1 fii ItW I MfCU ij. PAt TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TMUHODAV, AfMUL :S( I3 v t K ffr ,t TheEvening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor PrtlMnl dally except Sunday kr Ike MmM Pnhltihlng Company of KHMtl Tallt, at US Fourth strMt tan at the poatoBce at Klamath Wtto. One, far transmission through the bmU aa mjcomI-cUm matter. H OUSTON Metraaalltan Amiiaamanta s BakacripUoa tun by mall to any aadrM U U United SUtea: On year 15.00 OnmUj M THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 BwaU's Classified Advs. XMWWWAAAWWAWA FOR SALE HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE, Mary Pick ford hi "TMK PRIIIK OK THK CIN" Tuemlay and Wednesday April 24 ami as STAR THEATER Triangle Pine Art Present Settle Barritcale and Wm, Detmond In "NOT MY SISTERS" In Five Wlcrd Parts, ami Al St John In "THE MOONSHINERS" A Keystone Comedy In Two Parts KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS (Klamath County Special Service) Civic Club Meet Today PINK GROVK. April 62. The ladles of the Civic Club moot today with Mrs. John Shcpard. Drill Well PINK GROVK. April. :G.George Hartley Is dt tiling a welt for Clarence Harris. I win Krnesl, fornla for the who has been In Call lust jear, Id visiting Wm. Sims at piescnt. tMWVWWMWMVWWAMMMAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA QUICK SALE furniture, piano, So nera and range: all bargains. Cor ner Twelfth and Lincoln; phono TX. J. O. Camp. ' 23-3t FOR SALE Old established business at a sacrifice. For particulars ad dress P. O. Box 432. 21-61 FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Four gooa wagons; will trade for second hand auto. Klamath Valley Ware house. 19-6t FOR SALE Good paying hotel busi ness. Address this paper. 12-tf FOR RENT PASTURE FOR RENT By month or seasen: can accommodate 300 bead. Call up H. R. Reynolds, White Pelican hotel 26-3t FRNU1SHED ROOM for one or two men; twin beds. 715 Jefferson street, 1 -t FOR RENT Rooms? single and double, with or without beard: -home privileges; piano phone, etc. 1149 Pine. Tel. 317R. 21-7t FOR RENT Rooms and board; first class borne cooking; furnace heat. 71-2 Seventh street. 20-6t FOR SALE 160 acres well fenced, ; 70 acres seeded to rye, with the fol lowing Imprevements: A good bouse. Woodshed, large cellar, bunkbouse, granary, chicken house with large scratching shed, horse stable, cow stable calf stable, and garage. Will also sell horses, cattle, chicken, hay and grain, wood, implements, tools. household furniture and provisions Immediate possession can be given. Sickness la the cause for wanting to sell. Investigate this. No reason able offer refused. A. F. Clublne, owner, two miles south of Merrill Oregon. 17-12t HELP WANTED avsMVMVs4sAaasAsksSAstAAfAatAAAA WANTED Camp cooking; man and wife. Apply 420 Walnut ave. 23-St WANTED Cood handy man to work around hotel. Inquire Herald office. siet MISCELLANEOUS CAR FOR HIRE Phone Mecca Bil liard Parlor, 153, Jitney Joe or Mc- Cabe. 25-lm MONEY TO LOAN on city property. Arthur R. Wilson. 21 DON'T SELL your hides and pelts un til you see B. P. Lewis, 6th st, near Klamath. Phone 35G. 9-tf c Klamath Lodge No. 137. 1. O. O. P., meets Friday nights. W. jD. Cofer N. G P.; Nate Otterbein. secretary, Ewauna Encampment No. 46, meets Tuesday night. P. L. Fountain, C. P.; L. I. Bean, scribe. It MADSEN, local piano tuner, re cently returned from California, where he has been tuning for Sherman Clay ' Co., with whom be has been identi fied for many years, will be here until May ISth. Leave orders at Klamath Falls Music House. 24-3t TEMPLE THEATER "The Twin Souls," Knickerbocker Feature In 3 parts "Tangled by Telephone," A Kalem Comedy. "A Grain ef Suspicion," A Vim Comedy. "Hearst Path News," Current Events. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTVRKS TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. OrOfoa ORPHEUS THEATER Preaches at Grove PINK GROVE. April 26. Ror. I- M. Anderson, from Merrill, preached n pood sermon at the line Grow school house Sunday afternoon. PINE GROVE PERSONALS PINK GROVIX April 2t?.Mrs. S. K. leenbtee spent last week with her sons at the H. K. Hawkins ranch. Miss Nora Miller was a visitor with Misses Dorntha and Delia Hawkins In Klamath Kails Monday evening. Mis, O. ilrown hat had a very se vere spell of sickness. Miss Grace Cunningham was a visit or with Mrs. O. Ilrown List week. Thursday and Friday "Blood Money," 101 Bison Master Feature, 2 Acts "Pirates of the Air," A Cloudburst of Laughter. 2 parts "The Vanished Jewels," First Episode -of "The Purple Mask," two reels. SPECIAL Franc's Ford and Grass Canard Producers of "Lucille Love. The Brok en rrtin" and "Pes o' the Rin;. in "THE PURPLE MASK" ' You will highly enjoy the baffling mystery. You will delight In the action, the punch and rapidly moving events in this masterful photoplay. You will see one of the most remarkable cast of characters eer exploited In any serial. headed by the two greatest serial stars on earth. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ADMISSION, TEN CENTS Show starts at 7:30 p. m. Helping Hand Meets (Klamath County Special Service) SHASTA VIEW, April 26. The Helping Hand Society met at the home of Mrs. a M. Kirkpatrick last Wednes day. A number of the members of the society was present. L Bonanza Pattor Preaches SHASTA VIEW, April 26. Sunday School at Shastn View was well at tended, and Rev. MIckoNon of llonanz-t preached after Sunday School. SPRING LAKE NAVY 00Y PASSES FINAL EXAMINATION (Klamath Count) Special Service) SPUING LAKli Mr, and Mrs. IX A. Schrolnor lecelved word from their son Lester, who Joined the irivy n week n go, that he parsed his tlnal ex amination at Portland, and would soon bo sent to San Pronrlsco, County Superintendent Visits SPRING lKi:. AfTrll 2(5. Miss Edna Wells, tounty superintendent, visited our school Tuesday. Her visit was enjoyed v cry much. Ctuh Is Busy SPRING LAKH. April 2t5 The Farm ers Club has purchased ten gallons of formaldehvde for Its members. It Is leady for distribution now. Tlll'Mll-NAII, SKinVIIKH MEN WHO RUN U. S. NAVY Major General George Uainelt 'U" Train Soldier l.TOKNU, Ore, Aptll 2 --The I'ttl veitdl' of Oregon hits been made it ieerve (raining station for oMlici.1 SPRINQ LAKE PERSONALS SPRING LAKK. April 26. Mrs. K. A. Schrelncrnnd Mrs. Stewatt attend ed the Art Cuib meeting at Mrs. Clms. Sleinman's last Thursday. They report n good time, Mrs. II A. and Mrs. Arthur Sclireln er(vlslted with Mrs. Gentry Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Chejne vIMted with her J parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schubert. this week. Captain Lee was In tho neighbor hood assessing last week. Mrs. Frank Stewart spent the day with Mrs. Polsom one day lust week. PORTLAND "WAR BREAD" IS SOLD SPECIAL PROCESS LACKING MORE PEACEFUL FRILLS, USED IN RESTAURANT TO SHOW LOYAL. TY OF GERMAN PROPRIETOR PORTLAND. April 26. A war bread restaurant, probably the first in the United States, was opened in a down (own store by the Portland News, the Log Cabin bakery and a coffee dealer. "War bread," made from flour from v'bich none of the bran or chaff has been removed; coffee and butter will be served free 14 all who visit the res taurant. H. r. IUttman, bead of the bakery, a German, Is giving nil the bread needed to demonstrate his patri otism for his adopted country. The object of the restaurant is to make more popular whole wheat bread. One-fourth of the wheat crop, it is estiamted, is wasted because of the process through which ordinary white flour is made. THE MAGIC FLUID ' Fw drop and corn or calluses Ioomh and lift off with finger. No paint Girl's Statement Will Help Klamath Falls Here is the girl's own stery: "For years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach and constipation. I drank hot water and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing helped until I tried buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., a mixed In Adler-l-ka ONE) SPOONFUL helped me IN. 8TANTLY." , Because Adler-l-ka flushes the ENTIRE alimentary tract U relieve ANY case constipation, sour stomach or gas and prevents ap- peadlcltl. It baa QUICKEST action of anything we ever sold. The Whit The world owes thanks to the genius In Cincinnati who discovered freezone, the new ether drug. Tiny bottles of the magic fluid can now be had at any di ug store for a few cents. You simply apply a few drops of this freezone upon a tender, aching corn or a hardened callus. Instantly the soreness disinnenrs and rlwll shortly you will find the I " jjf II corn or callus so loose and WF shriveled that you lift It off with Hie fingers No.t a bit of puln or soreness is felt when applying free zone or afterwards. It doesn't even Irritate the skin or flesh. For a few cents one can now get rid of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, as well as pain ful calluses on bottom of feet. Every one who tries freozono becomes an en thusiast because It really doesn't hurt or pain cne particle. Genuine frto xone has a yellow label. Look for the JEQL' eLJIv.B MMM SHASTA VIEW PERSONALS SHASTA VIEW. April 26. P. W. McManus and family of Klamath Falls were callers at W. W. Bailey's Sunday. Mrs. Italloy returned to their home with them to spend u few d.is. Mr. and Mrs. K. Mecrham of Poe Valley were guests at J. I. Bailey's on Wednesday. Mrs. C. M. Kirkpatrick and daugh ters Beth and Eliza, spent last Sunday at tLe home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Meyers', neur the peninsula in Califor nia. The salesman for the Grand Union Tea company was doing business In this section the latter part of the week. This is the first trip he has made for some time, on account of poor roads. Helen and May Zurapfe visited th Shasta View school one day last week. Helen graduates from the Klamath Palls High school this year. MISS DOLAN ELECTED TO TEACH LAKC SCHOOL SPRING LAKK, April 26. school board has elected .Miss Dolan. tencht-r for next term. -The Uarle U. S. SURVEYORS WORK TO START DRAIN DREDGER SPRING LAKK. April 26. The Unit ed States reclamation survevors were in this neighborhood surelni: thW week, preparatory to starting the dredger to woil; on the Spring Iike drain. Register for Lands SHASTA VIEW, April 26. Quite a number of people from this commun ity and Malln were In Klamath I'aIN last week to register for the Tule I-nko land drawing April 25th. WASHINGTON, 0. t Apill 26. i:rtl befoto the niuj. the Mu tton's tliiit line or defense, Is the Murine Coips, Should our Heel, or an part of it, see service- on foielgn shines, it will be u snund of mm lues who I! rot set font on land Kei. tlrst line battleship of the mm carries, atmird a pcimnltcut de tachraent of nmlttes Subject to either sea or shore duty, they are the alnplilliliiils,or the liuv y- genei- nllv recognised the most versa- tile and elastle branch of the nit tlonal defense. Kipling pokt of the Ilrltlsh marines ns "soldier and sailor, too." It's the same in our navy. .Major General (looigo Harnett Is commandant In charge of the United States .Marine Conn He has been through tliit-slv eam of adventurous service, largely In ! u( the irnulnr irtiuy. A limine will he j stalled noon In charge of nn officer 4,or the regular establishment who will nam men for eommisslmi, Enforce ferry Hon Lsw SAI.KM, April Sit. - With shipments of stinwlierrles starling, Kepuly Sealer of Welxhl and Measures Win t man lo.( due Is advMuit all ilUtrlrt sealers llmt violations of the heir) ho law will he 'ortUn,! cct, onl.H. ,,0I"''ANI. ApiliH, w 'MlM'Mi) aU ni (lr nt.i.t..i week, unit H.. i. ,i . ""Ml ."-.; ;;;; :r: '. (ii.,ifflrrMlwr " "' unn tl.,., :!M'h:.wi. -. li"l. The ,.uai, ' ' y U .H,.r a,. sHI., ,Tc pound "mMtff, vlmooiisl) pro-eciited Hnforce Law TAfOM A, Wash . Aptll 20. As a re suit of several (ntal lilltomohlle hh'I- dents recently, the pollre heie today nio wnrlnir eiiiuiwilKU of Untile law 'enforcement. Tlilrt) right automobile 4!lthci were ariestisl III otto night, and , Polite Judge Graham has ununmuctl 4 that a straight line of X' will be rlv.-n nil spcetU'iv and otltet otfeiuters. f-- I,-.- . ii .nn -, ,, 3,000 Horses WauleJ l.tOO '" "J up, Irtm J i, Uln old. Write or pt,e, Mou, ..."" will call .ni ,mlB, 0Uf ' Will be Ml,d here l tmum and "Jy lorbunntM.t,,,,,' W. M. PYLE KANSAS CITV. Mo, foreign countries. He partlclpnt ed In the lauding or Pulled States marines In China, uhen foreign governments joined to iuell the noted Rover uprising, Ijiter. In lPOrt. ht i-ommitudrd an tixpedltloimrv fane to p'tclfy Cuba, when un attempt was mini" to throw oij the tepuhllran form e of government, lit nddliloii, ho has seen extensive service In Pan nma. the Philippines ''and other parts of tlte troples. "Ills reports 'on Illness," as the navy department otllclal ret nrd, "have been iiultorml) lent, Mild his wide ex-M'tle-ito eanble him to render iiililibta service as head or the .Murine Corps. N . i - - i- r HOWARDS Ashland-Klanpath Falls Auto Line It C T. T EQUIPMENT ( Tlte Service Tlit Has Made Good NEW SEVEN PASSENGER CARS "- .H ,. ...T T :;;, : I To Cure a Cold in One Day .j taki: K LA MATH t KOl.tl it liMlCHCIt 25c Box Two Reported Sunk CHRISTIANIA. April 2i! Advices received here say that the Norwegian steamers I'elve and Skjotd have bt-n t Mii.ii ash ;tiiA"ri:i.ii nv submarined and the cti-ws saved. Will trade Ienr lei fur equity liupriivrtt pioperty. See Ctitlrote. In A ,3,i nnderwoods pka I MuWv I The .l'.tim isiui utiles me lejttlers in lt:e ii'Siininte Held. See t'tilliole. 12 iwr KLAMATH FALLS OREGON THnl Ss WHCRt PAjmCOCAU PtOPLC BUY Trteier ORMOn CelSSSJ - -; It iiiiil V f 1 1 PVf Mailing Hay by Parcel Post in Idaho taaaaaMIMMBMMMMBMBgBBaMMaBffiBaMlaypjra y, aff MHBWM mWitVYi 'niffrrvrVf,rnmiT.i. .r--tTiJj-.--r-.rr-.- I, ,1 0 e Idaho rnnchi-rs have foujid a new $21, CO u ton. Klnic the original coat us.0 ror the parcels post, and because'was 'T, n ton, (lie hay laid down In of difficulty of other means of ship- Garland cost 4fi.r.o a ton. .1. I,. Nl ment are fending hay through the hart of Garland needed buy for his malls. This photograph shows a mall horses, and he could not buy It In Gar truck loaded with bundles of hay at land even ror tho price of $."!& u ton. His brother, A. II. Nlliirt of llnlil sent hi mi this consignment. Buhl, Idaho, for Garland. The post age was $1.08 per 100 pounds, or O. A. C. Grads Knuckle Down CORVALLIS, April 26. Corvnllls girl graduates must not wear gradua tion j-owns costing more than J.r, the board of education has decided. A flu: limy come III Hie night and uli out your earthly misnsmIoiin. Iletti-i- get good Insurant u l-efore the fire. Nee Clillcofe. 29 Lmwrnnwr "ROLLING IN WEALTH" When the Intedest of your ac count is computed at the end of the year and you see how quickly the principal grows, you will appreciate what "hav ing your money work for you" means. Open an account with us, however small to statt, anil let your money, earn money. V c;tr" Jr I FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLH, OKKOON, Talking about Non-Skid Hres It seems to us thnt soma tiromttnufacturers just cut out tho raised tread pattern on their tireswithajitf-sawat random; while others figure out the tread formation us common sense directs. Tho Diamond "Squeegee Trend" Is surely n "reason why" tread. Look nt tho crossbars. When the weight of tho cor rests on them, they just nauirally get a TOE HOLD on tho pavement and stop forward slide. Then look nt tho lonrritudinal hnrs. Th nro continually in contact with the pavement ell around am noioniy ciop side skid ALL THE TIME " , Mtfl but roll along as smoothly as a plain tread lm i. tire. v deliver full value in Mfj vice. If ever a Diamond So if you want a real non-skid tire, well 7"1 M.Alb. sell you a Diamond at its "Fair-List" PricT primplly"' Klamath Auto Tire O). 120 Sixth Street Klamath Falls, Oregon itJXM m tilumuth Jh 'lie t'- "Bettor put Squeegees EMl Drug Co. Adr. yellow label. Adr. si-1 vv. ' . 43 ' 'r"r5 JK