V.s& v ' ;j4 OFFICIAL NEW8PAPKR OF KLAMATH COUNTY r"T iTf-""" """ Mctentlt Year N H.JW4 GERMAN SUBS REPORTED ON PACIFIC PACIFIC COAST OF GERMAN SUBS ACTION TAKEN ON OltDEKH HUM WAMHIM.TON AN tW um faM ami l Mm Have llrra Warned TImtb U Danger Fmro Attach Are to Report lm amdialrly Any MMbttmrinm Kerti. fHiknrri Takm OvwrlaMil Thruugti Mexico. HAN FRANCISCO, .April 13. Act Ul an offlrUI order from Washing. Ion naval authorities here today noil. fed all shipping on the Varlflc coast to be on (be lookout for German mil), marine In I'aclle Ocean water. All vessels have, been told that latr l dancer from attack, and have km asked Id Immediately report to tki nearest radio station any sign or abmartnea. It I believed that German subma rlaea may have been brought "knock td down" arruM Mexico, being land ed on the Atlantic roast and taken ever land to the Pacific water. Tk source of the government' In formation a to the presence of th submarines lias not been announced. WASHINGTON, I. C, April 13. It Is Indicated here that Japan and America will co-operate to suppress flsrmany s submarines on the Tactile Otesn. WASHINGTON, U. C, April 13. The president today ordered that the invy department take over the con trol of certain vessels, coast stations and tku peisouuel of tho llRhthonse service. COLLEGE MEN AFTER RESERVES HAN FRANCISCO, April IS. That between sixty and a hundred applica tions for commissions In the officers reserve corps are being received dally at hcndqunrler waa the announce ment nude by Lieutenant O. II. Cal lum, An extra force of clerka Is be Ing kept busy constantly handling tho detail work or tho applications and forsurdlng them tu Washington. tape nations at headquarters urn lhat the resorvo officer training school be opened at tho Presidio bout May 1st, although uo official notification has been received. After three mouths or training In this school HiH officers will bo given com mission, and assigned to commands m tho American army of C00.000, wmch President Wilson plnns to raise, SHIPPIN6 WARNED Austria Presses Pope for Peace Move-Is Refused ROME, April 1 1. An authentic, re-. penn bolllgerents, Port from Vatican circles nay that 'It l aM that tho popo refuses to Austria Is pressing the popo to make consider the proposal on tho grounds ttoo for pence between the Euro-'of "diplomatic reason" Bulgaria Agents Trying To Make Separate Peace LONDON, April 13. An Exchange tuent nro ondeavorlng to make a sep T.i.. t arate peace with the entente alllas. eierraph dispatch stye, that repre- J.y ruora or peace moves are be entstlvs or the ulgarlaa govtr lI bard Irom various powers. "" "h - WMNMMMNMM MILITARY SERVICE BILL EXPECTED TO BE FOUGHT HARD .MITM OI'lltHITION H km;.m in 0..IIKHH TO PLAN MoUr In ionlipr 7,MMI,IMH,)KtO Ikmil lui TomortH Willi I Mule, t'ltllinltml, Um ,ii Adjournment I'ntll It PawMoi JaMn ami Amrr- Irn V.Openle on I'm trie. WASHINGTON. It V., April 12 A mtIoii fight an tint nrmy ronsrrlp. lion lnir la egpeeted to take place In runiirrss lirri Hie. itilmliilmrntlon bill coiuis mm 1'fei.liteut WIlKon liss tsk. en a solid stand for this feature of the bill, and ilcMren Hint It l pot Into furrr, Uimorrstlr Leader Kltilieu said to day that be has found a strong anil seiilmont towards the conscription bill. The houMi w connlder the 17,- OuO.ono.OOO bond Issue when It moots tomorrow after Us Mdjournaicnt, snld iKItrbln. He declared that the do- bato Mill be unlimited, but adjourn ment will not take. plsct4untll the bill passe, Representative Kinsrson plans to Intioduci' a bill authorising Theodora Itooscvelt'lo organise a force of 100,. 00n volunteer, which will bo called the "ltooeu'll Volunteers." It was nniioMucrd today that sopar nto conferences with th French and llrltlsh war commissions are plsnncd by AniirUu. MlnUtrr JimtUe Vlvanl mid General J off re. arc expected to represent Kranrr, and Lord lliilfotir. Kngtnml, for the conferences. Chairman Webb of tho house Judi ciary committee, will Introiluco a bill tomorrow permitting the entente to recruit their citizens rcsldlug In America for service ut home. The senate todii) continued the president's appointment on tliu tariff bureau board. VKEIEIE INVENTOR IS ON ilSinO AMERICA HAN KKANCI800. April 12. Man uel Nunes Is getting a chance to see what he quite Innocently started. Nunes, n Portuguese, .who for v,.r. imu llted In the Hawaiian Is- hints, was the Inventor of tho ukclele. From an obscure and struggling mu Hlclun, Nunes has. In a few years, leaped to fortuno and funic. He has arrived In Bun Fruncisco. and v. Ill travel about the united Htates to look over the uprond of the ukolelo and Hawaiian music crate. Home yenrs ago Nunes started maa i bniolea ns a substitute for the . t.u.lln.. Inulfiimntll. mill hi nnni.ni vinvuiinw, iiniimMvi... .. . i Invention was nt once adopted by the imil.un. Ip iEu ?nftu KLAMATH -JV',VMMVVJ. WWMMMWWWWWWWMMWWMWWWWWWWtftWywWWWWWMWWMWWWWWNMWWWWWWW WhatCanWomenDoinWar? Well- 4MKf m-rt77&yWmt!WUf9&tBM HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH .. V' 1 !. IS Y' .IBIk IBBIBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBSBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSr-T. ' -P-SE' yrJT S VZV . i j Z tMnsniWgl mi. BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHiJ SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSUiBlBBBBBBlt-V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! 'g-B-B-B-B-B-B-HHaBBBBH SB-B-B-B-B-B-tTB-H f ' ilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlpllTI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbS '' KgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBtl'Hl1! .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI I HHHiLiaHyiri aBBBBBBBBBVlt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT 5? ;a.B.......HIal'',aHHV 'afnBBBBBBBH IHKPfMllm IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl'aVljVr M gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHLVJklB.lffira -B-. jBBBBBBBBBBBS.? ff,-!?- " ') t tBBtMBBBBBBBBBT II ; afJ?W'nAUCE.WDWORTrr.!ljMl M- wseaiaag ja zt t .re,:-ffc-f-wtw This U what two of them arc learn Iuk to do. Helen Kgnn told tin nparU nieut lioine Undlord she know how to run nu elevator. Khe sold she would like to enlist In tho arm, but since the arm) would not hnvo her, shu wuulil lake the plncu of one of his clctnlnr Iiojk'wIio might o Into the iiriuy. And here slio Is at Work. Alice May Woodworth, a member L Commercial Club Gets More Data on Lands The following Information on the opening of the Tule Lake lands this mouth Iiuh been received by Secretary Fred Fleet of the Klamath Commer cial Club from Itcpiesentatlvo N. J. Blnuott of the Second Congressional dUtrlct of Oregon. Tho Information was supplied by Clay Tollman, recla mation commissioner, to Mr. 8lnnott, who forwarded It to the Commercial Club. Tho letter Ig as follews: "Koferrlng further to your per sonal call In connection with the open. lag of Tule I-nko lands in the Klam ath Irrigation project, Oregon-Cali fornia, and to our conversation of March 30th, I have the honor to ad iso you that the lands In question, embracing forty-two farm units, sev en of which are within T. 48 N., R. 5 B M. D. M California, and tho remulndor In Tps. 41 8., Re. 11 and 12 K., W, M Oregon, will become subject to entry at 9 o'clock a. ra on April 2S, 1917. "The public notice for the oponlng of theso lands will not require the prekouro of tho applicant for lands In Oregon at Lakovlew, tho proper local land oRIco, or for lands In California at Sacramento, the proper office for lands In that state, but will require him to examine the lands and to go to Klamath Falls, Oregon. Tho appli cations to enter, however, must be sworn to, as roqulrcd by law, within tho land district In which the lands applied for aro situated, honco the applications to enter California lands must bo sworn to over the line lu that stste, aud In tho Sacramento land district. "Each application must be accom panied by a certificate from the pro ject manager at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, showing tho filing by the appli cant of a water tight application in due form for the Irrigable arsa or the farm unit desired, and the pay ment or (he first Installment of the FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917. iJiusrujimgjewuiiKSTzxri ? ! -, , - -mrM"r,ynv-i-' of tho National Sclal Aid Society, Is here shown IcSrnlng the duties of u trsfflc policeman. She wilt soon bo ready to take tb place of one of thoio trafne'eorm who must stand tn the middle of the street all day warn jliiK drUers and motormon. Then lo Illccmen will be released for the more strenuous duties of a polite force In war time. water light charges In connection therewith. Homestead applications accompanied by such certificates may bo mailed by tho applicant to the piopor local land office. "The public notice provides that applications filed In person, by mall or otherwise, within a period of nine da prior to the date of opening, to. wit: on or after April 16, 1917, to und Including 9 o'clock a. m April 25, 1917, shall bo treated us simulta neously filed. Applications simul taneously filed will be disposed of as follews: ''(a) Where there Is no conflict, tho application will be allowed Irre spective of whether settlement Is al leged. "(b) In case of conflicting appli cations, and only ono of tho appli cants alleges prior settlement, his ap plication will be allowed, and tho oth ers rejected. "(c) If two or more conflicting applications, each containing allega tions of prior settloraent, are received, a hearing, restricted to those alleging such right, will bo ordered to dctor nil no the priority of right. "(d) Whero there are conflicting applications lu which no one or the several applicants claim prior settle ment, u drawing will be held to deter mine the person to whom the right of entry shall be awarded, "Tho provisions with respect to set tlement are probably largely Imma terial In this Instance, becauso as a rule no settlement could avail any thing uuless made prior to the with drawal, "The proeess or making entry for these farm units will be, therefore, as follews: (a) To personally examine the land; (b) Execute and swear to a proper homestead applicatien: (c) To deposit the amount or the first pay- Outlawed a Pag 4 Herald BRITISH CAPTORE MOREPOSITIONS; TAKE PRISONERS CANADIAN roRCKH TAKK HILK OF TfUJXCHKS AT VIMV RIDGK 'Monte Progress" Reported oh tkurp River Two More PostUoas Take on North Vlaiy nidge Violent Fighting Iadlcatos French Also Starting Drive. LONDON, April 12. The British forces advancing on North Vlmy Ridge, a long coveted and hard fought for position, have captured two more positions, and many more prisoners. "Some progress' Is reported on the Ccarpe River. Canadian forces took one mile of trenches at South Vlmy Ridge. Violent fighting Indicates that pos sibly the French are starting a drive, it is reported from tne rrencn rroat The French are advancing south vast of Coucy forest. COMMERCIAL CLUB ENDORSES WILSON ItKSOLtTIOXH DRAWN BY SEC. RKTARY FLKKT ARE WIRED TO WASHINGTON IN SUPPORT OF THE PRESIDENT IN CRISIS The following resolutions have been drawn up by Secretary Fred Fleet of the Klamath Commercial club and wired to the President of the United States, as a result of ac tion taken at the club's board or di rectors' meeting held Tuesday night. The resolutions are as follews: "To the President of the United States. Washington, D. C: "The Klamath Commercial Club, devoted to American Ideals or Justice, Liberty and Humanity, organised to promote progress among American people, appreciates the great efforts made by the government to maintain peace with the world powers up to the present time. This body believes that the bounds of human endurance hare at last been reached, and heartily en dorses the action of our executive in the step Just taken with Germany. It pledges absolute and unconditional loalty to the government of the United States- and support In pro toctlns rights against unlawful vio lence and In defence or the nation. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL CLUB." FLY FLAG BY DAY; RAISE AT SUNRISE 1X1WER AT SUNSET U you are not up In the flag etiquette, here aro the rules: Raise the flag at sunrise or after, never before. Lower the flag at sunset. When draping a flag against tho side of a room or building, place the blue Held always to the north or east. Bunting should be draped or hung with the red at the top, followed by the white and the blue In accordance with the her aldic colors of the flag. It la a mark or disrespect to allow the flag to fly throughout the night., A flag flown upside, down Is a signal or distress. . A PliAG IN EVKRV HOMK "I hereby urgu that every loyal cltlsen or Klamath Falls place on his residence an Amer- lean flag In honor and respect to the national government and spirit "It would also be well for i all business houses and build- tags be draped with the Amer- lean flag. 4 "The nation Is raclug a great crisis, perhaps Its greatest, and It Is befitting and proper that the people of Klamath Palls show their respect and loyalty now and uphold the reputation and honor they have In the past so well given evidence or. "Our country Is at war with a foreign land, and the gravity 4 of the situation cannot be em- pbasized too much. It is but a mark of loyalty and an out- ward expression or the feeling that I believe all residents of this city cannot help but reel at this time. "C, B. CRI8LER, Mayor. 1 KLAMATH GIRL MARRIED QUIETLY Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cuslck arrived In the HtfUst' night and informed their many friends that they were liM,te,MW0!JI5!LdayB ago. " Mrs. Cuslek w formerly. Mtss Ida Thomas of this- city, and la well and popularly known to local society and business people. 8he was formerly employed by the Baldwin Hardware store, and has more recently acted as stenographer and clerk for local pro fessional men. Mr. Cuslck Is a traveling salesman for a Portland Arm. He is now on the road, but expects to be located permanently next fall. Although the many friends of the couple in this city knew of their plans to be married, they were not in formed that It waa to take place, or that It had. until they returned last night. Mrs. Cuslck had ostensibly left the city for a visit In the country, wag the word left her friends. English-Spanish Indicated In BUENOS AIRES, April 12. Dis patches received here from Madrid say that the British minister to Spain has been taken to the frontier on a special train. This action Indicates that a serious Brazil-Austrian I Expected Momentarily RIO JANEIRO, April 12. It Is re ported here that a number of citi zens were killed at Sao Paulo wheu many homes or Germans were at tacked. Reported Germany Makes Peace Overtures to U' S. COPENHAGEN, April 12 Appar ently positive reports received here say that Germany ia making separate peace overtures to America. It Is declared that unofficial Ger man representatives have discussed the matter with the American state department and suggested that Col onel House be sent to Berlin for an "unofficial conference." WASHINGTON, D. C, April IS. .., R- f OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH FALLS 750 SHIPS ARE TO BE BUILT AT COASTSHIPYARDS 3,eoe to ve built to CAMir FOOD TO ALLIES Each Vessel to Be a, Toms 1.4SM ' to Be Completed This Year WW Form Virtual Bridge Acres tarn Atlantic jlscMc Const SMpyarsb Already Organised. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 12. The government shipping board ha announced that work will start iause diately on the construction of n Met Ojof 3.000 wooden vessels of 3,9 Una each. They are to be used to anpptr the entente allies with food. One thousand of the ahlpa arc to be built the first year, and it la planned to onerate them ao as to form a vir- '4.1 tual bridge across the Atlantic Ocean with a ship every three miles'. During' the second year J.990 ad ditlonal ship wilt be ballt and wand i In the same manner. " Seventy-live per cent of tae'flrst ' 1,000 ships are to be built on the Pa cl'eostt PortUad.-BanrtaelBee-and Seattle, shipbuilding yards. " - The yards bave already .nsaavor- ganlxed by government agents, and will press every available means to rush the ships to completien: ' Accidental Explosion KfJta, PHILADELPHIA. April 12. In an accidental exolosion at the Frank- i fort arsenal, one man waa killed and m another seriously Injured. .. Guard Recruiting Contteaes WASHINGTON, D.C. AprlM- Tne war department announced to day that the recruiting or all national guards will be continued UBtU'the companies reach 100 In strength. Break crisis has arisen In that country be tween the Spanish government and England's representative. The dispatches state that Spanish officials have charged the Britlsa rep resentative with inciting a revolt la Spain. Break The police reserves were called out to squelch the uprising. Feeling runs high hero against the Germans. A break between Braxll and Aus tria m expected momentarily. Pnlnl Mnnio ilsclared today that l doesnotknowolanynetoletare. y porta from Copenhagen,. j f ,tWMW www , 1 '. -afttv1 WASHINGTON. D. C APrtl, II., liS I t . .. - .7 1 nk. -.. .nntl.tlMnmt-nfnMiai.aa IHIT that no peace overture byt Im rs-1 celved from aerewu VSj b u.. bibbb ,jmnn .m.n.i ..... w w-vw t.u thee aqe nB.gyTBSZ not ready for pone vmwdt.m'l fid not ready Tor pease ittrmmsw statement Inferred prt,tft;a4wt$f, ralon la alttilnWM&fc JfyL .ri.WSJ peace, J TSft-''lr',tV u j.v,.