fr ijsjtip n-qlT r'jri4 yK, 5F ' ' j-w fcjeif -.k-j-sn?"7(i 'fl?J 5 ", v i-g. r.jyc Irt' WluSW' 1 r . . 'tsf-l'-'Vi' && M, cwtr f'.-ft' i'C" i Sftn lEunmn Iterate MWBfiaggBngBMUt.'-W'm w--.-.-, . , . ,. , , " I 111 II . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,ljfj "l,",'!, OFFICIAL NKW1FATWI OF' KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALtt i? ys l? 31 r,' g .aiacaeaggs8"?" t14 KtotMtth Year N. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. j-J.J-itr 1 A .if 0 ' $Frrw$r J JIMIjl VW$ ml 'vSr Americans Perish on British . i Ships 1 l essaa Sunk Without Warning.Announced a umilm , . e''' yJggSwwCWrfWWWMWWW j, , I , ' r h tt2 I" K' '. . r VV -3, . - ORE AMERICAN CITIZEN KILLED BY EXPLOSION MNKK AMKHICAXK WKHK AI.KO PKOIIAIILY KILLED OMttiiir it " OH) w kikM. ties Hundred and Four Hun.Uom Mate wlt l-'our. None D Hrtnl Aincrlimi, Killed mm Snn era llsaae ! Amrrirmi Were oa Ihk Ship. WASHINGTON, II. (!., March 31,. OHkUl dispatches snuutinre that the Brliiib freighters Crlspeu and Know its Range, with American aboard, tare bcni submarined without warn III. 0m American was killed on the CrUprn by the explosion nf tho tor- ptdo. The- total casually Hot on the Crlrsn was eight, probably Inrlud III other American. Dim hundred wi four survivors have- been landed. Thm were sixty-eight aboard the sowara limine ami four wore killed by the rxplotlun or the torpedo, limit of whom arc believed to havo been AMrlcaui. Thtre were nix American) aboard th lhli. Three Men Who Are Prominent in Russia WASHINGTON. I. C, March 31. Ule sdvlrcs nay that two Aniurlrnn re killed mid IS nro missing from th CrlatH'ti. CONSIDER ORDER TO MUSTER OUT MILITIA COMPANIES IN CAM FOR. MA AUK (iUANTKII AX i:.Ti:.. Op TIMK A.l milKK AS- mh'.j'i:m iu(ki ahihtionk ACRAMKNTO, March 31. Adju. iHMlrnrenl Itoeo nun announced thourdur to inuatur out Wut atttto lllla companies which nro undm wlalnuiu wr iiiu,Mi. .... U.....I. ii ' WliiK retoiiHldored. Moki of the comimitlPH havo bumi nteU an extmmlon of tlrao. Ho M l,U0 enlUtmenU hnvo bean In Urn Ntntc during th past Reichstag Votes Republic Inquiry AllSTRIMIAM u ,. o. r, ...... . 'Wehe my that tho rolchitag '.ii. .. 7 ,0 33 t0 Invoitlgate con- "iiuiiiii qnoHtlooK, (specially on " repreaontutlqn of the people and v! relnllo" ot llio poojilo and tho $ iwiuma to KtaRMtli ici. '"' "' Nowlni has returned to fom ""r uomg in vbii wEi "ml ,,tnver tor moBlhi. C" wy Mri. Newnbtm'a mother i "' " w nio quarant ned at the Vftni.1. I . """"Wl ! " sni ' '" Uenvor, where her grand "ivren worn in nIIB1h. .r w..u. I, I b8voall recovered and are now f raiadcuu. whu. it..- ..... hinui,. ' """ ""' - BMaVaWaVMPrvOUWMBBl gH HHfeg ' ' 1 gLHnHrlR 1 aaVISmt KlUi'V'-Bk gWiPwM gaKa WgggggRiTV vaggggaQty " to? kgggf Germany May Believe That War Exists --.- .... ...... U gg. A A AAA A at A A A A Al.a .- .t t" J 'rKsktf -J.F 60RE EXPLAINS ROAD BOND ISSN E Wll.l, .NOT IMT I'MII'l.i: A.NY MtHtr. .MO.VKY AS IIII.I.S I'AHSKII WHICH I'IKIVIIIK MO.VKY NKC IXSAKV TO I'AHH IIIIJ. MAYOK I ArriTTKII 8KATTI.B, Mach 31 Maor Hiram GUI nnd the fivn other id fcmliiiitH In the Seattle bunt- Ii-kkIdi: "lid eraft rni, wrro 'unwilled today by the jury. (JIM ami IiIh two lawyers wept when lOhT)LAhTEK : NAVAL OFFICER HERE TUESDAY the tvrdlct ua auiiouuied, MANN WILL BE CANDIDATE FOR SPEAKERSHIP STKKlUNG COMMITTKK HOLDS A MKKTIXCi In Re of tho rend money provided by the Hhaehelford bill, n feilernj bill Voitli Iktkutn Itepublleiiii unjcri- under which the alnte in tint first iwr-j form eerluln iicm. and which nct.s are '" wricaen ny .MipriiuintiN t-ui Included In the $0,000,000 bond bill Imttie. UELZKLL IIEAKH FltOM COMSIANDEH IlLACK Ill'HX, WHO W1IX OK IX KLAM. ATH FALLS XKXT H'EKK The bniiefltH "lid conditions ur rouudliiK the $C,ooo,000 rond bond IxHiie to be oled ou thin HprluR by the ixiiplti of Oregon wun taken up! and explained from many angles at the Commercial club meeting at the HoiiHton opera limine last night with W, II. Core of Medford, who came here for the purpose. One of the most Important phaon of the situation touched on by Mr. (inre was the fact that unless Oregon tote this bond Issue the state will not bo uble this year to take advnn- PQiNceLvorrv lrlnce CeorKen l.voff, Ioiik u lend er In thi! .''iimno oiKnulKiitlouH, anil u revolutionary wlm refilled throiiKh many years to iiiiiuieunuie bloody measured, htm lu-romo premier nnd minister of the Interior In the new roolullonnry enblnel. I'rof. Man ulloff of the I'llhemlly of Moscow, Is tho new minister of publle Instruc tion, while former Vresldsnt of tho Diiiuii A. J. Ouclikoff holds the im portnut post of minister of war and tho navy. RAIDER BUSY ON SOUTH ATLANTIC Hi'iivivoiiK of i:i,i;vi:x siiifh KKIHHtT LAItOi: YK.SMKL IH AC TIVK IX CHAIUJH OF COUNT IXCKXKIt RIO DM JANK1UO. Match 31 Survivors of cloven vessels sunk by n new (lermnn rnldcr sny that tho vessel Is Inrgo nud eiimbersomo und Is unmed tho "Boenddler." Count Lucknor Is said to bo In command. HALIFAX, March 31. A (lormnn rnldor has sunk thu schooner Perce in the South Atlantic, tho ship's own ers havo announced. Tho crow wb lunded at Mo do Janclio. iUmctt HeiMirtcd Ikiter Merrltt Bnrnott. who whs thrown from his horse yesterday to the pave, wont In Fair-view, suffering severe Injuries io his head, Is reported to ho some bettor today. Though tho skull concussion was sovoro and o fracture was feared, his mind Is ald to be clearing nnd the attending phy- hIkIuu holloves ho will recover, The attendance at the meetlnc wus small nud it was turned Into nn In formal dlMi'iisulou, the bill being taken up for Kcncrol explanation and dis cussion, Mr. (lore explained that to reielxo hard surfaced roads under this bill the counties deslrhiK the roads must pieparc tho grades and make S IU'iulillcan-.Yole to 2I Demo rrntie, Ontaiiimtimi Slate Im lrnc tleally AkmiitmI and I'roKram Will lie Curried Out. I'ostmaster Delxellris 'in receipt of the following telegram this merning: Mursbfleld, Or.. March SI. Postmaster Klamath Falls, Ore. Hare one more stop to make be fore Klamath Falls. Arrive there Monday or Tuesday. Please give all publicity possible. Inform mayor laud all interested parties. LIEUT.-COM. BLACKBURN. All men who wish to enlist should leave their names with the poatsaas- ter and be ready to present theaseel- vea when the. officer arrlvaa. Tk se- rruitlng officer for the navy wilt come at any time there are appti cants in waiting and will furnish transportation for all acceptable re cruits. Tho postmaster will give such in formation us has been supplied bim in regard to the requirements for en listment In the navy and will forward nil names to the proper officer. V WASHINGTON. D. C, March 31. the'" wns nm,m,",e,l following a mcct- nmds ready for the hnrd surfacing. I nK of llc steering committee that Any county desiring this must pctl- Mnuu will Im the Republican candl tlon the state highway commission Post romls, consisting of n good sur faced roads, nro also provided undor tho bill. ' Mr. Gore also explained that tho Mute highway commission has tho duto for the spcukerohip. Helgeseu, n ltepubllcan from North Dakota, bus bei stricken with ap IKUidtcltls, euttlng tho ltepubllcan vote to 313 und practically assuring not bind Indhlduuls in their oto for officers, failed. Ho declared thut he would vote for l.enroot instead of Mann. ontlro matter in charge nnd has Iho.U'o lomocratlc organisation slato. distribution of the uso of nil tho! Dissension arose this afternoon lato money. j'n t'10 Kcpublicuu eaucus. Gardner, Ho said Hint the vollug of this bond ,of Massachusetts, left when resolu- Issuo will not cost tho residents or "u" iu'"b i"i ie caucus uwa Oregon another cent as the automo bile license increnso has already been made by tho legislature nnd the spe cial tax which Is to take care of n large portion of It, is nlrwidy' In vogue. Mr. Cola sud that n member of tho state highway commission Is ex pect od to como to Klamath Falls be fore election time to further go Into tho details of the bond Issue. Ho left this morning on his return to Medford, POSTMASTERS ARE NOW IN SERVICE ALL IN F1IWT, SF.COXD, TIIIHD CLASH UNDKH CIVIL HKHV1CK HUT OXKS OIVIXO SATIHFAC TlOX XOT TO UK DIHTPHUKD HIGH SCHOOLERS ENTERTAIN MANY I.AHUK CHOWD Tl'HXS OUT AT HKXLKY IIKill TO WKLCOMK Kia.MATH COUNTY HIGH MUSI. CAL OltUAXIKATlOX WA8HIN0TON, D. C, March. 31. Postmaster General Durlvson baa of ficially announced the president's or der placing first, second and third class postmasters under the civil ser vice. . , PoEtrnustor Burleson also an nounced that present Incumbents giv ing good service will not be disturbed but at tbe same time postal regula tions must bo iiioio rigidly enforced,. HENLEY."" Mutch 31. Twenty seven members of the orchestra and glee clubs and of the faculty of tho Klumath County high school gave ouo of tbo most entertaining programs eor hoard ut tho Henley high school. About ISO people wore present at tho school to hear the musicale und Interesting program. Following the entertainment refreshments were served and n social time held, Tbe music by both tbe orchestra and the glee club, under the director ship of Mr. Taylor, was a aurprlse and that real talent Is Included In theirmebersbip Is not doubted, Mr, Gregg's Juggling trick and Mr, Hogg's sleight of band performances were exceptionally entertaining and enjoyed by all, INCOMES MAY PAY WAR COST WAIt FIXAXCB COMMITTEE HAS FLAX TO SADDLE COST OF WAR MX INCOMES AXD LIMIT PER CKXTAGE FKOF1T8 NEW YORK. March 31. Tbe committee on war finances, of which Amos Finchot is the head, bas an nounced a plan to place the burden of financing tho war on incomes of over $5,000. It Is proposod to tax iucomes from K.,000 to $10,000 two and a halt per cent nud to uso u sliding scale on In comes oer 110,000, making It Im possible for any person to receive a net Income exceeding $100,000. Legislation will be asked to limit war supply profits to three and one- half per cent and tbe profits on all necessaries to -six per cent for the period of wur. ' High government officials have In dorsed tho plan. HEALTH CERTIFICATE U1LL XAHUOWLY PASSES ASSEMBLY SACRAMENTO, March 31. Wish. urd's bin requiring brides and grooms to have health certificates, passed the assembly when It came up for a voto the second time, but whether It will get through the sen- ute Is problematical. This was Assemblyman Wisuards pet measure and It kept him on tbe jump in committee and on tbe floor of tbo assembly to have It passed and then It didn't have a vote to spare. There apepars to be no one In tbe senate to conduct such a vig orous fight for the bill as .Wlskard put up in tbe assembly. The bill would prevent tbe marriage of per sons afflicted with certain incurable diseases, Accused of Choking Woman' to Death . mt&Mz&MUm" raSsasVisiaeggggf gggSggggggPLm x kumxmmFKikm-- ggggggKjgHsgosffw ' : gggggfgggggggggggtl r:i BBBBBBBBBBB $?. BCNNV STtRXBCRt) Benny Sternberg, a young fur salesman of Brookyln, has been jailed by the police on tbe charge of having choked to death Mrs. Lee Hilair. She was found dead in a room in a New York City hotel. Her t diamonds, worth several thousand dollars, were gone. Sternberg admitted he was with her a few hours before she went to the hotel. JOHNSON SPEAKS IN PHILADELPHIA DEMANDS THAT WAIl UK DE. CLARKD TO PROTECT NATION'S HONOIt AXD SAID THAT DES TINY OF AMERICA DEPENDS PHILADELPHIA, March 31. Senator Hiram Johnson, from Califor nia, addressed a throng in Independ ence Square this afternoon, demand ing that war be declared In defense of the uatlon's honor. He declared that the destiny of America and tbe "ultimate destiny of world democracy" depends upon it. Senator Johnson cited Russia and China and said they are following tbe example set by America. He added that "Democracy to sur vive must be ready to protect its own." Leave for Lava Beds Mrs. Ivan Applegate and her sis ter, Mrs. Utile Putnam, left this week for the Lava Beds, where they will spend the summer at Mrs. Apple gate's home. Mrs. Putnam's home Is In tedlaads, Cal. Doctor la Klletl SACRAMENTO. March 81. Dr. J. L. White was Instantly killed and Walter Dlepenbrock was fatally In jured In a collision of their automo bile with another machine at tbe corner of Twenty.first and M streets this' morning. MINISTER'S TALK "i, "... io INDICATES WAR PRESIDENT MAY USE THW AS IX. . 1 '?! . " 31 iS? fwA ... -Vi i1 ! .KI TTMATIOX IX MBSMOK Farm Loaa Beard' There Are Over Be Loaned) for lit v. ThM e & idfylag Fanning; States aa Desrftswe tag the Freaeat Crises. Im the VssMeal i WASHINGTON. D. C. Mareh $1.- The state department haa that aaeeechbr German MlnieUr Zimmerman, kaybetaken to tadleate that Oerasaar aJienJgfif fjajgaWUfrf. 4 'eil -l vwj 4 4 5 4,4 . iU ' j, r 1 ir 7! '! v vl state of war with' America. It is believed the president wilt use this as an intlmtaioa to coagreea.ia his war measure. Tbe Farm Loan Board, has an nounced that there are over ISM1, 000,000 to be loaned for tbe purpose of intensifying farming as a defease measure. Secretary of War Baker announces that the war department has a defi nie plan to raise an army prepared and wilt present It to congress neat week, "if congress deslrea to raise an army." He did not reveal his plans. T,- tI i k b WEST INDIES NOW; THE VIRGIN ISLES NEW XAME IS VEX aUNISsf i POSSESSIOXS Of TRAX8FKR TO THE UNITED TODAY WHEN rW,MX,0OO IS PAU1 DENMARK WASHINGTON; T. C, March 31. -7- The Danish West Indies, were, re named the Virgin Islands when offi cially transferred to the United United 8tates today. ' The ceremonies were held at8t. Thomas. -, Tbe United States treasury depart- ment paid tbe Danish minister $15, 000,000, tbe purchase price. British Occupy Five Villages LONDON. March 31. The British have, occupied five villages advancing their line over a seven-mile front. Their armies have reached Voa HlndenbuVg's line and the flghttalgv Is expected to become fiercer. 'v Tbe Freuch have progressed south of Allette. ' - ' " itfl ?r V 51 7l 3 iA 1 v In Froas 'Oleae A, L. Marshall. (Hene farmer, la lit. 41 town today on business , front .hit l ',m?M " 1 l.V4I vtfnjiW mmwmm tt!3BrASEi place. Mobba Taatt . The Hobbi muraerv trial Jwfil pre sume xonusy, morning m ia. court. Tae; jury, a.aaea;i and witnesses ordered tgf MWP Lj at that time. .,. jUlZWT 1& ' im L 1 . cVr. .. . -Jt . 1 I. V -. iv ?AXlfv . , ra V i&3mlt&rjamb&. Aa