v f&StfW. T XVLSil . . ' CTftfi urt'lWAV. Al'nU 11, IBIT VNCuMake A Ml ssrinic " l)U''ln our ikon itiil m-iilns your re pair ,l'k I"' "" IHHtKHV HIIOK HTORM Our l mil nd no eltrk dir rlinlilK H to Mil rtMlfr iliuii miy store In Ik city. IMernSiweStwe The Kulu.lvc Riore for Men wiiil Hoys , rJI M.U.V MTHKKT THE EVEMIHO HCTALP, tLAMATH FALL!. OKIOOM LEQAL NOTICES " W INFORMATION OP KLKOTORM muwa io the Council for approval X th City Kotlottr. Said Keso w.r lompany u required under we tarn of iucb competing -etdl nanre to flit with tb Polite' Judge It Tli ronru.i..n ..i . written acceptance of lu term wlthU rtaulUni to lctora applying to vote1 ix y ,rttm ,Bd ,,,r "" Pproral registration II.... aria. fr ?,. ,. !" e." of ""' ""I'm "If that having remove , . m ,l,or ""'. pollc., t.tepbon and ward after roglaterlng they have J """"i! "urH: that aald Keao IbclH, I. have tb'.r iSlK!,.,.?''" "" PROFESSIONAL CAKD1 DHA.A.SOULE pnjrakian and Sargou) IM. M, Kmnia title, Phone 111! County Coroaor DR. P. M. WHITE , No TaMMja: 87 Odd IVUows JOHX C. Cl.tXiHOflN Coaaty Nau-vofer Civil Kagla DK J. H. CARTER DENTIST OfTICS. ROOMS 7 WHITE IUIUOIN as Gtjr k County Abstract Co. ARTIIU' R. WILSON 617 Mala 8t. ABSTRACTM, LOANS AND par rrai Money far IXHURANCV DK.P.R.GODDARD UNTKUPATIIIU PHYSICIAN alia Sl, I.O.O. .' RMaraibrr KtamlMltoa aad akatloa la free at year ft once, .farther I mm tha Mdtaf etrrl table for est. ThU Inaarea the Itartawai to be renal ( aa? gdtaa la Ik oair aUd lb price la Ik HUM KM, KMMfare plius gaS-R. changed. Another aourre or ( alna raattlla because of th fact ibat th flva voting warda of the city are not cotermlnu with county vntin. precinct, aad tho elector fall to get ma aiaunction fliad In their mlnda. iciectora who have chanted their reel rare atnea the cloalng of ref lit ra tion a year ago In April, ahould ap. Ply to tho I'ollce Judaa at once fur cuanca of raglalrallon. nrlefly, tha boundarlea of the flva voting warda of tha city are a fol-Iowa: Ward I. From weatern tlir limit. aatarly to Center, nortbwaaterty along Juniper and Kwauna ilrrela to Una between rirat addition and lluena VMa addition to Interaactlon with Hltchtll atreet. weat lo city limit. ward I From Center to Slith atreet Ward I. From Rltth atreet north- aaaterly to aouth boundary of came tery and aoutbeaaterly to Commer cial. Ward Includca all the city ter ritory taat of Commercial atreet and aouth of Main atreet from the While Pelican corner to eaaterly city llmlle. alao the territory known aa tha Hot Springe addition. Ward 8 Tha Una dividing Ward S from Warda I aad 4 eitandi from In. Ureeetion of a rant aad Blith atreeta to Preapect: along Proaptct to Up ham; eaaterly along Uphan and aoutb boundary of cemetery to eoutbeaat corner of cemetery; thence due north lo north boundary of lllllalde addi tion; thence weat to city limit. A. I.. I.KAVITT. 1-Jt Police Judge installation of Ita Droboaed evate within aUty daya from data of acoepl ance, and to afford full and adequate xtrvlce to all portlona of the city not later than December I, 1111; and ehall make, eiecute and deliver to the Police Judga for tha benefit of aald city an Indemnity bond In the aum of $16,000.00 conditioned that the Keno Power Company will fully comply with the provlalona of auch competing ordinance and fraschlaa; the ordinance further provldea that upon tha acceptance of tha fraaekuo tha Keno Power Company ahall pay to the city the aum of fSOO.00, aad In addition thereto IH per centum of lu annual iroee recelpta derived from bualneaa within the city llmlu; that the city, at the aspiration of the term of the franchlae, may purckaae and take over to ilaelf the entire plaat at a valuation to be filed by the Pab-I Ur Service Commlaalon. It la further provided that tha Keno Power Company ahall not dar ing the term of the franchlae, aell aaelgn or transfer tha aama or any portion of Ita physical property with out the consent of tho Common Coun cil. Uy authority of tho Common Coun cil. Dated at Klamath Falla, April II, II7. A. I.. LRAVITT. ll-iot Police Judga. fG3iart,Xa Pedigreed! '850 $85 .' JO Maaa Elective April let, 1017 -feftFoare rCM. WANTED . I . cPllo logger to camtnsca I Nglagt A to 7 mMHo) fett I " lllU SMBOn. I , KWAUWA BOX CO. V" RetMf Vmml W Mala atmt I rtMi.i.. .1 -....-i.a..., rooms ror traulent w Pernmnt'iit roomera. I Passengers Ann RoffiYatYA bywkere tfct Qy S-!A 0 . PHONE 187" nwcm irajtticr NOTICK Whereas, on April t, II7, the Common Council of the City of Klam. nth Falla duty ordained an ORDI NANCK, No. 411, which aald ordl nace waa duly approved aad filed for record April 4, 1917, propoalng a grant and franchlae to the Keno Power Company and which aald or dinance waa declared to be a compet ing ordinance with an Initiated ordi nance filed with tha Police Judga March t, 1917. and preeeated to the Common Council on March It, 1917, and, wberaaa, the Police Judge waa duly authorised aad directed by the Common Council to auhmlt auch com peting ordinance to the qualified voter at the general municipal elec tion May 7. 1917, and to publish a brief alatement of the tenor and ef fect of auch competing ordinance, NOTICK IB IIKRKDY GIVEN that the purpose of such competing ordinance la to grant to tho aald Keno Power Company a franchise and right for nnd during a period of tS yeara to erect, maintain pole, wire, cables, duet aad neceeaary appliance and apparatua for aupplylng electricity for all purpoeea with In the limit of aald city, and for the purpose of en- ahllne and aaalsUaE the Keno Power. fair Company to carry on Ita bualneaa elae where than In aald city, aa now or hereafter bounded nnd censtituted: Said franchlae ordinance SAI.K OF TIMBER KLAMATH IN DIAN RESERVATION Sealed blda, marked outeide "Bid. Antelope val ley Timber." and addreeaed to the Superintendent of the Klamath la diaa School, Klamath Agency, Ore gon, will be received until twelve o'clock noon, Pacific Time, Thare day. May it, 1917. for the purchaae or timber upon about 14,000 acrea witnin Townahip if Houtb. Range 7 and East. Tha sat embrace ap proximately two nunarea minion reet of which about ninety per cent la yellow and augar pine nnd the re mainder red and white nr. Tha cut ting of red and white fir will be op tional with the purchaser. Each bid must state for each apeclea tha amount per thousand feet Bcrlbaer decimal C log acale that will be Mid for all timber cut prior to April 1, lvio. race auDMQuent to mat eat are to be filed by the Commlaatoaer of Indian Affair by three year per iod. No bid of lea than three dol lars per M feet for yellow and augar nine, aeventy-flve centa for red fir and fifty cent for white fir during tbe rirat period win be conuaeree. Each bid roust be submitted la tripli cate and be accompanied by a certi fied check on n eolvent National Beak In favor of the Superintendent of the Klamath Indian School In the amount of fS.000. The deposit will be re turned If the bid la rejected but re tained ir the bid l accepted, and tne required contract aad bond are not executed and presented for approval within sixty daya from auch accept ance. Tbe right to reject nay aad all blda la reeerved. For eoplea of the bid and contract forma and for other Information application ahould be made to the Indian Superintendent, Klamath Agency, Oregon. Washing ton . D. C. March It, 1917. CATO BELLA, Commkuloner of Indian At- Bajfour Llpat State WHya-Sis f'tj WatyVKaieku tits I'M wits Aanaaaajaml aatJammTtMMf afan emmmmaa4maM SimxeimSmvZavZBtmTaaaaeaiS e?4jS-"( ed4a-aaji aaat eatt ' "Jfatoi7..4. Nine years of continuous, consist ent development, improvement, refinement! Each year a better car and a bet ter value! Over three hundred thousand now in use! . That is the history of the car that built Overland because it repre sented integrity of value. And as steadfastly as this car has represented original integrity of value, so also has The Willys Ovsrland Company sustained tfcat integrity of value through out its service in the hands of those who purchased it. The Overland Big Four of this season and its twin except for the motor the Overland Light Six, arc the direct outcome of all this development. More than three hundred thou sand owners and more than four thousand dealer and factory-branch organizations have assisted this development by their experience with these cars and their helpful suggestions of improvements. In their new beauty, in their per fected easy riding qualities, hi their proven sturdinese and mechanical excellence, hi their admitted tire, fuel and oil economy, these cars are worthy of the confidence we have, that they will further enhance Over land prestige. The prices are $850 for the Big Pour, $085 for the Light Six, while we have them to deliver until May 1st thereafter $805 and $1025. WHITE PELICAN GARAGE 8AI.E OF TIMBER KLAMATH IN DIAN RESERVATION Sealed blda. marked outalde "Bid. Middle Mount nrovidea Bcott Unit Timber." and addreeaed to thai tutor healnalna Installation of the Superintendent of the Klamath ! T ... .!?u ,i !1!!L Sl ..' 8ch001' Klamath Agency, Ore It dlatrlbullng ytm plana aad f0Bf -w,u 4 ubU twelve apecinratloa therefor (hall he ub- o'clock noon, Pacific Time, Then- IMMMWWWWH Ill gay uay Jl, 1I7, IOT WO pUrOBBaC of timber upon about 15,700 acrea within Township SI, St aad SI South. Range 7 Eaati The aalo eat- 'braces approximately two aunare ' fifty million feet of pine (about alao- ty par cent yeuow pine ana ia per cent augar pine) and ten million teat of white fir. The cutUng of white fir will be optional with the pur- enaaer. Each bid muat state tor eaea anaeiea th amount Mr tBOUUad ft aAGR TKA AND SULPHUR TURNS Bcrlbaer decimal O log acale that will 4.evV .nJn m iurk AND be paid lor all tlatber prior to All OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR. The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio Mmiaetlaies IWnfeKjrigtaJoTAa. AateaobUc "GRAY, FADKD HAIR DARK AND GUMMY Almoat everyone known that Sag Tea aad Sulphur, properly compound ad, brlaga back tbe natural color aad lustre to the hair whoa faded, atreak ed or iray. Yeara ago the only way to get tbla mixture waa to make It at bom, which to muwy aad trouble- noma. Nowadava we Imply aak at any drug atare for VWyeth'a Saga and aui shur Comnound." You will gt a largo hottl of thla otd time reclpt, Improved ky the addlUoa of other la- gradient, for about 60 cant. Evry- hadW uaaa thu DraDaratloB aow, be cause ao oaa eaa poaalble tall that you darkened your hair, aa It doe R ao naturally aad evenly. You damp en a sponge or toft bruah wth It aad draw thla through your hair, taklag oaa email straad at a time; by mora Ing tbe gray hair dlppr, and af ter another applleatloa or two, yowr hair become beautifully dark, thick ad gloaay. sad yes look yean ywsg. errwyeth'a Sag and Sulphur Com. pound la a delightful toilet reauUk. It la not Intended for tho cure, mltlga Um or proYMtloa at drnoaao. Adr. Anrll 1. 1910. Price uneeeueai to that date are to he fixed by the Oav mlmloner of ladtoa Affaire by three year period. No bid of laaa taaa three dollar aad tweaty-ttve eeatf per M feet for yellow and augar also, or fly ceaU for white r Wrtbe f rat penoa Will o evaeraeTwe, aaaw bid muat be submitted la trlpltoato aad be aceompaaled by a ertltled check on a aorvont Natloaal Raak to favor of the Buperlateadeat of the Klamath Indian School la the apoaat of 15.000. The depoalt WU J turned If the bid la rejected hut re tained If the bid la aocepted, aad the required conirnci executed aad preeeated for approval within elaty daya from each aeeept .... Tha rimht ta reject any aad all bid 'is reeerved. For eoplea t ta bid aad contract forma aw w outer i.rormatioa apptloatloa aadaM. be mhde to the Indian Superintendent. Ktemath Ageaey. Oregoa. Wsahla tarn. D. C. March It, 1017. OATO SBLLS, Commlaatoaer of ladjaa Af falra,' . , wlthla Township SS 8outh, Raage 7 Kaat The eale omhracea approxi mately oaa aeadred alxty mUUoa feet of ptae (about alnety per coat yel low Din aad tea aer cent aaamr sue) aad tea millton feet of whRe fir. The cutting or white flr will ha oeuoaal with the Bttreaaaer. Each Wd mast state for each eaeetee the aaaaaat nor theaaaad feat Bcrlbaer decimal O log! fairs. aeaie taat win ae paid ror ai umber cut prior to April 1. 1I0. Prices anbeeaaeat to that data are to be fixed by th Commlatloaer ef ladlaa Affalra by three year period.. No bid of lee taaa three dollars aad twentyrflve cent per M feat for yel low aad augar pine, or fifty eeata per M feet for white ttr for tha first per iod will be considered. Rack hid ut be auhmltted la trladleato aad ha aanABiBaataa k variiflaJ ekark oa a oorveat NaUoaal Bank la favot of the Superiatendent of tha Klamath ladlaa School la the aawaat of 15,000. The dPoaU will ha returned If the bid la rejected but retalaed It the hid la accepted, aad the resulted contract aad aoad are aot executed and preeeated for approval within alxty daya from auch acceptance. The right to reject any nnd nil blda la re served. For eoplea of the bid and contract forma aad for other Infor mation aBollcauoa should be made to the Indian Superintendent, Klam ath Agency, Oregon, waanington. D. C, March SS. 1017. CATO SELLS, Commissioner of Indtnn At- NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice i hereby given that Pine Drove Irrigating District will receive bid at Klamath Falla, Oregon, up to and tncludng May 10, 1917, for tbe conotructlon of an Irrigating ditch at Pine drove. Ore.; aald ditch to be a little lea than, half mile In length. and require removal of 7,114 yard of earth, material being sand loam, with probably some chalk; work of construction to begin not later than May 15, 1017, and to be completed by June 10, 1917. Successful bidder, a dally newapaper of general circula te execute sufficient bond to guaran tee completion of work according to contract. Tbe company reserves the right to reject any or all bid. Plan and specifications for proposed work may be seen at office of C. F. Stone, Klamath Falla, Oregon, where bids will be received, and where same will be opened May 11, 1917. PINE GROVE IRRIGATING DIS TRICT. H-Zl-28-5 WMtMMMaVMWWMIMWMiaWMMIM BSBBBXeBBBBBBanSBBBBBBBBBBBBm us n TIUBKR KLAMATH IN DIAN RsalERVATION-aealed Wdei marked oatetaa "wn, nwsteer ' Scott UaH.TlmMr." M ft th Super ateadeat of the KlaajaUj ladlaa School. Klamath Ageae sea. will be received aatll twelve b'cleck noon, Pacific Um. Taarasar May si, mil w pw7 tlsahar unoa about 11.600 a. aereo Don Throw Yowr Old Tire Away Now that Jkea S higher w price, R paye tm ta VUUJANUUC THEM. Oaa? vaaenaai apaT 1 u TFease W Br""PSaSa" several week la Baa pant waisar phklag ap Um Uteat gsrnren! mr work. . zf&MR SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. N. D. Qtnsbach, Plaintiff, va. Albert L. McQuire and Ralph H. Bultard. Defendant. To Ralph H. Bullard, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you In the above- entitled suit to foreclose mortgage on real property on or before Saturday, the I Jnd day of June, 1917, that being the 'last day of the time prescribed In tbe order for publication of this sum ! mens, and If you tall so to appear or J anawer, for want thereof the plain .tiff will apply to the Court for the ! relief prayed for In hi complaint, to-wit: For Judgment againat you! tor the sum of 1850.00, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April IS, 1910; for tbe further aum of $44.61, to gether with Interest thereon at the rae of 10 per cent per annum from April 5, 1917; for the further aum of 175.00 aa attorney'a fee, and for the ooata aad disbursement of thla suit; that tbe usual decree be made for tho foreclosure of plaintiff's mortgage and for the sale of the lands described I therein, to-wlt: South weat quarter of tbe southeast quarter of Section Two, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section Eleven, Township Thirty-three south. Range Eight east of Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon; that plaintiff have such other aad further relief aa to the Court aiay aeem equitable. Thla summons la served on you, the aald Ralph H. Bullard, by puhll cattoa thereof (a the Evening Herald, tlon printed and published at Klam ath Falla, Klamath County, Oregon, by order of Honorable D. V. Kuykea dall, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made, dated aad filed la said auit on the 10th day at April .1917, which said order require that this summons be published one a week for six consecutive weak, beginning on the Slat day of April. 1917, the aame being the date of first pubilea tlon hereof. R. C. Oroesbeek, Attorney for Plalatiff. Z 1-2 8-5-1 1-19-M-I " A fire stay cease ta the 1 wipe oat year earthly Better get coed fasaraan fire. See ChUeote, .' IS MMMMMMWMMMMMWWAMMWMMWh WOOD Jaat phone 1ST ami aak tar tea. atolathABasamtoaaa yonrweed HaiuiJi Fwl Ct. AAAA0A0l0WA0t000l0Wl0W Klamath Falk Auto Co. GARAGE AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK FORD OARS A BFSWIALTY FOR SALE One sMond-haad Dodge car aad one Ford; both 6-paaasager touriaa sera,- In good condition; cheap;- ; PRONE 17X jA 1 1ST MAIN IrTHHBt v mm - a fa. 'dK ,1 A ,4'- mfrV" 1 r -." l y 5 "i ., -. 'UVnT. J'M 'JfPm&r S&Srftt' m$ W m Mf- "-o a, " -i . ! ''j v'. C,M3v