jr.' t 'yfnwjrvK"'E ..-' ;i . rWS'WTWfr :?ss -, j. . w r,: 81 lEuntnn Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL .lniSpPAWR OF KLAlTATt? FALL! 'W S3 ' ,? 'iiAv-r '-w l IS Sw - V U lltvenlh Year Ne. 3,23 ! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. AV 4'i U. S. and British Officials Conferring Today f yw . ,. rii-iniru-u-injTnn FOOD WANTFO BY ALLIES, NOT MEN, SAYS BALFOUR NOT TO TELL AMERICA HOW, BUT TO ANSWER QUKSTION6 Ci)(frcnce Formally Open This Morn IraNet to Dlecuse Diplomatic Mat ters Await French Commission. Eilfour Cheered In Washington, "While British, French and American Flag fly filde by Side. WAb'IIINUTON. l. V. April 23. -Jae confirmees between the member ef the llrlllnh war commission, which irriml In (IiIk rutin try last week, and Aiirrlran nmditln formally opened this awrnln? Lord Italfour, head of I he commis sion, Suited Hrcrrlary t State l.an alas, ami tliey went to lhi Whit Hoaw together, and paw President WlUon. At Hi same I Imp the ItrltUh nary eBters tm the commission met with IM'W VVAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAA00AA00ia0a0IA BOND BILL BUT AWAITS WILSON'S SIGNATURE NOW HOUSe ADOPTS CONFERENCE RE PORT AND SENT PRESIDENT Debate on Universal Military Scrvlct SUrta In ,Hou and la Alto on In Senate Roosevclt'e plan to Raise Division la Inaarttd In Amendment to the Bill No Names Mentioned In Connection WASHINGTON. I. C. April 23. The house of rriircuriitnhi'ii today adopted the conference rrport on the IT.OOO.ooo.OOO war bond bill, and the measure wa sent to the president for his signature. Immediately afterward debate on the universal service tralnlnic bill was slatted. The senate is debating the bill today, also. Itooaevett's plan lo take a division of 100,000 men lo Kurope was Injected Into the bill by an amendment. Hen- Looks Like His Famous Father Secretary of thr Navy Daniels, and'ator Hardin introduced the amend tae army officer nir with Secretary Intent to the army bill without mention of War linker. The other member of ilng any names, but it is clearly Intend Ike coumUsion called on the ,eorre-!ed to authorise Roosevelt's plan." ' ptmdlnR department with which they ire connected In England. The spokesman for the llrltlsh coin ltepresentntle Good of Iowa Intro duced n renotutlon In the house this af ternoon eiupowerlnK the National Do- mlislon declared today that food, and frnse Council to fix the maximum food not men, Is (he greatest need of lheir(,thlnc and fuel prices during (he war allies. He pointed out that there are nnj for nnc )rnr thereafter. plfnly of men In the Bold, and thej A0 , ,,.,, ubor ,,,,, nj pUelBK of more them would only lnforb)Wln. ,,, advancing of food, furl eita the food problem of the allies ' , rlo,n,BJ, ,,rlri, h,K,er than those """"n"- . Inskrd December 1. 1916. Zi .? , . I"" romm!,":,ri Another resolution was Introduced du. m 7.1 "n", "!reclln thenar depa.tment to tell tlL "'y "" ,h VTA hher It refuse Hoosevelt's plan lo -...it. ,mV miviiiiiHKt; wi ine raprrirnci' of the allies during the pat three ears of the war. The commission has not planned lo dlncuss matter of diplomacy, but Is prepared to answer queatlons. It was emphaaUed that llalfour con trols the commission, and Hiki the oth w member are merely advisory. It s announced that the lenctli of llm roramlsslnn'a slay In Indefinite, nnd may ixmslbly run Into months. No definite steps will bo taken until French commission nrrUes. The Brlllsh and French commissions have bn empowered to speak for nil the lilies. President Wilson's reception of ltrd Balfour wns hearty ami simple. Tho ly illKpliiy of the occasion was tho ,wfouti unlfoiniM of tho presldenl's aides. Kn rouiu lo the White Houh'o Rrcal fiowds of people llnlnR tho atretH rteered Ilnlfour and tho party repeal- Drillsh. French and Ameriean tnko a division to Kurope, and If so, to cite. Its reasons. WASHINGTON. I). C. April 23. Heerelnry of Acrlculturo Houston hits asked the seunto iiKrlt-ultural. commit tec for tho "power'and money to Im mediately make n survey of tho food supply In the linked States." Returns From Below Cecil Weeks has returned from San r'rniifisco, where ho has been securlim it utock or henllnK appliances, light llxlures nnd other equlpmeivt for his new store. He has also secured the Kverrcady storage battery service. public buildings in tho capital and from I he allied embassies. I'rnm tho Whlto House llalfour went to the capltol building, where he met Vice President Marshall. Ho lunched l8 nre (lying today together from at the French embassy. German Fleet Leaves for Russian Ports on Baltic PIJTUOdHAD, April 30,-Advlces re- months, and la presumably planning '.,ro from R.gn aay ,,hat the ttV&j! raian squadron , has left Llbau, pquadron baa left Kiel for Iho nuaslnn Vhero U hllH beon ilurlnir thn wlntor IlalliCi also. Hollweg's Support is Now Threatened by One Party aaaaaaamtaiMMseM) i , T"n HAflUR, Apiil 23. The flUra- nunclamenlo against the annexatlonof eonwrvatlves ... .i,r..,-i. ' . conquered territory l rejected. The natives aie threatening thrwlU art CM,mi the Oermas ov wdraw their eupport from Bethmann ernotpnt much trouble, aay reporta re volt Hollwug unless the 'socialist pro- col ved aura. ' -.alw ''jaTaTaTaWiTaTaTamTr A?4 ra llfflUl 'MHbkdaidaBBirlieBBBB ? BsJcWS. w JMJajB fMoafcLMtS r J. J9 ararararararaawflBr SoaBaVBHHBri t prWfxmmHrfr -. ,cjl Captain Willie Itelmowl ('uplnlu Wllllo Redmond, non of the Irish leader, and the exact pic ture of his father at the same age, baa been In I.ondnn some weeks on a rest. He has worked ardnoualy at the front for months. MUST HAND OVER ALL ARMS HERE ALIENS OF NATIONS AT WAR WITH UNITED STATES WILL BE SUBJECT TO ARREST AND LOSS OF WEAPONS IN 24 HOURS After 6 o'clock tomorrow night It will bn unlawful for any alien in Klam ath Falls or Klamath county to hnvo In hi . possession any firearm, weapon or implement of war, any maxim aliens- ci, bomb, explosive or any makerlal used In tho manufacture of explosives nccnidtng to information received by District Attorney Duncan from United StutcH Attorney Clarence L. Reamea of Portland. Any aliens In tho county may, how ever, ut.iln ownership of their arms or other materials by turning them over to tho sheriff or thn police, if not turned oer the otflcera may confis cate them, and the owners will be sub ject to arrest. This announcement also applies to any aircraft, wireless apparatus, sig nalling device or any form of cipher codo In the poasesalon of an alien. Tho owners will bo Subject to ar rest if any such articles are found in their possession after 24 hours follow ing tho official notice printed today in (he Herald. This action has been taken in tho larger cities throughout the country, nnd notices are now being vent out by attorney Reams broadcast over the rtate, in compliance with orders from the government. "No Shirt" Honored I'KNDLETON, April 83. A feaat to honor their late ohief, Nq Shirt, and to elect his successor, will be held by the Walla Walla tribe or Indiana Wednes day, April 25th. Several Indiana are paid to desire the. late No Shirt's title. The feast will be held near the dead leader's old camping ground, v Thorn Hollow. FRENCH CAPTURE 20,000 GERMANS AND 100 GUNS RE-OCCUPY 90 SQUARE MILES OF FRENCH TERRITORY Asks Women of Nation to Economize Catualties for Oermans Reported to Be 100,000 Men British Are Attacking on Both Sldea of the Scarpa River. Turks Forced to Evacuate Positions In latabulal, North of Bagdad, Under British Attacks. LONDON. April 23. Tho Drillsh forces hate captured Trescault lllage. part of Davrincouif. Wood, and the towns of Guemaphe and Cavrelle. They arc also attacking on both sides of the Scarpe River. The French during; the past week's offensive captured 100 German guns, 20,000 prisoners, twenty large villages and many hamlets, and re-occupied fifty hquaro miles of French territory. It Is also.offlclally reported that they inflicted casualties on the Germans to the extent of 100,000 men. It la announced that the Drillsh fight ing north of Bagdad have forced the Turka 4o evacuate ttrelr positions in Istabulal. MANY BID FORT BOYS FAREWELL LARGE AUTOMOBILE PARADE IS HELD FOR ARMY RECRUITS. TWO MORE NAVY RECRUITS LEAVE IN MORNINQ Sovcrnl hundred people and many automobiles participated In the parade held yesterday morning for the de parture of the eight Fort Klamath boys who enlisted hero for tho United Slates army. Tho parade was headed by Captain O. C. Applegate, Captain J. P. Lee nnd Frank Arant, mounted, who were fol lowed by members of the G. A. R., tho W. R. C. in automobiles, and many other machines. When the White Pelican was reach ed the automobiles spread out four abreast 'and reached nearly .from the depot to fhe hotel in this formation. Members of the local band wero present, and furnished music for tho occasion, w'hilo the cars were decorat ed with flags, and the boys given a good send-off. Two recruits leave In the morning for the navy, secured by Postmaster DeUell, and are John nnd Perrln Dixon, aotiH of Thomas Dixon, a Klamath county rancher. JPBJBJBJBJBJBJB alBaWPWSBarjBarjBPaT-' aVMlBBaKl Bav VHT?R3aBaiBaiV atam' BaSBaVBaiki S BTbY JPIBarararJBararararakr I mbMmMUMM mmmmmmw-:riJ:kmmmk 1 LaaaEl2WtiaaaaaaaaaaHaaV M JjlJtlfflHiaaaaMl BdBaaBF'r&'flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHH BBBBBV .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaBl aBBBWltiaBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBBI 0 BBBBBBF ''Bb1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1b1 '?aBBBVHaBBBBBPl7lQBBBBBBBBHfl m aBBaB(aBBBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWitl ".jbbbbTbbbbbbbbVvXLilbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTbVM BibbbbbbbbbMBibbbBibbbbbPbbbbbbU Sr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLVVBBBBBBBBBBBbaBBBBBBBBBBBP! 1 ImbbbbHS aVfxBBPHafBBBBBBBBi J KBBTBBTBBTBBTarJPr- k BjQwawajajBBajBMBBaaaj J fPBaaW tfVBIBaBBBBBBHHLlBBBBBaBBBlaBBHal CBaaBBV .XaBSamBBLHHiVMBJBeaBBanHlBBMl 9tAwmmr0f1lmWKmmMBMMEnBmmlBimWim uiSjLay4SQlmmvlltmlMKmWWMWmm W aBfataS -THcr1ASR. MARSHALL Q JIaBaMHvK.aT.MaBWa.4 KCaJMIBBBBVaBBIBlBBBTaTalBTalBBVBHMiVBBBaMaBaMlMBB Mr?. Thomas R. Marshall, wife of expensive manner while the nation Is the Wee president of the United States. w- 8,M Is leading the movement . . , , .i, ,i, ,, ,,. mk. t" Washington, and If Is expected aa has Joined with the women of the cab- . ' , ... the result of her effort that Washing inet In an Informal appeal to American ,on cfflda gy wlu nne radid women to economize and live in a less changes-In Its household management PELICAN STARTS L0GGIN6 WORK STEAMER KLAMATH BREAKS THROUGH ICE SATURDAY, OP ENING NAVIGATION, AND SAW MILL SOON IN FULL SWNIO Tho Pelican Bay Lumber company started operations today In the lum ber camp on Upper Klamath Lake, and although the full force la not on hand, every effort ia being made by the com pany to secure the ,300 hands neces sary as soon aa possible. The steamer Klamath, belonging to the company, forced ner way tnrougn Oregon. The case baa the last Saturday with a load of oil' courts for several years nnd supplies, thereby opening naviga-j a lion on the -lake. The steamer re turned yesterday, and Is making an other trip up today. 0-C LAND CASE -DECIDED TODAY FINAL RUSH IS MADE FOR TULE LAKE 0PENIN6 PARTIES VISIT AND FILE TODAY ON CALIFORNIA SIDE , .ASM iyw " Up Until Noon Between 170 anal 17S Have Filed Total Expocteal to Bo Nearly ISO Winners Will Be Ckws n Wednesday, With Reaulta JE petted Thursday Many Leeal Paaw pie Maka Filing. u " DECISION HANDED DOWN BY SU PREME COURT FAVORS GOVERN. MENT, CA8E INVOLVING MIL LIONS OF ACRES IN OLD GRANT .WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23. The supreme court today decided the Oregon-California-land case in favor of the government. This cue Involves millions of acres of land granted to the railroads In been In the Oregon "U" Prepares EUGENE. Ore:. April 23, Six new trnnniM (ntunriiwt to nivillr the atu- The Pelican Bay mill haa been run- .,, - ,h. titv.r.ttv of.orenm for nlng two shifts at the sawmill at M Uto Mrvtce !n U,e wtr ,,,n.t Ger- ELKS CHANGE DANCE TO THURSDAY NIGHT Tho Klamath B. P. O. Elks No. 1247 will hold their informnl dance on Thursday night this week, Instead of Friday night, aa was announced last week. The change Is made on account of the senior play which la to be held Friday night, the Elks not desiring to give their dance on the same date, thua conflicting with the high school students plans, Tho dance is to be a reception to the 100 new members ini tiated into the order within the past few weeks, , ann6uncembnts The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held Tueedayrlrnoon"at 2; 30 o'clock at the honejet Mrs. Phoebe Hammer or Second street, acroaa'rrom Ilii'Ar greaves bufMlBg. ' lean City for some time now, having a I supply of logs on hand from last sea-j son. uruciaia or tne company state that they need more mill hands also at the mill. There is some snow In the timber yet, but It is said to be going fast. many, are being organized here today. tfH M mmm. fiula Umm 1U mA V$i vy iw uuva wwi wmm tv nm y 175 filings bad been made at tke weal - -United States Reclamation service of fice on the Tule Lake lands, and K te expedted that the total nuaabet1 will reach In the neighborhood of IN, fer- botb the Oregon and California load tracts. Only filings on the California were permitted today, aa tke apnHcav, lions can reach Lakeview by leaving here tomorrow morning In Uaaetto'iav, ceive official action-at the LnkerteW oBce. Filings on (the Oregon lands were.. womnd up yesterday r and Saturday Sight, the"feclaa3aUmarvice oaaee keeping open late Saturday night , A large number of 'BaHaatb Fall and Kiamatn rcoaniy people (are ui- ;i lne ad vantace of the oDDortaalty to se i cure the land, while many have cone from outside point. The applicants include men from all trades and professions, lawyers, bank ers, dentists, farmers and many oth- ere. Among tne applicants are wieea .,, . wompn. 'Only single wojnen, or HJrV " -ried women not living with their, busj ' J bands are permitted tafile. OeUy ' American, citizens or foreigners who Hbj'l 4 'tbji?- .o" s:.s&fM havtt 1i7An ntlt ftiMlr flvKi'' matlBVttltsa 4 tion papers are permitted io ne'oi'tkeim;' lands. Dlscorerr.tbat few bad filed late hut week on the California tracts caused fa rush of applicants today, to visit tbe lands and make application, several parties making hurried trips to view the lands, a requisite before filing. The winning applicants will be de cided W'ednesdayvat the Lakeview land office, the opening and drawing; for tke winners to begiatedneadar morning " at 9 o'clock. Ittfs expected that uw -a -il winners will be known by Thursday, a,t least The Herald to making spe-. clal arrangements to' secure the list ofj lucky applicants The following applicants have' filed on the lands: George E. Tarno, Ira U Cilery. Arthur S." Pence. Allen1 UXeeb, Tlsdaya RrilBtb. Norman F. Wilson, Charley DeLap, Ivan R. Ernst, Elmer E. Hendricks. Harry J. Raum. WUlmott Crandall. Claude C. GoMsberdy, A. ?l Wtohard. Ida B. Morayer. Garry B. Co xad, W. R. Robertson Jr., Wi H. Rob- Wl jjti -el tf Jta -Sf.rl Y 1 .! Continued on Pag) 4 COUNCIL EXPECTED JO CON8IDER CONTRACT TONIGHT The city council Is expected to take some definite action tonight on the bid of Robert E. Sfcrahorn of 1300,000 for the construction of the railroad from thia city to Dairy. The bid was opened last, Monday night, but was laid over for one week for consideration by the. council. Turkey Breaks Relations With America is Advice V.eit !.' i i' 1 ra ,? W- && Depew Is 63 Today NEW YORK. April 23. With bis eye still open for a pretty girl, Cheun cey M. Depew celebrates his J3d birth day (today. Pretty Rlrist regular hab Hs'and a serene mind helps keep men young, he declares. i WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23. Switzerland, haa advised the etate x partnlent that Turkey haa broken, off . .! ml(-l O, f, .4 ...i JI.U....I. uIbIUhm wl4l.t'iaurtilB H American minister oiuvnu, , tninr, uifiuiuaui irauwn , aaniva ..M'1fi BMaaanBBBaaaaaaaMBBaaagaBaBssBag., i , gaggs-gBBsaaaaaaaaanmanaBJBaMaal ,, --V, Wh British Minister Declares ' 20 Subs Captured April 10 . . : r.Tia 2J u' V&fi.,, iiyrW' SMTm m? M'i.i.);t'. 'a.r wit', if.i.': i . Jl . '' .l iS iiv!i,H", ' WASHINGTON. D. C. April 23. 1 said today that tkeH'lrrUak H4S' . Atniember of the Brltlah war commie- twenty .submarine; fyM M?pi4' mum WBiva nam ,. inw ! ,pw, nmwjmfmjmBifm , COHierenve wia Atnrit wpisis,iaHifif -k., v.yt'." ww &&-.?,-. ." -a 'JrfT A j iVVi t Vt - JjCt - VTrfl l ..... . ... AsiCjU