-"fS ,n m 5t?i , am V JEwtting Wztm ,-.. fc4.g t.dmT yii WlClAL NKW8PAPKK Of KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NaVWIPAPIftl OF KLAMATH FALLS m t. r. iTnf'v v ""-t"'-""-'-'''- mmHIi Vr w- WW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, lt!7. $ i i va& Wtk J & RESOLUTION AUTHORIZES WAR m I - .MMiMk I wei 1 M PRESIDENT WILL IE EMPOWERED PROSECUTE WAR (KJfttaHio.v,M. resolution in MMM1 PREPARED wgj tartar WU ( War 'KxWte, and flaw Tim lit Arrived for Atuerkn f stikslr Hrr lluwor Hop mi Mirin IYv ty Entering War. httUrat Ktprrlnl Mshr. AiHlrvwa MM Owgtt Tuemlsy. WAIIIINOTON, l. C MarcU 17. Tm ceagrtMlontl revolution being snttnd for presentation to congress fiMserlsrs that a title u( war exleta. ua that the lime ban arrived fur Aawfca lp vindicate ber honor, am w W isttor Uo tbe president to pro. meant or battening U war a a Tat bouse foreign affair commit Ut It preparing a resolution declaring Otnmy hat vlolsted the rights at iMffcsst, disregarded her ireatbM Ml America while America eadeav. i le aaalntain pearc and that war abU oaly s a retult or Germany's KM. Tit president expects tu address (taint an Turrday. Toe wur department bun announced IUi Ibr demobilisation or tho national Mrasurn liaa been ordered balled. Tkt federal reserve board boa ill mtd the reserve ItaiikM lo cash army wttrnastrr toucher pending op Nprlitlons in be maitu. Tkt board hs notified the bank Mbtrithiit the government It ready It rediscount the vouchers on fifteen Train, That aclliiii Iimk been taken by thu W4 u a result of (tin army flnan. wlibortui. due lo Ibo failure 'of tint "r appropriation bill. kw YOHK. March 37. America kun the allien T,.onn.nno.OOO Im adltlely without liiOuenrlna- Amerl. s Itinera lo any degree, la the opln " of prominent flnnnclera of this w;.Thw tnU bcllevvd lo be onimgli w tta the wur. OlHMIMH kLttttt WASHINGTON, I). C. March 87. fwrnUllve Unroot of WUconalu. wwtive lender, hat given out i WMMnt ilmt he It opposing lUpub r acr Monn't nutcpartUan " oritnlMttlnn plan, bttrileiin liefi.uiu kuir. WARHIN'RTnV It r u mm 2w UFollctte. Icoder.ln the fill ?w on tin, nrmed itoutrallly bill, wrendlng ln action odltorlnlly In J Wptr. n dcclnrca that the bill bhim "A,n,,"," Ktina under tho JjnjM tdmlroliy," and that It mount It blttlirlv rrltll..l l. ,...ui.i..i " hat Wllaou wanted to "ar 2utocrllc poweralffcoUni the "unita of tho world." Urollettn -- . . M . , " nun Aiunnoi wnferenre of all neutral nations o iivmrui rignta. .J!? tHwHU WaMlcil VKHHITV nn mmau .... T? Nrth 27 lnrrn..ln. ..u.cl.1. Indicated In the callt foe. rw recelvAH h .. .... r ImEL Ji Un,v"'' urlif the l---' urge majority of alia, i. . " handle tavi rfia.. ...k MtM!K!h!",0,,o'M?, 1Mb . "'"" rogi ""I Xr and OR I. toi'j ACTING MAYOR ISSUE'S CALL FOR RECRUITS Ma(iK TKM.I.Mi or NATIONAL KHi:iua:M-v iik'kivi:ii l'r lawntpm Akil rwlllriK f"r Vl unlrrrn (iir Nitty fnnii III lo ;hi Vmn of Am TIhxk I'mlrr IM MuH Have l'tmil' Ohim-iiI Xy ltprrrntallte Will I'i'iiie Ikrv. fall lu L'MhiIi Nation "To Ihe CitUciin of KIaiimIIi ralU: I om In receipt of Ihu folluwlns inettage: Vtlravc nntlonnl rincrnenry ekUlit. The prraldenl hat called for 1K.3U0 men for the navy and wire from Watblngton today direct me lo place mailer before olj public oltltlult atklug co-opeuilon. will you Ittue prorin niktlon calling for volunteers for the navy? American rliltent, 16 lo 30. These under IK must have parentt' content. I'leaso have local newspa per give fullest publicity. Navy rep resentative will be lu Klamath Kail In few day to examine volunteers and furnish transportation to mobilisation point. Will nidify exact II mo of arrival. The nearest sub-stallou lo your rliy It Medford." Pursuant lo and In hearty accord with tbe forei)lnK. In the mime of the cltv, I hereby publicly cull upon IhoMi of our cllUens who believe they ran iiunllfy lo offer their ttorvliex In till lime of nullonnl need and tmcrgenry. Patriotism U love of country, but Hen- llmi'iilal fwlliiB and exprettlnn v.111 not man our ships. Ily our youiiK manliiMxt, It sbuulil be esleemetl an honor unit a nrhlleae to respond to llilt rail lo uphold the iIisIiIh of a free nation and of free men, and I hopo and believe that Klamath Kallx win respond with enthusiasm, and that our cttliens will support the call getter oiisly. M. H. HOTV. Acting Mayor. FRENCH AND BRITISH ADVANCING , 'a stttttPtWttt New.andOldDirectors of United States Mint .taaglHMgHIr BBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBV'.F,'2S H f' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbVIbbbbbbT3 BgeBi W.. ,5.T3-BBBBBf tlaaMaBBBM g(HBi.ff aallllllllllllllHlBBB If aHHHHE j w ai BgagagB. LbHIIIIIIHbII gHHUBllllllllBR pppppppKHHHJH fcf r. J. H. VON ENGCLKEN I PAY MONO T. BAtt:B 1 PORTLAHO AFTER LOWER RATES TOO TAKINfi SIMIhAlt STi;i' AH IvOCtt mMMHIUTAh C'tt'll TU SKCL'KK MIWKItINU OF ItATKX OVKIt HOt'TIIKIIN I'ACIHC IIKIIK The Portland Trafflc and TraiiKpor latlon Association Iirm Inkcn n similar step at Ihe local Commercial Club in an attempt to geHower freight rates to tblt city, aa thowa by the following letter received by Secretary Fleet of the Commercial Club, from IJUhop fc tbc BELIEVED BEND WILL SELL BONDS STIIAIIOIIN PItOI'OtflTIO.V LOOK.) i:n on with KAVon uv cen. THAIi OltWiOX TOWN WHICH IS PIIO.MISKU lt()AI STAIIT1NG GORE WRITES OF ROAD BOND ISSUE ASKKI) TO CMK HKIIK TO SPIIAK TO CIT1XKXH ON I,IHKI,IMHI IIOAD IK)NI IHHtIK IIKFOIIK HTATKTHIHHPIIINO The followliiK Iptlor hut been re ceived by J. W. HlemoiiH, president of the Commercial Club, from W. IT. (Join. urcHldi'iit of tho Medford Na tional bank, relutlvo lo thu $0,000,000 road bond Issue to bo voted on thu spring. Mr. (loro hat beuu asked to speak here Friday night, but It la not yet kuovui whethorvho will be able to come. HU letter It iu follows; "Throughout tho stato It Is gciier ully conceded thut the biggest and moot Important legltlutlou adopted by tho last leglaluturo It tho road pro gram. There canate no doubt that Inco tbe $8,000,000 bonding bill hat been referred to tho people for their approval, the most Important matter for tie contlderatlon of tho votera of Oiegon.'lt the bonding measure for the Improvement of the highways, of the state. . . .. "The committee appointed oy me i..ui.nM in take the initiative in starting and pushing campaign F. J. II. von Kngclkcn, director of the United States mint, hat given up his position lo uccept a bank prctl dency. In bin plnco tho president named llaytuoniPT. linker, who has been confirmed by the senate. INDfAN AGENT OUITJS LEARNED . II. AHIIIIIIV, SPKCIAli AdKNT, IH IN CHAItUK f NTH, COMM1H8IO.V. Kit MFJ.IJ4 HKIJ-XTti PKIOU. NKNT APPOINTKB In Coatianed ea Vn i William 1). Freer, who for almost thieo jeurs has been superintendent of thu Klamath Indian schools, and cx-ofllclo, of tho reservation and Its nATalis,' resigned his position a short time ngo, accompanying It wlth-atele- Kruphlo request that he be relieved at tho earliest time practicable, It was learned today from a responsible source. Ills resignation was accepted, and on March 18th Mr. C. H. Asbury, spe cial agent, assumed charge. Mr. As bury will coutluuo until Commissioner Bolls hat selected a permanent ap pointee Hit official title Is "Special Agent In Charge." Mr. Asbury, whoso home Is in Reno, Nevada, Is one of tho most trusted of tho government's special agents, and possesses a wide experience In Indian administration. The keen Interest of Commissioner Bells n Ihe Klamath Indians, and all that portstns to their welfare, 'a cir cumstance well known to those who are familiar with his policies, la a guarantee that be will use his beat en deavor taioleot aa Mr. Freefs peraa. nant successor a man who will meet all of tbJe 'retirements for. Ailing this rStp0BIIDkt!TBIUIOD. The plana of Mr, Frier and his fam. Ily for the future are not known, Itahler, local representatives cu case, to the Portland Association, "lleferrlng to your complaint before the Interstate Commerce Commission versus 8outbern Pacific company, lu connection with the class rate adjust, ment Irom Portland to points on the Klamath Fallt branch. I. C. C. docket No. '191. "It Is obKorved thatvifoiif complaint it largely bated upon an alleged pre judice on account of lower rates be Ire maintained from San Francisco, mid as representative of the Business Men's Association and Commercial Club of Klamath Falls, Oregon, we v. isli lo direct your attention to de ilxlon No. 3817 of November I. 1916, of thi- railroad commission of tho state of California, in rase No. I8. The Suit Francisco Chamber of Commerce vrrxuii Southern Pacific company and McClntid River Railroad company, and Case No. .ISO, McCormlck-Saelt-scn Co. versus same defendants, iu which tba California commission hut made very material reductions in the class rates between San Francisco, Sarrumcnto, etc., and point-; In North, cm California as far north as the Cal ifornia-Oregon state line, which wo aro firmly of tbe opinion will result In reductions lu the class rates to Klamath Falls, either by projection of tho California mileage basis to iolnts beyond tho state line, or at least by ii'Uhou of I ho fact (hat a, combination ot locals over thu slate line will make lower rates than the present basis. As you no doubt know, tho Southern Pacific have appealed to tho United States district court, asking that u poimancnt Injunction bo issued pro hlbliing the, California commission from enforcing their 'order; this suit now being scheduled for hearing at Kau Francisco, on March 36th, and wo feel that if your complaint, before tbe commission goes to a hearing boforo tho final status of the California case Is determined, the true situation will not be piescntcd to tho Interstate Commerce Commission, and are fear ful that something migb't occur that would have the effect of complicating the situation, and perhaps Interfere to some extent In what luw already been accomplished, as far as Klamath FalU Is concerned. "We nro entirely In accord with your request for reduction of rates to Klamath Fall's, and feel sure that you wilt appreciate our position in Its true light, as we would be Very much disappointed to have anything occur now that should tend to" complicate the raltuatlon and porhaps result In a long delay In Klamath Falls obtaining tho adjustment to which they are en titled to and from California points. We are aoMnforraed that thla case has yet been aet for hearing by the commission, but lu case It la likely that the bearing will be' held before tbe courts dispose ot the suit now pending versus the railroad commis sion of the state of California, we re spectfully auggeet that yen aak the commission to carry the complaint on (ha calendar until tuch'tlme as the o'clock, California situation la determined," day. IIKNU, March 27. There teems no doubt that the city of Bend will aet Its stump of approval upon tbe pro pcsul of Robert K. Straborn of Port land, who proposes to build tbe Ore gon, California & Eastern railroad from Ilend south toward Klamath Falls, to bond tbe city for $100,000 for tbe construction of the first forty mites south from Bend to the Fort Rock Valley In Lake county. The skepticism that grew out of tbe. proposal made last Monday by Mr. Straborn has been practically dis pelled, and tbe town now eeems to be almost n unit as to tba feasibility of granting Mr. 'BtrabofnVwIih Insofar as it will be a business Investment. In all probability the same issue will come up for public Indorsement this week tbnhigh tbe Commercial Club and labor organisations. It Is understood at the present day they favor II. It is the feeling that taxes would not be materially. Increased In the city or county by the bond Issue, and that the benefits to accrue wonld far offset the expenditure. In addition the vast undeveloped southwest territory, with IU thous ands of acres of timber and untouched farm lands, would be more accessible. Probably an effort will be made to bring the issue before the people ot llcnd within the next three weeks. That the securing or right ot way for the Strahoru railroad, outside us well us Inside Ilend Is progressing most encouragingly, was the report of II. J. Ovcrturf, who Is lu charge of the work beyond the Hunnel acres. For ten miles. Mr. Overturf says practic ally everything has been cleaned up. Only six ranchers along the propos ed right of way have so far tailed to give definite assurance that they will sell ut n reasonable price, or that they vl actually give tho necessary prop erty. Of those six, Overturf believes COUNCIL HEARS KENO COMPETING FRANCHISE BILL SIMILAR TO FIRM EXCEPT HOME RESPECTS IN Slurtn ot Disapproval Arises on Part of goose Catutctlsaett Over Mayer .Apsolataseat of Special Speed Cop Without CotutcH's 8sutctioHw-.De. dared l'a-ieaa Expeaao Fire Truck Baa Right of Way at AU Times. that three will be ready soon to make reascuabte propositions. TWO EXTRA JURY. PANELS ARE OUT HIT THREE ai'RORH CHOSEN ON OPENING DAY OF HOBBH CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT WHICH WAS CONTINUED UNTIL TOMORROW Three Jurors were' secured for the jury In the Hobbs murder trial, In tbe circuit court yesterday out of tbe panel of thirty. Court adjourned un til 10 v o'clock tomorrow morning, when the examination of jurors wlll.F. I. proceed again. Two more panels of jurors have been drawn and are out, the first to report tomorrow and the second on Friday. ,. The Jurors chosen yesterday were George E. Gillette, W. E. Bowdoln and Win. F, Hill. Tbe questioning of the attorneys has not brought out any startling new phases In the case aa yet. Court convened this afternoon at 3 this being lawand motion c A competing Keno Light and Power company franchise was Introduced and passed the second reading at tbe dtycooncl! lasfnlgbt: " " The franchise Is similar to the one presented for tbe vote of the people some time ago on a referendum, to be voted on at the city election In April, except that It provide for- a bond of $15,000 requiring tbe company to complete Ita wdrk by 1919granta the franchise for twenty-five years; requires that work shall start within sixty days after adoption, and other requests. A storm of disapproval on the part of two member of tbe council arose over the recent appointment by' Mayor Crlsler before he left for California of a special officer to catch speeders in the city, both Councllmen Miller and Struble Intimating that strong objec tion will be made against allowing tbe wage bill for such special officer. Act ing Mayor Doty supported tbe mayor's action. Miller said It was unnecessary expense, and 8truble claimed the city had sufficient police force now to han dle tbe situation. Doty, acting mayor. Interjected the question ot whether or not if the offi cer paid bis own wages. It would not be satisfactory. He reported that the special officer would have turned In seventeen speeders Monday., morning, two speeders for two breaches each, If he had not forgotten to reappoint blm. Chief Ambrose of tbe fire depart ment reported that he had been turn ed In by a member of the police force for speeding, and wanted to know if the fire department was to be allowed to exceed the speed limit only when going to a fire. It was generally conceded that the department should be limited only relatively to public safety when not on a run. and that it Is necessary to edu cate the public to give the department right ot way at all times. Councilman Miller urged that steps be taken to drag such city streets as are now dry to put them In shape for the summer. , t Permission was granted George Blehu and the Central garage to place gasoline pumps In front of their busi ness houses Blehn to use the old It S. house on Sixth street as o garage, and also tne wnitman urug company to erect a sign on the store, and the Mllea Sign company ona on Sixth street. Some talk) of removing policemen's uniforms was suggested when neces sary to enforce the law on speeders and bootleggers, one councilman stat ing that a certain puce la town could continue to 'sell whiskey at IS per quart as long aa the police are wearing uniforms and their aura. Miller alto suggested that the po lice get behind telephone posts If they FIERCE FIGHTING OCCURS ON FRONT ENTENTE REBUILDS ROADS .Ami BRIDGES DEVASTATE RefwMjtiUng Coauslry Evaoattstl by Germ tutFlight of i tin Many Dead 1 ported 46 Gummas 1 cret Wireless DappMstMy fjstsl bjr Pro-GetMam Baeslaa OtUisJs LONDON. March. 17. The, French are within a half mile of von Hlndest burg's line, and are continuing to ad vance. There Is fierce fighting, at Iagnlj court on tbe British f rant. The French have take Cner.aV teas and Eselgny, wbereNiveUe has been attempting to split the German line. Tbe entente are rebuilding roads, bridges and rebabltatlng the country which the Germans have devastated. Tbe flight of the retngeee continues, v - -Ai 4 .! f6 ..a . Wi V ?4 M PARIS, March J7 CorrespondenU say that exposure and starvation un dergone during the German prepara tions for retreat caused Up death of over 300 civilians in the evacuated territory. At Chauny alone it is asld that ISO dead civilians, were burled in pits without coffins. ' BERLIN. March 27 it Is announc ed that in the last few days twenty-; five steamships, fourteen sailing shtps and thirty-seven trawlers have been"" submarined. LONDON. March ST. Official dis patches announesMhfthit the British bnve captured Equsjicourt and Longa- venues. THE HAGUE, March 27. It to re ported that 4,000 German soldiers who entered Holland seeking food, have been Interned at Sewelle. PETROORAD, March ST. A secret wireless plant, suspected of having been used by Dro-German ministers in communicating with Berlin, baa been' discovered at Tsarskoe-Selo. Seven grand dukes and' three princes of noble families have tete-j graphed the new government they de sire association with It ' $1 A telegram Received this af- ternoon by 3. V. Siemens, preal- dent of the Commercial Club, from the Business Men's Asec- elation committee working In San Francisco on the terminal fund, states that $1,000 has been raised, and that prospects forHh-t, more are bright. 4d)04d4; v-r. Great Oaten Made CHICAGO. March 17. Kurt evke and PauKOell, Germans,' taken off the San FranejiM te.CTtoaamy, train, and hava been, held laeoatsjsjUgo. cado by the The authorities wanted Badly, 'and t taai ; tae eanwtra - waa a "great nieee of JMttlr.TIW.W;' .&&?! f ! in InWauaUa. g-tna sUanaaattaV. V wsatj m laitj ytsstBssas tjf., f - Wjnr fT Yu ff "?mmnBmBmi m h'fj .-!f K ttSfl Satta&BKS wr -. us mA aisaifsv ZY&l&lW. V.V.. -X.. Befogs tjK -f ;' ,J mm wanted to catch Complaint elWajas); Link River bridge ;, " Jkmi 3 1 )i Vl l Ml M l Wv I fc V t . . ?'&&??'' U 1 1 "' i. T , 1 . Ki "- '