WIS w tt -5lH J C1 as Wv iEiumhuj Hrnttfi 'I vol OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0p KLAMATH COUNTY J OFFICIAL . .- OF KLAMATH FALLT va 1H iJl Ktrtrntli Year " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, lt!7. FRIDAY, APRIL V. tir ! "" mB" U. S. R. S. SENDS HOMME TO FARMERS WORK WITH WATER UHKRN AMI AUKItl'LTUItAL AGENT lifsmr""" un fondlHowe to Now fwlnl Mm That Um tknmumni (te lie Informed of Immediate Ktrd to Inrraase PradarUoa. Coff of guratlanalr Reprinted oh rage Tan and May tie I'sstl. Tb United Htste Reclamation ami", co-operating will the Klam itk Water User' Association dlrec tat, hse ent out to all laud boldera usr the Klamath project a que tloilr rrlatltiK to their farm eon Wu, their need, and with ,re iumU (ur suggestion to how the lira production of Klamath county ur be Inffruwnt under the rsmpslgn Mil carried on by the United State (ornament In preparing lor active sir condition. MtnilT llond, of the Klamath mfrtl, l alo co-oieratlng with II. R. DUIiyer, Klamath county agrlcul tirtl agent, In thla work. Tae qtiestlonslre haa bees sent out te (ILIand ownera under the project, tat It U desired In reach all the far m la the county. The question lire la reprinted on Pnge two of Isssy'i Itaue of the Herald and can w Bied by those not receiving one Ireai the reclamation service. They may be sant either to the nrtosulioa service office or to Mr. Gltbrer here, and aa they will co mmie, the. list will be properly Obd. It li the denlre of tbn reclamation Mrvlce to tint find out what Klam ti farmcra need and what the eiact f teadlUoni In tho county are at thla Haw, The government haa naked the project office to forward any sug 'isttloni or Ideas that are timely to latrtaie the production In the county lid Manager llond believed It flrat MtMury to find out the condition. farmer will probably need wed, other labor, and other nee Murlw, while other will have sur plus of aoine article. It la the plan f Mr. Duud to aecure Information In tab) material, segregste It and draw m conclusion from thla data. The United State haa a free labor inreau now and It la poaalble Id caae of tlve hosilltlaeMn the war, for Men the government la bending Tiry energy to prepare for at thin "a, that thl country will aeo all Wmtrlei, nnd especially the farming iMsitry, placed on a piano of organl "Hon barely cooperation not rtmed of In year paat. The Mlectlvo conacrlptlon plan of m president and the war department, M. It now being puahed through ff. la the flrat atep. It purpoae "to uie only thoae men' In the army can be apared to fight, all other i retained In tha factorlea. on m farm and In the other necessary mmtrlei. Where a section of country noeda "n labor In any great degree tha wwrnmcnt will aupply that labor; "re teed needed, the seed re I. of ,ho """"try wl J massed apportioned out aa needed to " "ults. iBim for ,n0iB eonj,,,. MitllllUTION IIURKAV T ViHt MND HKTTI.KRH The Khmatb Commercial Club I ? B,'ilnlng an Information I ,ur"u to the benefit of thoe I ' city to inveatlgate and T ' on the Tula Lake land. I oi"J there and will be 'glad give any Information desired ii.. ?M,,t nsr "r get-. T ""I located. , d I I Jhe omrcUI CluH la loc- I ei1? Mtk ,rMt' rwr cornrn. f ...-i l. ..., .i '. - """ ", ( Welcom,. ' I STRAHORNWRITES . FROM SPOKANE HOPKH X)MltA-r WAH LET AND OltDINAM'H STARTED DOES MrT I'LW O.V COMING HERE FOR WKKK Olt TK.V IIAVH The following Irttcr h been re ceived from llobert K. Htrahorn, dated Hpokane, Wavhlngton, April 1, by Cha. W. Kberleln of thl city, In amwer to telegram eut Mr. Htra horn by both Captain J. W. Blemena and Mr. Kberleln, regarding the plac ing of the 1300,000 to the credit of the city In New York. Mr. Htrahorn tale that be hope the city council will accept hi bid and atari the ordinance on the way for the letting of the contract. Ill letter In full I a follew: "I w glad to receive telegram from both younelf and Captain Hie men, advUIng of the receipt or cre.l. It for the full amount of the railroad bond. I akaume that the council will accept mybld and Inaugurate the pauage of the remaining ordinance tonight. When thl ha been dls poed of. we will execute the contract promptly. I think thl can probably be done without my going to Klamath Pall. Thl I wlh to avoid for an other week or ten day, a I want to be prepared to tart work very oon after arriving there. I am now par ticularly concerned about the ateel, nnd will probably not be able to clone up on that and ome other mattera under the neat week or ten dya. "I will be very glad to be advlied of anything bearing upon the allua lion." GERMAN METHODS AROUSE FEELING PI.ANT tilMKI) TO KXTRAGT PATH KIUIM HOI.UIKIW ItODIKH t'Al'MCH POI'K TO KXI'HKMH 1)KKP IMUONATION ROMB. April 10. A local " paper aaya that the pope ha ex preed deep Indignation over Oer- many'a reported plan to render rata and fertlllaer material from the bod. lea of dead aoldler. Belgian paper have gructomely do acrlbed a factory near (leroleteln, where It la claimed that fata are ex tracted from human bodle. I Hungarian Prewder Realcm ZURICH, 8wtxcrland, April 10. Dlapatchea received here today from Vienna confirm the reported resigna tion of Count Tina, the Hungarian premier. genclea are now being worked out with all hato In the government ae uartment. and but a few have been announced aa yet. The food queitlon la admittedly the greatest problem atari ng the United State In the face toaay. uermany. i flclally, believe that owing to the eaortago thla year, adveree weather nnn.iiiinm in many aectlona and other drawback, that tha United State la In a aerloua condllona. Tne unnea Statea government official! rcallae thla condltlpn alo and every effort la being bended to Increaao the pro- ductlon. vti i. nn Mtlmate on the amount of food producta that can be raised In thla country ana tne urgm planting all back yarda and garden plots to food producta la an Impor t.at nmhlam In Itself, aa It will be the mean' of supplying nearly all household with their own vegetables, thus tending to keep prices down through lessening the aeraano ana i ... ... tin ria(lna Juat that mUD gSB)ije esse v w-vv-w v -- raucVraore for the army force of thla country and for the alllea. Public officials In all parte of the country, including President Wllaon . r. avarnmant employee, are arranging to grow tbelr own gardens, this year as well as product food for the markets on every spara plot af ground 1 Washington, thib aue Is being followed by tha country at large. BRITISH FORCES REPORT GAINS AL0N6 FRONT i TWO OKHMAM DIVIMIOMM MAID TO UK VYIIMCD OUT Krenrli Have Itcrsptuml Hev-aatjr even Hquare Mile In Five Day. Ilrltl.li lUported to HaveJtovMtf TMrfclah Korcea and to Have AaV vancfd to J Point a Few Mile North of llagdad. LONDON, April 10 The Urlllah have gained near Viliol OuliUu abd the French have prorreaaed In the reglonr of Faffaus Vauclero, anl alio eait of Iilure. I Tho French force have recap tured 77 aquare mllea In the paat five day. In one Initance of German loaee. two entire dlvlalon were practically wiped out. LONDON, April SO. The Urltlab force have completely routed the Turklah Eighteenth army and have advanced to a point north of Bagdad. GARDEN LOTH TO HE MHTKD HERK RKt;KHTKD THOHK HAVING LOTH WHICH MAY UK I'HKD FOR C1AR. ItKNH LKVK NAMKK WITH THK MAYOR OF COMMERCIAL CT.VR It Is desired that all person who have lota which may bo used to plant to ginlcn stuff will leave their names either with Mayor Crliler at' the city hall or with the Klamath Commer cial Club. Mayor Crlnler and tho club are co operating In securing the maximum production of foodstuffs In the city thl year. . A scramble has occurred In an ef fort to secure lome of the eod pota toes received by the club by local people. Attempt Dynamite Ohio Capitol COLUMBUS. O.. April 20. An at tempt was made yeaterday by up poaedly alien enemlea of tbe govern German Revolt Reported Gaining Headway BUENOS AIRES, April 20. Re-lis t porta received today from Uruguay aay that tbe German revolt In Bratll IS ARRESTED ON ARRIVAL IN EAST PASSENGER ABOARD SUNSET LIMITED AROUSBB SUSPICIONS OF FELLOW PASSENGERS BY HIS gUESTIONINO METHODS LOS ANGELES, April 20. Federal gents arrested Walter Forstnsr at Cranston, Rhode Island, who he ar rived there aboard tha Sunset Limited from thla city. Foritner has basn held Incommuni eaado pending an Investigation.' Close questioning by Forstnsr of his .fallow passengers during the trip across tha continent aroused suspicions as to his Interests In this country. ALL PILINOII MtttT UK IN TOMORROW NKJHT All water-right filing on the Tule Lake lands muit bo In at the local United .State Recta- matlon office tomorrow night, according to an announcement made today at tbt offices. The filings mist be st the Lskevlew land offtee by 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, and there- fore mut leave here Hunday morning. The reclamation office here .will be kept open vntll late Bat- urday night te accommodate those desiring to file. LONDON NOIES AMERICA'S STEP "OLD LORY" TOPPED PAUL! A. MKXT Dl'lLDINO AH F1K8T FOR. K1UN FLAG TO FLY THKRK IN HIKTORY OF THK WORLD LONDON. April 10. London wel comed America's entrance Into the war with, gnat demonstrations and with the city decorated with Ameri can flags. ' Special church service were held In the churches nnd entertslnments of various kinds were? held through out the city. A. The American flag flew beside the Union Jack over Um parllsment build. Ing for the flrat time In hlitory that a foreign flag haa been raised there. r jj RKYKCTK HTAMPM LOST AND RETURN MYHTERIOIHLY 8AN FRANCI8CO, April 20. A report given out which, ao far, the official have not denied, aaya that a large quantity of revenue atampa were stolen from Collector Scott, of the port of 8an Francisco, and have been mysteriously returned. It Is said that tbe stamps were found In a box In tbe Ferry building addressed to the federal district at torney. ment to dynamite the atate capltol building here, but the attempt was nipped In the bud by officers. Jn Brazil gaining headway. Refugeea ar- riving today from Uruguay reported thtt mucn fignting'la taking place In 'certain aectlona of the republic. OOUGLAS CATTLE INSPECTOR TAKEN has teee rounds of ammuni tion AND CHARGED WITH CON SPIRACY TO SMUGGLE IT INTO MEXICAN TERRITORY DOUGLAS. Arlgy April 20. Fed eral agents hero have arrested Willie Evans, federal cattle Inspector, on a charge of having la his possesion 6,000 rounds of army ammunition. . . , Thla Is considered to be tha first step 'in unearthing 'a plot to'amuggle to' Mexico much .ammunition stolen from a local military aupply camp. HOUSTON OFFERS INCREASE PLAN FOR PRODUCTION INCLUDE A S,S,9I APPRO PRIATION MEASURE Asks Authority to Kstabtiah Farm Prodnrt Grades, to Smb-m-vIm the Handling, Ordering Implement. Direct TraswcmrUtioa. and Waatta Sanely ComwrnndeeHad flnggdh Colleges Disband Daring? Harvest. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 20. Secretary Houston, of the department of agriculture, today submitted to congress a form letter In which he outline recommendations for tte "stlmulstlon of production, lmprov Ing of distribution methods, and for tbe promotion of the conservation of foodetnffs." The -plan aa outlined Includes a $25,000,000 appropriation. The secretary asks for authority to make n survey of the food anpply of the United 8Utea. to establish grade of farm producta for staudardi satlcn purposes, to issue licenses for the supervision of foodstuffs, to order farm Implementa from the factories. to direct tbe transporalon of food supplies, and the enlarging of tbe department' telegraphic t news raciltlee. - Secretary Houston recommends em powering the National Council of De fense to commsndeer the food supply of the nation. He. also suggested that nil rural high school and colleges be suspend' ed during the harvest season. Houston hinted at regulation or prohibition of the manufacture of liquors and declared that such n measure added considerably to the European food aupply. He said that the foodstuffs used In the manufac ture of liquor annually la valued at a minimum of' $145,000 In tbe'Tnlted 8tatea. RUSSIAN-GERMAN ARMISTICE.REPORT NO NOTICE RECEIVED AT WASH 1NOTON OF REPORT AND IT W RELIEVED TO POSSIBLY BE RE. K 8ULT OF GERMAN RUMORS BUENOS AIRE8, April 20. The Spanlah legation at Rio de Janeiro received a cipher message today aay. Ing that Russia and Germany have signed sn armistice. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 20. There has been no notification he celved bere regarding the reported Ruaalan-German armistice. Govern ment officials point to the possibility that It la the result of German propa ganda. CARRANZA SAID TORE VICTOR VILLA'S FORCE REFORTBDD DB. .FKATED WITH IS KILLBD AND see HORSES capturhd IN CHI. HUAHUA BATTLB e)EL PASO, April 20. A dispatch received here today says that tne Car rsnsa forces have defeated tha Vlllls- tanwlth Villa leading tha attack. Jose Salasar personally command ed tha forces at tha BaMeera ranch In the atate of Chihuahua In Wednes day's 'offensive. Jt Is claimed that 150 VUUstaswera killed aid that 160 horses wars captured. LOCAL REO CROSS PLANS WAITING APPLICATION. HAS BEEN MADE FOR CHARTER PLANS OF THK NATIONAL AND LOCAL ORGANL XATKMf ARC GIVEN OUT Through tha effort of Mrs. Hsrold D. Mortensoa, application haa been made by several leading women and men of Klamath county for a charter for a chapter of the American Red Cross to b toeata4 at Klsmath Falla and having Jurisdiction over nil KUmath eosnty. Thla chapter will be officially known as the "Klamsth Chapter." Tha sppliestkm has gone on to headquarters at Washington, D. C, and aa soon as tbe papers arrive membership Hats will be open and the chanter offlcallr orcanlsed. The American Red Cross Is the crest of- fidal organisation for humanity in the United States. It Is an honor to be enrolled In It membership. The Dresldeat of tbe United States. Woodrow Wilson. Is nresldent of the! American Red Cross and tbe chair- man of it cesttnl. committee 1 ex-1 president of the United 8Utes WlllUm H. Taft. Its official board and com- mlttees are made ,up of the prominent men and women of tbe country. Tbe American Bed Cross Is the most perfectly organised agency of Its kind the country; has ever known. Tbe best talent In 'the country has worked out all details, having in mind the waste aid unsatisfactory results of Red Crosiyork during' our Spanish-American wjir which reaalted from lack of eahitrs control snd In telligent supervision., Great strides In Red Cesr :wperatlons have also resulted from tbe experience of the preatgreajiwar.t Tmr-pifajiz-JBto get. jthjiiTny-enate, military eommRtoS?.re- maximum defmtte -results with the least organisation, cutting out the waste oL effort and materiel. To sccom'plUh thl end all work la carried out from base established at,' Boston. New York, Washington, Chi cago. Denver and,8an Francisco. The work for tbe entire-Psclflc coast Is directed from tbe 8sn Francisco base. The local centers, such as tne chap ter to 'be established bere. act under the most careful Instructions from the director of the base to which it belongs. The chapter la Instructed as to what articles are needed, the char acter of materials to be used In their making, and, above all, the exact measurements to be. followed. The chapter establishes groups throughout its district and apportions the work to be done.- Much work Is done In tbe homes. This cbspter organisation will bring nil our people In close touch snd sympathy In working for the noblest cause in Christendom. Every msn, wrtai'i and child who enrolls la the Nstlonal Red Cross knows that he la upholding the handa of our presi dent, backing up our military leader on land end aea, and directly giving courage, aympathy and help to tbe brave boys on the firing line. ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL INVESTIGATE OXMAN CASE SACRAMENTO, April 20, The at torney general' of California haa an nounced that he will go to San Fran clsco tonight to discuss with the grand Jury plana for Investigating the charges that P. C. Oxmsn, Orsgon cattleman, "framed" evidence In the Mooney preparedness parade bomb murder caae. ' WIRB TAPPERS BELIEVED ACTIVE AT LOS ANGELES LOS ANOELES. April sheriff here following an Investlga tlon stated that be believed wire tan. pars hava haa copying nil telegrams that hava been sent from Los Angelas. Ha la working on tha theory thnt It Is tha work of spies. r . Leslie Reported Imnmlnf Morris Lsslls, loaal lineman, who was severely injured whan a pole snapped off at the'bese while he and Mlks Llppert ware working on tha nolo, la reported Improving by his at. fading' physician. Drr:R'.R. Hamil ton. Tha aeeldost hsweand Wed nesday afternoon. Lipnert's Injuries were minor. s COMMITTEES ARE AGREED ON BIG WARIOND BILL HOUSE WILL VOTE ON MEASURE NEXT MONDAY All ' LesdelnU f the Cesascrisrtleai B4B b to Ms) Laid AaMe VaStl'Tha fa Settle to Prwve-t Aay Belay OCBsW0 BvgffdJ War BoadBUL WASHINGTON, D. C. April It. A aubstltute amendment designed to la - en the drastic effect of ins news- P!' eenaorshlp clause of the spy' 1 was defeated today in the senate a vote of 40to. 20. A motton to Hminate the enlre censorship aec- "on of the bill wss alao defeated ST a vote of 42 to 22. WASHINGTON. D. C. April 2. The house and senate conferenee committee have agreed on the terms of the $7,000,000 wsr bond bUl and tbe measure srlli go before the bona for action Monday. It haa already been passed by tho senate. Fear'that opposition to the any and ' h censorship' bills would bleksjamr-- war legtslattea. senate leadereTai neuneed today that the srsay cas, aeripttoa bill will be considered shead of all pending legislation. " V WASHINGTON. D. C. April 20. ported favorably on the admlnwtra tion's army bill late yesterday after noon. The final conferences of the house and seaste committees were held yesterday on the war bond. Secretary McAdoo urged speedy, ac tion, saying that he wished to atart floating tbe bonds today. 8AN FRANCISCO. April 20. The Federal Reserve , Hoard haa tele graphed authority to the San Fran cisco Reserve Bank to receive sab scrlptons on the $7,080,080 war boadt Issue. Subscriptions caa ,be made through aay reserve member haak in the United 8tates. BANKERS OFFBR GOLD TO FARMERS AT LOW RATE MARYSVILLE, Csl., April 29. Aa unlimited amount of gold has'' has' offered at a low rate of Interest to fanners of Tuba and 8utter eountlea by local banks, taferder to eaeearage the cultivation gn every' avaflaMe piece of land. iaecordaace with the plans of the State Council- of Dei tense. Dunning Rideout, vice-presldest of the Rideout banks of these two eona Uee. said today there Is plenty of money on hand to lonn to fsrmers In furtherance of the Defense Council's FLOUR JUMPS .OUT C ? SKlHT IN MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS, April 20. Flou sold hers today for $12.80 n barret Millers say that housewives are bay ing supplies against tha future as tha cause of the rise la price In flour. a AVIATOR FALLS t,SM FEET IN NEW MACHINE SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Ly man Doty, a local aviator.' f sill l,8$a feet todsy while tasting n new maoh- 2. Thejue. He suffered but Minor, injuries. mttVf1 WANTED AT BUL,. , M'v' . '. f"mawwtSM! l jtm;uo&m;mmM Lsmirs. M awrjsanm.assaaaajrwisf.w -1 nre In KMa4av Falls er WmUlttvJnV Va.. county, UMirfwatresjasajnr.m s lmeaUU)7 gat latebssjsl-'- & '..1 " .' ' H' r . kv i S f"Z!t- -Ud with geeretery Fred Fmet. , ,... Tw -'. - r-i ' -it.ti s KMaMtaXomMarewl,Cte,h,rjK" w rswry-riw1 ma'er)prt portaaas teaelrar aaam tha Illness of -r rasattea. WriW BBnBBBnWaBBTCiMgtU v?XT3m mm A eil ,il fj m -n HI Si 9 ft M "'ij. ' ! ' -I J .. ii i ,'AI , i- j-1 AiJ Sfel lfo m, H sM M. -?, aYsV, ' i&&r a , rv A ,. jJfrdtaVE 'yjf'