav- scripUon bill Booaevett'a plan waa taken np. Lodge and John Sharp WUBaata Tigorose argnanonU tayorlaw velt's plan. Lodge declared ttkfet Roosevelt is the only raise such a division. Williams denounced wh earn and declared that there are MIMM traitors in America. "I want to wood 'em out That's why I want conaorio tlon," he declared.. "Before I get through I'm fjolng to t vote for conscription and alee that the large incomes ahall pay for tho war expenses." declared Senator, Konyoat in the senate In speaking- la faTor of conscription. -, Vi. WASHINGTON. D. OApril St. The Benate adopted, by a rote of 17 to 30, an amendment to tho amy; halt. making the army "bono dry.? ',Tho"a4ll makes it a crime to give or,aeU Utjor to any member of tho amy. . J Immediately following tat of this eametajsaaat aa was introduced ear Cn makes congress "faae dryland 1 it a crime to gtve"er aoH Uaor to nar federal legislator. The vote waa tt to 43. all shipping baa been extended by Germany. It waa 'recently aaaeaaoed by Germany that hospital ahlpo will be sunk aa welt aa all othera oa aoaa. Record Price CHICAGO. April, M.-. sold today at $1.75. which iadtte i yesterday'e closing rioa. -Mr, September frtom-MMMiabu War 4 A.rtt agueay "mmfr :-.a May waoa vl tmm&wut aanmmannnnnnnnnnWV T tf?a'ttt r7aBssBBBnBaoaBBmp ifrf- i-f e. NaMaJBamaatJgaBfanV sSVva BBaMaaaaaaaaaaaaar tmza m $&zXi5rzmi8r' ' UAJSaaaanmaatgaanKiS' M prnvrvmEmgmm? , 2 Sb&.J aN,w' '"V WFBBBBBrOBBBBBTda.'j i9c-ufl PmllrfnPdBBBBBtt, 1(M Miyaawa aajamfaaaaaBBaaaa'waBa BBBOaBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBm. jffiEfBBBBBBBBBBBHlft fH ..'JaJBaaJ.BaBBBBBBBl'.'' -TaBBB "NWNHIHP TpJtwSq 'si Jil i H1J ?y "V 1 ?l ?A , 4 T r; r .,f 8 3 & j Ti j ? bp Vm I 'i $ rl m -Ji f?i A .irfi ' rim fc, .-.2i m sVi " 1' ... tf.t ' ?. i i !" . ms LV.