rwBKjfH?j!F';r' -v j-t J i i. 1 ; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Klrrralli Vr-X. S.STS HtAVY' FIRING HEARD OFF OF EAST COAST Ifenr ('!( Guard Stallone Itrexirt Hearing f Heavy Flrlntr Theory TImI II Waa Salute t Hume Frtand. r Crefl Ksplodcd by War Depart meat Naval KmariMWI llelkned la Have- Tnar Piece. IMMTON. April . The swmtsat al Ihe United HUlM navy isrda hrif ammnnced tub) snoralNg llw receipt or offst-tnl rrnorts from three mart guard atnOnne lit lit ef- (art thai Itcwvy firing wns heard at the tUlliw off llw cenat thla mom IM AM of Ht atallwia reported several abuts fired rrum heavy gnas. So llrlag waa heard then for fifteen mtn Mas when the firing reesnned. The reason for the firing la not aaiad, iwJHU brtlrved to eRher have bMM a naval snsjsgomrnl or a nslrondng snlnte u foielgn warships eisertrd 10 arrive here shortly. WASHINGTON, D. C, April IS. la a statement laaned by the navy de- aartmrnl llila aftrrMon It aa atalrd ikai ih. riri hra att iM Aiu.iir ite! the rirlc hnutl off lie Ailaallr coax roidd Hot hare) earn m aaJat, aa all warahlM bar Brew ordered Not lo fir aalaleo. Thla MrettgllMaM tlp brllnf thai a naval ImiiIa of borh nature haa or rarrrd. FINANCIERS FEAR WAR BOND ISSUE j KttMlKHT f'HANOKH UK MADK IN INTKIIKMT All ItK UAI1K Mill. INTKIlrMT AMI lK MADK JMT TO TAXATION ADMINIH., .. . .. nwiiiiin I'liuc'KKim ik riuian WAHIIINOTON. D. C, April 18. J- I. Morgan and other Now York flnanrlerit who are horo In roimults Hon, expressed the roar tbnt tho floating or tho war bond Issuo may csuie Investors to unload their othor wcurltloi and thus upset the markoU, sou cause difficulty in tho final dls iniuutlon or the bonds, M.,. . . . ' . .1 NAVAL BATTLE REPORTED ON ATLAM1C v7 ui-ciaro that the bonds should an official report touay mat ine com rry a higher Interest rale and mandlng ofricer or tho "Smith," should be subject to taxation. Tim ..ll..l. ... . .. ... uuiiiniiraiion nag innon no reponea nisi mo iwriai-viv w " ctlon as yet. The amount of thojallon submarine, which fired on the ilrst Issue will be determined when 'chaser early yesterday morning while no entente commissioners arrive. oK the Atlantic coast, was plainly When the bonds are offered, $1,- seen boforo the torpedo crossed the 000,000 will be spent In a national , bows or the "Smith." mpalgn In advertising to Inform I This dispels any doubt that the purchasers how to secure the bonds, diver attack occurred. German Party Members Resign Austrian Positions nKBMN, April 18. It Is an nunced that the Austrian Minister j Commerce Urban and Minister Argentine Seizes German BUENOS AUtJM, April U.Tha lstSt!fli9Vr M fU4U stsmed Qsrman ships la the cous s harbors. The explanation liven Hftft lEtumtna ""' : GUARD OFFICER CAItlllT TKYIMJ Tl JOIN MEXICANS. a) WASHINGTON, April I. l.lriitfiintit Robert II, IUII, f I h.. Indiana National Guard furcr,' Imt tir.n mnlcncrd in twenty years lmirliuiimint (or negotiating fur a commission In llic Wcxlrati srniy. ARREST WARRANT .OUT FOR OXMAN WITNESS IX MOONEY TRIAL All. HIVES AND ASSERTS WELL. KNOWN CATTLEMAN OFFERED HIM MONEY HAN PIIANCI8CO. April 18. A warrant baa been Issued (ur (ho ar nut of F. C. Oxman, wealthy Oregon cattlemsn and star wltuaaa In tbe prosecution In Iba trial of Thomas Mooney, alleged preparedness parade bomb murderer. The warrant charges Oxmsn with attempting to Influence the ttstlmony " "" witwaa. nian. . .. Oxman'a accuaer. and who. on bU ar- rival here today, reiterated Ibe charge In detail. Illgall declared that ha wa thor oughly rehearsed as to hl testimony to be given on the stand and charges that Oxman oncv suggested thst ad dltlonal witnesses bo secured for thu prosecution. llllglall said today thst District At torney Klckrrt la thoroughly aware of the situation and aald that Oxman promised him from $3,000 to 14,000 aa his sharo of the reward for a con vlctlon. Oxman, who realdea near Baker, Oregon, left snveral days ago ror San Francisco on hearing or the charges ,h,t WCr b",n n,'d a''n,t h'm , rM,de, n , ,,tlal residence near that city and Is prominent In tho community. SUB'S PRESENCE CONFIRMED TOOAY . WAHIIINOTON. I). C, April 18. Thn nnw dnnartmeiit anuounccd In ' . .... United States submarine chaser, hss . . ..... .,.- I ... I.a without Portfolio Von Barnreltber, both members of the German party, have resigned their offlclal position. To Prevent Damage out by officials was ttaitha'ncMoa crews fro'it damaging and othwsw e.V..:?7i.r W.i.V ' v net am ramnn 'UI HrgaraBti fteaV wwssj sbs a KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, HI 7. - - . - - .. - - n - - - ri - - loniTiPU rnnnro oni i ion ruHbco CENTERING ON CAMBRAIWORKS ENGLISH LINES PARALLEL TO GERMAN VOIt IS MILES ANiMMUK-ed that Ylllera UaJalala Uaa llern apt ami aad the Allied Hoa. lluna at LaRRlcoart Have Uren Im. provftl -Oiiiuaiu Make Statement That 3,000 Priaimrra Were Take During Uattle at Aiane. IX)NDON, April 18, forces are centering -The Brltlab their attack fortifications against the Cambral now. It la officially announced tbat VII- lent Gulilsla has been captured and tbat the allied positions at Lagnl court have been Improved. The British lines are now parallel with the German communications for a distance or fifteen miles between Cambral and St. Quentln. An advance baa been made be tween Oouxccourt and Vlllcsst, and Wancourt lower baa been recaptured rrora the Germans. PARIS. April 18. The French forces have taken Cblvl and are ad vancing on nrnyen and Laonnols, It as announced today. They have captured a wood east of Villa Au Boise. The Germans In Ihe Chsmpsgnc district have retreat ed behind their second line, following a violent bombardment by the French. The French are reported within two miles of Laon. BERLIN, April 18. It Is offlclslly announced tbat the prisoners taken by the Germans on the Alnse now number more than 3,000 men. 17 TO HE INITIATED IIY KLKH THURSDAY NIGHT A class or seventeen Is being pre ps red to be Initiated by the Klamath Falls B. P. O. Elks No. 1147 Thurs day night at the temple In thla city. Tho Elks' orchestra Is practicing regularly and preparing apeclal music ror the occasion, as la also a quartette. " Other special realurcs aro being ar ranged ror the evening's entertain ment and a large number of out-of- town Elks aro expected to be In. New York Governor Offers Teddy General's Commission NEW YORK, April 18. Governor Whitman or New York stste has of fered Theodore Roosevelt a commis CHVHCH PROFFERS USE OF UUILDINQ At a called meeting of the congre gation at the close of the services Sunday morning at the First Chris tian church the following actions were taken by unanimous vote of the con gregatien: To provide and erect a national flag on the church building. To recommend to the mayor to or. der flags on all public buildings In the city to be raised and lowered, accord to military regulations. To proffer the use of the church building to the goysrameat for re eruttlng or other purposes, Including the Raj qross work. . , , ' rr llnKiteana At Mi AiO. Aarlt H JTtta-Tl'nlsts ssd Carrsnia forces have resuaud righting nMlvalla, O. . ... . w -w-T-e,- --- snsj ,- --- - - - - - - - -.-.-M .. ...... 1 CIVIC BEAUTIFUL CONTESTENTRIES OPENED TODAY HI'KCIAL FKATtlftKH TO DK HELD THIS YKAIt May llectoter ttUrap for Oac Month at the Cusnasurdal Clab Special i Frlaea to Do Given for Children's OardcRa and Tree; Planting Flow, er and Vegetans Show Planned. Itctnrra WU Be Taken. Preliminary plans were worked out last night at a Joint meeting of the committees of the Klamath Commer cial Club and the Woman's Library Club for the annual Lawn and Gar den contest. , The memeera of the club commit tee are O. I. Gregg. Andrew Collier, Miss Ida B. Momysr aad Fred Fleet. and of the Library club Mrs. Btelger. Mrs. R. E. Watteaburg. president of the club;- Mrs. Fred Mills and Mrs. E. M. Cbllcote. A number of special features will be made this year In the contest which openi today-,. Any person de siring to enter gardens or lawns Into the contest are requested to leave ; their names at the Commercial club or telephone them In. Pictures of all entrlea will be taken Immediately, and those of the prise winners alter the winners are chosen. It will be possible to register en tries ror one month. One specialty thla year will be made ror children's gardens and spe cial prises ror the growing or trees sre also to bo given. Secretary Fleet, of the Commer cial club, announces thst the prises wll be worth while and will warrant the work that may be expended on the gardens or lawns, or other means of beautifying the homes In the city. It Is also planned to hold a flower and vegetable show foMowng the contest. The slxe of the gardens that may be entered Is not restricted, but ono necessary qualification Is that five varlctcs of vegetablea must be grown In each garden. The prises and further details will be annouucod later, as the details are worked out. The prise winners will be announced by the throwing or their exhibit and the winner's name on the screen at a local moving picture thea ter after the contest. sion as general of tho New York National Guard. The offer will prob ably be accepted. P.U81NES4 MEN MEET TONIGHT There will be a meeting of the Bus iness Men's Association at the city hall at 8 o'clock this evening. The committee which conferred with the Commercial club recently regarding the Fourth of July cele bration will report and further ar rangements will be made. Other matters of Importance to the association will also be discussed. Attorney Reswrtesl Batter Information received here by J. P. Campbell states that ff. A. Cress, formerly of the firm of attorneys of Itoat, Gale ft Cress of this city, who baa bee In a serious condition In a Fresaa hospital, la rtportfd Improv aWtflfftcJeatJir'taatia PUmHo pur- chase a residence Mar fraanq to re. aide with his family, t ' , Hrato KLAMATH MILLS THIS YEAR TO CUT 100,000,000 DELAYED BY. WKATHKR; NOW 6ETTIXO t'NDEIt WAY Several Mllh Have Started Shifts and Others Are RapfcBy PrrsaHng for Season's Work-Al i antigaiunto Made for Another Large M1U Are Believed to Be Completed, Which Will Increase Output. , The Klamath county lumber mills are preparing for record runs this season and. although prevented by weather conditions from starting In early March as usual, the lumbermen are getting operations under way In good sbspe. Arrangements are believed to be practically, if not entirely, completed for tbe erection of another large saw. mill near the city In the Immediate future, which, ir done, will Increase tbe output considerably. War conditions will also. It Is be lieved, Increase tbe demand for Klamath lumber or all kinds, while. on the other hsnd, the starting of the 8traborn railroad, on which some definite announcement Is confidently expected within a rew days, will open up vast new territories or Invaluable timber to the east and west or this city, and practically Insures the con structlon of several new mills In this vicinity soon. The backers of the Chelsea box factory, ror which a site has been se cured at the lower end or Lake Ewauna, announce that as 'soon 'as the weather permits construction will be started on this mill. It is estimated by lumbermen that the cut, which amounted to 100,000,- 000 feet last season, will reach at least 160,000,000 feet this year. Tbe logging operations or tbe Pell- can Bay Lumber Company, the Klamath Manufacturing Company and the Algoma Lumber Company, which have the three largest mills, are In such condition that there wjll be no shortage of logs early this sea son. The Pelican Bay mill had 7,000,' boo feet or Umber In the water at Its wards, and the Klamath Manuractur Ing Company has purchased 15,000,- 000 feet from the Weed Lumber Company. This timber will be ship ped In over the Southern Pacific Irom the north end or the Weed Lumber Company's tract and will enlarge the field of logging operations ror Klam ath Falls to that extent. The logging trains sre now running, a spur having been constructed at the mill to put the logs in the water. The Algoma Lumber Company has Its new extended line or railway all but finished ready for use, and It Is expected that the mill will be one of those to use a double shirt of men. Tbe cut at Algoma is predicted Co be fully a third heavier than was turned out In 1816. The North and Newhart mill, near Worden, south of Klamath Falls, has been leased to Irving K. Kesterson of Grants Pass, and It will. begin op erations soon. Negotiations are on for, the sale of the Mllburn Knapp milk standing on the Klamath Indian reservation near Chlloqutn, north of Klamath mile. The Klamath Lumber Company la under new management and will be moved to a location where timber Is more available, A single ahlft of the Klamath Man ufacturing Company was started on March 81 and the Pelican Bay Lum ber Company, the largest mill here, started a day shift a few days later. lea conditions on the Upper Klamath lake hs)f prevents thaLtrnp-Lnm. Continued on ram i n--.-in----irirnri- -,--! - -hi, INFORMATION Bl'RKAU The Klamath Commercial Club Is malatalalag an Information bureau for the benefit of those .la the city to Investigate and file on the.Tule Lake lands. Secretary Fred Fleet can be foand there and will be glad to give any Information desired aad assist any persons In get- Gag, located. The Commercial club is located on Fourth street. to the rear of 'the First National bank, at the corner of Fourth and Main streets. Ail sre wel- 4 come. SU6AR BEET SAIB TO MAKE COUNTRY A COLORADO MAT GIVES INDUSTRY CREDIT FCK MAKING STATE r . rf ' AND KLAMATH WILL' GET FAC TORY ,WHEXf BEET IS GROWN' The proposition put forth by the Utah-Idaho Sngatt Company Is a good one, aad aatserfkan most communi ties get whentaly first grow sugar beets, according to M. L. Allison of this city. , Underlie offer made by this com pany, the Klamath county farmers stand to lose little or nothing from any angle of the deal, according to Mr.) AHlsoa, andlnasmucb as it has been demonstrated that sugar beets can be raised here to good advantage, he considers the offer an exception ally good opening tor Klamath coun ty. Mr. Allison resided in Colorado when the sugar beet industry was starting there, and he gives this In dustry credit tor making that coun try what it Is today. The farmers have made much money In sugar beets and the sugar companies have treated them fairly, he says. Mr. Allison believes that nothing should be left undone by Klamath county to insure the growth of sugar beets here, and predicts that as soon as the farmers take It upland grow beets, the question of a factory Is a minor one. as It will come of Its own accord. ELEVEN SEEK PLACES AS MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Eleven petitions have been filed with the police Judge at the city hall as prospective councllmen. Those filing In the various wards are: Harry Telford, nrst: w. t. Lee, C. A. Plath and O. D. Matthews. second; 1. R. 8truble and J. H. Ham. ilton, thlrld; E. B. Hall, A. D. Mil ler and Joe Josephs, fourth; M. R. Doty and M. P. Lavenlk. firth. Secures Land Patent Thomas A. McEldowney has re ceived his land patent 'from the United States government and has filed it with the connty clerk. Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey Reported LONDON, April 18. Unconfirmed reports received her say that Aus tria, Bulgaria and Turkey are seek- Chile T ake Exception to n elf re KVBaVirnV sssnMiswtmwss. -em tok aaFej wnBSBsnSB ar ana ataaraiafaaaaaaipiavvvraaianjpaajpsvrv RIO DE JANEIRO, April If .The Chilean government haa sent sots; to Branll declaring that the Brasilia action of breaking diplomatic rem- OFFICIAL NEWIPAFK OF JOJUTJI ; FALL1 ', iiiiiiiivLiLiimmwinnna"LriruTjlJinnjTjvvTnrir SENATE PASSES " WAR BUND BILL" LATE YESTERDAY . i HOUSE COMMfTTE STILL FAVOM ' VOLUNTEER PLAN It la Believed that the Unlveranl Se sice 'Ban Watt Fnen the Bsnsssy Qnlckly and Thaw Force the MesawT to Adopt the Menania President) WUaon SslH ContwtMd to Urge Necessity of 1 s. WASHINGTO.V, D. C AnrM laV " ' The asssnte sensed tbe WIMtQM99Jt$Q war bond MR Inst night a tbe end of seven hows of debate by n veto ef -A "24 to - i. 'f Bcverai wanrar nsasaaasnensn were j. nude which will necensitnte n earn-,,- , ference with the bouse of nsrsasn A '' tatlven. The conference is to be swH " Immediately and no delay la tsneslsd.., ,. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 48. The house military committee voted IS to 8 today la favor of first rstslna, an army of 509,000-voluateers before resorting to tbe universal service ayt selective conscription plan. President Wilson went to the eael- tol and conferred with Senator Cham berlain, or the senate military affairs committee, insisting op?the passage of the administration's bill Imme The administration believes that - tbe senate will pass the bill quickly and that the moral effect of the sen ate's action will force its passage In the house. i The war department haa practi cally completed lta plana for the first levy of 500,000 men under the net- " versal servllce bill aad expects to have them In the training camps by August 1st It is planned to set a day when the nation-wide registration of the men between 19 and IS years may ,be made, using the voting precincts aa registration areas. The house haavngreed to change the eligible age, under the cennertpUoa plan from 19 t5 to si to 49 years. Fifty FRed Yeateidny Fifty prospective settlers In Klem-1? ath county had filed their applica tions for water-rights on ,the Tula v Lake lands at the reclamation service offices up to last night. The settlers I ruch Is beglnnng to take form now. e File Incorporation Articles m The articles of Incorporation of the Chetsea Box Company were tiled to day with County Clerk DeLap. The Incorporators named are H. R. Dun lay. C. R, Browne aad H. C. Merry man. . Seeking Peace ..- ' , llple- matlo aad secret agencies hwera)! Swltserland. ' x r V ina- a aenarate neace throach .dlple- e.Mt V -7 -V fr II I 1 , -e nVm'FV&lL s tlona with Germany has "sreaM a dsplerabJe f4HWc;.MM was ' forme b4ee3nn? wonM'f ntT leseV. mhWy ill I HsU ftjkt I nctlon of thell w f A rr 8 M n !! 2f fc-V- n jTi 1 '&,-!?' fr' " 0 s .1 '! i.r . I I ' J,S' ftf