The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 29, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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u-apimim ii:n..uii: tiii:v .iiii:,
Humiiiv or .mi:m. ahk,
' r 'Stfeil
i iwrge i4mercqn Sfiips Swift 63; German Submarines
WAMHN'ITON. I). C. March 39. j
rirlfkU fin" I" bombard Washing-
t0, illh iroirl ilnt war when
tfttt roiivrit' next Monday, II was
,orfd by b Kmergenry Pence I
. hop". If I'0lb1. o rreat as "' ":. . ..
., , r,,R .ifiiKiimlrntl'in In Wash- T,' U"" Milps mink by the i;..r.
M .. ever b-en held," said '''"' X f MmiplK IHInoH
.L h.IrrMlon "Wo are going to ! jMataU. not only et Ainerl-
"" " i . ...I.I.... .1...
ilm Minnrr't an" "" i'rei- m i,j u' ilea ipuwu
llfiiill'r rir In Ihla country la ,41,u, ,,, ,.,
sasiTiLi .0 i.m.;; -r- ., ..., . ,
Mtrklnx ibruli the sheets wben w " Vlgllimflit erp um untried
totpfw rciitrnrt it! norm, If the rt il.mtrr l'.i and tlm Illinois, mi
nmiiii'ii! lll n"! I!'1"' " ""' ll titnler, tHtud b 0 T.miu mh
. .i... iiFN Ifivnra. It mar be
toirr m i'"' '- ; .-----. - n).( , ,(,hmiu h.
' City ur MuuphU, under com
J iif Captain l I'. Iloroiii, left
. 23 rur llavri', and arrived there
u. !, vhere she dUt'liarxed her-ar-
', of MM bale of rolion, tnlurd nt
OOU.UOU, mid started back.
The IlllnuU, under Captain heren,
n-iikintinn lit send telegram. Our mllrd from Tort Anliur. IV.. Feb.
prf-M U patriotic President Wll- n, for ,nndon. While her arrlvnl
rV he wants Ikn0 '"'.mi not rwrled, ( w underninod
ti. . -.-. llu Mflll tail klrtt '
lrevil Hb Iba lBb Cf lbm'
Udp,l,i"'',li" 'ur tirntoimralWio
Hfft "HI b jiniiiur II WHI bo In
inform of iftrain and
Lijm blrh will rraph Iba nrwldanl
ml arrlvltiar tinrwtnfn on that
iy, W nrf lonluhl ni1tnir 10.000
Hltr lo 'l l"H "f lh country.
mum MrlfUU bu cannot o in
labile und. Wa will tall him."
Tuba Vrt Indlaa Houn
WA8IIIN0T0N. I). 0., March S9.
Aatrlca will officially labo otrar tha
imlib Wr.t lndl on Raturday.
I hat i!m arlwli aah of maay
( Uh ami rarm anil ranrlMM In ilia
Kbaaalh Ibudn. ttillrtHf. 19
When the
When you nra Invited to a
wedding, rorao to Upp'a lo
purrhii your gift for tba
bride. In doing no, you
makn rrrialn that your nrea.
ent will dUnlay tba Reed
taitp, familiarity with what
la faahlouabla, and appre
ciation of quality In daalgn
and malarial, which you are
antloiiK It ahould ahow.
In allver flatware and
hollow wara, cm Rlaaa,
clocki, and other approprl
to wrddlnit gift, you a.
Iftt from tba nawaat pat
tern when you 'coino to
I'rlfoa arc nlwaya goner
oim valiHit,
Frank M.Upp
m Main Street
OtOclal 8. r. Watch Inapeetor
awlHwawawggjgegepjggjgjejgnpppn I
n . "! --tfirt j j.i.jJ m.r?-'vriL: v Vj-tiraiw nr;gi.TJ. i
Anixricnii iiuiii. i ; Y'viAulWyzJ&mSmimi-
Tfi,'i JtkB8bv l'i
ha bad unloaded her oil and utartrd
bcr rthtrii trip.
Tin- VlKllanda left tba Vnltcd
tflatra on Kvb. SH tor Ht. Mlclmrin.
A tore and Havre. Hht wn npokin
on March 3 when 493 iiiIIph rnni of
Bandy Hook, and doe nt llnn
Haturday, March IT.
SACnAMHNTO, March 29. J. L.
riemlng, lx Ang'elea attorney, I
klng In have the feglitatnre paaa
i turnsiira that would nlop olopf
tnciifa. All irr.onn nlioul to bi Joltifd In
mnrrlaae mi'Mt flic Willi tlm clerk of
'be (entity on npiillcitloii In wrltlr
iintlne the Inlctillon of tbe pnrllai
tpil tlmlr nppH, naya Die bill.
Tim irrnti innbfnt' mirli nfiollrn-
flnn abnll deposit with Ibfi ilark nt
tba time of maklri: anrb nppllrntlon
n nm Kiifflrlcot pay the cont o'
nnbllcotlnn thereof,
A nntlr. of tiijrh nnpllcnllon ahall.,,,,,, Mll llav , Vnh .. n. ,,-
be publlabad within tba rotintv.i ,.,,' ruxntva i vwunvanv
-'-r i ? w . Mwi
Cblorone Kenyon and for a change of
the name of the aald Alice Chlorene
Kenyon to Chlorene Kenyon Ryan.
U. W, HfrAN,
BELLE KYAN, Petltloneri.
flfate of OrcKcn
KI.iiii.'iIIi County m
V. Daniel W. Itynn nrnl Hello
l(y:in, tiiiHtnml mul wife, and tho pe-
lltloii'TS alio nlfinril Hie roreKOlnK
lii'lltloii, iiftiT bdiiK llrxt duly xworn.
Hi rath, i1ciocm nnd xay: That wr
are the peiltlniiera above named; that
no know the fontentx of the H.ild pe
tition, and the Maine In true,
I), V. UYA.V.
mxi.K nvA.v.
Suhicrlhcd and avorn to before ms
of D. W. Ryaa alU Bell Ryan,
hand aid wife, wklek hUUm i rW
acrlbed and aworn to rf the eM D.
W. Ryan and Belle Ryan an prerMew
by law; J
And It appearint te tie coart tbfrt
, I be mm minor Alice Chlerene KeayM
nni no parent or gnaraian or aen et
which pubtlratlon nliall be made not
Mem than onre a week fer a period o(
l leant four weeks preredlng the la
nuance of a marrlnre. Ilcenao to wtch
parilas, and no marrlnre drew anal!
ha lued until after ueh pubtlratlon
bp haon made In accordanre here
rallfornla KoIon IHtngree
SACnAMENTO, March 59, Etam-pin-of
how the assembly nnd fcnata
nrp working tognthar not. Aaxem
My p.-mxfH h to grant flablng II-
jepne to eUll war veteran frea of
jrhnrre. Dili goe to aennte and aen
nte pntn In nn amendment to grant
TiirriiprH iiiHfi iti iinieuriin inamns irn
of charge. Bill goea bark to amem
hly and author of bill, Dornn, tenra
Into tho xenate amendment.
State Rural Credits
Fund Details Complete
Attorney for Organization Here Pre
pares Answers to Questions on
Securing Louns Under .Act
Tie.'iinrer luaues Ills check which la
upon receipt by him or the note and
Amount of I'ajrinciita
I'nymcniH nro computed upon the
Ii-ikIh of nmount borrowed and time
loan Ih to run.
Kirty dollarn or any multiple there
annual payment date.
. Kxcexa payments, however, will not
.irllcvc the borrower from the annual
jpaymenta aa fixed, but will almply re-
jilucc tho term of years the loan la to
Continued from rage 1
(e) For the satisfaction of In
t run.
I Interest
I The rate of Interest la five per
.cent per annum, provided, that In
jcaso any sorle of Farm Credit Oonda
I la wold at an average of leaa than par,
the Stnto Land Hoard may charge
ii rate or Interest In exceaa of five.
IVt rui IMl- Pillllllivili'll III 111- .1 1.1117 "I Ulll'icai III I'AICBV US I1TU
cumbinnccH iiiioh hiicIi latulu which,! per cent, but which shall not exceed
Slate l-aud Hoard makea the landji,, the juitKment or tho State Land by moro than one per cent the rate
offered aa aecurliy a ptuco unril for'iionKl, weie lncurroi or assumed by the state must pay for tho funda ob
a rural home but where tho manage-jhll, applliaiii for the aforesaid imr-Jtaluvd from the dUpoaal of Ha bonda.
meni and work are performed m iu.pcueM. I VioUtJon of Contract
aubdlvUlon (a).
AMount Tttat CYi It HorroMCxI
Not lew limit ISOO.OO nor l""",' Btllutllig flrat
than t&.ooo.uu to any inuivijuiu. ap- 0y( t,Xclual
plication Mill b rnnnldored for oen 1)rov,,meiUH.
Clmi.utrr or Seciirily lr applicant vlolatea hla contract
NottM aecurcd by mortgagea con-ib' applying tho moneys borrowed
llena on farm landa,10 purposes omer man moae aiaiea
of peristole. lm
Vnluutloii mul I Vti outage lwuis
Lands v. Ill not be valued in excess
hundred dollar nmount only
buan Can Ho Herured
(a) Tho payment for land purchased.
(b) The purolinne of livestock and .. .
other equipment and the making of Vttsl llf lAmm
Improvement which, In thn Judgment) A ai,Hlrai.t Biiowlng condition of
of Btato Und Hoard will Increase the ,, ((, lma offerei, w,c,,rty, u,,
productivity of audi Innds or add to t() 0 lnU) of ,,,,jcftton,
their value aa a farm homo In a de-( Th(, 0CP8,iry notarial foes nnd ex
grao to Jusllfy auch expenditure. lenst. of making out the upplleatlnn
nnd mortgage.
In bis nnnllcatiou or enumerated In
the law, or If ho shall lease auch lands
or et'll them to any person not ful
filling tho conditions and purposes
Notice Is hereby glvea that there
are funda In the city treasury for the
redemption of the following Improve.
ment Bonda, to-wlt:
, Series D Numbers St, S7.
Series E Numbers 6, 6.
Series F Numbers 3, 4.
Serlec O Number 3.
Serlea II Number .
Interest on these bonda eeaae from
April 1. 1917.
Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 27th day of March, 1917.
27-5t City Treasurer.
of r.0.00 per acre. Within this limit! provided for in the law the State
fifty nor cent of tho valuation of hucIi""""' l,onri1 ls ouinoructi ana at-
' ........ I e. .. .A..l.. k ....u. ... &
ii'iivu i iLtiiui.? iuv vvpuymviu ui
til j loan upon hIx months notice.
A bumper will aave your radiator,
lieadltghta d reader, In caae of
colllakmi also prevent the otlHT fel
low from ttamairwR your ear If ho
Iwcks Into yoM. We bought largo
stock of hlgti-graae buniiera before
the mine In price, ami we are giving
you title advantage.
White Pelican
The recording of tho inortgngo.
Minimum loan fee or llU.OUou all
amounts or S 1,000. on and less. On
amounts over $1,000,00 ouo per runt
of tho amount applied for.
Tvriux of Loans '
Ten, SO, 30 and 3C yeaTs.
Annual payments must bo mndo
promptly. Tho annual payments
MUST reach the offlro of tho State
Treasurer HKFOItK tho dato when
When InteiTHt HegliiM
Tne dnto upon whloli tho State
Instant Action Surprises
Many Here
This grocer's story minirluoH lo
cal peeple: "I hud n bad stomach
trouble. AH food seemed to sour and
fonn gas. Was always constipated.
Nothing helpod until I tried buck
horn bark, glycerine, etc., ns mixed
In Adler-l-ka. ONE SPOONFUL as
tonlshod nw with Its INSTANT ac
tion," HecnuBo Adlur-t-ka flushos the
KNTIRl'3 ullmentary tract It relieves
ANY CASK of constipation, sour
stomach or gas, and prevents appen
dicitis. It has QUICKEST action of
anything wo ever sold. The Whitman
Drug Co, Adv.
Kidneys cause backache? Nol
They havo no uervea, therefore can
not cause pain. Latent your back
ucho la caused by lumbago, sciatica
or a strain, and the qutckeat relief la
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's
Oil." Rub It right an your palntu.
back, and Instantly the soreness, stilt
ness and lameness disappears. Don't
stay crippled! Get a email trial bot
tle of "St. Jacob's Oil' from your
druggist and Umber up, A moment
after it la applied you'll wonder what
became of the' backache or lumbago
X(ub old. honest 'St. Jtoob'a Oil '
whenever you have aclatloa, neural
gla, rheumatism or apralaa, aa It m
absolutely harmless and doesn't burn
the akin. Adv.
. " '
Petit km
In the County Court of the State, of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In the Matter of the Adoption of
Alice Chlorene Kenyon.
To tho Honorable Marlon Hanks,
Judge of the above mentioned
Cornea now your petitioners. Daniel
W. Ryan and Belle Ryan and ahow to
the court aa follower
That they are realdenta and Inhab
itants of Klamath county, state of
That Alice Chlorene Kenyon la an
Infant child who waa bora on the
ICth day of March, 1908, and la now
therefore near the age of nine years.
That the parents of the aald Alice
Chlorene Kenyon are Paul 8. Kenyon
yid Ada E. Kenyon, and are both rea
ldenta of the etate of Virginia.
That your petitioner Belle Ryan ls
an aunt of the aald Alice Chlorene
That the said Alice' Chlorene Ken
yon Is now In the care, custody and
control of your petitioners, and re
sides with them in Klamath county,
state of Oregon, and la aubject and
within the Jurisdiction of this court.
That It la the desire of your peti
tioners to legally adopt the aald Alice
Chlorene Kenyon aa tbe child of your
petitioners the same aa it ahe had
been born to them In lawful wedlock,
and to bestow upon tbe aald Alice
Chlorene Kenyon nil rtghta of Inher
itance and all legal rlghta and Inci
dents belonging to a child of natural
That the consent of tbe parents of
tbe aald Alice Chlorene Kenyon has
been secured to such adoption and Is
hereto attached to this petition and
made a pa.rt thereof, and the court's
attention ls directed thereto.
That the care, custody and control
of the aald Alice Chlorene Kenyon
has been voluntarily surrendered to
your petitioners by the parents of the
said Alice Chlorene Kenyon, and tbe
said child haa by your petltlonera
been brought from tbe atate of Vir
ginia to the state qf Oregon, and with
In the Jurisdiction of this court with
tbe full knowledge and consent of
the aald parents and with the purpose
and Intention on the part of your pe-
tlonera to legally adopt tho said Alice
Chlorono Kenyon.
That your petitioners, Daniel W.
Ryan and Belle Ryan, are husband
and wife, are both of good moral
oharacter, fully competent, well able
financially, and dealroua of adopting
the said Alice Chlorene Kenyou.
That it la desired to not only adopt
the aald Alice Chlorene Kenyon, but
to change tbe name of the aald Alice
Chlorene Kenyon, by decree of thla
court to "Chlorene Kenyou Ryan."
Wherefore your petltlonera pray
for leave to adopt the said Alice
Notnry Public for Oregon,
My rommliwlmi expires "February
20, 1921.
ThU agreement entered Into this
7lh day of February, 1317, between
Paul K Kcii)on and Ada E. Kenyon,
bis wife, pintle of the first part, and
Daniel W. Ryan, party of tl'p second
part, (the snld Ryat being a resident
of the state of Oteson);
Wherea. Tbe said p.irtlc-t of tho
firm part are tho parents of Alice.
Cltloreno Kenyon, nn Infant born on)
tie IStb day or March. lyS; and
v.-liercn.H It in tho desiro or tl.e raid'
Daniel W. and hl wire, Hello
Itjon, who N an mint or wild Infant,!
to adopt said Infant, which they pro-.
pose to do by legal proceedings lit
tl:e latc or Oregon; and, whereas,
the said parties reeling that it will bo
rur the Interest and welfare of said
Infant, have given their ronxent; now,
till agreement wltnesseth that in
consideration of tbe benefits to be de
rived to said Infant by auch adoption,
and for other considerations, tbe re
ceipt of which being acknowledged.
the said parties of tbe flrat part do
hereby expressly agree and consent to
the said adoption of said Infant, and
waive and surrender to said party of
the second part and his 'wife, all their
legal rlghta and obligations of obedl
ence and maintenance respect to
aald Infant child; and further agree
that said child shall be to all lateaU
and purposes the child and heir at
law of tbe said Daniel W. Ryaa and
Belle Ryan, hla wife, aa If lawfully
born to them.
Witness tbe following signatures
and seals tbe day and year flrat
above written.
SUte of Virginia.
County of Fairfax, to-wlt:'
I. F. W. Richardson, clerk of the
circuit court for the county of Fair
fax, in tbe state aforesaid, do certify
that Paul 8. Kenyon and Ada E. Ken
yon, his wife, and Daniel W. Ryan,
whose names are signed to the fore
going writing, bearing date on the
7th day of February, 1917, have
acknowledged the before me in
my office and in my county aforesaid.
Given under my hand and official
seal this 7th day of February. 1917.
(Seal) Clerk-
kin living In thla atate;
It Is therefore hereby ordered tht
fa topy of the petition as filed In tWe
court and a ropy of this order setting
the lime for hearing of the aald peti
tion be publlrhed In a newspaper
printed and published In Klamath
ounty, Oregon, onre a week for three
fuureulve wa.vks prior to the tth day
cf May, A. D. 1917, and the court
doe hereby set the said 8th day of
May -A. D. 1917, at the hour of .iV
c clock a. m. aa the time, and the'
county court room In the court hone
In tbe city of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
as the place for tbe hearing of mM
(.etltlnu. - 4
Dared this 11th day of Mare,1,
A. I).. 1917. " i
1 .'-22-29-.' County Judge. ,
Stoves BeegM, rarneeeef
Sold anal Repaired lasMMes)
1023 Main St
plvmbixcl srtUMrrrnjKi
ViadaxJIle, rsapa sal Pip) Week
ByHeaaa laitatTrl
Now is' the time to make ar
raugemeata for that
Concrete .Work
You neve been contemplating
this winter. We are prepared
to do all kinds of work In tnw
line, and do It right.vaad wlH
hid on Job f all kind.
W. D. ItsXLBR,
SaB&SisthS. rsMfM
1 HI
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In tbe Matter of the Adoption of
Alice Chlorene Kenyon, a minor.
Now on this day tbia matter com
ing on to be heard upon the petition I ---, r-rniwjvmjuuijuu
ton. Be la the
your wood problem far yew.
Hattadi Fid C.
,frr :
The Voyage
of Life
will be much pleaaanter it you ac
quire the saving habit In your
early days. The wind of adversity
will not wreck your bark a it
docs so surely to those who spend
aa they. earn. The fair wind of
prosperity attends the aaver and
the port ofcomfort will surely be
reached In due time.
SSmssMssBssssssP? l
i SB
mmmm l
MB Tw !M Assavf
.. wwj "- " ; u HrtJ
ma waan-r mn wr aiun m nia wmmi i.-s .
.. ...... aw ,w ....,,. .. ....i.! . , j
cosy hot water bottle, tucked under , " fi'k
tho covers at hla feet will aead him ' ;'A
off to dreamland In no time. H'a h
good for him, too? beoause the hat ;,, , ( ft.
firniva ihn hljMii ffmaa kta kui mmA I ,.1
-.-..- . -..- .. . m mm ,, .,, . Jsnas
lets him aleep quietly and soundly. , ' '?- "PM
Why not try It with n J li'tM
I .'1itW
l , '
T gaLVaUial'. WW aVgA-7 kJ M -- -.
T.................. jhisrtjigaeT
'' m
f I
, Jl
" m
S -,(. ..TV