;SI ' -iWE i 1 f. fV ffl& iEututum Iteralb A4f: ' C OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY . AT . i ia3WW a .n z' l official' NtwirAPMjii- A. tr lUimu'viltKimfl? aErcaoTif n .rrrTnurrCTrmrts lltvtMh Ysr-Ne. 3,284 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917. Fries Ini Clean 17 GENERAL JOFFRE 6IVEN A GREAT OVATION TODAY U. 8. IANO PLAYS MARSEILLAISE ASFnCNCH ARRIVE ItcrtUry McAdoo Hands Treasury Warrant of 1200,000,000 to Ambasta Mr Spring-Rlee England 0U First ptrt ef Lean Balfour Oenlee That Alllsnct ! Purpose French Land at Navy Yerd. WABIHNCITON. I. ft. April 25. TW French commUnlon reached Wash lajton today, and landed at the navy trd ftuin the priwldent' yacht, I he Mijflowcr. Kemtary of state tensing arreted Im (ommllon. unit thousand of per- ini sathrrcd there wildly cheered the Otetral JufTre wit the center of the fiod' Inlrrmt. A the yacht ducked tat United Hialo Military band played it Mirtrillalne and the crowd cheer eJ wilder thin ever. Srcrttary McAdoo cave, the llritUh AadMuuador, Hlr Cecil Hprtnrlllce, a failed Mate treajtury warrant today for iroO.OGO.OOO. It had been decided Hit Kailand ws to secure the first wtloa of the war loan. The sale of Ike trtaaury certificate hma made the nosey available. The Ilrltlsh ambassador, on the be UK of Kin- George, gave hla personal mtlpt for the money. Foreign MlnUter lUlfour Issued a Uttnent today condemnlaR and de )ta rrporta that the entente allle an attempting to lead America Into an Buepean alliance. He expressed con Mtace that America will throw all It iwourcea Into the war and see It to a Balfour praised the French people, and particularly General Joffre. Ile fwtntr declared that the "magnitude of America' assistance cannoe be el Me rated." KLAMATH INDIANS MAY BEJNLISTED MCRUITINO OFFICER FOR IS AS USED OF CO-OPERATION OF KLAMATH AQENT ASBURY AND WAR DEPARTMENT WANTS THEM Arrangement are being made ugh Recruiting Officer For. tho r department and Special Agent An wy. In charge of the Klamath Indian jwenrstlon. for the recruiting of the Ktannth Indian boy and young men wn 'he reaervatlon Into the army and navy, OBIcer I'ur got In touch with Mr. ury today, and wn anaurod of hi litnnce In the work. He atated that 'we are a goodly number of tho Klamath men that are willing and dc " to enlUt, and that they will be re " from any obligation on the wjervntlon which might hold them. The regular army rule In regard 10 l. from 18 to 0. will apply, A n a Officer Kor geta further In "ruction ho expect to make a trip to the Aitency. " HALIN BOY LEAVES IN MORNING FOR PORTLAND Qha. Vnvrlcka of Mnlln will leavn ' " morning for Portland, having d In the United Statea navy wrounh W. A. DoUell, poatmaater and bruiting officer here, "UMIAN SQUADRON ATTACKS "URK POSITION SUCCESSFULLY JRTROORAD, April I5.-U la an- Weed that tho RuanlaB aquadron Hf Keraaurit ha dMtroyed tk a. - h'rbor wor" pturMl 1 Turklah vc.U. r ' U. 8. SINKS BUB . IT IS REPORTED WASHINGTON, I). t: April 25. Navy department olTlclal report e) aay that omrern (f the Amnrlcnn ) liner MoiiKollu IM-Ilrvn they mink a Mihnmrliit- during mi encounter while en route from (he United States to ItaKlnml llrrnime the Infortimt Inn h not Minive, ile- e lull of the message nre with- held. United Htitti-M olTK'liil do not aro to eprrad the story with- out the it( hml fin In The Hnte de- iMrtmi'iit rxftiKi-x to illnrtiMH II. LAND DRAWING SLATED TODAY LAKtVieW LAND OFFICE HAS UN. TIL 2 P. M TO MAKE DRAWING AND RESULTS NOT EXPECTEO UNTIL TOMORROW, AT LEAST George Kelberl watt the last man to Ale on the Tule Lake land, applying for hi water right Monday at the local reclamation service office. He filed on the California aide. The result of the drawing are ex pected to arrive today or tomorrow, but the l-akevlew land office baa until 3 p. m. tomorrow to make the draw Inn. If necessary. The Herald ha made peclal ar rangement to get the Hat of winner a noon aa they are given out at the land office, by telegraph. KLAMATH MAN'S AUTO IN CASE RESERVATION CASE POINT UP BE. FORE FEDERAL JUDGE BEAN IN PORTLAND IN ATTEMPT TO CONFISCATE AUTOMOBILE 1'OUTI.ANn. April 25. An nutomo bile I not a "wagon, eletl or team of home." In the mcanlnK of the law. Thl wa decided Monday in a decision bunded down by Federal Judge Uenn In the government' ult for the connit. cation of nu automobile owned by O. T. Andcrunn or Klnmnlh KuIIh, which wn uncd to carry liquor onto Ihe Kluinalh Indlnn reaervntlon. Under nn old luw enacted by con greiw In 18.14. any "wagon, lcd or tram of home" ued In tranaportlng lliiuor onto n renervatlon I nubject to conflsrallon. Due to the fnct thnt nutomobllc were not In existence when the law wn MNed, Klrt Altnnt United 8tate Attorney Kankln brought null ngnlnat Anderson for confiscation of hi mnchlne, to tout tho law. Aa a reault of Judge nean" declalon mitomoblle could be used with Im punity now except for tho fact that congress recently nmended the law to Include automobile. FIRST BASEBALL GAME TO BE PLAYED SUNDAY Tho first baseball gamo of Ihe sea son will take place Sunday afternoon at Modoc Park between the Klamath Fall team and the Yalnax lndana. Shortstop Mahar of Santa Clara College I expected to arrive hero to morrow to get In shape for the sea son. Thl will glvofthc fan an oppor tunlty to go out and look tho boyn over, and It will ulso give the team manager an opportunity to look over the aaplranta for position lo pick the team. PINE FLATS COUPLE MARRIED IN THIS CITY O. W. Odan and Bill Kggera of Pine Data were married In thla city today by Juatlce of, the Peace Oowen. They will a st borne to all tbelr friend ftr:Anrll Mth. They will reside ob Mr. Odes'a pUce la the aU, near Dairy. , . , r . FORMS ARRIVE FOR FARMERS SECRETARY RECEIVES SUPPLIES FROM SPOKANE BELIEVED LOANS WILL BE MAOE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE The M-cri'lary-trcaaurtT of the Klam ath Knlls National Farm !on Associa tion report receipt from the Federal IjiihI bank at Spokane of certain forms required to complete the organ linllon nml put Ihe farmer of the com munity In line lo receive their loan under the federal loan act with little delay. In view of the Importance of agrl cultuie to onr nation Just at the pre rut critical period, It I confidently be lieved thnt the resource of the Fed rrnl Farm lonn Hoard and the Depart ment of Agriculture will make every endeavor to place fund in the band of farmers nl as early a date a prac tical. All member of thl association and any who desire to unite therewith should be present at the meeting called for Saturday, April 28th, at 1 p. m., at the office of the county agricultur ist, and brfhg with them abstract of title, Insurance policies, and all needed data to completely describe the secur ity, character of land and Iraprovve ment In detail. An Inventory of land, building, machinery, Mock, etc., would be a material assistance at thla time. IS "FOUND GUILTY" i PROPRIETOR OF ESTABLISHMENT ON MAIN STREET ARRESTED DURING RAID DECLARED TO BE MAINTAINING NUISANCE Eli Nlrkerson, proprietor of a pool room and ciitnbllshmcnt on West Main street, wiik found guilty by a jury of six men last night on the charge of "keeping and maintaining a place a a common nuisance." under the new Ore gon dry taw. In Justice of the Peace Gowcn's court. Nlckerson waa arrested nl the time several raids were conducted In the city, and a number of other parties were arrested for having liquor In their possession. The sheriff's offlro and police testi fied yesterday that they found a part ly emptied bottle In Nlckerson's room, nnd that there was much odor of liquor in tho nir, as wll aa evidence of drunkenness and the dispensation of liquor. Nlckerson will be sentenced tomor row by Justice Oowen. Caah'Wheat Reach $2.50 PORTLAND, April JR. Actual cash sales on wheat today reach- ed 13.50, It la reported. CITY BEAUTIFUL MEMBERS MEET COMMITTEES OF ORGANIZATIONS IN CITY WILL MEET AT COM. MBRCIAL CLUB TONIGHT. TO LAY FURTHER PLANS The City Beautiful content commit ah from the Commercial Club. Busi ness Men Association, Woman' Li brary Club, city council and Young People' Federated Societies will meet tonight at the elub room. Plan for the conducting of the eon- tent thla year will bo laid. The Mem bers of the committee aa ra aa Known are aa follew: commercial Club Mr. Andrew Col lier, O. I. Gregg. Id B. Momyer, B. L. KiiiAtt and c. R. Miller, Business Men -Joseph Kent and R. J. Sheet. Coun cil 1. 8. 8truble. X. J. Bkeeta and O. p. Matthew. Library Club Mra. Btelger, Mr. K. M. Chllcote, Mr, r. . Mill Md Mm. R. E- Wattenburg. N KERON Stars and Stripes on French Warship That Brought Admiral Here to Talk War SKSBifcMisifWwssMstjtw iiwraJBia8sl 7 fi $ tf&w&$jK aEflEsBlhkvHsV'L'v V ' t-hv a IClHEB EyPwfaHAvaEEEEEEEBRMa Ae1e1bbhEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BaEEEEHBgasBjjSjaBEEKfivBSiBABGB jBBajwwv'tggwcff,wxB.t.jya.i TgaawMfciwaaaewa LpyT""-.. .gr,-T-il1fy'ly-;-,f7fJJ'..t".lLTyi-yjnL'MMMl I. The French warablp Jeanne U'Arc l. In an American harbor, where she anchored after landing Vice Admiral de Grosse, who ha come to Ihe United State to make arrangement with Secretary Daniel about America's French JJrge Intensive A. War on America's Part PARIS, April 35. The French com- mission, headed by Andre Tardleu. noted French publicist and diplomat, and composed of French expert, will leave soon to urge America to wage Revolutions Reported Near In Germany and ROME, April 25. It Is reported that . . the papal nuncios has informed tho pope of a general strike In Germany Murguira Relieved; to Crush KL PA80, Tex., April 25. It is re-1 ported that General Francisco Mur-I gulra has been relieved of bis com- RUNAWAY TEAM DIES IN RIVER FINE TEAM OF MARES BELONG ING TO CHA8. EVANKOFF, BE COME FRIGHTENED AND ARE DROWNED AT L08T RIVER DAM Chns. Bvnnkoff left his team stand-1) ing last night at the Peterson place on the Kllgore lane. They became fright ened at an automobile passing by, ran away Into Lost River, and were drowned. When they broke from the place where they were tied they ran toward Marshall Orr's place, and from there t into the river, where tbe water la ex ceptionally deep. They sank out of sight about thirty feet above tbe Lost River dam, and have not been seen upl until late today. They are said to have been a flne team of mares. Water Backs Up Water from Lake Bwauna la nearly as high sow as It has bees for years, and Is backed up la the neighborhood of Oak sad Fourth streets xearly to the corner of the creamery building. I I part in t;.e war. American sailor from battleships were received by the Frenchmen with open arm when they boarded the vessel. They entwined the Marx and stripe in front of the bridge of the French vessel. nn Intensive war. The commission will bring a list of the aood of the French, and will gather Information In America showing how far America can go to supply these need. nnd Austria. approximating a revolu- tlon. It is considered possible that a Benera, reyoU Uvor,ng. , m,y de. velop in those countries. Villa in Battle mnnd of tho Carranxa army because he failed to crush Villa In the last battle with that leader. ASHLANl MEN . GO 10 PRISON BUSINESS MEN OF THAT CITY CONVICTED OF BOOTLEGGING, AND ARE GIVEN JAIL TERMS. U. 8. COURT MAY PROSECUTE MBDFORD, April 25. Joe H. Wil son and C. V. Beehler, Ashland busi ness men, convicted in Justice Glenn c. Taylor's court Saturday of unlaw fully dispensing alcoholic liquors, were sentenced a follew: Wilson to pay a flne of 1350 and to serve thirty daya In the county jail: Beehler was fined 9500 and to serve sixty dsys In the county jail. A notice of appeal has been tied, and federal agenta are watching the case. If the juatlce court la sustained federal action will be take. Train Delayed Heura The dally train from Weed waa de layed last' night until 3:55 this morn ing, owing to a wreck on the Sacra mento division south of Weed.- ' It Is reported a number of freight car west Into the ditch. Tbe cause of tle!wrack has not been learned. B. S. KERNS DIES CALIFORNIA TWO SONS RESIDING AT KENO LEAVE FOR SANTA CRUZ TO AT TEND FUNERAL SERVICES OF THEIR FATHER Word was received here yesterdsy of the death of B.4s. Kerns at Santa Crux, Calif., where 'be has lived for several yean, retired fsraaer. B. E. Kerns aad James W; Kerns of Keno, sons, left this morning to at' tend the funeral services. Mr. Kern wa an early pioneer of the West, and was well known here, having visited bl sobs at their place In the Keno dis trict maay limes. Mr. Kerns was a natlvo of New Jer sey, and married Martha Everhart, a native of Ohio. They were n.arried In Missouri, and established their home in New Jersey, where they lived for four years. , In J1879, however,- they located in Missouri, where they remained for a number of years. In tbe fall of 1893 they went to Southata California, and resided in Chlco, warc Mr. Kerns .re tired, afterwards gettg to 8anta Cruz. There were four children born to Mr. and Mrs. Kerns, twwiof whom, Benja min E. and James V., have engaged In fanning In the p&no district, and are the builders otyihe Keno Power company plant, whp furnishes light aad power to many Warmer west of this city, aad has applied for a charter to enter tbis city. i(y mill MEKIER OF ' PACIf IC AIR CLUB rr DR. WHEELER INVESTIGATES SIT. UATION FOR AVIATORS WHILE IN CITY, AND RETURNS TO CON TINUE PRACTICE HERE Dr. and Mrs. C. E, Wheeler of this city have returned from San Francisco, where Dr. Wheeler attended the dedi cation of the Column of Progress at tbe old exposition grounds. The col umn was dedicated' to the deceased members of the Pacific Aero Club, of which Dr. Wheeler Is aa active mem ber. While In the city Dr. .Wheeler took pains to investigate tie avlaUoa situ ation with regard to' the army, and says that the government has on hand applications for approximately 3,000 positions, and can train but forty men at .a time bow. He gathered .-much in formation regarding other units of the service, aad will supply what' be can to anyone calling on him. -. He will continue his practice in this city. NAVAL COLLIER ON ROCKS s "SOMEWHERE IN PACIFIC" 8AN DIEGO, April 25. The naval collier Brutus Is stranded ob a sub merged rock "somewhere In the Pacific- The accident occurred Monday. Tugs and relief vessels are going to her res cue, and are believed to have reached the collier early this morning. The government censorship Is with holding the details. There are twenty seven men aboard the vessel. ALLIES CAPTURE . SJJ00 GERMANS, TAKEN SINCE MONDAY, ACCORD. ING TO OFFICIAL AlfMfUNCB. MENT, WHILE FREhJCH CAP. TURE TRENCH IN ALSACE i LONDON, April 25. The British forces have advanced south of the Scarp River, have captured Bllhem, and repulsed violent German attacks. Since Monday the British have tak en over more than 3,BM priseaers, la. eluding fifty-sis office of tho German force. " J The French have progressed m'3m Aisae aad Champagne seetars, aad have take a treaeh la'AUaee. NOW irtjfcJM'U. J TO BE BROtttWr UP TOMORROW SERVICE BILL DEBATE IN SENATE v AND HOUSE COMMENCES Large Financial Interests SaM ta Be Backing Conscription Bill by Aiev bama Senator Clark Take Fleer and Expresses Regret That Ha la Forced to Oppeee Stand Taken by President Wilson. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 25. House leaders declared today the figat In favor of authorising that Roosevelt be permitted to lead a division to Eu rope will be started tomorrow.. ' The senate Is debating the conscrip tion bill today, and refused to. close debate tomorrow. The members of 'the house are vio lently attacking the bill today, also. Representative Huddleston of Ala bama declared that big financial Inter ests are backing tho scheme for con scription. The opponents of the bjll gained heavily when Speaker Clark took the floor and began aa argument against the bill. He expressed regret that he is being forced Ur oppeee taw? president, and was loudly apptasdssi, U. 8. STEEL DECLARES ,t DIVIDENDS; BUYS BONDS NEW YORK. April 25. United States Steel declared aa extra S par cent dividend on its' common stock to- day. ia addition to the regalar''ar-. terly dividends on common aad pre ferred stock. Following the announcement of tho dividend, the company announced that it would subscribe $5,000,000 for the government war loan. GERMANS FEAR BRITISH GUNS SMASHING EFFECT OF ALLIED ARTILLERY TOLD OF IN CON FESSIONS OF DESERTERS AND PRISONERS By WILLIAkfcsjHIUPS SIMMS (United Press Staff Correspondent) WITH THE BbbTISH ARMIES IN THE HELD. April. (By mail) The-effect of the British artillery aad Its demoralisiag influence oa the Gar mans continue to be the theme of de serters and prisoners' confessions, sol diers diaries aad reports of otnoers. "Fapm 11 a. m. until 5:30 p. as, the ' trench lay under a heavy and very effective fire, which continued without a stop," wrote a company commander of the 31st Infantry regiment of the 18th division, in his report, which was captured with the writer. "Nothing is left of the trenches, and the dug- outa are ao much damaged that they cannot be used. The location of our dugout must be accurately kaowa, as shell after shell bursts right on top of them, or quite close by, Also between 10 and 11 p. m. the enemy's artillery of both heavy and medium calibre i shelled the trench with unprecedented violence. Enemy airmen hovered over our positions tbe whole day. and came' down very low. They directed the fire throughout. Our own artillery seemed to have fired very little. German alrs, men appeared only towards' evening.. but the enemy's airmen would sot let themselves be disturbed la their work. Nothing Is left of the trench. 0. "The enemy appears to bo tsstos j .m A. mM ROOSEVELT PLAN aew type ec awn aaa saeih, iwa" z&x'a dame I visible, but wa csaaatikeig laSsWY-v tne report e ta ;ga.-; tssj burst arltk aaV expteslea that of a satae. aad the assiMiirve iiiw &y are of the burst is Urge; -lWU "I consider it wt:W&4W3&' sttenU;el the tettaJlssW'Mts rut thai: la tk avasrf' W aUt .U V meat of ev! latsasitr ' lissw m'ijm duaout will ha Utt talSSMM saae"' - AjT i eiv. v. . H Si 'tat'. mmw.m-m JSI "II i . to. A t I 'J M "vl xVl i Mi i"i i v I m J as -., .'3.5 mmm ili'"'J". jC-lT-ft-. -H TtiVfW'' rs tr V zhtiJL. . -Vv -ftit