""TJ. ..,.,1 m n TH1 KV1W1WO HUALD. ' i KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MomtV.AI'IIILai.,. In Flnm Kcwn jl(t Frm MrrtMl ! D. It. Dotrn f Kcno was In th. riiv, F. J. Stanton and , , UNUSUAL WINTER CAUSES BIG LOSS RAMTKUX OJOX.ON. WAHHIXtJTOX AXD IDAHO FAIIMKRH KOIICKD TO RK-MKKO M.X' AOIKN OF igjBjBsjBmgB2l522229cM22C2225S2SS25gsVgsBVBamm aasfmmah r -T w ' A Ai HgW7 1 Y Rk w J vf , It. It. Noble of Irs. local News yrotrrday from that place. I Merrill rnnic In yUttrdajr on bnl In From VaUrr Farm I Percy Dixon wan In town tod.r '" for rh"'",U I from hi, ranch In the Wilson brlda. " "Mu"? ,"PB , "'-.w riclnlty mother. Mr. A. I. Morris, left thin ; J . V V ln V i 5- fe: aUn.YaXAMATWKATBTKl V. S. R. 8. , ftUxlaaoi Saturday, 0 degree. , Preriafutloa. trace. MuMlia Saaday, '44 drTf. 4 Mlalaus. 1 tfearcee. PrectaltaUoa. .0 inch. MlalmuM today. 3 dearer. III I- .1.-1. t...- u. ri.-..-K lm 4 Iairell Man In City ' "' v "7" 7 '7. . 1 nmtintnl wlih I hi. Phllnmitn M.r. I a K. iliunuay, iinKru IICJ creamery man, ramc 'from hi creamery. I Merrill IVl'le In City In )esterda,v rantllo company. Takrx ftMrvr of Shop Carl Yonns. formerly of thlo tlty. returned Saturtfar night an J lll '- J1; 8Utny of M",njMnr Into Cy were ifraia rua wrvuurs auogif, Mr. and Mr II. C. Window and 'have charec of the machine :. at Mr. C. C. Couch of Merrill were la the White Pelican garage, town ocr the weekend. ( J. H. Wise. Klamath rounty far- IWjo.i Sapportrr. to Meet Al.HANY. Ore.. April 2. SupKrt riN of the tti.0on.000 road bond meas- E. 8. Kerby aad vera la towa over tnmOit E. V. Uarnea the week-end hi CM UT. Tika Coaara and W. W. Barbara, of Yiwka inlwd In tb rllr Rundar' WlBtaai O. Aadenon of Shipping tea u Mlee Date? Haydea of cKt Wi aaarrW 8atarday night by expected Jaattea C tie Peace Gowea. mer, has moved to the city from the ure from practically eery county In country and Is residing at 623 Klahlh the Mate will meet here April II. street. I Chairman W. A. Wood, of the lost- J tature'Kcarapalsn commlttcv. Issued Unarm Front Inn .lagric the call iff. U . .-llUe, IVtil UJElCtAIl. j returned last night from Los Anicelcv where he has been on Important busi ness, j la Reported Better George McDonald, a Klamath coun. jty pioneer, who has been seriously ,111 at Santa Crux, where he has been this! this winter. Is reported better and is chances on a war declaration Inter (M Final rupee 1iti Is Noll, a former native of Ger many, received his final naturalisa tion papers today. Mr. Noll arrived In this country In 1909. landing at New York. He arrived In the city at 7:30 this morning and was taking no whkat laxii owixo to hxow lexpeciea to recover, accoraing 'word received here by relatives. to ruptlng his Intention of becoming an i American rltiten. PKNDLKTON. Ore.. April 2. tin usual weather of the last winter has coat the wheat growers of the Inland empire many thousands of dollars. Seventy-ftv per cent of the far- men of eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho must re-seed, their wheat field owing to the lack of snow during the winter and the high wind of a week ago, which act ually blew the seed from the ground. With wbrat selling at mure than 11.50 a bushel, the loss to tho far- mini who must plant their crops a second time ts easily seen. In Uma tilla coanty alone thousand of acres are being re-seeded now. The ground la many places Is baked aad bard. Club varieties of wheat are said to have suffered most. jmli BaT i amyamma mmmmmmml mmW I M 7 tWli I ' " - - t. . .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkCsBBBBBBBBBBBBsb'-r -55!asmmaaBBBBBBBmmV .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl TBaamaBBHHKVaaVVmm VeSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBmW amaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBmmSllES "'- -!3aBBBBBBBBBBBBmaBBi maBBBBBBBBBsmamaPv m'mMWrFiAWiiS&J'Cr&l&Zek bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKTa alTW yaVaaBBwyjBcvr55,DBSmaaBBBBBBmal aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKml KC'M tMJSjZfi&SSSfZ&jEBS aaBBBBBBBsmmmr BaaamaflX liK9!3lt5UffLiCsSH aassssssssssssssT sBavmaaaaMaBsssBffaB?-BBHBssssssssssssWfllikVJlPBaassssssB mBBBBBBSmmaW JlsnfsBUP!lsBKWA.SBBBVSBBBBBBBBBMtU2Ay SBBBBBBBSBSmmml aaBBBBBBBBmaWmiaF BHB -BTmFViaBBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBmBsmBaBBBBBKaABBBBBBWBBBBBBBBV ammmawaBVma BssKSaBssssSBsBssssssssssss7PSasmaf3BBsssssma maasssmmml IK Jrl ftJK9sBBBBBBBBBBBBsC5asstar 'PcSJSSVsmmm aBBBBBBBBBBBV4maBBBSV2al BBE rldRlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaKT ASfSSk KjamBmBH,aiamKhjHBiBflmBmBmBmBmBmm jr&J!Tml BLsbBBBBBbPBBB "yBBBBBBslBBBBBBBBBBK VSBM-MjVBgW'fj'" V 'rVgSBUrfi''snPvBBBBBBBBmi amamamaWBfla?amamaRKam BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBffKs9k W BBBBBBbV TSBBBBBBBHsKVIBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm HHIHKww g flnBXBBialHHiiBi&2H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI JasJawV- lgB VmaBBBBBBBBBBWmsK BBVmaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH amaBfrgSBBBBBBBBafe amamWalpr Vf 9 lamavVA ''lamamamamaml mB HlgmKlgml.lllillll..lllllllH BEbbBbbP4 BBBBBBBBBaBBBBsV ismaBBBBBBBBBBBBUaBUamaBBBBBBBBBBBBm Copyrifte Halt Schema SeUrx Now for an early announcementM -, 4 "fSv Hart Schaffner & Marx Styles for Spring are Here YOU'LL be glad to hear it; most men look forward to this event with keen interest Here are some of the good things you'll see at this stere: The stylet the famous Var sity Fifty Five designs for young men and men who like young style. New belt-backs, pinch backs. Vanity Six Hundred Overcoats; some with belt all around. The fabrics all-wool; wors teds finished and unfinished; flannels: serges; homespuns. tar " cheviots; Dixie weaves. The colers: grays, greens, blues and browns any number of new ideas you haven't seen before. You'll see the Hart Schaffner 8c Marx label in all of these garments; it's your guarantee of absolute satisfaction; a small thing to look for, a big thing to find. h j JT.T -VlVi J&h . K. Sugarman The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes .'At r ' "I f V 1 f Kfr " 'T"STTTn?it!T7 INDIVIDUAUTY ,. IN CLOTHES Men with individuality like to have their clothes a little different from the ordinary fellow. The Kuppenheimer Company specializes on this point. Their clothes have style touches far in advance of most manufacturers. If you wish to stand out from the crowd and get away from the commonplace and ordinary, and yet not be conspicuously dressed, come to us for your Easter suit. When you make your "annual visit" to church you surely .want a new suit. We have dozens of them your size wait ing your inspection. If you are a little fussy and particular about your clothes, you are the man we are looking for. If we cannot please you we don't want you to buy. That is our fault, not yours. Kindly give us the opportunity of trying. K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothers KNOX HATS WALK-OVER SHOES IRWIN AND HENRY ON STAND TODAY HOIIIlS .MLUDKIt CiHK hT.IUTH Tlllrj MOK.M.V AXI KXAMI.VA. TIOX OF HITXKhSKK I'ltOCKI'.!). I. IX THK UIMTIT COl'IlT STUDENTS JOIN ARMY; 6ET CREDIT O. A. C. I'llOYlDFJi MrmiOIl op MAKING U CLANH VVOIIK LOST WIIII.K MKMIIKIIM AUK FIOIIT FOU OIIU XATIO.VH CAIHK This cxanilriatlon of witnesses In the Hobbs murder enru for the death of Kd Way opened this morning In the circuit court, which Is now linvlni; ,ila second trial following the failure or the MM jury to arrive nt it ver dict. John Irwin, ex-dlttrtct attorney, who was In office at the lime nf the death of Way, wan on tho stand this morning to tell of his tonversntlmi ulth tlio Hobbs in, d evidence ho found. K, fl. Henry, county anrveyor, who mado a nlui followlnK the Hhoot Ing, was iiIho on tlii' Mnud. luisely 'repeatliiK tlulr teatlmony given on the firm trial. Thene two wltnoueu were dl4pctiit-d with before noon. The ram roauroed thla nfternoou. DUtrkt Attorney Duncun Hnld thut tho trial would probably not hint an long thlM time, (ik I hey expec li-il In Kct down In fnclK, Tlie fhlliote MKomy In tin- home of tlto Kliiu oiituiii-k, Ak for fire, Ufa and arrldeiit ralea. 2!) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "- nrvvvvvi-uri-fu.rrrrxruMUa WANTED Two young ladlrn to fix- tor tnr hoapltal (ralnlnu. Apply or wrlle to Mtta Moore, head nurse of Blackburn bosnltal. Klamath Falli. OroKou. 2.31 UllHCON AdlllCULTUHAI- COI I.Hdi:, Corvnllli, April I. No aeol nrtir obstuclcn will he allowed to pre. vent inllHtmcnt for military aervlce nt tlie Orraon Arlcultura College. A faculty rullnic ling bean madu that jlll either itlvo credit for work un finished iM'cauie of otilerlnK tho ier vbe before the end of the prcaent HcmeHter. or provldo raeana of mak iue up the uncompleted work. CauriidatoH for graduation in June, 1917, who withdraw from collcgo for United Wilton military aervlce will re ceive full credit for the aecond fom eHter'H work In all nubjocts In which they ur maintaining a pawing grade. All other atudonta will either ro celv) credit for the unflnlHh,od work of the temeater or bo given an "In- tompleto" In aubjocta noceinary to required HUbJoctH. When Htiidunta with incomplete, return to college they will bo provid ed with apodal Instruction to enable them to remove tho Incomplete grade, SCHOOL FAIR DODYjpi LINT OK OFFICKIW lOMPLETO A.l PEIIMANK.NT CttMUnTEE t'HAIIlMAX AI'ltHXTKW-tT ,H I'MNXKII TO IHM ' VAW HlUy.fUe Orndiiata In Montanii MIBBOUKA. Mont., April 2, Moro than klxty-flve atudenta at tho Unl vemlty of Montana will receive do. grcei at tho commencement In Juno, Thla la a alight tncreaae over the number of graduatea laat year, when forly-two received dlplumaH, Tho Klnmatli Cuuiily School Wr Aaaoclatlon coniploicd II orpH' tlon at a mooting held nt lh KIB,'(" Commercial Clubroom Hutnrday " crnoon wild the oloctlon of offlHH and tin. uuiiolntmcnt of pcrw commltteo ehalrmiiii for Ihe wl brinche of work. it iu ii,., iMuiuiiition'x tiluii to noia one general achool fair In the "Um" and pcrhnp auxiliary f.ilr In oV' lug pnrla of the county ahould II " ImpoMlblo for tlioo dlniriiw - hlblt at tho genorul fair. T,'1",! bo aottlod later by thiwo "''"'T The offlcorK of the bkmik latum on are:: 0. I). Climpcnlng. pf"'; dent; A. U. Maralmll. ilco-preiWW. MIhs Bdnn WolU, mcreViryj w Kiell, anHUtant aecrclury: M. U. rw" troniurer. and J. C Wright. treasurer. . -M Tho pormanont cominltKe rliairw appointed were: Krunk 8 waya and uieaua comiulllcei Kdun Wolla, meMilierahlpi " ;.. non, publicity! Mlaa Anna I WJta. library program, and Fred IN athletlo program. lifavrn AfT VIH .. . ...I,n 111! b8 Mr. V. r. Bcnnauoi. """ '" nere visiting ner oum ' - Old ol thU city, baa ! im " Iiohip. . --"' !f f. .v. . 1 rii 5.f?dS "I' '