WAVjfc 3r Sty iZxuminn Herald ... yr.ff.tmr" ti ii-ri t - - - .... .; L ' ' - B ! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWtPAPIR OP KLAMATH FALL! jr. im xv?vT r"'".-"--'-Tl r,m,-rrr gfcrrnlh Vmi Xo. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDESDAY, MARCH 2f, ltl7. rrt fi caaM President Must Name Specific Action ntSa-sJUwiiw. -.-SL -BRSU-' Wanted to Avoid Delay, Is Believed III E EASTERN REGIMENTS ARE CALLED TODAY KWHNKKItM ORIIKIIKD OFF TMK IMMIDCIt. AXXOUXCKD 4vyww,M,ww.. .-l--inV-.JJLa11-Lrl-L1-J-in-ln-l Aadmrllle Itrrliir tin-tunM Dllurl- WW lu Mrllcu'tlniMWt Uo U-fONtl Barrier and "" Only H Sporadic Uatfrnmrni U IVriMml to Mewt Tbb HiliMiloii Hitler Struggle U WABIIIXtiTOX. It. 0 March 88. Tit war department haa railed out fear additional national guard rcgl wau la fjMlprn state. , II U announced that transfer af fMtlac the engineering coapauU-n aw on the border have been Issued. fortjr per criii of the membera of fauna lll be lir for Ihe extra aiadoB, It In Indicated now. It la xcneral Irapreaelon that the rinltftnt iiiiim specify exactly what wllen In wanted In tba present atate of affalf. It la fait that ha mud lift strong reasona far any aetlon tiled In order to Insure against da. to. Aathorltlr declare that German Mrb4iirr throughout Mrilcn ran. ot go beyond border ralda and spor 4le outbreaks. "Ttey aay the gov nmrnt l prepared to meat the alt anion, (Internment reports show Ihit many (iennana are fleeing to KmIco. It It unknown what the president It planning regarding army prepare lloni, but mlllinry men believe that wl war nmt nut police work la at uw. Tliry nay the preparation lorerui the "bitterest atruggle the Mtlon ha known." Mlowlnu a ronfereuco of Demo cratic leader Kitchen and Republl u leader Mann It U announced l II In believed the Ropubllcana nt Democrat will preaent complete ikmu rnr tlio organisation of the . It npix-nra aa If the laat hopo I b.iriiiin organisation la gone. 60RE SPEAKS HERE FRIDAY MKDFOIID MAX SKXDS WORD Til -MMKIIUAI. CI.UII THAT UK HIM, UK I.V KLAMATH FOR IM.1 UOXD SPEECH FRIDAY MMMMAMAMMMVtYVMMMMMMMWWiWMvMWVM ----, . -. - ---rvr----r--rT--rTVVVTVTT-TVV-VVVTVTVVVVVTTTVVTVTTTVPVVVVVTVTVVTVWWVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVfl .... e Evacuated by the Germans VSfSSSISiSSfyy" mwwwii wwmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmwwwwwwwwwwww.v.it.i l uvLan.iamfuumariJiiuuviart' Word Imtt been received front W. II. Oore, president of tho Medford Na- Ihiiml bank, mid nppolnti-d l.y (ho Slate Highway rommliuiiii to look alter auurthnrn Oregon' liiirrrfth In tli IC.nuu.uoo road bond Unu that be will bo here Krldity nlKlit to ipk under I be mupUxo of tin. Kliiiutith Comitiertlal cluti, Mr. tloro w Npenk nt tin- lloimion 0era houie, orrordlns to Kred Kleel, aecretary of the club, mid It I dc aired that a bla attendance be out to abow Klamath' lnterent nud to find out what her aharif In the roml Imllil Ing rampalieu U to be. Slnro the original rond bulblluK profram waa Uurd a road front Ah land to Klatunth KalU and from Klamath Kail in Uikrvlew dux been placed on the pnKram aa a pom road. Much auppcrt I Jrelug found In alt part of the atnte on the voting of thla bond neit June, the money for which la to be gcnurally eapended over the atate. Roads from till city to llend and Rllver Unke are iiIho pro- Jerli'd aa I tost road, Mr. (lore wn appointed na Kcucrnl agent In culhcru Orecon following the vUlt of member of the highway commlnalon there recently. Uncle Sam's First Submarine Chaser Used for Recruiting NKW yohk, March 18. Cora mandvra line ileclartt that Hia na. IomI liuaril u better fitted for nc- " riffluliifc now than at any tlmo we the rlvll wnr. Thero nro 100, 00 men remly for aervlre. They any Hint the markamanahlp laa artillery wn greatly Improved while on ii,,. l.urder and thai the mill iw U really ft .enaoned army, PORTLAND, Or., March Van Wr barrncka haa been dealgnated M the mnboiuntlon point for the lrd Oregon Infantrylnitead of wP Wltliycomba at Clackamaa, ae "Mlng In or.lern roretved front-Oen-'"I "ell. riio eomlltlon of the jround nt thH ii, of year nt Clack u U believed tho reaaon for tho th0e. GERMANACTIVITJES Thi5,,IN"T0N' D- - rcii . ,:"" ''"I'artmant I nd lea tad this wuon tlmt it haa formally laqulrod irSe'i? c"n.wrdaer- ctlvltloa m Mmico, ' dmittod that rumor, have ft4UI. . . "l '" " "'l at Torreon.gg elaawbara, hi ,(1?m"lwt ' out Aa.!i;tUd ' "' Hitrga( In vuk '.'ra the wur. HAUL MUCH HAY TO SHEEPMEN HI.XTV TOXH Tt UK HAUIiKI) TO IM.A.-I AT f IS TON HtKKJHT MAKIXfl COST OK H.Y PW TON. Wll.l. HTAUT l,.MIIINO (MM Work will atnrt today huullug CO tona of hay to Kllgoru llroa. of Ho nania, for their ahecp. Illehn or thla city la to makti the haul nml expects to Mtort out tomorrow with five four heme leama. Kllgoro Ilroa. phoned today that they expect to mart Inmblug within a few day and that It la absolutely Aeccaaary to havo the liny, which will probably coat them over f 30 a ton. The freight from thla city will averugo $13 per ton. They figure their lamba will bo worth $fl each and tbelr ewea $15. They have or dered one carload of hay, which haa arrived, and others are on the way. raft-aaaaiKiigagMMBHMMMM-aMMaaaBM HKHHHHBIBiB 1Hh n--------------------------------------------------H---k--------RK y--------------------------------------------------------P'--------BR I9H -------------------------------------------------------K',M---li Slf The volunteer aubmarlue chaaer l.ynx, owned by Nathaniel Ayer of I'onon. Ih ahown atartlng on her irnliio off New Kugland. recruiting men for the naval reaerve. She car rier a one-pound machine gun, and will vlalt every New England city and town poaalblo to encourage enrolment In the reaerve. Thccphotograpb shows Knalgn Arthur Dluke-of tho naval re serve at the wheel, and two members of the crew of tho lynx. Appeals to more than 100 boat building concerns to provide the government Immediate ly with S00 or more 110-foot motor boats aa aubmarlne chaeers have been tent out by the navy department. LAW CAUSES INCREASE, SAID WKNTKUN II.UIAV.IY I'KTITIOX AMKM l'Oll A It I'KIt CKNT IN (UKAHK IX IIATIM TO MKKT A.N 1XCIIKANK OF f00,0WMKMI WAHHINOTON, U. C March 28. The Adamaon eight-hour law In cre'uHoa the railroads' oxponsca $0, 000,000 annually, says' a petition pro ented by the Western railway to the Interstate commerce commission. The MtltloA aska for a rate In- urease of 15 ter cent. COURT CONSIDERS TOURISTDELEGATE MKKTIXti TO UK 1IEUJ IX POUT- LAND KAKIiY XKXT MOXTH TO iiax hi'kndixo f4S,eee noxn IHSt'K KOn ADVKRTI8IXO Marion Hanks, county Judge, aald thla, .morning that he, would place the matter of sending a representative to the meeting of the Northweat Tourist iraaociatlon In Portland early next month,, before the county commis sioners thla atternoou. Thla meeting la being called to plan ways and means of distributing tho $45,000 bond issue made by tho leg Islaturo tor the. advertising of Ore gon In the northwest campalgu. The meeting is called for repreaen tatlvea of commercial eluba and coun ty courts, and while tho directors of which board J. W, Siemens of thla city la a member, will spend the money, thla meeting is to generally outline tho plan and get the co operation of the entire atate, Tho following letter waa received from O, C, Chapman of Portland, re garding the meeting, by Mr. Slemena; "I .believe It la Important to have aqch a convention representative of the substantial bualneaa Interest or every aeclon, rather than an assem blage of mero enthuilaata. tWltl you not look Into the matter, sea to it. that your.county and community aaad del-i uuqn Willi can o ruunuu iu give wise counsel, and If It la possi ble for you to do so. arrange to come yourself to the meeting? "Undoubtedly there will be an un usually Instructive program, aside from whatever dllberatlona there may be Incidental to organising for the big campaign that la facing u. With strong men representing every section of Oregon nt thla meeting. It ran be made n big factor th favor of passing the bonds." CLUB ASKS HELP FOR LAND OFFICE COMMERCIAL CUD WIREH TO WASniXOTOX AHKIXtJ ADD1- TIOXAIj MKX UK ADDKD TO THK . OltCK IIKFORK DRAWIXCJ A wire was sent to Washington toflny by Secretary Fleet, of the Com mercial club, asking that additional help bo given the Lakevlew land of fice, ii ud possibly here also, to as tlt lu the Tule Lake land drawing next month. Mr. Fleet haa been working with tin: reclamation office and It la felt that somemeana of handling the ap plications and work of the drawing a quickly aa pcasible should be takes no that the appllcanta can get tbelr money back If unsuccessful In the drawing. f Tbls wllUeaable theaa-tar inyjMt ,ta other local property If they desire uhllc If it la held up they will be forced In many, cases to return to I heir homes without considering any proposition. If several hundred applications are made, aa la expected, tbe preaent force at tbe land office will be wamped, it is believed, and adequate tervlce Is desired. Captain J. W. Siemens, president of the club, was designated to represent the club at Portland at the meeting of representatives of. county courts and clubs for the Northwest Tourist association. If he decides to go to Portland. Secretary Fleet of tbe club la also making arrangements for the bous ing nnd handling of tbe appllcanta for the land drawing, securing a Hat of rooms ad housing apace In the city, now found to be crowded. SAID CALIFORNIA WILL HAVE REAL NATIONAL GUARO SO PER CKXT MOItK RECRUITS EXI.IHT THA V DKFORE War Preparation Olven Precedeace by State Official 30,008 Red Crow Member Kotipbt In lioa Ang ela Rifle -C-abs Formed at San IMego OafchUMl to Harp Hoaae Gward of l,fM Mew. SEPARATE PEACE OFFERED RUSSIA TERM ARE HEARD WHEREBY GERMANY AXD RV88IA MAY EFFfcCT PEACE, SAY MOLLAXD DISPATCHES BRITISH WIN EIGHT JURORS ARE SELECTED FIVE OUT OF MXK KXAMIXKI1 CHOSKX THIS MORXIXO IX THK HOURS CASK XOT RXPKCTKI1 JURY Wll.l. UK t'OMPItl-TTK J$l , Five more jurors, making eight al together, were accrued thla' morning in the circuit court In the Hobbs murder trial, now stnrtlug on Its sec ond trial before u jury here. The men selected were Frank Hea ter, W, J, Denton, Peter Dour, Chas. Mack and 8, K. McKemle. Nine men were examined. Two panels' have boon drawn for this case, following the dtsmlsaal of the former extra pan el, the Jurors now being selected from the first drawn thla week. Thirteen have been dlsmlaaed, Following thla morning session court adjourned until 1:30 thla' aft ernoon when the examination of tho Jufora waa taken up again. It Is hardly expected that thejurywlll be romiileted thla nfernoo -, FROZEN CREEK HURTS SPAWNING VISIT OF STATE HATCHERY SUP KRIXTEXDKXT TO BPKXCKH CREKK SHOWS FISH VXAULE TO CO UP THK CREKK SACRAMENTO. March-fCali-foraU will have real national guard yAPTfll' Adjutant General Boree declared yeaterday. "Fifty per cent more tecrnlta have enlisted In the present rrUls than did when tbe Mexican call waa Issued." he said. War preparations are being given precedence by atate officials. It is expected that Governor Stephens' de fence bill will be Introduced in the legislature today. In the meantime, economy plana are foremost. Los Angelea reports that all regi ment, will be recruited to their full strength by April 4th while tbe naval liilllila Is already on a war footing. A campaign la being carried on for 50,000 Red Cross members and an emergency police squad of 500. is be ing organised. Rifle cluba are being formed at San Diego while recruiting at San Fran cisco la lively, additional stations be ing opened to handle the work. LONDON. March 28. Holland re ports aay that Germany Is planning to make withdrawals in Alsace and also that Berlin baa proposed a sep arate peace with Ruaaia. Tbe basis for the separate peace la an autonomy Poland, the lnterna tlonallxation or Constantinople and Russia nomination cf Armenia. Rus sia Is also to return all captured Ana trlan territory. British armored earn aapporie by cavalry have captured Boyellea. tie first Instance oLsuceeaa Id auch an attack-aince the rally-la the, Belgtan fighting. It Is reported.- The French are continuing to drive a wedge in North Lafere.and another at Laon. PARIS, March 38. The French hope that America will send troops to France, Secretary to General bam boo told newspapermen today. "The public feela confident of American military aid," he aald, and added: "The policy of, the aew French government will be for a more active war." OAKLAND. March 38. Mayor Davie haa announced plans to organ ise an Oakland Home Guard of 1,000 middle aged men to protect local property In case of necessity, It Is feared that tbe taking of trout eggs at the Spencer Creek hatchery will be hindered to a great extent Hits year because the creek Is froxen solid, following "a visit of L. W. Strass, hatchery superintendent, and Cnrcy Ramsby of this city to the hatchory recently. They found that the creek la froxen solid nnd that the fish are not able to go up the creek to spawn. Mr. Ramsby said today- that many fish are spawning In the Klamath river, being unable to go up tbe creek. It la planned to take tho egga from thla hatchery to the Klamath hatch ery on Crooked .creek, now under conatructlon to hatch them. This Is to be the largest trout hatchery lu the' state, . , . Loaea lie.OM In Jewels LOS ANQBLE8, March 18, Will- lam Wrlgley, tbe chewing gum- mag nate, reported to the police today that a burglar atole $40,000 wortfr of jewela laat nig while hla feaiily sjeptc TO OFFICIALLY DECLAREVACANCY PRKSUYTKRIAX SUNDAY SCHOOL MlSSIOXARY HERE AUTHOR. 1ZED TO ANNOUNCE VACANCY OF PULPIT BERNE. 8wltserlaud. March 38. Wireless dlapatchee received here aay that the kaiser la at Homburg suffer ing from a mild attack of dlabetea. Hla pbyalelaaa aay they can euro hla case but are working over hla re tarded recovery. LOCAL CWPLE WED:$ATUfiDAY MISS ORA. XKLSOX, AXD CHARLES COFFEY, FORMERLY OF THIS CITY, MARRIED SATURDAY AT SANTA CRUZ, CAI4FORXLV W. Frank Gloeckner of Granta Pass. Presbyterian Sunday school missionary, who haa been visiting point a. In tbe county for several days, will officially announce the vacancy, in the local Presbyterian pulpit at a meeting Weduesday night at the church. Mr. Gloeckner expected to Jeave thla morning but received word from Medford that-action had been taken by the Presbytery and that he akould make tbe announcement here. Rowriager BUI Defeated BACRAMENTO. March 18. By a margin of one vote, the aenate de feated the Rominger aatlaaleon', ontl-llquor bill. Twenty-one votes ware necesaary. to paaa.-,. Twenty voted ye. 18. no. 'The vote, wuewea a two- hour neataa senate." .. "5 -- Word was received here today of the marriage of Charles Coffey, for merly of thla city, and MUa Ora Nel- bon, daughter of Mrs. Nelson of thla elty, at 8anta Crux, Cal., Saturday, March 34. Mrs. Coffey bad been employed at the Golden Rule store here for sev eral years and waa spending a vaca tion in California with' her slater, Mrs. Fred L. HottBUnTot thm. city. ' Mr. Coffey war a former employee of the Herald In 1914 and 1915 and waa popular In the younger set" of tbe city.. He la now engaged In' the printing "and publishing bualneaa. wjth.hla father at Qoaialea, Cal.. being the editor of tbeOoaaatea Trlbuae. s . el 'Paso-. MiKh)ii,H-u.jMittet; : ?. .. .-1'iJ' :ii.i2J.' ai are fighting aonth, phHtahttV.4:;V-; , , rs T.1ST" 'TTj;ii rr?. Tr&rnsrTi: "v w, & m&mm& milea south ofCMhw the Villlstaa. willeiirii! iiigiiir Vigfl&'&m R,rA;. UV :?". te9jSss?f" aaf? m&- "-, LWHI .' . W . Ss? otiii ''USjS.V; iw .-r- v- - t-v 4'Xf i h ' ,.-fi.,.'Jv' lii'SSA". - t , .:u)ii 5 mmmmFj .t:-s.Vv',.f. 3'" s