, 1 mm 1 .- Wqp iEmmmn Iferali. OpriCIAk NBW1PAP1K 0P KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAP1K OP KLAMATH PALLS C math Vmr-XB, . KLAMATH FALLS, OM5GON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1017. j ?a ' n- STEED-UPORDERS tnEN mi u. s. IRANGHES TODAY gTUHXJi nr nwe vhnmkia lt.ss ih niMi'LKTHn rmattlne uf TImkmmmI of Idao Acre (toflrtrtlKMiiN Ubor May Not g, fWrrli'icol How AdJonriM rajM Xrl I'rMay, IhsafMn tho jMl f llair la Htmm Vary Im I Malim, WAIHINOTON. D. C, April II. ' natt-tp orders were given to all dtv sutaxaU or tht government today. Tkt yrniuvni aao tno aaippiag tors' tare completed plana for lite imtncHon r looo vtaetla to carry HKNm to llu- entente alike. Tat Mrnf council baa plana laid br lit HtlllMilon of thoueauda of trm af Ml land la tola country to tentM the food supply. TttarwIilc'tii'flUeuaaed today wltk atnWra of congress tat mobolUatloa attara kbor and a proposal waa la traisnd In tbe house exempting fam Mar fro cmiwrlptlon. ftttkfont Wilton spent an hour Ah ernlni urging oa Democratic Inatr Kllcbln and Sptakar Clark ' ft temtlty to baaien action oa tho tar aMeturet, but tka houae of rep rtatatUrta adjouratd aatll Friday ttttat taking any actio, t TVt aavy department optatd klda ttk atralng lor 31 auknarlata. Ttt houae naval conailttM report 4 hwerably on a bill authorising tka NwMtal lo rommaadttr all aklpa In da tf war. At a Mtrct wlon of railroad of. Utah and the Council of Defeuao slay, arrangrmentt for tka rapid tnai-trtatlon of food, aiuaUlona aad una tre romiiltttd. Xsval Korraa Mobollaart IAN ritANCIBCO. April 11. It u wnnunc'il here today tkat the Mtollulloii of Hit; naval force, In (Ming (he imtal mllltla, for tkla jatrlct ban boon completed. ARMOR PLANT TO BE LOCATED AT CHARLESTOWH KKvVl: IAKHKM I'lO AHMV A!'. PKOPIIIATIOM 1111,1, ItMla Were IImii1I ihi Favorably, (IIvIhk ONigriMwen llm Itlglit lo Appoint AiMIUonel Mrn o ,u. napotla anil lUKIiia llin Age Mnill on Naval llex'rvnt In Hie Country In fifty Year. WASHINGTON, l. C, April II. Tlte navy department auiimmrrd tr. day that a new gownnicnt artiuir plant will be liH-ainl at Cliarleiitown, Wrat Virginia. The trnate patned tlir army appro. prlallon bill carrying fJTN.uoo.ono for the iiialiitt'iianrn of lw rogular a i my. Itllla were reported mi favorably In Ihi senate giving rongrt-Mtnicn addi tional appolulmenla to AnnapolU and ralalag Ibo age limit of officers In lli naval reaerve la SO roam, A resolution auihorlilug tlin presl. deut to rail far I.OOO.ooo volunteer waa Introducrd In the senate. teir Two Victim oftheAzUc Sinking, Thei Wivet, and Naval Gunners JWkt Survived t .VYOMKK CALL FOR PATIIIOTft EVIDENCE FOUND ON BIG EXPLOSION a. arf I' VwHeHaaHr ' '.lalalalalalalHi I' JBC' a. bbbbbbV E bbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbH laaaaaaaaEaaK aV k aBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! BBBBBbV .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIV A 'iPBBBH miSMrkWWWm nmmWWWWWWmEwmax 1MH aWWWW&kWWWimm WwfFncwnwL KmWnmmWkW mk b. 9Ha BMia MMfltrJ fJB .- &1 HH JJV .aBBBBBBTBi BeBBBBBBBBBBBBah;x-BeBBa- Bl BBMBBJ ' BBBBVaBSBBBSaaVl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWfv4''.JBBBBBT';'.iBm. V jBBbSbK BBBBBBBr.Vre9Sll( BBBBBBBBBBBSaBBfiaBBBBBBBBBBBaViHaBT BBBBBBBBBllKaBBBBWl EBBBBBBKSpaBBBBBBBBBBTllBBBBBB JBBBBBVaTKBBBBBBBftal Ci5KX7JTF J .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBl W BBTli.jBBk.-f'P t Vy 1BBW2I 'BBBBBBBBBBBBbS BBBBBaijMhV AprfflBBBB BH"fBLKt.JEHH LbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI 3tMlBBBBBB tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVW iSP1?5aaaaaaWiaaaaaa! mm LW m mLLaimTW m$J9m&mmmmlmmlmwi WaW at-VkaaBM B..al'iaaaaaaaaaaaaailK-r 'fl P3bBBBBbKBBBBBBbHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBTlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'jH Ml BBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa JpHgeeaVafafataBfJafaS. aJaaiiliiliaaaaaaaaaaaaBaiBaM A aueclal call la laiued to all , patriotic women wbo wlab to e , unite with the Woman'a Kallaf e corpe, an auxiliary or toe oraaa Army of the Republic, to meet wltk tbe president. Mrs. Z. C, Kimball, and a committee com- posed of Mrs. Paul Bogardua, e Mrs. Carey Ramsby and Mrs. e Edward Martin, Thursday after- noon at tbe Hotel Hall, between e the hours of 3 and S v, m. Tbe Corp will tend various tokens e) of appreciation o our boya who have left for war and will work with the Red Cross when It la organised. Come ojr and let us ln what we can for our bora at the front and take a patriotic , stand at borne. COMMERCIAL CLOD LEADER KITCHEN PLANS FOR JULY 4TH CELEBRATION INTRODUCES BILL' FORFIVEBILLIONS WILL OCMJPERATK WITH BC8I- $3,660,060,060 TO BUY K5TENTK XKM MK.VH AtMX. Board THIRTEEN MEN LEFT HERE TODAY M.NK GO TO XAVY AND FOt'K TO ARMY, ACCOMPAMKD BY POST. MA8TKR UKLZELL, WHO WILL HANDLE WORK ON RETURN tlie Paaaea Motloa lo Hmd Preel Wlleeaj ReaolMtioa of Hwp at Tkle Ttae Will Knrowr larraaee I Food Kapply for Natlew, CHy BeaMlifHl Con- teat aad OardVaiag. Plana were made last night by tbe board of director of tbe Klamath HOXDH Bend lo Bear Three) aad Half Par Cm latere WIN Be NoM ky Public HabarriiKlo) at Par 99, 060,606 to Be I'aed to Rsdtsaa the 1068 Loan Expected the Meawra Will Pas This Weak. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11. House Democratic Leader Kltckla la- Commercial Club for a Fourth of troduced a war bond bill today for Jnlv rlbrallon minmlKra whlrti an Isaiin of boada aad (-- .--.-..- , -- . . wll work with a committee from the for tbe Issue of $2,000,000,000 treat- HWMRni flWi AMUUAllUUt -HlbR ..Ulj m; .vwt.v, " ... wwbh.- I .vaAa.a a.a.lrl w9 tm IMIM mttA .. w . m ... I. J. Ander-Ion tier way from New York to Havre. Chas. Krlck- among thoeo Americaas who lost Upper I'hotograph on and widow; lower ( nml ldow. Naval gunners, read-.tbolr lives were Ingelf J." Anderson otj ' Ing ncrona and down Samuel E. Is-'llrooklyn. first mate. The photograph J n,ne 1- ibt rncl, Wllllnm F. Romlnger, Jamea A. here shows blra and bla widow, Thirteen more recruits left Klam ath Falls this morning for tbe army aud navy, four going to tke army and TRENTON. N. J.. April II. Mrs Aunle Keating today gave the. Fed eral authorities Information which Is expected lo lead lo the unraveling of Iba Kddyalone explosion mystery of yetferday. On March H she aw a man drop a letter In the Broad street railroad station and picked It up. The letter said: "Al ready lo blow up Eddy stone. Send help." Maps of the league Inland nay yard were with tbe letter. It nn addressed to N. K. Immediate ar rests are expected. The Illevlns, Johoph A. Rucker, Clarence engineer, Charlea Erlckson, also of jV, Whitney. Thomas E. Dillon, Will- Brooklyn, was among those lost, and mm ii. uouRias, Auoipn iienancason, iuis picture snows aim ana nig wia Joliii I. EoM)lurcl, Jacob J. Hillflcker.'ow. Every one of the twelve Amerl Clarcnce II. Kelly and Joseph Kle- can gunners, wbo did not have a wlnnky. chance to try their akllljajialnst tbe When a German submarine sank j submarine because ake attacked In the armed American freighter Attecthe dark escaped without Injury. Conservation Applied to CHy of Klamath Falls Argentine Says U. S. Just. But Proclaims Neutrality IIUKNOS AYRE8, April 11. The Is neutral. Argentine gocrnmcnt has officially, Argentine boa been threatened with announced that she "recognises the a coal embargo from the United Jtutlce" of America's r on Qer- 8tntes unless she raises her wheat niuuy, but proclaims that the country embargo on tbe allies. (AaaddrcN. U, . i, urags, of Umi groat change. county lllliaj Hrliwel, before s Vemaii'a Mbrary Claw.) I ttiicrkiand It, the subject for lon Is Conservation, and 1 have kMhe liberty to construe It aa l Hid keeping and preserving eMutlca of our city for future ("nilons. Wo have the natural "Wag fur n very beautiful city, but "" bo 'liancad wltk caraful .Mtiougbifui plautlag of shrubbery "J ornamentals in order to make "" Hy beautiful. the lack of trees gad akruk. ny that I first noticed on eomlaa The men leaving were: Navy Roy R. Lewis. Chester Rouse, Karley Johnson, Will McMillan, Thomas Judy, Otis L. Jacoby, Walter E. Boyd, atou, Ted R. Montgomery and Cyril W. Benson; army W, O, Millar, Carl C. Crouse, E. F. 8elby and Elmer Lawrence. tended the meeting, and also an out- aldo committee to be appointed. Tka chamber committee will be ap pointed by President Siemens of tbe club. mous approval cf Che waya means committee. The bonds will bear 3 per cent Intereat and will be offered to public subscription at par. Three atillleBa The Commercial Club will actively , of them will be used to buy boada of take up tbe appeal .to increase tke tke entente countries. Tbe Mil atoo food aupply of tke country and wllljautborUea that a sum of 93,000,000 encourage tbe planting of potatoes, to redeem tke loan of 1001. tkla year for which i big demand Is; It Is believed the nuaaure will expected. It la planned for the far- past before the end of the weak. Tke mere to club together to secure seed. J provisions will make tbe total later laterested tamers are asked to leave, est-bearing debt, exclusive of loans their names at tke dab rooms. to the alllea, 3.445;000,00O. A cHy beautiful eonjteet will be held again tkla year.WlAgt, aad tbe club tplana to co-operate wRb tbe Woman's! uorary uiue. 'iae 'ciud win aiao WILLOW VALLEY BAM BELIEVED COLLAP8ICD Uke up In connection wltk tbia the a report received In. this city tkat encouraging of tka planting of many tbe willow Valley dam. at tke hand gardens la tbe city this spring. I0l LanaaU valley, baa gone out with 7ntghwK?n5eTfev The. directors "alio aeda-metiowtgh" the This makes a total of 38 altogether from this city In the past week or ten f, drafting tbe resolution. days. Postmaster Dclsell left this morn ing for Portland with the recruits on Instructions and is expected to re- tbat tbe Commercial club draft a ree-imUBUUlon;off,cl. lt wa, ., earthen olntlon supportlag President Wilson !work(i uged t0 atore' water for S00O at this time of strife which will baaeret ot jln(i. -. aM, a QTMhlHvtAti mmrtmrv HlAr I K W.fcWM. w... .wv German. Red Crosa Seised CHICAGO. April 11. A doxen ar- a .. .tlJ AIk. atailr a trawsvar niin iuuuwtTU LUJ wuig ui avast,- eclve orders and instruction to take' t ,erylfe ,fenU nere a the books care of the recruiting work here after of tne German Red Cross have been his return. scixed and also of tbe German Relief Many navy and army recruiting of-. Society. Federal reports Indicate that fleers are being called back to their, tbe relief funds have been used In stations to go to sea. all ships at violation of tbe neutrality Bremerton to leave next week. I United States. ot the t.... -- hvuioh us comma " to mo tiian to m0at people bf kuL bad hion In charge of tbe r"le work tit OranU Faaa for l1 1'iovlously, Tit power of beauty la contagious m. u " n fow Indlvldngla of Etpee Offers Its Entire System SAN KllANCISCO, April 11. The ucatfin tkiinrtment of tho United Steles ui my Ins announced that tho .. . . ..... luuiithcrn Pacific has placed Its en- real change, it nas ueen mn vup-( - - - to- to hale a clean-up day c.c.M - syMem nd ., n U m.- aprlng. Too much stress cannot bo," " -..- .-. .. Sit on this .. U is tho first step t Wtnllcn punnm.. beautifying the city, lt not omy gvisj rid of the accumulation oi uu u but by an doing one notices how great an Improvement has been accoin- Uruguay Neutral; Endorses Wilson's Universal Stand MONTEVIDEO, April 11. Uru- guay has proclaimed her neutrality In the state of war existing between the United 8tntcs and Germany, but Reported high water InLoat river Is also believed to exiat, probably aa a result of this break. H. W. Hum phries of tbe service leavea tomorrow for Clear lake to investigate conditions. Returns From California -.. Paul Johnson, of this city, baa re turned from California, where be ac companied the Business Men'a Asso ciation committee on tbe terminal fund trip. " , Balfour Comes to America Soon on "Special MiM.on" LONDON. Anrll 11. It Is offi cially announced that Foreign Secre- hcr officials endorse the nrlnclnles . - - I Inlil .Inivii In PrnlilAnl Vllanna war , mccsoge which apply to the world ,tary Balfour la going to leave aoon and state the only conditions on which International peace can rest. pllshed with but slight labor, uud whan nun arts hold of 0 rake or llOO In tho spring It so gels In tho blood that other Improvements are sure to fallow, for the very next step after the tin cana aud rubbish have been cleared from tho yard la to make of that Place n garden or lawn. tv. nr ha west like to be original In all things, but being comparative ly young In bringing tbe innci unuer ih tilow we must accept somo of Urn teachings of the east, and then exert the wealern energy lo bring tuene Ideas to rapid fulfillment. Bo It Is that to far aa our civic improvement Spanish Steamer Subbed ' Without Warning; All Safe PARIS, April 11. Members of tuo crow of the Spanish steamer San Ful- gencla, reaching here today, say that their ship was submarined without warning on the high sens. All en board took to the lifeboats and were aafely lauded. Husplrloua Article Found A suspicious looking1 Instrument with a fuse attached waa found one for Washington, U. 8. A., on a "ape- clal mission." The reason for the visit Is un doubtedly to discuss waya and means hr which tbe United States may ouicklv render aid to tbe alllea and I to work out a plan tor thla purpose lau tla aHAatr ta ahnnl at lltftaaaB, !. ... . . j.aiuli ' -1 i""i "" "'It Is IIKeiy mat some aeiinue ar- likHllltll ft am Olll tits! Aaa. aVMalMftl Ad 1 J at .alaaj . ' uu,r,..uwu vuu, w, - raugeraents win oe maae ior oiuu their way to school on the railroad ng t0 tBe a(M the large credit pro t racks near Shipplngton. Mre, Fred aa a. Peterson, principal of the school, said m.Iu I.a I, UA b tilM a,.tiAA I 8he aont It home for tbe pupil's par ent to examine It. posed by Preildent.WlUon when Bal four arrivea in Amrelca aad will mark the first meeting of American and Allied officiate in their co-operation in the war. WASHINGTON. D. C.. April U. A aeries of war conferences between American and entente representatives are planned. Navy officials declare that plans for their full co-operation have been progressing for several days. Three Men Make Attack on Guard FOnT. MADISON, la., April 11. Tli r co mou attacked a militiaman a -a uIaiisi lekiwl, 2:ZSSX? VLXZnZ". wTflndtn guarding a bridge here and knocked k .thamsi- T.!t ..::.-!;lc!i? Ln..i. r- far nhend of w W unconscious last night. At- " their 1.1. ."! ".a M" .r .1.1. .-.naai in fact, it has been tempts lo stab him failed. The at- -. .,. IRI ua " an .- -- - ..'..!... .-., .1 "" 10 COIItrlva that wavtaua la. r Jo contrive that varUna Im r"n i. shall spread got 'only ,-" inoir . JL.i. an .n .Ince the Idea of.tuckera escaped. . .i,.!. h.n.rai.Bt orlalnated by a wo- ".. -. aw mw , wMi."..-. . .u. ... .. j ui.. tfamr riroaa HOI). l-z uwu immenwM neiga- man naaiea -- -: - r0 "ft to otbtr parte of the! kins of ptockbrldge. Mass. Blnce V well. UM, hy tho-forming of Clvlo Ira- . great start in ih. i.l. ai.tin.'n.n,.iauii Aaaoelatlons and other or- JV lready nccomplUhal much good iganlMt Ions, the good work has beeu ? Tbe priiea jtiiuai Ua7 vaae aarrlad vary rapidly over tbe entire ' Tbe priiea Offered taat yr rrlrt vary rtpWIX W ' Ur r ,w treate.i ia,.u . ,k.'ii.u.a ai.iaa. Thla hat been done WBa ... .. . "7f""""" ii.-" "- t r. .i. .irnria I-tvUwP,mdm mor, good, than mostly tarougn tne nt - In'Wlne. Tklg.ta thawg byof woman, nnd it la therefore but ..-.: --a .utpa on g ifw. ft onr.BPanaiaia ia - JX Concrt .etu. fSJ-Ml-to mmOf by cop.rlon T H (hut (a attded to Mk g (Coatlautd on Page I) 1 , ' Certain Railroads May Be " aaaa Used for Mobilizing Troops WABH1NQTON. D. C, April 11. leruraent It planulng to take over It waa strongly Intimated; otftclalfy certain railroads In this country for late yesterday afternoon that the gov-1 mobilisation purposes. "Old Glory" to Wave on Aeroplaneg at French Front PARIS. Anrll 11. The French war office announced today that the air squadron composed of American sold- lent on the French front, will here after use tbe American uniform and fly the American flag from their planet. " Official Deny Smuggler ,; Caught by Torpedo Boat BAN DIE00, April U. Official! of the navy and aeeret aarvlee denied lo.v renort that a munition! smuggler has been captured off tho Pacific coast by unitea ntatea tor pedo boat!, Nevertbaleta it is known.'that all the government's departmenta VrV on tkg alert for any auch boita; which Mlgkttbe eVjirrylng munltlows to'MexU ean porta. against the UnrtedJIUtea, orders. .4 " Another Liner Is Sunk byExpktion WASHINOTON, D. C. April 11. Cnatul Frost, at Queenttown, haa cabled the atate 'department that the liner fialmo with one American, on boerd, wag sunkr April 7 by aa explo tloa amlaahlpa. On Norwegian fire man waa filled, ? French army officers and high of ficials aa well aa tbe soldiers la tbe trenches and the Americana In the trenches have been pressing tbelr bellefa that American soldiers and the American flag in France will aid the allied cause greatly, ' X 4 National Guardsmen With Dependents to Muster Out NEW YORK. Anrll 11. War de partment ordera directing the. dis charge of all national gugrdetatn having dependent!, without regard to the deslraa of the giafdaaita, have babn received hare nt the national guard heade,uarttn. n ,, .fiA i - . i l! I' ft? - 5 . it la aia&aedto fill the ranka-ftV Ux tke guard wlih jm-wm dependenU-T-ANjh .tat.. oi;SuihM -'. -.. .- f l.aa'-IU.i-k-.. ' ""i " n;. r...'--T7"m JStt "" .-.' ... . ' rf Ueceaeery an a,jaaaai)wi ' c ?hv l""f . ,J v 1 " IfH?l - ... h4 '