1 & ' 4& . A T AfciRrf,l 'Ht i tfcJH.ii safifl Stye iatrofng Hraib ml a. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ?0F KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF' KLAMATH. FALLS CJCSsxzrsA'BrtsesiTMr,iiK9Baas SJfiriUli Wiir N. iW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917. HOUSE LEAVES ARMY DECISION UP TO WILSON NtfOIIITV MEMBERS CLAIM KKAU f.U'HKtl MIIIK-HTEP Will t'oualder Uk II4II uh Net Howbr. Allowing Eighteen Honm SISKIYOU COUNTY RAILROAD TALKED railroad connecting mouth mix pacifio at grexaha WITH BRANCHES T) FORT JOXEM, ETNA. AMI MM HTM IIAIt FARM PRODUCTS WORK STARTED FIVE AMI TEX-ACHE PLOTS OF MPECIAL VARIETIES PLANTED TO MAKE tXIMPARIMONS WITH PRESENT WOHK hajn MIA.NUHU), April 19. The I The Klamath county farm demon cotmiruclloti of it railroad connecting titration work lin been started by tho Southern 1'arlflc at Grenada. 8I. County A-rlrultural Avnnt II. n ! kljrou county, anil run to Kurt June, uiiilnvur. wim .v. thm ih nrb u HwaJjeiwrnl IMwlr iMHh Wtr.jiih M branch from Kurt Jones to now well under way. MiMte Until After That Tim. K'n" """' ether branch down I The lur1)1MJ of lU work ,. lo "" llhi. Scott river tu Scott's liar, on Hie' grow specially selected varieties of K.ph-I.e ami Food Speculation Klamath river, I. practically amurcd. rai,, grasses and other farm prod- The total .n.taiict, to be built l Uct on nothing smaller than five Illy miles. Property owner In tho a.,--, of land, to bo threshed scpar dlslrlcl traveled have been required .tcly j l0 yMl, tbcn , b. com. lo guarantee Interest for ten year on pared Wtu ,M. common yield. grow- BIN .Now l't t"r Vtm'Mmtkm, WAHIIIXtiTON. I. C. April 19. TU turn" military committee re verted today on the greater army bill, after attsrltltiB rovliloti which place tktCDutre of raising the, army under! i wlnnti-cr or tho conacrlptlon y- .. I. !. I, ...! .if lrl,ttil Wllxill ' in ih (Mi - '" . ...-. -... There I no iuctlon In Wilson's lad to a choice between tho two, Mlaorlt) members tit the commit- tw tnaoutired that they are prepar tela report which will show that feijr a 11,000,000 bond Usuc. TWO IN INJURED AS POLE SNAPS In near It. PRESIDENT MAY STOP U.S. LIQUOR TRAFFIC SHORTLY COUNCIL OF DEFENSE MEMBER CONSIDER URGING IT Department of Justice I lvrtlgatlng Preald-nt WUaeB'e Power ami ifengreaa May Be Asked to Grant lite Power to the Etrcutivc to Take HmcIi Action a He May Deem IlljCfit and Jat to the Matter. SPUDS ARRIVE FOR FARMERS r'lltHT HHII'MKXT OK MORK THAX MO MACKM AHItlVr! HKHK AMI WILIi UK OIVKX Ol'T THKOt'OH THK OOMMKRCIAI, CUB The need pctatoci secured by the K'lan uth Commercial Club for Klam ath county farmer to aid them In get- THREE KLAMATH YOUTHS ENLIST OXK I.KKT THIM MOIIMXG AXII TWO WKXT OITT Tl'KMDAV TO VAXCOUVKB TO TAKK KXAMI XATIOXH KOR THK XAVV Klamath county ban aent three more recruit to the United States navy through Poatmaiter Oelxell since WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. Certain members of the National Ue- Tim acrcauo this year Is from five fenf0 council are conalderlns urging to ten acre, while in past years It haa twU President WIIwb stop all liquor ben carried on on smaller acreages. trtffc during the period of the war. The work Ik being done this ycari gllc actton would clone 1.332 with wheat, barley, oats, rye. pca. breweries and 605 distilleries. ting in their crops this year In the his return from Portland, national movement to Increase he toy Habn, a Klamath county rural country's food production this year.dlntrlct boy, left thfs morning for have arrived, according to Secretary Fred Fleet of the club. The potatoes may be received by Vancouver to take his examination. Js. McDonald and hester Scnrefner left Tuesday for Vancouver. those ordering them by first securing Mr. Delzelt saya he has' many In an order from Mr. Fleet, at the Com-qulrles dally. A army recruiting of merclal club, and then applying at fleer is expected to visit the city In the Klamath valley warehouse, where J the near future and wilt probably also mey are ucing utorea at reoucea . visu ron tviamain, wncre, n is un rates. GERMAN REVOLT : -REPORTED FROM SOUTH AMERICA f 000,000 fJKKMAXft IX TMKKK BRAZtLIAV MTATKH VmirjMjr la MjumIhc Treopa oai the Border to Stand Off Kafwcted At tempt to Invade Tbelr Commtrj, Aa Pktnned by OMiiinna Attack oai Chill for the Control of the XMrate Klelds la Also Expected. BUENOS AIRES, April 19. patches received here today -DIs- from There arc 230 sacks In this ship- anxious to enlist. meut and Mr. Fleet states that nearly I all of them are already engaged. .'Others dculrlug seed potatoes will be t Th HAtlJirtmntlt nt tltRlIrn l InVM.MmnillAil lit ftfin l..l. t nnnllnllnn l ;graaHa. both rnno and permanent. ,..., h Dowe, - h llrelf,dent,ma.io ,erB. I ..I ..WhUm A . . la kaIhm - r- - - . -.-.- ..u ,.,..... .. ..,iv...,.i .. iicui . row.rA .n ..nnnln. .11 tr rf. j three, varieties of clovers, pasture. visu ron iiamiii, wncrc, 11 uu-,- - - - derstood, a number of young men are Montevideo, Uruguay, say that the luennang in me uraxuian sues on the Rio Grande, Parana and Santa 'Cathrlna, and probably -In other states, have revolted. inmlB to determine the hardiest vnrle- flc. llv of nlfalfu mill I lint whlrh la belt. indanted to Kiaoiati. county by the' Congress may be asked to grant tho of defeat by the people at the polls KTIIAI'I'KII TO ItH.K MTIIIXtilXO ,., (president power to take such ncccs- (mmkI the malorlty members to rant! off (he trtmiUill!ty of choosing the. irMrm citto the president, Tl-e Iiuiimi will ronalder the bill Moadsy, umlcr an agreement to limit tstgeaeial tlebatti lo elglileen hours' Ud thru to proceed under the five-! Itutr rule. ! u-Ihkm ami fiti:rniTATt:ti to' Care Is taken to raise the strntlou products under the same con- demon- " "ct,on hc "" "' tiltOl'M) WHK.V Itll.l' RRKAKH ,(ouk and alongside of the common oni-XiOX MHIPUL'ILUKItS CUT OFF AT Till: IIANi: MorrU ltille varieties uted here so that a fair con parlsou may be made of tho results. After the products are cut and threnhed, where necessary. It la plan Ol'T OX MUST JOB WOODS FOREMAN HAS LEG BROKEN Allied Leaders Here on Mission Mils were introduced In tho house rmplojtes of l;o and Mike Upperi. ,, ,0 ho,d ned mfenf. n ellch;no likely that Pacific Coast ahlp ) Cullforulu-Oregon cll.muilil where such a demonstra- builders will1 be given the epportu- PORTLAND, Ore., April 19. It Is KO. TOWEL! FORKMAX IX THK today which will prevent the sale of Power Company, were nevorely but l() ,, ,,Mn rarr.(l 0-( lo gVe ,1( t- to build auy of the first batch of tatkaltrj il ii rln a Hie crlod of the not damteruusly r and nruvldlug for a maximum afternoon about Injured yesterday o clock when a tho farmers a chance to compare the' submarine chasers, although the ship- results. Particular ntlna are being . builders are still making effort to -" ,.-- -.- . . . - - rntUim rallllllini lla mi: i wmi'tcia via v uv - rtMlty of 15,000 for speculating In pole on which they were both strapped nken by Mr 0ajg-er to secure dent- land some of the contracts, according ftodttulU during Ihe war, GEN.VILLA OFFERS SERVICES TO 0. S. WOOIIH VOB KDMtlXDM MILL, STRt'CK BY LOG AXD HUFFER8 BROKKX BOXK BKIAIW KXEK nud working on In the Hot Spring on8,ration 0ts each community. 'to word received here, from Wash- Rtldltloii snapiied olf and precipitated , , Jlngton.- - - - While working Ja the woods near ll...a.i i.. Ili asatsltt . " J I " 1 .'. -i . &-,a iiiv.ii i.r ..." -..-. ,. )C navJ. QeWment recognises no caraonaa mm, geiung oui luam l.ello fell underneath the pole and kKXATK NAVAL COMMITTKK Utntglaa fir as a suitable material for for the heason's run. George Towell.' wits the more severely Injured of the BOOM "JIMMIKII" LAST NIGHT1 hn construction but owing to the wooda ioreman and well-known In .,-,., ..,.m...... .... -....v. amall site of the vessels planned, the ' " , -uuv- 7 ( and Internal Injuries arc net feared wahiiivhtom. ii. n.. Anrii id. 'imi,rn,Mi ,,r .hiiminar thnm over n rolling log and suffered a broken by Ihn attending physician. Dr. War- T) doo of (h W1B(0 , com. Lnrt , m- cru,nK radlus thcy li'G between the anklo and the knee ren Hunt. Both men wore strapped mi .. (j h ,,, building potscs. It has been deemed advisable yt-sterday about noon, to the He, whlrh struck Uslle a hcro wn jmmUHl" liat nlKht. Noth-Un build at leant tho first batch on' Tow cl waa working with a crew at glancing blow near the lower rib and wn fo( , mllwlIK TH) work u,c A,nntc -,,,,.. read, , Bicssngo c '" and the log took on unex- 1 ..1.1 .... ...! .!.!. I I. l,.lllAVnH ' .... . . .-.I . I ....l.k .. .H nuii uu. aiiu w...v m ..... , . .. , , , ,,., , Book UK leeelved liore from the navv denart- recieu iuru iinu waiisiii. n.ui uu- naval plan. meut aTKCIAL ItlSPATt'H TO BOMTOX saved him from having t-cvcral crushed somewhat and badly bruised, .........- broken ribs. As it was, hu was """',' fltirWWBITHWIt .. IX MKXIt O, STATKII IIV VII.M. aitlt.XZ. FAVOIIM GKB.LXV bnlng tendered unconscious. He will probably remain at the hospital for a day or so to recover. j l.lppert, who fell on top of the pole, suffered bruises and sprained nOBTON. April 19. Ikclsr- knees and legs, where he slid down i officers of the Cnrranxa army have the pole, but was able to leave tho formed a compact with Germany, and hospital last night. t an effort Is being mnde lo raise Tho men were strlwclng wires on Slackers to Be Treated , Same As Single Men WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. war was declared are not exempted Uro army of Germans and Mexl- a polo near the corner of Esplanado(Tho war department announced today from mllltnry service and will be ' i ticiit tito united Statos, Villa and Pacific Terrace wucn tnu ncci- mat nil men wno nave marriea since ircaiea ine same as single men rs W services to the United dent occurred. The polo snapped otr Ifiu.irnrt. I HH. Edmonds, proprietor of the liilll. who was In the city, secured! Dr. George H. Merryman and they wont out In an automobile and, brought Towell here for medical treatment. ti(K)l) ROADS MEETING AT MKBFORD MAY ie-17 UIi, says n special dispatch lo the near Ihe base and fell with them to pm Herald from San Antonio. the ground. They fell In tho nctgn Villa mys ho haa a woll trained borhood of twenty-five feot. y of 20,000 which could bo easily wrraspu o fiO.OOO, He nn8, desllltn Currania'a nnhllr UI.AMATII HOLIIIKR BOYH mem that he would maintain, "haIII Ttl BE IX HHAPK "fltt noiitrality, Germana have been I " r ow planning Jointly with of- The Klamath boys at Vancouver nrs of CnrrnniVa army against the Imrracks oro all well nnd happy and "hd Htuies, and that Carrnma dare are now appearing In their uniforms, ot Interfere. Villa declare the according to W. T. Leo. candidate for Mnufaciiirn of ammunition under city councilman, who returned last Pwvlslnn of Germaua haa been go- night from a business trip to Port- on for more than a month and land. , . l aermans nro operating freely In Ho saw most of the boys on a trip nulce: that wireless statlona are now uvor to Vancouver and saya they are M havo been in operation for many a healthy looking l", but do no ", and that they are In the hands know yet whore thoy will be aent ' ucrnmns. tmm Vancouver. Russian Socialist Urges Against a Separate Peace WABIUnhton, D. C, April 19. urging Russia not to consldor a aop ' r!'1,1re,,c'llve Ixmdon Socialist has I arate peace with aermany or the "Wed the government here that the Central Oerman powora, but to stay '""'"" l the Rtisalan " --'won b'n Eentente Allien. Berlin Denies There Is Sub In Western Atlantic British War Commission Personnel Is Announced With the ambition of "lifting the Pacific coaBt cut of the mud," the Trl-Stateu Good Roads Association, composed of good roads boosters- In Washington, Oregon and Callforni, will hold Its fourth annual converu tlcn at Medford May 16 and 17. The date of the session is twenty days ffvySBBBBBBBBBBrVISBBBBBB-sl ajLa! aaBBBBBBaagw .bbbbbbbbhb1 'BYapagnsaBBBBBBBMiEVBsannBeBl -SlSBBBI-SSBBBBBBFfgSBBB-gi SBBBBBBBVwSBBBB-PaSBBBBBB-l '-gV.'-:::? .bbbbsK iiiiil; HaT-SaT-S-g :&-KS SBSBsldH--sSSBSBBBBBBB-r,,':-.J gViiK-saaaaaaaal .!',' sbIsKs9sbsbbbbbbbK ff-SBW SBSBBBBBBBBBSnWf tt SBlSg9HsBBHsBBBBB-slgl ' IfiiBPBIP'HI ' ggggSBKawv-v BJBH aj I BBBBB-KkJsWV -sVX&'JS-H I ggttlaBsBBB-S SBBB-H KSBBBBBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBBB-gl I HRr BBBBBBai-lsBYaSBBBBB-H BBBBBlll-aSSBB-aSBBBBBBBBB-gil 5SS?SiSy TOTy.WOffeERO j The dispatches declare that the Teutons are armed, (Including much artillery. There are 500,000 Germans in three of Braxll's state. The Uruguay government la maaa- ing Its troops on the frontier to ward off an invasion. It is known that the Germans in Brazil have planned to raid Uruguay and have considered the occupation of Chili on account of valunbic nitrate fields there. j SEARCHING OUT GERMAN NAVAL BASK IX RKA-HL -!!. ii RIO DE JANEIRO, April 19. ier numberless rumors and firmed reports regarding naval, bases said to have beenestabllshed by Ger- man raiders and submarines on the coast of Ursill.-.whal appean.to.bea H ' reliable story of such abase baa reacl'ed this city. The atory I vouched for by Colonel Joee Maria da Silvn, proprietor or a large planta tion on the Ilha de Maraca, which Is . s.ald to have been the rendezvous of several German ships at various times since the beginning of the war. XATIONAL BOIIV CALLED TO MEET AT SPOKANE . - . SUOKANE. April 19. Call has been Issued for the third annual meet ing of the National Parks Highway Association to be held in Spokane' on April 27. Representatives of com munities interested In the develop ment cf the highway through Wash ington, Idaho, Montana, North Da kota, Minnesota. Wisconsin and' Illi nois are Invited to the meeting. Great Britain and France hare aeut Canadian rorHament Convenes Today OTTAWA. April 19. The , out standing feature, the session of the drminlon parliament, which opened this afternoou. will do me annum budget statement presented by Sir Thomns While, minister of finance. Sir George Foeter, who opened the prior to the $6,000,000 road bond .leading men "to consult and advise , session. la acting premier during the WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. It was announced today that the war conimUslon coming to America for the conference hero with United States officials from England will he composed of the following men: I Lwtlnn In ni-Arnn anri the member-1 tho Amnriran vnvernmnnt about theinbtence of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Bor- 'shlp of 2.800 is bending Its energies. war and the part America will playldei, at tho Imperial war; conference In Arthur Balfour, Sir Eric Drummond, ber of parliament . . JrVT ,,' n l . Vn el le Issue approved by the peo- in jt. Arthur J. Balfour, long pre mlral Sir Dudley Dechalr. Fleet Pay- ,e Tho goVDrora of Oregon, Wash-Uler of England, and now foreign master Mmi, Major Oeneral ,to ntf CaHfornU Peoerai and secretary, among ethers, is here for orldgefc, Captain H. ii. Bpenderciay, tt legislators,, Wghway ,commls- Britain, while France has sent for lxtrd C-nl ff, governor or the BankT gcnerg and road builders from near'mer Premier Rene Vlvlahl, minister of England, aud Ian Maicolmf mem- . fft are ,nvltedi -lnr already 'qf justice; General Joffre. former SENATE REPORT FAVORS CHANGE MILUKOFF SAYS UNWAVERING WAR having promised their presence, French Iteport Progress PARIS, April 19. In an official statement today It was announcedTtbe allies, that "everywhere success has been obtained by the French forces." Gains have been made- northeast of Solsaons, north of Vallly and Ols tel, while Mont Hauthelgbts and Hill No. 327, including two Geramn bat- commander of the armies In the field, and Octave Homberg, the first finan cial authority in France, who was here In connection with the loan of London. State Dentist Here Dr, Goldbery. of the dental de partment of the State Girls indus trial school and also the School;.. the Feeble Minded, is here, and will file on xne of the Tuld- Lake land tracts. Dr. Goldbery expects to re main here until after the opening of the filings. MARINE AND NAVY FORCES REC-WELCOMES BRITISH AND FRENCH terles, have been captured WHILE! DELEGATES WITH PLEDGE, WHILE RUSSIAN PRESS CALLS GEMAN 'FEELERS' TREACHERY OMMKND INCREASE SENATOR M'CUMBKB WANTS VOLUNTARY ENLISTMENT 'AMSTKrtnAM.J . April 19, An off), luoihcs aru now uiuouL niuue loaar ih iu'h w "talon that on o'ai-niati sub- lieeu rumored. In the west i'rn ttal uniif-ni,....n.L.' J . i...( ..e i i.n Atlantic ocean, as '" norii,. ' ,::" .vVHV HM? ""' r r" "": WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19, Senator McCumber Introduced an Tacoma Organtxea Food Work TACOMA, Wash., April 19. The Tacoma War Food Commission was Law Announces to Commons More Hospital Ships Sunk LONDON, April 19. Chancellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law announced P1STROGRAD, April 19. Foreign Minister Mllukoff in welcoming thesoil amendment In the aenate today caii-jDrtlb an(, pncn , deiegate-10 trlct nnd thou reaorting to draft If continue an unwavering war against Tho Hnnual convention of the Oregon tlila falls. ' The .enate naval committee report ed favorably on a bill Increasing the organized hero today and has under jt0 tne house of commons today that way a campaign to raise a fund oi $3,500 to aid farmers and othera In terested in the cultivation of the additions allied hospital ships have been submarined by aermajvHijL .j '... in i3 -lvn nut later: J 9UIU me newwoHi " -- - ?j Editors Meet at Peritlleton PENDLETON. Ore., April 19. Germany, Btate Editorial Association will be ' The Russian press terms Germany's. held here July 13, 14 and is. TW peaoo "feelers," which have been Commercial Association Is mAklag to Field Fortune Joinv Illinois W" . rlj imii-mi . ' i?w J"5i.' a-mmw '' ;-,i'?s-Tr,f'7-i'''"'"vv CHICAGO, April Field, aged 33 years, 19. Marshall and heir to marine corps to 30.000 and th navy .heard for some time, hypocritical extensive plans for entertaining e fortuuo. enlisted to IBO.OOOt nd treacherous lit the extreme." ' .(editors, ' ' ' TWfd; tniluv a- a. urtvata Ja'tliaK1 .. 'J if'.. xA'if'-fJ ff'si. .. ti".L Jl.i:i7..a linntA cavairiruKtt;iaMncrHi nnd stripes., l&fc&M .! SAilT $m rf-i" 5y 1 ."r',9 t x Vi . l h$f X 1 tiil - ? 3. Wr' iSBHlBJl " t' .-, ,' '.i", smr'T. ' && I5 ia.V.'!Wft.'' - J J . v -1- ft &$1 i.-jf! U 4,y