..-wywjstgg. M" r, - fen." am m& J KUMATHCOUMTYf KLAMATH PALLT OFFICIAL NEWtMWl OFFICIAL NEW1PAP1K ajrtraih Year ! Ml KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, lt!7. gELyg lEmmfnn, Herald frit i Special Session of Congress For April 2 VHMMMWMMMMM I 1T 1 byiPresideht Called Wilson KCLARIN6 OF WAR BELIEVED WILL BE MADE OK PKCkAMNCI WAN NOT MOTTLED la Ktpecto I MmN H. Will Aak The I'llnral hnfct Re lauHitoMlr iBMNPmt. adtoieaar iH to V t. 8. Beuaece WSJ amulm War. WAR eUEVR INBmASaLB ' ' WASHINGTON, D. C. MM ll-ll la plaaeei to . Asaer. to pert to the eateato Beat M ) B Watt Atlantic far Bss4toi Weak should ABMrtto deeUro tar, according to aafct t amaher. Ke army will he east to . ' 'tn treasary deaartsteat to ' einaartog to Mil $tf.MM brae. The general tal to eo-ordl- eeMlag wire communications. The ttaie department beUevee war la Inevitable. fPWPanahnahjn $25,000 CATTLE DEAL IS CLOSED DUNCAN BROTHERS OF LANGELL VALUTA NELL AM HEAD OK CATTLE AT 010 PER HEAD. CALVES AMU HAY a fame Una I invelving: a urn ap proximately HMOO ha bn con. eluded between Duncan brother of Uagell Valley and llio K. M, Drown company of Han Fraiicleco, through their local agent, George Watt, c cording lo a coutract Bled at tbe coun ty clerk'a oRee. Tke deal Include SM bead of rat tic aad M bead of laal rail and win tor calves, pasture for several month ad fl.110 worth of hay. Ten thou aaad waa paid down by (be company. Tka cattle were disposed of at MO Mr head, or 111,! for tbe 614 bead Duncan Brother an keeping a umber of Ilea cow. Tbe brother art II. K. Dnacae, A. C. Duncan and W. A. Daueaa. Thla daal Includes all their eattla bat a faw bead. WASHINGTON, D. Ch ana blillial Wlbwa this ueaamtaff enMfd) annua oemfe of tMaajiaaa far' April IbMatd r AptM !, aa toak toainaii awrtral yaalwdaw ay aha aabrr of aam aaal Ik to aaaoral. aicMirlacatf ttoutlw IN af tha ihiw Aaairlaaai aitfatotawldtaayaai iaaaaaalkf WHT MiM aUBPMMIW 4W wHI aak naajtfii far aaaaaawa ttou a aatotai aaaaa Mardi draatlc ruMBMrc. . aa la artad to fan of war haa Hiakra Uw Alaaajate waa fcwMrat Wltooa aaa Nm " "ww tkaaj twa kaawa jraa. tHday alimooN. 11m aaaaabara af rabtoM were atlaat, aarfrafaavd taawihgMaatto, OMMambrr ladkadad (hat tha alt. aawa haa mm chaam atora) ad thai bo -" - - inai no aa the ""area Immi i J Whto Monae atot'aaieiei yeator. m artamooii aala.ito, axaaiitait aa cabinet " irnil L.fr,!Mrt,k"' wr. -n m nomMg t aaa." - ' Pto roclawattoa ealUac tha a(tra " " roniraaa, the areeMeut "to luat tbe purpoaa to "to reoelva "Mwnlcationa on. irate, nattrra o( Mf"l policy which mould be token "Jjrrconaldoratloa laaMdla,toly' The proldent la eiNeiei to aak W MMe form of HalraralL aarrtoa totojMiuratod laudia,ie(y.. fart lea. SJfor bo training ok yanac ataa, Ttora I, dllferenca a apiktoala 21 1 circle aa to whether a deetara- S,f,r w,u kteatoary. Many wjya that If the nreetdiat doee net jrwren to declare war, eeagreae JtotHundoaa. Maayjwuabere af fhtoet have eiareeaed UMbeHel Eipeciflo aecUrattoaaf ar la ,, r event, eteae will be Ukea nTT.wa tray ana IWolcb link HOLD RECEPTION FOR REV. HURD ItOClAL TIME WILL BK HKM AT OMK OK MR. AND MKN MAM. OX KAKItt FRIDAY NIGHT FOR WHICH PROGRAM IM PRKPARKD A aorlal farnweH recctlon will bu give In honor of .the retiring naator of the Preabyterlan church of thla city, Rev. Chaa. T. Ilurd, Friday night of thla week. He leavea noon for Seattle, after realgalng the local paa torate. Tha reception will be held at the honta of Mr. and Mre. Marion Hank. at tka corner of Eighth aad Pine atreeta. A program of entertainment haa been prepared." AU member, frlenda of tbe church and congregation are Invited to be preeeat. Oitjantoa Farm RnreaH : ailCO. March II. A fare bureau inch a haa been formed In a number of other count! of the atate .la to be organlivd In llutte county at a maa meeting which haa been called for Chlco on the evening of April flat under the auiplcea of the Dualneaa Men' Aeaoclatlon. Thla la a aiep to warda aecurlng the appointment of a county farm advlaer for Butte coun ty by tha Unlveralty of California and the board of npervlaora co-operatlag. a Northern Packtc Patant FileU , A patent from the United Btatea government to the Northern racino company for 1,157 acrea of land In the "Durna, UOrande, Lakevtelw, tUaeburg and Vale dUtrlcU, haa been glad with the county clerk here. It wa laauad December 1, lflB. the Had waa given by the govern meat en tha construction of a railroad from Uka gupertor to Puet Bonnd. RUSSIANS ASK FOR RECOGNITION j TTl llAlll nnnu Til tmmwauam -4 -1mimiii"i'b 1 arvra a. wa vav -J n iiiiimbbi uimw 1 riatm mtnvi n iiainnniain iff Why Didn't You Raise Yhb Son To Be a Soldier like One of These? CABINET CHANGE rxzz3u??mammim, fesseaSKQ msBgg&tmmmm n ; jagimYgmUTiBBBBBBBmmmmiBnfBm tt A 'H.fiBBfliBL'.anBBBBBBBBm"; v 'jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr'immmmmmmmKVM I? gaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm T ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH iiBnBBBBBBBP'BnBBBBBBBBaH fv' wAanmrnrnm. anBBBBBBBBBBBBBBammammammaxmmammammavirir' H BBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBkRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM a L;lv;wiKaBBaaWrl 1 K N,r?- 'fardmmmT S5i inanBBnamlaammwfnBBWmmmm? Bml 1 ci I M tmuunwaunuuuuuuuwmwnuuuuuuuuwkXsmuuuuuunununuuuum l tfi R)SiWnwnmv'nBBBBBm' :T?r ammpl Rsvnaaal f I wBMpAjKaggagAv anamTanr:5r BanaHam' f YJbbbBi ta J-." 'S'fflPeW'A'KEBnfsBnBBBBBBBtoH W t? MUmKXtHmkuWknuY fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl liml BBBBBBBBBBTBmVI rfeaf H JanBBBBBBBBml TV R JftgWb1-di'JaBB.af3fc J fMiWSl ' ManaiHki'alvanBBBBBf&?-Ba TIioho young men Joined tka. naval training taton at Newport a tew daya alncc. The upper pkoto akowa them lean, lanky and without ambi tion. The lower picture akowa the Mine four ten days later, after tbey had begun training. Note the dlfcr ence. They are erect,"rclean.and pur poaeful. ' In fact, lu tea daya they wero nlmoat made over. Metloa In DIvorre Caaa Heard A motion to reopen the divorce ault of Jea Turner agalaat Mre. Turner waa heard by, Judge Xuykeadall yea terday la circuit court, Mra. Turner.' attorney making tka motion. A di vorce kad been granted Mr, Turner, who brought tbe ylt, Mra. Turner not having appeared. Her attoraey now dealre to ! an anawer to tka charge made. Tha motion waa taken under consideration by tbe court. Sheriff Return George L. Humphrey, berlff, re turned Ukt night from Salem, where be placed M. C. Gerrue In the peni tentiary. He I out of the city today on buatnea. 9 Brrk Ire to Mill A dredger la engaged today in breaking about ten Inckea of Ice at tke entrance of the canal to tbe Klamath Manufacturing company' aawmlll at Sulnplugton. o that loga can be taken Into the mill. It la plan- aad to atari operation aeon, Brtaga In TwaXynx j N, J. Schlldgen of , HUdebraud ae cjired tbe bounty fiooa two lynx at the; county clerk 'a offlee fl being tbe bounty per lynx. : ;t - Hall File Cotnaatoaion A notorial commiaaten ha been Sled by B. B. Hall of thla city at. the county clerk' oHce. LOAN OODY TO MEET SATURDAY APPLICATION FOR LOAN8 RE CEIVED TOTAL APPOXIMATE- ly wa,ae coxBTmmoN, sir LAWS TO DE CONSIDERED The members of tbe Klamath Fall National Farm Loan Association are to meet at 1 o'clock Saturday at tha oHce of. County Agrlculturut Gtola ycr in thla city. A conititutlon and by-taws are to bo adopted, ad a loan committee will be appointed, which will ahertly begin the work of appraMBg tka farma of fered aa security for loans' under tka provlslona of the Federal Farm Loan act. . ' :. lavvtov vt thfact;tkalmfiJraefc- or of tke Federal Land bank of this dUtrlctocaitcd at Spokane,. Wash.. have been appointed , it is oaemea aa- vtsable to complete the'orgaatoatlon of the Klamath Falta. Natloaal Farm Loan Association, aad apply for the necessary charter.' ' New members wilt be received at the meeting on Saturday. Applica tion already accepted cover loan amounting to approximately 40,000. TYPIST BATTERY PREPARES OATA LOCAL FIRMS SUPPLY-TYPISTS WHO ARE TURNING OUT SEV ERAL HUNDRED LETTERS FOR CALIFORNIA FIRMS mtui.". T' amvy war aswavunaap j,klAa. a ' liki i-L7 " " lT,r. HSSMeg ??. tr. T fT li'iLZT. .B" "tofaa. VnomiiT.Ot igMa action mark the aavd flPato of effort 2-4 :.' ' V&" tO -i - -ll-V.--: Jr ---- er, hoping to keep America In apoeU Mela to brlBg world peace. Tl praaMaat told hi advlaera a year ago that America' oniranaa late the wr would and tha struggle In a feermontk. Daring the lart wanty-fonr fcajira tka preetdMt advwara aava w KeatianHaat.apaaHlve atand ky Amartoa sew IM anMuraga tka new rVuetoa'gavamat. hearten tke-al-Uedtmp. paraap. eraatojn Oarr many a daauad 'ar. as wgrtewjr ef Ihaatearaay.taere, ad arisg werl peace Bearer. "' It's Up to People of KUmatk Fells Tke beard af aeetar afthf Ktomath, Caawwerc to! rtnhtcroa- ; . paatod by Prelan4 M.mea a nerea,Fre4,l "?,'""- ', ! mag toaiay for mnaebir. far ke Cammeretol Ctob. tj j '- If a aafcetoattol toiiia. In Uto miaibirhla to m4e awl ; ' e M ar tka Mb toearrjr e K werk f atteer year, BjPVWWp4wTP t ,l; anal at' last year. ;.-..-it--..ii:i2'Lii:-rrA.tVi.Y3' "V nM mm m m.mm iwff rvf V. .''.. v . , - a. - "vs ' .ii': r ir..-. ivr"w j." - It to ma to ICtoaetn Peito paepat to earn J s. T Ji-l.i-1 T U&4M fei.i,ii; mil A battery of typlt ha been work ing' day, and night at Paul Johnson's real eatate oSce for nlmoat two daya paat, la atlll working today, and will tonight, to prepare, data for tke Klam ath Fatla committee of business men which will Invade San Francisco and California point, leaving here tomor row, to raise the railroad terminal fund money. y "Utters are being written to Cali fornia wholesalers and merchnuta on the stationery of local nrm who deal with them, placing tbe Klamath ittua tlon before tbe California house. Sev eral hundred 'letters containing such Information will be sent. Tbose doing the-work for the buat ties men are Mla Ida Thoma. whose service are given by Dr. R. R. Ham- II ten: Mls Alice McCourt, by the Klamath Development company; Mrs. Edmund Gowen. by E. h. Elliott, at terney: MU Alloa Duncan, California Oregon Power company; Lawrence Mehafey. First State, and Saving bank, and Mia Mariorla Week, Paul Johnson RenrKtaVcompaay. Much of tb work kaa been dona at night, and today barely enough time waa taken off by the worker for din- iner. wkicn waa aervea uiem in mr Johnnn'a enlee. GetTraeitoe. Lloyd and Jud Low of thla city ua kaded a gaaollae tracttoa eagina yea- tordar. wktok tkey pwa.w naa ptowtag a nnmaer of valley farnto tola aprtog. aa wall aa same land of.tkelr own. The engine puna aeverai piew. SATS REORGANISATION OF PRESIDENTS- CABINET ALONG PA TRIOTIC AND NON-PARTMAN UNES NEW YORK, March! 1. The New York Time of today demands the re- organlsatloa of the American cabinet on a parUotc and non-partisan plan. The Time declare that "only tke government Itself to nnprepared, yet tka government mnat carry on the war." Tke Time farther says that the "party Uaaa have faded among the people, aad that they are one. Men whose name command contdence ekeuld alt about tbe president' coun cil table. Wa are deplorably unready for' war," coaetude tke Time. ffl U. S. EORIALLY NOTIFIED TODAY DUMA DELEGATES TO GO TO THE FRONT TO EXPLAIN. HINDU SOUOWT FOR SHOOTING 1CTIM DtBS OF WOUNDSsWMILB PUR8UER8 LOOK FORM1XDU IN CA8TELLA FOREST. WHERE SHOOTING OCCURRED Sappert of Ana I Had by New Gov. erneneat tot Rant, liinraThng to Dtopatchea Graad Dake Nlrkela WW Oppeec OW Order aad Any Re. 4 '. - acOoaary of Flalaad naaetveaC , ".- . ' Bevolnttai R ner Caatlaaira AMSTERDAM, .Marek Jt. A German revolntlam was mmored 'JV paTtSe bck'ewhiliwrelJg'.i a. though appareatlr baJe.vH -4 caused great excitement. $, "-,. ' ' .K ' "' : ' RKDDING. March 21. Desaaunpa Seiugh, a Htnda. II sought near Cas- tell, where It to alleged he killed' Fred Zaadell, who died today from bullet wound In the, stomach, lung and neck. i Tbe Hindu Is believed to be hiding In the forest, near the scene. The officer went to Seiugh' cabin after the shooting and found the door locked. Later It was' found Seiugh bad returned, opened the door and se cured clothing. The caune of tbe shooting is not known. WASHINGTON, D. C, Marek 11. The Russian ambassndog'kaa formally notlaed tbe state department of the creation of the new Russian govern ment. The notUeatlon amounts to a request for recognition., OREGON ABLE TO SUPPLY 4000 MEN THIS NUMBER HAS RECEIVED MORE OR LESS TRAINING. AND WILL BE MOBILISED AT FIRST CALL FOR TROOPS PETROGRAD. .March, 11. A "Lib erty loan." to be.'aabecrlbed' to, by a popular ubecrlpUoa, has keen pro-, posed in, Russia,- , . Duma delegates are planning a Tint to the front to explain the purpose of. the new government. "No restoration 'of the old order to., possible." said Grand Duke Nicholas. I will oppose any reaction." Dispatches here say that the troepw at tbe front acclaimed the ove of tbe autocracy, marched red flags and lngtog the Iftllatoe. The secret ponja or rmuaa na been dissolved.. V LONDON. Marek 11. A Petrograd dispatch ay that the craslna 'and tho caar have been ordered eonSaed at Taarkoeaelo, Tke dispatek to ua- conlrmed. . . If the United BUte enter the great. European war. Oregon will be called upon to furnish for the army from Ita present natloaal guard or ganisation approximately 4.000 men; and oHcers, according to Information; received from the war department by Adjutant General White of Portland. Thta includes .all branches of the na tional guard, follew: Third, regiment, Infantry, 58 -oH-cera aadrvt votoa;( coast artillery. .'.4 oflker and f.Sll men;, troop A, three oBcer and 105 men: battery A, light artillery, Sv oBcer end 190 men. 4 . If the call cornea mobilisation will be ordered Immediately, ". FIVE AMBRJOANS DEAD A. , . . .. a v WASHINGTON. D. C. Marek 11. Tke Amertoaa eonaulat Plypoutk. Eagtokd. rafjirto,.,) d dally to tka .sutedeaarimaajt tkat t A,matleanailMiiMl n4pKd) ) R of U. slaking of the Vl1. eaaeU. , "? ' . .. -fM Lb WILL EARN ON A LARGE SCALE DR. HAWKINS. PURCHASER; OF THE EMMITT RANCH, IMPORT THOROt'GHBRKB aWOCK BIG TRACTION ENGINE COMING 4& ; Dr. Bv.Ht Hawkins. kp.purakaaed, tbe old Emmltt ranch onthe Reno' road, plana to farm oaajtarga aeale.. Dr. Hawklaa- eejna'ato ,frW"Md-; nervllle. rtov;wkareke.oaeratei a. sanKorlum and also a ranek. wkleh k. Dr,.Hawkls kaa skipped la uum-I MTca haa4 V at .'Bad i Maaaaofd teatua. . iSM1S aqB jll ? ,-M. Ilea tuw-mw.m.'mz3x::-A mMBsmm-M a.- .tat aaa an eaiivi w-wrur jwc " ' "- M.an bmm aTnei waejai mkjw W?BnSi iSf sl -"rf .J- to asL r'ii- .& JiTI t W?!l.fr J 2i -it Bawr- t-v .;a'j-u i ? &;,W'i M held out .gaini;,j. I i 5,,' w- " r jva" ,,. -"il' " V. , , T , : v iPi ?ui V 3rV'yjA"i WF4.$&: . - Me fiShaa: T 'HSR if'.'"ifJ , 1 ' v T T ' I1 .. -'Tft.M.