Mrrn - n las '. - -w:J ,v aWu s& wnfts.wjr .,. i' ' OPFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY KuxzszxixEacsaeu: inr.irbis; 4 Meienlli Vtwr No. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL i, lt!7. r 4 f V f. ft r.?tftf, H 1 OFFICIAL NEWIPAPl OF KLAMATH FALL! -; fcTi "ly-iA wps "xw ,akl M: ft ;jj' -i'. WAR -&,. v s"awBaaai smrnanaai svaanawgaa - .r . i" 1 .. ".,'- gi DECLARED NINETY-ONE GERMAN LINERS SEIZES President Sped War Bill at 1:13 o'Clock House Passed War Resolution at Three o'Clock ThU Morning Whiitlcs An nounce Fact at Washington Naval Department and Forts Are Notified. Swiss to Notify Berlin -Announced to the World Today WAMIIINGTON, D. V., April 8 The house of irprraeatativea Muwrd the war resolution at a o'clock till moraing by a vote of 878 lo flo. The vote waa reached after a night if spirited awl drama ttr debate. ClMIIMiTON, l. C, April War a dcrUred at 1 1 IS this ail a lieu President Wilaea signed Mm war rtiwtatien aaeard ajr both .4 " ' banes of coagrca. Tat senate had rearmed at noon sad every rai was rilled. Jerry Month,!, . raw wi-niair, eatrrea ana g, iwmrrd that lie had to resolution WASHINGTON, D. C. April H-ed by il.r how (hia morning, lie. B.Tho MnaC pawed Hie gen- rlsiieg Mar ,, Germany. Tlw re- rM, deficiency bill, tho first war Wen won given lu Vlre.Prrltlrot ,w,roprla"tlon. today, carrying Marshall, win. signed It at I'Jtlll 64,ooo.OOO. e'ekrk. Thp m-tim Maa laietuw. 'a Tar rlMiulMfx awl corridors of the e)ae)4v4)44) kl building were dcttn IwmIv . Nrmiiiir ln N4tot bnanl f(n(t g,,,, .,,,,, ronTW M.iilnK iiaitrra awl Nwiator j., . M11...rt.i i.....Mluil awl 1 IWM al llw willrrlra. tHIrrra ,. . ., ... .,. .,,, .j, -m toawlr ' "H-lr arata. Tim Mil .,,,d MlbramiintlMW'MtolliNHe. rt;rTOrHl ,MI mW tM Uk M l:l.l iMlurk, xartlv em hour' Uul-i r.. Mill i w.mi b Wr, lnaMnii WHmmi, ahmr la hla rt,,. dri r ,lle , bctHWN 'ri"w wnH" "" "Hww.1,, .cm r ao as, aMwoiird 7LT7"""m ,, . laiwMK tho alad-a n a laud, of pu. Tfcr- moiiM'iit ,bt alKMlre waa af. ,0B , . ni waa uaaneu u iiwi Th pnidilwil avo ut a kialwrnt , -,-. ma iwainaFiu, aflemmm tlurt wi dm not ftm- Mlrrlrwed tlw fart that war had titmt (h, vntmt war nmaaunw dcclarwl lo all tfdaa, forfa 1,0. will iMermlae the drf. ar! atatlon. MUt amn p,dky or (lib. comity ' miw HMMnrat wlrra, cable marNal a hope that with the wwirririw ataikNM wrre wXirrlB the war the Ualled Walea can jiri of Dm Korld. lpe her aoUcira "to the gralua of TOa Nwli. iMinhata- reprvaeMtlHg ,ll worid onanlard for Juatlce awl "wwnny unit Immrdlatelr mHlfted .1 . y .i., i- . Miilili -7. ".. rniiniiui me tterMratieii l v&M W Jf?WC ..Tf r ;"(. 'inrVYvyanruvvxrxAnAJVUuxAAArxaAAnjir -"r"""""""i"-""-r,",""i" -"--""-""---- a.. jjo 4'f - A ,tM- 4- PLANS ALREADY COMPLETED FOR IMMENSE ARMY HTKIt WIMi UK T.iKKX .IK NOON AM IHMiMIIlM-: WlREUiMFOL'M) April C found and New National Army lo Ue w-paratr From Oilier full National Gaanli Cannot Leave I'Nlted Htatea L'wle I'rroeat lawa Will Ue OraaU'd In 900,1100 1'nlia Army May Reach it.OOO,uoo or n,ttOO,eo Men. PORTLAND, Ore. Oovernmcnt ageau deatroyed a fully equipped wire- leaa station todays bidden In the foreit at the bate of Mount Hood near this city. Tte statluu, bad a radlu of S.000 kIIch. OREGON ASKED FOR 41 65 MEN FIRHT IMIAKT WILL TAKK rt)L'R UrXHyMKNTM KIM THIM 8TATK FOR THK F1RKT;1IT OF WW,. . 080 MKX AS XATJtNAI- AltMV HENRY RESIDENCE CDNSOMED BY EIRE Af NOON TODAY 1 MUM. HKXIIY FJiCAFEM XARROW LV FROM MF.RIOIM Ut'RXH KLAMATH ELKS SHOW PATRIOTISM PAW REMOLVTIOXM PLEDGING fiOVALTV AND IPHOLDING THK , J' PUEMIDKXT0r.V T1MK OF PIIK8- KNT CR1HI8 WITH GKRMANV GaaoUae on Uark Porrli t'ed for- Cleaalag Clothea fa OUmed ThuwrJi Cauite of Ksplonioa With So Fire Near Caaaot Ue Eiplalaed Mchool Tearlier leara Her Udougtac. Property la laaared for Oregon' portion of the ftmt call) for the 500,000 unit of the new na tional army will be 4103 men from T WAR HULLETINM ?"rl . from where It will be ""tlwl lu llttllM. o aiiiiuumTmmt given out at the WASHINGTON, D. C, April 6. "a ie hom. immediate! proclalMHd immcdUtely on returning from a cab. ,"';,,,,cu',wlataaa4 Greeted ;inct meeting, 8ocrctary of the Navx ? orrirerH or the goverawewt, civil nauleU ordered the mobllliatlon ot " military, to exerrhw every HII the navy, The order call all ahlpa "T"'1' il'-ll1.arge of their lutle,.!nto full commlulou and olto call JM miiumuivMienl nlao MpMatod lu into Federal ervlco all naval mill- " jmilon t uphold be lawa ofsthe ,b and naval rcHerven. m"T, nn.l to "give lia Mwllvhlwl NBW YORK, April 6. lreldent J? lining fcupport to the weaaurea Menocal. 9f Cuba, aent a roeage to J3, ,K n,,0. IHroaemte (lie the Cuban congrea requeatlng a state f t n MiirifMirHl laaue and in tbcLf war agolnit Oermnny be declared ""W''i''K and oeeuriMg of a Jh and. by Cuba. Ho declared Cuba I under "W'WIdo Km. loiiiimtlona to "back to America. 'e IIIIIIOIltvuM . i .... .niuntdfin A...II A Itnllnil m- nurinii nil i BAH r nnnuiovu, ! ..... State DUtrlct Attorney Prenton has Iba. " :r"""" """ ... l.v ,.,. COVMUUKUI'I MM. wiiNiindirthejr.recpWdkawli 'ordered the arrest of u number of "7"' " Iwmoleated. laernian residing In Ban FrancUco' """'"wttnrterth ww decree w vicinity who are conldercd hoatlle to hVin ,. y V'" whla. A-trlc. JJ e vicinity of Waatilngtwi waa WASHINGTON, D. C. April 6. "', and could be heard lor mMc. I Attorney Qeorl Oregory announee wr pMicuiB,, .,. fcfl Wc.that ln, ,rregt of between lxty nd - .""iiwi a tlemeat aafrovlnc Uty.flYe Qerman been oroereu. W ,uT ww'w cowgraaa Juirine,rt Mya that the mee.urr. JrJ lirlullHc of the aney, 7v "i naiiOMi m aiityriv "I 4 Hi el W. H. WASHINGTON', l. C. April 6. Ily the time congriM acts on the"war i evolution" nil plana for ansembllng between tbe age of.SO to 15 yean, all the nation' forrea to atrlke at tke according to tlgurescomplled from Imi'ierlal rovernment of Germany wilt tbe WorldVAlmaaac, baaed on the Ht ready for prcisentatlon by tbe pre, estimated population cf Oregon and Idem. I the United States for 1917. Army legislation, based on selective The national army Is to be n sei conscription of the country's young arate unit from the regulars and the men ns rnpldly 'as they can be national guard, which at this time equipped, officered and trained. Is cannot be sent abroad under Misting considered probably tho most Import. Maws, ant of the war plans. I It is expected that Immediate action All men except those exempted will bo taken by the government in men an married men, mechanical ex. designating tbe mobilisation camps ports, scientists, etc. will be expect, for these troops and that they will be ed to come under the colors. j Immediately organised, accordlug to The government will have aome announcement today. It Is believed designation u button probably that In case the United 8Utes should which will bo given to those exempt send troop to .Europe It will be near, rd and othcrwlso serving the country, 'ly n year before they are In shape, but who are not under training. This! This will be true especially In case Is tbe same scheme followed by Eag.'of trouble on tbe Mexican border. land to protect those not actually In which will take a large number of tho i the army from bolur dubbed Mlackeni'trootia already on hand. t!mlr ih tlii-rn-vnar basis nlm. Hi The Kovernment'a nlansare Inld for.a w,th he exception, ot a piano, Is the Intention of tho government to the raising of a national army of from train men In lucrcnieuta ot 500,000 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 men. In the until there arc sufficient to beat Ger-'case of a S.OOQ.OOn men forco, Ore many, ion will be called ou to furnish 24,000 No men will bo sent to Europe Ira- men, a number larger than tho stand, mediately; probably nono will go for tng army for many year of the en at least six months. The present reg. tire United States, and one that will ular bellove they will bo tbe first nearly equal tho nlxe of the regular expeditionary force, leaving the newly standing army up to a few years ago. trained men aa a home guard until This number Is nearly SO regiments, tbe second Increment of 500,600 Is The H. O. Henry residence ,on Klamath avenue, near the corner of Fourth street, was practically con sumed byflre this nooa at,Ji:0 o'clock, following tke explosion ot gasoline on the back porch. Tbe exploding gasoline spread tbe flames over the rear of tbe house und by the time the alarm was aent In the entire rear of tbe residence was a mass of flames. Mrs. Henry was cleaning a skirt on the porch at the time and said there was no fire near tbe gasoline and Is unable to explain tbe cause of tbe explosion. Her friends consider It miraculous that she escaped without being seriously burned by the explo sion. Tbe fire swept up the rear ot the house Into the upstairs and garret, between tbe celling and roof, and through the house rapidly and prac tically everything owned by Mr. and Mrs. Henry was burned. The bat- $5,600 REPORTED BY COMMITTEE THREK MORE MEMBERS RETURN FROM TERMINAL FUND INVA. HION HOPE TO REACH ST.OOO Mark before FiNitmxu trained. Tbe maximum and minimum age limits of men for tbe flnt la expected to be 18 and IS, Pending tbe raising of America's army tbls government I making prep. aratlona to ship unlimited supplies to tbe allies, Including not only money but food and ammunition. " Tbe greatest problem ,la admittedly getting the supplies to the entente port. Hence the big problem before tbe navy, according to navy officer, is creating effective means of combat ing tbe U-boat. Naval co-operation between tbe United State and tke entente has al Three more members of tbe Bust ready been planned, wblcb are natur- neaa Men'a association committee, Ily secret. , i who have been In California for aome The national defease councll-rea. time rttalag railroad terminal fund Ident'a advisory war, cabinet -la In, money, returned to the elty mat night dally , matkodleally working an report that to date J5.00 has out details of atoelllMtloa reouree,.teea rawed. ;v - nlana of eoonomtalng la all these re I Paur Johnson in the-lty and, la sources and mean ot kaatentng tttaJeiUi working andthy,';aeber ot plica for tbe army and navy-nut tbe tke oeemlUee, have honeg ef neariag allies. v '' . ' ttM'fT.M;nwk UfOTr4amtrely own- pletlng tkelr work- there, . ..auae wan murmv hmv which was badly scorched, and bookcase, which were carried out of the front rooma in face of the flames by bystanders, was badly wetted. Miss Hammer, member of the high school' faculty, resides, at tbo Henry residence and was at school at the time of tbe fire, losing most of ber belongings In the bouse. 'As scon as the water was on tbe fire It was soon under control, at though not until the stairway -leading to the hall above the Central garage next door was badly scorched. The bouse is owned by Mr. Henry and bad $2,000 fire Insurance. As a matter of precaution a num. ber of tbe automobiles In the garage elc-ely adjoining tbe bouse were re moved, although the concrete wall furnished adequate protection. Here to Visit Father e-w..i. Ik nf mains. nuiriH - - -"-TT'l- t;,ki i.j. A 1 liiJ r. 4:ii: TJi Washington, will arrive, in tne ciiy.w u r-, Fin,ii--w'-?-;'i--.rfti ,t. -i ' e nlgkt ..j ' ..aa .- sa.A a uiii vaitBini v . n. iar meat amamwaaiam aHii wain aawaen i eiaiewwsw -or., ww e- aea r v- si iii.hiwi ww tonwni w viw. b " " v u; . 7T .-7.J- -L.....i. v -i.:-. ,i'.-:..-j- .-. ir?- . ,S2T,in' making an anmr ( three Robartaon of tbla city, and brothar. or aemani togay conneeteg wimi. w iter vmtigg wnoieenwajin nan T10"! force, .y1" oithta city w 7f year old and hU4 plot. ' ., ,., y.t Umwmfat fit, Joknagg,, Mfiacted mm f-Hlir drcktrea tM.'SalSl. rajldly. - .' . J, ,. rke,t.t ot,, BRAZIL EXPECTED TO PROCLAIM WAR sinking of ship and, killing ok three urauuanh arol'sr Antiehmax. feeling and hostiutieh ark expected RIO DE JANEIRO, April. It ta officially announced that1 tke sub marining of tbe Brasillan steamer Parana, In which three Brailllans were killed, kaa aroused InUase aatU Qsrman sentiment. -J The Klamath Fall B. P. O; Elks lodr.3 No. 1247; meeting last nlgkt. rapidly developed) Into a patriotic gathering when , a iresolutloa was in troduced.' by Exalted Ruler. W. O. Smith, who standi Out since the Elke lodge is strictly an American order and adopted tbe Axteriean flag as lu emblem fifty year) ago, pledging the support of the loesjf' lodge to the pres ident and the eewary. Copies cf'tsNfelutlon have-ln wired to PrealdentWilson. the grand exalted rulerfcf tke Elks, and to tbe headquarters of the western division ortke.armyBan-irraneleeo. - Exalted Ruler Smlthsald tbls.mor ulng that the local lodge is ready to do everything and, anything possible to uphold the honor of tbe country. Tbe Elks' temple, will be offered as a recruiting station If It Is desired, he said. Tbe resolution passed was as, foN Iewa: Whereas, the Benevolent and Pro tective Order ot Elks Is strictly Amer ican ln character and ha adopted tbe American flag as the emblem of the order, and Whereas, this flag has now been again unfurled ln defense of Justice and right and an behalf of world humanity, and Whereas, It. Is fitting and proper that all patriotic Americans should. at all time, publicly declare them selves at this grave Juncture In the affairs of our nation. Therefore, be It Resolved, by Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1S47, B. P. O. Elks; that we pledge the support of our organisa tion and the support ot each and every member thereof, to the Presi dent of the United States In upholding tbe honor and integrity of our nation and Its flag, and place at his disposal the use ot our home for recruiting the military and naval forces of the United States, and tbe assistance of our membership in every practicable way In which we can be of service. . - H,J TMlM - ',t&:l ..j & riVm ;," js? t.-&. ij. . jtA INTERNED SHIPS TO GREATLY AID AUXILIARY FORCE ,3 1 m am 31 5 .j " -Hi ; GERMAX OFFICERS REMOVKD . AND TO BE GUARDED Actha Takest This Morsdng ht Mealy., -Porta, larladMg Three m fcjwt, on Receipt oT Orders fade Sam Moat ot the ,&? "I wi &9 ' Jem S3 M$3 2m&$A Hoaae. Bet Cast Be Eaadbr ReawJrLVv ZM ' .-'T. -.l5tl No Trouble Reported; ' , "" Vf! - - " z iftw fm w NEW YORK, AprH , the receipt of orders fraas W tea, wl Cm maa sMaa la Ji M NE6R0ES TAKEN FOR PLOTTING , f . THREE ARRESTED IN ALABAMA URGING NRQROES TO JOIN THE GERMAN' AKMV AND OFFERING GOOD PAY AND HQVALITY BIRMINGHAM. Ala., April , Three negroes werearrested here to dsy and charged with welting upris ings. t One, In addressing a crowd et net- roes, urged them to Join the Oerman army and offered them good pay, so cial equality and unrestrleted fran cklte. ' "m The autborltlea admit that the Mgroe are InvoiyedJ a plot to dyna mite nearby coal mines, aad indus- tslalalaaia. lti if- .. ? ::r,7 v-. ;.. .t mtf-c uk tadav totaataa all Interned Qeri-A Tree kava kM aMMl'W.eUr'ef. skips and proclaim '.beetllttlee, ,kklal'OBafenUrd;faluaWe property erU.were. missedf ' lhlswawraasfc;g-4?;.l The list laHades three) a Ssm fnm' risen, iwo ac uwiiic, iniu.H sjis- jot bsd, Ore.. twcMtreereat at -Hew xmm,-jk -' . .. "- taa aa te - t J)-M3-d two at ewuneMifiwoeH wrwmmgf.-r ..v-g Hhlii aiul Aaaras at sewaseaaKmaliaaaa s- ,r . iTj iftk1" 1 Picga MBWI MVM agmr.wvamVBBveBjsjsaywrBBM "p i xJiiz The giant Vateriaad aad asmnnai - $,. other Uaers are oa the Hat, sm iasi f - w T Uie Wlllebad, the land's mother ahla. The same pracedere was leases. Federal efftcera, ae !s. f V3 out in all i MMMna.k f,P snips as auw.m.ineuraai, wi r". reived. J - ' Maa af mill mil ffmltW laamaamBkieaBBlBmBBHnBBnA , mwu -. .- r.m.-w ,yfi,H to immigration sratteaw. Taere ware jFj ao dtotarbaacea reported. 2w;iefA la asaay lawtaaree the t igaa ss aid r "-u&y: helleni have sea.ilsawged ta semh aa im$ extent that It win take HaeataaiJa''reV. VO nelr tbcM. . r---Av ?& Bun ahlDa will srarlsa a.aast.aaV. ;Kv. dlUoa to the transport OeeUVThe $$ goverameat Jhaa, aaaeaacea Mtaa.aen . grv are equipaed taawake their trams., -m formattoa Into aajiaHary cratssrs eaay.. i r - i . ,r "ffib net" - . ..-... ,. u?r 4 ..'.'ffefe MAMS MKKTIXU TOSUSHVI " ,:t'5'i'l w unuer can irwra me iwai yTHjv''.'K der of tbe Grand Army 9''jP-,t:Zi$mt Hepubli'c, a patriotleaa meeifll will h hnld tomorrow afteraeea, ';Pr v -- ,- - .. ', l- . 'W.iiiiw r, m a. a --n n'rWvlr In Il Hoiuioa.dtai!!! . ' - Z,'. - . 'i -. Vjr-Je& w opera nouse. ssaay orgaaisa w tlons In the city are planning io ft. attend la a body, .while tke cHL ' -in. Sk ir a'lfcf'MW sens of the elty and county t'$v&$ expected to .nttefd, f'" f&.mtM FLAMES RISING i ii in II rnffigaLfj nriiiiT' nmn rnu-i iirrui -,-S ff li ?.& M.W mIw "c- .v;j; fcJS,fci2i hiff- ...lftS. &&'im. itmf..&&si IiniTHlH maBTBQY UKVOT BACK'A' u w .. M'XJrassrfsr' OF GKMU J4XmimMNWJ-?Ml ' PIED GERMAN TRKJW.; .vM& - rrT- 'teTmwM&z ' THE BRITISH,AmMmf ,, The Brlttah jaftwMflAlhlaKrf . red' tke kuger-Mlaawartel4t&MV''S m$s::t WITH- APMI Motroi ".55'.n??;T- ,!W,? R'; fiamea are;mM4Mifx feet;- v $mmmtW ''The FreneaTi-'kaTef ii gel lat .1 ef Laadrleourtaad eoetk af pf 'Mm' m- : PfV.5 TW.-kyetfe1Vr treacaes. bi asew n-Mft-.- y hS vrfj- , i&i$ft $ ,Jt-.,.. tf-.K'.vty- .H.J. ' .r tn- - j : . -j. -mtt ie. -