T KM &tl? lEmmhuj ffcraid ... '-- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NttfTOJUPM ' OP KLAMATH 1 irrrfT1!' ' -"- KfetMlti Vrnr N'. Ituw0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 29, ltl7. $. nM9Mf9 "II 3j. President Orders Navy Department Recruited to Full War Strength IM ORDERED . RECRUIT FULL WAR STREHGTH lOrAI'NTIIKMiTII WILL Ill: NT.UOfl KNITTER MEN I......A WWWWWWWNWWWWVWWW WWWWWWWWWVWMW MMVywVWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWW Wood Tiansferrwl In Howtli. aster Department anil General irM Takr- Ctiara of ilaMti-n lie. paHmntt I'HlirrMil Training Hill to Mo Vn m by t.'ugr-). IT Xat IwhI. Cull Out Amir War ask. National (iiuuik awl Tor MMM Volunteers. UNITED STATES REFUSES CHANGE TREATY OF 1799 geiimaxvh ai-tionh indicate little regard for ' treaties Mala Department SrtiiU .Voir' Indt- rating Thai KhImt 'HIIci- Th-uI-If Mrtv HrrK of li-r .liH-rl-mil VcmtI and Foreign Vi-hm-U Hunk Without Ht-nant Tor Trmly Agreements 4ktmam)i Told Mir Now Want Very Arid lr- rtiamtnl Which Hid lte Hern Violating .mv.iwiv ti , u i. ri I mir nruuwii in"m MIIIOMIU! r, V.., mwrv ii TW president hu ordered that lh -..-n. k .ukj..t,l lk full mtmm lr.ai)lt a.., """' " "" "- --.-. i U'AHIIIVdTriV ll Mnri-li ?fi of 17.000 men. - ,-- Tn new army denarttoeuta have " ucparimcre: n sitcii m ktta created, making a total of alx. the note wih l Germany refusing to Mannirnl. Iiut a new ron-ajuctiim on the rrua- Major General Leonard Wood ha( ,Un trra(y of ,--; km trsn.frrrrd to command thai T no0 , ciermaiiy 41-re. iMitbMilrrn department, General; J.rnnklln 11,11 I... I... tranaf-rrrd. " f rtallta, and Intimates Hint jXAJXAAnjTJUUUXJUIJUUlAAJUVlAAriruVU ""Laaai MILITIAS CALLED FOR GUARD DU1Y ""inrnrinnnriinjiArinnn.rrinnna.i"Lrin.r njir aniArrytnrirnririoryvTirivvrivvrn"iryi - ----m-- - a .' jg Vvifx, J ' it m a Aiiiia laaai a a aiai a a 4 li . . .-iti-.-'J ". l Will Manage the War for Urns (FARM SPECIALIST HERE TO WORK from I ho Wmtrrn itlvUton to rm auad the Kail-rn dtipartment. Major Oemral lluntrr l.lRgrtt nucrrcdn (len eral lull an cnmmaniter iT tltn leu Rutern Mala National RuardH ralli'il at retlcrduy, l'nlurul irulnhiK bill, will tin kraught brfuri ranirpna at Ita aiivclnl rmlon, April 2d. la cae they ar defentod, I ho movi's to follow uro to meruit the army lo lu full nlmtiiili 'f .50,000 men; call for the full Klrrnatli of tlie'mllltla of l l'lr violation IhU rovcrnmwit Itcllocs (Icrinuny'ii "fliiKruiit vIolnllDim'-' nliroKsitcd tlilx and oilier ircatlen. ' It alio Intllrnti'H Unit tlti' KnUvr ro Knrda trrotlr iih "nrrnp of pnpor." ll aaya Ainrrlrnn vrelM Imvc lnt-n milk and ulo forelRii vihkvIh i-nrry-I me Amerlraim and American propcrty In dUreKnrtl of all trcntlrn. nnd de rlnri'K Hint i war der'rea Is foreseen 1(0,000, and call for from between 159,000 in 600,000 volunteer. The war depart nirnt hua prepared plan aloni thnno Ultra. The navy department will rutin IIm forta tbroiiRli the defeuae council lo ebUlu a tiutler niriment with the rteel runiui(lin for material), mid him iiaoumed ttutt additional Hiilmmrlm; fonlinuid on I'agu i It further a)K Itinl Auiericiiu ell- Ircna In (icrmuny hIiicu Ihe Miveraiu'o oC relnlloiiH have been provvuled from movInK freely from Hint country, TI10 nolo nayit thai IhU U nil Indica tion tt(nt Oermnny will ilfxrcKiird In lliv nvitnt of war, 1 lio very nrllrlo nho la now oHkliiK lo ho rcroiniirurtcd, nl- moHl wholly lu Ihn Intercut of laiKO iiumlici'H of (icrmuiiH reitldliiK In tho Dulled HtnlcH. IDLE LAKE DATA ISSUED BY CAMP t Information on Qualifications and Coif- ditiont Governing Applications to Be Made for Land Compiled jii'1' i"ii 1 11 u iiiaaMBwaaaaBMaBawawaawataaaaaaKaagMMtaajajp fir" vHKHIH s r'vfjwJHreSalBavSaaHaWaaViaaSaaaaal OrW aaHHaaaHaHaHaaaal I aaaaaaaHiaaaaaaal I Vl!HliaaaaaHaaaaaaaH jOBANDTJowt NcxotVa IKiiiKlaHHInlf i aLH4Kimi ? ''' JaSI iiiaa . "" ; if WALLACi: KDDr:ttIiY, OF FAItM IAXA(JKU;.T HtRKAf OK O A. C. VII.I MIIOW KL.LTII I'AltMKIW flOW TO KEKT HOOKS FIRE DAMAGES LOCAL GUN STORE 37 STATES CALLED FlrVS CUIEF BELIEVES FIRE OF INCENDIARY OHIO IX, AH OH. SPIGOT FOUND RUNNING AND WINDOW ItnOKEN IN HEAR I Wallace U Kadderly of the farm i The fire department was called out inuiinKcmcnt dvpattment of the Ore-'lit 2:10 this morning for a Ore In the son Asrlcultral Collcse. is in the city, gun store and repair shop conducted puke, on Main street. he- Seventh and Eighth streets. NATIONAL GUANO & i m m OREGON, WASHINGTON, CAUtfNU MA AND OTHER TODAY " " '" ' j ur.il will spend two weeks here aasUt-jby I. W. ! Ing II. R. Qlalsycr, county agrlcural tw'ecn Bet " . .... . ..'... akent. work. and the farm era in special The flro.ia believed by Fire Chief Am brote to be of incendiary origin. i.ruud IXiki! Nlchola. Just made comiiumlt-r in chief of the Itusulun minlcii, will now mnniiKo the nr for tho UiiribUuiN, r- he did ut the biKn iiIiik and hvfoie h wax Interfered with by tin- liiireniicrntH. llo 1m coii Mdcrcd the gruatcst noldlcr the war luia produced. IVare IIuiikh-n Continue A.MSTKHDAM. March 26. Ilcrlln dlHpntchctt liillmnlo that lletliinann von llollwcg will muku n new peace KiiKRCHtiun to tho relchfiiiK Thursday. A Koclallm paper, the Varwacrth, In nilvocatliK a iteparalo ieaco with Run sin. WtMnbunt Trbil riMtiMiiutl HAN KUANOI8CO. March 20. Tho trial of Welnburg, Jitney driver In tho Moouey prepart-dncsH puradq bomb cuHi, hnii been continued until April 20lh. Agricultural College. v Mr. Olataycr has Interested a num. I her of farmers in this before, and rec Jonls were kept some time ago. Fol- lowinging the installation of this work comparisons will be made and a prac tical demonstration of .the benefits to bu received from keeping farm ac counts obtained. Much of this work is being done throughout Oregon. Mr. Kadderly is a recent graduate or the college, nnd was a tracR Btar during bis undergraduate days of first rate ability, holding a number of Northwest collegiate records., s . 1 McDOEL RESIDENT DIES AT 'HOSPITAL Rlm'toiw Meet Tomorrow A meeting of tho directors of tho Klamath Commercial Club will bo held tomorrow night ut tho rooms. 8lxty-nvc farmers In the county will , A large amount of damage was take up the work of keeping farm ac-'dwe count, tind for special Instruction In this Mr. Kadderly is engaged for tn Ten Easier State MUKU Cattail Vaa. ttnlay Will He I'swl to GswH Postal, Coaaaaorrlal awd Cliaaaet--Or-gom's TWreJ meat la Mobilized, Reccarkas Or ders at MidMigM 4B of Oslafarajst 81 I'arite Reaeaad Before oXTock RerrmkJae Siarta. s.fl -m -., m &'-,, M 1"'.i't-i'Vt K.S. rm-i ?.m WA8HIN0TON. D. C. Hnxikti-Mi -'- ' v"aiilIl- iTwenty-aeven.. reglifiati. v- I0smalaaa$aa'-l two, batUtlons. tad totalllat-.ff, M, to the content a of the store. which waa' found to be largelyTn flames when tbe department arrived afvck da8ge-wUt,-re-tilt-from water titiH Rm-!rf t-M. frnan tmtmmm mtmtmm rmrm talltil The atock was owned v by EarljT ' i ? Velght. now In Portland, and was In out for federal aenrlce today, la addl- . . J J t . - .1 ..- .. 1 Jf aurcn. no lormeny conaucica toe uvu w iuc in imwn ,- :, ,. atore. called out yesterday. t Ambrose says that a back window t Tne nilodiy includes the lnfaatrr i was broken, and one of the oil spigots ti..ii., u.v mt - .... L, - i of Oregon, Washington, Idaho. MM- was running full blast when they ar- " . - , . rived, and that today it was found ," wiioniia ano m-ny -..- Western regiments. 4. Tbe announcementa say teat tbey ' will be used to guard "postal, cona- Mrs. Uiura M. Mogan of McDoel 1 idled at the nge of 50 years at 2 o'clock 1 this morning at the; Dlackburn hos- Gore Axked to Htcnk In rcsponeo to an olfcr to come hero' l'ltnl In this, city. and tipeak on tho $6,000,000 bond IfHi'io, the Commercial Club wired W Mrs. Mogan has been nt tho hos pital for tho past four weeks, suffer- II. (lore of Medford, nsklnK him tojIuB from paralysis. Sho is survived come tit speak Friday night. Returns for Summer Mrs. C. F. (Inlarncnux returns to day from Naylox, whero sho has been clubiHpondluR tho winter, for tho summer I In town. v by her husband, Edward Mogan, of McDool. v Tho funeral will boheld Wednes dny afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Whitlock undertaking parlors. Rev. Hnmbo, pastor of tho Chrlstiau church, will have "charge of tbe services. ' Iter. Hard Loaves Today "A large number of friends and members of the Presbyterian congre gation were at the atatlon this morn ing to bid farewell to Rev. Hurd and family, who left for Portland and Washington, where he will take up a new pastorate. Rev. Hurd made many frlenda while In the city, both in and out of hia congregation, and ex pressions of regret that he has found It necessary to leave have been often heard. Saturday he made general calls on the business men of the city, bidding them goodbye. The following Information has beep ?Plled and Is ready for distribution 'Mho United siatea reclamation sor We by j. (j, cnnm, project manager, J "10 opening of the Tule liako ludi. It l expected these laud will bo JPMed on April 15th. Coplea'of the "owIiik may be had at the reclama- chjbMrv,ce mce and tha Comwerc'l ami How to Make Katry on hs UBU.--Homettaa4 entries for ' Urm units hown or plats on file 2 local reclamatloa oRc. may be J" on tbe day set (thae aot jrat JJ!:; ' tbe local land ape of tale :,"."" "'thin whlck said laad Usltu " Kvory peraoM doalrllig to ac- ..I..A ..u .. until lilllllln Inllll nillttt. execute a homostead application sub ject to the- provisions of me reclama tion law In maimer reijulrod by law, which, with tho loqulrcd fees and (ommlsslous. accompanied by certlfl- culu of tho project munngor ns to the filing of water right application anu imvimmi of wator right chnrgea us herolnafler provided may be present led to aald local laud office, In person, by mall, or otherwise, within a period of Ave days prior to tho opening, to wii niii- nf onenlna not yot fixed). Applications presented after aald peri od of Ave days will oe men anu num. (n tbo order of their receipt. Appllcatlona reaching, sua local Concluded on rao ' 30,000 Recruits Called for Navy ia---B-------a---s---B-MP---B-B-iBaBTa-a-aHiMaw WAKHIXGTON, D. C, March Utl. The prexldent last nluht siKiied nil executive order illrectliiK tlwt Hie authorised enlisted irtrengtli of the iuiv)4lMt Increui-eil to 87,IMHI men. v He was authoriaetl by congress, lu case of etiierKcucy. to direct hucIi increuse in the valUtmeut. New -hip In the reserve are Im-Ihk fully coioinU-.lone(l hh rapidly as possible, and tho need la Imperative for a larger uHstmens'to man them. There has .been a net lacreaw of over l,."HK In eiilUtmeiit since congretui recently authorised an lu crease,, but many more are needed nun-. The navy otters exceptional advantages to youiiK men oT stuff unit munition to serve fat the first line for national ik'fense. In thla ewerajeucy, I nui conllitently apiieullnic Mr cordial ami helpful .co-openat ton. (Hlgwwl) JOSEPHrs DANIKIJ4, Secretary of Hie Navy. Thirty tliuUHaml eltlMiia from 111 to Utl yearn of age are wanted to man the navy, Mccortllug to a telegraiu received 'by the Klamath Commercial Club from Meuleiiaut ttimmaituer J. H. Illaekbum at lort land, aent Saturday night. The grave national emargency requlrew au.OUO American rltla'ns between 1he agea of IS and 30 years to man tbe navy Meat," aald Lieutenant lllarkhuru'M mvaaage. "The prvaldent haa authorlsiHl the emergency Increase Krnnted bycongrcua August SW, IBIS, to meat Um national nerll. ... 'Will your organisation and the patriotic cltleim of your own and neighboring communities assist in obtaining American rjtlaena from 16 to IW yeant old to nil Hie gaps lu the navy, the eouatry'a nrst Une of defeuae? 'Tit navy haa stations at Portland, Astoria, Pendleton, Salem, Medford, Spokane and Eugene. I am sending out navy rearaeeatatlvea to otfcer cities and. town but owing to the limited number of such man and slowness In covering all the commuallles, please help volunteers to reach the nearest naval station.' (Slgaad) URl'TENANT COMMANDER J. H.' BLACKBURN. that three guns were missing. The fire was confined largely to the rear of the shop. A force of men is cleaning up the)merclal nnd maiUTT b,Bnele atore today. Tne building is owned by C. E. 8tewart. and waa not badly damaged except In the rear. PORTLAND, March 1 -Tae Third regiment of Oregon National Guards j has completely mobilised. There are 1,275 men In tbe regiment. , The mobilisation order waa received last night at midnight. SACRAMENTO, March 26 Orders received by Adjutant General Boree calling out the California National Guard, say that thj men are to be held in mobilisation camp while pro-, gress In recruiting to full war strength, Is made. Tbey are then to be subject to war department orders. ' Twenty-five of tbe state's fifty-one, i ' , J&l M 43 (Continued from Page 4) ' 'T HOBBS MURDER CASE ISM COURT TODAY 1 f Second Trial of Mr. and Mrt. Hobbt Charged with Murder of Ed. Way ' at rlgoma Opens in Court v The retrial of Mr. and Mra. H. Hobba, charged with the mftrder of Ed Way at Algoraa, opened thla morn ing In the circuit court. A new panel of Jurymen had been drawn, and the examination of tbe members of tbe panel are occupying tbe attention of the court, and la ex pected to continue for several day. The Jurymen are: 'R'. B. Bradbury. Olaoe; W. E. Row dola; John McFall. Boaaata; John M. Moore, Chaa. V. Shuck, Merrill; Wm, F. Hill. Merrill; C. R. Patterson, v$l Midland; Thoa. Myers: A. P. aretu. tj Merrill; 8. C. Baatwooi,-T, Alar- m. rowaj v. v- warns, 017, m. w. vwaw- if i boom. P; L. rouaUw;, TrtaM, 4?Mi (nnnl. IX-tlti, Tf ff Tlmtnm tiiamm'r -.C.Y' vwr.v, ,- .... v, 'wr"-' t TTit' ,-'H'sjl,' j.- -j. isyior, uiwoi uunan, -fari-ai . yy Ungell Valley; 0. L;, yiH,;jMlr?k ;$j " w n'THTi2ii&& i&H Bly: Jassaa BUlr, 04a;,M; . cloj Albart.Mark, OJataa; ?. row; Fred L. Applagala,! gtukel. Baa;;orar,, aW-'Sfe') mmm$:h 9WJbV- i' taT nMHai79 n Calif,; C, K. Mm m.WikM Harkiaa, yWiW.F ivfe'f J .i - 4 c;t -i ; ' " waa V ir f .Ul.i.""'.'' -.', .. . ... -i4fi'vlQBBBSl