w 4 A. "JTft ' - -n 'jj 4 is. 1 4 SJfe lEumthtn Iterate OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH PALLS .jgguuauBsmrrnirsmvir .-ram-v .t,- . iti inr, .-.-aaa IMrnlh Yenr No. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1017. Senate Passes War Resolution, 82-6; House Votes Tonight at 1 1 o'Clock ACTION TAKEN LAST NIGHT BY SENATE ON WAR LAKE ANI IA FOLLKTTE STAND PAT TOGETHER U I'ollfU Spun fur Three Hours Aalat Parage of th ItewHuthm, Wituaaw Hula I r'ullrlte Went rwrtaer Ttuu IMInrg Ever Ihtml I (io la the ItolrlMUMt ttprerli I ftrmrd Anti-American. TWELVE PACIFISTS EXPECTED STAND A6AINST WAR BILL flood announces vote will UK TAKEN TONIGHT '' --., ,---,J-1,J...rr,r,J..-,.....,- - . nnnnrn.nrnnnnannnj1jaarxnjv U. S. Steamer and Relief Ships Are Sunk WASHINGTON, I. C April fl it amalr passed th war resolution In night at nigh umilim by vote et M t . Eight mesnnvra of the Hi wmiim who votd " no" Nsbtrt M. U Folletfr, Whroaidw, Cooper QiioiIom the American Right In War Zone -Ak If Pmktent VIImm Prrvlotuly wanted War. Told that America U titling to light aiwl U Nut Debating Any Ouetlou of Neutrality. MMM(WWMWWWMMWMWMWWWMWWNWWWWMWWW FOOD PRICES S0ARIN6 HIGH Ma J. Growna, North Dakota, II. pHNniH . W. Norri. Xrfamau. llepub. airy l.am Oregon, Democrat. Wat i, Stone, MIaourl, Itemorrat. J. K. Vardamau, Mlaalaslppl, llewto. at Iwslor U Follctte spoke three koriilut Hie passage of the reno Itlloa. tailor William of MUllppl luwerlnic hi argument. declared tht Rcnitor La Foltctto's speech "would become Iiethmann von Hull t." Ho added that I Follctte "Ml further than llollwrg linil ever lost." He termed the speech "pro ", pro-vandal, pro-German anil Mtt-prenlJcnt. anti-congress and antl. American." traitor William declared that von "owweg never had the audacity o wwvfr iucIi a ieeh. BRITISH CAPTURE TWO VILLA6ES MrDRTKI) FROM LOXIHIN THAT WCEH HAVE REACHED MORE towns fiikxc'ii reputing OKIWAN COUNTER ATTACKS WNOON, April S. It It announced the IlrltlMh have captured, the !"'" of Honnwiy and lias lloulogn Hvo roarhed the outskirts of "'""Mwt and llavrlncourl. tpc Prcnih havo repulaod the Ocr "counter nliack. Ilnrd fighting li "Wled from tho Russian fron. LONDON, April IS. flenerul Muur hl "no"N that nil Turklih ..?. ""V bl" "riven from I'crala J7J" mat thfv lirltUh and Iluulau woo "vc Joined nt Khaulknn. "AW IIHHTN IX Ml'llDKU TIUAL "The state reHtod ltK caw In tho . winner trial tbli morning and Maun took up It. cn.o. Mrs. J" cnt on tho Hand thla morn- hj; 'ohni,on. r. Cathay and Dr. wjrwn waro placed on the aland 2,,1"' "Mmion late yaitcrday !iun ni tided to thalr SSi? the bw,5r or w" d ,0 ii.:7?1.Ku'8ll ralattad mum. WAHIIINUTON, I). C. April 5. The tiue of rrprcntatlve met at to o'clock thU niornlug. Itepreicn- lathe Klood, rhalrmnn of the foreign telmlonn ntmmltlee. Immediately called up the ar retolutlun. Iteprcientatlvea llarrltou, Klood and Hlegel nrouiii'il much patrlotlmn In the Uouk by eloquent upcoelieH lavorlug the pnkmige of the reolu lion. 8iaker Clark nurrctidered the rhwlr to llcprrncntatlvu Klttgerald In order to be on the floor. Iliprecentatle Cooper and 8laf ford, of WIhcoiuIii, and llrltten, of llllnolit, volerd the pacllUt optot tlon and avked Klood If the prcaldenl when arguliiR for armed neutrality had not declared that he did not want war. "V aro not ilefmiillnK armed nru Irallty or any other aorl of neutral ity. Wo are going to fight," roared Flood. HeprexAlitatlvo Cooper Itutlrutcd that a iloicii pnrlflntit plan to wpeuk ngalnut tlio reaolutlon. Ho cxprccd a doubt whelhi'r tho American right to travel the i"'ok wun a right over which the nation Hhould light. He iiIho diHlared that (lermauy had miule no abHolute promlKo to rewtralu the rutlilonH Hubnmrlnu warfare, waylng that it had been merely conditional. At tho concluiilon of Coopcr'a Hjicerh HeprcNontatlve llurrlftou de clared that Cooper'H Hpcevh would have been cxi client If glveu in tho relchHtag. Iteprrwiutallu llrltten off tired an amendment provlillug that no nrn)y ahnll bo unit to Kuiopo without the ronaonl of congrexH. ItepreRenlullvo Pom, or Illinois, de clared that Uie nermann In America will, for tlm moHt part, ho loyal to thla government. ItoproiientaMvc Mil lor, member of tho foreign relation! committee, read thla afternoon what he declared was the unpublUhod portion of tho Zim merman Mexlcan-Japaneiie plot note, "liases were to bocHtablUhed at all Mexican ports," read Miller. "All reservists nro ordered Into Mexico nnd arrangements are to be mode to attnek tho United States all along the Mexican border." Miller declared Hint Hermans are leading the Villa band and nu domi noting President Carranxu. Chairman Flood said that tho limine would vote on tho war resolution at 11 o'clock tonight. m " liTMr for I'ageant EUOKNB, April B. Preparation are well under way for the Oregon historical pageant to bo given on the University of Oregon campus us a feature of commencement week in June. More than two hundred tint verslty undcr-graduates and sHhcrs ivlll take part In tho performance, which will aymbollso the nietory 01 tbe state from (he time of the Indian to tke nreaentJ Production of tbe naa-aant wMUkjMder the dlreoUen Hi F. H4leT ka4 of the depart' ment of pumio-speaaing, MAV WIIKAT (H'KNK AT I.(RIU. HKilllMT PIUCK HINCK 1 1911, WHILK KM)L'll UOVM TO HIGH KST KNOWN 1'IUCK CHICAUO. April 5. Price In cu eral are soaring. May wheat opened today at $2.02 V4. the highest price luct 1869. Cash wheat opened at $2,1 1: corn, $1.30; eggs, 3Cc to 39c, and chick ens, 25c por pound. The highest known price for flour was reached at 110.70 n barrel, and als6 raw sugar at $.'..110. Hog" mi Aiiotlier Flier CIIICAOO. April r.. Hogs sold for $15.65 at the opening of the market today, another new record. nx PRICES 60m6 UP DUE TO WAR COM0ITI0RS I'OIITI.AM). April .'. The babies of the northwext must compete with the warriors of Kuropo for their sup ply of milk. llecaiiitc tlioiiBaiids of cases of canned milk are shipped from Oregon and Washington each month to the countries nt war, milk prices are going up. Here In Portland milk delivery companies and dairymen predict an advance from $3 to $3.2(1 a month for a quart delivered to the homes, Crcamcrlm nnd the canned milk peo ple ure bidding against each other for milk, ami the consumer feels the pinch. Moreocr, wholesalers say there no prospects for cheap milk during the summer months' because tho pro duction of milk Is decreasing Instead of Increasing. McADOO ASKS FIRST WAR SUM OF CONGRESS MOIIK THAN $3,000,090,000 IK NOW RKQUKNTKD BY HIM Daniel Heqoeata An Additional Ap propriation to He Available la 1018. Abo to Increase the Nary to ISO, OOO Men launedUto Market for the Boada la Pat at, tbe KnormoBs 8ua or u.ooo.eoo.eee. UNI0UERECRUITIN6 OFFICE IS OPENED L AIM KM' AUXILIARY OF FIFTH HKfllMK.N'T, X. 1. C, INVITK8 YOliXO MKX OF HAXFHANCISCO TO ATTKNI) HOP WA8HINOTON, l. C.. April 5. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo ho aaked congreia .appropriate $1,931,537006 foTlhe army 'and 292.538.000 for the navy, or a total of more than $3,000,000,000 for the first war budget. Secretary Daniels of the navy has asked for an additional appropriation of ri7C.000.000 to be available In June. 1918, for the navy and marine corps. The department of Justice has asked tor $300,000 as a deficiency appro priation for the bureau of Investiga tion. The coast guard has also asked for $600,000. Secretary Daniels has asked con gress to Incrcaso the navy from 78,- 000 men to 150,000 men and the murine corps from 17,000 to 30,000 men. It is proposed to flout a bond is sue carrying three and three and one half per cent Interest, und It Ig esti mated there is an Immediate market for $2,000,000,000 In bonds. Secretary McAdoo thla afternoon usked congress for an additional $100,000,000 for "safety defense." PENFIELD STARTS HOME TOMORROW HTATK DKPARTMKNT MAKES ITS ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING COMING HOME TO GIVE FACTS TO GOVERNMENT WASHINGTON, D. C, April 5. The state department announced to day that Ambassador Penfleld will leave Vienna tomorrow for Washing ton. Tbe status of affaire at the Aus trian embassy In Washington is not changed. It Is given out that Penfleld Is com ing home to confer with Washington officials and return to Vienna Imme diately afterward. It Is understood be Is (Baking tbe trip to give tbe United 8taie gov ernment Information concerning con ditions In Europe and is not coming home because of any diplomatic trou ble. COMMITTEE WIRES (4,000 RAISED BEGAN' WORK IK if HACRAMENTO EXPECTED I YESTERDAY AND HOMS IX A F)W DAYS FROM FUND JAUNT INTO CALIFORNIA A telegram Cnas. W '4 ed last night by Speaks o Peace PORTLAND, April 5. Hamilton Holt, editor of the Independent, will be in tbe northwest April 20 to 23. touring the country in the Interests of tbe League to Enforce Peace. He will speak at a number of towns throughout Washington and Oregon. SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. Uncle Sam's most unique recruiting office will open Friday ovenlng. Tho enlistment officers are pretty girls. Thoy havo styled themselves Ladles' Auxiliary Company A, Fifth regiment, N. O, C. Friday evening the Ladles' Auxil iary will give a dance at the armory. Thoy havo Invited every patriotic boy In San Francisco. No admission will be charged, but hero's what It will cost to boya to step with the pretty Irl" Fox Trot Join the Navy. Rag Join tbe Army, three-step EnlUt in the Hon Guards. Waltt Bollit Is the Marines: Moonlight Welti Sign up with the Fifth reglntent. . jCnnlor Walla Join tho Cavalry, KLAMATH BOY IS AIRPLMGUNNER ALFRED TUHPIN OK THIS CITY, WHO ENLISTED AT T1MK OF MEXICAN CRISIS, WRITES HIS RELATIVES ABOUT BORDER Tne following extracts are from a letter from Alfrod Turpin, a student In the United States mechanics and (chauffeurs' school at Fort Sam Hous ton, San Antonio, Texas. The letter was received by bis father and mother here. Alfred was one of the first to leave Klamath when the Mexican crisis arose last year. "I just got back from the border and it la sure some hot there, and all you can see Is greasera and more greasers. "1 am a first-class gunner on an army biplane now und they say 1 will make a good flyer soon. All you can hear In these parts la war talk. 'There are lots of new men enlist ing and the Texas boys are all coming baek and say tbey are glad they are coming hack to fight. "We are putting everything In tbe airplane line 'In good shape. I am going out In a biplane on trial trip tomorrow at o'clock' .There are about twenty new f lyera here now and we xpectv more In about ten days." VETERAN "BILL" READY HAYWARD Eberlela of this city from Paul Johnson, one of tbe Business Men's Association committee working In San Francisco . and Sacramento raising terminal land money, stated that up to date tbey bad collected more than $4,0Maad that it waa be ing seat here. Ayi Tbe telacram aafa that the com mlttee wont-fat rsjmtento yesterday ana it u expectM tne mentors win arrive home tonight or tomorrow Mr. Johnson will remain in San Francisco until the first of next week. He plans to drive a machine up from tbe Bay city. MAY ENROLL MEN i 20 TO 23 YEARS NATIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL IS PLANNING ON INSTITUTING SERVICE BILL AND ASKS ALL CITIES TO AID IN ENROLLMENT AMERICAN SHIP AND BELGIAN AID BOATSARE SUNK 32 AMERICANS ABOARD 8HO SUNK IN MEDITERRANEAN Consul at Genoa Reaorta AN Relief Ship Trevier aai Sank Eight Woande on Trerier. Thought Fleateta Strawk a. Mane. Trerier Waa Awarded Safe Caw iluct by the German Gorersus. V. 8. STEAMER SUBBED l WASHINGTON, D. C. April, . The American consul at Genoa cabled the state depart- ment today that the American steamer Mlsaourlan, with thirty- two Americana aboard, baa been submarined without warning tne the Mediterranean sea. All were saved. TRACK COACH AT UNIVERSITY MAY JOIN COAST ARTILLERY IF WAR IS DECLARED TRACK TEAM UNLIKELY UNIVEU8ITY OF OREGGON, Eu gene, Ore., April 5. "BUI" Hayward, veteran trainer of athletes at tbe Uni versity of Oregon, baa signified his intention of enlisting In case war la declared. He may Join the second company. Coast Artillery, Oregon Na tional UGuurd, to which several of his moat promising athletes belong. Wo won't have much of a track team anyway." said Bill, with a grim I smile, "since most of the members of the team already belong to the company. If the boys go away with the company, I'll go along with them and keep them in training," Since coming to Oregon in 1907, Hayward has turned out a winning team every year except one. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 3.- Tbe National Defense Council's labor committee Is discussing plans to se cure tbe co-operation of all state and municipalities tor tbe enrolling of men aged 20 to 23 years under the universal training bill. Want to Improve Bridgm SALEM. April 5. Most of the counties of the state have aubmitted plans to tbe state highway depart ment for tho construction of new bridges or tbe repair of old one?, in dicating a general state-wide move ment to Improve bridges. LONDON, April S A Ymulden dispatch says tbe Belgian relief ship Trevlew has been submarined. Twenty-four or tbe crew have been landed and, eight were wounded. ' NEW YORK. April -5. The Tre vier sailed from New York for Rot terdam on February 20th, after hav ing received assurances that safe con duct would be given her by Germany, the relief commission announces. NEW YORK, April 5. A cable gram recelvedfat the Belgian relief commission headquarters here aaya that tbe relief ship Feiston has been sunk near Rotterdam. It is believed she struck a mine. -r Secadler Reported Sunk UUENOR AYRE8. April 5. Un confirmed reports persist that the German raider Seeadler has been Bunk by a cruiser. Co-operative Cannery Formed ALBANY, Ore., April 5. The or ganisation qf a canning company by local business men and farmem 1 underway here today. W. H. Haul hemu8, known throughout tho coun try for hi work In tbe Puyallup val ley, Washington, has agreed to take charge of the work, Including not only tho management of the cannery, but also the overseeing of the planting Hnd cultivation of the proper crops in this district. i Preaching at Mt, Lakl, . MT. LAX!. Anrll 6, Preaching service will behold at the Mt, Ukl church nest Sunday morning t It o'clock. Elder A. Cheyne will preach. Text of the War Resolution WASHINGTON, April 3. An Identical joint resolution, declaring a Htute of war to exist, waa introduced in both house of congrea Met night, in tlie ceuate by Senator Martin of Virginia, and in the house by Repreetttat!vc Flood. Tlie reaolutlon follews: "Joint resolution declaring tliat a state of war exist between the imperial German government ami the government und people of tlie United State, and making provision to prosecute tlie same. "Whereas, The recent acta of the imperial German government are acta of war against the government and people of the United States: "Resolved, By the senate and house of representative of the United State of America, in congreaa assembled, that the state' of war between the United State and the Imperial , GermuH govern meat, which has thua been thrust upon the United; state, la hereby formally declared) nnd y , "That the president he nnd I hereby authorised an4,dft,f. awa InBaiAnlAtA la Ml. imiIb a ui llu muihIm Ih m ftkAMMuak ha of defense, ant akw to exert nil of it power and udyjBfWiMY aourcaa to cam on war snainnt tud tha tmnarlal Gaslsna'nmsaw to brine th osnfUct to n aaoeeeefal teruManUew.; v WWVT T iiAAt :m t CiSs Vtf. h frw rr& M,m.i&; ifflHWMSli Vi iV WY,' " i'u,, to l"o no Mii, x i ' 'JSSS!vJsk a vsfc 2N