.. '.v,y.a, Sf -,-irAil.W t ,&J fliVl -2.ti Jj2& Tfcl fv7 ''SI omciAVNEWtwiAw "1 1 m 4 , A i afctaaJH Year No. mmw KLAMATH PALLS, OMGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 23,1017. (Pi lEurmnn Herald i ffj saaP ' ,,l ! 1. i j,i IfW mmBumm rHl am .Jmamv HibV mm' mf h m 'mm MOT nam. Lam I amaanvlanHaw tbybV H HlYsaVlannnnnv H Lnnnnnni anV H LnnnnnnV annnnnnT Lnnnnm & a unnV J I V'I':L i & i si HI mm tank STEAMER STRUCK IN SAFETY ZONE ajgtfU SUBMARINE TOMMCDOKM OAT OFF HOLLAND iMrtera Norvlvura Landed at Yuadrn, hhaunut, AcrordMaT la lendon IH. fekb li In HrJk-tesJ That l Uw g aYsfe Ww Diwwinrd)DBamtca)c kf Twelve Kilted by Ksnluilsa of HIk-n H Hlnsrk Veaart. ijnrrrr(vwinoj iiiijijiata1jijij)jijL vatyafa m LONDON. March 13. The Amr ana luk sleemsr HeaMoa has keen sank by lmwn submarlae laslde tat itfety (one. TMrtsea lurtlvore have boa toad li at Yuuden. Holland, aad It la be that at least a ecere war Ha dispatches say tkal at taut a mm a board vara killed who tka avepJe wbkk sunk tka ship exploded. WUHtNOTOK, D. C, March II. Mmiaam received ay tka state do siftawet conlrn tka reports tkat teeaqt-oae were loat wkaa tka Ileal em was torpedoed. STEPHENS WARNS PEOPLE OF STATE US CALIFORNIA MUST CON TBBHJTK HE SHARE TOW A HI) MTMIXAI. rsoVKHNNKNT AM) mnVKX HKIIsKLF AUIED ARMIES CONTINUE MARCH ON WEST FRONT WOMKK TAKKX IIV UKKaLt.Mi 1t IM WUMK. IN HAII UiriHM MorfciMltt la Artllr of IImmUm lurt llrpunrtt llNMlaa Take All. kal Vnm TarkJi Afr KlglitocN lluani FkT Hatiilaii miMN MHrlaU ItMy ltNmr uf tkvttla. Ikm Allk ltrriKfil(r Willi IHima RETIRED AAAaaMjaajavWkJavMMaWVVMiaafarfaaaMij OFHCERS RECALLED NAVY J AMAAAMAAAAAAAaMAAAAaVkAMWaAaVMa TIIK IIAOIIK March II. I'rlvate mnuici rervlrer hero f aay that Ikn halaer Is ueariag a aprvaua hrrahdwwM. He la at lloaburf, a health rveort, where ha will roarer with hi f advlver. New Russian Regent and His Last Meeting With Czar tMl&SlMJl&EilJL. 'isSi-jftA i:r'jar.jrsr.js?K.. sr r "i. . r. MraBi wmm Esna 't' ACRAMKNTO. Uaiwh 1 (V.a Natal a nolo of waralag and an ap Hkl to Ctllfnrnla to prepare to de- Mad lerMlf lit fMM nt rav finlfaninp paeni dillvrrtid hi irat meaaage -- - viuv svnMun oi ine irgwiaiure "tiy, "Par beloved rvnutitlr ! I Bint. M Ber or belag drawn Into a . If tbU l not averted, Callfor " w he Imperilled," ho aald. "II U clearly maaUeatod that wo H contribute our Jutit ahara ror Ilia "rtlon of the nation and from our rewurcee defend our harden." QoTeruiir Kli.nl.an. .......a .. ..... "" be made ror the training or wrr wmicra and declared that 'M emergency appropriation nay ha " ' ' r i " iook np probleaa or road ton ""J"0", the encouratemantor In "" lendiad rarwlng. and rec ""MDdOd 'rettldlA.. a ....u.A "wwtrni ami JiigRling or the price tL T ncocMlc- Ho declared wb tae high cort or living ( chtaiy -- uny marketlug. klamatjTspirit pleases board gjjj olrectora of the .KliaMtb frci ciuh are wall ptaaaed 'SIT? ,ucc", eo far, of tMr IZz-J0! u IxraiMN aHaaarahlp Wd tale wa.it. , iiuc... : : U a?lZc'.",H, wW'aaitaf4 rl!wir'1 m, af4 Hat! of gwailMf aad thar wttl he aaMd fe report wl ha jnada by tka PARI, March II It la announced that the French have been vletortoaa In North St. Simon, and are now ad vancing to Grand Berancourt Prog reea baa been made In the North BoU on region, and the army la crowing Alllette. Correspondent with the llrltUh armies say that the retreating Qer- mans have taken French women from the ages of IS to SO, and sent tbem to the Interior of Germany to work, from some districts or France. It Is declared that 400 were sent from Rouy le Grand. KAU8ANNK, BwlUerlaiid.. March 13. The International Ited Cross has given out a statement that the Ger mane aru sending their prisoners to the front as reprisals. The Ked Cross la attempting to dissuade them from this. CIIIU8TIANIA. March 13. The foreign oMro hero has brcu notified that Germany has blockaded tho Arc tic Sea between Norway and Spiticu bergen to prevent ships reaching the Russian port of Archangle. PKTimnitAl). March 33. After I eighteen hour of desperate lighting which has ended, tne iiussians nave taken Allbad from tho Turks. UKItMN. March 13. There Is no revolution In Germany, and tho onV clals fear none, It waa announced to day. They declare that tho govern ment aad the people are aatlsRed with the eubmarlne war progress, and e pect victory. It Is announced that the raider Moewe brought back StI prisoners. LONDON. March IS, The allies uivvo formally recognised the new Huaslan government. PKTtionltAD. March II The cur and caarlna and family are under guard atTaarkog 8elo. The Illness or the ciar's children la reported to be worse, tho daughtcra reported to be In a critical condition. hnrd uatll all turtles whose names I are Mated are seen, whan the Increase in membership and toe names oi new membere will ha mjbllahed. Mat oalv have the directors neaa sueeeasful l aecurlag new members, hut tka spirit found among taa peo ple and kualMM of tka eity la Maard to tka Commercial Club aid the work It ks dene la Ua mt rear, wm wry grattfylag. aeeerdlM U aa; retary Fred rwei. wn aetwmpniw tka dlreetors. E g ffMttimcmaw' v , i p U3Pf1CW5dRI tnttnoxxtKt The new temporary ruler or Rus-i decision nnd Intelligence. One or Michael went to the war had not been sla Is Grand Duke Michael, 18 years these photographs shows the last on speaking terms. The peasantry of or age. the brother of the deposed I meeting on the Held of battle of the j Russia have always been admirers of csar. He la believed to he a man of 'two brothers, wbo up to the time that! the grand duke. STRAHORN PUTS IT UP TO BEND AHKM TKAT CITY TO RAIMS flat,. OOO FOI1 ItAlLKOAD AND PROM. IHKM TO START CONSTRUCTION HOmiPLANS TAKKN VP ., ,,, UUND, Msrcli 13. If Ileud will vote a 1100,000 bond tssuo with which to assist Robert B. Strahorn in tho building at tho Oregon, California ft Eastern railway, construction on tbe proposed rail line will begin at once, according to Mr. Strahorn Just before he left for Portland, and he will build tbe line for forty miles southeast Into the Fort Rock Valley. This Issue waa brought before the dl. rectors of the Uend Commercial Club. In making kla proposal to tbe direct ors. Mr. Strahorn aald tkat tka city of Uend would not ha making a dona tion of 1100,000 toward tke road, kut tkat It would receive a proportionate part of the earalnga of the company through some form of security. , .This would he negotiable, aad could be sold at auy time, the price to be received for it depending on tke value put on it by Investors at the time. It It were held by the city It would con aUatly share In tbe company's earnings. The cost of the forty miles of con struction would ha about $100,009 of wblek a considerable portion would he spent In, Bend. . Railroad shops which will be. built hare wkea tke railroad to constructed, and tke road Itself, wflt give employ meat to a number of man, estimated at from 60 to 100, In nreaaatlag tka propoaitlon to tka meeting Mr. Strahorn aald that ha had always eapeeted to aecure it to ! tar eet of tka eaet of the road, to addition b tke termhula aad right of wayi from tka eoaimusMaa aeetsed. JCtam Falla tat . lltMOO; and Hit ahara from Bend would ke $l'g,09. He aald tkat ha was net arguing thai Bend sbold do this, but simply explslnlng that If Bend were sufficiently Interested to do It, he would guarantee immediate construc tion. Following quevtlons from those present, designed to bring out all phases of the proposition. Floyd De ment, as president of the Commercial Club, appointed a committee to con alder the matter and. .to canvass the business Interests of the town to learn their attitude. Upon the general view taken at the meeting of the Commercial Club will depend largely how soon the Issue wilt be placed before the voter or the city U It Is decided that the measure war rants rurtbor consideration. Tho View taken here Is that tho Is. aue aud the construction or the road to tbe south tor n distance will be tho biggest' factor In tho development of tbe Interior or Coiitral Oregon. The road, according to the route that has bwn outlined by Mr. Strahorn will tap n rich and undeveloped timber, atock nnd forming country which will kecotuo tributary to Bawd. It la the general belief that Inas- Blirh u Iflimath Valla bu vntml aaaa naa with wiiirh luiii ut .! Strahorn, Bend ran meet the 9100.. 000 proposal that has been made. KLAMATH D06 HEAD INJURES STATK HOARD OF HEALTH AS- KI8TANT 8CRATCHK8 HAND DURING 'EXAMINATION OF 1IKAD 8KXT BY GLAISVER - To mm Katmath Masher WASHINGTON, D. C. March' ll. Tbe government Indian commlastoaer'haa called ror bids on ClO.eOO.Oe feet et Umber on the Klamath Indian reserve. tlon. This act Is taken to -"re- e Here tbe acute timber sltua- tlon." CAMP EXPLAINS POWER CONTRACT CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE GOVERNMENT MADE THE CON. TRACT W rtm THE CX, POWER PRINCE RUPERT STEAMER ASHORE GRAND TRUNK LINK STEAMER WHICH LEFT PRINCE RUPERT LAST NKIHT AT MIDNIGHT, OOKS ASHORE VANCOUVER, B. 8.; J March 13. Tke Qraad -Trunk 4lnt gtatmer Prince Rupert, wklek let PHavaa Rupert at mMnhjkti-Uat Ight Kyanoeuver, wa,hf aag)9)c9fc0ai uann MeMlgj. .. v f('THvaasai latreporihi ontenaively damaged. Tke naMeaarawara rea enad by, tugboats. i , PORTLAND, March 23. Literally forced to "take her own medicine." Miss Emma Howe, bacteriologist of the Btuto board of health, took tbe first or a series or tho Pasteur treat, ments against hydrophobia this morn Ing, atter having helped administer tbe preventitive to almost every other cam that has come to the board. While preparing to examine tbe head or a dog aent from Klamath Palls. Miss Howe cut her finger on a bone-of tbe skull. LaterVxamlaatlon showed the brain to be alive with ncgri bodies, tbe germs of hydropho bic This made the scratch aa veuo mcus and dangerous as a bite by the dog; when alive. While Miss Howe said this morning Hint she roll a bit nertous, Dr. David N, Roberg, state health officer, says she need not be' apprehensive, as the Pasteur treatment is always positive when given in time. The head waa aent in by H. R. Glalsyer, county agricultural agent, for examination. v Munition. Ships Blown Up B08TON, March II, The British tteamer Transport arrived here today, reports, that two' munition ships from New York have beeu blown up 'in the harbor of Archangle, Russia. Fifteen hundred men were killed. A plot Is suspected aa the cause. St. Theedor Waa Sank 1.0NDON, March II. Tbe admiral, ty, ?annonnelngtby veaaels that tke Moewe .sunk, sajrs the "St. Tkeodor apparently auhV The St. Tkeodor had previously 'hW reported ' cap tured ky tke Moewe and, fitted as a German raider. f , e .... COMPANY FOR KEXO DITCH r ' The following statement waa given out today by J. O. Chaaiprojaet aaaa. agar of tke ictamath Irrigation pro. Jeci, on "the contract made by tbe sec retary or tbe Interior and the California-Oregon Power company, giving tbe company a lease on tbe Keno Irri gation ditch and the privilege of erecting a dam at the head of Link Rlvtr. Manager Camp's statement Is as follews: "Tbe secretary or the Interior, on February It, 1917. entered Into a contract with tbe California-Oregon Power company, permitting It to build a dam at the outlet of Upper Klamath Lake under certain, conditions to be complied with by the company, aad leasing it to tbe Keno canal for a tem of ten years. "The Keno canal waa purchased by the government subject to tbe oblige, tlon or delivering Jo the old Moore Brothers power plant a eoastankhVw of 105 a. f. This, canal weVabse quently enlarged for the" uK Innate purpose of supplying water to about 3,009 acres of land under aa exten sion ditch aad to a government power phnt to be erected close to the Moore Brothers' plant. "The land owners .have repeatedly declined to subscribe their Jands un der such an' extended canal. , No Im mediate demand has existed for gov- erament power nnd funds made avail. able for the project could beet be used for gravity Irrigation works. The ob ligation to supply 105 second feet un der the Moore Brothers' contract baa cost the government $4,989.19. The Income haa been $50 per anuum, or $400, making ha average net low of $573.18 per annum. Tbe Keno aaaa! lease save tkat amount, aad la ad dltion yields aa Income or $1,000 per year. This does not affect tbe pres ent water users, aa aoae or thla de ficit has been charged to them, but kept In a aeparate account aad charged to power plants. "The project may ultimately re quire a email amouat of aummer ator. age la tbe lake, Thla will be supplied whenever needed, free of nny eoa- structloa expense to the goverameat under the contract Just eatered, lato by the secretary of the laterler, watch also Insures a low rate for pumptag power." C - DEFENSE COUNCIL MAY AIOCABIRET BAKER AXD INDUSTRIAL U ERS TO DISCUSS PLANS 1 ul -Ml V. S. Oanctats Watchtatf Cost Kajaer. Vest mmsm HeMwesj at atroyers to Bo CKactty4v IsYar. m mm' sv " ' e uaasrea. 3,ISJ -f- vi.1 trl GALVESTON.;Mareh II Of. fleer from the ateamer, Vera, ar rived here today from Forte, Barrios, report hat thnnsaada . of Qermaaa are entering Mealoa through Oaatomala wRh the k-. .leaUoa of -ranaaHaesar to. w aaai junnak - - s , ;... .N -:. n WASHINGTON, D. C, March II. The railroads have Sled a petUloa with the lateratate eemmeree eemmle' Ion asking for from 19 to lpf ceat iacreaae la taalK freight, aa4 paueager wec,Tho;retaa glvea to the increased aaraaMa raader tho WASHINGTON; D. C. March II. , Large numbers of retired nary,onlfc cera have been Recalled, for active aer . vice. Secretary Daaleli, of 'the aavy " k announced today. . ,. . ,. Iadlcatloaa are thai:ta5radWeat will add transportation aad mnaKloa portfolios to the eabtaet, aad It la ho. lleved that the coaaeil of defeaae will sit with the cabinet. Secretary of War Baker to prepar ing to- meet the.ladaatrial leaders of the country to.discuaa.war phtaa. uoverameat omctais are wateuac the conference being held now bythe kaiser. General von Hiadenburg aad Betbmana von Hoilweg, a.'Oerasaay'a army headquarters. Shipbuilders ,who:1 have conferred ' with the navy department have ar-, raaged to cut the time of halldlac de- ' stroyera la half. Tho only limit, on ,, the number wiUbo the capaetty of tbe shipyards. " ' Blda will he oaamesf tomorrow for. fiftcea deetroyera.' " , ?' It Is planned to-Immediately eoa' struct 300 submarine chasers, aad1 "aa many more aa the government cah get." It Is announced that the SprlagdeM and Rock Istaad arsenals can maan. facture 1.500 riBes dally, aad' are now making 500 per day. ' There are 1,100,990 rltec now available for Immediate use. ' 1 c'f ei ;h i m i i EL PASO, Tear., March II. Four regtmenta have beea traaaferred from El Paso Jor "service ia clvlllak camps." - -, t m 1 v 0" .W WJBJWIW i wrfr Ti OF HAY ORDERED, Two more ears of hay have beea or dered by taaCoauaarclalrClub-lorr parties wko kava recreated tke club to order for them, aceordlar to Baere. tary Fleet. '"-." r. - There are Mveral'other i "' ' 11 J- i." k"iR 'ft s .5 .. A n f J iBiaex , .,'ijr eauat wkA ' - , !' 4ah aaki'fe", &- jrTr..7r-zr.r.jr n-ri'sa.s.u. aaaar. ayarsaiHBaB ?sm m.'f , rr-' .n.i i -TT-i viaBflMpcr-. 7. j'j i.w .. .'-. i,trm - ... -.tt-it. .. -. SsSSsaSLTffaVaarr sS "W"W,W."lBBi1..J JJfv.i Fleet. It tolaeJaVWeJhrtra Willamette yatoy? 1 ; ! -ffiH W' TTBK"?H 'JtostiSi-, sJnffKP ': -J agtesgnw slsap, vt- -. Adamaoaj . rf,a sWrF w Ttewaawj aawfj swawaweJs"JpPa w ana sommail aUao ia a the feeattoa;haoe aad are shlalag hayv polatsto reHevathe feed a 4 ' nV(''i-A,vJ':JV'l ," :1 kt I I 4-1 .r: ?v:.. vl? i,---r J-i vvaf41 "V "-J-1"' M V, .f M l?A? ta '; -vi V, L,J"i