s i T: sssssT' ; I " T A. vfC vt"1 H.r.A.J - v k3rtrf" F?- -: "-5- kS THB RVlfflMO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i I M 2s iv if f, l loca iVeittt ' - - ,:.MILY KLAMATH WEATHER -- . . V. S. K. 8. o . Mlnlmnm today, 3S aecrcrs. Maximum yesterday, El dtgn Precipitation, .08 Inch. llan Maa tm Ton Jack Burns of Burns Is In the city on business. Road Saatrvtoor in City Thomas Dixon, county toad super lsor. Is In the city today. Im From the Grot George. Kelfer was In town today on business from Pnle Grove. In City From Malta W. E. Harris of Malln camo In yes terday on business from that place. In City Pros Alcoasa O. B. Dollarhlke of Algoma came In last night from that place on busl- bi From Valley Farm Edward Ream was a Klamath Falls visitor today from his ranch on the Merrill road. la From Orladale M. Mumrord, or the Orlndale dis trict, was In town today attending to business matters. FIRST TO ARRIVE FROM CALIFORNIA X. V. CiURK, ttlBKK.YTATtVK OF COAMT TOITR ROOK, MAKBS TKir IIV MACHINE FROM SAN KIUXC1SOO FIMHXO HOAD IX IMIMSSADI.K SHAPE Z. Gore, ierr.cutnUvc of tho Pacific Tour Book, driving n model 490 Chevrolet roadstrr, Is credited with being the tirst to make the trip this year from San Francisco to this 'the bounties; OOOX AXW OTTKR nROt'UIIT TO ml Two otter and a coon were atwoa'g the skins shown at the county court bouse today by A. H. Whims ot War den, while he had two coyote tor bounties. Mr. Whims said that while Im got tho coon near his place It probably came from the Lost River section as them are many of them there. The otter he secured on Lower Klamath lake, where he says there aw a Reed, ly number. He should have had eight ottor, however, he said, but they sank whan he shot them. Some tloat and some sink when they are shot, he said. They arc quoted at S"tS apiece. 11. C temtcr has presented one coyote nud two bobcats recently (or C. R. Carter of Fort immmammammaammmmmmmmtmmmimmt H I f I BmsWWmfcim'i'sm WmF fTBaBaaaaaaaaBBBma I ssssssssssssssssssssPmfl BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsWjCBsi I BSSSSs"lcv7M 11 B BBBmEs? 1 7 yLXiWSSma J""" w,mf The NEW in AXXOVXCKMEXTH city by automobile. . j Klamath, four coyotes and one cat; He made the trip by way of the. Lewis Knight, Klamath Agency, three Sacramento canyen, Agcr. Topsy.J coyotes, and Chas. Eumbrum. Fort grade. Oorrls nmt Merrill, arriving Klamath, three coyotes. j here Saturday afternoon. He spent! J frM.w .In Va aam.Imw fn.M A .a., tls i. " t.'u, ...jo vvuMiifi .' nfiiit saita of the road were Impassable and he was forced to drive through the rocks; - aud over rocky hillsides often. The regular Wednesday evening Mr. Oore averaged S3 miles par, will bo held at the First Ballon of gasoline and used three Presbyterian church this evening. and a half quarts of lubricating olli"h Rev. Frank Olceckner. Sunday, on the 505 mile trip, he said. He will school missionary In Southern Ore- .1 be here several days. gon. In charge. Mr. tlloeckner has FUea .Notarial Commlsstoa W, H.,A. Reaner, local attoruey, filed his notarial commission with the county clerk yesterday. Dowa, From the Fort Chas. Zumbrum came down last night on the Fort Klamath stage from that place for a few days In town. Im From Poe Valley F. O. Freuer. of Poe valley, re turned to bis ranch in the valley to day, being In the city over night on business. Xtnr AatesaofcUe. James Lytle of the Hall hotel ot this city has purchased a 1917 model 490 Chevrolet from. the local agency at the Central garage, Asjeacy Msst ha Ctty J. Mi Bedford, government em ployee at Klamath Agency, arrived In the city last night on his return from a trip to outside points. been named by the Southern -Oregoa GERMANY'S FOOD ! ITcsbytery to take charge of these 0Tttt-RSTIM.TKt, services and at that time declare the i pulpit of the church vacant. All AMSTERDAM, March !8. Ad- members of the church and congre- vices received here say that Batockl. .' are Invited to be present, the government's official food mana-' a ger in Germany, has admitted before B,Wo ,tudy nt tne -LRtle Brown a relchstag committee that the food church" nniBht t 7; so nVWk supply in Germany has been over--..BaptUmt , )t necCM4HT, from ao estimated and the the tack of labor denominational standpoint?" Scrlp and transportation facilities are pre- tresclted. The bible school teach-1 venting Increased production. erg. meetlng will be held at 6:30 J preceding the bible study meeting, j DKRLIN. March S. Th.. Ccloenn . j Gaxette hints that Bcthmann voni Hollwea mar Brant .-lectoral reforms' The Thimble Club of the Women 1 in Germany, increasing the scope of r Woodcraft will meet tomorrow ai a democracy war ends. movement, before the ternoon at 3:30 o'clock with George Btehn of this city, at , RIRTH8 McKENZIE To Mr. and Mrs. Lenv ucl McKenzle, who reside near Stu- kel bridge, Tuesday, March 27, 1917. a daughter. Dr. L. L. Truas attending. Mrs.1 hcrj home on Klamath avenue, between' Eighth and Ninth streets. j The Ladles' Altar Society will meet Thursday, March 29, at 3 o'clock at the assembly room. I WOMEN'S SUITS New Shades New Line New Ideas in Trim- ming These will greet you in our Showing of New Suiti for the New Season IV Hie most urlroM awl the mwt mrffcfwMe rtaumm In suit styles for spring Is tlie rllmlaallosi of Urn flerr h new models are matte on straight Mara ami the dsaisms sarrly iMve rreatnl some braMtirMl MMaM. 5- Tills ailvaarr ittoaiay lirre hrlag to ym tla rhokrat K the aewr fashions offered la lemllM fashion renter and we'ee Item very rarefal to rhou sirtia of reragnised sowsrlor nsmUty of saarrhir lallerlnc and salts llial are rresoneWy artred. v: ttiNw Imnv from the new mtnlew la Mmsib la i line, wool poplin, Potaet twill, sfc and macy charge ami iron (c- hHMlre. The leading shaih are goW. aid res, Hacaa, oM rdd, apple green, grey, rtHikks navy and others. You will find the assortment most pleasing at Prices ranging from $14.50 tc $40.00 STRTS DRYGOODS COMPANY " Where the Ladies Shop " Retanw From California R. A. Johnson, president of the Klamath Manufacturing Company of Shipplagtoa, returned last night from Sao Francisco, preparatory to the starting of the sawmill. Here From Agency Win. B. Freer, former Indian agent at Klamath Agency, came down Mon day sight and has been In town this week, Mr. Freer has resigned his position with the government. Leave for Willamette Valley V. T. Motschenbacber, local Insur anco agent, left this morning for Portland, Eugene and Willamette Valley points, where he will be for several weeks on business, returning here later this spring. Mrs. Mots chenbacber, who is in California, will Join htm there before returning home. Directors Hold Seasioa The directors of the Klamath Com mercial Club held a business session Isst.algbt at the clubrooms, A num ber of matters of importance were dealt with, including the making of provisions for land applicants on the Tale Lake opening and the represen attioa of the flub at the Northwest Tourist Association meeting In Port land next month. Milemcnt of Seeds Arrive A large shipment of seeds for spring gardens has arrived at the of fice of County Superintendent of Schools Miss Edna Wells for distribu tion to those desiring to secure seeds free from the government. The de partment of agriculture In Washing- toghaa,aaapunead that there are no more seeds to be sent out from Wash latum this spring as the supply has been exhausted. LINER QUERIES AROUSE SUSPICION LONDON, March 28. Queries con ccrata a "Canard liner recently sunk'? waa asked of the government today by the house of 'commons. iThe house received a reply that the lafematlon would net be of "public latere." r ' .-. , 't y Ta.Cuaard)lir Laconia was re- ,- eegUy eagk, but it Is believed thai the . .- . , .. . .... v-,: Trswei refers to aaoinsr vessel, tot ''. slaUaaYofVwbica.fcAs,not-baa.r EASTER GLOVES Our carefully selected stock of fine imported Gloves, all good spring colors, per pair, $2,00. hioe&f SPRING CORSETS Are here for your inspection. Whatever style you may desire NEW EASTER DRESSES, COATS and SUITS OUR SHOWING OF NEW EASTER WEARING APPAREL EMBRACES MODELS FOR EVERY OCCASION. CLEVER STYLES FROM LEADING DESIGNERS. MADE UP IN COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS AND DRESSES. IN ALL NEW SHADES AND STYLES FOR SUMMER WEAR PRICES FROM S&50 UP TO $35.00 EASTER TABLE LINENS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY QUALITY SHOULD BE THE FIRST POINT CONSIDERED IN BUYING LINENS, FOR INFERIOR GRADES ARE EXPENSIVE AT ANY PRICE. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HUMIDOR LINENS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY. 7 PATTERN CLOTHS, NAPKINS AND YARD GOODS PRICES $1.00 TO $.'M)0 New Ribbons (or Easter Very Latest Novelties Just Out of the East Beautiful new fancy Ribbons for bags, misses' sashes and wo men's sash and girdle combina tions. The richness of color ing and beauty of these new Ribbons are indescribabler Ask to sec these. Extra gqod values at 50c on up to $1.25 a yard. NEW NECKWEAR NOVELTIES New Vestees, Collars and Sets in great assortment of styles. 4 Hand embroidery on khaki-kool sport silks, pique aud fine organdie, also tucked 'and plaited effects. Many are trimmed with real filet and St. Gall filet laces. White and new printed designs in all colors. Priced, 3oc, 75c . ENVELOPE CHEMISE Eacli style prettier than the others, and such surprising ma terials. No better looking, bet ter wearing underwear for great deal more money made from fine grade.Xainsook and Chiffon Batiste-T-some with embroid ery, others with lace or inser tion. Sizes 36 to 44. Price. 75c up to $3.00. Greater grows the sale, of "Wirthraor" and "Welworth" Waist- For more mronounced is th Supremacy of Values Charming new Spring models are now arriving priced as for merly at $1.00 and $2.00. THE Wirthmor Waists AT $1.00 It's literally true that you will never know how good a Waist onc'dollar will buy un til you have worn a Wirth mor. In style, materials, fit, workmanship it vastly excels all others at the same and sometimes higher price's. These desirable WaisU can be sold by just one good merchant in every city. This is an announcement of decided interest to every woman who believes in economy. "There will be no advance in the price of Wjjrthmor and Welworth Waists and tlie'quality will be fully maintained." "How possible"?" you ask, and we answer "The contract method under wheih they are made and sold the purchase of materials months in advvance the further lowering of manufac turing and overhead costs the elimination of all selling expense." New mmM. in both the Wirthmor and Welworth on sale tomorrow - SOLD HERE ONLY THE Welworth Blouses AT $2.00 Much of the character charm and refinement usual ly found only in far more costly models is always evi dent in the Welworth. In every respect it is a much finer Blouse than the moder ate price at which it is sold would indicate. STORE NEWS Our Buyer is-oow vkitlog City Market buying a full lino of Novelties for the Easter trade SEE THEM SATURDAY. Easter HuAerchicfs Extra specials. Beautiful im ported Linen and Swiss Hand kerchiefs, plain and hand em broideries of fine sheer mater ials, for ladies and childien, 5c, 10c, 15c to 7.1c NEW WASH FABRICS New Davenshire cloth, new Ginghams, new Percales, new Gallatea cloths, hundreds of new patterns make .selections now, lines are complete. Prices 15c to 35c BEST SILKS Ever offered at these low prices. .. 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta, black and all colors. Very special.'per yard, $1.50 36-incM Cashmere de Luxe, guaranteed to wear, all new spring shades, Very special, per yard, $1.50 NEW TUB SILKS With various colored stripes very much in demand for hpiing. Price per yard, $1,H5 SPORT 'PONGEE With highly'colorcd patterns on natural ground, 1 m -a 1 K. aJF Jl rt lI? 1(4 H Ml tm t Price per yard. i.o &' - i. !. . , t ov-- .':;. . 'XKZi En3': tfvrrtrir Y. r .Ti""!' -iv vfy';- ... IS- fl r tyj: , JWiel, '.rj2 i 'l . i;1 sssacsr JJ J