"y&RrW w . - :M- raVx-A I Sty? iEtumutn If tftaifc OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL ;IW1PAP1 OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY fiar 3T.&.... Is HI tsrt W n. YmiwXo, 0.8711 fit ''"'2225 ' J! Mien Sub-Boat Fires at United States Chaser KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, ltl7. t& i5! MIMMKrt CHANKR VAHDH W.W INDICATED f a rww tif 117 men, five gun am! three torpedo lubea. WASHINGTON, I). (J., April 17, The navy department announced to- day that (He attempt to torpedo Hie ata. u.lrulH ill Charleston New ...i...i. .1. uii. . . . - -- - - wmwimhhhv KiRRvr miun urcurrctl at m. 13 sjftrfcl Wimwe Kriwrt. rloresveal -V &! yet- 1'nltrd States Crvlscr Cs. lvf ur, Flag-hip Pntra, l"We. ' ' rw WH't l" I Mred In the Oer. IT MslutrtltuN War. 3:10 o'clock ihU morning. Thi amioiincfincnt aald: 'Tt Hmllli IkIumI Im enemy awb. Marine, Mlikli wa aperraty run. mlmtt Mbmercnl. Um torpedo lawirli. ml by the auhtmrln mlaretl the Hmltli but Ha wak ruulil be plainly seen cro-alng Hie boita of Hie Hmltli." gnuTltX. April lf The letted I This la the flrat aim fired H th MH rrul-r Cheater, lite fssgsmlp ierMn.AmriraH war awl la the al tfc Atlantic American patrol err.'"" ef"l " received by the .-i .i ..- Buwrnrnwil I bat a Gentian aubmar. lire, lrhr,l the Cliarieste, a., fa art tbU hH.mlan Um follow la mmw , ,,,, tlMmi u,,,,,,,, . Jb war, whl.it l.pr rOMiNsusner nan rr ihr first wi.nl of the submarine, Xo raited (mm the American anbasarlne aNROMNrrmmt Itaa Iwn marie of ilia thtrr Kmllli: l"J lake) in mart Hie iwnarf. it la imovti uiai nt, kuuinannn COUNCIL LAYS STRAHORN BID OVER ONE WEEK DOTY OBJECTS THAT DEPOSIT IB NOT WITH HID Afcliongh Included In tbe Call for llfda, Nothing In Ctwrtcr, ItcaolM Hon or Ordinances Itrqatrea De poall With lUda Hid Could Have IIcvn Arrrplrd WIUwiH Wadlac Uie City .Parcturat OrdlMace. They Say Canadian Wheat Is Worth Two Dollars a Bushel alia taiB alalu aakaaiaalaaa a am . rr la iHtTfrlMK uff Um riaat ItciMem At mi, lbtr.l an a aabart-r. UmU ny .,, AMlMry 1llr ,, M tttni n tinwdo whirl Ndaaad Ibc not kaown whbr Um aubmarine la MtkaalMwxillilrirFarda,aaarii RHIInk lla attppllea from a hlddeN rr K. wale. TIM. wake of lh lor- " " "PW,Jr rrt,,' from Urr It nmnr. Ida a I'lnluljr arN ctoaalag tbattb-a !.. aateaarlaa (Imm, nkw YoilK. April IT. It U be- HwaBiiarrd." llved that poajtlbly Ocrmany baa ob. 71m MroNtca haa rrraHHl a aaBtalned Information rourdlnK th da- Haa la naral and aklaplaa; rlrcte'parura of Ilalfnur, Jorfrc and Vlrlanl iIh AlUHtlac rwat. for America. Some official, think that Tar Hmltb la n UM" Haaa boai'thi, ciptalnn the prraence of the tub. ai aaa built la IWM. Ntie rarrtca marine In Ibe Atlantic. FLAGS IN CITY ASKED LOWERED COVMtXMKXT HrXlt'LATtONM HK. Hl'KHT Tt UK rtLMKH'KI IIV hUYtllt US I'lllUO HlILI)IMM A.M Itll.KH AT NKIHT It a recommended by Mnyor C. n CrUlcr ht nlalu, ifter council meet. K. Hint tlip American flma hinslng on flRRiinffH on or near public build la in this city Hlmiild be taken down I nliht nn.i not allowed to fly nil "'lM. a n number Imva been. 71m Km eminent baa laaued flag Kttliilom wiiicli it hat aiked to have wncicd nt u,s um,, MpecJally on fbllc bulldln(i. The regulaUona liven below? It iil.o auggeaied to the coun ' l"l nn impropriate daily cere mjr lo b followed In Klamath VnlU onld be to liavn a huUr uBd tit. t n Hnltnblo hour, both In the ceremonial observance of the national crlali and of Iho patrlotlam of Klam ath Valla.,, The ganeral fltg.reguhv tlona aaked to be followed by the United State government are a fol fel fol eow: Italae the (lag at aunrlre or after, never before. lAiwer the (lag at aunaet. When draping a (lag ngnluxt the aide of a room or building, place the blue field a I way to the north or et. Hunting ahould bo draped or hung with Iho red at the top, followed by the white and tho heraldic color of the fhg. It la a mark of dUreapect lo allow the flag to (ly throughout the night A (lag flown upttde down U a alg nal of dlatrca. POSTOFFICE IS BLOWN BY YE66S taOO IN CAHII AND OVER $1,000 IN HTAMIW HKCVKKD AT HKALDH UUBfl, OAK, AND IH, BEUEVKD ontlng .ml evening, forth. r.Wng " WOI,K OK ",IOK8 0 loWfrltiir III Ilia ttmmm ihl WWle building, flagpolta and In the HHALDSBURO, Cal April 17. H by those deilrlng to co-operate. ' Three men dynamited the poatoftlco A piaro HiiKKoited for the bugler' aafe here tbla morning, securing 1100 neinborof the council la en the Jin caali and more than M.000 In M i achool atopa, where the call.atampi. iM',""y be bri o6' ' Edward Winch, a local garage wfferent time, were mentioned for keeper, eurprlaed tho robber at work !"' crrc"'iy. but o'clock aoemed and wu bound, gagged and locked In the fnvorlle by the general con. a clcaet. ",u" ' opinion. A burglar'a kit and piece of wet J , 0",,,,,,l0 ' of the bugle call'carpet were left behind, a were ataq PTeslcd to acvernl of the council-1 many finger prlnla. The work, U bo- ""a. nilil llinv mi.b..hi.i. it., i, il.., .j in hi hann Ihn work of "', bc vrr patriotic ana pretty ' boboca. Kep orted in Zurich That Turkey and Bulgaria Sever h.!i.U!!,CI,, A',, IT It w reported aevored rclatlona with America, !!!g '"'t Turkey and Bulgarlg have T 1 i. i i ii The bid of Itobert E. Strahorn on the conatructlon cf the railroad from thl city to Dairy waa laid over one week by the city council lat night, hla bid waa tho only one received. Mr. Btrahorn'a bid waa 1300,000 (or the work, conatructlon to begin In thirty day from the signing of the contract and to be completed within ten monlba from the beginning of the work, to be completed and ready for operation at that time. Ccuncllman Doty Interposed tho objection that five per cent of be amount of the bid did not accompany the bid, a tho advertisement called for. On being referred to City At torney Oroesbeck be said that so far as be hsd been able to find, that white the police Judge has been ac customed to place deposit classes In calla for blda, there hi nothing In the charter or ordinances requiring that such be made. It waa further found that no such request had been Included lathe reso lution passed by the city council call ing for the bids on tho work and In asmuch as Mr. Strahorn had probably not seen the call for blda waa not aware of the fact that a portion of the construction cost waa desired by tho council, It was ald by Mr. Oroes beck. Councilman Doty maintained that It waa customary to require certified checks with bids always, but side stepped when It was mentioned that ho had taken a contract for moving tho city buildings without placing a dopostt. It was also stated by afr. Oroesbeck that other contracts have been let by tho city without requiring a deposit. Councilman Miller stated that the council could accept the bid at this time without binding Iself as It la nccosssry to sign the contract flrat and that a deposit could be asked of Mr. Strahorn for faithful perform' ance of contract and so allowing the Introduction of the necessary ordi nance one week earlier and avoid any unnccesasry dolsy. Councilman Sheets had already moved that the bid be taken under consideration for one week and when the question was put there were no negative votes cast. Mayor Crlsler announced that a special meeting can be called If Mr. Strahorn comes to Klamath Falls to hurry the procedure la the acceptance of the bid, signing of contract and other details. Council Matthewa aald that he will be out of the city until Thursday. The pavement cutting ordinance re quiring a permit from tho city or the city engineer In emergency, a cr tilled check of 1100 and the replac ing of the cut portion to conform to the surrounding pavement under sup ervision of the city engineer, was adopted by the council last night. The question of boles left In a lJLaTJmTHP anHKHanasalflmTH Z?. BRITISH CLOSE TO WPORIIIrlT POINTS ON LINE GERMAN COCirrER-ATTAClU ARE BLOODILY REPl'fuHED WILSON HOLDS BILL IS VITAL CONFERS WITH RtOTBUCANS' FOR BVPPORT OF IT 't It U Annoaarsrt an Harts that the FreSH-fa Wedsje at Coarry Is Ad- . traadac StesaWy- Frwarli Hope that Oeaaral Nlrrile's Offeaw4ve ta Betas Realised Voartha Are See to (he BaUleFrosH. Back rew: J. B, Mutssclman, Sas katchewan; F. J. Collycr. Manitoba; Peter Wright. Manitoba; C. W. Brown, Alberta, and R. M. Johnston, Saskatchewan. Second rew: J., L. Kooke, Sas- Fifth rew: Fred W. Riddell. Sas katcbewan; T. A. Crerar, Manitoba; H. W. Wood. Alberta, and R. Me Kensle, secretary of council. Front rew: J. A. Maharg. Sas katchewan; R. C. Headers, Maniteba: katchewan; E. 3. Fream, Alberta; (C. Rtce-Jouee, Alberta, and, Oeorge James Robinson,- asastcbewan; A. O. Hawkes. Saskatchewan, and W. D. Trego, Alberta. Third rew: Oeorge F. Chlpmaa. Manitoba; C. W. Odrncy, Ontario; John Morrison, Manitoba; John F. Reld, Manitoba, and R. J. Avlson, Manitoba. Fourth rew: J. 8. Wood, Manitoba; J. W. Kood, Alberta; John Kennedy, Manitoba, and Thomaa Sales, SaskaU eaewaa. Langley. Saskatchewan, No wonder wheat baa gone to ft on the Chicago market The Cana dian Council of Agriculture, a semi official body sppotnted to fix the prices at which the British govern ment would take over the whole Can adian crop, reached the decision that It should pay from SI. 50 to fS per bushel. Farmers of Canada will reap a rich-reward for their efforts if these .-.. -.., ,ry,.y.,f LONDON, April 17. It Is an nounced that the British have cap- Iiimcu ibumw uc i iniaiuuna aruuuu Epehy aad are advancing closer to Cambral and the St. Quentin line. while Lens, Laferr. St. Quentin, Cam bral and Laos are menaced. It Is snnounced, in. Paris that the German counter-attacks have been bloodily repnlaed by tbe allies and that the French wedge at Courcy is advancing steadllyy) The most sanguine French hope that General Nlvelii'a offensive Is be ing realised. Thousands of .French boys are being rushed to the front. Secretary Bafcer TrH the Mo s Cess aaJttee Hast AdasJsaWiwelea WiH Not Habwdt to Rejcctleai of the Bs. sella la of the BIH aaal TIssC Ne CoaaarosBlse WW Be Acceptable. liefHjbllciui CeaJhss Favors It. r -mt " i DELZELL WORKS HERE FOR NAVY PLACED IN CHARGE AND CAN FURNISH TRANSPORTATION TELLS OF CONDITIONS AT RE CRUITING STATIONS LAND SEEKERS ARRIVING HERE ROME, April I7.j-Tbe Italian ar Ullery ea'the Isonso front Is very ac tive aid It Is believed that IUly Is starting an offensive. WW it PORTLAND MAN "Mi' OFFERS 4 LOTS MAYOR CRISLER RECEIVES LET TER FROM PORTLAND MAN WHO OFFERS HIS LOTS IN THIS CITY FREE FOR PLANTING W. A. Delsell, poatmaater, returned last night from Portland, where he) visited the army and navy recruiting stations and assisted the large, num ber of Klamath boys In enlisting. Mr. Delsell now has charge of re cruiting for the navy here and will be aoio lo supply transportation to inoso i GOODLY NUMBER VISITED TITLE LAND TRACTS YESTERDAY. A letter has been received by Mayor ma.m more WILL COME AND c. B. Crlsler from Fletcher H. Goudy. UIKL' IrntVft 1' ru' "" ucputr cuucviur ui tuter- nai revenue in we unuea states treasury department, offering the use f Inla 1(1 11 It anri 13. In hlnck 1. t... ..i. ii . !.!- -- -- " " "" vym ro iri.iu in lnen-- .nrtlllnt. n.Klmlh Wall, for ., . I- !. -.J . limvvMH awvH w vwhwh . - . ' . . """""," "uu "" " "".use In raising of food products, .u. a ,au. uoiuro !im aata. H( offert tBe ,wd to aBy ,nd,T,d. ,.. Hr .c iu snsv nutl 0I. any aMoclatlon that will use It sm u ruui mauiuum ""jfor garden purposes uCl.u,,,B ir.. at tue .us., ooteia. M c ,t,e ,, workn. out dft. The Commercial club has a list of,UIj, for a "plan to utilise all spare piarea wnere rooms may oe securea ; ground In the city. Including City and is making arrangements for the park sites, to aid tbe movement to WASHINGTON. D. C, April 17. Seeking non-partisan support for the universal military training service bill on the basis of selective con- scrlpUon. President Wilson haa' In vited Mann and Lenroot, both Re publicans, to confer with bias. Secretary of War Baker told tbe bouse military committee today that the committee must reject all com promises and unswearvlngly favor the selective conscription plan. He In formed the committee that the ad ministration will yield the minor points, but not, the essentials. The president considers the amir bill vital. There la growing opposi tion to the conscription bill la the o house. ' f The senate Republican caucus ha decided to support the conscription -bill. The universal military training ser vice bill was Introduced by the presi dent, evidently after he haoSnade'a thorough atudyuaf Eagland'ameth ods1nMftg-h'er:ral.eTh" nn spent many monins raising tneir armies bytbe volunteer plan largely and then haid to; undo a great deal. of. tbe work because of the need of iho specialized labor In her factories, whose members bad volunteered., Men were taken out of tbe trenches aad put Into' the factories and others sent to fill their place, disrupting to a grest ezetent the army organUaioa up to that time: who pass the preliminary examina tion here to Portland for further. ex amining and enlistment. He suggests that boys, at outlying parts of the county desiring to enlist will communicate with bin first and bo may be able to arrange their trans portation to this city. He found Ralph Hum, of. the medi cal corps of tbe Third Oregon Natlouat Ouard, stationed at Vancouver, yaccl entertainment of those here as de-:B.Te the maximum amount of food aired. (products grown In the. United SUtea reraons wno vianea me tracts oi mis year on account 01 tne war. land Sunday report that a goodly number of people made the trip aad that track on the landa Indicate that many people have been over the landa In all manner of vehicles from horse back to automobiles. It Is possible to drive a machine over much of the land and the trip is miml ftt hla IaoIIi was takan tn finlam number of places In the ldewllt f Ju4 e 0 , ,. teeth the city, where the concrete baa been ,, ...1 .in ,.., J v;n-M... cut and replaced with boards, was ,,., Mur-1 of nm,.in.,? w,- . ,--. T. r WT-, naUng the hundred of 'recruits, and i net bad nt this time, one party ra the Klamath boys also., Harold .turning from Merrill in one hour and Feese. formerly of thla'elay and a ten minutes yesterday. member of the, Third Oregon band, In the, hospital corps when not on band duty, assisting Hum. A few of the Klamath recruits have not been passed, owing to defects us ually of tbe eyes, but one, Cyril Ben son, who failed to pass at first on ac nown Plane Flies Over Navy Yardb -i"'trtfti'Y'T'r !( . V .. ) T" V c sa?l. .", .f.,ow "& ''trtfjmwtkt rNaw Hagt&lrr woods, found Hi,,,,,, "" -T rwwwin ' ""' ",l Mornlmu Is rumored brought' up by Councilman Miller; It was suggested that action be taken sgalmt'tbe party so cutUng and lsav Ing the sidewalks and the authority of the city on this point waa also ques tioned, One opinion waa that the city had Jurisdiction over sis feat of side, walk while another wan-'tsjit' the property owners are responsible. " An ordinance was turned over ta the council and referred to the Judi ciary committee for perusal before be. lag Introduced, anplylag ta the pen. session and latportlag of llquers lata tho city. The ordinance Is a revtolda of the eta had last year and whie , , - ' Continued oa Page 4 HIGH WATER REPORTED AT SEVERAL POINTS The waters of Lost river, Clear lake and surrounding streams are high, ac cording to G. W, Humphries, of the United States Reclamation Service." who returned last night from an In spection trip In those regions. The damage so far has been slight FIRST AID CLASS BEING FORMED HERE A "First Aid" class haa been formed In this city and tbe first meeting will Ibe held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at tbe White Pelican hetel: Meetings will be held for Instruction In first aid work. Dr. George A. Cathey of this city has consented to give, a series of lec tures on first aid work, which series will probably consist of about eight lectures. The organisers of tbe class destre that all ladles of the city who desire to enter the class will attend tbe first meeting to be held Thursday and all are welcome. Pert Klamath People Here D. E. Noab. F. L. Bums, Mr. and ,Zh! !!!l.,,h.I,:,JlCC0Pd,,, Mr. Hunsplinea. IUiouli Mr,; wm. Crawford, C. v' Lobeley u.1 "m i "" "T. ".": "".' w i several bridges were taxen out as ii n s Hovt ea down veatarda tn,!!-i.adhIrtnT?asHM lwuIt of U,e bmk,M ot tl,e "" Vro Klamath on business .as. i VI down on 5 cariAt.Sv: th0 tw 6t U"U y'U"' are registered it the Hotel Hall. I Came dOWn On a Car .With twenty Tn. ,,.. w. ni.. hr aad a U..anaam-a-a-jn-a-aa-aBMB-s-aai I W n w waww I , - , memmmmimmaomtmmmfm-mtm i four going to San FraneJeea aad they are enjoying It Immensely." AsMaad State WUI Rw Cau.v B. Howard aad son, who nave operated the auto stage line be tweea, Aahlud and KhMsath Falls far the past two season;-advise that they win be on the jehiagaln this seaee witk; better 'aa4'kger equlp msat.' They plan to startaewit May 1 If the roans will permit! ' halt feet on the spillway at Clear lake, but It Is not expected to. reach the top ot the spillway.' -according 'to Mr. Humphries. . : ; Carload of MUchehM Arrive A'earload of 1917 modal Mitchell automobiles wu received .yesterday by the.CeatrsI, garage, the. Ucsl agenti. Bd Vaantoe haa purehaesd a sevea-paaeeager -Mitchell an4"W, H. A. Reuner a Mitchell Club roadster. GERMANY TREATS WITH NEUTRALS RUMORS IN DIPLOMATIC CIRCLES HEARD AT CHRISTIANA -THE STATEMENT, NOT EXPECTED TO VARY GREApC; By W. Gf SHEPMABD (United PKsa Staff Correapoadesa.) CHRISTIANA. April 17. It Is rumored In diplomatic circles here, that Germany will soon glv to all neutrals her statement of peace terms. The statement la not expected, to yield many concessions from the un official terms, previously announced. Scandinavia will be the center ? of Germany's peace efforts. American diplomats have) been formally ad vised that tbe kaiser Is backing the socialist movement. PENDLETON GUARDS CITY RESERVOIRS NOW PENDLETON, Ore;, April 17. The city's reservoirs are .under guard to day, following tho breaking of the' lock on the, door of the reservoir , building.. The city f authorities Jhave no ctue watca wouia'ieaa to taejee-. Meusameai.oi me ineniiy oi tae perv they are taking no chances '"X ' M - Senator Asks ? Forbiddiog 3 - -T2v-i sl t :. .&. r.Jsrl ' .'M T'eZLtiTZZZTZ3Zx3B7j&&t 4st. AWHfc ' - ' ft" "!.. I . . t. . . " J- -. ... -- i&-i.&-&z.. t:i. x r. WAIHINQTON. D. C.rAprH 17.- Senator, aermaa latreduced. afreet. lutlea lathe teaate today autnerlsla that the government make an agree., i-1 V separate reace gt Miisr'eeMuleftlii wtthr'Germsiiy.Si f 3mmmmW i "? smmmmm tVvi-H l v-JI 4 t- r I." v