r ?&' KV W? .1 , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY jaB-asyawfisjusKSS-oas; rT.mra: ICtfTMlli Vmm N. IMM I?? iEupttfnn Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH PALLS .i-- ,..., rrr-. KLAMATH FALLS, ONJGON, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917. t Price 7tre WILSON DELIVERS ADDRESS TONIGHT .! Champ Clark Is Re-Elected; Stirring Scenes in Capital Congress Organizes While Crisis Nears Pacifists Kept From Congressional Gal leries to Prevent Demonstration. Chaplain Prays for Almighty's Influ ence in "Present Crisis Thrust Upon U" Compulsory Training Bills In troduced. AMMWNAWMWVVMWVtfVMMWWWWWWWWWMy Members of De fense Are Ready WASHINGTON, I. C, April l. each officer. Houlli Trimble was r- CUmp CUrk was re-elected speaker ,prwl fl"k h vw, of 7 m 811. ., . The senate met at noon anil no- rflil :I7 voir. Mann 105. "-,JoiirB1-imctll Mll,Ml ,.,,, , mrrt MU two. Unroot two, and two Mela, j t a o'clock lo hear the president's ton not vullitjc. address. firm of Maasarhusetia declared! Henator lllrnm Johnson of Call nk Republican parly haa never 'forna Mmc , , nvtm building nil lo it duty." ureen nonii-'WIUl Mrii jonnM, , Faulkner. mm Mann ana iarotn econwa mv -rlntt. hla secretary. Masse of flow. MBlnitpn. suylng. "The day have rn wcrp ,wntB him. Ho was as torn elicn there will be no partisan- niMi lo the seat formerly occupied 'P" .by Senator I'hctnn, ami n then ca tchall ot Mliinesnla, Independent, rorieq m iho vlre-piesldcnt's desk, lomlnitot Clark, declaring that In v-horu ho wa administered the oath, normal times he would not hnvo sup- ported him, but "today thvrtt should to one party Dip American parly." The voting started Immedlatidy. , Tho hnuic iiK'IiimI nl noun. The gal ttrles were Jammed with spectator tad many flags were flying. ' Pacifist agitators were kept out of Ito lallerlM, avoiding a demonstra tion. The thaplnln prayed for "Al llhty Influence In thla preaent rrliU thrutt uixtii ua." Thn lrmocrna are determined to e all thn strength possible on the floor. Un or Georgia, who la Jtiat rNovwrlna from pneumonia, waa ikrnuiht In on u atretchnr. Mn It.inkln of Montana wua given a rouihiR ilwnonstrutlon on entering to chamber, Later when alio took oth iiiiiny conRrcaamnn crowded around to shako handa with her. Speaker Clark wn oMrortml In lit I Ifll hv Iful r rn .....- v.h.. Itllllt J llr Introduced In the house Iho rwomtlwry army service bill embody III Ihe plaiiK of the Retieral army !. Thla bill provides for tho training of men from 18 to SI yeara VI l. winliir Chnmbmlnlii U. S. R. S. LOCAL MANAGER CHANGED J. It. HOXDOK MONTANA ARRIVES 1X TAKE CHARGE OK MK'AI. ItKCMMATION tlFKICK-- t'AMI" MAKt KTATK.MK.NT It waa ntinoutiiud at the local United Blaten reclninutlon offlci to day that Project Mitiiager J. l. Cump Iiuh been remoed from of fit o and II. Ilond, formerly of llrown- 'lug. Montana, haa been placed In charge. Mr. Ilond In In charge toduy. The change haa been made, It Im understood, bcfuuau uf difficultly which have arlaen botwoon Mr. Camp intrn.iurdUnd the Washington offlcea. l nillllnrv lrnlnlii hill wlilrli him I The toltowinc Htuti'llll'ltt WIIH llllldu amended to inako the flrat elaaa'thla morning by Mr. Camp: llable immediately. "Tho reclamation aervlco miiHt huve ""ring the voto on the aponkorahlp n project manager at Klamath who trooa nit,, , rM0jt0n which de that a Hlatn of war exlata be lMn the lliilteil fltnlim anil Our ny, will not only deul fairly with tne water nnera but one who will, after co-operating with the local offlio, ie uort fully and clearly to this and tho ItMjrg briefly thut tlermany'a acta , Wnahlngton offlccH upon nil tnattera y coiitlhiiii ,.. .i i.niil..rai.iinv tn ihn liffnlm of the nroJect , ..... nH, . .vw.,v-,.v. .-.... ... ' . wngreaa formally declare a and Ua operatloiia and nuure unvm- -,u4 of belligerency haa beeu thruat ! opmont, ao that these offices may "PJtt'is." iJirvo full Information before acting on 'rtouiionnttthorlioatheprea.1tho many matters which pertain to Mill it lul.. -. . .. .. - '. . . . . it uI.h.. uiiil nf Urn -V ic Hiopa ror tno aetenae or, me weitwro oi me bohibib " government. "The ubovo statement wua made lu a letter from the chief of construc tion to me, and I waa requested to turn over the project lo Mr. J. H. Bend and put In the coming month making him acquainted with the proj act," said Mr. Camp. "Mr. Ilond Is now In charge. Thla decision of the chief of construction Is a surprise to me and I believe is founded on a mis understanding which I am In hopes can be cleared up. ' "I have triad to do my boat for the project and have kept my superior ffteera wall Informed at alt times H .gEammVg T .mmm am gsHffaVmW'mmml gfl gvSttjyT Ksbw?A bbbbj I SastammmmmCigaaB am ammmtKlBmBBBVjrmBBl am BaaLAgsBBBBBr .gvfS SENATOR LODGE IS ATTACKED BY TWO PACIFISTS M ItKTOKT Illtl.XfW UIOW AMI TIIK i hK.NATOHIK FL4M)ltKI sStoastosssiiss I General Gomez, the Cuban Revolutionist, in Havana Jail J'tJ'JM&kJUJmMS .usrn 'fr . Y! I I aiur jtHM-i aii iMiti a jDWHUMODBf KAQIIN WQOWMl --.IS C'ltOBO This Is the Council of National l)e-fi'iiM- mid AiIWmio Coinml.ssloii lu Jitlnl fi'tihlon III lliti hlstoilcjl terep- tlon loom of the hocietnry of war. Ti-I Kraph teraor in Hip Senator' Olllrf liitei-rrtTH unil Ucjiih PuclrlM llotonu l' Annu IViImhI) or ttambridge. MMaacliUMtt, Aironi. pun Inl Ihivona lu Senator liUdgeV orrltti lo Offrr IiihuIi lu the Ftig. 3 WASIIINOTON.tn. C. April 2. Alexander Hunnwnrt Unvoiin anil Anna IV.ibody of Cambridge, Masss-I rlniht'ttH were arrested toilay on n tliuiKo of ims.iultlng Senator Lodge. It Ik iillegcd they approached Sena tor l-odgo in lilB-offlio lu the senate liulldtng and told lilm tbnt.Iiln con HtttiK'iitK are ngnliiht war. "Any paclfiMt at this time In a toward," It Ik reported Senator Lodge rejiilm-il. "Anont! that .inth war Is a row aril," llamiwurt is rcHrled as say ing. As he made tho declaration llaiinwnrt struck Senator Lodge and floored him. David Herman, a telegraph opera tor in tile office, attacked Dannwnrt mid beat him badly. LAND DRAWING DATE IS SET WIM. Hi: lli:i.l ON APItlb 'M AM) LAMMH'KX FOIl ItMIIKTMATION .ll'ltll. lit OX -II TKAITS UK VAIIIOI'S SI.LS 11' lt Hit ACIIKM Iuh3 y U,,U t0 6Mrt "" re" rcsnccniary to carry on war 2'"' T Imperial Carman govern TK w blng the present conflict mrccwiul conclualon." ' J,:'0, "'"vintroduce,il a general X. " covwk all conceivable Jlfncles and pWjvldlng penalties JJUN from lot&o fine, to' two T!i in prison and V life Imprison- nl'. .The bul Pro 2.l'"y yeara or I If A for failure of -: rrson to obey a iWMC'a ordara. ,ft, p Lim Qtlni m "e.l ' .-i- iu nenuiiiMk 4uaSl k ' - -wraio roll n on t vote for'ln regard to all project affalra." The Tule Lake land dinwiiiK In boiithcaatorn Klamath county will be held April 25, and the land will be open to roglsttatlou Apill It!, nc- coidlng to ft wire tecelved thin morn ing from Washington. Kort)-four trnctH ot vaiious slse up to eighty act oh are to bo released and lire to bo Irrigated by tho United Stated ieclamatlon-borice, at an esti mated pi 1(0 of ftr. per ncrc. Nine da)H nie allowed, rommenc lug Apill 1(1, to view the land, nuiko water application and send In filings to the Lnkevlow or Sacramento land offlcea. Seven of t liege trnctH ure in Cullfomla and tho icmalnder In Ore gon. The Initial cost of ISO Is toqulrod for water payment, which covers all except maintenance fees for five years. Tho filing fee will amount to 110, IVllcan liny Mill Starts The I'ellcan Hay Lumber Company sawmill at Pelican city Blurts opera tions tomorrow with a full crew, It waa announced today by the mana ger. 0R6ANIZE COAST ON WAR SITUATION POItTI.AM ItOTAItV CM'II HOLUh MIIKTIMi TO ACQUAINT PKO l'l,i: WITH TIIK XKCKSSITY OK I'HKI'AltKOXLSS I'OltTLANI). Ote.. April 2. On posing the plan of the general Muff of the United States army to nbau don the Pacific slope to cupturo in case of attack, and to rctho lo the Itockles until better prepnied for war, the I'oitland Hotniy club is oi Kiinizlug a campaign to acquaint the. people with the necessity of, prepared Hess. A mass meeting, uteuded by repreHentntives of eery one pf the leading civic, bodies of the state, was held in tho Lincoln high school audi torium Saturday night. (lovernor Wlthycombe. Maor Al bce, Jllshop Walter I'aylor Sunnier, Mis. James N, Uals of tho Daughters ot the Ameiicau Revolution, and Ells worth Ileiilinin ot the National Se em Ity League, were tho principal speakers. Speakers declared that any Invader should be met -at least thirty miles off tho coast with the Pacific Coast floet of the navy. fist 1 at tt&ivmypqumimieiKi.ikx 4l- sf v j gaafl 72 araflSBmaCT4 2gaHemBmBmBmBBBM. feBge, ijli ri t fH Tt1v 4mB i PrjgggeB aalmlmlmlmlVi3i!gggggggggLk " ..& I t H VI V t B9 Y f 'fBammmv ammmmmmmmmmw Lggggggmr V1 aj t-M .ggggVBmmmmmmmmmmmmVaammmmmmmmmmmaTrBmmmmmmV ggggggaame V vammTggggakk. . j i Wt ej ' T wTgggggggggggggggvggggS m ' amVamak E & f aSavitBmBgggmBmmmVI 'l "' v-H i BBSSSSST SBSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSr vvi jt I m ,B14 al j3 RfJggt'3P3HlgggggggggggK- -o -viyjk lAvjEi 1 1? Ur tammma amBBamVsammmA x siigggi ' f kL) ggggaMaBam&BBmBmifgaT"" x-gggar u I'd laVTamw ammmmmmmmmT, B 'Vsgggm jii aamrnm gJggai ggtB igal -''' ' 51 Iv1"? FggVat.iWggf gggf. Vggga $ gV f'$tX '"'ih Mvmmm:smii?,'-r- 'DSJS'i VAgi ?M '-IgamiSM Ivgf I rm?4 i l9 rff JakmkUgml SaBaWPPiijI i'v ' HlalilggggtgggKi P H " -- " -A&ygamwwnT; &? r i i w .- lil. MESSAGE WILL ASSERT STATE OE WAR EXISTS CKItMAXY STEBXLY AMUKJIfBD FOR ACTIOXS ?K2, u MaM K.a . O. (ieneral Jose Miguel Gomez, former president of the Republic of Cuba, who led the reteut revolt against President Menocal, Is now in jail, and this is the first photograph taken et him there, lb shows Mm followed by a guard. Except during those hours when be is in a cell the general is watched and followed .by an armed guard. CHICAGO PUPILS PATRIOTIC TODAY :i.-H,00 CHILDHEX STOOD HE KlUi: DESKS AND SANR "AMEK. ICA" AS COXUIIESS CONVENED IX THE NATION'S CAPITAL Said to lie Very Leagthy Review of luciileats treading Vp to Qm ent Crista Gardiner Offer IuUob Declarla War est MM nun Empire, Dcvlati lw sat Una and Man Hare Beast VMaavt WASHINGTON. D. C. April S. It was announced late today that the president will "address con- rresit at 8 o'clock thla eveninc A-tommlttee--win'-f o-totfc V t-- White House at 7:30 o'ciock and escort him to the noma chamber. The message will assert that a ktate of war exists. It is aald to be a lengthy re- lew of the incidents which have led us to the present crista and is a btirring arraignment ot der- many. Hwepllon' Held Tonight A recoptlon given by a number of local peoplo for Mr. and Mrs, E. Hi Reameg ot this city, who leave soon for their new homo near Palo Alto, Cul.. will bo given at the White Pell- cun hotel tonight. Ilus New Car , John H. olfe of Merrill ias pur chased h Model 4 HO Chevrolet auto- mobllo CHICAGO. April 2. When the ex t inordinary tesblon ot congress opened' today, 350,000 children lu Chicago's public bchools aiose, stood beside their desks and bang patriotic bOUgS. As tlie session, which may icsult In war, was called, all the kiddles little aliens as well us little Ameri cans Joined their 350,000 voices in singing "My Country 'TIs of Thee. RAIDS ON LIQUOR MADE IN CITY POLICE, SHERIKK AND DISTRICT ATTORNEVS OFKICE COOPER ATE AXD SPREAD NET, SEV ERAL HEING HAULED I'P INTERNED LINERS WILL BE SEIZED WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2.- C.o eminent plans are completed to seize thu ninety German ships In tel tied lu American ports immediately following the declaration that u state of wai exists. Hoy Joins Guard Word received from Ralph Hum by hk mother, Mrs. Jennie R. Hum of this city, says that he has Joined the hospital corps of the Third Oregon leglment and Is now with the con's at VancouvarWWaah. Hum telegraphed hla, mother and waa given consent to join the regiment. A number of raids were made Sat urday night and last night by tho city police force, the sheriff's office, and the district attorney's office. Early Saturday night the police were tipped off that a "supposedly" empty freight car arriving on the freight train due here Saturday even- Ing contained a shipment ot booze. They hurried to the railroad yards und arrested Win. M. Hatfield. It is said Hatfield wag in the car with the booze. A local man who was near by fled and was later summoned before Jus tice of tho Peace Goweu and allowed t3 go on his own recognizance. Later the establishment of which Ell Nickerson is proprietor was- raid ed, Nlckerson being at rested and was released on flOO bonds. The establishment conducted by E. R, Callahan was ulso raided and Cal lahan arrested, aud placed on $100 bonds. Last night the police arrested throe men supposed to be on their way to an Upper Lake mill, P. Nlant, L, Durlghelle and F. Charet, for having liquor In their possesion. They pleaded guilty. Council Meets Tonight The regular weekly meeting of the city council will be held tonight at the council chamber. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3. It Is announced that the president would deliver his message this after noon If the house of representatives had completed its organisation. Chairman Flood, of the foreign re lations committee, announced thla morning that the administration's res olution declares that a state of war exists with Germany and does not con tain a declaration of war. Gardiner, Republican, haa tiled a resolution declaring war on Germany. The resolution says America should not permit other countries to bear the burden of the war ou Germany, who has. after repeated warnings, con tinued to sink American ships and take American lives in defiance of the "laws of God and man." His resolution authorises the presi dent to use "all land and naval forces against the German empire. Its sub jects and German dependencies." ALLIES ADVANCE ON WNTIN MflTlBH TAKE TWO TOWNS AND FRENCH ADVANCE ' OX AV. OTHER FRENCH HAY GER MAN STRONG AT ST. JUISNT1N s WITH THE URIT1SH ARM1M April a. The British have taken At-C tlllv Vlllaohnllna nnd hkvn kltTknnnili within two nnd a half miles 'of. $&C,?in y hav,BM M4V;'lJft Quentln, where they WUVMI.H. wmu.v mvv - --"T T-w jt y tamntlncr to force a wedae tkNtlMiiv ::: :. - . : i the German line. The Fiench havo Vauxhalllon. A aays the Germans the St, Quentln lines M'rtl-l "MiliAr-" , mvAM?M&'M rrcaitatamul ilrtjg , vCF'""' a site ss "& - i 'il " fc "jh i fc .t ,4 S cu;l '31 6' .J jrV' m -K fA w W-T JWlWtf-; i v . v. Vvl,