A-ty$&Y?, f)W fe V " & fei&W . &K1 v .,.- fr " tt&iti.xkttrK mxik&k AyA I-..1 ! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY .?1rt4 few .ik.i "i(4iBAraais-i'?tf OFFICIAL ifiWPW ,PF KLAMATH FALLS '. ' -3I f TTTTTTr,,"-," ' -- sg"-1 t i i11- r , ' ' i-saaaam asanas b iwsaaMB Mfi' Klrrmth Year No. It, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1017. fries. Five Cesmi Hrralfl PARADE WILL BE HELD TOMORROW FOR FORI OOYS 10 START AT COURT MOURE ABOUT OTMK'K Woman' IMirr Cocas tlrhlnd th MAtMMml llaM Will II (hit. Oaragra Offer Ksrvkvw of Car. Atom! Ten lUrrwHa KspsrlfU lo Lsave KUmMh Fall Word I 'Meant From Bre at ttsrrark. Arrangements are being made today by the Wom'nn'a Htlltf Corp of thU city for a til patriotic parade to be Itld lit Hid morning In bid about ten Fort KUmath and other local reeruls ftrtwell who leave In the morning for Vancouver barrack. The Oram! Army of the Republic will ato attend. The parade I to form at the court sotwe at 9 o'clock and will proceed to the Southern Pacific nation. The local band will be on hand for the occasion. Mra. Z. C. Kimball, president of the corps, announced to day, and' all the garage In the city hate contented lo donate the ue of Ibrtr automobllea for the parade free of rharge. Recruiting Officer for returned to tb rliy Thursday night and Friday tat to Culloquln, where he met eight recrulu from Port KUmath, who ac companled him lo thla city. They will leave In the morning and the officer expects lo have aeveral othera to accompany them. Postmaster Del Mil may have aeveral ready lo leave for the navy atatloa at that lime alao. The Fort Klamath hoya will Join the cavalry division largely. Officer For eipecta to bo atatloncd her for several daya yet on recruit log tcrvlce and can be found at the Hotel Hall. He recrulta for all branches of (he army. Word received by Mrs. F. I'. Tur ner, from Robert, her eon, who la at Vancouver barracka with the eighteen KUmath boya, aaya they have their ualforma now, but ahortly after they got them on to atroll around they were called out on fatigue duty and had to put on their overall and Jumper. f Twenty of the boya had to spend three hours one day recently mowing the lawaa at the barracka, but he said (key needed the exercise. Another roup, not Including the Klamath boya, wa aaalgned to digging up a BRITISH NEARER CAMDRAI NOW LONDON, April II. The Brltlah we advanced another mile towarda Carabral and have captured Oenne- llOtt. , The French have gained ground urth or Rhelms, south or Juvlaeonrt nd east of Courcy. 60,000 Berlin Workers Refute to Resume Work COPENHAGEN, April 11. Ad- lcc received her nay that 10,000 n.,iu . oerim workmen who have been on a trlke since the bread ration were Argentine Makes Demand From Germany for Damage aBBBaaBBJaSaaBBgBBBBBBf BUBMOeV AIR, April II, Tha Hns stsauwr Protsglno. The- Lta- rgtB. goyargpm ha. formally ' ,TZ1TTC rX I. u. dams.ri'. 4w -'' " i u ugdarttsis tut l repiru "wandad that Oermaay glva fait- uM9 a declaration of war U 'ttlon for the staking f the Arg to follow. POWER COMPANY TENDERS DEED RIOIIT-OP.WAY FOR KXTKN'HION OP HTIIAIIOHN RAILROAD UP LINK RIVER TO PEMCAX HAY HAM BEEN FORWARDED The rntnmltti-e of cltUciu headed by W. p, Johnson that recently re turned from n trip lo Kan Francisco to raise money from the Jobbers and other limine men of that city for the Nlrahorn railroad terminal fund wish to give expression lo their apprecia tion of the treatment accorded and service rendered to them In their work bv Ihn rallriir,tla.nrnn t,.. I Company, and particularly are they under obligation lo Ales Uosborough, vice-president of that corporation, for the pains taken by hlro to assist In securing subscriptions to the termi nal fund. In addllou to a substantial cish subscription by that company, Mr. Johnson has come back with the In formation that the California-Oregon Power Company has txecutcit h .ki.d contributing a very considerable strip of right-of-way on the west side of Link river for the extension of the Slrahorn railroad to the Pelican flay mill. This iled, Mr, Johnson mmh In formed, has been eiecuted and baa already been forwarded for Imme diate delivery to the right-of-way committee. WIRE TAPPRRM CONTINUE ' ON LOH ANGELES WIIIKH IX)K ANUKLK8. April tl. De spite the activities of federal agents, the wlru tappers are continuing to 'operate The wire were cut again last night near Rivera. It I an nounced that all wire will be guarded tonight. URUGUAY STANDING ARMY MOROMXKR FOR INVASION IUIKN08 AIRKS, April 21. Dis patches received from Montevideo to day say that the entire standing army of Uruguay haa been mobolUed to guard naalnst an Invasion by the Brailllan-Kormen. cemetery near the barracka, which Is being moved. He aald the only complaint about the treatment they are getting now waa a little about the food, but that thla Is due lo the rush of so many new recrulta and that they are prom ised bitter food aa soon aa they are BMlgnod to their post where more ample arrangement have been made. Robert wrote that Beryl iiawies haa been accepted after examination and la at the barrack. Word received from Ralph Hum by his mother, Mra. Jennie Hum of this city, sara that Joe Skelton baa enlisted In the aviation corpa. Hum la with tho Oregon Guard medical corps.- Clifford Sevlts. Kdwln P. Coi and Inland II. Hatnea are members of. the Second Company Coast Artillery corpa at Eugene, where they are attending the unlverally. They have not been called out yet.N The Fort boya who have enlisted are C. R. Carter. C. a. iiowe, jonn Gardner. Fred Sumbrum, Roy Noab, Harold Bunch and K. 8. Q rover. cut again by order of the imperial lovcrnaent. still refuse to end their atrlke. Their force have been ttrenKfhened by 8,000 Turemburgera, who have joined their ranka. 1 20 APPLICANTS FILE ON LANDS LAIKJE llt'HIl MADE TODAY AT ItKCIMATION OFFICE PKOB ABLY INCREASE TO AT LEAST 173 APPLICANTS HANDLED One hundred and twenty applicants had filed water-rights on the Tule Lake laud up until 1:10 thla after noon and the reclamation service of flro was filled with more applicant. It la believed that at leaat 176 will apply before the office cloaca. The reclamation service office will not close-at G o'clock tonliht. a usual, but will keep open until late to accommodate applleans. "It was nlso given out at the office that arrangement will probably be made to handle appllcauta tomorrow If any arrive on the, train tonight. Applications have been filed on most of the Oregon tracta, but com paratlvely few on the California, and some have not been filed on at all. BALFOUR AHR1VKH IX UXITKD STATEM WAKHINOTON, April SI. e The state department announced today tut British Foreign Mln Utr Balfour haa landed safely In America lo confer with United etatea official' to how America can best M tha allies. PICTURE MUST BE WITH PASS NKU'ORDKRMADKATWAHHING.'trasfer thelr cerudeate, for the TO. IX IIKOAHD TO I'AfWKS TOboBd or " ,he certificate. The telegram received by the local OOVKRNMK.vr DKl'ARTMKNTS. , bank from Governor A. Kaina. of the laXHIXU OrTTS THK FIRHT WASHINGTON, D. C. April II It waa announced today that all ad- mission paasea Iwued to the fovern- mm itaiiaelMiknla ltAlMMliiaB Mmtm 1 ment aepanmenia neginning-Nay i must bear the holder's photograph. The flrt pass wa Issued to Sec ' retry of State Lansing. The order applies to all govern- ment official, employees, member of the press and other. RENA MOONEY TO BETRIED MONDAY ANNOUNMECEXT THAT TRIAL OV ALLRQKD BOHR PLOT CON. 8PIRATOR POSTPONED ON AC? COUNT OF OXMAN CHANGED SAN FRANCI8CO, April II. Dis trict Attorney Flckert announced to day that Rena Mooney, charged with murder for participation la the Baa Francisco preparedneaa parada bomb outrage, will go on trial Monday. It had been previously announced that her trial had been postpoaed pending the Investigation of Oxman, the Oregon cattleman who' haa been arretted and I out on bond charged with falsely testifying and asking other witnesses to do tha same. Judge Griffin has ordered that Edward Nolan, accused of tha same crime In tha bomb eiplolo, b al lowed to provide ball of ,f MOO east) or 16,000 bond. Nolaa galasd hit freedom thla afternoon. Captala of Detectives Matheson tsitltsd today that he NUstm tho vldeace Is , laauf ficleat .to, warraat holdlag Nolan without giviaff him chtae to provlda bail. 1 Oimaa' InvtstlggtlM U to h oau- ducted l open court Mi U haa been, released on caih ball o U,fl0 U. S. TREASORY OFFICER OFERS CERTIFICATES AtiraoMXMH saoo.oee.eoe C'AHH CIRTIFICATKH IX Flnst Katleaml ataam of Ttiia City Has Brew Anlhermad to Receive Han- acriptlesi Atp Pnyaete April I. 4 Mar Be Taarmwt to War Bo or CHaV-l)tBJ(otw Are Ready and AnxiosM to ftecHre Ttiem. The secraUrjr of the United State treasury department baa offered SlOe.OOO.OOe In treasury certificates to Inventor of the United Bute at S per cent Interest for war prepar ations and the First National bank of thla city, ajmember of the Federal Reserve, ha been appointed to re ceive subscriptions for these certifi cate. These bond are to be floated to provide money at this time for the government to build ships, supply food, and generally to carry on the war which exists between this coun try and Qermaay. Inventor all over the country have been waiting for the announcement pending action by congress to. take advatage of securing the Invest ments. It I eoaaldered the duty and privilege of tha people to do their part In aiding the country at thla' time. The Pint National bank ha decided to Uke some of the cer tificates and advocate that thla com- munly liberally subscribe. The eertlfleai'ea tare known now aa "Cash Csrtlflcstee" and are pay able July 1. -Till method Is being followed to give the government time to print the regular bonds for the lt, A tha, tln InviMtnnt mar Federal Reserve bank of San Fran cisco, la aa follews: "Secretary of the treasury offera $200,000,000 treasury certificates, payable July 1, bearing interest at thre .. C(.n. Should payment for governaeI,t wtr 9 be called prior 0 tmU -ate tnet, certificate ptu BCCrueli Btere8l em , Uied ta that You tre ,uthorledto receive suhiierlntlona In vour district. Pleaae ,,. romotlv amount of such sub- acrlDton by and through your bank on receipt of which I will, wire In structions regarding payment to be made Tuesday or Wednesday." H-S SUBMARINE OOHf) INTO WATER AT EUREKA EUREKA, April tl. Charlotte Fraser, daughter of the aalvage con tractor who rescued the United Btatee aubmarlne H-l,' pulled a red, white and blue ribbon today which released the cable. Md relaunched the aubmarlne which stranded on the coast of Humboldt county Isat De cember. The eubmarla waa hauled across the aandhllla a mil after the government failed to float It. It will now be towned to Mare Island to b commissioned. t o HUNGARIAN KILLED) THREE INJURED BY EXPLOSION PITTSBURG, April II. Nick Fel lls, a Hungarian, waa killed today and three other were fatally Injured by an explosion of dynamite. The pollcs aro Investigating the report that Fellls was making a bomb. PORTUGUESE CABINET RESIGNS WHEN DECREE NOT FOLLOWM) LISBON, April II. The rejection by parliament of their decree to In stitute a National Booaomlo Council has eaused ths Portugu eabtnst to rssiga, it Is announssd. NO MORS LSAVW.Or ABSBNOB FROM ARMY WASHINGTON. D. C. April II. Secretary" of War Baker anasunead todiy thst no mors Isav of abssact Meat' under I'exeepttoaa) elrcum- a a ' aai . i isiaae. , j FILIBUSTERS AT IT IN SENATE orroMTio.v to coxmcriptiox BILL AIH8K WHILK HKVHKHKS. TATIVKH OF HOBOW. LABOR FKDKRATIOX PRKDICT RIOT8 WASHINGTON, D. C, April II. The opponents of tb coasciiptlos bill fllbuctered this afternoon and It took. one hour to atop them. The senato finally voted to con sider the conscription bill. Senators Thomas, La Fotlette, Groan. Hiram Johnson and Fernatd opposing. Senator Chamberlain explained that the first provision raised the else of tbe regular army and the mlliu to a total of 10,000 officer and H.- 000 men. He declared that only half of the physically fit eligible to serve sre to be used. The senate military affair commit tee heard Grant Hamilton, represent, ing tbe American Federation of La bor, J. Eadea How, tbe millionaire hobo, and Professor Cheney, of tbe University of Pennsylvania, argue against conscription. Tbey predicted that riots, bloodshed and strike will follow tbe passage of the conscrip tion bill. RAID Oft OOVER COSTS TWO SHIPS FIVE GERMAN DESTROYERS AT TACK, LOSE THO. "ANV PCsnW .vis; T v yf'i' W- BLY THREC; 'WHILE GERMAN OFFICERS AND MEN CAPTURED LONDON, April II. The admlr- slty announced today thst two Ger man destroyers were sunk and an other wa possibly destroyed In sn attempt to raid Dover last night. Five German ship participated la tbe attack. Two Brltlah ships at tacked the Germans and the fight lasted about five minutes.. Ten German officers snd S5 men were taken prisoners by the British- SENIOR PLAY IS ON FRIDAY NIGHT "MERELY MARY ANN," WELL KNOWN PLAY, WILL RE PRE 8ENTED BY THE GRADUATING CLASS AT OPERA HOUSE "Merely Mary Ann," Israel Kang will well-known play, will bo pre sented by tbe graduating das of the Klamath County high school on next Friday night, April 17, at Houston's opera house. The play Is laid In England and has for It theme the drudgery Inflicted upon a poor girl when taken in. charge by a London apartment proprietress upon her becoming an orphan. 8he fall In love with one of tbe tenant of tho house, a young English com poser named Lancelot, who Is strug gling for fame. She falls heir o a large fortune and Is compelled to oast her love aside, as she Is takea to her new horn near London. Tim pa; he again meet Lancelot, who has be come' famou aa an opera composer. At first he faintly recognhwaher, but she makes It known to him who aha is and he U mads extremely happy by finding his "Merely Mary Ann" aad -his wife. Tha play Is specially adapted to high 'schools and undsr tho. direction of Ml Marshall aad Mr: Gregg of tho high school It promises to be a great sues. Reserved seat will be on sale at tha opera house oa next Monday. SKELTON JOINS f-StCvW "fa i AVIATION CORPS ;i LOUW HOAGLAXD 18 ALSO IN THE AVIATIOX SECTION AT VAN. COUVKB WAITIXG FOR ORDERS TO KNTKR FLYING SCHOOL ' A letter written by Joe Skelton to hi ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. C. I. Stone, .was received today. Informing them that Joe had passed all the re quired esamlaatloM nad Is now la the aviation section of tb signal corn, awaltlsc .eosalnsieat at Vaa. couver barrack. He think It prob able that h may be sent to Fort Sam nosaioB, lexas. - Joe states thst a large number of 'the students from the university have already enlisted, and thnt In a short time the old "U" will resemble a girls' ssminsry. Tbe university si low credit to those who enlist for the rest of the year' work. He write that there la Sjulte a bunch at Van' couver from KJamath Falls, aad thst Louie Hooglaud has also enlisted In the aviation section. Mr..8tone will leave in tbe morn ing for Vanconyer to visit Joe. A WW 2L FIRING "YAB BLASTING ' 'i BOSTON. .April II. It wa . announced here today thst the "firing off ie. coast," reported recentl br'Ahree coast auard Station, wsatfblastlng. following a fdrsilareUgatlon of the thstcoast statins. . ' i gmMSBaTmnssRsiyay WOULBXT "KNUCKLE ROWS? TACOMA. April II. Jesus Christ wouldn't knuckle down to the kaiser, declare the Rev. C. W. Meyer of this city. This is jsnat the Rev. Meyer has to aay about Christ's attitude on the present wsr; "If Christ was tbe captain of an American liner nnd Kaiser BUI said to him. 'Don't you dara sail Your - . v ,,- w boat, across thy line. If you do, I will kill you." he would sail the ahlp across thst line -In defiance of Kaiser Bill, if it wero, the right snd true thing to do. His .disciples wsraed Him not to go to Jerusalem. Tbey said Hs would., loss HI life It He went. He did, not stsy sway snd keep the pence.. Hs went to Jerusa lem and waa crucllfled, although He knew before He went tbat He would be. Yet It was His duty snd He did not shirk It. slthough by so doing He started the- greatest conflict the world has ever known the battle between right aad wrong." RECRUITING OFFICER AT MARRIAGE LICENSE OFFICE 8AN FRANCISCO. Aprlh II. Be ginning today a recruiting officer of the United 8tte navy will be sta tioned at the marriage license of fice here aad likely looking recruit will be asked: "Will you enlist?" Lieut. Commander C. P. Hull, com manding the Twelfth Naval District recruiting depott announced today that he had takea such action, as the result of the Increased number of marriage' of young men eligible to srmy service sines war waa declared against Oermaay. 19 Americans on Crew of Relief Ship Subbed YMUIDEN, Holland. April II. Nineteen Americans and fifteen othera . P were among the crew of the relief ship Hungwian Re votation Said To Be I , r ... 5L r, ROME. Aprti II. Advles ri Tr A Ti. 's .ij, "4 eelvsd by the vattsaa aay that a "iivi tutloa Is tmmlatat la Huasjary HOUSE MILITARY COMMITTEE IS FORVOLUNTEERS VOTK8 13 TO ft F-OR VOfiUXTRRR AMKVDMENT Committee Work to PrsvaaH Aa? FooaXinTrs Keacrlsa; Gwasiif Tlirongh SrasxHm-vhi Safe, I.?'' sage Is tttfv c? to AnstoMtnwcr Tarwowskl as)) AM Geraastt t'-t-nut From China. WASHINGTON, D. C. April II. The bouse military committee voted todsy IS to 8 to report in the army UIl with nn amendment attached authorising the president to call for volunteers before' the universal mlll-v tsry training bill Is enforced; A committee of representative of tbe stste. tbe Justice aad coaasercs, departments sre working oa plans to" prevent American foodstuffs shlppd to Scandinavia from reaching Geo many by round-bout route. - The state department aaounsed, today that England has grantsd as passage to the Austrian ambassador. Count Tarnowskl. who is to rsturav home. Ssfe conduct haa slso bee given to the German mlatstsr and his eonanlsr aUf f which to returning from China by way of San-Frsaeiseo -sad th United Stste. - ' Count Tarnowskl expect to leave: early next, week! ..M- JL- GAINS IN SIZE N. REPORTS RKCRlVFIi AT AMTKIL DAM INDICATE 1UAT SEVEttAL ' HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN ARE OUT WHILE KRUPPS JOINS i. AMSTERDAM. April ll.-rRsporto received here todsy say on ttf strike situation in. Germanr Indicate, that several hundred, thousaad am - .," ' out" la Berlin., Effort are being made to arbitrate their demands.. Bethmana von Holl weg has refused, to set as umpire's tween the gtsshar snd the govern ment. T Grave rlotlnmi reported, at Magde burg and ttfe Mrupp employee at sW sea sre report to s joining ,m trike- Several thousand men are strlklag at Ulpslg. It U ssid.. America's War Dec, Ut Ait-dole 8AN FRANCI8CO. April II. Th Mi STRIKE Oerman police, dog. which turned -' scout end did Red Cross "duty, aad, the St. Bernard which has been used, by French sad Italian aoldler. I to be followed by an American, war dog, the Alrdale. la tho opinion of doV breeder and arssy men here. There are thousand of alrdale where there are few' police dog. Kongsll. which has sa isported,", submartaed. -ThsKeaalleftPort-: " land. Mala. March II. ha landed at Ymulden. maT;.' ssssssssssssssssssssssssl 1 ' I 'jsA , 1 -ax -, n OTessaaaMssWsWffl !jfcfc -Sr- - "- Vi'J--f: t'.A'i.L.V- .O-i ,r,-. '- ' Tfl' v . Z. V.jCT' ' X'rf'.;fi.i . Budapest and . twafsf tknttkm,:'mm I'JHjJJffifflJS'-' - -"- - - " ' "--if- li.h-TfTssaaTTr ft &msmmm&-:::'. ft - - . I 4 " - K$?$go "scr