. "Wf-J1 ' 1 i',""t m FTv-CW1 ! W -.V ' I . " .1 1 ' 1 KLAMATH FAlAr- OFFICIAL MltWWMto '5sssl fllhi 4Kititttrtri 4iHrtfift - Mfm,Bi SiLfffW fgaaaa .L -A &.&A vft mafPaLF-namV dggW BBwaamWae&Vaa x . . . i . K B fna"""aaaBF B" r r "jy., Wey 1 B : .aaTOrtiWaafinia rr 1T -T , iMi.MiirraTl fffT,,.. ........ .u ,. . . , A , , . ... - . ... -$&i J mm -". ; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, lt!7. jojm.,.. rf IHITLOCK TO WTFHDW: 't1','iaaaa JnVE CONSOLS GERMANY CLAIMS i Minimi, linn I UCIinTAUIMT U MIKE, ALMI RIS RELIEF STAFF 6. ftil MWX 1!T OFF FROM nV GERMANS V. Ik MtalttM m FuirwMMr ef War. twtndkM if Relief HMpi by Oer M anbatarlaea Caneed the Abaa. of It Relief Work Tr. a Germany I'MMD WASHINGTON. D. C, Marck U. tokHMier Whllloeh ,kaa keen or itni to wlthdtew wtk hie staff and annk) to Havre, Fraaee, aad also to imago lor the withdrawal of kla re WwkMir. ' .Iterate dopartment dectares that tat fmMtM have refured to permit WMnetk to romntualeate with Wash kflM, and dial Amerieaa protest iwiirU through tlio Spanish arnka ar k) fird iu the elaklag ef relief Mn kare been untaawered kf, Uer- HEALDTON NOT IN SAFETY ZONE GERMAN PAPERS HAY WAH BE. CLAKKD WHEN FIRST Mill ATTACKED Official Dtapatrhee Received a War. Ingle Report Nrwrlim HlMuwr llutMilil With INtHlaml, fhrgttN, Mum m IkMttl, ftaBk I'ollrt. Atilvliln In New Rciirnrd, !., Miarl Itwwur Of ItakMuta Mm Off t'oaat. BIDS DBjPPOINT MYY CHIEFS FFlFWJJJjkJkiMkkp ' ' JVava Gunners for American Ships in Barred Zone BKHLIN. Marcli 24. Urn.y KilBtalru (bat the tlnklns of the HmIiIIob u not nn overt art. The rra clalna that the tm waa with in (ho barred ouc when mtuk. - , J !. WAIHINfiTON, D. C Marek SI. Tkt Mau dcpartmeal aaBOHRcw tbt vkMravai or Ilraa4 Wbltlock, nln ktir.M BcIiIum, aad atao tka wltfc dfinl o( ihr let laa rellaf worker. Tab action U take aa a fortrua airefvar. Tk dettruciltm of relief aklpa by Otnua iubmarlna In aafety aad Ike kwrwl mum rnuMHl ike abaadoaaient M tkt relief work. It U aanoanc!. KOKICII. Hwltarrlaiid, Marcli St German paitvra received here aay thai Ovrmaay iilatm to declare war n tkn Ualted Mlatea when Ike Dntt Aiacrirau veatel nltarka a ubi8arla. WA8UINOTON. I). C. Marcu.lt. Ofldal dlaiiatchn received by the atate department announre the alnk lag of the Norwegian t earner Ronald wltk Oeorco Ooldrolmer of lorlland, Oregon, a aallor, on board. Mm Agearjr for Tractor. Ueid and Jud lxw. two well kMwa local boys, have takea the UNr for thu Cam tractor engine , farm work. Their Irat .tractor M art of gang plowa have arrived. M4 tber wilt um then for deaioa Mmiea work thla aarlai. While la IW WUUmette Valley laat wlater. Uara alanded a farnera' neetlac at Oregon .Agricultural College, kiii tractorR of all makea were lni domoaatraled, aad ae Wal Ike Cao ngency for Klaatath .A- NRW nBDroni). Ia.. March St. rollee artlvltlea here atarted rumora today that a Oernian submarine base baa keen found off the coast near here. Plthcrmea have reiMirted the presence cf strange looking craft fsUagci rattb, aii tuaki. V. 0. Cainnbolt. nroBlwaat frasr ttta.Untell Valley, arrived la tkdftwwit,.a, miles per hour -vjwirruiiy, nuu reiwrta taat um J Valley ntttlo arc in good eoadl considering the weather He jHlbat IIimq who could aot feed ' -kiposed of their cattle for fair ' while others will be akla to JJJJuntll April 16th without Much r',", Ho naya that one ef two hirh hvo goae out tktt eat. "".dying of urvaUaaeaiii; HballeYes. ,, ' m "f V. M, t). a. Heciataiy aOea, J'r udos, stato Y. M. O.Jl. ""'y. who haa keen In the elty W days displaying whlhlU of , ' ,"l c- A- work and to give lllua- ffl,he,Mre on '" or ttan Science hall Tkuraday :" t thla niornlag for Aaklaad. Wi ,". w!" nlw orro kla ra '"to lls hradquartera at PortUkd. lMliTw'0"0W fdr ,,,,,,M, '. ,' wu, ' uea naa aaugaier, J-aS . N?bur "- . Wl- "rHTe In (he Mornlx.torArt. "'..''"matta Valley aolaU. win visit at Medfefd. tketr Wreck Near Taconui TACOMA, Wash.. Marcli 34 Three slnrkmen were Injured and two prob ably fatally, In n collision today be tween Hie Spokane Limited and a Great Northern railroad stock freight train at Kanaaket. Haowidide Kills Two 8KATTI.K, Mgrch 14. Two are dead and several missing as the re sult of a anowallde which crushed the Muowskcds u the Great Northern railroad at Kmbro. Twewlyllrc Miles I'er. Vp Third The big fire engine made the Third otreet hill thla morning at a speed of In a teat ran with Driver Jack llunsaker and Chief Ambrose, Hlioota Man Near HeikltaCtr REDDING, March 14, Claiming that ks companion struck kim with u cogeepot, Sieve Oavdaa, aged IS, hot and probably fatally wounded George SmlrnlotH. aged 60, at Mo tion, near kere. aa aawMaaawaaaBaBaaaajjai jbbb TTaTaKs- fsasBwaeaaaaaaai t T'ft mvaBB!BBMgggggggggggggggggggggggSI ' gmaByafmlByafBKV tgggBMBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBvMMaW taBBBK.-.BBBHaagaB77THK 'vaKKBaHyA.HrJBrggggggggft- ft) iHBiaK!adkggggggB n PBSIHaHBIH' i-ftaMaMBaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaVaLaMaHLaMaMaMaMaMaMaMaMS : iagggggaBB ligB(kfafgHBB gKgBggKMVaV fgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg i'" ''irgggBV (1 BBBBBMiaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBe JtH JBBBh BENSON TELLS OF ASHLAND-KLAMATH LAKEVIEW ROAD WILL PLACE ON PROGRAM IP IT IS IUCKED HERB VESSELS WANTED PRJiSEOINBIOS C1VILIAX CAMP FOR WEST TO BE AT MONTEREY Letter Received by OowBserctal CIsA. TMs Road Not oat Program at First; Bat Now Co Mcred by tlic State 1 Highway CommlMoii Will Coo-J acrt Three Ceeutty Seats DeUeved WW Beaet Coawfattles A letter from Simon Benson, chair- i maajftf the UJe highway commiaalon. reratved by Secretary Fleet of the Commercltl Club. sUtes thjat im- .OsWraaBaaHaH-Xae rows -Trass ' '"T'ffiM. ThTmnitriirt'lnB nl Jimwww to Klamath Palto and from thla eltyr - " :;T: Ijrvr5 Chicago. Sam AMOaio aad New Vork Also Prepare for ClraUaai Caaape. Several MIUIoms of Oellara afpiu. priatcd WHI Be ExpesaVd Retradt fafg la Araas- la Heavirat, Be la crease Not Tiateuule to Crisis. m J WASHINGTON, D. C. March 14 The navy department waa disappoint? ed today' wheautbe MdaaweMjIaaiawd. It fAMiul KM Blaaaiii asaaaat faa -- to Lkkevlew I. oMh. program of tk., , , - cajiaaiiitgaBivn g avfjvtB, Thcso naval gunners, each aald to be a marksman wltk a record, have been designated to man the guns on tho Brat merchant ships to leave the Ualted States with proper protection against submarines iu the barred sno about Great Dritaln. The nomas of the ahlps on which they will sail and the time of sailing will not be announced by the secretary of the navy fcr their own protection. a4 MPMa r noma, an ! '.' i to be gone three orfeaweaki. BJ Hrm. 'wa oat i W OOTotn ablH. . i... .i . Ha .... . -"" "r aieaaaiaaj ai W? c.,er"' ftrMlag "mTV MUnivaa. , rkalaul.- V. ?..'"! ! !". Itorelwv Woataa OH Pateeit A patent from4 tho United States povornmant to Mildred Campbell of lirella haa been filed at the county elerk'a uMre for t0 acres In aectlonul 11 aad 14, township , thu county. $1,000 RAISED BY BUSINESS MEN A telegram received thia moraiag hy CapUla J. W, Slemeas from tb kaataeaa maa'a eommlttee working in Saa rragaweo aUted.that thoy had raUed tl.fJM on Ue f rat day's work In tka etty. Tha arrlvad'tkare Saturday mora- lag. Aftar tkair etay in aaa rraaeww Ikar win ta lwiMiawiw ta'atajr tJtattt tkay have ealled an all tka1. IraiB, HURD CONCLUDES HIS PASTORATE HERE TOMORROW FAMILY'S HEALTH CAUSE OF LEAVING EARLY lavea Portlaad Will Take With Family for Seattle, Where Ha Up a New Beside ace. WW Attend Meeting ef Soatberw Oraaaw Preabytery Meeulay Night. Ualoa Sorvicea Teaaorrew Nlghr. Rev. Charles T. Hurd will conclude hla work aa tha pastor of the Preaby- terlaa, church of this city, with tho, services held tomorrow,-" ' Hla work Iu thla city la being On Uhad aooner than waa anticipated, but because of the health of kla fam ily thla la neceaaary. and ha will leave or Monday morning for Portland ana Seattle, at which latter place he wl begin, now PMtorate ob April 1st. He will attaad tka meeting of tha Presbytery of Southern Oregon In Medford ' on Monday eveatag. at which meeting a formal dlaaoutlon of hla pateorate kere will ka atected. Mr. Hurd waata to aware tka, awh ile of Klamatk Fallt of. kla pleaaaat reaideaeekere, aad of a deajre to aaa tka grawtk.aad praapfrityof thla c4ty siteaaed U alt lat4Hraeta,K eommer cw), aeetal, moral aad rallglaua, . tka mer'alag aanaea aaaorraw wfll he keld at tka PrahyteriB akarak. and,thelaarmon aukjeet will be "Tka 8upreme Hour In a Man's Life." The evening service -will be held In the opera house, and will be a union service of all the churches. Theer won stfhject at this service will, be "The Great Pundumeutal." Tho mu- ale will be la charge of Miss Augusta Parker. The program la aa follews: Anthem "Holy Redeemer" .... . ..,. , Marchettl Presbyterian ladies Choir Trio "Lead. Kindly Light," . . . Bercuese from Jocelyn Mr. Hurd, Miss Parker, Mies Vera Houston There will also be. other special music at the union service. The musical program for the morning service at the Presbyterian church will be aa follews: . .. . ... ..-.. i Aninems oy muie v-noir. 'Bcthmann von Hollweg In the relch "Jerusalem," Henry Parker "Paradise" . . . , . Arr from Schubert ,nI- Duet "Rock of Ages'i .-. Schubert They are calling them the "orlgl -The Misses Parker SOCIALISTS ARE BITTER ON KAISER CALL WILHELM AND HOLLWEG "ORIGINATOH8" OF WAR AND PRAISE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION j J4 IlKFORK REICHSTAG AM8TERDAM, March 14. Word received here says that the socialists nre bitterly attacking the kaiser and Is found here for the work. . The work on this .road will be done under the $8,000,000 bond issue to, be voted on In June. County .Judge Hanks favors work on thia road, If it Is done under the bond Issue. The leter follews: "In going over our state road pro gram and maps, in order to outline our plans to meet government re aulrements In matching federal money under the 8hackelford bill, I And that the road from Ashland to Klamath Falls, and from Klamath Falls to Lakevlew ta not on the program. "I think a road connecting three connty seats aa this will do Is of sum. clent Importance to be Included In our program, and I And that the commis sion has a right to do this. Kindly call on your county court and let me know as aeon aa possible If there Is any objection. "The outlook at present around thla part of the state to that the pro- fS.OOO.OBO bond Issue will carry with a large majority. so, this will take care of our trunk lines and leave our other .funds to take care of connecting roads in different parte of the state: Of course. If the bond Issue should not carry most of our funds for some time, will have to go on our trunk lines, but. at any rate. I can see no harm In Including the above named roads In our state program." San Francisco. , The bidders offered to build twenty four destroyers and the- deaarfaat wanted fifty. They promised m spe cific date of delivery. The call stated that the "greatest possible expedien cy" Is necessary. It is believed that congresa wilt In-, crease the sue of the general war staff from fifty to ninety -six. aad probably Increase the number of line; oScers. Returaajfrom the-army aad navy recruiting campalgits belag. carried icn show a net gala for the Srat fosr days of this week of 47 recruits for the navy- The enlistment for the army Is, the heaviest; 87. kavtag joined from February 1 to March .10, 1, an average of 100 dally. The increase In recruiting traceable to the present International crista ie slight. Bear aaaaaai a .aMBaii a a.aawaBBBBBTBBiaaTT -"- . . --. .. 'clnrod that he filial aaaa. Mtiiniv nmnuia nnm navR . . V.-Tr ft jT .' .j . .. I "such progress in our iur Miction over ino arraa, or wiw mnUe , Rua ana persons iiuvhik m.uui iu mw possession,, according to an opinion taararNsaewt OalchUs Here. Fred Heashaw. district engineer. Inators" of the war. The Russian rev jolutlon fs being praised. I jvuiieri. a issuiua iwiiui, u mo-.- 'irfMUl Ho would be proud If,-" " V "r 57? I'l. panmeni oi tne uhi ' -erament, located In Portland, arrived In the city last night, and .will go to country bad given by Attorney General Brown to indiax. TORNADO Sheriff Oeocge L. Humphrey, who visited the state's legaladylsor whllo on a receni trip, to Salem; Mr. Brown Informed Mr. Humphrey that the city omelala may arrest offenders aad fine them under the city's Jurisdiction, as before the law went latoeffect, the eouaty having the sanvsrlvllege. WRECKS HAVOC 'K. MaaVtc Matt Hero for J! C Hunter, rancher ef the Modoc Point dietrlet, If In tawa today oh hueiaeas, and to atteadha aieetlag of' tka Fariaar's Loan Aaaectatton. MrHualer. aays thereile -'about two fae4) aaow oa the level la his aelgh aorkoad, kut he haa foaadthat the know kas keea meUtng.teaaoaslder able exteat during the wlhur; under tka let, aruat oa top, hM Jtt tka gfwuaa. eraaui ywp-a ha f rosea, : , ,, INDIANAPOLIS, March 14. Re vised figures show that thirty-nine persons are dead and 160 Injured In the tornado which swept Southern In diana late yesterday; The extant of the damage Is placed at 11,000,000" At New Albany, the center of. the storm area, thirty-tour persons are known to be dead aad ,100 lajured. The damage: at this point is placed at $1,000,000, half the entire damage;" The storm at New Albany, wrecked a strip of territory half a mile wide and two miles long, covering a third df tha city. Two companies of the Indiana Na tional Guard have been called out to to protect property and martial law haa """ -17"' tho Klamath Indian reservation on government business Monday. &, l WASHINOTON.. C. March 14. It Is announced tharthe Western de partmentof the araljr Is arranging for extensive civilian tralatag camp oa tho Pacific coast, aad It to understood the location to to be .at Monterey. where the government has purchased a large tract of land thla "week. Chicago, San Aatoato aad New York are also arranging for civilian camps. Several millions or collars appropriated for this purpose will be expended. FUae Business N V. "P. Johnson has tied a certificate; of buslaeas name which states that be is the sole owner of the business for merly conducted by the W. P. John son company. They handled wood; " ?- -; Divorce Testlmeay. Heard Testimony la the divorce ;case of Shelley against haHar. -mad Uwa agalnat Laws, waa heard yesterday ky Judge Kuykeadall la tke circuit court. " i .'. i Fair AaeociaUeai Meeta A meeting of tka Klamath Count; School fair Association U meettag to day at tha eouaty agricultural ageat's oftee to orgaalse. eleet aew aMmkera. aad prepare for appllcatleaa for loaas. WASHINGTON. D. C. March 14. Two regiments of the MaaaehuaetU militia have been called out to guard the Fort River shipyards, arsenals and munition, plants. Indications are that the militia of many other states, will be called out for' guard duty when neceaaary. The council of defenaeirmeetlBg, und the government is considering loaning the entente $1,000,000,000. Vtttttm'fTmMmfUmMtm Mllilir The Hobba murder case, will atari Monday morulng'at 10 o'clock In the y circuit courti a'aew venire oLltirj-A men having keek' drawn. The eaaml- rf (nation of, the Jurore wlll.begu lame-. " 4 dla(ely. This Is the, second trial of , thbj case, a former Jury kavlag dla- agreed. -?$gfeL t riVTa,.,.....-. WtTtfZ.KllR naarasii i Ml -, t Vl T A VIF, A KUm.t. PwaManillll IliaJIMWy dt daaes wlHkeW-MWkHf,,; 4g' PeHeaaT hotel ajuK JHWjrMWHIL, lU-M March HljtM&nmtmyttmQMH, dance wuJf he wMWimmmff. HBfrBMuferl' tke oomlag;ooaaoB ekestra will nlay "r iSiaK Whr$$ leaaa-MaaaMva ,&?m, Tke"; WtWMFw.XtwM'-k .- 1J H-a.'l Tt . C TOSST.l.lVJ :for:tka,eMkto?M;:?,sa " umF$mik-y& -m 1 HL- u . '"" ' -:' '& t-& r? .vSWrM' -a! &tfo. it Cti.'M Mi--. J'Wt- .:i".,. i vtr ,, ifi-nii" , i ", . '" ,.J" .