ft Mf X.liTlt ,?. M a$ . . $?- If IJZutn ituj Hrrnll. ygjj 4ft OFWCIAL NBCW1PAPR Of KLAMATH COWTY i A if JS! OFFICIAL NBWMPATB1I w; OF KLAMATH FALLS - i " ' 4W giTTtrragfrs'Tir","''irr"ri'" "" '"T T ----'---r. - te-aesaar K$ Metaatli VanrN. KLAMATH FALLS, OiUSON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, If 17, v Prenarations Continue and ivV l2s f 1" $--- w l'" st VT 'ys. -4 2,000 MORE IN CALLEO OUT FOR GUARD SERVICE eMuonv plans to mrr peace OFFICERS IX SERVICE ft Offllrm In lYvraat Spy Aril. aJfN loo Aall-SBhmartae. Net Ordcmt Three) of Fr Amerll mas Krtrtl Nafjr WairtM-a fur M-Mriatw (Kf Atlantic Coswt FoL Wlfami template Nmt WASHINGTON. 0. C. March l, Tbe president haa cum 4 ptoad his war measure and In tr discussing II wild tlM cablaet ill afternoon. The .cabinet U 4 eeavlared I bat a state of war tabu. It U believed that tha aamga In rim en lbaar la mm and eipreeeea a hop tkat luting peace will booh be ae ceaullabrd. The meeting Isated two haunt. e) K statement waa give, ant alt- trwerda. It la believed that tha oplalon of all I naaalmous aa It waa tbe shortest slace tha pree 4 aat Oermaa crista earn up. WARRINGTON, O. C, March 30, Ti war department haa called out tts Heoritla artlllcr, two regiment f lb Nrw York Infantry and a atasdron of New York cavalry af fecting loot) men. Attorney General Gregory ha an nounced b plan to maka every peace officer In I ho country an agent of tie department of Juatlre to dettr ud prevent Nplra from working. WAHIIINdTON, II. C, March 80. Tit navy depariKent baa ordered ton aatl-rebmar In neu with a It-foot b. X feet deep and J. GOO feet bag. An official report received here art that (Icrmany haa freed three of tit four detained Anerlcau coniula a the Yarrowdale caae. i Contrirt for additional aubnar at cbiatuK bave been let and wore III be allowed Haturday. The prlcca r not anuouncad. ( Tie Immediate conatrurtloa of an additional ll t the New York navy nrd haa been ordered. Tha allp will be avltablu for the bultdlag of battle, alpt. s Senator Chamberlain, chairman of " mlliigry committee, conferred Kb the prealdent yaatarday and JW Miut the recommendation be Mluded In hi war meeaage for nnl raal aervlce. A "get-together d"ln '" of the congreaaman favoring lveral ncrvlce will be held today. U ha been officially declared Uiat y peace movement made by der ly will not altar Amarlca'a poal lion unlcaa the aubmarlne decree la vilhdrnwn. A navy tiivuaUgatloif made yeater y n r n mora that two atranga aub "arluea wore In Long Jalaad aound wund two m,i fcojj!, longing to commercial company. Tutor Smillburv. uraatduat lira lu t (he aciiato and a member of tha wjiin rolatlona committee, la advo- -- .iiu uurogatioa of all. aermaii inatlea on account of tha ruthlaaa "marine warfare. ""ATOM!, Md., March l. v- nUndred and aiamtv atlaihlaaian traduted yeaterday from Anaapolla ZT B've Ben commlaatogad aa ea- TVtm. necratarw. of llu'Mattv Daa uL ;--r"r -f "lav-"" "::::::.;. ,-. -n- 'aw . .r." rv n?Exrxr "::.;:: . m. m .ho an. i ! biboh Biak aiaiiai ' aaaa- .. .a.. Every Aft-'hr-b,atsa Censors of the Army and Navy MAJOR DOOCH.A3 MiWRfMUa ItCOMOlARLtS BllKNAP JR. Major IHiiiK'n- MncArlhiir. of the Wnllcd Htutca nrmy, and Lieutenant Commander Charlie llilkimp, Jr.,, of the Uiiltctl Htatcn nny, are tbo two ceiutira of tlielr rcsperlho depart menta who will my what official In lormatloii of the movement- of tho army and navy almll bu given to tho newapaiKTit. They held n touterenco with fterrelary of tli Navy Daniel a tho other day to formulate rtitua for uae by newa(taper men. BELGIAN RELIEF STUFF 10 BE INTERNED AT BADEN ACTION TAKKN ON IMIKVIOI'H AUItKKMKNT ANI To'l'nKVKNT VUKHH MIMTAItY INKOHMA TltiN IIKINU CJIVKN Ot'T WAHIIINtlTON, U. C, March 30. The order which prevents the United Btntes Belgian relief ataff from bring lua out freah military Information and Internea the members, received here. has beou Tho ataff will be Interned two weeka, probably at Raden-Uaden, be fore leaving under a previous agree ment made. Trr Culs Off Tekgraph A 'large tree-falling across the wira. near llray yesterday cut off tha city's telegraph service for nearly tha cadre day. IJ waa repairea wnaa linemen camo up on tha evening paa sangrr traig. Bvary wire waa dawn. Th taaai Weatern Union telegraph J... l.j k... ..nahla io locate the iaaaBULkfi ., bhbi BBBin aaaaa - AaaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaV bbbbbbbbV V BBBBBBBm bbbbbKv 4l aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV U J BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjaWBBVfj matm' H T gggm .alaalK'i SaV tV amaffmamaTB ammava ,-7 gaav aaBaaauagaamPa; Baal TaBaBaBRaam?i Lif . , mttj& ? BETva1rifcaaBaW HLgtMaaB. BlUWBWBBIBBIBBir BVamaBlaVa& Peace Officer to Be WMMiMlVa1W German rvwvinnnririnnnriruvmri 4ad44d4 Word received today by tale 4j w arapn from tue uuaiaea Men'a Aaaoriatlon committee by tha Firm Hlate and Havlnga bank atatvd that 13,000 haa been ralaed to dato by the committee In Ita campaign among Ban Fran- f clitco biialncHa flrma for aub w rlptlouM to the termllnal fund for the railroad here. , SPEAKER CLARK CHOSEN, VOTING BY ACCLAMATION UKMOCtMTIU MKMMMt TO ACT AH KTKKKIXG 'cOMMITTKri IHaaacHita oa) Wage am Me mUico Vhil Wl'Vaw Cmb f. f iclaia--Ak W .A- 4MT tavea or:cattc New Jewry Demurrat Owe Mora Vote Than the IteptibllraaM oa Orgaal nation Day WA8IIIN(iTON, I. 0., Mafch 30.-1. Iho Democrat". In the houae today cnuavd tbo renomlnatlon by acclama lion of Speaker Clark and the other liouseofflccr. Representative dal llvan of Ooeton waa abaent. The Democratic membera of the houae waya and mean committee were directed to aelect men to fill the VBcancleti on all commltteea and to net aa a' steering committee. Ah a re.ul't of the fnlluro of Rep. rvaentatlvo .Capatlrk of New Jersey to attend tho bchhIoii. the Republi cans hud but SI 3 votes, tbo Dcom crata 314 and tho Indepenrcnta five today orgaultatlon day. a CALMXtl OF CiVARO ,m THRB.TKN8 CftOPH CHICAGO, March 30. An acuta labor altuatlon la due to the calling out of 30,000 tullUlamea In agrlcul lural states and tho failure or thous ands of acres of Kansas and Neb laaka wheat threatens. Drouth fur ther threatena the food shortage, aay prominent meat and grain men here. May wheat opened at ll.ai ana with the eseeptton of yesterdsy's prices Is the highest In history. Cash wheat stood at 11,18-. hut there was little offered. Many woman are cry. lug that their children must eat, at tacked a number of Kosher butcher shops today. WASHINGTON. D. C, March 30. The agriculture and labor, depart menta and the civil aervlca commis sion are co-operating In an attempt to prevent a food shortage. The government employment bu reau la attempting to aupply farm handa and tha civil service commis sion Is reporting the needs of tha varloua districts. "It la the patriotic duty of every cltlien to work (or big crops. It Is Just aa patrlotlo aa aarvlng In tha army," declared an official. am to rwumti Cast. J. TAT. Kama, preMeM;f the Commercial club,. left thle aWf lag far Fortlaad to rapmeat W local club at tha. Northwest Toftrlat i.,i- iuii "' Troops "a? Meet Yeoman Walsh, First Woman in Ike Navy of Under an order recently issued bv Secretary of the Navy Daniels ier mlttlng women to enllat In the navy, Mlas Lorcttu WaUh of PhlludclphU waa sworn In by Lieutenant Com ENNIWUEL BAPTIST CflURCH . kill SENS DELEGATES WILL REPRESENT EMMANUEL " BAPTISTS AT ROGUE RIVER ASSOCIATION CONVENTION TO DE HELD IN APRIL ' ,Aj , . , coatTTc wAcan --- 'unuTcoKrajPAiwIic ' .t the monthly meeting of the WBAVERVILLK, Cal., March 30. Emraanual Baptist church of this cllyJTIio body or tho 3S-yearoId aon of the followlug ilelegatea were elected Atexander N. Guthrie of this city, to represent the church nt tho Regno wto was murdered four months ago. River association convention to bo UHK been found in tho Eel river, near held in Midfrnl oil April 37, 38 and Klttnwaka. 10: Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Toiler. Mr.! K umi ( (je WM P. 8. qrhjsbr. Mr- C Chamber. founu The alMpuetred ,t rje, lain and Mm. Georgia Davis. Mr.tcnibor ind tho norM wWcB , WM and Mrs Cox are exofflclo delegates. rIdng ftt tne Be ntwtieA noa,e It wan reported at the meeting that r,erjM8i since iiroincr vox came nere seven mouths ngo the church haa had u steady growth. Four have been received by bap tism, alx by letter, and others havej been appiovcd ror Baptism ana win be baptlrcd coon. NKNT-WATCHIAN IRIS : :HBKRCAUfilllNdFFICE M1UJNO PL.iNT WATCHMAN AT. .SALINAS SHOOTS INTRUDER IN .- OFFICE WHEN MB MOVES HIS HAND TOWARDS' HIP SALINAS, Cal., Marrtt 30, Frank Cay, a watchman at a local' milling plant, shot and killed. Batt Farrla hare yaetorday. ,t. v 'iCay saught Farrla jrobblag the mTU KleV an "placed him' uadar arret. Car saya Farrls mov4 la hand to. wards hi hip and ha then fired, a ' - 't J ' to Withdraw Still the United States mander V. K. Payne. But Mta Walsh will not go to sea on a great battleship. Sbe was assigned to a recruiting station In Philadelphia. BODY OF NWKIEI BBY FOVHAFfEIIANY WEEKS BODY FOUND IN EEL RIVER, WITH. BULLET MOUND IN HIS BREASTHOUSE CAME HOME RIDERLESS L.ST DECEMBER 14 Injured When Fast Train Jumps CINCINNATI. March ,30. Four teen were Injured -when a broken rati. wrecked the Royal Palm passen ger train fifty yards from the Miami River bridge. It la reported that a troop train scheduled for the aame hour aa the i passenger tialn, but escaped. Rail road officials are Investigating a re port that the wreck was due to Ger man plotters. Pn4wt Goes to Dnasmulr Ed Probst, formerly employed by the government on the Lost River diversion canal, left this morning for nunsmuir. whera ha will be eagegedltoa Moore Smith, focasarly at Yraka oa coaatructloa work under a eoa-; tiact let to Maddox A Lynch of thle county recantly. NEARLY 150 ELKS 6REETMR.D'ARGY GIVES HISTORY OF ORDER AND PAYS TRIBUTE TO KLAMAtH LODGE? ENTERPRISE AND TO 1 THE AMERICAN FLAG DEFEND Nearly one hundred and fifty mem. bers of Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1S47 U. P. O. Elks, greeted Judge. P. H. D'Arcy, district deputy grand exalted ruler, on his official visit of Inspec tion to the local lodge last night. Following the' Initiation of a cjaas of five coadhtatea by the officers of the lodge, the .district 'deputy saade a most Impreaalye and eloquent addreaa to the members assembled. TJufar D'Arcy la a moat convincing speaker aadlkUj review of the history and work-of the order waa a source i aiMii in ilii''liwia " nr -. TJ,i.' w- '1'; more new naemaara present aa wen ;as mgay.'W the older membera, and j clearly abowe why the Elks today Mtau. urn vm'gi . wfw-i.i organisations .for good in u wnoie country. Most lodges, . saM Mr. D'Arcy, are bounded on traditions and are today living on those traditions. They have lofty sentiments and their teachings are beautiful and good. but the Order of . Elks Is different from other lodges. We live In the present and deal with the problems and conditions aa we find them, al ways looking for tho good in others, while recognising, that all humans have faults. He called attention to the motto of the order, the practice of which tended to make men broader mladed and more helpful to each ether: "The faults of our brothers we write upon the sands, tbelr virtues upon the tablets of love and memory." Mr. D'Arcy prefaced his address' with a tribute to tbe spirit or pro greeslveaese and energy shewn .by the membera of such a small lodge lodge as Klamath Falls, which made possible tbe maanlflcent building they were occupying. He stated that he had apent the day examining the hooka and finances of tbe lodge and complimented tho officers on their showing, and particular mention wa. made of the excellent condltlona of the hooka and records of the secre tary. The results accomplished by the lodge, aa shown by his examina tion of the tiaaaeea. convinced him that Klamath Falls lodge would set a mark whUh few others would be able to reach. In concluding hta address the judge paid a moat glowing tribute to tbe flag, which has been the emblem of the order since Its organisation, nearly fifty years ago. It Is our flag, said Mr. D'Arcy. to love and defend, In peace and war. Anti-Affinity BSI Vp . SACRAMRNTO. March 10,-pio "antlffalty" bill urped bv the wo- n-en'a leghjlutlv V-.ru. la now. up to tha governor for SRatutVar vit. tha senate having passed tha aeeam bly bin providing for permanent sup port and maluteaaBce of a wKe who Is separated from her husband, haa grounds for a divorce but la not seek. Ing a divorce. Yraka W DSNVBB. March 14, Stella New. Cal.. was aetuRtad today aaaabarga .of murdering her husband. Th Jury ' out one minute and a half, Used Further .( FIRES BACK OF LINE INDICATE BRtnsm ATTEMPT WEDGE .AT ST. QUBNTIN. Bettered Gcraaaaa Are' Not Certaiav Vet of Their JCnvr other WHMrawal Eapenad Osi Saya Uw la Forced te WKMraw est ActawaH of Sapetlor FevraWT i LONDON. March JO Fires aa' explosions behiad Von Hladeabarg'a ' line causes aiued . octtcecBsQ ,aeave that the Germana are aot yet certain of their aew'paaitioaa and at Beak-'" Ian- another wlthOawal, ,.."' v ... s. x HriiriJTR!BTfnaag BERLIN. March JO. An official GerjBan statement saya that .tbf Ga- n bave been forced to witMraw on the line from Ruyakourt to Sorel; encountering superior British foreea. 4 Jl LONDON. MarctvJO. The Brtttah have defeated 36,090 Turks aaar Gaxa. southwest of Jerusalem... . NORFOLK. March 30, Warnlnga sent by wtrelesa to BriUsh shlBpiag to be on 'the lookout ror German sub marines in Atlantic w'a'tars'have bean received. . The lighthouses, fisheries aad other commerce department services are aiding-la the search for hostile sub marines, j. Tbe navy Is keeping a constant vigil, . , i' ! t .4 HINTED IN BERLIN JJS 'Sr . 1 SOCIALISTS HOPE- GERMANY IS READY FOR STRl'GGLEWITM POWERFUL FOMAND DECLARE t PRUSSIAN RULE MUST GO t AMSTERDAM. March 30. Dis patches from Berlin say tkat Social ist speakers la tha relehstag follow ing Hoilweg'a speech declared they 'hoped Germany la prepared to fight a powerful roe. Tne Prussian gov ernment must be abolished," they said. Much criticism of the Mexican Japanese plot was heard, ' Thrown From Horse i laJare-T , Marritt .Barnett. an empioyaajof the Klamath Manufacturing Company at Shlpplngton. waa t.hrWN f. horaa ha' waa rWlig.U tha ettytbta atteraooa about I o'elaek whasMf ko-.ku,.. aiaa .'"lataa INTERNHWIR readered uaeoaaalaaa. aa.ljyriia'rt--; A numerous bruWaM mWB?m.n?n at t maia-waii fW callad.aM MwWrf.glfb mckBurSiWn)a!-s rejptaHnMM rpB 'P'P'' parament near tNlH-W .MPf h store, Vfe'J?7r J. h'h 3 .- r - ?-l e AN JtirfP "rV?.l ' r il -& it ? . II Vl i & Tl v&i -fe I . . 1 rf ifiM J v -! .t f 1 ,, BnnBa earlier inairrm .a mrr....a - ! , ' Urnoon. if . "t v wv.t g- , t 1 '. -."'.' wr VWf '-. iJ : J& Hmiviriivii F.rjwfi