m V Ijr ' S Uwnin$Mvm OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL .NEWIPAPM OF KLAMATH FALLS jytqjT ygs S3 laivnitli Vwir . IWTT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1917. m j-j t i lb 1 LORD BALFOUR ARRIVES HERE TODAY TO CONFER ntKMll COMMISSIONERS W1LI, arrive wkhxkhday Ml llnr4!n I Ulen Hi Allied RmrfMHilailtm llm for Confer- lUllour'. First IHtty I Arreag llrllUli NehJecte' Choir f Owartipt'" Hart) or Volunteer lever llir llrllMi Flag. WASHINGTON. I). C April 16. Lnri llalfour ha reached America an4 fill arrive hire tonight. The French commissioners are rx ssrlH In Wednesday and a reception lor lbm will b held at the Whlto Home Wednesday night. It h been authoritatively learned (bit (be flnt duly of llaltour will be l arrange that llrltlitt mibjrt In Amtrlra tc made subjects to can Krlpllun In America or give Idem th oixlon of volunteering for Ibe Brit lib arm. GOVERNOR SENDS INKS TO INDIANS AXHWKIIM AKIIUHMTH TELEGRAM HAVING UK HAN FORWARDED OFFER TO TMK ADJUTANT GEN- KRAI, AT POHTMND CIIILOQIIIN. April 18. The lot towlag Ipiut haa tieen rerelvod by Edward II, Ashurst, at Cblloquln. from tlotemor Jurat Wltbycombe, rtlstlvo io a telegram bo aent the lorernor regarding utlllalnjc many rkllltd horsemen and markamen wodk tlio Klamalb Indiana fur war mire by tlio United Hlalea. The letter U aa follewa: "Thin acknowledges with thanks your telegram dated April 7th In bleb you tell me of the patriotic de Ire of the Indiana of the Klamath Wbe to lend their service to the gov. rrament a soldiers fighting for the American flag. I have forwarded your mniago to the adjutant general l Portland, asking him to aeo to It tbtt opportunity la given for the ut. 'Winn or their sorvlres If eventa nie dcilrablo from Oregon. tfssssat.ss .Hll.lH..Ualnn. In eMsilraa tin Ihs 1HA (illO Unit. UltMVi VHUaIUf7UIlIWM- w " - "Please ronvuy to the Klamath In. "ni my hR, appreciation of their Piiriotiani nnd loyalty. LET CONTRACT The city council will let the con 't toulKht for the construction of Birahorn railroad from tbla city w Dairy nt 8 o'clock. Bids wero "ed for last Monday night. r. Btrnhorn'a bid haa been In the nds of city Attorney Groeabeck 'r ioriu time. ' loavea on Trip .... "' 8,n Mnng or thla city haa m lor Newport. Oro., for two weeks COUNCIL WILL -- Business trip. She la the pro- lied. w or of ti, Washington house In "Roosevelt'a Portland representa- lll c"y. 'tlvu haa a large corpa of atenographera John D. Breaks Feud of 17 Years With Dead Brother iS YOnK' ADr" D, vS7 Ihst ha wi.u ... .u. .. ril .i t, . " alien tne msfiiwn i"i"i Sat fi! ro,her I" Wrtler.fe ? Thu " luccumhedl at OlmlMe.'lTht eaase'of "inonncoment by Mr. Roeka- NAVAL RESERVIST RECRUITING FOR TEDDY'S LE6I0N lOO.Uttt MEN T UK RAISED KOIt ACTIVE SERVICE QUICKLY II. W. Martiall, Formerly of lite In. Ulan Mmlr, Briars frum Port land Work Willi Roosevelt's IStmnmI Friend In Portland Al. lied Officers to Drill lite Mm, the Off to Prance to Fight. To aaslst In railing 100,000 men for 'Teddy Itooeevrlt'a Legion to Franco" l the Job II. W. Marahall, former mechanical engineer In the United Slates Indian service and naval reservist with fourteen yeara' exper ience, took while n Portland laat week and la now back here to ralae men. Mr. Marshall was called In to re. port Io the commander of the Thir teenth naval district at I'ortland, but the rush of business al headquarera neccsilated his being placed on patrol duly at the Columbia rlver'a mouth, lilch he disliked. Upon Information that It would take some time Io se cure him a desirable location nearer arenee of action he caat about and got Into touch with a prominent Port land contractor and construction en gineer who ! a personal friend of Itoosevelt's and who la working In Oregon for the legion. Mr. Marahall In forme this Jean of his experience and was taken Into the confidence of the Portland represen tative who la working for Roosevelt. "Roosevelt I organising a faat aa possible to secure 100,000 men for hla force which are to be sent to Prance aa soon aa they can be se cured." aald Mr. Marahall. "Rooae- velt haa been In touch with President Wilson and has been assured, I am Informed, of support Io auch an ex tent that ho Is rushing hla orgaulta- tlon plans. 'There will be a full regiment of engineers and this Is being done by his Portland representative largely. In addition to these there will be car airy, Infantry, artillery and all the equipment necessary. The cavalry Is to be raised in the western elates. Including eastern Ore-j gon, but acceptable from any place hn The Infantry. It Is planned, will a ii a aiiataiin .r as. so ' " . " L",::: :"r"r .;",.' Willi UlHMlut lti sew... ..... ... The plan I. to auemble these , at New York or am. Miiaehw llltlnl VIUV .' "V,H I aa soon aa possible as they are se cured, from which point they will sail to France. They will leave here lightly officered and will be given adequate instruction and drill In France by French and Brltlah army officers. This will put mrm into shape to see active aervlce at the ear liest possible moment. "Roosevelt's Portland representa tive haa turned over to me blanka that he haa on hand and more are being prepared for the different brunches of the aervlce, which I will receive In the near future. I will recruit men for any braneh of tbla service they desire to enter. "Blens aro being taken now to se cure Uoneral Leonard Wood to direct thla division, and while many or nta frleuda have been wondering why he waa sent to tne souwieni " mand from the castorn department of the army may find a reasou wsra Teddy geta his dlvUlon fully organ- feller eada fsua that tag UiUd for tk. n..t aavamtaea rears betweta the two Brothers, durUi whlea Jlmt they laeaea to eaea, ?, their hatred was never secured largely from eastern m,.rray or navy ana navetneir inter- uTy achool. and the artillery largely 'T'i H,CT2 ;!!L ... ..1. i m. .. r,.i.r lnd Receiver R. R. Turner, located made known to the public. BRITISH BATTER AND NEW FRENCH ATTACK STARTED RELIEVED ClItKAT FRENCH OF PENSIVE If BEGUN French Drive About Nt. Ojieatla lf i rrrears lu Power and Fary Ptgnt- Ing HuNtli of the U, la Better. Terrific Amaulta Art) Made la Al- ace aail Lorraine ana New Wedge Forced Tfirongti On man Uae. IX)NDON. April !. The British forcea have battered their way to po sitions further surrounding Lena and have puahed a new wedge In Hlnden burg'a line to within one mile of the Cambral-8t. Quentln line. While aome army experts, allied and German, have claimed the Hln denburg line a phantom line effect on the German people, and otbera have declared that It cannot be broken, the allien have known that It haa existed In reality, and they further know that to secure the Important points In this line may vitally disrupt Ger many's plana. These points are being stormed unmercifully now. The allies have captured Vlltaret, near llarglcourt, and quantities of trench mortar, bombs, grenades and tools. Many Bavarian prisoners have also been taken. It la announced In Parla that vio lent artillery play Is being made along Hie entire French front. PAHI8, April 16. An official aa- nouncenient given out here today says that the Increase of the artillery work on the Champagne front Is believed to Indicate tho opening of a great French offensive, synchronising with the British drive. The newspapers bint that a big movement Is on. The French drive at 81. Quentln Is Increasing In power and the fighting aouth of Olse la more hitter, while terrific assaults are being made In Alsace and Lorraine. HOMKMTKADKK8 MAY FIGHT AND RETAIN RIGHTS ROBEBURO, Ore., April 16. Homestead entrymen who have not made proof of their cntrlea can en- Hat In any brunch of aervlce In the . . ..... the government land office, an nouneed. They Instruct all entrymen !, ll- MMIU !,. 1.. - -""",,:': "t. ....".ku tho land office to protect the entry- ii n aai itnmiipnwit eases -rw vsesaaeav men against contest or cancellation for failure to make proof. It la cus tomary for congress to protect home stead entrymen who absent them selves from their entries to serve their country In time of war. Recovering From Accident Ed. Burrls, who resides south of Malln, la reported aa recovering from a aerloua accident which oc curred to him a week ago Saturday when a tesm ran away with him. The wagon to which the team was at tached ran over him, broke a rib and otherwise badly Injuring him. Radio Licenses Suspended WASHINGTON, D. C, April 16. Secretary of the Navy Danlela has an nounced that all licenses for shore radio atatlona are suspended during the period of the war. , .. , . v . . . under hla employ and he plana to turn l?1' 5ve' 'h0!?,r.to V!?""'!!1 of' nee tor inig um.. "'; and will devote his entire tree to It. He la a personal friend of Mr, Roose velt and Is working directly wtla him." Mr, Marshall expects to return to the Agency tomorrow, but will keep In active touch with the situation, meanwhile securing appllcatoaa for placet In this division tad ready to leave when the details are arranged d the men secured. Mr. MeOulre. ef fort Ktiauta. who went to PortUad with Wr. Marahall to eallst. has returaed with hla aid will work ou the Agency, SENATE REPORT FAVORABLE TO BIG BOND BILL 7,exM,eoe,eet) dill expected TO PASS TOMORROW C'eaferrare Report Also Favors Glv Ian Preasdeat too.aao.eee for Defensive Paipseea Raising of Internal naveaaa Tax on Alcohol to 910 Per OaUoa, Except for Sac ramental aad Otker Care. WABHINGTON.-D. C. April 16 The senate finance committee report ed fatnrably today oa the $7,000,000 000 war bill and attached three miner amendments. Tho .bill Is expected to pasa tomorrow. The senate also uaanlmoualy adopt ed the coufereUce report on the ur gent deficiency bill, which gives the president $100,000,000 for defense purposes. Senator Kenyon Introduced in the aenate a bill for the raising of Inter nal revenues oa distilled liquor to 110 per gallon, except for sacramen tal and medicinal purposes. This la ten times the amount of the present tax. INDIAN LANDS ARE OFFERED JOR USE SPECIAL AGKXT ABBl'RY. IN CHARGE OF KLAMATH RKHKIU VATIO.N, AND K. K. McKKAN WILL ENTERTAIN LAND USES KLAMATH AOENCY. April 16. The following letter regarding avail able landa on the Klamath Indian res ervation haa been received by C. H. Aabury, special agent of the United 8tatee Indian aervlce, la charge of the Klamath reservation, from E. E. Mc- Kean, farmer at Modoc Point. The letter la aa follewa: "I am aware that many localities throughout our state are taking ac count of the possible resources at this time and that there la Included here in vacant land that can be used to In 'crease tho producta of the'eountry and I believe It proper that the public abould know that here on the Klam ath reservation we have many acres of good agricultural land now covered with sagebrush and unimproved that can be leased for a term of yeara for varloua Improvements. Moat of thla land la now Irrigable from the Modoc Point ditch. "I shall be pleased, aa will also Special Agent Aabury, now In charge of the Klamath reservation, to cor respond with or meet any men who want to lease land for Improvements, such aa clearing, plowing, fencing and leaving at the expiration of their lease In alfalfa, timothy, alalke or red clover. I shall deem It a favor If you make notice of thla in your paper." Former Nurse Dies la Duluth Word was received yesterday by A. J. Lyle, manager of the Black burn hospital of this city, of the death of hla niece. Mbw Florence Lyle, at the Two Harbors railroad bos. u , Du,th( M L WM , Klamath Falls during 1911 to 1S13 when the local hbspltal waa opened. assisting In starting the hospital. She wag 16 years old. No particulars were.hetrd, It not belag known by hsr uaelt here that the' wag 111. Nerrtiweatem BnBdlaa; Leased The former Northwestern news paper bulding ,1a this city haa been leased for .five years is the Howie garage of this city. The. building will be remodeled andjgrrgaged for a nropreor garage imsMaiaiety ey "- ' TTTTT TWT "Ml. Mr. nowie. Tne has been removed. The newspaper plant i "HAPPY FAMILY" WRITES THANKS ALL AT VAXCOCVKB BARRACK HAVK PASHKO LAST KXAMifA. TIONB AND TAKK.V TMK OATH. lKOPLK WHO KENT GIFTS VANCOUVER BARRACK8. April 14. (Editor Herald) We, the "hap py, family'' of eighteen, wish to ex press our hearty thanks to the peo ple of Klamath Falls, and, above all. to those girts whose wbole-bearted comradeship and generosity enables us not only to fully enjoy our trip, but also to go forward with a moral backing from them not easily to be forgotten. "We should also like to add that we are all in good spirits now, for we bare successfully paased the last ax a mlatlon and have taken the oatb. "Very alncercly, "THE BUNCH. "Per Wm. M. Weeks." The above letter haa been received by the Evening Herald from the eigh teen Flamath Falls and Klamath county boya who left here April 10th td Join the army forcea of the United 8tatea, which la printed with pleasure. The boys who left on that date were Albert W. Jones,, Louis Hoag land, Earl F. Hilton. Paul Hilton. Everett A. McCollum. Edgar J. Mc Collum, Ernest McCollum. Wade H. 8bort. Ben Mitchell. Gerald Sears, Robert Turner, Clarence B. Mont gomery. William Weeks, John Wln- esky, Joe Znmpfe. Bennett Zollmsn, Bcryle Rowla and -Fran H. Hlebbenaa. PEACE REPORTS - .i-.-4o- FILTERING OUT STATEMENT FROM AUSTRIA RE GARDS BASIS OF UNDERSTAND 1XG WITH RUSSIA IDENTICAL. GERMANY WANTS TO TALK AMSTERDAM. April 16. A semi- official Vienna statement says Aus tria regards that a baata of under standing with Russia Is easily pos sible to ettaln. It Is said that the view of the Ruaalan provisional gov ernment Is Identical with the view aud beliefs of Austrla'a first formal bid for peuce. COPKNHAOEN, April 16 The un official reports which stated that Ger man peare overtures have been made to America have been confirmed. It la aald that Berlin la still anx ious that Colonel House confer with German representatives at the Hague. The socialists are leading the move ment and the kaiser Is supporting It The terms have not been mentioned OU Load Fraada Heard NEW YORK, April 16. Teatl- mony was heard today In the govern ment suit to recover California oil landa valued at 195,000.000. It Is alleged that the companlea used "dummies" to secure SS.000 acres In the 8an Joaquin valley oil lands for a few thousand dollars. Frank Chap man paid L. P. McMurray of Pom ona $500 for the use of hla name as a -"dummy," it waa testified. Wives aad Widows Register TACOMA. WaBh., April 16. Fifty wlvea and widowa of men who fought In the civil war living at Ortlng have registered with the Women's Service League here.. They are eager to be of assistance to their country at the present crlais. Circus car Here The Al G. Barnes clrcua car arrived In the city laat night aad the clrcua employeea are putting up the bill board signs and notices about the city and In the country today, en ' Mere From Yreka E. J. McNulty and J, D. FalrchUd. an attorney, of Yreka, are la Klamath Falls today on business. DeiesN.Retaras W. A. Delsell. Matawiter. returned laat alght from rowans ana. u sa - ..-. V ..VI " ." I Hating aavy recruits today, 6R0WT -mn-vw H0FSU6AR BEETS L00MS1IP IN KLAMATH CO. KBKRLKIX WORK WITH COM PANY AND HAS INFORMATION tub-Idaho tJssjfcr Company Offers Per Tea for Saaar Beets Dr. Uvered F. O. B. Klaaaath Falls If SM .Arras er More Is Presently Signed Vp fey the Ranchers of Thai SeectlOB for TWa Year. The following correspondence be tween the Utah-Idaho Sugar Com pany at Oraata Pass and Charles W. Eberleln of this city will be of great and apecial Interest to the farmers and stockmen of this county. The following is a letter from Rest- 1 dent Maaager Alex Nibley, at Grants Pass, to Mr. Eberleln oa April 10: "I Just received a letter from the Southern Paclfla Company offering to give ua n rati of $1.60 per ton on beets from Kaamatb Falls to our refinery In G rants Pass, Oregon. "If von think .the farmers In your vicinity would bev willing to experi ment with beets; te the exteat of one hundred, two' hundred or more acres at S6 per ton f. eib. the cars, I will .. . '....t. .a k. won ufr eek and bring a field man there to li aad leave him e farmers in ra gard tortae tion of the soil, plaatlag of the beeta, etc. "We are paying 17 per ton tor beeta delrvwredat: IweIacteiy from Grants Pass district and $7 per ton In the Medford district, where the freight rate to from 45c to 60c per ton. We are willing to spend con siderable .monejA .experimenting In your valley, aad will pay. as stated above, the flat rate of 6 per ton for all acceptable beets loaded on the cars there." The following' telegram was sent by Mr. Eberleln 'to Mr. Nibley on April IS: "Your letter of 40th received. Be lieve required acreage planted to sugar beetg can bje secured for this year. Will take up with farmers sad advise soon as possible. Anti cipate only difficulty will be financ ing nnd providing labor. Please ad' vise whether your company will fur nish seed aad seeders: cost of seed (Continued on Page S) BRYAN FAVORS . POSHING WAR OFFERS HIMSELF TO .PRESIDENT FOR FIRING LINE OR ANY. WHERE ELSE HE IS WANTED IN CONFERENCE WITH WILSON WASHINGTON. D. C. April 16. William Jennings Bryan called at the White House today and told Presi dent Wilson that he "favors anything the government wanta In pushing the war to a quick and successful end." In a half hour conference he fur ther told the president that he la willing to serve on the firing line or anywhere else that be la wanted. Bryan beglna tonight a country wide apeaklng tour to urge war time prohibition, enllstmenta and united support of the people for the govern ment. He refused today io dlacuas peadtag congressional matters, and' aald: "What the government says Is- right, and I am for It." Bryan conferred today with a num. ber of government heads. Too Mac War .ALBANY. Ore., April 16. Ethel tuck. SI. who resell the war asws ahs could find, waa bommlMsd to the asylum hers. "Overworrlsd by the war." say the brstclaaa who exam- lined htr, - .: rrr UPON FARMERS DEPENDS WAR TO GREAT EXTENT, ME SAID PraMdeat Wilson Iswaee Personal As peal to Join Together as a Vast for PieeermUoa ef the NaHwaal Unit and for she Triasaaw ef De moowcy President Asks for Heats oa the Fames of the Cotustry. WASHINGTON, D. C Apffl IS. Presideat Watson issaed a .peiassml appeal last night to his rHew eeast tryrasea to Jean tasjether te aaake-tke aatloa a watt tor the prssetvatiea' ef Me ideab aad for the trlaaeps) ot 4 asocracr tbroagboat the werM. The sapnaac test of the aatJoa said the seasMeac. NW all apeaa-, act aad serve saw gether. We mast sapetjr nsaaw ssdpe aad we mast feed the aBJes as weal aa' oaraelvea. . -Upon the Aseerfcaa faraaeta am -a . large meaaaie rests the fate 4? Use war aad the fate of the aatlisss I, rail apoa the yoaag asea aad eld alike to'tara la hosts te the ssrsss. I ap peal to the farsaers of the soatli to phuat ahaadaat foods affs m weH aa cottoa." HOBBS VERDICT ' :l' is "not eomr A verdict of not guilty wag return ed by. the Jury In the Hobbs ease. which was beard in the circuit court for the second time during the past two week. The Jury was out but a few mlnutea lacking 14 hours, being sent to the Jury room late Saturday afternoon and reporting yesterday aft ernoon. A 1915 act passed by the state leg islature permits a Jury te, report on Sunder. The release of Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs todsy by Sheriff Humphrey leaves the county Jail with no Inhabltaata, the first time In a long time, according to. the sheriff. HOUSE TEST VOTE DEFlATS draft WASHINGTON. D. C, April 16. In a test vote today the bouse mili tary committee defeated the principal of selective draft for the new national army aa embodied In the general army ataff bill by a, vote of 9 to JS. One member did, not vote. Civic OoencaJttee Appointed The following women of tats city have been named on the committee of the Woman's Library Club to work with and co-operate with the Klamath Commercial Club in the civic beauty contest and garden work here this spring and summer; Mrs. 3, J. Stel ger, Mrs. Fred Mills and Mrs. E. M. Cbllcote. ss. t s ""' Gary Proposed Tax NEW YORK. April -16. ,Hi Gary, steel corporation president. meeting today, with his corporation directors. pioosed to thegovera- ruent thai n tnx on steel corporalons be made that will cost the steel cojb; peratloas'liaT.OOft, He .urgesy that air loyal citlreas aupport.tae ttaa , . aw f '-1 " a & PORTLAND, ny leswwf 'ins afae, tsswiv ewa .j . ..'.- -.. .jj. and commercial Vorgaal we- r , . -,, wet' - fc-Vr PRESIDENT ASKS YOUNG AID 010 FOR CO-OPERATION - u j.b5?,..j,jj ,.jk3 KV.tii'.SAI vW ?ifa4fi'g? , Or'. Aptu iifMftJStoT-; ;i.,.i..-.t"t,TO n W'SWRSrsii tAS a wn itpsi, ' resources of the Ry s ..aiULIB. IT- fXSt3fit! SJ j. I F.I -m x-Jyi I.T.. -Vl I .' -'iK . 1851 aS: itiVi j'-'V)5 M?H 'JSll?J5i ' ..T . J ?$& 4 -i-H'Ard