V w-;u,r:i.tfl.s iwY'4 WM"'1 KjeVi..j.B i -it -i -. ofy iurnmn Herald .' ,ii i.i f? se irr w ' . istTWS ;' 7, -.rf;.Biqj' I ,4V. i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY - ,. p. : jtxmm mi OFFICIAL, iHSWWPMnHC j'-i -" '- ww.f.-f.,- - '. &&1 7'kl7PW. MaVAiHMBSdiS.nEW 'V iSi. ,f - s- !''??l;! &' Kvl jl "jfr llovonth Vaar Ne. MH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, lt!7. Vfy2gft m .WR'iWWiiJMrjSi T J ' Iflff i if m i- ,- I'J CITY ACCEPTS STRAHORH BIO FOR RAILROAD AMINOS 110 TO IN-I .. Where Sub Fired on American Destroyer aturthe Commander of American Vettel ITRAHORN CLUOERIOHTOFWAV Bt ont Councilman Vetee Against Ac. MpUmt of Bid Ordinance Prevld log (or Signing tf Contract Intra. tuctd Signing a( Cantract la Neat Up !n Connecting tho Oraat Inland mplro of Contra! Oregon i o .wvy - ... ,(. "i rv jl' . , JF!5i.T, M- "'t -... MsiSirw ' it '"'"afcittiyr dawk nrV 'nniBHiHij FivVfi ji .: . iiit-ii'-'flidfVXj I : vv 'nMm&YjamLj - ' . - o B lALTlMptt C'Vtr.r&y KjUVri ' r iKfiBgBBBBBBBBBV Vw ipj m'W filBBBBBBBBBBBBBsg rflV ? gemSggLBf The elly council accepted Hubert E girahoro's bid for Iht eonolruction of Ike Kltmmh Kalla municipal railway from ihlK rlty In Dairy tat nljthl for lit uiu of 30o.oM) on an aBoadml bid mbmlitiHt by Mr. Hlrakorn, further prorlJIns that ho will provide all rifhl at wxy not owned by tbo clly. The mnrndrd bid atiBlmttcd by Mr. Btrahoiii wan a follows ; "UefmlnK to my Bid of the Sth lnt. la conmruci and Mlttlp tho KUma 9Ma niunlrlnal mlllvav trttmk ihm Hnlttt t Mcnulrd In Klamath mila to the poll dmlenatrd at Italry alatlon for lav turn of 1300,000: ThU waa meant to Include my furnishing frto of praM to tho clly of all right of way not owned or coatrelMf by the city of Klamath Phlla, I'leaat centiliter thla at an smfmliaenl to and coalrmatloa afMldbM." TbU amcndnMni to bla bid waa ac cepted by tho council with no negative raicn. Th following rvaolutlon wan thea Biln.rd by tho council with no Millr vete: "wherraa, On April It. 1117. pur- Every" county agricultural akent In mot to advertlaeniMt and Invitation' the stale a labor bureau aaeut to x for bldn, a bid waa submit led by Itobl.j certain the labor demands In his dls E. 8trnlmrn. wherein Mr. Htrahorn ( trlct. and to rriort tho conditions to irred to construct and equip the pro- headquarters at the Portland public poeed Klnmath Kalla municipal rail-' bureau, with later steps to provide that ) for tbe sum of fSOO.000, which labor, la Ihe plan cvolvrd In Oregon. Mid bid was duly filed, and waa by tho accordlnK to a letter received by H. K. ruunru isKen unaer consideration for aiaisyer. couniy SKncunursi bkcoi, one week; and. j from Paul V. Marls, county agent load- "Whereas. It now appeara that satn al O. A. C. Ilobt. K. Htrahorn has subniltled an DEBATE PROCEEDS IN 60N6RESS ON SERVICE BILL A FRENCH MEMBERS WAR COMMISSION ARRIVE SAFELY LA rOLLTTE' PROVIOK8 MORI H AVI NOT VKT BtACHtO THI AND PON WHEELS .'-!- NATIONAL CAPITAL Oonoral Spy aWI'Authorliod to la ,. ' Mombora af the CemmiaalM Include A ""ftad Out af Committee Food Ex. art Suhm! Moana by Which Parmora Can fU Assured of Receiv ing Prlcea far Poedrtutts. EaPremier Vlvlanl and Oenorat Jeffre Place af Landing Nat An nounced Mere U Confer With rt- iah and American War Ofhclala an Definite Plan af Action. , 4 n j Fawr$jMetle$$ Dap SaaBawJeSSJBw Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmwkwaamkm M L SgBgBkagkL ikm bIbbbbbHbbHsB I v. -t." m V-il' WASHINGTON. April 14. The sUte department announced thla maniac Lieutenant Robert 7. Merrill Ninety miles southeast of New York city a German submarine trad a torpedo at ihe United Slates destroyer "Smith." In command of Lieutenant Hubert T. Merrill. This Was near the lahe used by merchant vessels going Into and from New York harbor. WASHINGTON. April 21. Tbe op ponents to emuerlplloit led the debate In tbe houee and the senate on the bill today Speaker Clark announced that j lwU the c eeasmuaaloa coming ta he la opposed to conscription. America ror war eoarereacee wit Brit- i un ana American officials, baa arrived I safely. "AGGIE" A6ENCY 18 LABOR BUREAU 'EACH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AOENT IN STATE TO AID IN SUP PLYING LABOR FOR FARMS. SCHOOL SOYS SUOOE8TED STANDARD OIL . CAUSES PRICES LAME PLACED ON ROCKEPEL LER'S INSTITUTION Y FEDER AL COMMISSION, WHICH MAKES SUGGESTION OF LOWER PRICES . WASHINGTON. April 21. The fed crsl trade commission reported to the senate today on tbe gasoline Investiga tion, and places the blame for the pres ent hlh prlcea on the Standard Oil company. The commission feund: That tho Standard Oil dominates the majority of the marketing territories; that there 'is no competition between the Stand lard Oil and Its subsidiaries due to IaKollette introduced in tbe senate an amendment to the bill giving a wide range of exemptions Including those "conseientloualy opposed to war." Tbe-house judiciary committee au thorized its chairman to report out the general spy MIL "' Food experte before tbe senate agri cultural committee urged the setting of a minimum price for farm produce and a guarantee for the farmers for ade quate returns aa a means of averting a food shortage. They declared the farmers fear overproduction and low prices, and are hesitating about In creasing their acreage. j ABriOUns '"IsYOtOEfl J. Ofden Armour , go serious does 1. Ogden Armour, the great packer of Chicago, think the food Bituatlem'la tbe United States eiaee we have entered the war, that he had thla to aay on tho subject: 'As a. exaasate. lahaolii fsvor tint Itutltutinti I COURTWM mmsum 0-C LANDS SOON M fff i "? y& ' -vA- .a w rh- -, - 'iV.l -& -a .... ' '1 CASE AFFECTS iitlOS ACRES OP ? TIMSER AND FARM LAIVS) 'M , ttt A ' I. Jli M... ...Jl A . i v M M Chamberialn-Ferrla Act lMlmlm mm eMMa tmm - 'm ,'f m.ww; . .- w-wr rilMMHII. mMmtmtmm la J XT',-- . f; Itmm ml I aatla litMilalifM Sti BW ".",r'-j! If ,( I AV - vsM TUmmtmim 'Atian 9mm S?avw. 0MSiutult ........ r,.. .. .:"t",TI7,A "s..A and Sale LHlaatlen Over Land Haa im, I Covered Many Yeare. '&J,S?J Vi;,r3 -. V UWi it r . jf 'J fc My The place of tbelr landing baa not been announced. The members of the commission are not yet la Washington. The membership of the commiaaion Includes ex-Premier Vivian! and Gen eral Joffre, formerly commanding aji eral of the French forces on the east front, and to whom credit la given for stemming tbe wonderful early drive of the Germans for Paris. WASHINGTON, April 24 It nounced here today that the French commission will reach Washington to morrow. .!' ? . Marine Corps Demands to be in European Trenches WASHINGTON, April 24. General t Inslstr on Ita right to be the Irat Amer- George Harnett told the house naval I lean troops to eater tho Muiaffia committee today that the marine corps trenches' carrying the American Sasv t flM.r.Mrv HooHwrn of ihe fodernl Do- community ownership of the stock In memlment lo his aaid bid of April partment of Agriculture, has asked for u,e cempanies: that the combination 14. 1817. vhnMii i. .rf,iin. i. -.-. i .irt imm, i.hnr. ami win . I''P with other branches of tbe trucllne and equipping the aald rail- probably eventually be given lhls',nau"lry ' Perpetuating a monepoly: road acconlin m it,. i.. ..j .--1 ' A-r i .hr for rirnii is short, and n nBl gasoline has deteriorated In Stations thereof oa Sle, Mr. Htrahorn aa Ihe production and yields are short, proposes to furnish free af espenae to and promises to be so unless radical (ho city of Klamath Falls all right of steps are takken, Important plans are r for ssld railroad, not owned or. being worked out In this line of work. controlled by aald clly; lie it Resolved. That Mr. Hlrahorn's quality. The commission recemmends: That legislation be passed abolishing the common ownership In these corpora, tluna and that they be dissolved under the Sherman law; the segregation of the pipe line ownership, and other First War Certificate Fund Oversubscribed Now WASHINGTON, April 24. Incom- catea have already been 100 per cent . ., . . over subscribed. The federal reserve pieie returns inaicaie inai me nrai PORTLAND. Aarll 24. The imaortA """ ! , - mmnrmmnmkUtmrmlM'mtmkii, at conservation, fer: . . .T .-ZTlZZP' r.rn, in. is.tii.tfa.-l t1 ta haaded down by tha . by goverameat; edict. If neceaaary, of;preme e,mrtJ2Jwf!f ilfmm?& meatleaa dayaone or two of them a week, such aa.ther bow hare la Eu rope. Thla may seem a strange doe-' . m it . ..A yrm ivr seeea pecaer io preacn, oai I believe Mutt'.aHher by law or rotaa opment of Oregon. Thla case affects 3,S' ,HVVaV7 "( acres of Umber lands, m,09 of wbieh''-'' are capable of immediate i devotogaseaVt;' i estimated that over 2.9WJ0H mer to have a auffeieat and winter." m aupply next fall EMU REACH b JAt TIN CANAL ENGLISH (JIG: ON SJAUPAUME CAMMIA ., ftOAfW-TURKS eDC PEATEBT, LOSING LOCOMOTIVES AND MUNITIONS " ' ?.', x larilvf mmnrnmi'tLm h. rMlmmA In atnn.Itia i.. ... ----'--- .k... jH - - I Af avrf--B-1-ttr1 latlna m'lTl.aiirt 'irltll -' oiiuw "w JiBOTifc u.rin. un ..wi --., -,-.- w-w- tba. aaaoclallr if they expect (In tl under the In the botuda of tke toad sraat: J ' i "-. z . .- 3 r: . ..div ,,. (, Chaaaberlaia-Ferriaaet, which waa auatalned la tte. ceautla decision, Brovlsion U. made 'that. the":l,l tracts will be cUsslled and rmmeiliatefg:; ly opened for entry.- aetUoaieat.'aast.'f sale under the geaeraUterma eixUsa.JJ&. original granting act '-H,, &&fc .Thla ntaa'u that imm-rtniiimrii-i-Mir- made will .he 'throWoiSfw-aWaaaiill ateadlnc The act akwaaitasthiat.'SA;.'? the timber laad shall b'aoM'to'thaS . . .' .- -; -.-.. !)! '.vi!sj;"s i aigaeat wooer aa raptaryraa a aaarmas';.x-l caa be found for ThW: v,-Tal5SS!l ..k ah- ! m i." ! 4.ma" m H tSW. ! S"" " $200,000,000 of the treasury war certtft- banks have been ordered to dlacoa tinue their subscriptions. Ills letter is aa follows; "The reports which you have ub- men,lmenttohlabldofArllilil7 willed on the labor situation In your " "n ownersn.p, . oner h. ..i .. ,u,""B",.0f Apnua, Jin,, .,i.. inHiraia that in' branches of the petroleum Industry; " and the same is harahv mmiIimIi respective counties indicate inai in, ,..,... ., .i... .. " rao " "traV rw,,,.! J2 .... f ,,.. .... ., and the establishment of gasoline atan- I me sain amendment be and tbe wme is hereby declared to be a part f nd Incorporated In the aald orlg Ml bid of April IS, 1M7; that the po ce JuiIko be and he hereby la directed o Ale tho said amendment to Mid bid n ami attach same to Ihe aald orig inal bid s submitted by Mr. Htrahorn April 18, 1917. Kesalullon No, I, accepting Mr. Sira horn's bid was thea preaonted and Continued aa Paaa 4 JURY SECURED IN ELI NICKERSON'S TRIAL V.. A jury wan secured today In the trial KH Nlckcrson In the justice of the court' on "a charge of having liquor on his premises. A motion for a 'nun He of venue yeaterday waa not "ntM. Tho case la expected to go to the jury ,le l0(Uyi an Dlroctore Matt Tonight The Imard of directors of the Klam- Commercial Club will meat tonight no commercial Club practically half of the countiea them will be an Inadequate supply of labor to plant the normal acreage of crops. It Is agreed by all that the situation will become more acute as harvest time comes on, especially If army en listment la to continue between now and then, as Is altogether probable. "The following plan has been adopt ed for meeting this situatien: By an rangement between thla office and the office of the director of public employ ment bureau In Portland, each county ageat'a office la hereby designated aa a branch public employment bureau of Ihe Portland office, and you are aaked to give widespread publicity to thla fact Immediately, and call upon the farmers In your couniy to report, their labor demands to yon. Vou will trans mil these orders lo N. F. Johnson, di rector, ' public employment bureau, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Johnson will have the co-operation of the Chambers of Commerce, the state ochool officials, the governor of the stale, and ouch oth er agencies aa will be necessary to make tbe labor aupply available. "There are, for example, 10,000 boys In the schools of the atate, over 14 and r dards. ' under 20, and It Is reasonable to as sume that there are in the neighbor hood of 10,000 over 16 arid under ,19, the minimum military age. There are also In the neighborhood of 5,000 men in Portland not regularly employed. A plan will probably be worked, out for the enlistment of the school boys for farm service aa a branch of the Nation- al Guard, the service to receive state wide recognition through action by the government. "The first step, however, la to have your offices recognised aa the centera la which labor requests should bo tied. With a knowledge of the number of men needed, In the poaeeaalolB of a central-office, steps will be taken to make the men available. Signs War- Bend Bill for $7,000,000,000 WASHINGTON, April 24. President This bill provides for the raising of Wilson signed tbe war bond bill today. $7,000,000,000 for war purposes. Secretary Redfield Want Wikon Control all Exports ,w WASHlNaTQN.'Apriril-Becretary JtaWeld, of the MBartmeat af Com- mcrcu, nxkod the house interstate com- I .nr AS ti t '! merce1 committee today to report fa varably oa the A4mn bill, empower lag the president to regulate all ex- port. SEVENTH OAV ADVENTISTS CHOSE PASTOR POR CHURCHES An Impressive baptismal aervtoe took place at the bath, houee at 19 o'clock Monday morning, Paator C. A. Purdom officiating, of the Seveata Day Adventlate, "v Thla la tbe aeeoad ceremoay of thla nature; Sunday, April 18th, aeyeral were baptised, ' The evangelistic aerlea at the Oeapel hall-have been concluded. Kyaagellat Purdom haa aceepted, the charge of the new company here aad at Merrill. He will leave for Vancouver la the mora. insY whore bla family are at the pres ent expecting to move here soaa. - s. THREE KLAMATH BOYS TO TEXAS THREE ENLISTING IN AVIATION CORPS ARE ASSIGNED TO. PORT AM HOUSTON.. ' TRAINING SCHOOL SKELTON TO PLORIDA VANCOUVER 0ARHACK8. Vancou ver, Wash., April 22. Kenneth Perry, Clarence Lenox and Jean Corey leave for Fart Bam Houston, Texas, Tues day (today). The aviation school at 8aa DJego la filled. We are the oaly Klamath boys so far to be aaalgned. The reat of the beya will probably be aaalgned next week. .Reaarda to our many friends. The. above waa received today from John Corey,, one of ike Klamath re cruits who enlisted a tl aviation de partment of the army aad are at Van couver aarracka.., ,.t. '" ,A Portland paper ariata the .report thai a number of the aviator eallatlng In Oregon have .been aaalgned to the Florida timlag sche4,'laeudwg Joo tikeHea of this city, ,. " BRITISH FLAY VOLUNTEER PLAN LIEUTENANT GENERAL ERIDttES SAYS ENOLANO'S ATTEMPT AT VOLUNTEER PLAN SUPREME LUNGER IN EARLY WAR DAYS WASHINGTON. April 24. Lieuten ant General 8. T. M. Bridges, member of the, British, war commission, la aa Interview today, strongly endorsed the conscription plan aa the oaly meaaa of hastening peace, He declared that England's early attempta to raise a vol unteer army waa the aunt-erne bluader of the early daya of the war, The British commissioners met at 11 o'clock thla moralag, aid dlscuaeed their program. They,, will heats) the meetings with tae.Amerleaa aaetala tomorrow. , '"'k Permit, Build Heuae ' A permit waa granted B. K. McDon ald to"obastruct a four-ro'haaae oa lot 1. block 0, Nichols Addltlaa, at an approximate coat of $600, by the city couacu last aiga. X '' LONDON. April 24. It U aaabuaced today that the British have progressed eaat of Moacy Lepreux and Rosux, and south oa the Battpaame-Cambria road. The English farces have reached the SL Quentln caaal eaat of Epehy. aad have captured -the viUagea of Ploulch aad Beaacama . The Turks have been defeated aad Samara, atatloa captured, with sixteen locomotives, 224 railroad wagons aad two barges ladea .with munitions. Tho French have repulsed violent Genua counter attacks oa the east froaL "ALIEN ENEaff LAW EFFECTIVE PROCLAMATION. ISSUED BY PRES IDENT WITH RESARD TO POS SESSION OP ARMS AND SIGNAL DEVICES, IN EFFECT TODAY 1ti'Z'.W'V BnawW sssi ?!7v7TV,Pl . j.- Jj Un. j. -it. : -jryr-iiT i.m -j,. . arran sbb ii be t-aura -tnuti : m9WJfxj tea. years of, UUgatioa' vataable grants of mad la Oregon aid : CI utiKonusi io irwscweii.e.ei 3,'iww; gfia roads.- -The lallroewerefto'aeilthe'?; 1 --tl " i V 5 . .' -Still land to actual settlers feriaotlasaray taaa z.so aa acre. Mucn or. u waa! sold, admittedly, contrary to the, graa.t, ' and the goverament-tried.to nave' the ; land forfeited. , 5- In 1862 congress granted to the& s Ulnon Pacific and Central Pacific rail- '' roads mllUoaa of acrea of land, toea- "... able them to build, a traascoatlaeatat i rallmail frmm IkV UlaaaariltlTar: to I "-- " - " - -- T "" T-Z " '. A l f,y5 S BAN FRANCISCO, April 24. Preai deat wiuoa'a "alien enemy" procuumv tloa is elective today.. The possessioa of arma. ammualUoa, alajaai apparatua aad other articlee aamed by alleaa af enemy, oouatriea of the Caited Statea maat deposit aad register them with the police authori ties of tae,clt!ee, eouatiee aad states, or the artlclea' will be subject to con tsoatloa aad tae.;OwaeraaubJect to arrest -' Aay display of ,an enemy flag or desecration of the American Sag are also grenade for the arrest of aay per-aoadalas- & All district aetoraeya la the couatry have been aeaetally aatlted of the prealdeafa praalomattoa. $ ' ."jr o! ..v.-j .,.- .!. D-iia '-.1!---i ''&:'' unawwv aivaf Miv ;. ww-.vhv x, . piannea. ana in itw ceetareaa. gnunea a?i-i ine una inToiveer m:.uum-ifw-m?s,u-i Northern' Callforaia 'aaoV Ora4f the imllroads. - SSSSlS. Under-the provlsieaaof rtas 'graat.'; ?M tbe 'laad was to" be aold to aetaal aetv passed, with CoancilasaaDotyvoUagr no." FoUowlng the adopUea af tho reaolutlon accepUngtb Wd'thebriBt- nance proVid forthesigningof .'the. ,-'p contraci wu'im asw yssww 'j";tri m Coal fej2; ,-t wt. .- v-r"1' ATTEMPT HADE i mm laaV4 s? ,.-i.v., . .B.W . J '"fc's'C? . . v -z .?n ---.M :f-'i:M V!lt jH. m m m a a a i' a a mm BLOWUP Dnl . v is. fl tm a - 5i Si'ft FARMERS RESIDING NEAR ESCON.J. ."iSsWs: DIDO DAM- NEAR SAN: HEAR BLAST AND' FIND SPILUXg' uiiv luiainlniu aasrsr "W L'iiy:: ".. TT""""T"f'". "rJj, MtW.I'.M j -? ' , ",sv .3J A Sul ' "-laaw Jh oi B off 3- 8AN WBGO, April 24 FarmerBfr; ' sidiag aear the Kswmdid dam. .thirty- fivemllee norSi of Saa Diego, heard a v '- . ". . . a . '. ' a a a i ' , ... " 1 blast Mat aigat at mioaigni.; - . Thaw" mitiaa In tha mmA feuad - thalaa attamnt bed been aaada io)V. dviialU tka itaaa ,T Taa.anillwsv waa '' damaged, but the dam waa lataet,'Cav Si alderaWai.wataa.leaLrt Pnasea ar "seekieei tho "iaaaHg'ri.'!'?)? . -., . -.- - r . ' . i- :Jfc" zif' Thta Amm aunaMa walar tarmmS I " T --rr--r - i"TT,. (Udo.Valleys-:3-; " .ff Ft .' .4 ', illrlkXH'i - . " ' 1IU - ' "il, t,' attbirl mi ) s -"' ''-t V f &, ..-..,T"J.. ttff T.- SS8M itieXirfif: 'I.JAVfiBa vif m&m'$9fUik' ; A&mi$?&r' UtWtl ir . v..iWi-. V.K.A.Alk.Sw 'vXSWV'. iT..WtJf;rir Z-' timmW&PSOb ,.- , - --. . .,. -.u- .,-- in WASHINGTON. April tfCeeraaWftaalle sdfield' of'thi DaMrt'aaaitafCaai- haWf.heea'sfaa-, ; - ; ., i-t 7 i - ' . ,. I w - - .., - - ." . , u . T -i meree.teM theaauae eemmittee, today. TWasuaeaartae o ejamsia waaW aPIBsWCES)w ejwfjewfTjfJfdsV lwB. ewSBem jWUmu9a wEwpwBfwW saSBIPDj EWMNtV' e;.'reer,Bs fW'SBft -ft ilaB9l r i l! "V T-- f-i i ? i ,,-.i-. '.jtt-vJiy I Se ,..