li; : - . p?SK1 ; , Oft lEinmhtn Hraid OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY i vrwj smsmsaamBBSssssssssssssssssssssssB OP KLAMATH FALL! - illlaJll'f" til fo ejtrrelH Year N. e?S KLAMATH PAUA OREGON, FWOAY, APRIL 13, lt!7. I), I CONGRESS URGED TO STOP ITS B066LING ii MSOKMT MOVE IX HtMTOHY IK PIT IIKPORK HOt'ftK fjsel Try to Ftht Sword Deal al Thirty Par,' Hays Hrniwaoalallvo Gardner. In Urate the lleeee Mi OH Roe a ( rfcdhf Hasina Use af the TrKgmp), the Taleolteea, awl lb l-Mpojr la Urged. eeOOO WABIIINOTON. April 11. The bourn agreed lo eloee I bo bond debate this afternoon earn the Republican talked (or two hour and the Democrat a ball hour longer. The vote la jpfepectrd to be lake at t o'clock t tomorrow. ) WABIIINOTON. D. C. April 13. DjSMtratlc Leader Kllcbln presented k war bond bill to tbe bouse tkla aeralsg and opened Ike debate, say b that "we are taking tke Ural Map In the biggest and moat somen lew move America ever undertook Tkla bill, Ike blggeet ever put brfore a lecUlnttr body, kaa Ike unanimous approval of the waya and means com ante Republicans nnd Democrata Me." asld Kltckla. Representative aardner, Republl fiea from MasMckuaetts, pleaded whs congress lo atop "boggling" and get down to bualnena on lk war mens! wee confronting ike conatry with the 1'alled Mutes In n stale or war. "Don try to fight a aword duel at thirty pares," said aardner, Chairman Adamsoa. of the house commerce committee, introduced n kll empowering tbe prealdent to aelie 1Kb railroads, telegraph and tele Hone line nnd giving tbe govern ment power to draft their employee lalo military service. The bill also provide for the en- Urging of the commerce) commission w eleven members In time of wnr. provides a penalty for Interfering with tee untied Mate malls or later-state roamereo In time of war. President Wilson hDnroves the bill Representative Carey Introduced a em providing that In Ike eaae of con mripilop Wall streetera and person ""rir employed In other elite. In. Hading, lawyers, bankers and other oa-producers to 'Ike navy, lo nnvy MHfns and lieutenants an needed -winer appealed lo Ike people to big crops. The debate og the war bonds I a " of preventing Wall atreet rom profiting excesetvsly. Henna Over to Vttseewt Jet " v Charles Basiling, arrested on a Jbsrgo of stealing a horn by United flea Marshal Jackson, and a fill J?"0 by tho name of Rodrlguea, ar 2m for bootlegging, were bound Jfw o the redera) grand jury by JwUd Btatea Cemmbmleeer Thomaa ! week, noth furnished ball and released, laelllag under ti.eoo. Jl the cases appearing before the Mjmluion were bound over' lo the "ral grand lurv. DEFENSIVE AREA IS PROCLAIMED BYPRES.WILSON i i MNIPM KNTKIIINU RESTRICTED ARF.A TU UK IDENTIFIED Are Include All Main Portion of the Atlantic nnd Pacific Ocean. nlf of Mcalew and Principal Hnr bora Tonnage of lit Seised Mlilpa Keen Two.Ttilrd of Tlic Hunk by Germany' Mnbtnarlnlng. "WETS" PLAN TO STOP PROHIBITION latrihci Universal Service BUb WASHINGTON, l. C April 13. Prealdent Wilson proclaimed today a defensive area" a round the chief part of the Atlantic and the Pacific ortaiiN, iq nulf of Mnlco and the principal harbor of tint United Slate. Klilp will only be able lo enter jllif area at certain time and only nflcr being fully Identified. Secretaries McAdoo and Rcdflcld dl.icusacd the selling of Herman ships fur the traut'Atlantlc service. The total tonnage of the hl clted so far I equal to two-third of the ton usgu HUbmarltud by Germany since February I. The war department ha ordered that recruit be accepted for the army with the "period of war" as the terms of enlistment. It ws also announced today by the department that two high Urltlah and French officer have been detailed for duty In tbl country to the United Slate war department to atrial In organtlng the American nero service. COMMITTEE OF .NATIONAL AttMO. CIATION PRESENTS PLANS TO PREVENT NATIONAL PHOHIRI. TION ni'RIXO TilK WAR WAHIII.NOTON, I). C, April 13. rearing that the war will bring on national prohibition n committee of the National btttlllere and Wholesale Mquor Dealer' Association today submitted n plan to the aennte agri cultural committee lo Us materials uikmI In making liquor. The committee declared that the lax will lower the production of alco holic beverage and will divert 15.- 000,000 bushel of grain and SO,. 000,000 gallon of molasses Into the country's food channels annually. K1VK RUtMATH IIOVN AIX'KITKD; CITV I'ltAIHKO 3T NEW MEMBERS JOIN W. R. C. MKKTIXa AT THK IIOTKIi IIALIj IROVm NICCrMM AND APTRR. OOX HPKXT IX niHCl'fHUXa PUNK OF THK COIIIH 1'OltTI.ANU. Ore., April 13. Navy recruits Montgomery, Jacoby. John son, McMillan and McKlmmona have been accepted. They were the 113d enlisting for tho week ending laat alght. Tbe army enlistment baa been over 300 for tbe aame time. Officer compliment Klamath county on her patriotism and her re cruila are making a fine ahowlag for both the artny and aavy. Marriage Lice e leaned A rosrrlage license waa Issued laat ! night by the county clerk to Charles F. Spelling and Victoria Clanton. deceive United Htnte Rates Thomaa J. Stile baa, received a patent from the United States for hta i SBSPefM t naaw &v. wmmm I kWlH WisL. I A 'fJsmnl. 'MSSJfJIm -iMaiiaaiif'ir-1-fTf . 13a"amnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnamVJlsjamB-aw1 Uff BsmnmrnnmnTT Viffi ??WiWB.vmtfw' iwmsa&jf 4f5agBT3SS'.y I MsamBsY i 1 1 1 I yJ .iaTagaaanw ffE--aVAb, mfssffsstaPft ssmnlnlnlnlnBmmT4 - I LdmKJ i M- -" U.S.R.S.PLACES ARMEO GUARDS I'KIIKHTRIAXH ARK WARNED NOT TO DMRNUARD COMMAND OF Ot'AIIDM AT IMPORTANT RKO LAMATION HKRVfCK FOINTM Stn.CHAMDEKLAIN ef Of. Htm- KAHN of Calif. top. CAIPWCLL o N.Y. Senator George; E. Chamberlain of Oregon, chairman of the Military Affalra committee of the upper houae. una Introduced kla, universal service bill there. It calla f or young men of to to S3 to form an army of from l.OOa.000 to 3,008,000. Tbe sal bill has been Introduced in the house by Representative Charlea P. Cald well of New York. Representative Julius Kanu of Baa Francisco baa In traduced la the house tke universal service bill drawn by .members of Armed guards have been placed on the important works of tbe Klamath Reclamation project by Manager Bend, of tbe. project, with orders to take no chances of allowing Injury being done to the dams, headgate a ud tunnel. Tbe action was taken on order received from headquarters at uenver. Guards ,bave been placed at the lieadgatee. the tunnel la Falrvlew ad dition, tbe Lost River dam aad Clear Lake dam. The local reclamation office today warned aay person from loitering or trespassing nt these places, aad es pecially after nightfall, aa the guards have been given orders to take ao chance. Any person commanded by one of there guards to "bait" and who does not do so is liable to be shot. G. J. Walton", local manager of the California. Oregon Power Company, aald today that his company has tak- en step to guard the company's property here, and particularly the water supply of tbe city, which he considers most vital. KLAMATH CLUB TAKE FJRST STEP INPREPAREONESS WILL MANDLK MtMSD FOTATOSM FOR FABBMKRat AT COST MANY SERVICE y MEN ARE TAKEN BY THE ALLIES M -Sa-'l K-f PRMOXKRS SAY OHRMANY CALLS NON-COMBATANTS TO FRONT ' j. WOpmnit of asm Hmtk AhtMdy Or dered, Dlrectcws Getog em PersoMl Note in rtrnt mam hi CsntpeJgai to lacranee Food Sapply b the Nntenmal Cnmpalgsj.. WW Comtlame Work IsMtefteitely. laud and baa filed it with the county and backed y tbe general ataff of tbe clerk. I United States army. Bulgarian Legation Says Peace Move Is Considered Thirty-one new members were se cured by the Woman's Relief Corps of thla city yesterday at the meeting held nt the Hotel Hall. The afternoon was apent In dli cussing ways and mean of keeping Klamath patriotism alive, in aaslst lug In tbe Red Croi work, and of allowing the Klamath boya who have already gone to tho front that tho Klamath Fall and Klumath county appreciates them. Sergeant Far, army recruiting of ficer stationed here, waa present and vpoko at the mooting on waya of showing the appreciation of the boya in tho aervlco and for the work done. A special Invitation to tbe patriotic lad lea of the city, nnd especially to the mothers of the boya who have joined tho war force, I extended to join tko Woman's Relief Corps In IU work. WASHINGTON. U. C April 13. The Bulgarian legation here admitted today that there la probably truth la the report that a peace move baa been started by German Central Powers. Member of the legation eipressed the belief that it la tho design of Ger many to ascertain what the terms the German Central Power would be forced to make by the Entente Allies. PARIS, April 13. It waa formal Iv announced that tbe French gov ernment commission which is going to America will arrive there April 16. Grand Jury Indicts Two For Mexican Activities mrfl. PA80, April lS,-Tbe Federal Schuster, both wealthy men, with "d Jury hers ladtetsd Vincent As- conspiring to ship munition to Mei eu, a eattlentan. aad imirf Im Both man have been arretted. , - w -" . - . - - CALIF0R1IACUARD SHOT FROM COVER t LABOR LEADKR LAWSON OOK8 BACK TO MINING COAL MKMUUir OK STATB GUARDING TUNNEL HIKRRAB HIT IN LaWftY ALIEN ENEMY, IT IH BELIVED DENVER, April IS John R uawaon, tne laoor leader wno was convicted of murder In connection with the Ludlow massacre, today gave up his place as ajeader, donned muyi1 overall, fixed a mlner'a laamp to his imp, uuumcrvu an iuoi ana weni IN THK down Into n little mine In the Fred- erlckcburg district to earn hla living once more digging coal. SNIIRNSHHIfllll lETms wxptcrmv 8AN FRANCI8CO. April U Mrs. Wallace C. Doremua faUUchot Jmr husband yesterday when he retnmed home unexpectedly. Mrs. Doremus and H. P. Agmar are uader arrest. She says she "shot her husband for burglar. Agmer admits friendly re lations with the woman aad said' that j her husband-came home, found him there, nnd tbe trouble started.. Mrs, Doremus committed tbe act after her husband had hit Agmer in the bead with a revolver butt. SAN FRANC18CO, April II. Men- Wild Scene In Chicago CHICAGO, April 13. Soaring prices yesterday on tho stock market caused wild scenes in the, wheat pit, sages received by the Western Pacific' railroad offlcera hero say that cor-lsn waeat rescued si.i per bushel poral Murphy, of the California mill-, and May wheat cloaed-nt $3.18. July tla, guarding a tunnel la tho Sierra i wheat rose to $1.89, while both corn Nevada' mountains, has been shot and oats ralaed three tlmea la the leg from ambush. Other of the guards are teekiag the assailant, who, It la believed, Is ... ..a n as "alien enemy." Fight Over D. A. R. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 13. Washington Is looking forward to a lltely party when tbe National So ciety Daughters of the American Rev. olutton gather here next Monday for the twenty-elxth annual congress. Four energetic candidates are la the race to succeed Mrs. William Cum wing Story, of New York; aa presi dent general. Mrs. George Taacker Guernsey, state regent of Kansas, ha n alight lead over her three op ponents In pledged votes. Rebuttal Testimony, Heard Rebuttal testimony was heard from 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and to day In the Hobbs case, the defease resting at that time. It will be con tinued today and there la hopes ths case will go to the jury tomorrow. VwRa Here From Wlecoaoin Mrs. Elisabeth Seng, another of Mrs: John Irwin of this city, is here from Wisconsin, visiting nt tke Mr; and Mrs. John Irwin, home. Fined .948 for BooUrgglnc Edward Kearns waa fined 140 and costs on a charge of bootlegging by Justice of the ePace Qowen yeater- Navy Sayg Sub Rumors on Coast Still Persist WASHINGTON, D. C. April 13. day. Kearns waa charged with seHTh navy department announced to- Ing alcohol. Ho plead, "not guilty." Ho is a logger, Ho paid his fine and costi, amounting to $63.90. New Hampshire Guardsmen . on Mysterious Plane PORTSMOUTH, N; Hr, April II,- tbs harbor this wonting... Ths aero ''"east luiriau. a aA-..- i-. .u uiu.U' h Maataaua river VS!!S"Fwo,k, && Bra sm m and :dlHPseard. It In got kaowa -"now aeropinje coming la from, whore t came from. e HOSPITAL SHIP SINKS '- ' 4 LONDON, April' IS. It wis e day that ths rumors of German aub marines on the Pacific ocean eoatlane to'peralst from various sourees, hat ao' far have not been verified. The cspt'nre of ths;aiualtlons ship by two United States torpedo boats this week, after they shelled' tke boat and It was beached, Is eyldeaee of the activities on thla eoast. ' A German raider hu been unoffi cially reported la the South Atwatle oeeaa. 1 t t Seven Twper Nea toascted NKW.YORK, ApHI 13.-Tse Fd- .oral grand Jury yesterday returned announced today .that tke Rrlt- e;lntetmenU against imf eg, aewa prlat e ish hospiursaiB gaita tiracg a tpapr maaufaeturerafor .sonaectlea w mine pni ia w.wun voesptraey u sweet. tne prices. .caaanel aad S3 perished. The e aioucbseter Castle, alee a has- pltsl ship, was aukatarUsd wtth- s) out waralag eg Marea 3. Tkers e 'a. 4 ftl'fm" MFelHSBS ' fmajtrlSvSa -- 'ii' vi., aniliiiwg ehirged win, asettlag their mS33Et were go eaaualtles, rt .eeatrymen M attack,heir employers ) e) e)'have keen arrested kere. ''' ' ,1-k ii ' 1 . ' t , Aswaswra Named i WASHINGTON, pic.,' April ll-r-The following atea'y'have' been ap pointed members of the Berkeley DM trtct Laad Bank appnlsers: W. N. Howard, Los Angeles: W. N. Halto ana, Willews: Oee, C..KrutBsr. RsksfsfteM; Idwla Ce, eGecge W. taw. Walter M. Wells, Saa rraasj. eor J.J. Fes. Napar Ar W.'Headrlek. J. Stsitoa, Falloa, Nevada, aad O. D. Acuff,' Phoeati, Aritpna. , , In making nrrangemenu to hip in event hundred sacks of seed poU toes ate reduced price for the far mers of Klamath county, the KUmath Commercial Club yesterday took IU first active atep'to' Increase tbe conn- try's food supply. Locating aa dportunltyy to se cure some exceptionally good'seed. at a figure lower the tke market price. tke directors of tke club hastily got together aad arranged to borrow money oa Uetriolnt personal note and ordered the'Votatoe. shipped at once. --A . They will be eMced.ln n warehouse here 'aad turned over Jo farmers nt their exact eeetr through the Com merdal, clnboffke. Bach farmer receiving poutoep;must sign nn agree- wnm io pwai fsesa ana not use them for eating nwrpsehs. Not more than twenty sacks eutf this constgament wiu no soig to aay one farmer. Tbe club, direeiers have ordered 300 sacks ecVpetaXee: coming ia tke first 'sklpment, consisting of fifty eeeheUf 4kM'Mn. ftrtr aaelm'et Karlr Ohio. ad!le0 seeks' or Blue centeaaiar potatoes.- - The CoBuaerclsi xlub will continue In this work- for the fnrsters. as they are needed, and will Juratadt the po- Uto eeeds to tbe:farsier at coat, the club maklag nonprofit on the pota toes. To aid the cause a local warehouse has cut Its regular rate- for handling such shipments la two for this pur pose, aad will continue to do so aa the club progresses with its work. . The club will, endeavor to secure all such seed atae most reasonable price poesiaie aad win aupply them to tne farmers. Farmers, desiring to take advaa tage of the club's work are asked to lesve their Hemes or write the club. It Is desired to handle the potatoes by club shipments to cut the cost down and to make the proposition worth while. A number of reouesta have already been received nnd others ore coming continually. This experiment was tried out this winter by Secretary Fleet in the handling of hay for the stockmen and farmer who were shy and It was found so successful that the direc tors decided to take up the potato problem, especially .on account of the wide campaign that U to be waged In the country, to Increase the food aup ply of the nation aa much aa Is pos-l- ,." Couaty Agricultural Ageat Glals yer will aaslst la the. work with tke club. British MMft Their Attack z Wide. Free NigM Attacks Are Feetare of Of feewli erroatth Tea AsbmbHHVbb', BeBBBjn Otnff Make Farther Meadwey. fi 5 "-'! r-a Krjy r Cajsf-1 LONDON, April 131 It Is aa- nounced today that the BrIUeh are shifting their attack towards Cass braj in the west nnd that "they- have captured 'many position over a wide ... front.' By eight attacks tke allies aave advanced from Hargteourt. to Mots en-Coutnre, taking Sart Farm, Goaehe Wood, Gouseaconrt Wood aad esseH. villages. ' ,r f. Trenches hare been captured at other polats. Many of the prieoaers taken are bendsmen. chaufeurs, teaaf- r,ers aad other service awe, tadleetlac thst the Germans are beiag reeted, precipltatedly, as those ,atsaf are usually in tne rear or tne: uevsnee;" v 'ress- . - ,.M"'f la aeed of maav. men and that ther ' ''VcJ are now calling the nonombetant branches Into the trenches. - -"&' "' T1i V--jh - Mm m- mk- 'iS-A of trenches south of St. Qaeatla. fcM T!l .Ml ssl ?il BBABBanaABSBaaa.lBf. aBaVaffaaVaV aaV'mYfl nia TiMd aHv'BBnBraalmH riaT.M HalAriiall I iftHtamtA &Jr,a& :xm -; mi i is mm m )? WORKOUTS WILL BE HELD AT- MODOC PARK NEXT SUNDAY IF WEATHER PERMITS, AND ALL INTERESTED ASKBB TO OOMK WAR DEPARTMENT CALLS OUT COAST ARTILLERY CORPS NEW YORK. April IS, It la an nounced here that the war depart ment haa called, out the Fifth, Eighth, thirteenth, Fourteenth. Fif teenth and Eighteenth companies of ths California Coast, artillery,, and also the First, company of the New Hampshire coast guard. They will probably be stationed at their, eoast forts. ft The first baseball turnout' tor the year wUI be held 8uaeey. provMiag the weather permlta and the grounds sre dry enough to allow-worn:. Manager Watt la aaaeaaclag the. call asks that nil lntereeted In 'trying: out for the team or want to get the' exercise are welcome to be preeeat. The players,, already la the ettyv .i to try out. Including Saedleraad Cook of tbe pltchlastSJtaff ; Clark, eateaer: , Bowdea, UlrdJheae. aad Crawford, outfield, will neon the job and keep,1' things moving. ''.j Manager Watt baa reeeived a. nam- , ber of offers for gamee4hlseeaon;t; '4 M - -A' Pry "r 1 i i..J. r iv. .... Bt-.'x rtffil DVIUU1US U UU1 '. ""'f. J"v',e.l4'.T Roundup committee ooaeerabig gaame there July 3. 4 and 5saa aleotrem ;7,s" the Arbuckle.1Canfornta,eBm.i1Thln -( team was defeated recently by a seere ", of 8 to 9 by the Orovtlle Trolley Lea . aue tee, mil mwm - j-,, In the box for the Trolley, leaguers, j .m ie iVfoM. Clelaes Are WmOed iK$& Is? -Jl The Womaa's Ubrary Club of this city, is desirous, of securing all lae'jf ,.$ old clothes possible. Thoy mar he- -left at the pubHe!llbraryo a-naoaa, van .u .w. . ... --. ... .'f - - v the ciun. nt v1 Austrian , High .Water Reported . , Xj od to' ba eBdanaerlna the bridge C, across Loot' river. 'Bear' the(Los River; V' 5 earn,- vitoea ana. sojiaaaf ;,, healed la, to, .:wMlM( saaaaaasaanmnmmaf w t. .. .,K""s jjf5ftfe jgC $ll$$& t?P1 aVafO',--a v aVV.1 - aaaBaaaaesiaaBBaveBmaaBa.BkaBBi aaaav maaiaaiBm. . n. v r .. 1TI iniSlrOaV OTTsSaaaSi fH - JtJ -, s. y-o i ci n v.1- v M-n..d?- a.' " a 3r j r i " ' '-.; j. - , ' Ui Ju u. lr ai k r- r .. ii , . n. -- rr ti.i.rt --;- . r. i H " VMt. ;; , 'aTaw-.' nji : rauivurrt ir Kin -iiadaii n-f -;. Mmmmp -, n.S."t .-5.fti?a2ffitK2.'i?!tS.'. &; ajtJWLaBaan,,4 wlrraasyHWr1e7PmfB WTjBBFmmBaBBea ar ;"1B mm jnt 'i i.. . . .viism RIO DB JANBIRO, April 11.-The Auetrlaa minister here has deauaeed that he be giyea , hla' nassnsrts. hllv.rnnaWeMleadesHthst all Iraslllaa Uye bea ordered to lter,sae g'caate" emsrYMlf ssnl ( 5rHWmSl r' northern. .HoMaa4:-:,ea?.- I threatened Beriaaa I nsaalisV 1 8 1 l 7 ".rwijv-:. . ,' -, -v Jr. wM' itn.8.' .