Ml ; - t J Ship Supnttm Herald 7 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1917. rtktrtnOmh. ,5- KLAMATTH PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ORGANIZED HERE ItKH" to IXVIOTIMATH ACTS or MHI.OVAI.TV .law In Kdnmlr- IViilt Along I'ruflT Use"' PMiollin. EHrourNgti IUw rwlHiiit. i Mm Uff Fel ml, hmii County nl lrlnit Proprt) Again! Art of Knnl lu the General Public Per ilir pant v'k small group ul ftomlurtii and loyal rltlscii of Klatn. ith Fall he '" meeting In this ritr.nritanliliiK and perrcrtlng a body rom'"nl iliu Natloual Public Bale!) Committee n( Klamath County, for Ike urHc of perfecting plan ami riD fur I In- iruiuuliin of a ilr tl of titrlotlm, ! rncouragu enlist sunt, ami to affurd protection In lilt, Federal, rialr, rim lily uitil private prorty aKalnl any public enemies la Kliiualli riiiiuly. The action taken lu ihla city la along lht llur Hint la twin followed la mry city and town In the United stile, Ida membership being limited to resident of tlir United SIsIm In food iUndlng and of known lovalty lo the government Ttse orxantiallon are first formed If ibc cltlr, and town aud are then tipandrd lo take in the. district ad Jtttnt to tin- limn or clly. reprrcn utltr Iritis lorntid In all part u( Ibc county who are ready willing to rioru any act of vandalism, dl mptrt fir the flag or (he govern rnt, and other action not In nc awrdaitie llli Hie patriotic loyalty due ami unoinlng rltliens of tlio I'sltid Htalea Kadi in riu be r U lo mushier him fclf a reporting member. The only mrnibrr of tlm orgaulrutlun known lo the iubc U tlui president, A. i:. Kl fer, UIiik the president of the Klum sib committee. Tim five executive committee member are to be ap lalntrd by mid known only by hlin. Aciloiu reported tu the president uro rtferred to tlila committee for further iBVNtlKallon nml report, which report b) Iben turned over lu the proper t'nllrd Htatr authorities, who will le up the matter. nu mailer uro runslderud loo Mil fur Investigation by Ihla orcanl "Hon, a iiumber of mero statement of dUlnyaliy, rldlculo or disloyal acta lrily having been taken under ron. wermiou by member of this urgnnl. MIIUII K"t oul) h Ui purpomi or Ihla tcmmlitru iu rrret nut such matter inene, but It la alao to provide au lanllallon which la In nn.mi.ln n re M'lrlt of patriotism, odurntv. tlio rvw or ttiu rounlry, n It er, long tlm proper llnea of loyally mid Wroiimn, Thl I ronalderrd one w lament probloma eanfronlliiR I'i'ltcd Mate at Ihla time, a It ounilarli'H contain numbor of ullen. o rlllniiK mid aumii not, who, out '! ,nnc and a lack of knowlodgo Anierlcn,, roudltlpna unci govern t, might leml them Into trouble " by faliuro of proper undorKtand- cmiHu them to "refute, tlm govern. nt of the j,itvl fltoto proper tul'l'ort , orlllenl time. '' ,"IH ,,pii volecd by prominent nber, of thl committee that per " m (hi eountry not tatlafled with '"' ernniont of the United Blntei to.:., CTI,U- um wh not willing oKi'irK ix i:i,k tk.mi'i.i: TIimiurIi the khnliKM.,, of u, Klk lodce of thla rlty llitrillt- Iiik Offlrer Kur lm muved hla headiiuarlnr in the I'.lka Tern- pie, where Ijn I located, Offlnir Kor xalit today Hint hit may re- 9 main Iomki In the ilty to in euro reirull aa he flnda (IiIk u f( r- Hie fluid with the rlxlit uplrlt among the young men mid tlm older peciplo n .ll Two flag have brrn lilaied mi Hie front the Klk Temple, FALLS TURNS OUT EN MASSE TODAY IMTIMOTIHM IH llltill ,H VKTKH AN VtVV. AM IIIII'M KUtlS nlllH .tltlHHM M.ltTI.f. KI'lltIT AM) OIUTOIIH HITWK FIRE DESTROYS AMBULANCE CAMP . , VAMP AT MMtT III.IMH. M-tK Kl, I'AKO, DFMTIIOVKII VIIII,K MUX TT WIIIIX, Cltll'I'MNfi XMMi:.irATIOX CI. I'AKO, April 7. An Inrendlury lire Jteatroeil tlm cMinp of Field Am bulance Co, A at fort III! today. Many wlrva Into Kl I'aao hiiVn also turn rut, irlpplliij; lommunlcatlon out of Hilit city to a grout extent. Army rt-nlrle anw two men tut tlm; tlm wire and fired on them, but they enrtiped. 6ERMAN RAIDER UFF NANTUCKET AM HIIII'I'IXU HAS IIKK.V M)TI HKI, AH HAH XAVV IIKI'AltT MKXT. IT IIKI.NO IICMKVKI) U'AltHIIII'H IN PLItSf IT NKWI'OltT. K. I.. April 7. The Nalituckct Hlioul llglitliouxu reported a Herman raider off Capo Henry. All flipping ha been notified and It In believed that waraliip will lmm" illr.tcly be nent In aearrh of Hie craft. II wuh later reported thut the ven ri.l wuh within the three-mile limit. Ilu) Xen Car lr Cm. ('. Mitchell ha purchased ii new Ittl 7 model 90 Chevrolet from the Cvnlrnl garage, local agont. Tlm tl A. It rterau fife and durin lorpK, ntiitkted by neverul of tlui young generallun, paraded Main atrntt early I h In nflrrnoon to nrouxe Intcrent In the patriotic mi'rllng nt llounton' opera tioiue Ihla afternoon Mayor C. II. Crlaler, who returned lal night from California, conenntcil al the requeat of the H. A, It. to act a chairman of the meeting. The Woman' llellef Corp attend ed In a body, and while many real dent and bualueas lioutea of the rlty are bedecked with "old glory." the flrat patriotic rally alnre the preent rrtal In America la being held In the city I'rufeMOr Taylor of the high iicliool waa preaent with a 90-mcmber,choru of high arhool atudent and other lo alug patriotic ong. ' Among the ipeaker anked lo ad- drtif the aembly during the after noon were W, A, Dcliell, llev. Hen- licit, Itev. Cox, llev. Itambo, C. K. Hlone. II. M. Manning, C. J. Kergu- Min, J. II. Carualmu and J. II. Maaun. Other weru expected to lake pari In the rally. A large crowd wn preM'iit, many inuntry people being lu the city who turned out In largo number, while many butlne men left their bualneai In the band or clerk and were pre-etit. OFFERS 10 GROW SPUDS FOR UNCLE SAM'S ARMY Hun Methane, or till city, made au offer yetterday lo plant a largo acre age to potatoe for the United State army or aa the government may ace fll to uae them. Mr. Melhtiae will give the got em- incut half of the production providing the government will furnlih the eed potatoe. He ban a large acreage he will devote to Hi (a purpoe, he aald. WA8HINOTON, D. C. April 7. The navy department ha learned that a Ktrangc craft I off Nantucket Inland, near the count of t Mamiachu sett. Naval official refused to iIUcuk the KUbJcct. WASHINGTON. I. C. April 7 JJnofflilul report received by the navy department say that a German raider hu been lghtcd off the Vir ginia en pen. 6ERMAN-NE6R0 ARE ARRESTED (iKHMAX .IKUKMTKD Foil KO- MKXTIXG M-XiROKM TO CI1HH IXG AXU SVAIWi TK1X8 OK GKIU MA.VH I'ltOMIHI-M IF TIIEV WIN tniA to ijm;i.aki-: wak JACKHONVIL1.K, Fla.. April 7. Carl Fink, a German, wo arretted to day charged with Inciting negro up rlking. Kobcrt Hick, a negro, was also ar rested. Hu Mid that the Germans have been addressing negro meetings and have declared that an American victory meant the return of the ne- groeH to lovcry. The German speakers promised that ir they would aid the Germans ami Hie Germans win. tbe negroes will bo given equal right. Including the privilege of marrying white women. HAVANA, April 7. A Joint committee of the two house of tbe Cuban congress reported fav- orably today on a resolution de- clarlng that a state of war ex- Uts between Cuba and Germany. Tbe resolution will undoubtedly paw. : WAR COOPERATION I PUNS UISCUSSED AT BRITISH OFFICE BOSTON. April 7. Humors per sist here that a German raider has sunk the trawlers Tide and Swell off Host on. DISOBEY ORDERS; TWO t by mmuEi TRKNTO, N. J.. April 7. Militia men shot two men who dlrobeycd the orders of the sentries guarding the I'enusylvanla railroad bridge. The men had been raniiimudcd to halt. Hotti men will Hiirvlve, stances, with the support of the pub: lie. A soon a tlm orgiiiilxutlon I per- fected, every loyal cltlion In the coun ty will be uked lo sign hi name to the rcolutlon, which state tlm pur- ho of tlio organisation. Lists for till purpose will be circulated. It Is also requested that uny per son lu Klamath county desiring to report any violation or patriotism or loynlty lo the government of the United State, or the fhiK. or any net not In accordance with good public policy at Ihl time, will dlnit their communication to Albert K. Klder. Klnmath FalltvOre., president or tlm National Public Surely Committee. The resolutions passed lust night by tlm cltlxeus' committee, netting forth the Intent and purposes of the committee nr n follew: The uauiu or till organisation snail be the National Public Surety Com mittee or Klamath county, Oregon. The purpose or this organisation shall be: First To promote Iho Hue spirit of parlotUtn In Klamath county, Oro. Rerond To encourngo enlistments lu the army and navy or tlm United Btutes of America. Third To piotocl life, Federal, state, county and private propeuy agulnst unlawful attack ami damage by public enemies. Fourth To feiret out, warn aim bring to justice all offender against tlm sovereignty of the United State of America. Pursuant to these ends, an execu tive committee of five members shall be uppolntod by and knowu only to tlm president of this organisation, nnd shall bo umpowerod to execute the purpose of this organisation, And., it Is hereby maae me ouvy oi ach and every member or tnis or ganisation to Immediately report to the president any seemingly correct chirtto of any person uttering treas- j. . . . j l'7 j..i...ii... m nmmltllnc any Wlotui manner. TU power of ucVets or of any other conduct of taT,'?!nmHo ta to b limited fcy th'a a suspicious nature and not In accord vunmi condition,, B,i vro,iM. I with public Mfely and loyalty. i i SUIMiort ll t tk. k... - .t.... .l.i i.v, - in iiieir noii- ,;,; ,re1"ot 'iMlruble eltlseng at this "Moor lie, carter, and while the chun si of navliation are yet open such w'onsuro rrco to leave this country W? !,r" ,0 the,r . toT. , ? "0,'uly con find .plenty , llB ll y nntlon onthe globe. JtZ"bur' H Is not the Intention or SL m ,h0 0WcVa committee of ulU ,ona Pub,, tafety .Commit ' ,n. PorforBm duty an FRANZ BOPP SAYS HE NHL SURRENDER SAN FIIANC1SCO, April 7. Frnns lloip. former German consul, for whose arrest orders have been re ceived n an "alien enemy," has wired from St. Helena, Cal., that he will surrender tonight. BRAZIL PEOPLE FAVOR AMERICA HARBORS ORDERED CLOSED AT WGHT GALVESTON. April 7. The har bor here has been ordered closed be tween sunrise and sunBet. and It is announced that vessels disobeying tbe order will be fired on. A rXKKT FOH I'lBPOHK OF UK- FKXHK OF COCXTItVH COM. .v- MKHCK IH BH1XU SKCt'llKD.J GKH.MAX 1.1-XiATIOX (SUARIIKO I'HILAUKLHHIA. April 7. The port of Philadelphia has been ordered closed at night, while rigid restric tion have been placed on day traffic. GERMANS BLOW UP IIIERKD11I1TU1 IHO JANKlItO. April 7. The gov ernment of Ilriull Is requisitioning n fleet "Companla Comerclo" for the mrIMS, htartcl to seize the sliln. WAKHIXtJTOX. I. V., April 7. The navy department announced Unlay that the crew of the Uernum rcnlaer Ciirinorniit, Interned at Guam, blew the ship up when the I'nited State A6ENCY RESERVIST RECEIVES ORDERS H. W. MARSHALL, MKCHAMCAL i KXCI.XEKR, WILL LKAVK XKXT WEKK TO RKPORT AT I-OItT- LAXD FOR COAST PATROL KXTKXSIOX OF IaAHGB CRKDIT SltMJKSTKD AH FIRHT HTKP purpose ot defeudlns the country's commerce. The Germun and Austrian legation hero are under heavy guardd. The government Is silent, but the people ravor Joining America In her war against Germany. TIms l.lttle llmwn Church Tim lllblu school will give au Ras ter pronrnm at 10 a. in. tomorrow, eoiihlhtlng or music, recitations nnd cxciclros. All members of the church mid lllhle school are expected to lit tend. Come, bring our friends, re main to the Kaster service. The subject of tlio Easter sermon m, "The Power of His Resurrection," Evening subject, "Credulity of Unbelief." XuluraHsed German Arrested SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. MoTiTs Von Goldstein, a local Insurance man, wuh arrested today on telographla communication with Washington on an "alien enemy" warrant. Goldstein I a naturalised American 'and has lived In America 35 years. Seattle Tonga Meet HKATTI,K. April 7. Tong lenders w 111 meot hero at :i o'clock this after noon with Mayor GUI to adopt means lo stop tho tong war which has been raging along the Pacific coast for the Inst eight wooks. All tong leaders who do not attend und aro found sub ject to deportation will be arrested und sout out of tbe country." Mayor GUI is determined ta stop the shoot ing, which In addition to several Chinamen has claimed the Ufa of one while' youUi. (, r -. After Race Hoard 8ACRAMENT.O, April 6. Strong opposition is looming In tbe assem bly to the Luce bill, which would piu. hlblt the publication of form charts, betting dddg or other race-track In formation that would encourage bat ting. The blllfbas bmc4 the senate, but when It comes Up soW In the at Hcmhly will be briskly attneked, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. HERE ON TUESDAY NEXT V Tho United States Civil Service Two offlcerM anil the men were taken prisoner. , loiter advice Indicate that two German officers were kilted and four men are reported killed. One officer. It Is reported, escaped. The government announces that tbe German ships Gelr and Locksun were seised at Hawaii and tbe Odenwalr at Porto Rice without Incident. HOIHIS tiOKS OX STAND THIS AFTERNOON 11. Hobbs, oue ot tbe defendants Commission nnuounces that a bten-1" ,hc Hobb8 murder trial, was ex- oarunher nnd Ivm-wrllor examlnallo.. ,1'ccioa io go on mo iana aoom me will be held In this city on April 10. 1917, and each Tuesday thereafter, for the department service. Salaries rungifrom 9000 tu SI, 200 pur annum. Only competitors who at tain a rating of at least 85 per cent In stcuoKrnphy and who had ut least two ycurs .practical office experience will bo certified for vacancies lu posi tions paving $1,300 or more. As the supply of eligible has not been equal to the demand, persons desiring ap pointment are urged ta enter this ex amination. Applicants must have redded lu the state In which they take tho examl middle of tho afternoon today tor the defcuse. The case will go over until next wiek. Mrs, Hobbs spent a large part or yesterday on the stand and Dr. R It. Hamilton wuk recalled today by the defence. H. W. Marshall, mechanical engi neer In the United States Indian ser vice, drove down from Klamath Agency this morning and was exam ined by Dr. A. A. Soule, preliminary to entering tbe navy as an officer. He was notified on tbe 9th or February to be ready and was called out yes terday. He has been assigned to tbe Coast Patrol submarine service, to re port to the commander or the Thir teenth district. Mr. Marshall served In tbe United States navy for, fourteen years, being on special duty In Alaska during the Klondike excitement. He has been on duty in 8outh America during five different revolutions the Venexuelan Spanish) and other troubles. He served during tho Spaalsb-Amerlcan war from start to finish, belna In the - -. - x ' w hottest of the; eejsjtest. At San Diego he obtained ?s-jpteie of flag, tbe only one in existence, from the1 staff of Admiral Caeeraof the Royali Span- :1afc ij'-e44-jLi .. li - Mr. Marshall will leave the first of tbe week for Portland, where he will report' for post duty. Mr. Marshall Is 50 years old, but his naval training has developed him so he reaches this age with preserved strength. He hag archest expansion of SU Inches. Mr. Marshall has an Indefinite leave of absence from the Indian 'service. He leaves his wife in tho new home re cently built at Klamath Agency. May Conscript Technically Trained Men ror Service Xary Desstrtssawi Taken M Wlreteap Sutton raw Or ilcm All Amatenrs IMamantlrd. Military Training Camps rtophwe Civilian Camp Thronghont Xnitom. Fiutls Much Opinion PORTLAND. April 7 "Can't monkey with gas meter. Against the law-;' protested Lee Tong, when In spector of Customs McGrath started mi Investigation ot the meter in the Chluese's rooms. But Inspector Mc- Giaih did not heed Tong's warnings. nation ror at least one year prior toiHf continued to shake, jab with a the date of the examination, im.l lM,t,v u "". iwuu. uD uiwr. must have reached their eighteenth birthday. Applicants should nt once apply ror Forms 304 and 1421 to the local sec retary of the Doard of Civil Service Exaraluers, at the postotrire In this city, or to the secretary ot the Elev enth Civil Service .District, postoMce building, Seattle, Washington. Dynamite Plot Found OAKLAND. April 7. A reported ploV'to 'dynamiter thV '.Ualoiiv Iron Works was discovered when a quan tity of dynamite wua found In tho plant. Two Germans are said to be under arrest. The authorities refuse to discus the plot. r ' r Troops Go to iiiares KL PASO; April 7. Nine thousand Carransfsta troops uhtarMurgeula entrained today (at Cklhauhau for Juaraa.' They are brtulag.'aitiiury wit ii mem, t . Finally he filed In two the lock and found In It thirty-two cards of opium, Hold Iteuulou DINUiM. Cnl.. April T. The thir tieth nunual reunion of old residents of the town ot Traver Is to be held on Barris Hill, east of Dtuube, to morrow Kaster Sunday. This Is the annual gathering of the many per sons In this section wbo were resi dents ot the old town of Traver and tin old-fashioned "get-together" Is the program, together with music by tho Dluubn band and other features ap propriate to tho day. Uerlin Cuts Dread. Ratloii BERLIN, April 7. -The govern ment baa announced a reduction of the. (bread ration and an Increase In the-jneat ration at a reduced price. Thagovernment Is paying tbe diffe rence between the old and the new meat price. , My Mnst Hurry SACRAMENTO. Anrll 7. The as sembly waa advised by Speaker Young today that It will have to hustle to finish its business by the time set tor adjournment April 27. On April 20 the assembly will stop con sideration of assembly bills, taking up only senate measures thereafter 'This means." said Young, "that we will have to grind out an average of twenty-one assembly bills a day from now on. To date we have been vot ing on an average of four a day." Settle Old Trouble BERKELEY. Cal., April 7. The University ot California, by practical methods, is about to end the old war fare between tbe copper smelter own era and the farmers of California. It Is announced that experiments by the university have proven that the dam age done to crops In tbe vicinity or the smelters comes trom the tumes, not from the solids discharged in the smelter waste. Now the university hag brought forth a practical plan io use up the fumes and, more than that, to turn them back to tbe farmers in the form of sulphuric acid fertilisers, thereby benefitting instead of de stroying the soil. Pence Meeting Off PORTLAND, April 7. The mass meeting which wus to have been held tonight under tbe auspices of tbe Peace League has been called off.1 Mrs. K, L. Trevett, president of the organisation, announced last night. Meetings, however, will be held in private to discuss the American-German situation. Mayor Albee's deci sion to prevent any demonstration or meeting in which tbe action of con gress or decision of the president was to be criticised is believed the cause of the coucellatloa of tonlgbt'a meet ing. Arsenal Plot Discorerad N1LEVILLE, lAprll 7. An oppor tune discovery In the firebox here to- day showed that aoassoae had Intend ed to destroy the Nlleville'arsenal by means of a lighted eandle and-exploV slves. ' , ' ' , - - . i WASHINGTON, D. C, April 7. Plans for America's co-operation In the war were discussed today at a conference between Counsellor Polk. of the state department, and officials at tbe British embassy. Polk later called at tbe navy department to dis cuss plans. It Is known that President Wilson bas suggested to congress that' the extension of credit to'the entene al lies of amounts ranging from fl.aotV 000,000 to $5,000,000,000 as the first actual war step to be taken by the United States. Secretary of War Baker has asked tbe house military committee to pro vide him with authority for the con scription of technically trained men to be used as army engineers and sig nal corps men. lt Tbe navy department baa taken over fifty-six commercial wireless sta tion in this country and ha ordered that a amllateur stations be disman tled. Tbe war department ha ordered all reserve officers' to training camps. which will replace the formerly or ganized civilian camps. Representative Hilbert. of New York, introduced a bill in tbe house today creating a department of aero- nautlcs and adding to tbe portfolio of the president's cabinet. Both the state department and the Austrian embassy today denied any knowledge ot a break In diplomntle relations between Austria and Amer- ... lea. " ' Two members of the senate mili tary committee are opposed to com pulsory military service. Some op position In the house Is also Indi cated. Postmaster General Burleson an nounced this afternoon the discon tinuance or malls to Germany, Aus tria, Bulgaria and Turkey. KLAMATH INDIANS OFFFR SERVICES' EXPERT HORSEMEN AND MARKS. MKX READY TO ENLIST TO AID AMERICA IX HEK HOCR OF PERIL. SAYS MESSAGE ' !" The members of tbo Klamath lu ll Ian tribe are offering their services as expert marksmen and horsemen to the United States government at this time ot peril, according to a tele gram from E. B. ABburst. stockman of the United State Indian service, received by the Herald today. The telegram Is- as follews: "Members of Klamath tribe of In dians, wbo ure a brave and heroic people, expei t horsemen and marks men, are offering their material re sources and patriotic aeryicesjo, the nation in hour of peril," WHOLESALE MME ftOffM ' t. V. . I'. Mftst 2111 niKvcn al - wore arrented na U raniiei- ne m M coverr tfWi4fteiwn honk of thegeeTnyvoaiipeii,;,;.;;, adlavunt sMsnsw.'tlnt lMS enmm tatM' LJ.'iLX ?-- --XiZMM. 4 sUSaJWSSSnSy.Jr, - ""wtvtsri'? '. lute fi jfl ii i .vaKav - ' v.tJAV! M".TJT ' " r - -'ttm r iw.f JSJ IAS,:1?) r.'.'v ... - u . .ii i ,&.iW-T